Mini pizza: a recipe for the right dough and a variety of toppings. What size and thickness should a real mini-pizza be? How to make mini pizza: the best recipes How to bake a small pizza


  • 650 grams flour__NEWL__
  • 250 ml water at room temperature__NEWL__
  • 11 grams (1 packet) dry yeast (fast-acting)__NEWL__
  • 2-3 tsp. spoons of sugar__NEWL__
  • 1 tsp. spoon of coarse table salt__NEWL__
  • 5 table. tablespoons olive or other oil__NEWL__
  • 400 grams of smoked sausage__NEWL__
  • 100 ml ketchup__NEWL__
  • 180 ml mayonnaise__NEWL__
  • 200 grams of any hard cheese__NEWL__
  • 400 grams tomato__NEWL__


Sift the wheat flour, enriching it with oxygen. Stir in dry yeast, salt and sugar.

Pour water. No need to warm it up. Stir in bulk mixture with flour. Pour in olive oil and knead into a stiff dough.

You will get a beautiful lump.

Leave it to rise in a warm, draft-free place. Wait until the dough has tripled in size.

Pinch off small balls of dough, roll them out to 1-1.5 cm thick. Place on a baking sheet.

Cover with ketchup, add slices of sausage and tomatoes.

Fill the mini-pizzas with a mesh of mayonnaise and place in a hot oven for 15 minutes.

Then take out the pizzas and add large pieces of cheese and put them back in the oven to melt the cheese.

You will rarely meet a person who would refuse a slice of freshly baked aromatic pizza. Dozens of recipes allow you to prepare a dish for every taste and budget. In this case, only the dough layer and cheese can remain unchanged, while the remaining ingredients vary depending on the preferences of consumers.

One of the non-standard options for serving popular baked goods is portioned mini-pizza. Such a treat would be appropriate on a buffet, on the menu of a children's or youth party. A very successful dough recipe allows you to get a tender and airy base with minimal time. It is better not to experiment with it; it has been tested many times and does not require any “modifications”. But the filling can be any, even the simplest and most democratic one will do - from tomato paste, sausage and cheese.

After trying the basic version of mini-pizza, next time you can use a different one to suit your taste.

Preparation time: 20-30 minutes (baking) / Yield: 6-8 mini pizzas


  • premium wheat flour 2 cups
  • warm water (40-45 degrees) 2/3 cup
  • dry instant yeast 2 heaped teaspoons
  • odorless vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons
  • granulated sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt 0.5 tsp
  • hard cheese (you can choose the type to suit your taste) 150 grams
  • tomato paste or ketchup 150 grams
  • half-smoked or smoked sausage 150-200 grams


    You need to start cooking by kneading the dough. This procedure is very simple: mix warm water, salt, sugar, and yeast in a cup.

    Pour flour into the resulting mass (leave about ¼ cup) and first use a spoon and then knead it into a homogeneous dough with your hands. To prevent it from sticking too much, you can dust your hands a little with the remaining flour at the end of kneading.

    Although the dough is considered “quick”, you still need to give it time to rise. To do this, place it (covered so as not to weather it) in a warm place for 10-15 minutes. The easiest way to create the necessary environment is to place a cup of dough in a wider bowl of warm water.

    Now you can turn on the oven so that it warms up to 180-200 degrees and start preparing the filling. It is better to grate the cheese not on a coarse, but on a medium grater. Peel the sausage from the casing and chop finely.

    Sprinkle the work surface well with the remaining flour and roll out the slightly risen dough with a rolling pin. The thickness of the layer should be approximately 1 centimeter. If you roll it out thinner, it will be difficult to work with the dough further.

    Brush the dough sheet with tomato paste.

    Lay out the sliced ​​sausage and sprinkle the cheese evenly over the entire surface.

    In this case, roll the dough into a tight roll.

    Cut the roll into pieces approximately 2 centimeters wide. To prevent the dough and filling from dragging behind the knife, you can grease it a little with vegetable oil.

