Literary propaedeutics in primary school. Own fairy tales using the proppa method

In folk tales there are many magical objects: a flying carpet, walking boots, a treasure sword, an invisible hat, a ball that acts as a navigator. Some of them would not be refused and modern people. Any housewife would be delighted, for example, with a self-assembled tablecloth. No need to go to the grocery store or stand at the stove. Spread it on the table - and lunch is ready. Which fairy tales have a self-assembled tablecloth? What deep meaning is hidden behind this symbol of abundance? Let's figure it out.

Self-assembled mess: in which fairy tale does it appear for the first time?

Many European legends feature magical objects that can quickly and tasty feed their owner. In ancient myths, this function was performed by a cornucopia belonging to the gods. It is filled with flowers and fruits. The Brothers Grimm have a story about a pot making sweet porridge. It is impossible to say in which fairy tale the name “self-assembled tablecloth” is used for the first time. But it has become another symbol of wealth.

The word self-assembly has two roots: “sam” and “bran”. The last of them can be interpreted in two ways. Perhaps it comes from the word “to take.” Or is it connected with the concept of “abusive tablecloth”. This is how in Rus' they called the elegant, patterned fabric that was used to set tables for feasts. We find mention of it for the first time in chronicles of the 12th century.

A dream of an easy life or a gift from the world of the dead?

The life of a Russian peasant was hard. Since dawn, people worked in the fields, looked after livestock, lit stoves, and prepared food. There was no heating, no running water, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and microwave ovens. Perhaps a self-assembled tablecloth is a dream about devices that make the work of housewives easier? When do you not have to knead dough, stand at the stove, or clear the table?

Another version was put forward by the Russian folklorist V. Ya. Propp. He believes that the self-assembled tablecloth is a phenomenon from the afterlife. It is given to the hero when he is experiencing severe hunger, that is, he is on the verge of death. The magical object symbolizes the transition to another world, where a person is rewarded according to his deeds. A good character can take a break from work and enjoy delicious dishes. The angry one is left with nothing.

To understand which of these versions is correct, let us remember in which fairy tales there is a self-assembled tablecloth. After analyzing their content, we can come to the right conclusion.

What events take place in the fairy tale "Tablecloth Self-Assembled"?

This magical item can be found in Russian, German and French folklore. When trying to remember in which fairy tale the name “self-assembled tablecloth” appears, the first story that comes to mind is the one called that. It talks about three brothers who went looking for happiness and came across a mountain precious stones. The two eldest filled their pockets and went home. A younger brother followed further, doing good deeds along the way and receiving for them a self-assembled tablecloth, a backpack with a company of soldiers and a magic horn.

Upon returning home, with the help of gifts, he was able to marry the king’s daughter, but she turned out to be greedy, stole the backpack with the soldiers and ordered them to chain her husband in prison. The guy was saved by the old men whom he helped in the first part of the fairy tale “The Self-Assembled Tablecloth” and a magic horn. As a result, the good hero, together with his saviors, left the dishonest people wherever they looked.

Plots of other fairy tales

Let's continue to remember which fairy tales have a self-assembled tablecloth. In the story of the two Ivans, a poor man whose family is starving turns to a greedy rich man for help. He gives him a handful of flour, a saucer of jelly and yesterday's cabbage soup. But on the way home, the Wind, Sun and Frost destroy the precious burden. As compensation for damage, they present the victim with magical objects, including a self-assembled tablecloth. But the rich man takes them by deception. This continues until poor Ivan ends up with a bag of clubs. The greedy namesake gets what he deserves.

Similar plots are found in the fairy tales “A self-assembled tablecloth, a purse and two from a bag”, “A self-assembled table, a golden donkey and a club from a bag”. They talk about restoring justice. This magical object also appears in the fairy tales “The King’s Son and His Uncle” and “About the Hero Ivan Tsarevich and His Wife the Tsar Maiden.”

Fear of hunger

In all fairy tales, the heroes rejoice at a successful acquisition. However, they don’t care much that a self-assembled tablecloth makes the cooking process easier. Confidence in a well-fed future becomes more important. The peasant was always afraid of hunger. Even the most hardworking and wealthy owner could find himself broke due to enemy raids or crop failure.

A self-assembled tablecloth is a guarantee that in the hungriest year there will be food on the table. Possession of this miracle gives the hero confidence in the future.

A fair reward

Having remembered which fairy tales have a self-assembled tablecloth, let’s pay attention to the similarity of their plots. This item goes to kind, smart, sympathetic heroes. Most often this is a gift for selfless help, although sometimes it is obtained through cunning. A self-assembled tablecloth saves you from hunger at the moment when a person is in need. The good hero is generous, he invites everyone he meets to dine with him.

