What documents are issued during academic leave? Required package of documents. Academic leave for financial reasons

When studying at a higher educational institution, in exceptional cases, a student can take out an academic leave (AO). To provide it there are their own certain rules. They are regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation No. 2782 dated November 5, 1998. It provides not only the definition of the very concept of joint-stock company, but also the grounds and procedure for obtaining it.

Grounds for obtaining JSC

The reasons why a student wants to get an AO must be quite compelling. The rector makes the decision educational institution, therefore, there must be compelling justifications that are designed to convince management of the need for temporary suspension from school.

The grounds for the request are:

  • medical indications (including pregnancy);
  • other exceptional cases.

The latter reasons include:

  • family circumstances;
  • trip abroad for educational purposes;
  • natural disasters (floods, hurricanes, war, etc.);
  • undergoing an internship that is not provided for by the university curriculum.

Family circumstances

Family circumstances include the following situations:

  • (provided for care of a child whose age is not more than three years). It is worth considering that if both parents, father and mother, are students, then both of them can apply to take the JSC.
  • Caring for sick relatives in a situation where there are no other family members nearby.
  • Unforeseen financial difficulties.

It is also worth noting the deferment from the army. If it is the first time taken at the university, the student has the right to receive a temporary suspension from studies.

Documents for applying for academic leave for family reasons

Providing academic leave students are unable to do so without submitting the appropriate documents indicating the reason. The latter must be indicated in the application submitted to the dean's office by students for consideration by the rector. In this case, it is necessary to attach documents confirming the difficult situation.

If an academic leave from the university is taken, the student must submit a copy of his birth certificate. If constant supervision is required for any close relative, then a certificate from the appropriate one should be shown. It should indicate not only the diagnosis of the patient, but also the need for daily care. Here it is recommended to attach a certificate of family composition, according to which it will be clear that the student is the only person capable of looking after a relative.

Documents for registration of academic leave for other reasons

If you take an academic leave from the university, the reasons for it are a deterioration in your financial situation and the inability to pay for tuition, then the corresponding document must be submitted. If the family’s income has sharply decreased (for example, due to job cuts), then you need to show a certificate of family income.

If a student takes academic leave from the university for long-term treatment of any illness, then this reason should be confirmed by a medical certificate from a clinical expert commission.

Receiving education abroad must also be confirmed by relevant documents, thanks to which a temporary interruption of studies is carried out.

If you decide to get a joint stock company, you should carefully prepare all the documents. They must be formatted correctly and correctly state the essence of the issue. This is the main aspect of considering a request with a positive decision.

Nuances of academic leave

Both full-time and part-time students can take the AO. After receiving a positive decision on a temporary interruption of studies, a certificate is issued with information about courses attended, lectures, seminars completed, grades for exams and tests. Having this document in hand, the student can be reinstated in another university for a similar specialty.

It is impossible for a student to issue an academic leave if he or she has any debts on passing exams and tests. During an interruption in studies, hostel accommodation is not provided and no scholarship is awarded.

If a student is studying in a paid department, then no money is charged for academic leave. If a large amount was previously deposited, it is transferred to the next course.

Academic leave usually lasts 12 months, but can be extended if necessary. During the entire period of study, AO is provided to the student once.

Thus, it is possible for a student to take an academic leave from the university, but for this it is necessary to correctly justify the reason for interrupting his studies. You should also prepare the relevant documents.

If health conditions or existing family circumstances temporarily do not allow a student to continue his studies, then according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, he is allowed to go to academia. The procedure for granting academic leave is strictly regulated. If leaving for an academy is due to illness, then academic leave is issued on the basis of three medical certificates: this is a certificate of form 095/y, a certificate of form 027/y and a conclusion from the EEC with recommendations for granting academic leave for health reasons.

When young people start their studies, they do not expect to interrupt it. To study for 5 years and get a diploma is their goal. But no one is immune from the occurrence of force majeure. And if they happen, and you need to interrupt your studies for a while, the student needs to get an academic leave. Not every student is familiar with the concept of academic leave. But even if he has heard something, it often happens that the student does not know at all why he can be taken, what documents are needed for this, and how to even proceed with applying for academic leave.

