Garden idea for a small area. Landscape design of a small summer cottage. Landscaping of a small summer cottage

One of the main secrets of landscape design is this: the size of the garden does not matter! It matters. And then, even if you have only one free hundred square meters at your disposal, you will get an excellent result. There are eight special techniques for this. These techniques work wonders: despite the small area of ​​the garden, visually they allow you to change it beyond recognition.

Technique 1. Dissolving the boundaries of the garden
Dissolving the boundaries of the garden means making sure they are not too noticeable. The fence especially highlights and “reveals” these boundaries, especially since, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the fence is a “major” structure. But if your area is very small, you will see the entire fence at once, and you will feel cramped and squeezed. The simplest and beautiful way hide the fence - decorate it with plants: trees, shrubs, flowers. The difference in shapes, textures, shades of foliage, bright spots will do their job: the clarity of the boundaries will disappear, and you will get the impression that there, further on, is also a garden. It is better to make a combined fence. This means that different parts of the fence are made of different materials, but, of course, compatible with each other. For example: the main fence is made of corrugated board, the posts are brick, and the individual “walls” (or one wall) are made of wood, but also with brick posts.

IN wooden wall there may be a gate or wicket made of corrugated sheets. As a result, homogeneity disappears, the sense of area is lost, and the boundaries of the site seem to “move apart.” It would be nice to paint the fence light color. It’s even better if you give the fence a little “openwork.” You don’t need it completely, the option with various inserts and “windows” will be “the one”! For example, against the background of a solid fence there may be inserts of a different texture - in the form of large rhombuses with a wooden diagonal mesh. “Windows,” or differently designed holes in the fence, are one of the landscaping techniques that help make the area visually larger.

8 arrangement techniques small garden

Technique 2. Freeing up the view part of the garden
This solution is somewhat reminiscent of . The view part of the garden is, as a rule, the front part of the garden or the part where attention is most often directed, which is visible from most corners of the garden. In very small gardens it is the centerpiece. Best option for the view part of the garden - a neat lawn, and all the beautiful corners and plantings are best placed on the periphery of the lawn. Free space gives the impression of even more space, and it will be very easy to move around such an area.

Technique 3. Distortion of the visible shape of the garden

Technique 3. Distortion of the visible shape of the garden
You will get an immediate effect if you use round, oval, and arched shapes in garden planning. And if you like rectangular shapes, then let them not be rectangles, but rhombuses. The “classic” rectangle or square is too specific. And you need to distort the shape, make the eye move more slowly, following the lines. Therefore, for example, it is best to make a front lawn round, arched or ribbon-shaped, and if you like, then “free”, arbitrarily curved. By the way, it is easier to make free-form lawns - it does not require precision or complex special measurements. Apply the method of rounded shapes not only to lawns - for all elements of the garden: gazebos, recreation areas, terraces, this strategy will be very good. Any element will appear visually larger.

Technique 4. Using the corners of the site

Technique 4. Using the corners of the site
The area is visually limited not only by the walls, but also by the corners. Get rid of them - that is, engage them! To do this, provide some element in each corner: a corner gazebo, a rest area, a bench, a corner podium, a composition with a sculpture, and the like. The main thing is that the corner is not just an angle, but has some kind of aesthetic and useful function.

Technique 5. Ensuring “invisibility” of the entire garden as a whole

Technique 5. Ensuring “invisibility” of the entire garden as a whole
If you see the entire area at once, you evaluate its entire area. But the garden should be full of mysteries and discoveries, so that you want to see what’s there next, what other interesting corners there are in this garden. It follows that interesting corners should be somewhat hidden or at least half-open. The most best solution- garden partitions. These can be not only screens, but also various vertical structures, arches, groups tall plants- in a word, everything that can act as a barrier to view. Then we will not be able to estimate the true size of the site, but can only guess. The paths through the garden should be winding. Then they, too, will either appear or hide behind these barriers, creating the impression of a large extent of space. By the way, time too, because a walk along a winding path will be “longer,” and this also creates the impression that the area through which you have walked is large. If there is literally nowhere to make a winding path, then at least make individual parts of the path from different materials.