For this he will have to pay. As a rule, a self-assembled tablecloth is stolen by a greedy person. But happiness obtained by deception quickly disappears. One way or another, fair retribution awaits the greedy hero, and the magical object returns to its rightful owner.

V. Ya. Propp saw behind this plot a story about the afterlife, where everyone is given what they deserve. In some Russian fairy tales it really is present kingdom of the dead, metaphorically personified by Koschey, Baba Yaga with a bone leg. But in this case we do not see anything like that.

Fairy tales about the self-assembled tablecloth teach us to be honest, hardworking and responsive. Then, even if we find ourselves in trouble, we will receive help from the Universe itself. This will happen already in this life, where there is a place for miracles and good people. Happiness gained through dishonest means is quickly destroyed. The Russian people are wise, and once again urge us not to despair, to believe in good and to abandon evil.

Propp map for preschoolers

Own fairy tales using Propp's method

If you are teaching children, then Propp's cards will help children remember the fairy tale well and make it easier to retell it.


Here we provide a list of the main motives identified by the researcher Propp:

1. Once upon a time. We create a fabulous space. (Each fairy tale begins with the introductory words “a long time ago”, “once upon a time”, “in the thirtieth kingdom”).

2. A special circumstance (“the father died”, “the sun disappeared from the sky”, “the rains stopped pouring and a drought set in”).

4. Violation of the ban (characters in fairy tales look out of the window, leave the yard, and drink water from a puddle; at the same time, a new face appears in the fairy tale - an antagonist, a pest).

5. The hero leaves home (in this case, the hero can either set off, be sent away from home, say, with the blessing of his parents to look for his sister, or be expelled, for example, a father takes his daughter expelled by his stepmother to the forest, or leave home, turning into a goat after the ban has been violated).

6. Appearance of a friend-assistant ( gray wolf, Puss in Boots).

7. A method of achieving the goal (this could be flying on a magic carpet, using a treasure sword, etc.).

8. The enemy begins to act (the snake kidnaps the princess, the witch poisons the apple).

9. Gaining victory (breaking evil spells, physical destruction of the antagonist - the Serpent, Koshchei the Immortal, victory in the competition).

10. Pursuit (what fairy tale, like a detective story, is complete without a chase? Heroes can be pursued by geese-swans, Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Dashing Accursed and other, no less “cute” characters).

11. The hero escapes from persecution (by hiding in a stove, turning into someone, or using magical means and covering vast distances).

12. The donor tests the hero. And then a new character appears - a wizard, a gnome, an old woman who needs help, or a beggar. Baba Yaga gives the girl the task of doing her homework, the Serpent invites the hero to lift a heavy stone.

13. The hero passes the test of the donor (everything is obvious).

14. Receiving a magical remedy (it can be transferred, made, bought, appear from nowhere, stolen, given by a donor).

15. Absence of the donor (Baba Yaga lets go in peace, the wizard disappears, the dragon hides back in the cave).

16. The hero enters into battle with the enemy (sometimes it is an open battle - with the Serpent Gorynych, sometimes a competition or a game of cards).

17. The enemy is defeated (in fairy tales, the antagonist is not only defeated in battle or competition, but also expelled or destroyed with the help of cunning).

18. The hero is marked (a mark is applied to the body or given a special object - a ring, a towel, an icon; he takes something from a defeated enemy).

19. The hero is given a difficult task (to get a ring from the bottom of the sea; to weave a carpet; to build a palace in one night; to bring something, I don’t know what).

20. The hero completes the task (how could it be otherwise?).

21. The hero is given new look(a common technique is immersion in boiling water or hot milk, which makes the hero even more beautiful).

22. The hero returns home (usually this occurs in the same forms as the arrival, but it can also be a victorious arrival on a defeated dragon).

23. The hero is not recognized at home (sometimes due to external changes that have occurred to him, a spell cast, injury, growing up).

24. A false hero appears (that is, one who pretends to be a hero or takes credit for his merits).

25. Unmasking a false hero (this can happen as a result of special tests or testimony of authority figures).

26. Recognizing the hero. (And then a substitution is discovered. The false hero is expelled in disgrace, and our character is embraced by a loving royal couple)

27. Happy ending (a feast for the whole world, a wedding, half a kingdom to boot).

28. Moral (what conclusion can be drawn from the story that happened).

where and how can I use this method?

