Definition of agreed and inconsistent definitions briefly. §3. Definition. Agreed and inconsistent definition. Application

Definition is minor member sentences denoting a sign of an object, person or phenomenon in relation to the word being defined depends on the punctuation in the sentence.

Agreed Definitions V initial form answer questions Which? which? which? which? which? and can be expressed by an adjective, participle, participial phrase or ordinal number. They are associated with the method of agreement defined by the word, that is, they are used in the same number, gender and case as the word being defined:

(Which?) good advice (singular, m.r., im.p.);

(which?) topic studied (singular, f.r., im.p.);

(what?) carefully selected illustrations (plural, tv);

(which one?) at the second window (singular, sr.r., gen.p.).

In contrast to the agreed definitions, inconsistent are associated with the method of control or adjacency defined by the word and can be expressed by a noun, adverb, comparative degree adjective, infinitive, pronoun, syntactically indivisible combination:

textile ( which?) flowered (noun with preposition; control)

money ( which?) on loan (adv.; management)

story ( which?) more exciting (adj.; control)

order ( Which?) to advance (infinit.; adjacency)

newspaper ( which?) “Evening News” (weekly synth. construction; adjunction).

The easiest way to find the differences between consistent and inconsistent definitions is to compare the sentences in which they are used.

Agreed definitions coincide with the word being defined according to grammatical characteristics, are most often in preposition, and it is not difficult to establish their connection.

Bright beam the spotlights illuminated far corner yard

Over a snowy field the wind was raging.

Icicle falling from the roof crunched underfoot.

In the letter, agreed upon definitions that refer to the personal pronoun are highlighted with commas.

Cheerful, she got down to business with enthusiasm.

He, safe and sound, stood at the door with an armful of flowers.

In the postposition, agreed definitions expressed by the participial phrase are separated by commas.

In the forest, noticeably thinned by mid-autumn, the pine trees seemed like giant candles.

In sentences with inconsistent definitions, the placement of punctuation marks is subordinated general rules punctuation and is not directly related to the construction “defined word + definition”.

He has never met in his life a kinder and more attentive person.

This look down annoying and the need to act on orders was perceived as bullying in a sophisticated form.

Mustache brush puffed up like a March cat.

Conclusions website

  1. Agreed definitions are used in the same grammatical form, which is the word being defined.
    Unlike agreed definitions, inconsistent ones are associated with the method of control or adjacency defined by the word, therefore, it is difficult to find such a connection based on grammatical characteristics: it is established according to the meaning of the sentence.
    The snake has coiled in an emerald ring.(agreed definition)
    Hippopotamus weighing a ton moves with speed up to sixty kilometers per hour. (inconsistent definitions)
  2. Agreed definitions are most often expressed by adjectives, participles, participial phrases, ordinal numbers—changeable parts of speech.
    The inconsistent definitions are case forms noun, adverb, infinitive or indivisible syntactic constructions, for example, phraseological units.
    Spring rain, sprinkled on the first flowers, revived colors flashed brightly under bare trees.
    Desire to complete a language assignment efficiently very commendable.
  3. In sentences with agreed definitions, the placement of punctuation marks depends on the position of the definition and the part of speech to which it refers.
    Punctuation in sentences with inconsistent definitions follows general rules.

Writing inconsistent sentences is a common grammatical error. An inconsistent sentence is two complete sentences that are combined without proper punctuation or conjunctions. If you're taking notes for a specific purpose and are concerned that you may have inconsistent sentences, you first need to learn to recognize common mistakes that lead to inconsistent sentences.


Understanding independent clauses to identify inconsistent clauses

    Distinguishing between independent and dependent clauses. An independent clause has a subject and a predicate. It can be independent and forms a complete thought. For example, “I am eating ice cream.” It is a complete independent clause (complete sentence) because it has the subject "I" and the predicate "eat".

    • An independent clause is the opposite of a dependent clause. A dependent clause also has a subject and a predicate, but it must have an independent clause to be considered complete. For example, “Because I eat ice cream” is dependent because it has no meaning on its own; the words “because” require more information.
  1. Find the subject of the independent clause. When you look at a set of words that you consider to be an independent clause, first find the subject. The subject is what performs the action. It is a noun that is a person, place, thing, or idea.

    • Consider the sentence “The dog licked the bowl.” Who performs the action? The dog performs the action. This means that dog is the noun in the sentence.
  2. Find the predicate. The predicate is the action in a sentence. It shows what the subject does. In the above sentence, what is the action? What is the dog doing? She licks. “Licked” is the predicate.