Technique 6. Organization of “garden paintings”

Technique 6. Organization of “garden paintings”
“Garden Pictures” are essentially beautiful views, which are viewed from certain points and which are also located in such a way that the entire surrounding landscape is, as it were, a frame for this picture. In other words, you need to arrange the garden in such a way that from any point in the garden you can see a beautiful “perspective” and your gaze will not “stumble” on anything. Then your garden will have depth. At the same time, the observed perspective should not be too straightforward, that is, the view in question should not look like a monotonous corridor, it should be pleasant to the eye. You should see enough interesting objects that you would like to look at.

For example, you may look into the distance and see a tree or bush beautiful shape, a bright flower garden, an unusual element of a path, a bridge, a corner of a gazebo, the shine of a pond, notice the transition from shadow to light, and in the distance, as a result of the entire visual “journey,” see a beautiful recreation area under a canopy. If your site is already “developed”, but existing species you are not satisfied, they need to be supplemented or complicated.

Technique 7. Organization of “potential difference” in the garden

Technique 7. Organization of “potential difference” in the garden
“Potential difference” is the visual dissimilarity of all visible parameters of the garden. Naturally, relief also falls under this definition. If there is at least a slight relief on the site, the site definitely seems larger. There is a physical basis for this: as if another “dimension” appears on the site, it becomes more “voluminous”. And our eye is designed in such a way that it evaluates more voluminous objects as larger in size. You can’t even imagine that creating a “difference” of just 10 cm completely changes the entire impression of the site! Therefore, plan a retaining wall, alpine slide, flooring, steps or podium, at least small. You can also move “down” - that is, make a “recessed” garden or recreation area (below the level of the main garden). Naturally, not necessarily everything at once. Choose one thing that you like best. For a small area this will be enough. And sometimes it’s possible without artificial terrain. Sometimes a similar effect can be achieved by filling your garden with “potential differences” using plants of different heights, shapes and textures, so that the contrast is striking.

Technique 8. Using mirror effects

Technique 8. Using mirror effects
Mirror effects are not necessarily related to mirrors, as the name suggests. Basically, this is a repetition of motifs and types. It's very simple: pay attention to the views outside your garden. And then - when planning, repeat certain elements of what you see on your site. If you see a lake in the distance, plan a pond on your site, if there is a river - a stream, if there is a birch grove - planting birch trees, if there is a hilly landscape - a rock garden. The principle is: surrounding nature should be reflected on your site, as if in a mirror. This also applies to nearby objects: for example, if you see your neighbor’s tree behind the fence, that means you need to include it in your composition. Just in this place near the fence, organize a group of ornamental shrubs so that this tree looks like part of your group.

But real mirrors are also used. You can order mirrors specially, or you can use old ones left over, for example, after renovation. Mirrors are mounted at various points of the site, on the fence, on the walls of structures so as to reflect the most beautiful views, or in those places where it is necessary to visually “remove” some object. The mirror can be designed as an arch or a gate, and the borders of the mirror can be hidden using vertical landscaping.

If you're worried that your space is too small to produce anything worthwhile, stop! After all, even a small space, with a competent and practical approach, can be turned into a very nice and harmonious place that will be a pleasure to look at. Here are some ideas for a small garden.

Gardening in small spaces has its own challenges, but this should not limit or interfere with the enjoyment of gardening. In no big garden It’s easier for a person to pay attention to details, when in large areas there is simply no time for them. And caring for a small vegetable garden is easier, which leaves the opportunity for more time for quiet contemplation of your possessions. It is important to properly organize the space, taking into account several tricks.

Make a "bouquet"

A small garden can be considered as a single whole, i.e. it is visible all at once, unlike its brother - a large area. This means, firstly, that it is easier to identify shortcomings, but, secondly, plantings in a small space look like a single composition, like ikebana or a bouquet, in which all components must be strictly taken into account.

Strict geometry

Designers advise owners of small plots to adhere to geometry when decorating, combining smooth lines with simple forms. You can play with various materials: for example, lay interesting borders, paths, and a platform. It is better to leave the center of the garden open. Elongated areas for enlargement common space can be divided using various tall objects (pergolas, arches, gazebos, etc.). Pay attention not only to horizontal, but also to vertical plantings.