How can you use the fairy tale method to help your child cope with some task?
Using this method, the child, one way or another, identifies himself with the main character, plays out the situation, which ultimately helps, again, to creatively approach the task that has arisen before him and prepare for it psychologically.

To do this, you can start a fairy tale, for example, with the words: “A hero who looks like a baby goes to solve a problem. During the fairy tale, he solves the problem (problem), finds new friends, defeats the “dragon” and returns back happy.

It is advisable to direct the child to take full part in inventing (composing) a fairy tale, only occasionally helping and telling him how to “this way and that way...” build the development of the fairy tale.

In order to receive maximum effect When composing a fairy tale, it is recommended to follow a number of simple rules:

1 It is desirable that the main character and the child have some common features. Maybe they both like jam or watch the same cartoon.

2 When constructing a fairy tale, it is necessary to create a safe magical space for the main character. Therefore, formulas like: “A long time ago, in some kingdom-state” are used...

3 It’s good when the main character has a friend-helper in the space of a fairy tale. A friend in a fairy tale helps to ease mental stress and defuse emotions.

4 During the fairy tale, it is necessary to solve some problem. Main character solves a problem, acquires a certain skill and is transformed.

5 An antihero is introduced into the fairy tale - a character who must be defeated (or perhaps changed).

6 The ending of a fairy tale should be positive. The problem is solved, after which the hero returns home, receives half the kingdom and a beautiful wife.

Summer holiday for children 7-11 years old. Scenario

Summer playground "Tale after tale"

Vacations in the lives of children are a period of accumulation of new strength, health, new knowledge, not constrained school curriculum. And here a lot depends on the smart leadership of adults. They are the ones who think through a program of action, constructive joint activities that will help children self-realize and self-empower.
A playground is a bright moment in children’s lives, helping them take a fresh look at the world, at the people around them, feel a taste for creativity, show their abilities, and unite with everyone in joy. It is aimed at creating a good mood in children. And for good mood We need interesting things to do and so that no one humiliates or offends children. Therefore, when organizing playgrounds, we make sure that they are creative, unique, so that children feel good, comfortable, and interesting, so that the content of the holiday enriches the mind and soul, so that the holidays unite children and adults into a single team.
Each playground is not just a random kaleidoscope of exciting activities, it is subordinated to a specific idea that organizes the games. The playful, festive atmosphere of the site creates a positive emotional background and stimulates the creativity of children, since they live in a joyful and optimistic rhythm.
The summer playground "Tale after Tale" is dedicated to Russian folk tales. A fairy tale is a fertile and irreplaceable source of instilling love for the Motherland. The patriotic idea of ​​a fairy tale lies in the depth of its content; Fairy-tale images created by the people, living for millennia, bring to the heart and mind of a child the powerful creative spirit of the Russian people, their views on life, ideals, and aspirations. A fairy tale fosters love for one’s native land simply because it is the creation of the people. When we look at the marvelous frescoes of the Kyiv Sofia, we perceive them as a part of the life of the people, the creation of their mighty talent, and a sense of pride in their creative spirit, thought, and skill awakens in our soul. The impact of a folk tale on a child’s soul is similar. It seems that the fairy tale is built on a purely everyday plot, but every word of this fairy tale is like the finest stroke on an immortal fresco, in every word, in every image - a play of the creative forces of the people's spirit.
Unfortunately, at present, children know few Russian fairy tales. We conducted a survey among primary school students and found out that the most recognizable are the heroes of foreign fairy tales (Cinderella, Snow White, Alice, the Smurfs, cartoon characters Madagascar, Shrek, etc.). The percentage of recognition of the heroes of Russian folk tales is low, mainly children recognize popular heroes (Kashchei the Immortal, Vasilisa the Wise, etc.), and heroes of modern cartoons “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”, etc. . Many students consider Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and the Snow Queen to be the heroes of Russian folk tales. 47% of students like to read Russian folk tales, 72% prefer foreign fairy tales. Only 25% of children read Russian folk tales that are not included in the school curriculum (Appendix 5, graph 10). An analysis of various scenarios for conducting fairy-tale quizzes and events showed that 85% of the scenarios contain questions and riddles only about famous fairy-tale heroes, 93% of the scenarios do not distinguish between the heroes of Russian folk and foreign fairy tales, 95% of the scenarios do not involve the study of new fairy tales, but are based on children’s knowledge of popular fairy tales (Appendix 5, graph 11).
Based on this, we can conclude that at present Russian folk tales are not used in in full, but only partially and only the most famous. The role of fairy tales is very significant in the patriotic education of the younger generation; they reflect the life of the Russian people, moral standards of life, spiritual culture, everything that Russian people now lack. Therefore, we began to borrow the norms and rules of life of those peoples who preserve them, and often forget about our original traditions. Fairy tales are the spiritual riches of folk culture, by learning which a child gets to know his native people in his heart.
Therefore, participants in the summer playground “Tale after Tale” will be asked to remember Russian folk tales and everything connected with them.
Goal: create conditions for patriotic education and creative self-realization of children through play activities.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set:
1. To develop students’ knowledge of the folklore traditions of the Russian people.
2. Develop and realize the creative, cognitive potential of each child, communication abilities, promote interaction and creative growth during the game.
3. Cultivate interest in Russian folk tales, a sense of patriotism, and pride in the heritage of their ancestors.
The playground consists of three interconnected parts. The first part is the “Magic Ball” relay race, the second is the travel game “Enchanted Forest” and the third is the “Fairy Tale Fair” quiz.
The location of the playground is Victory Park.
The playground is intended for school camps with daytime stays for children and is designed for children of different ages. It is carried out according to schedule, on the days of school camps, its duration: 1 - 1.5 hours.
As a result of the program implementation it is expected:
1. Development of leadership and organizational qualities, acquisition of new knowledge, development of creative abilities, children's independence.
2. Gaining skills and abilities for participants in the playground for individual and collective creative activities and social activity.
3. Improving the psychological microclimate, creating an atmosphere of comfort for each child.
4. Personal growth of participants.
5. Development of the level of children's gaming culture.

