Certificate to a student for good study sample. Material on the topic: Texts of certificates and letters of gratitude

Texts for diplomas

Although this might be even better and more convenient...
for excellent studies, participation

for kindness, attention to people,
for the ability to make friends
and active assistance to the teacher.
for excellent studies, participation
in classroom and school events,

for your kindness and understanding,

You are one of the first with us.
for excellent studies, participation
in classroom and school events,
for all your efforts
they helped you with your studies,
for the most difficult tasks,
what you decide on your way.
for excellent studies, participation
in classroom and school events,
for curiosity, attention,
and perseverance in achieving goals.
for excellent studies,
for the kindness of soul and mind,
for courage in mastering knowledge,
for always making it through
with any of the difficult tests.
for good studies
(for the desire to learn better)
on scary tests
and in difficult home situations,
for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

the beginning of a resounding success.
for the desire to learn better,
for your inquisitive mind and kindness,
for being in a fight with oneself
learned to find the right decision
and manage your behavior.
for the desire to learn better

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,
for courage in making decisions,
for becoming fifth grade
a stepping stone to new achievements.
for the desire to learn better

for the kindness of soul and readiness

for the desire to learn better
and the ability to overcome difficulties,
for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,
for modesty and exemplary behavior,
for becoming fifth grade
the beginning of a resounding success.
for the desire to learn better,
for the kindness of soul and readiness
come to the rescue in difficult times,
for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,
for the sound of joyful laughter,
for becoming fifth grade
the beginning of a resounding success.
for the desire to learn better
and the ability to overcome difficulties
on scary tests
and in difficult home situations,
for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,
for the sound of joyful laughter,
for becoming fifth grade
the beginning of a resounding success.
for the desire to learn better
and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,
for the kindness of soul and readiness
come to the rescue at any moment.
for active work in class,
for an inquisitive mind and ability to make friends,
because you know almost everything,
you read, write and count,
and that patience and labor
they will lead you to victory.

excellent duty,
for the desire to learn better
and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,
for the kindness of soul and readiness
come to the rescue at any moment.
for active participation in the life of the class,
for neatness, neatness,
for the thirst for knowledge and work,
because of difficulties in studying
They only give you strength.
for participation
in classroom and school events,
for overcoming difficulties
on scary tests
and in difficult home situations,
for neat notebooks,
diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal.
for participation
in classroom and school events,
for all your efforts
brought you to success
for intelligence, activity, good knowledge
and for the ability to make friends.
for modesty, hard work, diligence,
for the thirst for knowledge and work,
because of difficulties in studying
They only give you strength.

Whether to do this or not is the free choice of each individual family, but in this article we want to give some recommendations to those who believe that it is necessary to encourage a child for his academic success.

We interviewed several mothers of schoolchildren with “experience” and collected their advice into one list. Perhaps our readers will find some of the methods described useful.

Natalya V., mother of a first-grader:

“For Misha (7 years old), my praise and sincere joy are enough for now. Even if it is difficult for him to do his copywork right after school, he and I take a short break, and after a task well completed, I praise him, tell him that I am very proud of him, and next time he tries with redoubled strength to get praise from me again ! In addition to verbal praise, sometimes I give him candy - he has a big sweet tooth!”

Anastasia Z., mother of a middle school student:

“For our Alena (11 years old), studying is not easy. She especially doesn't like math. Therefore, for every A, which is given to her only at the cost of great work and perseverance, my husband and I come up with some special reward for her - a joint trip to an entertainment center, a water park or a picnic. After doing her homework well, she has time to do her favorite things - play, watch cartoons, walk in the yard with her friends. If homework She doesn’t have time to do it by a certain time, because she says that she’s already tired and wants to take a break, well, then all the entertainment is cancelled. And grandma, for every five in a quarter (unfortunately, there aren’t very many of them yet) buys Alena small gifts - a beautiful hat, a construction set, a new pencil case or something else of her choice.”

Maria K., mother of two schoolchildren:

“My sons approach school very differently. The eldest, Kiryusha (15 years old), is responsible and serious, he likes to study, and the youngest, Alyosha (10 years old), is often lazy and learns his lessons only after numerous reminders. He studies worse than the eldest, and his successes are rarer. Therefore, our incentives for them are slightly different. If we often allow the older person to have all sorts of relaxations in the regime for excellent completion of the quarter and an A in the tests (to hang out longer with friends, go to bed later before the weekend, sit at the computer), then the younger one has to be rewarded even for the Bs, especially those that are given to him with great labor. When he finished the quarter without Cs, my husband and I bought him a long-awaited tablet, and if he finished the year with Bs and A’s, we promised to send him to an expensive tourist camp, so now he’s trying very hard - he’s got a serious incentive.”