    Place the pieces (there will be 6-8 pieces) on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

    Place the mini pizzas in the hot oven. They will bake for 20-30 minutes depending on the operation of your household appliances. At this time, it is better to watch them through the glass so that the bottom does not start to burn.

    That's all, mini-pizza with quick yeast dough is ready, miniature flatbreads with sausage can be served. And it's better to do it right away while they're still hot.

Real dough for classic Italian pizza is not difficult to make.

Rather, the baking process itself has some features that are unique to traditional Italian pizza.

Let's answer the main question of the topic: the size and weight of the mini-pizza do not affect the recipe for the dough.

It all depends on how much pizza a person intends to eat in one meal. The second reason for the appearance of different sized pizzas lies in the fact that, of course, hot, hot - any baked goods are much tastier, than the same thing, but heated in the microwave. It’s better to cook a little and eat it before it gets cold.

But the next question is brewing. What pizza lover wants to fiddle with a small piece of dough every day to make just one pizza? Of course, no one will want to do this. The third, eternal question is what to do?

The answer to the third question also exists, and you won’t have to look for it, unlike the painful torment of the heroes of the famous classic.

The secret of real Italian dough lies in its technology, which allows you to simply take and freeze a semi-finished dough product, and then, as needed, take out one or two portions every day and bake a small, fresh pizza. Moreover, such pizza can have a different taste every day, depending on your mood.

Fortunately, there are so many toppings for pizza that one might well think about a separate edition of the encyclopedic reference book “Mini Pizza. Today's filling recipe."

But, for starters - classic dough recipe.

Plain, clean water, salt, yeast, flour. Of course, real olive oil is all you need for pizza dough. Now to the issue of technology.

The secret of the classic pizza dough is that the pizzaiolo knead and keep the dough in a cold room. Long lasting: 18 o'clock! And then you get real Italian pizza. Do you feel the difference in technology? Our open pies and cheesecakes are kept in warm conditions - at 18-25°C, and the dough is suitable for pizza at a temperature of 0°+6°С. Almost the same temperature is kept in a regular refrigerator, on the shelf located at the greatest distance from the freezer.

In the end, yeast dough can be frozen by first dividing it into portions and taking out one portion every evening, leaving it overnight at normal room temperature. In the morning, in fifteen minutes you can prepare fresh pizza, with any filling.

When defrosting, the dough needs to warm up for 12 hours - and eat fresh mini-pizza every day. The recipe for the composition has already been written above. Now about how to prepare the dough correctly.

We give the dough calculation for 6 pizzas, the weight of one serving is 300 g (for the dough). When finished, baked, the base will weigh 240-250 g. Next, let’s look at examples of fillings - toppings, the weight of which, together with the sauce, should be approximately the same as the weight of the base. The filling, like the dough, loses up to 20% of its weight during baking. If you need a pizza weighing less than 0.5 kg, calculate this proportion yourself - just divide the dough not into 6, but into 12 parts.

You need to take:

Wheat flour – 940 g. You can replace a third of the premium flour with coarse flour;

Yeast, dry – 3 g(one teaspoon). If you add “coarse” flour, then add yeast, another 2 g;

Salt – 40 g; Not sea salt, but regular, coarsely ground kitchen salt;

Water – 470 ml; If the flour is too dry, add another 10-15%. At the beginning of kneading, the water should be warm, not lower than 25°C. Once the yeast has started working and the dough has doubled in size, then it can be refrigerated.

Preparation of the dough:

Be sure to sift the flour. Pour into a large bowl and add salt and yeast to it. And then add water little by little, stirring the dough with a wooden or silicone spatula. All. Refrigerate for 18 hours. Then you need to divide the dough and use each part, as already described above.

Before we move on to the topping, let's decide on the sauce. It, after all, can also be prepared in advance and in sufficient quantities. And it’s better to have two types at once. And white sauce too. What if you want something else?