Summer playground plan
"Tale after tale."

The game participants are divided into eight to ten teams (depending on the number of participants). Each team should have approximately the same number of people. The game consists of three parts. In the first part, participants create a travel route through the Enchanted Forest. The second part is a journey where participants, solving riddles, look for magical objects. In the third part, a quiz game “Fairy Tales Fair” is held.

Part I - “Magic Ball”

Each team receives a magic ball of a certain color. The participants' task, running in relay order, is to collect 10 magic balls of the same color. There is one on every ball serial number and a riddle is written. The participants’ task is to put the balls in order and guess the proposed riddles. After this, the second part of the game begins.

Riddles about fairy-tale characters (for glomeruli)
Zmey Gorynych
I am beautiful, strong, powerful,
I am more menacing than menacing clouds,
And smarter than everyone else, there are no words, -
I have a lot of goals.

Vasilisa the Wise
She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,
Showing skill in any matter.
I baked bread and wove tablecloths,
I sewed a shirt, embroidered a pattern,
She swam like a white swan...
Who was this craftswoman?

Baba Yaga
I don’t know how old I am.
I fly in a mortar with a broom.
My teremok is so good,
Looks like me in every way
In this mansion of mine
The stove burns brightly with fire.
Teremok on chicken legs!
Waiting for guests there...

Koschey the Immortal
This is a fairy tale, not a joke,
What was such a duck,
There is an egg in it, a needle in the egg,
Death is at its end.
And without these things
The old man couldn't live...

At the first frost,
According to the first snowball
Who's riding on the stove?
Lying on your side?
Gobbling up rolls,
A guy is riding on a stove.
Goes straight to the palace
Who is this fellow?

Will give you a new trough
AND new home, and servants to boot...
But if she's angry,
Luck will float away with her!
Everything will disappear, and the sea is unsteady
The golden one will melt...

Nightingale the Robber
He is a robber, he is a villain,
He scared people with his whistle

There is water inside it
They don't want to hang out with him
And all his girlfriends -
Leeches and frogs!

Who's playing pranks in the old apartment?
Who's strumming the guitar again?
Who is naughty all day long?
And then he sighs in the corner

Cat Bayun
The cat has a terrible uncle,
Also a cat, but the passion is serious
And he is afraid, old and young,
What will come to them...

Example of a glomerulus

Part II - Enchanted Forest

By solving the riddles written on the balls, the teams create a route map. Under each riddle hides the hero of Russian fairy tales (Vasilisa the Wise, Serpent Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Kot-Bayun, Emelya, Brownie Kuzya, Vodyanoy, Goldfish, Nightingale the Robber). Participants are given a card fairyland and figurines of heroes (among them there are those about which there are no riddles), correctly guessed heroes must be pasted under the corresponding magic ball and number. Participants receive their own maps of the enchanted forest.
Example map:

According to the map, participants, in a limited area, among trees and bushes, find fairy-tale heroes who guard enchanted magical objects. Each team has its own map. To disenchant an object, you need to guess the riddle (rebus, cryptogram, encryption) located under the image of the hero, write down the answer on a special sheet, and so on in order.
How it was with us: we made encryption, cryptograms, puzzles, riddles about magical objects on sheets made of fiberboard, and placed an image of a fairy-tale hero on top. Children, in the order determined by the card, looked for the hero and wrote down the answer on a special sheet, returned to the leader of the game, he checked the answers and distributed the disenchanted objects from the “chest”.
Participants are given 30 minutes to complete the task. The time is counted down, for this purpose a sun with removable rays is prepared, the ray is removed every 5 minutes. Upon returning, the team receives as many points as the number of rays left in the sun. After the participants have cast a spell on the magic objects, the third part of the game begins.