    Determine whether the sentence has a complete thought. Ask yourself, does this string of words sound like a complete thought? Are there words in this set such as “because” that deprive sentences of their own meaning (for example, “at that time”, “when”, “what”, etc.)? The sentence “The dog licked the bowl” has no similar words, so it is considered independent.

    Understand that you must separate independent clauses with punctuation. Independent clauses require special punctuation. Add a period, semicolon, or comma and conjunction at the end to separate it from the other sentence.

    Find inconsistent sentences as you reread your notes. Read the text slowly. Read it out loud. Think about every sentence. Does it have more than one independent clause? Does it have two subjects and two predicates without proper punctuation? If you find inconsistent sentences, correct them using the following sections.

    • Make sure you use each comma you use correctly, as a bad comma can create inconsistent sentences. This issue will be discussed in the next section.

    Recognizing and correcting comma commas

    1. Watch out for connecting commas in your writing. A comma connector is when two independent clauses are separated by a comma. Look at these two sentences: “The dog licked the bowl and liked the ice cream.” We have already established that “The dog licked the bowl” is an independent clause.

      • How about “She liked the ice cream”? Who performs the action? In this case, it's "Hey". She is a pronoun that replaces a noun. What is the action in the sentence? It's a little harder to define the action in this sentence, but she "liked" the ice cream, so "liked" is the predicate. Is there a word that makes this sentence dependent? No, not a single one. Therefore, “She liked the ice cream” is also an independent clause.
    2. Correct connecting commas by adding a period. You have three basic techniques you can use to correct connecting commas. The first is to simply change the comma to a period and the first letter of the following sentence: “The dog licked the bowl. She liked the ice cream."

    3. Change the comma to a semicolon. Another option for correcting commas is to use a semicolon between two clauses. Let's look at our example:

      • “The dog licked the bowl; She liked the ice cream."
    4. Add a conjunction to turn part of an inconsistent clause into a dependent clause. Another way to correct inconsistency is to add conjunctions such as “and,” “but,” “nor,” “however,” “thus,” or “or,” depending on the relationship between the two clauses. “And” connects additional clauses; “but” connects contradictory sentences. “Neither” indicates that neither option is suitable. "Or" gives two options. “Nevertheless” is also contradictory. “Thus” basically means “therefore.”

      • In our example, the sentences are complementary, although if you choose this method, it makes more sense to reverse the sentences: “The dog liked the ice cream and licked the bowl.”
        • You can also use "because" in our example: "The dog licked the bowl because he liked the ice cream." “Because” creates a dependent clause and now the whole sentence will consist of a dependent and an independent clause, which is quite acceptable.
    5. Choose a correction method depending on the types of sentences you are dealing with. The method you use to separate sentences depends on how they are related. Chances are that a semicolon, or a comma and a conjunction, will work well because if you've already separated sentences with commas, then the sentences are likely closely related.

      • The period is suitable for independent sentences.

    Correction of other types of inconsistent proposals

    1. Find sentences where there are more than two independent clauses on the same line. Another type of inconsistent clause is when there are more than two independent clauses on a line connected by conjunctions. For example, look at the following sentences:

      • “The dog liked the ice cream and licked the bowl, but she didn’t finish it.” We have already established the first two sections of this text of independent clauses. What about the latter? What kind of question? "She" is a subject, as is a pronoun. The predicate here is a little more complicated because it consists of several words. But what does the action show? “Didn’t finish” is the predicate grammatical phrase in this sentence. Thus, this text has three independent clauses. That's too much for one line.
    2. Correct the inconsistency with more than two independent clauses. To correct this inconsistency, use the same techniques from the previous section in at least one of the independent clauses. For example:

      • “The dog liked the ice cream. She licked the bowl, but she didn't finish it."
      • Of course, you have other options for correcting this inconsistency, for example, “The dog liked the ice cream and licked the bowl. However, she did not finish it." Or “The dog liked the ice cream. She licked the bowl; however, she did not finish it.” Basically, you don't use a conjunction to start a sentence (although this rule has been relaxed), so you need to change the "but" to "however" when it's at the beginning of a sentence.
    3. Add separators into inconsistent sentences without punctuation. Another type of inconsistent sentence is two sentences that are joined together without punctuation. For example:

      • “The dog liked the ice cream and licked the bowl.” You can use the same techniques described in the previous section to separate them: “The dog liked the ice cream so he licked the bowl.”
    • The main thing to remember is that a basic sentence can only have two independent clauses, and they must have proper punctuation. Never join two independent clauses using just a comma; Always use a period, semicolon, or comma with a conjunction.
    • Junction commas are when two complete sentences are separated only by a comma, rather than by a period or semicolon.
    • Find complex connecting commas. The connecting comma can be a little confusing, as in "The dog wanted to eat chocolate, however, chocolate is not very good for him." You have two complete sentences here, and "nevertheless" is not considered a conjunction to separate two sentences.