In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about academic leave: what conditions must be met in order to qualify for it and what documents are required for this. To apply for academic leave rather than be refused, you need compelling, valid and convincing reasons.

Academic leave is time provided to students of higher and secondary technical educational institutions to solve health problems or in any other exceptional cases.

Firstly, you need to clearly decide whether you are taking an academic degree because of a truly critical situation or there are no apparent reasons for this, and you just want to take a break from studying for a while.

Let's consider the first situation.

Academic leave to a student, according to the existing legislation of the Russian Federation, is granted for 2 reasons: medical indications and family circumstances. The first reason (medical indications) is your health condition. This includes a sudden onset or re-exacerbation of an illness or a serious injury. Academic leave is also granted in connection with pregnancy or childbirth. The second reason (family circumstances) is caring for a young child, caring for a seriously ill relative, caring for elderly parents if they need constant supervision. Another reason that can be included in the second group is the state of your financial situation.

Any of the above reasons when applying for academic leave must be documented.

The procedure for granting academic leave is strictly regulated. You must write in your own hand and submit to your office educational institution an application addressed to the rector for granting you academic leave. The application must indicate the exact reason why you need academic leave and attach supporting documents to it. If an academician is taken for medical reasons, then these must be the following medical certificates: a certificate in form 095 y - this is a certificate of temporary incapacity for work, a medical certificate in form 027 y (discharge summary) and a CEC conclusion confirming the need for academic leave. An EEC conclusion is not needed if you are taking academic leave for pregnancy and childbirth; in this case, a certificate from the antenatal clinic is provided. In the case of academic leave to care for a patient - medical certificates for the patient, for child care - his birth certificate. If you have a difficult financial situation, you will need certificates of your parents’ salaries from their place of work and a certificate from the social security authorities confirming the status of your family as low-income.

After you submit an application for academic leave with an attachment confirming the need for documents, you can only wait for the decision of the management of the educational institution. If the result is positive, you will be given academic leave and discharged academic certificate. It will indicate the subjects that you have already listened to, the number of hours, as well as the grades given for all the disciplines studied.

The period of academic leave is determined differently in each specific case. Usually it lasts from six months to a year; if necessary, it can be extended for a year if convincing reasons and documents supporting them are presented. The period of academic leave to care for a child can range from 1 to 6 years.

What advantages does academic leave give a student in addition to the free time from studying?

Nonresident students are provided with accommodation in a dormitory for the entire duration of their academic leave. If an academician is registered for health reasons, then in this case compensation is provided in the amount of 50% of the established minimum wage (a stipend is not paid during academic leave).

Deteriorating health and other extenuating circumstances force a student to take an academic leave, a kind of leave of absence for one year, after which he can continue his studies at a university. We will tell you about each of the reasons to take an academic leave and explain what documents in a particular case need to be submitted to the dean’s office.

For what reason can a student take a leave of absence?

Academic leave for medical reasons

If you have any serious problems with health (chronic or frequent illnesses, injuries), you have the right to take academic leave by providing a doctor’s certificate. Academic leave for medical reasons is also issued during pregnancy. In this case, you must bring to the dean’s office a certificate of a normal pregnancy of more than 24 weeks or a pathological pregnancy of any period.

Medical indications are the only reason that gives a 100% right to academic leave. The university considers other valid reasons and makes its decision.

Academic leave due to conscription into reserve service

In this case, the student must provide the dean's office with a certificate from the district (city) military commissariat. The duration of academic leave will correspond to the period specified in the certificate.

Other valid reasons

Academic leave for financial reasons

A student can apply for academic leave if he cannot pay tuition fees under the contract. This situation can be caused by the illness or death of the breadwinner, a natural disaster, catastrophe, fire or other objective circumstances. The reason for receiving academic leave may simply be the difficult financial situation of the student or his family.By the way, academic leave for financial reasonsgranted no earlier than after successful completion of the first year of study).

Here are a few more reasons for taking academic leave that are considered valid:

    The need to constantly care for a sick relative (father, mother, child). In this case, you need to confirm the validity of the reason with relevant documents (conclusion from a healthcare organization and birth certificate).

    Studying at a foreign university in the direction of the university.

    Preparation and participation in national teams of Belarus in official championships and international competitions.

