Warranty form sample. An example of a letter of guarantee. Letter of guarantee from the legal side - does the letter of guarantee have legal force?

Letter of guarantee for payment (sample) why the document is needed, how to draw it up correctly, samples of writing a letter of guarantee for payment of debt and performance of work

What's happened letter of guarantee, how to write it correctly, samples of writing a letter of guarantee. A letter of guarantee is a document that confirms the intentions of one party to perform certain actions in favor of the other party or, as an example, the intention to adhere to any conditions in relation to the other party. A competently written letter of guarantee is the key to your confidence in its execution.

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Letter of guarantee - what is it?

Payment guarantee letter (sample)- this is, first of all, a document containing a guarantee of the implementation of the obligations assumed by one party in relation to the other. Such obligations may be the provision of any services, performance different types work, debt payment, and so on.

The most common type of letter of guarantee is a letter of guarantee for payment of debt.

A correctly drawn up document is a guarantee of its implementation

In order for the letter of guarantee to be drawn up competently and correctly, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Appropriate writing style – when writing a letter you need to adhere to business style, after all, a letter of guarantee is, first of all, a document.
  • Expediency and brevity - you should not write too much; it will be enough to briefly and concisely state what is needed.
  • Specificity - exclude words that carry uncertainty; it is worth formulating sentences clearly, using words such as, for example, we guarantee, we undertake.
  • Certainty and clarity - the text of the letter of guarantee should be clear and simple.
  • Spelling and punctuation errors in the letter are unacceptable.

In letters of guarantee on behalf of legal entity There must always be the necessary details and the signature of the manager.

Mandatory details for a legal entity:

  • Name of the organization and its details
  • Required contact details
  • The essence of the appeal in the letter
  • Signing date
  • Seal of the organization, as well as the signature of the responsible person

Details for individuals:

  • Passport details and residential address
  • The essence of the appeal in the letter
  • Signature

Document preparation

Since the law does not clearly provide for a form for writing a letter of guarantee for payment of debt, confirmation of the completion of services and work, about employment and other types of this letter, writing it is quite simple.

When writing a letter of guarantee, it is worth considering only that if the letter is drawn up on behalf of, it must be drawn up on the letterhead of a legal entity and contain the necessary details. From an individual, a letter of guarantee can be written in any format in writing.

Samples of writing guarantee documents

Letter of guarantee for payment of debt (the document must be drawn up on the organization’s letterhead, must be signed by the chief accountant, as well as the manager, and must be affixed with a company seal).

A letter of guarantee is an informal document in which one of the parties undertakes to comply with certain conditions or perform certain actions. This may concern payment, execution certain works, products or services. It is worth noting that the drafting of this letter can greatly advance the resolution of problems that have arisen and is a kind of guarantee between organizations that the parties will fulfill certain agreed conditions.

The letter of guarantee is intended for the addressee whose interests the sender’s actions are related to. A document is drawn up if one of the parties is not sure of compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement, and such a letter can be addressed to both a legal entity and an individual.

Example. The Vesta company forgot to make a payment for Internet services; as a result, the provider disconnected the organization from these services for non-payment. The company provided a letter of guarantee stating that they undertake to repay the debt within 3 banking days, on the basis of this the provider agreed to a meeting and again provided the Internet without payment at that time.

This type of document is drawn up in accordance with certain rules and cannot be written in free form.

The letter of guarantee must necessarily contain the following information, written in the specified sequence:

  • Source document number;
  • Date of compilation;
  • Addressee (full name of the head of the organization or full name of an individual);
  • Optionally, indicate the title “Letter of Guarantee” or its subject;
  • Text of the letter;
  • Bank details of the party sending the document;
  • If an agreement was previously concluded, which stipulates all actions relating to the subject of the letter of guarantee, the sender can provide a link to this document;
  • At the discretion of the letter writer, penalties may be specified that will follow in case of non-compliance with the terms of the contract (sanctions, payment of penalties, fines);
  • Signature of the person who compiled the document and its transcript.