Part III - Quiz “Fairy Tales Fair”:

After passing through the Enchanted Forest, the teams approach the game leader with a list of the fabulous items they have found (treasure sword, invisibility hat, running boots, flying carpet, pouring apple, self-assembled tablecloth, samogud harp, living water, magic ball, two from the casket). For each item found, the team receives its image. After all the teams have gathered in the clearing, the quiz begins.
Participants are placed on mats, in front of them is a board with categories of questions, each category of a certain color. The game is played in three rounds.
Rules of the game:
The presenter approaches each team in turn with a bag containing multi-colored barrels, in accordance with the color of the question categories. They also have scores written on them. Participants take out a keg and answer the corresponding question. Kegs taken out of the bag during the round are not returned back, but in the next round they are put back into the bag and mixed
When answering, participants can use bonuses, that is, those magical items that they found in the Enchanted Forest. If a participant takes advantage of the bonus, he gives the corresponding picture to the presenter. Bonuses remain throughout the game, but are not renewed in each round.

Bonus table (it is displayed on a large poster (banner) so that teams can see it during the game):

Treasure Sword - The right to make mistakes (the participant can answer the question again)
Invisibility Cap - The right to reveal any three letters
Magic carpet - The right to save half of the points for an incorrect answer.
Running Boots - Passing a question to another team
Bulk apple - Help from an adult
Self-assembled tablecloth - The right to open the second half of the word
Gusli-samoguda - Song instead of answer
Living Water - The right to save points if you answer incorrectly
Magic ball - Right to one clue
Two from the casket - Double points

Categories of questions of the first round:
Fairytale transport - questions about means of transportation in Russian folk tales (flying carpet, stupa, flying ship, etc.)

1. Which fairy-tale hero had a sleigh that drove itself? (Emelya)
2. What did Emelya use to go to the Tsar’s palace? (stove)
3. What did the merchant ride to the city, and the peasant to the forest, in the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”? (on a sleigh)
4. Who was the fox riding on, saying “a beat never fails”? (wolf)
5. Fairy-tale heroine, owner of the world's first aircraft? (Baba Yaga)
6. Which vehicle appears when the owner whistles? open field? (Sivka-Burka)
7. What did Tsarevich Ivan fly in the fairy tale after the rain on Thursday? (magic carpet)
Fairytale cooking – questions about fairytale food (iron bread, loaf, etc.)
1. Which Russian folk tale contains a recipe for preparing an outlandish, unique dish from carpentry tools? (Porridge from an ax)
2. What dish was offered by the fairy-tale fox that the crane could not eat? (gruel)
3. What does the storyteller usually drink at a fairy-tale feast? (honey)
4. Which of the heroes of Russian folk tales was a bakery product? (Kolobok)
5. What did Baba Yaga feed her pets in the fairy tale “Morozko”? (for your pussy - a bowl of sour cream, and you (pig) are great - get jellied meat)
6. What kind of poultry dish did the man share for the master? (Goose)
7. What flour products were produced by magic millstones? (pies, pancakes, cheesecakes)
Fairy-tale helpers - questions about fairy-tale characters who helped the main characters of Russian fairy tales (gray wolf, oven, apple tree, cow, etc.)
1. What is the name of the fairytale tree that helped the sister and brother hide from the swan geese? (apple)
2. Which fairy-tale hero helps Ivan get the firebird? (Sivka-burka)
3. What did Ivan put on the princess’s hand so that she would wake up from the witchcraft of Koshchei? (Magic Ring)
4. Which animal helped little Khavroshechka carry out the orders of her evil stepmother? (cow)
5. The device on which Baba Yaga flew? (mortar or broom)
6. With the help of what thing did Ivan penetrate into the kingdom of Koshchei, remaining invisible? (Invisibility hat)
7. What fish helped Emelya? (pike)
Fairy-tale animals – questions about animals found in Russian fairy tales (fox, wolf, hare, black grouse, etc.)
1. There was a legend about this beast that he was sent from the Siberian forests and was the mayor himself, were all the inhabitants of the forest afraid of this beast except his wife Lizaveta Ivanovna? (cat-Bayun)
2. The bear allowed the cunning beast to live with him, but did not know about her pranks; every night she pretended to be a midwife, and at that time she ate honey until the barrel ran out. Who is this glutton? (Fox)
3. Who drove the fox out of the bast hut, which was occupied by it illegally? (Rooster)
4. Who did the fox treat with semolina porridge, but never feed? (Crane)
5. Who did the fox persuade to go down to the grass, convincing that now a decree has been declared about peace throughout the entire earth and that animals do not touch each other now? (grouse)
6. Whom did the Fox teach? fishing? (Wolf)
7. This small animal has unique qualities that other animals lack, is it the first to move into the house, breaks an egg, helps to pull out a vegetable that five people cannot handle? (mouse)
Fairytale trials - questions about the trials that the main characters of Russian fairy tales went through (fire, water and copper pipes, the battle with the Serpent Gorynych, the search for Koschei’s death, etc.)
1. What did the Tsar Father order his daughters-in-law to do to test their skills (bake bread, weave a carpet, sew a shirt)
2. What trials did Alyonushka encounter on her way as she saved her brother Ivanushka in the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”? (shake apples, take pies out of the oven, eat jelly)
3. In which fairy tale did the hero have to jump into boiling milk to gain youth? (Humpbacked Horse)
4. What tests did the tsars subject their sons to in Russian folk tales? (they sent for rejuvenating apples, the firebird)
5. What did Ivan the chimney sweep have to do to marry the princess of fun? (Flying ship)
6. What three trials did Ivan encounter on his way to the kingdom of Koshcheevo, for Vasilisa the Beautiful? (destroy 3 pairs of iron boots, eat 5 iron loaves)
7. How did the wise daughter complete the king’s tasks “not on foot, not on horseback, not dressed or undressed, not with a gift, not without a gift” in order to save her father? (gave a bird that flew away, put on a fishing net, and arrived on a pig)