Olga R., mother of twins (9 years old):

“We celebrate school successes on a special cork stand, divided into two parts - paper fives and fours are pinned with push pins. If by the end of the week Roman has more A's than Stepan, then he becomes offended, and next week he makes more efforts to catch up with his brother. Healthy Mind competition and excitement help them both strive for success.”

Oksana M., mother of middle school students:

“My husband and I agreed with our children (10 and 13 years old) about a monetary incentive. For each current five we give them 50 rubles, for a four – 20. For threes and twos we have assigned “fines”: for a three – minus 20 rubles, for a two – minus 50. For a five in a quarter – 100 rubles, for three - minus 100 rubles. Yes, it can be difficult to count, but we have special files in which we keep weekly counts and a total count at the end of each quarter. My husband and I believe that studying is their job, so for good job we encourage, and for poorly and poorly executed work we fine. Everything is absolutely the same as it will be later in adult life.”

So, what options for rewarding good studies can we recommend:

  • active praise and joy of the parent;
  • sweets;
  • present;
  • tickets to a cinema or entertainment center;
  • “stand of fives and fours”;
  • relaxations in the daily routine;
  • the fulfillment of a long-standing desire - for example, a trip;
  • increasing the time of using gadgets;
  • family celebration on the occasion of the end of the term or academic year;
  • financial reward.

Texts of letters and letters of thanks.

Thank you letter to parents.

I express my gratitude and say a huge human “THANK YOU” for your participation in the upbringing of your child and the life of the school. A person’s success, of course, is the merit of his closest people with seemingly imperceptible daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility. I thank you for your creative approach and active life position.
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! I express the hope that your creative activities for the benefit of our school will continue in the future!!!

Director's letter of thanks to parents.


I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing of (full name), who has shown himself to be a student capable of thinking deeply, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy opponents. Your child’s victories are our common joy.
Thanks to your support and understanding, we will be able to continue to educate young people, full of strength and aspirations for knowledge and creativity.
I wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth.
I will be glad (glad) to develop our cooperation and mutual understanding!

Thank you letter to student.

Thank you for your conscientious attitude towards the educational (educational, creative) process.
I wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed, never tired of learning new things, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.
Believe that ours teaching staff and in the future it will be a necessary support for you in achieving and conquering new heights.
I hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success.
I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family, our school and the entire Fatherland!

Letter of thanksatreader

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your success in the field school education, for high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work!
Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving the final result, ability to make decisions, communication skills, goodwill, patience, and willingness to answer any questions from your students are admirable.
I hope that your many years of experience and the unquenchable fire of sincere dedication to your work will serve further development spiritual and intellectual level the younger generation. May the kindness and wisdom in the teacher’s heart never dry up!
I wish you good health and prosperity, patience and optimism, success in your difficult but important work!!!

At the end of the school year

A joyful school year has ended,
It brought a whole body of discoveries and knowledge.
A's, B's, prizes and awards,
Clubs and fun Olympics!

For creative success

For your talent and creativity
You get a reward!
Let everything be as you want
And just the way you dream!

For active participation in class life

Do you know how to lead others?
You captivate everyone with bright ideas,
And life is more interesting in class with you,
You are always active and help with everything!
It’s easy to achieve every goal,
We wish you good luck in all your endeavors,
Be the center of attention and win!
We deserve this award!

For active participation in the life of the school

The world stands on activists!
And the school here is no exception.
And the fact that our life is in full swing -
Your merit, without a doubt!
Let optimism never run out
And inspiration flows like a fountain!
We present you with a certificate
For endless movement!

Happy graduation from 1st grade!

The bright sun is shining,
Like a gold medal.
First-grader certificate
We reward you from the bottom of our hearts!
We praise you for your efforts,
Well done, first-grader!
Today you are awarded
Title - second grader!

Congratulations on finishing 1st grade.

Your first grade is over,
Your very first year.
You will remember more than once
A year of joyful worries.
Everyone around you is proud of you
And everyone praises you.
Now you're at school best friend,
Now you and her are friends!

Congratulations on finishing 1st grade.

Difficult first grade, of course!
That's why it's interesting!
And there are many successes,
And my native school became.
Appeared at your place
New friends at school.
The first year was great!
Simply great! First class!
Here summer has arrived,
You can rest safely.
Gain strength and health -
Get ready for second grade!