You can, of course, take a ready-made tomato-based sauce and simply add garlic fried in olive oil and salt and pepper.

But it's sauce. Italian sauce– it’s also the smell of oregano. Add and see how the sour tomato dressing is transformed. Speaking of acid: our tomatoes do not grow under the southern sun, so they do not always achieve the required sweetness. Taste and add sugar if necessary. Tomatoes canned in their own juice are very suitable for this purpose. There should be no particles of skin or seeds in the sauce. Remove them before the tomatoes go into the pan. You need to boil the sauce so that its consistency corresponds to its name, that is, for 30-40 minutes. Pour it hot into a sterile jar. It can be useful for other dishes as well. It should be used within a week. You can freeze it to keep for 2 months, but this is not necessary.

White sauce for classic mini pizza. The recipe is as follows: melt butter (70-80 g) in a saucepan and add garlic (1-2 cloves) fried until golden brown, then add a couple of tablespoons of flour, mix again and brown. Take a whisk and begin to vigorously rotate it, while simultaneously pouring in 400 ml of cream. The sauce should thicken again. Now dilute it with milk in an amount of 100 ml. As soon as it boils, add 80-100 g of grated cheese, green onions and spices. Regarding spices, you can add that to the traditional oregano, marjoram and basil, you can add whatever your imagination suggests. This sauce is also served with pasta. But it will go magically with mini-pizza. Do you remember the recipe?

Then let's move on to the types of topping, since we already have the recipe for dough and sauce.

Fortunately, when it comes to pizza toppings, in the theoretical part, professionals only advise you to pay attention to the fact that there should be at least four components in the topping. The maximum number of topping ingredients is 6.

Examples of successful topping are attached.

1. Mini pizza: Hawaiian pizza recipe


Dough (see above)

Sauce – tomato, with Provençal herbs


Olives (or black olives)

Boiled ham (any)


Before you start working with the dough, heat the oven (250-260°C) by turning on the grill mode. Exactly, heat it up!

Knead a portion of the dough with the back of your hand, clenching your hand into a fist. Pizza dough is not rolled out with a rolling pin. It is pulled out and kneaded only with your hands. At the finished circle, bend the flatbread 2-3 cm inward from the edge, and immediately transfer it to a stone or metal sheet, turning it upside down. Cut the dough on a board to make it easier to carry. Sprinkle the board with flour so that the dough slides off easily. Using quick movements, apply the sauce to the base, distributing it from the edge to the center. Place pineapple cubes or rings on the sauce, and olives (pitted) between them. Cut the olives into slices or rings. Sprinkle with a layer of chopped ham and thick cheese on top. Switch the oven to normal mode and 200°C. Bake for up to 10 minutes. When you take out the hot pizza, make it look beautiful by adding fresh herbs and olives.

You can replace boiled ham with chicken, any type of smoked or raw smoked sausage, or any meat.

2. Mini pizza: recipe for pizza with mushrooms and chicken


For topping:


Chicken fillet


Use equal parts of filling ingredients, depending on the size of the pizza.

Use pickled champignons. Cut them into slices. Chicken meat should only be used in its prepared form. In general, for the filling you should use only heat-treated, ready-to-eat ingredients.

Separate the meat into fibers, cut small cherry tomatoes in half, olives will decorate the pizza well if cut into rings. Prepare pieces of Mozzarella to place on top of the chicken.

Assemble and bake the pizza in the same way as described in the previous recipe.

3. Mini pizza: recipe for pizza with sausages and pickles

If it turns out that there are no olives and Mozzarella in the refrigerator, then this is not a reason to cancel baking pizza. Cook with what you have on hand. This is even more interesting!