A definition is a minor member of a sentence, which depends on the subject, complement or circumstance, defines the attribute of the subject and answers the questions: which one? which? whose?

Definition may refer to words different parts speech: nouns and words formed from adjectives or participles by transitioning to another part of speech, as well as pronouns.

Agreed and inconsistent definition

A consistent definition is one for which the type syntactic connection between the main and dependent words - agreement. For example:

A dissatisfied girl was eating chocolate ice cream on the open terrace.

(girl (what?) dissatisfied, ice cream (what?) chocolate, on the terrace (what?) open)

Agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives that agree with the words being defined - nouns in gender, number and case.

The agreed definitions are expressed:

1) adjectives: dear mother, beloved grandmother;

2) participles: laughing boy, bored girl;

3) pronouns: my book, this boy;

4) ordinal numbers: the first of September, by the eighth of March.

But the definition may not be consistent. This is the name of a definition associated with the word being defined by other types of syntactic connections:



Inconsistent definition based on control:

Mom's book was on the nightstand.

Wed: mom's book - mom's book

(mom’s book is an agreed definition, type of connection: coordination, and mom’s book is inconsistent, type of connection is control)

Inconsistent definition based on adjacency:

I want to buy her a more expensive gift.

Wed: a more expensive gift - an expensive gift

(a more expensive gift is an inconsistent definition, the type of connection is adjacency, and an expensive gift is an agreed definition, the type of connection is coordination)

Inconsistent definitions also include definitions expressed by syntactically indivisible phrases and phraseological units.

A five-story shopping center was built opposite.

Wed: center with five floors - five-story center

(a center with five floors is an uncoordinated definition, the type of communication is management, and a five-story center is an agreed definition, the type of communication is coordination)

A girl with blue hair entered the room.

(girl with blue hair - inconsistent definition, type of connection - control.)

Different parts of speech can act as an inconsistent definition:

1) noun:

The bus stop has been moved.

(bus - noun)

2) adverb:

Grandma cooked the meat in French.

(in French - adverb)

3) verb in an indefinite form:

She had a knack for listening.

(listen is an infinitive verb)

4) comparative degree of an adjective:

He always chooses the easier path, and she always chooses the more difficult tasks.

(easier, harder comparative degree of adjectives)

5) pronoun:

Her story touched me.

(ee – possessive pronoun)

6) syntactically indivisible phrase


A special type of definition is application. An application is a definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case.

Applications denote various characteristics of the subject, which are expressed by a noun: age, nationality, profession, etc.:

I love my little sister.

A group of Japanese tourists lived in the hotel with me.

A variety of applications are geographical names, names of enterprises, organizations, publications, works of art. The latter form inconsistent applications. Let's compare examples:

I saw the embankment of the Sukhona River.

(Sukhony is a consistent application, the words river and Sukhona are in the same case.)

My son read the fairy tale “Cinderella”.

(“Cinderella” is an inconsistent application, the words fairy tale and “Cinderella” are in different cases

Agreed definitions are expressed by adjective participles, pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers: Your joy and sorrow are joy and sorrow for me Goncharov. The meaning of the agreed definition as a minor member of the sentence is determined lexical meaning the words by which it is expressed. In modern Russian, the most common definitions are those expressed by qualitative and relative adjectives.

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Definition of agreed and inconsistent

Agreed Definitionsare expressed by parts of speech related to the word being defined, and are capable of being similar to it in number and case, and in the singular and in gender. Agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives, participles, pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers: Yours joy and sorrow joy and sorrow for me (Goncharov). An adjective that is part of a phraseological unit (White Sea, New Year) should not be considered a definition.

The meaning of an agreed definition as a minor member of a sentence is determined by the lexical meaning of the word by which it is expressed. In modern Russian, the most commonly used definitions are those expressed by qualitative and relative adjectives.