It is advisable (but not necessary) to draw up the document for or organization; it can also be certified with a seal. Typically, all obligations of the parties are specified in the contract, but a letter of guarantee in some cases can become additional insurance provided by the drafting party.

For example, if an organization has just started its activities and the management has not yet had time to draw up a lease agreement for premises, without which most types of activities are impossible, draw up an official legal contract It won't work between the parties. In this case, the letter of guarantee will become both a confirmation of the transaction and a guarantee of payment (provided that the document is certified by a notary).

Letter of guarantee drafting example

It is worth noting that it is better if the information in the document is specific; in this case, this document will be of greater significance and value. In this case, it is more likely that the organization to which you are writing this document will meet with you.

Ref. No. 190913-1

To the director

LLC "West"

D.B. Egorov

Letter of Guarantee

IP Yurovsky, 1115861111121, as recipient plastic panels on the basis of the purchase and sale agreement No. 14/2015 dated September 30, 2015, concluded with West LLC, this letter guarantees full payment for the products on the day of receipt.

Individual entrepreneur Yurovsky Sergey Viktorovich

Nuances when drawing up

The letter of guarantee has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when drafting. In such a document, it is better not to use long and vague wording that can be interpreted in two ways: under certain circumstances, this may not work in favor of the compiler. In a letter you can and should use the word “guarantee” and its derivatives: “the company guarantees”, “we guarantee”.

Spelling and stylistic errors are unacceptable in the letter: in some cases this may become a reason to invalidate such a document. This happens extremely rarely and looks more like the last opportunity to catch at least some kind of violation in the event that one of the parties is trying with all its might to cancel the obligations. But serious violations of design are indeed a good reason for the letter to become invalid (lack of signatures, details or incorrect date).

As for legal force specifically, the letter of guarantee does not have it until it is certified by a notary. However, in this case, the status of the document will already change: upon official acceptance (written consent of the recipient), it will acquire the force of a contract. Therefore, it is advisable to attach copies of documents to the letter of guarantee, which also need to be certified. These may be copies of contracts, details of the parties, registration certificates and other documentation, the availability of which is considered necessary by the parties.

And not suffer losses

A payment guarantee letter will help to convince the counterparty that payments after delivery of goods, performance of work or provision of services will be transferred on time.

It represents important element business correspondence between enterprises and provides a guarantee of payment of debt after the preliminary fulfillment of the obligations of one of the parties to the transaction. This paper is the basis for introducing deferment or installment payments into the agreement, as well as debt restructuring.

A sample letter of guarantee for payment allows you to fix the terms and procedure for payment for the delivery of goods, rental of premises or other subject of the transaction. In other words, this document represents a way to ensure the fulfillment of financial obligations by a party to a contract. It may be a response to a complaint. To correctly compose a letter, you should adhere to the appropriate design samples and forms.

The letter of guarantee confirms your readiness to fulfill your obligations under the contract.

Depending on the terms of the contract and the obligations assumed, the content of the letter may differ significantly. For example, a sample letter of guarantee for payment of rent for premises contains completely different points compared to a similar document for the tax office.

Let's look at how to correctly write a letter of guarantee for payment of debt and consider a sample of this document on individual points.

How to write a letter of guarantee correctly?

Before filling out a sample debt payment guarantee letter, please read the requirements. IN large companies There are special instructions for office work, which contain rules for preparing business correspondence.

Need to stick formal business style. This documentation is drawn up on an A4 sheet or on a specially designed company letterhead with its name, all necessary details and logo. When writing, you should rely on the rules of office work. Such a document is distinguished by unambiguous wording, transparency and clarity of the “guarantor’s” intentions.

Draw up a letter of guarantee for payment of the debt on the organization’s letterhead or put a corner stamp with the existing details of the company (name, form of ownership, actual address, etc.).

To correctly draw up a letter of guarantee, you need to adhere to the rules of office work.

Register this form as outgoing documentation. In the upper right corner you must indicate the recipient's details (full company name, full name and manager's position). If you do not know who specifically handles finances in a company, address your appeal to the company as a whole.