Categories of second round questions:
Fairytale geography - questions about fabulous places, where the heroes travel (Buyan Island, Far Far Away, Deep Forest, etc.)

1. In which kingdom-state did many fairy-tale heroes live? (In Far Away)
2. Where did the king send the heroes? (Go there, I don’t know where)
3. Where did Ivanushka and the soldier go in search of Marya the mistress? (in the Underwater Kingdom of Vodokruta 13)
4. What was the name of the magical island in Russian fairy tales? (Buyan Island)
5. Which animal played the role of the island in the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”? (Miracle Yudo - whale fish)
6. Where did Koschey hide the basket with the craftsmen in the fairy tale “They sat on the golden porch”? (in the mountain there is hole after hole, hole after hole you go into a cave)
Fairytale plants - questions about plants that have properties in fairy tales magical power(fern flower, flowers on a dry stump, rejuvenating apples, etc.)
1. What grew in my grandfather and grandmother’s garden, round, very round, big, very big (turnip)
2. Why did Nastenka water the dry stump, and what grew on it? (flowers)
3. What flowers did the stepmother send her stepdaughter to look for in the forest in winter? (snowdrops)
4. Which plant gave the old man and the old woman magic millstones? (Peas)
5. What kind of plant did the cockerel choke on? (bean)
6. What tree grew from the seeds of the mottled cow in the fairy tale “Khavroshechka”? (apple)
7. What plants did the “Man and the Bear” share? (wheat and turnip)
8. On what tree was Koshcheev’s death kept? (oak)
Fairytale villains - questions about the negative heroes of Russian fairy tales (stepmother, Koschey the Immortal, Miracle Yudo, etc.)
1. Was this villain's death at the end of a needle? (Koschei the Immortal)
2. Can this villain eat 6 or 7 kids at once? (Wolf)
3. This villain lives in a swamp and intrigues fairy-tale heroes? (Kikimora)
4. Which fairytale villain has one eye? (Dashingly one-eyed)
5. Does this fairy-tale hero live in a dense forest and lead travelers astray? (Nightingale the Robber)
6. Who said: “If we rob, we won’t rob, if we devour, we won’t devour, if we rob, we will be beaten”? (Robbers)
7. The owner of a hut on chicken legs? (Baba Yaga)

Fairytale dangers - questions about the dangers that the heroes encountered on their way (freezing staff, magic comb, poisoned apple, etc.)
1. What danger awaited the bunny who let the fox into his hut? (the fox kicked him out)
2. What danger awaited Ivanushka when he drank from the hoof? (became a little goat)
3. What was supposed to happen to those who touched Morozko’s staff? (Whoever touches my staff will never wake up)
4. What took the strength from the hero Finist? (crest)
5. What danger awaited King Eremey in the well, in the fairy tale “Barbara the Beauty - long braid"? (Sea monster)
6. What danger did the bear pose to the inhabitants of the tower? (destroyed the tower)
7. What dangers does the stone at the fork in the road warn the hero about?