Definitions expressed qualitative adjectives, denote various signs of an object, person or phenomenon. They may indicate signs of spatial relationships between objects: From the wide window almost everything that was happening ahead was visible (Simonov); signs of temporary relationships; properties of things perceived by the senses; physical properties people, animals, insects.

Definitions expressed by relative adjectives denote various characteristics of an object, person or phenomenon not directly, but through the relationship to other objects, as well as to place, time (in accordance with the lexical meaning of the adjective). Relative adjectives can denote a characteristic of an object by material, location, time, a characteristic in its relation to a person, a characteristic in its relation to a concept.

Definitions expressed by possessive adjectives indicate that the characterized object belongs to a specific person. The meaning of belonging is also expressed by possessive pronouns: My labor is related to any labor (Mayakovsky).

Definitions expressed by demonstrative pronouns indicate the specificity of the subject being defined: In this he came to the town from Moscow (Yu. Kazakov).

Indefinite pronouns in the role of definition indicate the uncertainty of the attribute of an object (some kind of house).

Definitions expressed by definitive and negative pronouns denote properties and qualities in accordance with their inherent meanings: Almost no noise was heard all around (Turgenev).

Inconsistent definitionconnects with the defined word using control (birch branch) or adjacency (Turkish coffee). An inconsistent definition can be expressed in various ways. There is a large group of inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in all indirect cases with prepositions: There was a threshold in three steps (Bunin).

Inconsistent definitions include those expressed by the 3rd person personal pronoun in the form of the genitive case in the possessive meaning, as well as the comparative degree of the adjective.

In the function of definition, an adverb (for future use) can be used, as well as an infinitive, which serves to explain the member of the sentence of an abstract noun: He had a weakness think that standing he retains more greatness (Novikov). Inconsistent definitions also become phraseological units(she didn't like potatoes in uniform).

Inconsistent definitions denote different characteristics of an object, person or phenomenon. Thus, an inconsistent definition expressed by a noun in the genitive case can characterize belonging. Inconsistent definitions, expressed by nouns in indirect cases with prepositions, also denote various features according to the material, according to the presence of the subject external difference, according to the purpose of the item.

Inconsistent definitions expressed by adjectives to a comparative degree, denote a qualitative attribute of an object that is characteristic of it to a greater or lesser extent than other objects: Baba, in a red skirt, in a white shirt, stands in a thicket of hemp fields higher her height (Bunin).

Inconsistent definitions, expressed by adverbs, denote a characteristic with the meaning of quality, image and method of action, time.

Inconsistent definitions expressed by the infinitive help to reveal the content of the subject, which is indicated by an abstract noun: Having completely abandoned the thought learn his intelligent reading and writing, I began to teach him to sign mechanically (Kuprin).

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A definition is a minor member of a sentence, which depends on the subject, complement or circumstance, defines the attribute of the subject and answers the questions: which one? which? whose?

The definition can apply to words of different parts of speech: nouns and words formed from adjectives or participles by transitioning to another part of speech, as well as pronouns.

Agreed and non-agreed definition

An agreed definition is a definition for which the type of syntactic connection between the main and dependent words is agreement. For example:

A dissatisfied girl was eating chocolate ice cream on the open terrace.

(girl (what?) dissatisfied, ice cream (what?) chocolate, on the terrace (what?) open)

Agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives that agree with the words being defined - nouns in gender, number and case.

The agreed definitions are expressed:

1) adjectives: dear mother, beloved grandmother;

2) participles: laughing boy, bored girl;

3) pronouns: my book, this boy;

4) ordinal numbers: the first of September, by the eighth of March.

But the definition may not be consistent. This is the name of a definition associated with the word being defined by other types of syntactic connections:



Inconsistent definition based on control:

Mom's book was on the nightstand.

Wed: mom's book - mom's book

(mom’s book is an agreed definition, type of connection: coordination, and mom’s book is inconsistent, type of connection is control)

Inconsistent definition based on adjacency:

I want to buy her a more expensive gift.

Wed: a more expensive gift - an expensive gift

(a more expensive gift is an inconsistent definition, the type of connection is adjacency, and an expensive gift is an agreed definition, the type of connection is coordination)

Inconsistent definitions also include definitions expressed by syntactically indivisible phrases and phraseological units.

A five-story shopping center was built opposite.

Wed: center with five floors - five-story center

(a center with five floors is an uncoordinated definition, the type of communication is management, and a five-story center is an agreed definition, the type of communication is coordination)

A girl with blue hair entered the room.

(girl with blue hair - inconsistent definition, type of connection - control.)