A sample letter of guarantee for payment for goods contains a request for the delivery or performance of services and guarantees timely payment. The text of the document begins with the words: “We ask you to comply,” the last paragraph is “We guarantee payment.” For a letter that contains only a guarantee of payment of the debt, the beginning will be as follows - “We guarantee payment.” In this case, you need to indicate the exact deadline for fulfilling the financial obligation.

List the products or services that were the subject of a bilateral agreement. Indicate the amount of the transaction not only in numbers, but also in words, as well as the payment period, the amount of penalties and interest that are imposed on the payer in a situation of improper fulfillment of obligations. At the end of the document, be sure to indicate the full name, legal addresses of each party and bank details for transfers.

Submit the form to management for signature. In certain situations, the chief accountant also has the right to sign the letter. Certify their signatures with a seal.

Pay attention!

The payment guarantee letter has legal force with proper execution and compliance with the rules of office work. It is mandatory to indicate the full details of the partner parties, the wording “we guarantee payment”, the signature of the manager and the seal of the organization.

After filling out the sample letter of guarantee for payment under the contract, you must follow the rules for delivering the document to the counterparty. If disputes arise about the procedure and timing of settlement under the contract, evidence of delivery will be examined by the court.

How to deliver a letter of guarantee?

There are several ways to send relevant correspondence to the addressee:

  1. personally. In this case, the addressee must sign for receipt of the documentation;
  2. via postal service - by registered mail with notification of delivery;
  3. by fax;
  4. by email.

The most preferable options are the first or second, since the sender still has supporting documents in his hands. The rest are possible by agreement of the parties (for example, if e-mail addresses are specified in the agreement between the parties).

    use a formal presentation style, do not complicate the sentences - they should be simple and specific;

    there is no need to use adverbial and participial phrases;

    phrases should not be vague, long discussions are unacceptable. Otherwise, your recipient will not understand your requirements or will doubt your guarantees. Sincerity and goodwill will help motivate the counterparty to make a positive decision in your favor;

    jargon, outdated, unused words (archaisms) and ambiguous words should not be present in business correspondence;

    be literate - write without errors.

A standard sample letter of guarantee for payment for services or products has not been approved at the legislative level. Therefore, counterparties must adhere to the style adopted for business papers when preparing them.

Sample letter of guarantee for payment

A sample of a correct letter of guarantee for payment of debt must contain clear language that allows you to determine the period and procedure for fulfilling obligations, as well as the conditions for bringing to responsibility. Therefore, the content of individual clauses may differ significantly, depending on the subject of the transaction. The content of the document must be clear and understandable, the language must be businesslike, without slang and jargon expressions. When prescribing conditions, it is important to be aware of your real capabilities.

Pay attention!

If you fail to fulfill your obligations, you will have to pay penalties and interest.

When filling out a sample letter of guarantee for payment of an invoice, you must indicate the following points:

    name of the organization, full name of the sender;

    sender's details (TIN, KPP);

    legal and actual address of the sender;

    name of the organization, full name of the person to whom the letter is addressed - the recipient;

    type of circumstances;

    the essence of the guarantees provided to the addressee;


At the end, the official seal of the sending company, signature and date of the document are affixed.

A letter of guarantee can be drawn up when taking out a loan, registering a company with the tax authorities, under supply contracts, performance of work or provision of services.


By drawing up this document, you guarantee the future fulfillment of your obligations to pay the debt. To the points listed above, you must add the amount of debt (indicated in words and figures), its repayment schedule, the number and date of the agreement under which the debt arose.

To reschedule the fulfillment of obligations or agree on debt restructuring, you can use a sample letter of guarantee for deferred payment. In such a document, you must indicate the exact period for which the debtor requests to postpone payments, as well as the conditions of liability for its violation.

To the tax office

This document is required when registering legal entities. Tax inspectors often require applicants to provide a letter of guarantee from the future landlord. In this way, the Federal Tax Service verifies the address of the organization being created.

It is important to indicate in the letter the owner’s intention to enter into a lease agreement with the registered organization. non-residential premises located at a specific address. It is also worth registering the details of the title documents for the premises.