Pizza dough (see recipe and preparation above)

Tomato-garlic sauce

Cheese (any)

Salted or pickled cucumber

Sausages, boiled (or any sausage)

Green onions (feather)


The entire cooking process has already been described in detail above, so there is no point in repeating it. Let's just focus on the design. Form the finished dough into a circle and place it on a baking sheet. Cover the dough with sauce, lay out rings of chopped sausages and cucumbers. Sprinkle with a layer of cheese. On top of two slices of cucumber and two rings of sausage we “draw the eyes” of the man. Cut out the “nose” and “mouth” from the sausage.

“Eyebrows and hairstyle” can be made from finely chopped green onion feathers. We send the pizza to the oven.

No one will even notice that the pizza is not made from Mozzarella and olives! Creativity will help with this.

4. Mini pizza: red fish pizza recipe

The recipe for the dough and white sauce is detailed above. Quantity of ingredients - according to the number of servings.



Slices of salted pink salmon

Black olives

Cheese, cream (unsalted)

Fresh tomato slices


Spread a layer of white sauce over the base. Cut the salted fish into cubes and place evenly on top of the sauce. Place slices of olives and tomatoes between the fish. It is advisable to choose small tomatoes, fleshy, without seeds. First scald them with boiling water and remove the skin. Sprinkle the filling with a thick layer of grated cheese and bake. Once baked, garnish with additional topping and chopped herbs.

5. Mini pizza: recipe for cheese pizza with green sauce


Pizza dough (see above)

For the green sauce:

Spinach, blanched

Basil, green

Parmesan 200 g

Pine nut

"Extra Virginia" 150 ml

Pepper mixture

For the filling:

Ricotta or Mozzarella cheese


Prepare the sauce first. In a blender, chop all the ingredients and pour in the extra virgin oil. Mix the resulting sauce again. Now you can use it to cover dough flatbreads. Lay out cherry slices and olive rings. If you like cheese, you can use 2-3 types of cheese at the same time. Cover the vegetable layer of the filling with cheese and begin baking the product immediately. Afterwards, as usual, immediately apply a layer of topping to decorate the hot pizza.

6. Mini pizza, shrimp and avocado pizza recipe


Yeast dough (see recipe above)

Sauce: green (see previous recipe)

Peeled and boiled shrimp


Fresh cucumber


Prepare the sauce and filling. A detailed description of the green sauce recipe is in recipe No. 5.

A step-by-step recipe for yeast dough and forming a pizza base - in general technological principles and recipe No. 1.

For the filling, take a ripe avocado, according to the number of servings, remove the seeds, scoop out the pulp with a spoon and cut it into cubes. Sprinkle it with lemon juice and leave for a few minutes. Peel the boiled shrimp and slice the remaining ingredients. Cut the cheese into cubes, not large.

Quickly cover the finished dough and formed into a flatbread with a layer of sauce and place the filling as desired. The last layer is cheese. After baking, place additional topping on top of the hot layer of cheese to decorate the pizza.

Mini pizza: recipe for real Italian dough with different toppings - useful tips and tricks

    Of course, in addition to the fact that you can prepare raw pizza dough for a week, you can also successfully freeze the finished, baked product by cooling it after baking and sealing it in a container or wrapping it in film.

    Don't be afraid to experiment. The basis of pizza is a classic of baking since Ancient Egypt. It's hard to spoil anything here.

    When preparing fillings and sauces, rely on your personal preferences for certain products and cook as you like. A dish like pizza can consist of the most unusual compositions.

Pizza - endless experiments with dough, filling, shape... Today I propose to change its presentation and bake “autonomous” mini-portions. It's beautiful and convenient for a hearty breakfast or takeout.
Recipe contents:

There is probably no such person who will refuse freshly baked and aromatic pizza. A variety of recipes allow you to prepare it for every taste. At the same time, the dough and cheese always remain unchanged, the remaining ingredients vary depending on the desires and preferences of the eater.