How long is a sabbatical leave?

Academic can be taken for no more than a year for the entire period of study. If you leave in the first semester, leave is granted from the date of application until September 1 of the following year. Are you taking academics in the second semester? Then you will be given leave until February 1 of the next year.

How to get academic leave?

You need to go to the dean's office and write a statement. If necessary, attach documents to it. Next, the dean’s office will submit your application for consideration to the rector, who will decide whether to grant academic leave or not.

How to return to university after academic leave?

When the academic leave comes to an end, it will be necessary to submit an application to the dean's office addressed to the rector for return from leave. If academic leave was granted for medical reasons, the application must be accompanied by a doctor’s statement that your health allows you to continue studying at the university.

Other leaves that a student can get

Leave to care for a child until he or she reaches age three years

To receive such leave, you must submit the child’s birth certificate to the university. Interestingly, the father of the child can also receive such leave. In this case, it will be necessary to provide a certificate from the mother’s place of work or study stating that she has not been granted leave to care for the child.

The vacation period is set from the date of application until reaching a child of three years. If the vacation expires in academic year, then, at the request of the parent who is caring for the child, the leave can be extended until the end of the current school year.

Leave to pass military service

Such leave is granted on the basis of a summons issued by the district (city) military commissariat. After leaving service, a former student has the rightwithin one year from the date of dismissal continue studying at the university under the same conditions.

Is it possible to combine vacation and study?

When a student has the desire and opportunity to combine vacation with studying at a university (we are talking about leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of three, leave in connection with military service or service in the reserve), you can additionally submit an application and ask to study at the university on an individual schedule. In this case, the paying student will be required to continue paying for tuition in accordance with the concluded agreement.

If you wanted to take an academic leave, but did not find your reason on the list (“tired of studying”, etc.), we advise you to think: is it worth looking for a reason for taking time off in this case?Try to figure out why you. And move on!

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The right of every student to take an academic leave from a university or other educational organization is fixed at the legislative level. In most cases, obtaining a specialty lasts several years. During this period, various circumstances may arise due to which a person will not be able to attend classes and absorb knowledge properly.

For such situations, the legislator has provided the opportunity to take a break from study.

Concept and legislative regulation

Academic leave is a certain time period that is given to a student upon application to resolve circumstances that have arisen that impede normal study.

Law “On Education” No. 273 establishes the obligation for every student to fully assimilate curriculum, in accordance with his chosen specialty, comply with the rules established in the educational institution.

Thus, every student or graduate student undertakes to attend classes and take part in public life University a. Missing these events is possible due to extenuating circumstances, documented. For example, in case of a short-term illness, the student provides a certificate from a medical institution.

But a citizen may have circumstances that prevent him from attending classes and learning required material for a long time. For such cases, the student is provided with academic leave. Such an exemption can be issued if there is documentary evidence of valid grounds.

This procedure is regulated in detail by Order No. 455 of the Ministry of Education, which establishes the rules for the provision of this measure. This type of exemption from classes is possible only in educational institutions of secondary vocational or higher education in specialties that require long-term training.

If a student takes a course for a period of one year, it makes no sense to arrange such a vacation.

Important! A citizen has the right to apply for this procedure at any time. But it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the training program. If the leave is taken in the middle of the semester, the person will have to go through the program again from the beginning of this time period after returning. If you submit your application after the session, you will not have to re-study.

Reasons for providing

A break is granted if the applicant has the following reasons:

  1. For medical reasons:
    • Due to exacerbation of a chronic disease;
    • Due to the need for surgical intervention;
    • For rehabilitation after injury;
    • If the disease has developed and requires long-term treatment;
    • Due to deterioration in general health requiring restoration.
  2. For family reasons:
    • Due to the loss of parents;
    • For pregnancy and childbirth;
    • Newborn care;
    • Due to the illness of a minor child who is under the care of the applicant;
    • Due to the need to care for a disabled parent or other family member;
  3. For other reasons:
    • In connection with conscription for military service;
    • Due to the need to complete an internship abroad;
    • Due to difficult financial condition;
    • Due to the need to combine work and study;
    • Due to a natural disaster or other emergency.

Regardless of the basis, the applicant must provide documented evidence of the reason why they require a break.