To the studentat the end of the school year

    for excellent studies, participation

for kindness, attention to people,

for the ability to make friends

and active assistance to the teacher.

    for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for your kindness and understanding,

You are one of the first with us.

    for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

they helped you with your studies,

for the most difficult tasks,

what you decide on your way.

    for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for curiosity, attention,

and perseverance in achieving goals.

    for excellent studies,

for the kindness of soul and mind,

for courage in mastering knowledge,

for always making it through

with any of the difficult tests.

    for good studies

(for the desire to learn better)

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better,

for your inquisitive mind and kindness,

for being in a fight with oneself

learned to find the right solution

and manage your behavior.

    for the desire to learn better

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for courage in making decisions,

for becoming fifth grade

a stepping stone to new achievements.

    for the desire to learn better

for the kindness of soul and readiness

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for modesty and exemplary behavior,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue in difficult times,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    for active work in class,

for an inquisitive mind and ability to make friends,

because you know almost everything,

you read, write and count,

and that patience and labor

they will lead you to victory.

excellent duty,

for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    for active participation in class life,

for neatness, neatness,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

    for participation

in classroom and school events,

for overcoming difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for neat notebooks,

diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal.

    for participation

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

brought you to success

for intelligence, activity, good knowledge

and for the ability to make friends.

    for modesty, hard work, diligence,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

Texts of certificates and letters of gratitude.

Thank you letter to parents.

I express my gratitude and say a huge human “THANK YOU” for your participation in the upbringing of your child and the life of the school. A person’s success, of course, is the merit of his closest people with seemingly imperceptible daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility. I thank you for your creative approach and active life position.
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! I express the hope that your creative activities for the benefit of our school will continue in the future!!!

Director's letter of thanks to parents.


I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing of (full name), who has shown himself to be a student capable of thinking deeply, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy opponents. Your child’s victories are our common joy.
Thanks to your support and understanding, we will be able to continue to educate young people full of strength and aspirations for knowledge and creativity.
I wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth.
I will be glad (glad) to develop our cooperation and mutual understanding!

Thank you letter to student.

Thank you for your conscientious attitude towards the educational (educational, creative) process.
I wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed, never tired of learning new things, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.
Believe that our teaching staff will continue to be a necessary support for you in achieving and conquering new heights.
I hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success.
I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family, our school and the entire Fatherland!

Thank you letter to teacher

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your success in the field of school education, for your high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work!
Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving the final result, ability to make decisions, communication skills, goodwill, patience, and willingness to answer any questions from your students are admirable.
I hope that your many years of experience and the unquenchable fire of sincere devotion to your work will serve the further development of the spiritual and intellectual level of the younger generation. May the kindness and wisdom in the teacher’s heart never dry up!
I wish you good health and prosperity, patience and optimism, success in your difficult but important work!!!

A joyful school year has ended,
It brought a whole body of discoveries and knowledge.
A's, B's, prizes and awards,
Clubs and fun Olympics!

For your talent and creativity
You get a reward!
Let everything be as you want
And just the way you dream!

For active participation in class life

Do you know how to lead others?
You captivate everyone with bright ideas,
And life is more interesting in class with you,
You are always active and help with everything!
It’s easy to achieve every goal,
We wish you good luck in all your endeavors,
Be the center of attention and win!
We deserve this award!

For active participation in the life of the school

The world stands on activists!
And the school here is no exception.
And the fact that our life is in full swing -
Your merit, without a doubt!
Let optimism never run out
And inspiration flows like a fountain!
We present you with a certificate
For endless movement!

Happy graduation from 1st grade!

The bright sun is shining,
Like a gold medal.
First-grader certificate
We reward you from the bottom of our hearts!
We praise you for your efforts,
Well done, first-grader!
Today you are awarded
Title - second grader!

Congratulations on finishing 1st grade.

Your first grade is over,
Your very first year.
You will remember more than once
A year of joyful worries.
Everyone around you is proud of you
And everyone praises you.
Now you are the school's best friend,
Now you and her are friends!

Congratulations on finishing 1st grade.

Difficult first grade, of course!
That's why it's interesting!
And there are many successes,
And my native school became.
Appeared at your place
New friends at school.
The first year was great!
Simply great! First class!
Here summer has arrived,
You can rest safely.
Gain strength and health -
Get ready for second grade!

To the student at the end of the school year

  1. for excellent studies, participation

for kindness, attention to people,

for the ability to make friends

and active assistance to the teacher.