Today we’ll move away from the standard version of serving popular baked goods and make portioned mini-pizza. The treat would be appropriate for a children's menu, buffet or youth party. You can use any dough recipe you like best. Even frozen puff pastry or puff pastry will do. Then, with minimal time spent, you will quickly get a tender dish. Any changes are possible with the filling. The most affordable one will do - tomato paste, sausage, cheese. Having tried this basic version of portioned pizza, you can then use other toppings to suit your taste. It is also very convenient to prepare pizza after the holidays, when there are leftover sliced ​​sausage, hard cheese, mushrooms, etc. left on the table.

It is important not to overload the base with ingredients and distribute the ingredients evenly, otherwise the pizza will not bake well. You should also observe the temperature regime when baking. The oven should be well preheated to high temperature. Pizza is baked at no less than 250°C. Since the original Italian pizza is cooked in a wood-burning oven at 450-550 C for no longer than 1 minute.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 266 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 5 mini-pizzas with a diameter of 15-17 cm
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Any dough base - 400 g
  • Cheese - 300 g
  • Ham - 200 g
  • Milk sausages - 200 g
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Mayonnaise - 100 ml
  • Ketchup - 100 ml

Step-by-step preparation of small portioned pizza:

1. Cut the ham into cubes or thin slices.

2. Cut the milk sausages in the same way as the ham so that the products are cut the same way.

3. Wash the tomatoes, dry and cut into thin rings 5 ​​mm thick.

4. Combine ketchup and finely chopped garlic cloves. Pour in some water and stir. This will be the sauce.

5. Divide the selected dough into equal 5 parts and roll out into thin round cakes. Grease a baking sheet with a thin layer of vegetable oil and lay out the base. You can choose the dough recipe for the base on the website. I've previously shared many different options.

6. Place it in a preheated oven at 250°C for 3-5 minutes. It will quickly bake and lightly brown. Then remove her fryers.

7. Spread a generous layer of tomato garlic sauce on the pizza.

8. Place finely chopped onions on top.

9. Place ham and sausages.

10. Distribute the tomato rings.

Miniature pizzas for 4-5 bites are not only a practical dish, but also easy to make. Sometimes you don’t even need a special dough for baking – mini-pizza can even be made on a loaf. At home, a microwave, an oven, and a frying pan are suitable for culinary experiments. And for the filling, anything that is left in the refrigerator is acceptable: pieces of sausage or boiled meat, mushrooms, vegetables, herbs, eggs, cheese, etc.

It’s great if the housewife wants to make the pizza dough herself to please her loved ones. If you are short on time, you can use ready-made hot dog loaves or buns. Another option is to buy ready-made dough (unleavened, yeast, puff pastry). Any choice will be good if you approach cooking with love.

Mini pizza with ready-made dough

  • finished dough – 250 g;
  • tomatoes (a couple of things);
  • some champignons;
  • some canned corn;
  • multi-colored olives;
  • “Mozzarella” - 100 g;
  • softened butter 6 tbsp;
  • greenery - at your discretion;
  • grated lemon peel - 0.5 tbsp and juice 1 tsp.

Number of servings: 8

  1. The dough is rolled into a sausage, cut into flat cakes 2 cm thick, then rolled out with a rolling pin into circles with a diameter of 8-10 cm.
  2. The base for the filling is prepared as follows: knead the butter in a small bowl, add lemon ingredients and chopped herbs.
  3. The pizzas are placed on a baking sheet (they should not touch each other) and greased with the prepared base.
  4. All ingredients are cut into slices, placed on top of the base and sprinkled with grated cheese.
  5. Baking time in the oven is no more than 20 minutes.

The procedure is simple, so making a mini-pizza in a hurry will not be difficult. Each housewife will choose the ingredients for the filling to her own taste.

Mini pizza on a loaf

Mini pizza on a loaf, or, in simple terms, hot sandwiches baked in the oven - an ideal option for a hearty breakfast or afternoon snack. True, the only thing the dish has in common with traditional pizza is the presence of toppings baked under a layer of melted cheese. Be that as it may, the sandwiches turn out delicious, and therefore worth trying to make them!

