Flying indoors in a dream. Flying in a dream: why do you dream about this and what does it mean? A friend told me that this is about money, but personally it seems to me that the matter is completely different, since after such dreams I have troubles at work and in family life

The visions that come to us in a dream are not only varied, but also so realistic that we often do not understand whether we dreamed it or happened in reality. Naturally, after such a dream, we are interested in its meaning, whether it says something. Why do you dream about flying in a dream? Let's figure it out.

We are accustomed to the fact that flying in dreams is mainly for children. When they tell us this, we respond: “That means you are growing.” In fact, many adults also have such dreams, and quite often. And they have nothing to do with growth.

According to the dream book, you can fly in a dream in any way, and each option has its own interpretation. Most of them speak about the positive coloring of the dream.

Thus, the human soul seems to float high above the body, which means that in reality you are above your problems and concerns, without giving in to panic. You are happy no matter what. Problems, of course, will still require solutions, but this dream means liberation from their oppression, the opportunity to make the right decision.

Rising above the earth and people in a dream, you gain freedom in reality, all problems are solved, moments of crisis are behind you, and only new plans, goals, and victories lie ahead.

For those who are changing jobs, making plans, or are one step away from concluding an important contract, such a dream promises good luck in business. Why dream of flying for people whose life follows the “home-work-home” pattern? In the near future, you may go on a trip and relax. And for single people, flying in a dream means lucky in love.

Of course, the details of any dream have great value. They radically change its interpretation. Therefore, opening just the word “fly” in a dream book will not be enough. Take any dream book, flying in it will have a lot of meanings, because in a dream you can fly in different ways, so specifics are needed, for example, the following:

  • Flight over the ground.
  • Fly like a bird.
  • Fly high above the water.
  • Flight into space.
  • Fly on an airplane.

It is very important to pay attention to your landing after the flight. A soft landing means a smooth flow of affairs, their successful completion, success in your endeavors. If the planting site turns out to be dirty, swampy, minor troubles are possible, weigh everything carefully again and think it over. If the landing is unsuccessful and painful, problems or failures await you ahead, try to go a different way.


1. You can fly in a dream on an airplane. This suggests that you will soon be traveling, a business trip, a flight, and perhaps you will receive important news from afar. Are you the pilot of this plane? Then either you have to show your leadership qualities, or, conversely, your self-esteem is too low.

2. Why do you dream of flying in a hot air balloon? You should immediately pay attention to how the flight took place. If your balloon flies smoothly upward, expect an improvement in your financial situation and new lucrative contracts. And, on the contrary, financial difficulties and rash actions await those who dreamed that their ball broke.

By getting rid of excess ballast in your dream, you will get rid of unnecessary troubles and be able to avoid the tricks of ill-wishers.

3. Did you dream that you were soaring high above the ground like a bird? Be sure that your dreams will come true, your plans will come true, things will get better, and you will find happiness in love.

Since ancient times, people have associated the bird with approaching guests or news. Therefore, being in the air with birds, staying in the kingdom of Morpheus, means soon communicating with interesting people, whose arrival is not far off.

4. In a dream, flying upward with absolutely no wings is dreamed of by those who have had a white streak in their lives, a lot of strength has appeared, things have gone uphill, and wishes have begun to come true. But do not forget that, flying without wings, you can fall at any moment, which means that while walking easily and freely through life, do not forget about your loved ones.

As you know, flying with wings is much safer than without them, and dreams are no exception. This means that in reality you have support and support in the person of your family and friends, which in a dream looks like wings. This means it will be easier for you to overcome obstacles.

Where are we going?

1. We found out what it means to fly above the ground in a dream, but what does it mean if there was a symbol underneath you?

  • Fly over in a dream dirty water may promise troubles at work, the appearance of people who want to put a spoke in your wheels. You need to be alert and exercise extreme caution.
  • Why dream of flying over a body of water with clean water? Such a dream speaks of your purification, peace of mind and balance, renewal internal forces for further achievements.

Waves and splashes on the water are emotions that you will experience soon. By their intensity one can judge the strength of future emotions, and by the contamination of water - about their positive or negative qualities. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the reservoir itself; being high above the ground, this is easy to determine.

If you see a river in a dream while flying, know that all emotions and feelings will be associated with current affairs and events. will tell you about significant changes, they will be important for you, and the ocean will tell you about drastic changes in your destiny.

2. Why do you dream about flying into outer space? As the dream book shows, flying in space means an opportunity to achieve more in life, you go beyond your goals, achieving more and more heights.

But it’s worth remembering the details of the dream. So, the planets around you talk about new meetings and communication, both with old friends and new acquaintances.

The sensations experienced are also important: lightness, joy and ease - this is the fulfillment of desires, the achievement of goals, and the solution of problems. Negative emotions from a flight indicate impending troubles, especially for those who experienced a feeling of fear during the flight.

If in a dream you were sent into space by force, then most likely real life There is a person who has a huge influence on you, which you absolutely do not like. In addition, because of it, failures haunt you.

A big role in this serious matter will have to be played by those who not only admired the vastness of outer space, but also made an important discovery.