Seeds for a year

Unfortunately, limited garden space will not allow you to grow all the plants you would like. That is why the choice of seeds and seedlings should be approached especially carefully. But the emphasis can be on annuals or biennials, so that you can try something new every year. Or, on the contrary, opt for practical, reliable perennials.

Games of color

In a small space, one should not allow an excessive riot of colors, especially bright ones, since they can visually reduce the already small boundaries of the area. It is important to choose a harmonious, unified palette so as not to lose the unity of the garden. By the way, cold shades, on the contrary, are designed to slightly increase the terrain and convey a sense of depth. Textural contrast will look good, allowing one color to smoothly flow into another.

Everything is in place!

Each plant in a small garden must be strictly functional, since there is simply no room for useless and inactive crops. Ideally, the plants will be interesting for at least two seasons.

Relaxation area

Any garden should have it. She is usually given a central place, fenced off from prying eyes with a weaving fence and highlighted thanks to bright colors in containers or mixborders. By the way, container plants are a great solution for small spaces. If there is not enough space for a full-fledged patio, it is enough to place one bench or two chairs in the seating area.

Living fences

A small garden does not need massive fences, otherwise everything will be plunged into deep shadow. Hedges made of low evergreen, compact shrubs will look good. Of course, their aesthetic condition will need to be constantly monitored. It is worth considering that wide bushes can reduce an already small space. Instead, you can install pergolas with practical vines.

The garden is an extension of the house

Small plots are usually attached to houses, cottages, etc. Therefore, these gardens can be called a direct continuation of the house, tastes and worldview of the owners. In a small space, the gardener's inner world is easier to read than in a large garden. And by designing a mini-vegetable garden, you can express yourself, your beliefs and interests in your own way, which will undoubtedly attract attention and give your site a unique personality.

Planning a garden in a small area is not an easy task. After all, the designer faces several questions at once:

??? - how to make the space seem larger,
??? - how to plant trees without losing the feeling of spaciousness,
??? - what architectural elements to choose and how to place them so as not to interfere with movement around the garden.


A flat area always seems smaller than its size. What if this is a small space reserved for a garden? Well then your little garden will seem very small. A straight path through the center of the garden will also make it short... In general, the design and layout of a small garden requires a special approach.

A walk around a small garden always starts from its corner, and then the path can lead along its perimeter, diagonally, spirally or in a snake. This is the only way to hide the true size of the plot.

If the perimeter of a small garden is disproportionately elongated, then it should be divided by transverse lines.

Let it be winding paths, low (up to 50 cm) hedges, very elongated architectural elements: benches, terraces, retaining walls, high (raised) beds or flower beds.

So that the fence does not emphasize the small width of the site, it is partially covered with climbing plants on trellises, colonnades of thujas, junipers, yews, decorative overlays and flower beds along some areas.

All these elements are arranged asymmetrically so that the borders are “irregular” and voluminous.

An excellent technique to expand the territory of the garden is to make areas with a lower level, so to speak, “minus the first level”.

Being in such lounge areas, where there is always no wind, creates the illusion of the vastness of space: above is the sky, and at eye level is the lowest tier of the garden, above which “giant” trees, shrubs, and flower beds rise (the garden from the point of view of an ant:)

When decorating a small space, asymmetry is more suitable. For example, on the left along the fence there are elements medium height, on the right, opposite them are low, and a little further away, again on the right, high. Such sudden changes will create the illusion of space.

The same applies to plants along the path: you should avoid mirroring in their arrangement.

As for the selection of plants, the set for a small garden is limited to several species that bloom in different periods.

It’s even better to give preference to green flower beds made from evergreens and ornamental grasses.

The small landscape is completely visible, so it should look its best at any time.


Trees They create a cool shadow, but the only problem is that they consume space. To prevent this from happening, the following rules are followed in a small garden.

1. Large trees should not be planted on an area less than 200 m2. A large crown looks too disproportionate, especially if the area is narrow.