To pay for rented premises

So that the owner of the rental property does not doubt the timely settlement of payments, it is necessary to fill out and submit a sample letter of guarantee for payment of rent. This document contains a reference to the concluded agreement or the potential tenant will guarantee timely payment upon conclusion of the agreement.

A sample letter of guarantee for payment for the premises will also be needed if there is arrears on monthly payments. It is important to carefully spell out the guarantees provided to the owner of the property, since the contract can be terminated unilaterally for late payment of rent.

To carry out work

This document is provided to the customer by the contractor before concluding the contract. It indicates specific types works or services that the contractor undertakes to perform within a certain period of time. In practice, a bank guarantee is also provided to confirm the contractor’s good faith.

Purchased item

A sample letter of guarantee for payment of the invoice is required if the deadline for receiving the products does not coincide with the time of transfer of funds. In such a letter, it is important to indicate the amount of payment, the name of the product, and the seller’s details. In some situations, it is possible to prescribe liability for breach of obligation.

Legal meaning of the letter of guarantee

It has a number important functions:

  • is an acknowledgment of debt (and this is related to proof and the running of the limitation period);
  • certifies a certain amount of debt of one party to the other, as well as other circumstances;
  • confirms the fact of execution of an agreement between counterparties (as evidence).

Pay attention!

A letter of guarantee is considered one of the options for securing obligations and is used not only in business relations of legal entities, but also in the interaction of individuals and individual entrepreneurs. In addition to the letter, you can provide a bank guarantee for the entire amount of the debt.

Often, letters of guarantee oblige to perform any actions that do not contradict current laws: for example, execution of a contract within a certain time frame, confirmation of some information, fulfillment of undertaken obligations, as well as work, delivery of goods or provision of services.

A well-written letter of guarantee creates a good reputation for your organization and is the key to long-term cooperation with a business partner.

If you have any difficulties drafting this document, we recommend that you contact our lawyers for advice. You can contact a specialist by phone or write to us directly on the website.

  • Samples of powers of attorney and commercial proposals
  • Automatic filling standard forms documents
  • Printing documents with signature and seal image
  • Letterheads with your logo and details
  • Uploading documents in Excel, PDF, CSV formats
  • Sending documents by email directly from the system

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In the modern world between commercial organizations strong business relationships are built. An integral part of such relations are commodity-money exchange and business correspondence. One form of business correspondence is a letter of guarantee. This document has several features. Let's talk about them in more detail.

A letter of guarantee is a document in which the sender promises or guarantees to carry out any actions in relation to the address related to his interests. This letter is not an official commitment; rather, it is a sign of seriousness of intentions and confirmation of the obligations assumed. However, when drawing up a letter of guarantee, it is usually signed by the head of the organization and stamped. All letters of guarantee are registered through the office and are part of official business correspondence.

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The sender of the letter of guarantee is usually a legal entity or the head of the organization personally. Such a document can be addressed to both a legal entity and an individual. Sometimes the word “guarantee” itself does not appear in the text of the letter, but the form itself indicates that this correspondence is of this kind. Various actions can be guaranteed, for example, timely payment for goods, shipment deadlines, or proper quality of work. IN in some cases Letters of guarantee may be required by one of the parties to the commercial relationship. This happens when one party is not confident in their business partner. Letters of guarantee often serve as an addition to the main contract, as an additional guarantee of quality cooperation.

The most common case of using a letter of guarantee is the fact of payment confirmation. Then, in the text of the letter itself or in the attachment, you need to indicate a link to the account number through which the payment is made. But sometimes such a letter can also serve as a certification document. In case of registration of a company in government agencies, when the premises for a legal address will be provided only after some time, a letter of guarantee from the landlord is sufficient. Some banks may accept letters of guarantee from third parties to issue a loan. In this case, such a document confirms the borrower’s solvency.

The language in which the letter is written should be purely businesslike. The content should be clear and understandable, without long vague phrases and expressions. The letter indicates the details of the organization, as well as the type of operation for which the guarantee is provided. It is necessary to indicate the amounts and clear deadlines for the transfer. Only in this case can the correspondence be fully called a letter of guarantee.