Important! Contrary to popular belief, it is not possible to implement this procedure without good reason. “Academic” is not provided, for example, if a student is trying to avoid expulsion in this way due to poor academic performance or absence from classes.

Registration procedure

The procedure for implementing this procedure is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 455. This regulatory legal act prescribes a break from study if the following documents are available:

  • statements;
  • official paper that confirms the presence of a valid reason.

After submitting the documentation package, the application is reviewed by the dean of the faculty within 10 days. If the request is granted, an order is issued recording the fact of providing rest to the student. In accordance with this document, the citizen is excluded from the lists of the faculty. He will not be able to attend classes or receive other educational services until the end of the time period provided to him.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 455 this type exemption may be granted for a period of not more than two years and an unlimited number of times.

Since an unforeseen situation that would cause a break in studies can happen at any time, there are no restrictions. A 1st year student can also take advantage of the right to take “academic” for 1 semester.

Attention! Despite the fact that the legislation does not contain any prohibitions, a student may be refused due to the presence of debts in disciplines. A break may also be provided with the condition of handing over the “tails” at the end.

The registration procedure and package of papers will vary depending on the valid reason.

For family reasons

The legislation does not specify family circumstances under which the procedure can be implemented. Determining whether a reason is valid is at the discretion of the faculty dean or rector.

If a student plans to take a break due to the illness of a family member or to care for a small child, he must attach supporting documentation to the application. It could be:

  • extract from the patient's card;
  • referral for surgery;
  • document confirming the presence of disability;
  • health certificate;
  • referral for treatment or rehabilitation;
  • other similar documentation.

If it is not possible to obtain a supporting document, the competent authority of the educational institution has the right to release the citizen from study at its discretion.

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For pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the most common reasons for providing an “academy”. To implement the procedure, the student must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Obtain from a gynecologist a certificate of pregnancy in form 095/U.
  2. Submit this paper to the rector's office or dean's office.
  3. Receive a referral for a medical examination.
  4. Visit a medical facility at the place of temporary or permanent residence and submit the following papers:
    • Referral from the university;
    • Student ID;
    • Record book;
    • An extract from the card confirming registration due to pregnancy;
    • Certificate in form 095/U.
  5. Pass medical commission and get a conclusion.
  6. Write an application and attach to it the conclusion of the medical commission.
  7. Wait for the decision of the faculty dean or rector.

Pay attention! At the end of the provided period, academic leave can be extended to 6 years due to the need to care for a child.

For medical reasons

The legislator does not establish a list of diseases and injuries for temporary exemption from study, so in each case the situation is considered separately. In most cases, this measure is provided due to the need for long-term treatment and rehabilitation.

To implement the procedure, the applicant must:

  1. Contact your doctor and get a certificate in form 095/U.
  2. Submit it to the competent department of the university and receive a referral to a medical commission.
  3. Visit the clinic at your place of permanent or temporary residence, providing the following documents:
    • Direction;
    • Student ID and grade book;
    • An extract from the medical card from the attending physician;
    • Certificate in form 095/U;
  4. Get examined and get a conclusion.
  5. Write an application and submit it to the competent department of the university, attaching the commission’s conclusion.

Important! Students who were exempted from studies due to this circumstance are entitled to compensation payments in the amount of 50 rubles monthly. To receive the accrual, you must contact the dean’s office, fill out an application and attach a copy of the order for permission to leave.

Due to conscription for military service

Persons studying full-time are exempt from conscription for military service. However, this rule does not apply to correspondence students. A citizen subject to conscription must undergo all procedures at the military registration and enlistment office, in particular the medical commission, which recognizes him as fit.

After that, he will be given a final summons with a date and a requirement to appear for military service. This document, together with the application, must be submitted to the competent authority of the university a.

After reviewing the papers, the citizen will be allowed to become an “academic” for the duration of his service in the Russian army.

Due to the difficult financial situation

If a student has a severe life situation, as a result of which he or his parents cannot pay for their studies, this can also become a reason for a long-term exemption from classes.

The following documents will help confirm this fact:

  • certificate of family income;
  • paper indicating registration as an unemployed person at the employment center;
  • certificate from the social security service.