Third round question categories:
The Magnificent Seven - name seven: fairy-tale objects, tales of Baba Yaga, etc.

.1. Name seven fairy tales whose main characters are animals
2. Name seven magical objects
3. Name seven fairy tale helpers
4. Name seven fairy-tale beauties
5. Name seven tales about the merman
6. Name seven fairy tales about Baba Yaga
7. Name seven fairy tales with the participation of Koshchei the Immortal

Continue - continue the famous fairy tale expression (Wouldn't you be ignorant..., A fairy tale is a lie.... etc.)
1. Soon the fairy tale will tell... (... but it won’t be done soon)
2. I was there, drinking beer with honey... (... it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth)
3. The fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it... (a lesson to good fellows)
4. If you weren’t ignorant... ( wouldn’t walk around with a bear’s face)
5. The bit is not broken... (... lucky)
6. Sivka-burka prophetic Kaurka, stand in front of me... ( a leaf in front of the grass)
7. Stand with your back to the forest... (...towards me)
8. And well-fed... (...and not well-mannered)
My light is a mirror - questions about fairy-tale beauties (Alyonushka, Marya-Morevna, Vasilisa the Wise, etc.)
1. What was the name of the princess who was made laugh by the man on the stove? (Nesmeyana)
2. What was the name of the girl whose brother drank water from a hoof? (Alyonushka)
3. What was the name of the beauty - the daughter of the lawless miracle-yuda of the swamp? (Varvara)
4. Remember the name of the heroine, who waves her left sleeve, a lake will appear, and wave her right - white swans will swim? (Vasilisa)
5. In one fairy tale, Ivan Tsarevich went after the firebird, he returned home with a horse, the firebird and a beautiful bride, remember her name? (Elena the Beautiful)
6. Which beauty jumped over the fire and turned into a thin cloud? (Snow Maiden)
7. What was the name of the beauty whom Morozko gave royal gifts? (Nastenka)

Scoring system throughout the game:
For correctly completed tasks, teams receive tokens.
Magic ball:
teams receive 1 token for each correctly found ball.
If a team takes a ball that is not theirs, then it does not receive a token; the team that collected the balls of this color receives it.
Enchanted forest.
After completing the game, teams receive one token:
For each hero correctly guessed and placed on the card
For each correctly found magic item
For every ray of sunshine left
Quiz "Fairy Tale Fair"
For the correct answer to a question, participants receive as many tokens as the number of points written on the barrel.
If the team answers incorrectly, then it gives away the number of tokens corresponding to the points on the barrel.
At the end of the game, a winner is identified and all participants are awarded prizes.
1. Besova M. Fun games for a friendly squad - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 2004.
2. Games for every day / author: A.A. Danilkov, N.S. Danilkova – Novosibirsk: Siberian University Publishing House, 2004
3. Games, excursions and hikes in a summer camp / author: Rudenko V.I. – Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2002.
4. Kogan M.S. With the game all year round at school and on vacation - Novosibirsk: Siberian University Publishing House, 2004
5. Kulachenko M.P. A textbook for a counselor - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008.
6. Scenarios for holidays, competitions, games / author: Rudenko V.I. – Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2002.

The fairytale beginning is a picture of general well-being, a static and motionless picture - “once upon a time.” But misfortune and need inexorably befalls the fairy-tale hero. And from this moment on, the fairy tale unfolds before us like a ball. The main character sets off on a journey where amazing encounters, obstacles and trials await him. Obstacles and magical means with the help of which a fairy tale character overcomes these obstacles are the essence of a fairy tale, its richness, its dynamics and diversity, diversity.

"Higher than the forest standing"

Leaving the house, the fairy-tale hero, be it Ivan Tsarevich or the stepdaughter expelled by the evil stepmother, goes “wherever his eyes look” and invariably finds himself in a dark forest. The forest is a hostile to man, an unknown force that conceals a threat. The forest is a delaying obstacle on the hero’s path to the “thirtieth state”, to another kingdom, other world, world of the dead. The forest is impenetrable, you can’t get through it, and only thanks to a magical assistant, the hero flies over a dense, mysterious obstacle in the blink of an eye. But the forest can be an obstacle not only for the hero, but also for his pursuer. So Ivan Tsarevich throws a comb behind him, from which forests grow, thereby blocking the enemy’s path.