2. If the garden area is a little larger, you can plant one large tree with a spreading crown and group architectural elements near it. Most often this is a terrace, patio or picnic area.

3. Medium-sized and low-growing trees are planted in accordance with the shape of the crown.

Pyramid and candle-shaped trees are best placed linearly and along the fence. But you shouldn’t do this around the entire perimeter; this will only emphasize the size of the territory. A straight line or an L-shape to the right or left of the entrance to the garden looks beautiful. And on the opposite side you can plant shrubs.

If there is an opportunity to engage in crown formation, then ideal option for a small garden it is spherical or cone-shaped on a high (higher than human height) “leg”. A straight trunk without branches does not “eat up” space, but under the trees there will always be pleasant coolness. It is preferable that the trees are deciduous, then in winter the garden will be well lit.

It is better to choose dwarf varieties of coniferous trees. Low-growing junipers and thujas look beautiful in compact boxes - dense plantings trimmed in the shape of a box.

Solitaire trees with a beautifully formed skeleton look great in a small garden. These can be shrubs with two or three bare trunks, but with a lush crown, standard varieties of roses.

Shrubs, as already mentioned, are preferably planted along the fence. If this hedge, then its height should be such as to only conditionally separate one zone from another, but the area behind it should be visible from anywhere in the garden.


To the small ones architectural forms include benches and tables, garden swing, gazebos, garden sculptures, flowerpots (containers for flowers), small fonts.

Since the area is small and they plan to plant a garden on it, not much space is allocated for a recreation area. Usually choose one thing that suits your needs.

An open hearth takes up less space.

The recreation area can be configured so that there is enough space for benches, flowerpots, a fireplace and even a small waterfall.

You can limit yourself to wide benches, a fireplace (possibly a swing) and a small plunge pool if the purpose of your garden is relaxation.

If you are planning to place a spacious gazebo in a small garden, then it is better if it is a canopy with a podium: a roof over your head and no walls limiting your view.

Flowerpots and containers are an excellent component for expanding space. The main thing is that they are large enough and of different heights.

In general, all elements of small architecture in a small area should be located according to the principle of increasing height. The farther, the higher. This technique is called gradation and is intended to create perspective instead of a flat landscape.


You already know how to form the space of a small garden. And then - design ideas for landscaping a small area.

The small garden near the new house required attention and care. But how can you create a beautiful garden landscape design with little effort and money? At the first stage, we need to carefully consider the plan of the reconstructed area in the garden, calculate all the necessary materials and the costs for them.

In the garden we will make a wooden terrace, a small patio, plant plants, taking into account the location of communications in the garden such as a water pump (based on materials from Visiting houses & gardens). Wooden terrace we will have it on a concrete pad, which we will sew on top wooden planks. To reduce the cost of materials, the boards were used not new, but used. The terrace hides sewer hatch, so in the patio floor we will have a wooden hinged segment for access to the hatch.

In addition, for landscape design we will need thick wooden beams, and they are not new either.

We are making a terrace, due to the fact that we have it near the fence, adding wooden shelves, lanterns and niches to the fence. We hide the water pump in a concrete box, which we will then cover with greenery.

On a special weed net on a flat area we begin to lay out our patio bricks.

We fill the gaps between the bricks with crushed stone, and pour light granite chips into the center of the patio.

We'll dig in wooden beams on both sides of the patio and make benches out of them.

We plant trees, shrubs and flowers, taking into account their requirements for lighting and watering and also with the prospect of their further growth. Difficult places such as a concrete pump box are best decorated with plants in containers or pots.

This is what the design of our small garden looks like: final stage works

At this stage, we make paths and finish decorating the patio: we fill the space between the edges of the patio and flower beds with crushed stone.

Our patio looks so beautiful when finished. A beautiful combination of red brick, pebbles and lush greenery forms a beautiful corner in our garden.

The view of the garden from the terrace is where we will spend most of our holidays in the garden. We can rejoice at the results of our work - we succeeded beautiful design a small garden near the house with your own hands.

And although this garden is located in a warm tropical zone, our summer residents also have something to learn from here to design their own garden plot.