3. For those who had to fly indoors in a dream, such a dream speaks of certain fetters. You want to develop, strive for something more, set new goals for yourself, but something is stopping you. Circumstances or people drive you into certain limits, beyond which it is not possible.

If you dreamed that you saw windows or doors in this room, that is, there is a way out, it means that you do not have enough freedom in life, you want to escape and will soon understand how to do this.

Thus, we found out what flight means in dreams. Almost always such a dream is positive. You have reached a new level spiritually, you are ready to develop and realize yourself, move on, setting new goals, overcoming obstacles.

But do not rush to open the dream book; flying can be interpreted in it as both good and bad. So try to remember maximum quantity details of your dream in order to interpret it as accurately as possible.

If a child flies into the air in a dream, then he is growing. This is what folk wisdom says. It is advisable for an adult to look through the dream book. Flying in a dream is more common good omen. Esotericists explain midnight planning by the development of the soul. The personality rises not only above the ground, houses and trees, it moves to another level. And this is expensive.

I dreamed that I was flying: the psychology of the process

Experts have different opinions. Psychologists explain virtual flight by the absence of problems. This is a sign of the very harmony of the soul that advanced citizens strive for. The ability to fly is given to those who are confident in themselves and are not limited by conventions of various kinds. To learn means to rise above your ceiling, to overcome your inner bar. Fear of flying in a dream pushes you to work with complexes.

Psychology suggests taking into account the direction and speed of flight:

  1. Soared up - the right path to achieving what you wanted was chosen. There are no barriers.
  2. Floating horizontally above the surface of the earth - you feel very happy (or this state will soon occur).
  3. Rushing low over people means you have inflated self-esteem. We need to adjust it.
  4. Rise above the city on any flying machine (plane, hang glider, paraglider) - have a brilliant idea in your head. Be sure to implement it.
  5. Levitation in a room is a sign of ability. These require development.

Slow gliding down or free falling from a mountain is interpreted negatively by psychologists. The sleeper has succumbed to bad inclinations, unsettled by personal progress.

An adult can fly esotericists is explained somewhat differently. A superpower in a dream shows that vitality is increasing. This condition occurs in a person who has knocked out energy plugs (they are also called the evil eye, damage, curse). Nothing interferes with interaction with the universe. At a simple level, you are now capable of any task. Spend your potential wisely.

Only a very spiritual person can fly consciously. The technique allows you to actually send the subtle body to the astral plane, gain knowledge, and study the world.

I often dream about flying

A person constantly flying in his dreams is a real lucky person. Don't look for clues in this image. Take action, focus your energy on what you want most. If you soar serenely a lot, all night, you will soon take on difficult task. Don't hesitate, you can do it.

If you want to fly, but don’t know how, you feel like you’re in a vicious circle. The sleeper intuitively tries to find a way out. If you start learning flight practice, you will soon see the solution to the problem. Jumping up and trying to soar up means that you are diligently working on yourself, getting rid of unnecessary habits.

I dreamed that you had been able to fly for a long time and began to teach others. A wonderful sign. The sleeper has a wealth of knowledge. Now it's time to pass them on to others.

Miller's Dream Book about the ability to fly

The German psychologist considered the lack of solid ground underfoot to be an unfavorable sign. Gustav Miller gives the following explanations:

  1. Finding yourself in the air high above houses means an unhappy marriage.
  2. A low-level flight over the very ground is a dream of illness, misfortune, or a risky situation.
  3. Seeing yourself naked in the sky is a shame. Your sins will become known to society.
  4. Trying to ascend leads to erroneous beliefs. If you succeed, you will offend good man, no - you will abandon the unsuccessful intention.

Traveling into space on a rocket, visiting different worlds, means that the sleeper's mind is filled with fantastic projects. We need to land and deal with pressing issues.

Tips for an unmarried girl

The young lady should remember what she felt, saw, heard. It was precisely by these factors that Miller unraveled the image:

  1. Below is a gentle sea, a clean river or lake - you will meet or are already building a relationship with a guy according to fate. Try not to spoil the partnership with unnecessary whims.
  2. Sparkling snow - a period of inner loneliness will help self-improvement. After some time, your dreams of love will come true.
  3. Muddy water- gossip, gossip behind your back. Perhaps evil tongues notice your shortcomings.
  4. A green area, beautiful flowers - to a prosperous life; dry trees - to trials.

If, having soared with delight, you suddenly rush down, then you should take precautions. The plot warns that you will soon stumble and lose the respect of those around you. The fall from heaven will be extremely painful.

Riding a big green dragon in a dream means a chance to gain popularity with the opposite sex. Your charm, modesty, and devotion will attract exactly the one who can make you happy.

For a married woman

Flying over the domes of the church signifies the struggle for existence. The dreamer will have to defend her own interests, her husband’s love, and business reputation. If there are destroyed buildings below, then you are entering a black streak. Melancholy will seize the creature and make it shed tears.

Air travel through the sky over the mountains is a good sign if you don't fall. You will be able to bypass any obstacles and outwit your enemies. Feeling the rain on your face is a great happiness.

Using levitation in a dream to help people is not a good signal. The kindness of the sleeping woman is exploited by all and sundry. Take a closer look to see if you are being used for selfish interests.