Different parts of speech can act as an inconsistent definition:

1) noun:

The bus stop has been moved.

(bus - noun)

2) adverb:

Grandma cooked the meat in French.

(in French - adverb)

3) verb in an indefinite form:

She had a knack for listening.

(listen is an infinitive verb)

4) comparative degree of an adjective:

He always chooses the easier path, and she always chooses the more difficult tasks.

(easier, harder comparative degree of adjectives)

5) pronoun:

Her story touched me.

(ee – possessive pronoun)

6) syntactically indivisible phrase


A special type of definition is application. An application is a definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case.

Applications denote various characteristics of the subject, which are expressed by a noun: age, nationality, profession, etc.:

I love my little sister.

A group of Japanese tourists lived in the hotel with me.

Types of application are geographical names, names of enterprises, organizations, publications, works of art. The latter form inconsistent applications. Let's compare examples:

I saw the embankment of the Sukhona River.

(Sukhony is a consistent application, the words river and Sukhona are in the same case.)

My son read the fairy tale “Cinderella”.

(“Cinderella” is an inconsistent application, the words fairy tale and “Cinderella” are in different cases

harmonization of definitions is:

agreement of definitions A definition is agreed upon, expressed by that part of speech, the forms of which are capable of agreeing with the word being defined in case and number, and in the singular also in gender. This includes adjectives, pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers, and participles. Cold morning, our class, second page, picked flowers. Adjectives and ordinal numbers included in compound names and stable combinations are not distinguished as a separate member (definition). Leningrad region, railway, red currant, question mark, second signaling system. The question of the syntactic function of cardinal numerals when combined with nouns in the form of indirect cases (except for the accusative case) is resolved in different ways: three pages are missing, offer to three students, study with three lagging behind. Some researchers consider such quantitative-nominal combinations to be free, highlighting agreed definitions in them that answer the question how many? According to another point of view (more legitimate), such combinations form a grammatical unity, since in many cases they are semantically indivisible, which is associated with the impossibility of omitting the numeral: two meters of fabric are missing, add to three liters of water, limit yourself to ten rubles, twenty steps from the station, about five months, a room for three people, live two floors above, an apartment of four rooms, a hand with six fingers, etc. If the agreed definition refers to a noun depending on the numerals two, three, four, and is located between the components of a quantitative-nominal combination, then the following constructions are usually observed: three big houses, three large windows, three large rooms, i.e. for masculine and neuter nouns, the definition is put in the genitive case plural, and for feminine nouns - in the form nominative case plural. At that second, three or four heavy shells exploded behind the dugout.(Simonov). The two outer windows on the first floor are covered from the inside with newspaper sheets(A.N. Tolstoy). Two large columns of Germans are moving along these roads (Bubennov). However, if the nominative plural form of feminine nouns differs in stress from the genitive case singular, then the definition is often put in the genitive plural form: two high mountains, three younger sisters, four sheer cliffs. Two strong male hands they picked her up (Koptyeva). If the definition precedes a quantitative-nominal combination, then it is put in the nominative plural form, regardless of the grammatical gender of the noun being defined. For the first three years, she only visited Zabolotye (Saltykov-Shche Dr.) in fits and starts. The last two words were written in large, sweeping, decisive handwriting (Tu r-genev). The remaining three horses, saddled, walked behind (Sholokhov). However, the adjectives are whole, complete, kind, extra and nek. others are used with masculine and neuter nouns in the genitive case: three whole months, two full buckets, a good four hours, an extra three kilometers. In combination with half- (in compound noun) and one and a half (one and a half) both forms of agreement are possible: a whole six months - a whole six months, a whole one and a half weeks - a whole one and a half weeks. Separate definitions, standing after the word being defined, are usually placed in the nominative case. To the right of the door there were two windows hung with scarves(L. Tolstoy). The last two letters, written in pencil, scared me(Chekhov). If an agreed definition refers to two or more nouns that act as homogeneous members and have a singular form, then it can be in both singular and plural; the singular form is usual in cases where it is clear from the meaning of the statement that the definition explains not only the nearest noun, but also all subsequent ones. From a distance Vladimir heard an extraordinary noise and conversation(Pushkin). The wild goose and duck arrived first(Turgenev). Wed also: Soviet science and art, school performance and discipline, the ebb and flow of the sea, every plant and factory, etc. The plural form of the definition emphasizes that it refers not only to the nearest noun, but also to other homogeneous members. The field smelled, young rye and wheat were green (Chekhov). Wed Also: stone house and garage, older brother and sister, underachieving student and student, talented singer and singer, etc.