  1. for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for your kindness and understanding,

You are one of the first with us.

  1. for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

they helped you with your studies,

for the most difficult tasks,

what you decide on your way.

  1. for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for curiosity, attention,

and perseverance in achieving goals.

  1. for excellent studies,

for the kindness of soul and mind,

for courage in mastering knowledge,

for always making it through

with any of the difficult tests.

  1. for good studies

(for the desire to learn better)

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

the beginning of a resounding success.

  1. for the desire to learn better,

for your inquisitive mind and kindness,

for being in a fight with oneself

learned to find the right solution

and manage your behavior.

  1. for the desire to learn better

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for courage in making decisions,

for becoming fifth grade

a stepping stone to new achievements.

  1. for the desire to learn better

for the kindness of soul and readiness

  1. for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for modesty and exemplary behavior,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

  1. for the desire to learn better,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

Come to the rescue in difficult times,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

  1. for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

  1. for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

  1. for active work in class,

for an inquisitive mind and ability to make friends,

because you know almost everything,

you read, write and count,

and that patience and labor

they will lead you to victory.

excellent duty,

for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

  1. for active participation in class life,

for neatness, neatness,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

  1. for participation

in classroom and school events,

for overcoming difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for neat notebooks,

diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal.

  1. for participation

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

brought you to success

for intelligence, activity, good knowledge

and for the ability to make friends.

  1. for modesty, hard work, diligence,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

How to reward your child for good grades? First, let's figure out what is the purpose of such incentives? Parents want to tell their beloved child “Well done”, “We are proud of you” and at the same time more strongly motivate his desire to study as best as possible.

How to properly express your joy about a good study?

Most often, children are given money for this, verbal gratitude is expressed, and gifts are given. Another often encountered option is that parents do not notice successes and react negatively only to a deterioration in the level of academic performance.

Giving money, on the one hand, seems like a great incentive. And logical. After all, adults are paid to work, why not equate study with work. And the child needs pocket money. So let him “earn” them by diligence in studies, sports, music (if he goes to school) music school), etc. If you want to buy something, you just need to prove yourself as best as possible in the field of education and receive the agreed amount. And you don’t need to ask your parents, and you get used to earning money yourself. It seems that he is learning to be independent. On the other hand, children are brilliant manipulators. This should never be forgotten. Over time, your beloved child understands that you can change places with your parents on the issue of who makes demands on whom. And the relationship will be built on the level: you give me a certain amount - I will give you a good grade or achievements that please you in sports, music, etc. No money - no effort. So what should we do then?

Maybe it's better to give gifts? Of course, gifts are a pleasant event in a child’s life. By gifts you need to understand not only the desired thing, but also interesting trips, visits to the cinema, theaters, football matches etc. That is, something that will be a joyful holiday for the child.

Some parents advise simply expressing joy at good achievements. And don’t get used to anything more. After all, he studies for himself. It’s interesting how a child can feel and understand the thesis: “ Good study you need it. You can go to university and get a prestigious, well-paid job.” To comprehend all the depth, wisdom and justice of these words, he simply does not have enough life experience. What is surprising is the parents’ faith in the fact that the child feels and understands that it is he who needs education and his future depends on the efforts he makes now. Your beloved child studies for you, so that... and then the options: to please you, so that you don’t get angry with him, so as not to listen to your boring lectures... Each time this “so” will be different. But he studies for you. If it were up to him, he might not have gone to school at all.

But even if he did, the picture most likely would not change significantly. Why? Let's give an example. All parents know perfectly well that if they learn, for example, foreign language If they master the computer perfectly, they will be able to get an even more “prestigious, highly paid job” (notice that these are the words of the parents, designed to inspire the child to academic feats). And what? Do parents selflessly teach and master? Nothing happened! But they, unlike a child, understand how much this will improve their quality of life. The fact is that in addition to understanding, you also need determination and enormous willpower.

If parents managed to instill in their beloved child an irresistible craving for new knowledge, then perhaps a smile is enough as encouragement, kind words. After all, the child is already sufficiently motivated; he does not need additional incentives to study well. Whatever he undertakes: school subjects, music, drawing, etc. - He’s interested in everything. For him, learning something new is already a huge reward and pleasure. Well, if the parents are happy with it, that’s great.

So maybe the most correct thing is to use various rewards that are unexpected for a child: money, and an expression of joy and pride in the successes of a beloved child, and buying something that he really wants, and making a dream come true (for example, going to the sea, to another country and etc.)? What do you think?

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