For pregnant women

The expectant mother often dreams about the baby developing in the womb. If the flight did not cause negative emotions, then the fetus grows normally. In a different situation, please see a doctor for an examination.

For a man

Soaring in the clouds can be explained by the desire for prosperity. At the same time, the script speaks of laziness, the desire to acquire wealth without work. Does this really happen?

The explanation of the individual scenario lines is as follows:

  1. Diving between rocky mountains is a justifiable risk. Just do everything wisely, don’t expose yourself in vain.
  2. Flying with the wind on a hang glider means success in business. Against the flow - to a tense struggle.
  3. Flying among wires - to the machinations of enemies; if you get confused, you will fall into a trap.
  4. The destroyed city below recommends that you be more careful in your duties. Otherwise, management will get angry and punish or fire you.

Single guy seeing a girl on a broom is a sign of temptation. Reconsider your attitude towards beauties and other provoking factors. They obviously want to get you online, rob you, and slander you. Married man a dream of a witch in a mortar warns against love affairs. Loyalty, believe me, will be highly appreciated.

Video with author's interpretation:

Islamic dream book

Traveling by air prophesies real travel. But it all depends on the nuances:

  1. If you find yourself above the clouds on a magic carpet, you will gain well-deserved power (a position, for example).
  2. Being a passenger in a helicopter or airplane means rapid turns and unexpected events. Feeling calm during a flight is a good thing; fall, panic - to trouble.
  3. Finding wings and flying from one roof to another means marriage and improving relationships with your spouse.
  4. If you fly, waving your arms, you will be known as a sage. But if you feel superior to people, then you will slide down to the social bottom.
  5. To take off, not the name of wings, means to fulfill a dream.
  6. Landing on something means acquiring property. For example, if you sit on a building, buy an apartment and inherit it.
  7. Soaring next to the souls of the dead, fairies, and angels speaks of the end of anxiety and the onset of prosperity.
  8. For a woman, flying on a stick prophesies the reliable shoulder of a faithful companion. A man gets the poor man's share.

Muslim sages consider a flying head to be a negative sign. The dreamer is immersed in empty dreams and is wasted on ineffective goals. If they took off and disappeared into space, then a hard blow of fate is coming.

Tsvetkov's opinion

It is very important to remember what exactly allowed us to rise above the surface of the planet:

  1. Black wings - disappointment in a lover.
  2. White - luck in the heart, business sphere.
  3. A hot air balloon with a basket is a romantic trip.
  4. Parachute - a feeling of protection.
  5. Inflatable ball- missed opportunities.
  6. Carpet is an idle pastime.
  7. An airplane is the successful completion of a commercial operation.
  8. Old corn farmer - problems, bad road.
  9. Sputnik - steep career growth.
  10. An airship is a forward, calm movement according to a planned plan.
  11. Spacecraft- huge opportunities. Try to notice them.
  12. A flying city is a sign of moving due to forced circumstances.

A long-distance flight means worries, a long wait for results; very high - unreasonable ambitions. Going to the moon in a UFO with aliens is an amazing event. If the flying saucer made a successful landing, you will be happy about what happened.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian seer seriously examined night flying. It reflects the excitement of the soul and gives an important signal to the consciousness of the sleeper.

The situations analyzed by Vangelia are as follows:

  1. Swimming in the air, accomplished with the hands, means dissatisfaction and limitations.
  2. Flying over a cemetery means death in the family. For a girl - for the matchmaking of a widower.
  3. If it is dark around, then you will find yourself in a hopeless situation.
  4. Soared in the light of the moon - to bliss; under the bright rays of the sun - fortunately.
  5. A flying coffin dreams of spiritual revelations. Gain knowledge that will help you climb the social ladder.

Soaring people - to a profitable acquaintance: man - cooperation; woman - love; child girl - a happy occasion; boy - chores; pregnant - win.

I dreamed that your house flew to another city, you know it’s time to pack your luggage. The dream symbolizes a natural disaster that forces you to move to another place.

Freud's book

The psychoanalyst is known for the originality of his interpretations, based on the deepest instincts of people. Regarding his own flight, he writes:

  1. The guy is worried about his own sexual function, while at the same time being proud of its power.
  2. A woman secretly wishes to become a man. An unfulfilled desire may push her towards lesbian games.

A snake hovering nearby prophesies an unsuccessful sexual encounter. The partner will flatly refuse to acknowledge the dreamer’s masculine strength. For a woman, such a plot predicts a lover with inexhaustible potential.

To see someone of a different gender flying means to enter into a relationship with a new acquaintance. Flying up with your arms open is a desire to have multiple connections, a sign of constant dissatisfaction in bed.

Dream Interpretation Enigma

This source reveals the meaning of the experienced sensation:

  1. Freedom and ease of flight signals the favor of fate, a life full of interesting events.
  2. Air movement as fast as a shot is delayed.
  3. If you made an effort to flutter around, change your plans. So far the likelihood of success is minimal.
  4. Soared up sharply - free yourself from the boring personality pulling you down to sins.

Enigma contains separate hints for groups of sleepers:

  1. Children's sleep speaks of the growth of the body. Can be used up to 20 years.
  2. Mature dreamers should tune in to success and luck.
  3. The elderly are approaching the end of their earthly journey. Enjoy your old age with wonderful experiences.
  4. Patients will experience another crisis, after which there will be radical relief.