  • loaf - 1 pc.;
  • any meat filling - 200 g (sausage, frankfurters, ham, boiled meat, etc.);
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • tomato paste or ketchup - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • salt, fresh herbs, a mixture of dry herbs - to taste.
  1. Cut the loaf into regular slices about 1 cm thick, as for sandwiches.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into cubes or thin slices, cut the meat or sausage filling into short strips, grate the cheese.
  3. Combine the milk with the egg, add salt and herbs, then stir with a whisk or fork.
  4. Dip the loaf slices into the milk-egg mixture and place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
  5. Lubricate each with a thin layer of tomato paste or ketchup.
  6. Place the filling in random order and sprinkle the top with cheese.
  7. Preheat the oven and bake the pieces at 180 degrees for no more than 15 minutes.
  8. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh herbs.

Mini pizza in the microwave

Those who have already encountered cooking pizza in a microwave oven know one small nuance - no matter what dough is used, it is better to first bring it to half-cookedness and then add the toppings so that the baked goods do not end up soggy.

Mini-pizzas made from puff pastry are best baked in the microwave.

  1. After rolling out the puff pastry into a layer 1 cm thick, cut it into individual portions and form the sides.
  2. Place the pre-cut ingredients in layers in the following order: ham, olives, tomatoes, onion rings.
  3. Melt the butter and pour it over the filling, then sprinkle with grated cheese and ground pepper.
  4. At medium microwave power, bake the pizza for 10 minutes, then finish cooking at maximum power, leaving for another 5 minutes.

Mini pizza in a frying pan

The process of preparing mini-pizza in a frying pan is practically no different from preparing an omelet, but has its own sequence:

  1. First, mayonnaise and sour cream are mixed, eggs and flour are added. The consistency should be slightly liquid.
  2. The dough is poured onto a greased frying pan and distributed evenly over the surface.
  3. Then lay out the sausage (preferably in large pieces), put tomato rings on top, sprinkle with grated cheese.
  4. Covering the pan, fry the pizza over very low heat for about 12 minutes (until the bottom of the dough is browned).

Having placed the finished pizza on a plate, sprinkle it with herbs and serve it to the table.

DIY pizza base

If someone is not satisfied with the dough sold in the store or the loaf version is not compatible with the concept of pizza, it is worth having a hand in preparing the dough.

  • flour - 6 tbsp;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • yeast (powdered) 3 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - tbsp. 8;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. and salt - 2 tsp.

If the household has a bread machine, the dough preparation procedure is simplified. If not, then you need to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Sugar and yeast are dissolved in warm water, then flour is added (half the norm).
  2. After letting the dough brew for 15 minutes, add the remaining products and let it brew for another 1 hour. During this time, the dough must be kneaded 2-3 times (when it has risen well).
  3. The finished dough is very pliable and rolls out well into small flatbreads for mini-pizza. All that remains is to stuff them and put them in the oven.

Secrets of making mini pizzas

The recipes described above are designed for quick cooking. But even the laziest mini-pizza recipe, which uses a loaf, is fraught with certain nuances.

  • Whatever fillings are used, two main ingredients must remain the same - cheese (hard or soft) and tomatoes (ketchup, tomato paste).
  • It is better to place soft varieties of cheese in pieces directly on the sauce under the filling, but hard ones are rubbed with the top layer.
  • Herbs – oregano and basil – will improve the taste of pizza.
  • Wherever the pizza is prepared - in the oven, microwave or in a frying pan, the meat (or fish) toppings should not be raw.
  • The taste of pizza largely depends on the dough. If the housewife decides to knead it herself, it is better to opt for the yeast version. At the same time, it is worth using olive oil in the recipe - it will add a piquant note.

The popularity of mini-pizzas was ensured by the speed and ease of their preparation, as well as the opportunity for every housewife to show her imagination, inventing new combinations of ingredients for the filling, in which the flavor components constantly vary.

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