Dictionary-reference book linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976.

What are agreed definitions?

Valentina Popova

Agreed definitions expressed by participles and adjectives are separated in the following cases:
I. An agreed definition is isolated, which comes after the word being defined and is expressed by a participle with dependent words (participial phrase) or an adjective with dependent words (adjective phrase):
1) Anfisa carried twenty-five large diamonds in a suede bag that belonged to Anna Frantsevna (M. Bulgakov). 2) - The sun poured into the room through a light lattice reaching to the floor (M. Bulgakov). 3) On the empty platform, long stripes of rainwater, blue from the sky, shone subtly (I. Bunin).


Such definitions, which agree with the defined nouns in gender, number, case, are usually expressed by adjectives (HARD day), participles (jumping boy), pronouns changing like adjectives (your diary, some kind of animal, some difficulties), ordinal numbers (fifth grade). When a noun changes, these definitions also change, i.e., they AGREE with the nouns, which is why they are called that, in contrast to inconsistent definitions. Wed. : big house, to a big house, big house - big - agreed definition. What house? around the corner. houses around the corner, to the house around the corner. Around the corner is an inconsistent definition; when the noun changes, these words do not agree, the definition of “around the corner” does not change.

What is a stand-alone inconsistent definition?

Inconsistent definitions, expressed by indirect cases of nouns (usually with a preposition), are isolated if the meaning they express is emphasized: Officers, in new frock coats, white gloves and shiny epaulets, paraded along the streets and boulevards. Inconsistent definitions can also appear before the noun being defined: In a white tie, in a smart coat wide open, with a string of stars and crosses on a gold chain in the loop of his tailcoat, the general was returning from dinner, alone. Usually such inconsistent definitions are isolated:
if they relate to own name: Sasha Berezhnova, in a silk dress, with a cap on the back of her head and a shawl, was sitting on the sofa; Fair-haired, with a curly head, without a hat and with his shirt unbuttoned on his chest, Dymov seemed handsome and unusual;
if they refer to a personal pronoun: I am surprised that you, with your kindness, do not feel this;
if separated from the word being defined by some other members of the sentence: After dessert, everyone moved to the buffet, where, in a black dress, with a black net on her head, Caroline sat and watched with a smile as they looked at her;
if they form a series of homogeneous members with preceding or subsequent isolated agreed definitions: I saw a man, wet, in rags, with a long beard.
Inconsistent definitions are often isolated when naming persons by degree of relationship, profession, position held, and so on, since due to the significant specificity of such nouns, the definition serves the purpose of an additional message: Grandfather, in his grandmother’s jacket, in an old cap without a visor, squints, smiling at something.
Isolation of an inconsistent definition can serve as a means of deliberately separating a given phrase from a neighboring predicate, to which it could be related in meaning and syntactically, and attributing it to the subject: Women, with long rakes in their hands, wander in the field.
Inconsistent definitions are isolated, expressed by a phrase with the form of the comparative degree of the adjective (often the defined noun is preceded by an agreed definition): A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.
In the absence of a previous agreed definition, the inconsistent definition expressed by the comparative degree of the adjective is not isolated: But at another time there was no more active person than him.
Inconsistent definitions, expressed by the indefinite form of the verb, are isolated and separated with the help of a dash, before which the words can be placed without prejudice to the meaning, namely: I came to you with pure motives, with the only desire - to do good! If such a definition is in the middle of a sentence, then it is highlighted with a dash on both sides: Each of them decided this question - to leave or to stay - for themselves, for their loved ones. But if, according to the conditions of the context, there should be a comma after the definition, then the second dash is usually omitted: Since there was only one choice left - to lose the army and Moscow or Moscow alone, the field marshal had to choose the latter

Lika Asakova

Isolation is highlighting in writing with punctuation marks, and in oral speech with intonation.
Inconsistent definitions are a minor member of a sentence that answers the question: Which one? Whose? , is emphasized in the sentence with a wavy line. Inconsistent definitions are associated with the main word according to the method of control or adjacency. For example: a staircase (which one?) to the attic. To the attic - inconsistent definition.
Naval pasta is also an inconsistent definition. Navy borscht is an agreed definition (it has the same gender, number and case as the main word). Inconsistent definitions can also be expressed by syntactically indivisible phrases. for example: Our athletes are high-class players. High-class players are an inconsistent definition.
For your information, participle phrase speech is an agreed upon definition.

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