The meaning of flying together (with mother, husband, loved one)

Plots in which other people appear are interpreted somewhat differently. Interpretations are given according to who the sleeping person fluttered with (or observed):

  1. Strangers- slander, troubles, human ingratitude.
  2. Mother- plan a joint business, joy.
  3. Father rushes above the ground - business activity will reward you with satisfaction.
  4. Parents together- they bless their child.
  5. Grandmother, grandfather- they call you to another world.
  6. Husband- fidelity, gifts.
  7. Wife- will make you happy with an important message.
  8. Favorite guy- will make an offer.
  9. Dead- angelic support.
  10. Young woman V men's dreams predicts a stormy fleeting romance.

Flying, dancing, singing in the heights - the most best sign. Get your dream on a silver platter. But to stop feeling the wings behind your back means to lose the opportunity to advance and develop.

Finding yourself under the ceiling in a dream - why?

Suddenly finding yourself at the surface that limits the room from above means several things at the same time:

  1. Hanging from the ceiling of a room means happily getting rid of a boring problem.
  2. Loitering around a bright apartment, easily avoiding obstacles is an inspiring sign. The soul has awakened and longs for development.
  3. Difficult flying in a low, darkened space - to uncertainty, doubts.
  4. Flying under the circus dome is a sign of laughter. Some problem that worries you excessively will be resolved in an unexpected way. It turns out that it was in vain that they paid great attention to her.

Preparing a home levitation experience means that the dreamer's ambition conflicts with limited experience. There is not enough strength to push through the goal announced today.

Become like a bird in a dream: correct interpretation

Very often the sleeper, looking for a description of the picture he has seen, compares himself to winged creatures. This fact has found its explanation. If you were a bird in the astral space, then take an interest in the interpretations:

  1. Dove- heavenly protection, good news.
  2. Budgerigar - gossip continues to swirl around your name.
  3. Voronoi- gaining wisdom.
  4. Seagull- a rebellious soul does not want peace.
  5. Eagle- amazing elevation.
  6. Swan- fidelity, constancy of feelings.
  7. Peacock- bragging will not lead to good.
  8. Sparrow- you will get confused in words.
  9. Rooster- you will find yourself in a stupid position.
  10. Swallow- the right choice of vocation.

Soaring like a bumblebee means you can easily endure everyday stress. Like a beetle flying from one hummock to another, irritability will let you down. Check your documents.

Dream about flying objects

The fantasies of dreams are limitless. The deciphering of the object that allowed us to find ourselves in the skies also gives food for thought:

  1. The broom is the implementation of the sleeping woman’s insidious plan.
  2. A machine is the ability to use circumstances to your advantage.
  3. Ship, boat - draw strength from your own hopes.
  4. Star - a feeling of loneliness, the need for mutual understanding.
  5. Sitting on a chair means occupying a higher position.
  6. Umbrella - absence of adversity.
  7. Icon - difficulties that are overcome with the help of loved ones.
  8. Household appliances- acquisition.
  9. Pillow, bed - you will encounter extravagant, incomprehensible events.
  10. Elevator - enrichment in a previously unknown way.
  11. Broom is a scandal.
  12. Motorcycle, bicycle - the goal is rapidly approaching.
  13. Bus, other types of vehicles - quick fulfillment of a small desire.
  14. Bungee, swing - immersion in childhood dreams, pleasant memories.
  15. Cat - gossipers will incriminate themselves.
  16. Mice (ground) - a thief will take advantage of your frivolity.
  17. Penguin - to peace of mind, receiving the protection of an important person.
  18. Cow - money, bonus.
  19. Turtle - something that was previously standing will move from its place.
  20. Keith - benefits from a long-distance business trip.
  21. Squirrel - fast news.
  22. Trees are an unusual adventure.
  23. Hornet, mosquitoes, moths, caterpillars, cockroaches - a nuisance.

A beautiful butterfly flutters - innocent joys will improve your mood. And if a witch took the bride away from the groom in a dream, then you need to become more kind to your loved ones. Nothing lasts forever. Relatives are not obliged to endure the bad mood of the sleeping woman all the time.

Video with fortune telling about the meaning of sleep, 4 options:

  • Flying on straw is a misfortune for yourself.
  • On the grass - get joy from a friend.
  • On the street - separation from my wife.
  • Flying in a dream can portend happiness ( your future exaltation), the thirst for power, born of an inferiority complex, the oppression of unfulfilled desires, including sexual ones.
  • Self-knowledge in flight is evidence of a deep immersion in one’s unconscious, a symbol of a person’s deceptive ideas about his free will and ability to control himself.
  • Flying in the air in the middle of the day means harming someone through your frivolity.
  • Flying up and down alternately is a lot of work, a symbol of your good intentions.
  • To fly from one object to another with a joyful feeling - you should be more confident in yourself and less afraid of people.
  • To fly upward - there is work ahead.
  • To fly down means repentance awaits, awareness of the danger generated by your activity.”
  • To feel within yourself the opportunity to fly and to try successfully is to overestimate your physical capabilities; awakening in you new physical powers that may be dangerous to your health.
  • Flying through the air with a feeling of fear is a serious failure in your career / discord between your will and reason.
  • Flying in the form of an angel or in some transformed form means languor, danger to life or thoughts of death; close age limit of your life.
  • Flying high and barely seeing the ground - wealth, happiness, attraction to a purely spiritual life.
  • Flying over the mountains means overcoming an obstacle.
  • Over calm sea flying - danger to life; dangers threaten you in your spiritual development.
  • Flying over a dark and stormy sea is a great harm.
  • Flying over the valley is everyday happiness.
  • Flying over a wild forest means impatience, danger from too much, unreasonably directed energy.
  • Flying over the city - living, immersed in dreams; poetic vocation, dreams of glory.
  • Flying across a river is an awakening of self-awareness, the ability to control oneself, or an ardent desire for this.
  • Daytime flights most often symbolize everyday circumstances or your readiness to fight them.
  • Night flights, flights at dusk or at dawn - strange phenomena in spiritual life.
  • Flying in the moonlight is a hope for happiness, a powerful awakening of supernatural powers in you.
  • Soaring among the stars, having no idea where the earth is, is a dream that arose amid hard work, when the spirit draws strength from unconsciousness.
  • Among the clouds is a thirst for glory.
  • Flying on a bed is strange and unexpected turns fate, something extravagant and supernatural will burst into your life.
  • Flying on an object that you specifically conjure for this purpose means drawing strength from your own hopes.
  • Flying, lying or sitting on the back of an animal - it is beneficial to use the capabilities and characteristics of your character, knowledge of your self.
  • Flying through the air with children, girls, teenagers means a thirst for mutual understanding, a feeling of loneliness.
  • To soar modestly through the air with your beloved person is to yearn for her.
  • To see a naked woman flying or flying naked men and women - the smoke of lust surrounds you.
  • Flying somewhere with a lot of people is your thirst for freedom and independence / a social disaster.
  • Gathering in flocks with flying people means yearning for like-minded people, not having them.
  • A relative is flying in the sky - a danger to his life or freedom.

Briefly about the main thing

Flying in a dream means successfully completing an important project or receiving an unexpected invitation to work in real life. Also, such a dream foreshadows improved relationships with close relatives.

Interpretations of a dream about flying depending on the details

Depending on how to fly in a dream:

  • without wings - to unexpected wealth;
  • quickly - to a chance meeting during vacation;
  • strange - to the appearance of an obsessive admirer/fan;
  • long - to resentment of relatives;
  • consciously - towards career growth;
  • beautiful - to a pleasant surprise;
  • independently - to improve relations with neighbors;
  • easy - to help a stranger;
  • lying on your back - to an unexpected change in vacation plans;
  • by the power of thought - to a quarrel with relatives over money;
  • high above the ground - to reconciliation with a friend;
  • low - to the successful implementation of an important project.

Depending on what you fly over in a dream:

  • above the pool - to meet old friends;
  • over a body of water - to win a large sum;
  • above the waves - to travel abroad;
  • over the mountains - to deterioration of health;
  • over dirt - to fulfillment of desire;
  • over the road - for a long business trip;
  • above the ground - to unsuccessful correction of mistakes made in the work;
  • above the roofs - to loss of reputation;
  • over the sea - for a trip to an exotic country;
  • over the lake - to meet an unpleasant person;
  • over the field - to improve relations with parents;
  • over the abyss - an invitation to visit;
  • over the grass - to gossip in the work team;
  • over flowers - to financial problems;
  • over the river - to illness.

Depending on who you fly with in a dream:

  • together with a boy - to successful negotiations;
  • with your husband - for a romantic date;
  • with a friend - to get rid of a bad habit;
  • with a loved one - to resentment on his part;
  • with a guy - to easily overcome difficulties;
  • with dad - to promotion;
  • with the deceased - to mutual understanding with people around him;
  • with a friend - unlucky family life.

Depending on when to fly in a dream:

  • during the day - to a fight;
  • in winter - to fatigue;
  • at night - to the appearance of a faithful friend.

Depending on what you fly in a dream:

  • on the carpet - to a long-term illness;
  • on the bed - to quickly achieve your goal.

Depending on where to fly in a dream:

  • to the sun - to the betrayal of a loved one during a business trip.

Depending on what you fly in in a dream:

  • in boots - to the appearance of a gossip among colleagues.

Depending on where to fly in a dream:

  • in the apartment - to a meeting with a celebrity;
  • in the forest - to receive an expensive gift;
  • indoors - bad news.

Depending on the actions in the dream e:

  • flying in the rain and landing means trouble for you loved one.

Depending on who dreamed of flying:

  • for an unmarried girl - to meet her future husband;
  • for a pregnant woman - to an easy birth;
  • for a married woman - to participate in a financial adventure;
  • for a man - to problems with the law.

TOP 2 negative values

  1. Flying on a broom symbolizes separation from a loved one.
  2. With the help of wings- to loss of reputation.

TOP 2 positive values

  1. Fly low over houses dreams of successful investment of personal funds.
  2. Over the night city- to get an interesting job.

Do you want your dream to come true?