Owners of plots of land are puzzling over how to equip a small local area. If the area is small, then it won’t be too different from the landscape. But what if you want to arrange a small piece of land to your liking, and to make it practical. In this article we will share some secrets.

Small plot design secrets and ideas

Lawn is the basis of the landscape

On a plot of land 10x10 meters, it is difficult to plant a garden, make a place for a barbecue and beautiful gardens, arrange a children's playground and a beautiful landscape. You need to make a choice. And this choice should be made in favor of the lawn. Whatever the area, leave room for a lawn planted with grass.

Along the edges you can plant fruit or ornamental shrubs. Mark the perimeter of the lawn with pebbles or paving slabs. Such a lawn will also be suitable for children’s games. fresh air and for the organization family vacation and with friends.

Growing spices

You don't need a lot of space to grow herbs. A few are enough square meters so that rosemary, thyme, sage, basil, lavender, dill, parsley, mint and other spices appear on your site. Spices love the sun.

Form beds and plant herbs in beds or special pots. Group herbs together. This inflorescence of aromas will fill your personal plot not only in mood, but also in usefulness.

The essential oils contained in some herbs are very fragrant and beneficial. Plant the plants in families so as not to interfere with their growth and fragrance. In the kitchen, spicy spices will become indispensable.

Tree genus

How pleasant it is to sit under a tree that has been planted in the hot summer with my own hands, and relax with your family. In a small area there will definitely be a corner in which it is worth planting a family tree. It will become your tradition and memories of your own home, in which it is cozy and pleasant to be.

Evergreens: the mood of summer all year round

Evergreen thujas, spruces, junipers, and pine trees will decorate a small garden. If they are placed correctly on the site, you can admire the greenery all year round. For the winter, all the beauty should be covered from frost. Coniferous plants there are various forms and types.

Growing a vegetable garden

For those who like to dig into the ground while planting fruit plants, we recommend not giving up the idea of ​​planting a vegetable garden in a small area. Large beds You won’t be able to create one, but it’s quite possible to grow some plants. Carrots, onions, peas, and pumpkins will fit perfectly in a small garden.

Creating a design small plot, you can allocate some space for mini-beds, and climbing plants hang in special hanging pots.

Flowerbed on a small plot

Most summer residents occupy most of the plot with a vegetable garden and garden, but the soul of the housewife so desires beauty and comfort. You don’t have to give up a bed of tomatoes to build a flower bed. You can choose a small area near the house, where nothing really grows because of the shade, and arrange it. And how nice it will be to contemplate a blooming rug from the window.

Flowerbed on a small plot

A small area does not mean little work. Plan your space first. Remember all the ideas you previously liked and choose the ones that suit you. It is important not to forget that the area is small and you can easily overload the flowerbed with details.

For a small area, low-growing plants and small decorations work well. From high wooden fence entwined at times will have to be abandoned. But in return, the flowerbed can be fenced with small colored stones, which will delight at any time of the year.

When dividing a flower bed into zones, it is better to choose a simple wavy pattern and abandon strict geometric shapes.

Even angles and lines visually reduce the space, and caring for such a flower bed will be much more difficult, because the flowers do not want to grow in an even stripe.

To make the flower bed delight you with its beauty all year round, plant different plants. In the spring you will delight with tulips and delicate daffodils, in the summer with strict majors and dahlias, and in the fall with chrysanthemums and starry asters. A good basis for a flower bed will be perennials and small evergreen shrubs such as arborvitae and ephedra.

When choosing decorative details, you must not forget about the size and shape of the flowerbed. If the area is round in the center on a hill, a small artificial fountain will look good. When a site without a pronounced geometric shape, garden gnomes will look good, getting lost in the variety of colors and colors.

On the oval area you can place swans or small lanterns that will attract with flickering light after dark. To create a more interesting relief effect, you can plant flowers in flowerpots.

For summer cottage perfect fit ceramic pots in metal stands. Small flowers will get along well in them: dwarf dahlias, pansies, marigolds, bells, daisies. A flowerpot with iron legs can easily be placed in a flowerbed to decorate imperfections in the landscape. If you place such flowers on the porch, they will become an excellent extension of your flower bed.

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