This letter is usually prepared in two forms. The first is when the sender gives a guarantee in the first lines of the text, and then further in the text he deciphers the essence of the obligations, terms, conditions, etc. (the letter begins “We guarantee by this letter...”). The second option is when the text describes the essence of the correspondence, and at the end of the letter “I guarantee the fulfillment of the conditions” or “I guarantee timely payment” is added. In which case, which option to apply is determined based on specific obligations and level business relations between organizations.

If the letter deals with financial issues and payment amounts, then in addition to the signature of the manager or official on whose behalf the correspondence is being conducted, the signature of the chief accountant or financial director is also affixed. General rules Forms of letters of guarantee and examples of these documents can be found on the Internet.

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(sample) will be of interest to those who want to receive from the debtor a document in which he undertakes to perform some action within the framework of the relationship between the parties. The scope of application of letters of guarantee is extensive. In our article you will learn how to correctly draw up a letter of guarantee.

What is a letter of guarantee?

A letter of guarantee is one of the business documents, which is drawn up by one of the parties to the transaction (or an individual) and contains confirmation of compliance with certain conditions or the completion of any actions.

A letter of guarantee is one of the ways to secure obligations.

In practice, this document is found not only in relationships between legal entities, but also in the context of interaction between individuals. Examples of areas of application of letters of guarantee may be:

  • Labor law. In this case, a letter of guarantee for employment is drawn up. It is usually required when submitting documents to the Federal Migration Service for migrants.
  • Contract law. There are quite a few situations here that may require writing letters of guarantee. For example, a loan agreement, lease agreement, etc. For example, a letter of guarantee for payment of debt, a letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises.

It is not difficult to compose a letter of guarantee (sample), since the form of its writing is arbitrary, and the content depends on the specific situation.

There are several ways to send a letter of guarantee:

  1. In person. In this case, the receiving party must sign on the second form of the document.
  2. By registered mail.
  3. Via email.

How to write a letter of guarantee?

The legislator does not provide for a sample letter of guarantee in the law. However, when compiling it, we recommend paying attention to several circumstances:

  • be sure to indicate the recipient of the document, in particular his full name (or name of the legal entity), address, telephone number and other information;
  • in the text of the letter, write down everything in the most detailed way - on the basis of what the legal relations of the parties arose and what is provided by the letter, in what time frames certain actions will be carried out, etc.;
  • You can attach to the letter all the documents that you consider necessary to familiarize the other party with;
  • if the letter is drawn up on several pages, then all of them must be stitched and numbered, or a signature must be placed on each page;
  • as a rule, a letter of guarantee is drawn up in response to a claim, so it is advisable to reflect this fact in the text of the document itself;
  • At the end of the letter, be sure to put the date and signature, and the signature should only be of an authorized person (the legal entity additionally puts its seal).

Letter of guarantee form

The form of the letter of guarantee, which is drawn up on behalf of a legal entity, must contain all its details (full and abbreviated name, INN, OGRN, address, telephone).

If a document is drawn up on behalf of an individual, the writing order is arbitrary.

Letter of guarantee - how to write?

The letter is written in simple written form either on the official letterhead of a legal entity or on plain paper by an individual.

Depending on the specific situation, the guaranteeing party must write down the terms and, if necessary, methods for fulfilling its obligation.

Of course, a letter of guarantee is not a binding document, since it is not of a normative nature. However, when drawing it up, the parties rely on the decency and diligence of the debtor. That is, these relationships are based on trust.

Example of a letter of guarantee

Download letter of guarantee

To the Director of LLC "Horns and Hooves"

Ivanov Igor Viktorovich

from Petrov Vladimir Ivanovich,

residing at:

Ulyanovsk, st. Lenina, 1 apt. 1.

Contact phone: +7 111 111 11 11

Letter of guarantee

I, Vladimir Ivanovich Petrov, undertake to pay for the work performed by Horns and Hooves LLC, in accordance with the contract for the provision of services dated 05/16/2014 No. 2 in the amount of 16,500 (sixteen thousand five hundred) rubles until 05/15/2015.

Painting (decoding)

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