If you want the dream not to come true, share the interpretation on social media. networks

Why do you dream of flying according to Miller’s dream book?

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream can promise an unhappy family life.

Additional dream interpretations:

  • dreaming of flying over the water and admiring the waves means there is a risk of getting injured at home;
  • above the city - for the arrival of guests;
  • and fall - to demotion.

For men:

  • a married man dreams of flying as a sign of a lucrative offer from competitors;
  • for a divorced person - to participate in court proceedings;
  • for the groom - to a quarrel with friends before the wedding.

For women:

  • for a virgin - to misunderstanding in a relationship with a guy;
  • for a woman who is married - to a quarrel with her parents over moving to another country;
  • for the bride - for the arrival of distant relatives.

Video about why you dream of flying

What does it mean when you dream of flying, according to Freud’s dream book?

Transcripts from Freud's dream book:

  • dreaming of flying alone means a deterioration in your financial situation;
  • together with a colleague - to conflicts with the manager;
  • with a friend - to the emergence of an additional source of income;
  • with a brother/sister - to financial dependence on loved ones.

For women:

  • if such a dream is repeated constantly, then in reality a sharp deterioration in one’s financial situation is possible.

Vanga's Dream Book

Good to know

According to Vanga’s dream book, such a dream may foreshadow friendship with a hypocritical person.

For men:

  • a man who is married dreams of flying to indicate a change in professional activity;
  • single - to intimate intimacy with a friend.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book:

  • dreaming of taking off and flying over the roof of a house means an unexpected call;
  • over the city - to business losses;
  • over the forest - to a profitable offer from competitors;
  • over the sea - to organizing a profitable business.

Loff's Dream Book

According to Loff's dream book, such a dream may mean the need to abandon the implementation of the plan.

  • dreaming of flying low above the ground means going on vacation with your loved one;
  • and spinning - to increase authority;
  • flying and landing on the sand means financial well-being.

For men:

  • if such a dream is repeated often, then this means the appearance of a young fan.

For women:

  • dreams of flying with a child for promotion wages;
  • with an adult - to a pleasant acquaintance;
  • one - to recovery.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

According to Hasse’s dream book, such a dream foreshadows love experiences.

For men:

  • dreaming of flying and waving your arms means a scandal with your neighbors.

For women:

  • hovering over the body of a deceased person - to experiences without reason and the appearance of a feeling of fear.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus’ dream book, such a dream is a sign of positive changes in your personal life.

For men:

  • To fly yourself and see how others are taught is a dream of creative success.

For women:

  • jumping and taking off - to the unexpected arrival of relatives;
  • running and flying with a child means improved health;
  • learning to fly on a broom means a lover will appear.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Important to know

According to Meneghetti's dream book, such a dream predicts the loss of a large sum.

For men:

  • if you dreamed that you were flying and trying not to fall, then in reality you will have to solve the problems of a loved one.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

For men:

  • dreaming of running away from enemies and taking off means financial support from a relative;
  • jumping and taking off - to mutual understanding with your loved one.

For women:

  • A girl may dream of flying and a feeling of weightlessness as a sign of an invitation to a wedding to a loved one.

Azar's Dream Book

For men:

  • dreams of flying away from a friend means the emergence of new business partners;
  • flying and trying to land means conflicts with the child due to his reluctance to learn.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

According to Kananita's dream book, such a dream may foreshadow the appearance of a rival in his personal life.

For men:

  • levitation on high altitude dreams of an invitation to an interview.

For women:

  • flying over the sea means vain worries in reality due to moving to another city.

Dream Interpretation Veles

For men:

  • dreams of flying into the sky signify the appearance of a young fan.

For women:

  • to fly and feel weightlessness - to the news of the death of a loved one.

Aesop's Dream Book

According to Aesop's dream book, such a dream foreshadows falling in love with your boss.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

For women:

  • Running after a child and taking off with him means a quarrel with your parents.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

According to the dream book of Catherine the Great, such a dream can foreshadow an important event.

For women:

  • dreaming of flying low above the ground means hard physical labor;
  • high - for a trip to an exotic country.

Dream book of healer Akulina

For men:

  • a young man dreams of flying while sitting at the beginning of a long period of failures at work;
  • lying down - to well-deserved praise.

For women:

  • dreams of learning to fly indicate the opportunity to quickly realize your plans;
  • but not being able to land will lead to gossip in the female part of the team.

English dream book

According to English dream book, such a dream predicts committing a vile act and regret.

Additional transcripts:

  • dreaming of flying over houses means meeting a person who will mean a lot in the near future;
  • over the fields - to severe fatigue;
  • over the mountains - to depression.

French dream book

By French dream book, such a dream portends a good event and the receipt of long-awaited news.

For men:

  • dreaming of hovering over a school means successful negotiations;
  • a dream in which you learned to fly, but did not know how to land, predicts problems due to frivolity.

Assyrian dream book

For women:

  • if you dreamed that you were hovering over the bed, then this signifies the appearance of an influential patron.

Modern dream book

According to the Modern Dream Book, such a dream promises difficulties in communicating with relatives.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

According to Phoebe's Great Dream Book, dreams of flying indicate a nervous breakdown.