If a citizen is under 23 years old and is studying full-time, certificates from social security for parents who have financial problems can be attached. You will also need a document confirming your family composition.

After collecting the documentation, the student must contact the dean’s office or rector’s office of the educational institution and fill out an application for a break. The legislation does not contain mandatory requirements for the form of this document. In most cases, universities have developed a standard form, which the applicant adapts to a specific situation. If such a form is not available, the student can use the sample.

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It is important to indicate all the necessary data in it, as well as specify the basis for which an “academician” is needed.

Rules for leaving academic leave

The law provides students with the right to leave their vacation early. Often, the applicant does not know when the circumstances interfering with his studies will end, so he has the right to extend the break or terminate it before the end of the period.

Important! To leave the vacation, it is necessary to submit an application to the competent authority of the educational organization no later than 11 days before the start of the semester with a request to allow the citizen to study. If such an appeal is not received, the student’s actions will be regarded as “not leaving the vacation”, as a result of which he will be expelled.

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IN modern life There are often situations when students, due to some circumstances, do not have time to study. Studying at the university requires dedication and takes up most of your free time. However, sometimes events or troubles happen in life when students are not at all interested in studying, and it is necessary to spend some time to solve them. Sometimes unforeseen circumstances arise when you have to end your university studies early. To avoid this, you can take academic leave.

Concept of academic leave

The concept of “academic leave” includes the right to take a break from a student’s learning process. The student is not expelled from the university; adjustments are made to the curriculum, shifting the time periods for passing certification tests in various disciplines. It goes without saying that the missed program after the academic. vacation will have to be made up. You cannot just take an academic leave for the purpose of resting from the everyday routine of studying - you must have a good reason. In addition, to obtain it it is necessary to carry out a number of activities. If a problem arises that takes you by surprise and prevents you from regularly attending classes, you need to think about taking a leave of absence.

Academic leave due to pregnancy

Pregnancy occurs quite often among female students. At the same time, girls have the opportunity to attend lectures during pregnancy and the right to receive academic leave in connection with pregnancy. In this situation, everything depends on the well-being and condition of the patient. There are often situations when, due to deteriorating health, regular attendance at lectures is simply impossible. Academician Leave due to pregnancy is obtained at any stage - from early dates until the final weeks.

To get an academic degree. Maternity leave must be provided with a medical certificate. institution proving the fact of pregnancy. Sometimes it may be necessary to provide a certificate of incapacity for work. During the normal course of pregnancy, there is no need to interrupt the learning process.

Academic leave due to illness

It is no secret that any disease leads to decreased performance. In cases of prolonged or severe illness, the possibility of obtaining an academic degree is provided. leave due to illness, because regular attendance in this case is very problematic. There is a certain category of diseases that gives the right to take an academic degree. vacation:

  • Anatomical damage;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Significant deviations in the body's performance.

To obtain academic leave, it is necessary to gather a council of medical specialists, at which the degree (stage) of the disease, its severity and prognosis for recovery are discussed. In cases where treatment requires a student to stay in the hospital for a long time, the academician. Leave is given for the required period. A positive or negative decision on the possibility of granting academic leave and its duration depends on the doctor’s opinion.

Academic leave for family reasons

There are times when one of your loved ones becomes seriously ill and there is a need to take an academic leave. vacation. In this case, it is provided in connection with the care of the patient for a certain period of time. To get an academic degree. sick leave for a relative requires the provision of a certificate confirming well-being and general condition patient, as well as a document confirming the joint residence of the student and a sick relative. Members of the commission should not have questions about the fact that no one except the student can provide care to the sick. All points and circumstances are taken into account, after which the commission makes a decision on granting academic qualifications. vacation for a student.

Registration of academic leave: features of obtaining

For registration of academic. leave, you must contact the administration of the educational institution. Then you should write a statement indicating the reasons for going on academic leave. All certificates or other documents (depending on the reason for leaving) specified above must be attached to the application. IN in some cases a commission decision is required with a study of all the reasons and circumstances for which it is necessary to obtain an academic degree. vacation. Each case is considered separately, taking into account all the circumstances and subtleties of the individual case.

During the entire period of study, a student can receive academic leave 2 times. The period of academic leave should not exceed 1 year (12 months).

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