“Ugh, that stinks like Russian bones”

How long or how short does it take the hero to find himself in front of a hut on chicken legs, without which a fairy-tale forest is unthinkable? You can’t just enter this hut, you can’t walk past it. Ivan needs to cast a spell: “Hut-hut, stand with your back to the forest, and stand in front of me.” Only by turning the hut around will he be able to get inside, where Baba Yaga lies on the stove, “a bone leg, from corner to corner, his nose rooted in the ceiling.” And the first thing the hero hears is Yaga’s exclamation: “Ugh, how Russian bone stinks.” The mistress of the forest, Yaga, is disgusted by the smell of the guest, not because it is the smell of a Russian, but of a living person! After all, Baba Yaga is none other than the guardian of the entrance to the thirtieth kingdom, the kingdom of the dead, and her hut is this entrance...

Clean field

In some fairy tales, when traveling along a path, the first place the hero ends up is not a forest, but an open field. And in an open field there is a pillar (stone), and on the pillar it is written: “Whoever goes straight from this pillar will be hungry and cold; whoever rides to the right will be healthy and alive, but his horse will be dead; and whoever goes to the left will himself be killed, but his horse will remain alive and well.” The hero finds himself at a crossroads and must overcome an obstacle: make a choice, decide which way to go. The field is an obstacle in itself. It is a foreign, unknown space, open and unprotected from external mysterious forces. It is here that the hero dies on the way back home: he is killed and cut into pieces by envious loser brothers. But the hero dies, only to be resurrected, revived by “living” and “dead” water, so that goodness and justice will triumph.

"Okiyan is a wide sea, a river of fire"

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. On the hero's path fairy tale there turns out to be a werewolf river, and a fiery river, and a milk river - the banks of jelly, and a river of beer, honey, wine and vodka, and the Okiyan-sea - an unorganized, endless, chaotic space. However, the hero easily overcomes these seemingly impossible obstacles with the help of the magical helpers given to him, thereby ordering the elements and conquering them. So the hero of the fairy tale “The Wise Wife” is shown the way by a magic ball. “The ball rolled and rolled and straight into the sea: the sea parted, the road opened; the fool took one step or two and found himself and his companions in the next world.”

“To climb a mountain is not to climb, to crawl is not to crawl”

Dmitry Tsarevich rides and drives - “and here in front of him is a high, high mountain! You can’t open your eyes!” This mountain, like any other fairy-tale mountain, cannot be bypassed or passed by. The mountain is the center of the universe, the axis of the world, the image of the universe. The mountain is three-part: the top of the mountain is the abode of the gods, the bottom of the mountain is the world of the dead, the middle is the world of people. You can climb the mountain and thereby turn to the higher powers for a blessing, or you can enter the mountain. So in front of the hero of the fairy tale “Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what” there appears a mountain, which is nothing more than the entrance to a cave, the underground kingdom, the kingdom of death.

“The walls are high, no gates, no doors.”

Is it necessary fairy tale hero to get rejuvenating apples and living water or you need to get to the palace of a beautiful princess, first you need to overcome an obstacle in the form of a high, high wall, fence, tine. But no matter how insurmountable the obstacle may be, Ivan the Fool will cope with it, because he is not just Ivan and not just a fool, but he has Sivko-burko, the prophetic funnel! By jumping over the fence - the line dividing his own and someone else's space, the hero demonstrates his chosenness and privilege. And getting rejuvenating apples and living water, the brave fellow flies over the wall on a winged horse. On the wall of that wall there are strings with bells and they will just “ring”, “string”, announcing the appearance of a stranger, a stranger.

Green garden

Behind the fairy-tale fence there is often a garden. Although the garden is a cultural, orderly space, despite its original belonging to nature and the elements, it sometimes acts as an obstacle for the hero. In many fairy tales, the garden is an integral attribute of the space of the heroine, the princess, the Tsar-Maiden, where the hero unexpectedly invades on a falcon, a horse with four wings, and subsequently marries the heroine. And into the garden of Helen the Beautiful, surrounded by a golden lattice, a gray wolf, the magical assistant of Ivan Tsarevich, bursts into the garden in order to kidnap her for Ivan while he is waiting in the field. The garden is its own, mastered for the heroine, but for the hero it is an obstacle, someone else’s space, but someone else’s for the time being, until marriage.

Yulia Penegina

Illustrations: A. Orleansky

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