For women:

  • to dream that you are flying with a parachute - to the implementation of a creative project and the discovery of new abilities;
  • tied to a building - to the cancellation of plans and depression.

Chinese dream book

Important to know

By Chinese dream book, such a dream may portend an increase in wages and successful business expansion.

Additional image decryption:

  • dreams of flying with friends to the envy of others;
  • with a loved one - to parting with him in reality;
  • alone - to the illness of children.

Muslim dream book

According to Muslim dream book, dreams of flying indicate vain attempts to shift responsibility to your spouse.

Islamic dream book

According to the Islamic dream book, such a dream foreshadows grief in the family.

Russian dream book

According to the Russian Dream Book, such a dream promises joy and fun.

For men:

  • if you dreamed that you were running and flying with your children, then this is a sign of repayment of debts.

Slavic dream book

By Slavic dream book, such a dream foreshadows attempts by envious people to ruin your reputation.

Ukrainian dream book

According to Ukrainian dream book, such a dream predicts difficulties in communicating with children.

For men:

  • if you dreamed that you learned to fly, then this is a lucrative offer from your competitors.

Family dream book

According to the Family Dream Book, dreams of flying indicate the resumption of old business ties.

Esoteric dream book

Transcripts from the Esoteric Dream Book:

  • dreaming of flying on a magic carpet symbolizes travel;
  • on a dragon - to a profitable purchase of household appliances;
  • independently - to the successful implementation of an original idea.

Love dream book

Important to know

According to the Love Dream Book, you dream of flying to quickly achieve your goal.

Dream book by numbers: interpretation table

Day of the monthInterpretation
1 To fulfill a child's wish
2 To deterioration of health
3 To the emergence of a new hobby
4 To purchasing a pet
5 To change professional activities
6 To being deceived by colleagues
7 To loneliness
8 To a successful investment of personal funds
9 To perform low-paid work
10 To unrequited love
11 To success with the opposite sex
12 To great shock
13 To the emergence of an influential patron
14 To an unexpected business trip
15 To recovery
16 Towards depression
17 To conflict with the boss
18 To a long illness
19 To quickly overcome difficulties
20 To deterioration of health
21 To a bad mood
22 Towards poverty
23 To the good news
24 To cancel vacation plans
25 To a pleasant surprise
26 To betrayal by a loved one
27 To a successful trip abroad
28 To an invitation to a date
29 To misunderstandings in relations with relatives
30 To resign at your own request
31 Receiving a refusal to help

Dream book for women

For women:

  • dreams of flying dangerously low above the ground foretells the appearance of large debts;
  • over the fire - to deception on the part of your best friend;
  • over the cemetery - to meet an old acquaintance.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • dreaming of flying alone means a successful marriage;
  • with a friend - to the need to make a difficult choice;
  • with a brother/sister - to success in matters related to creativity or trade.

Lunar dream book

Interpretations from the Lunar Dream Book:

  • on a full moon, you dream of flying to support friends in a difficult situation;
  • on a new moon - to the emergence of a profitable hobby;
  • on the waxing Moon - to problems due to a dangerous rival/rival;
  • decreasing - to obtain valuable information.

Intimate dream book

According to the Intimate Dream Book, such a dream predicts an invitation to a date.

Winter dream book

Interpretations according to the Winter Dream Book:

  • In the morning, you dream of flying to make the right decision;
  • in the afternoon - to open your own business;
  • in the evening - to the help of friends;
  • at night - to sad events.

Summer dream book

By Summer dream book, such a dream foreshadows a nervous breakdown at work.

Autumn dream book

For women:

  • the bride dreams of flying to indicate pregnancy from a loved one;
  • for an unmarried woman - an invitation to a date;
  • divorced - to meet her ex-husband.

For men:

  • demonstrating the ability to fly to your beloved girl - to mutual understanding in a relationship;
  • levitate with her - for the wedding.

Home dream book

According to the Home Dream Book:

  • dreams of taking off from a place with the help of friends;
  • jumping - for the wedding;
  • running away from someone - to a pleasant meeting with relatives.

Creative dream book

According to the Creative Dream Book, such a dream can foreshadow the illness and death of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

According to the dream book of the Subconscious, dreams of flying indicate the need to put a lot of effort into solving a problem.

Dream interpretation by days of the week

Interpretations from the dream book by day of the week:

  • on Monday you dream of flying as a sign of committing a rash act;
  • on Tuesday - for bargains;
  • on Wednesday - to an increase in wages;
  • on Thursday - to an office romance;
  • on Friday - to the betrayal of a loved one;
  • on Saturday - to the news of the death of a distant relative;
  • on Sunday - to help a friend.

Video about why you dream of flying

Posted on the channel “HoroscopeVideo – Horoscope for today”.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

by air - road, achievements (depending on height); very high - false ambitions; far away - love experiences, as well as a long wait; in heaven - happiness (for the healthy), death (for the sick); see Airplane.

I dreamed of an airplane

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing an airplane in a dream means a favorable conclusion to some commercial affairs. An airplane accident promises you many new plans that will bring chaos and anxiety into your life.

Ball in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

To see in a dream a fireball flying towards the Earth - such a dream indicates that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite that will bring destruction to our planet. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies misfortune. If you dreamed about the globe, then this dream means that our planet is in real danger. Moreover, this danger does not come from outside, but lies within the people themselves. The whole point is that the population of the planet has completely forgotten that we live on a fragile star and life itself has been given to us from above. It seems to each specific country, even each person, that he is stronger than others, and therefore the most important desire is the desire to prove to the whole world his own superiority with the help of weapons and violence. Seeing a huge dark ball approaching the Earth in a dream is a sign that the Earth is threatened by an environmental disaster and it will happen due to the emissions that poison the air from various factories. The time will come when a gray cloud will descend on Earth and people will experience a greater need for air. If in a dream you saw a luminous ball on the surface of the Earth, then such a dream prophesies a visit to the Earth by living beings from another planet, who will come into contact with earthlings and tell them a lot of new and interesting things. Such a dream warns the dreamer that in the future he will encounter something hitherto unknown to him, which will cause him great fear. Running away from a fireball in a dream is an omen of a terrible war. Perhaps this will be the third world war, in which many countries of the world will be involved. Such a dream tells the dreamer that he will personally suffer great losses in the war, and maybe even will take an active part in this terrible life-and-death battle.

Why do you dream about a ball?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Why do you dream about wings?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

see - well-being.

I dreamed about wings

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you have wings suggests that you will experience mortal fear for the safety of a person who has left you on a long journey. Seeing the wings of birds or chickens means that you will ultimately overcome all troubles and adversities and rise to honor and wealth.

Flying in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Flight – good emotions, freedom, independence. To see yourself flying in a dream means that in reality you are striving for freedom and independence. In the near future you will have such an opportunity. If in a dream you fall during a flight, then in reality you will have to overcome obstacles and solve problems. A dream in which you are flying outer space, means that in reality you are too carried away by your fantasies and do not notice the events happening around you.

I dreamed of flying

according to Miller's dream book

In a dream, flying in the boundless expanse of heaven promises an unhappy marriage. If you dream that you are flying low above the ground, this promises you illness or a difficult situation. Hovering over the surface of the water and seeing that the water is cloudy foreshadows the machinations of ill-wishers: you need to be careful in managing your personal affairs. Flying over ruins means unfortunately, sad circumstances. If at the same time you see greenery and trees here and there, this means that your troubles will not last long. If, while flying, you see the sun, this means that your worries will be in vain, life will improve, despite the constant threat of evil. Fly high in the sky, meeting the Moon and others on the way celestial bodies, - promises troubles for the whole earth. While in flight, noticing black wings behind your back is a sign of bitter disappointment. A favorable dream is in which you soar over green crowns and see white wings behind your back: the dream promises good luck in business and happy love. But if you fly over withered trees, fate will prepare trials for you on the path to success. Falling during a flight promises great misfortune, unless you wake up at the moment of your fall. If a woman dreams that she flies from one city to another, landing from time to time on church roofs, this dream foretells that she has a lot to do in order to protect her love from hypocritical people. This dream sometimes poses a threat to her health or her loved ones. If she dreams that she was shot while flying, this means that in reality her ill-wishers will create obstacles for her, preventing her from advancing to success and prosperity.

Seeing an airplane in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Fly on an airplane. Such a dream can be both ordinary and indicative, since some people are calm about flying, while others are terrified of it. For example, all football fans in America know that the famous commentator John Madden never flies on planes - he travels around the country by bus. Many share his fears, although at night they may well dream of flying. In this case, it is an attempt to overcome irrational fears. Airplane flights are full of adventure for a sleeper. The feeling of intoxicating delight is usually caused either by the flight itself, or by the dizzying speed and awareness of how much air travel allows you to bring the most remote corners of the earth closer together. You may also experience anxious anxiety when you think about potential dangers associated with flying, such as hijacking. At the same time, it is possible that you will cope brilliantly with the situation. Fly an airplane. Possible here various options visions of yourself or someone else as a pilot. Are you confident in yourself both in your dreams and in reality? If you are flying a plane, it means that you will be able to keep the situation under control in reality. If the plane gets into an accident and breaks down, it means that you do not feel confident enough in life and, as it seems to you, do not meet the requirements. Who is on board the plane? In real life, you are responsible for these people, you have certain obligations to them, and your control of the aircraft shows how successfully you cope with your responsibilities. Which feeling - confidence or increased responsibility for the fate of people - prevails when flying an airplane? How do other passengers react to your presence - do they accept you, ignore you, or despise you?

The meaning of a dream about an airplane

according to Freud's dream book

Flying on an airplane in a dream - it seems to you that your life today is something like a draft, which can then be rewritten completely. At the same time, for some reason you do not take into account the fact that you only have one life, and the years fly by at a terrible speed. Think about it at your leisure. Seeing a trace left by an airplane in the sky in a dream means that you will soon lose what is very important to you now. But the most offensive thing will be that you yourself will make every effort to ensure that everything is fine. Probably, your “other half” will want to unwind “on the side”.

Why do you dream about an airplane?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fulfillment of desires, fulfillment of claims; you control it yourself - a sudden change with the fulfillment of desires, if there was no catastrophe; fly as a passenger - lead from afar; to fly to the place is short happiness.

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