Which does not apply to celestial bodies. Cosmic bodies of the solar system

Planets- these are large celestial bodies.

All terrestrial planets have relatively few large sizes, significant density and consisting mainly of solids.
Giant planets They are large in size, low in density and consist mainly of gases. The mass of the giant planets makes up 98% of the total mass of the planets in the Solar System.
Relative to the Sun, the planets are arranged in the following order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
These planets are named after Roman gods: Mercury - god of trade; Venus - goddess of love and beauty; Mars is the god of war; Jupiter is the thunder god; Saturn - god of earth and fertility; Uranus - god of the sky; Neptune - god of the sea and shipping; Pluto is the god of the underworld of the dead.
On Mercury, the temperature rises to 420 °C during the day and drops to -180 °C at night. Venus is hot both day and night (up to 500 °C); its atmosphere consists almost entirely of carbon dioxide. The Earth is located at such a distance from the Sun that most of the water is in a liquid state, which made it possible for life to arise on our planet. The Earth's atmosphere contains oxygen.
On Mars temperature regime similar to Earth, but the atmosphere is dominated by carbon dioxide. At low temperatures In winter, carbon dioxide turns into dry ice.
Jupiter is 13 times larger and 318 times heavier than Earth. Its atmosphere is thick, opaque and appears streaky different colors. Beneath the atmosphere there is an ocean of liquefied gases.
Stars- hot celestial bodies emitting light. They are so distant from the Earth that we see them as bright spots. With the naked eye you can see about 3000 visions in the starry sky, with the help of a spyglass - ten times more.
Constellations- groups of nearby stars. Ancient astronomers mentally connected the stars with lines and obtained certain figures. In the sky of the Northern Hemisphere, the ancient Greeks identified 12 zodiacal constellations: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Ancient people believed that each earthly month was connected in a certain way with one of the constellations.
Comets- celestial bodies with luminous tails that change their position in the sky and direction of movement over time.
The comet's body consists of a solid core, frozen gases and solid dust, ranging in size from one to ten kilometers. As the comet approaches the Sun, its gases begin to evaporate. This is how comets grow a luminous gas tail. The most famous is Halley's comet (it was discovered in the 17th century by the English astronomer Halley), which appears near the Earth at an approximate interval of 76 years. The last time it approached Earth was in 1986.
Meteora- these are the solid remains of cosmic bodies that fall at tremendous speed through the Earth's atmosphere. At the same time, they burn, leaving a bright light.
Fireballs- bright giant meteors weighing from 100 g to several tons. Their fast flight is accompanied by loud noise, sparks, and a burning smell.
Meteorites- charred stone or iron bodies that fell to Earth from interplanetary space without collapsing in the atmosphere.
Asteroids- these are “baby” planets from 0.7 to 1 km in diameter.

Determining the sides of the horizon using vision
Behind the constellation Ursa Major it is easy to find the North Star. If you stand facing the Polar Star, then there will be north in front, south behind, east on the right, and west on the left.

Space is fraught with many unknown secrets. The gaze of humanity is constantly turned to the Universe. Each sign we receive from space provides answers and at the same time raises many new questions.

What cosmic bodies are visible to the naked eye from

Group of cosmic bodies

What is the name of the closest

What are celestial bodies?

Celestial bodies are objects that fill the Universe. Space objects include: comets, planets, meteorites, asteroids, stars, which necessarily have their own names.

The subjects of astronomy are cosmic (astronomical) celestial bodies.

The sizes of celestial bodies existing in universal space are very different: from gigantic to microscopic.

The structure of the stellar system is considered using the example of the Solar system. Planets move around a star (Sun). These objects, in turn, have natural satellites, dust rings, and an asteroid belt has formed between Mars and Jupiter.

On October 30, 2017, residents of Sverdlovsk will observe the asteroid Iris. According to scientific calculations, an asteroid in the main asteroid belt will approach Earth by 127 million kilometers.

Based on spectral analysis and the general laws of physics it is established that the Sun consists of gases. The view of the Sun through a telescope shows granules of the photosphere creating a gas cloud. The only star in the system produces and emits two types of energy. According to scientific calculations, the diameter of the Sun is 109 times greater than the diameter of the Earth.

At the beginning of the 10s of the 21st century, the world was gripped by another doomsday hysteria. Information was spread that the “planet devil” was bringing the apocalypse. The Earth's magnetic poles will shift as a result of the Earth being between Nibiru and the Sun.

Today information about new planet fade into the background and are not confirmed by science. But, at the same time, there are statements that Nibiru has already flown past us, or through us, having changed its primary physical indicators: having comparatively reduced its size or critically changed its density.

What cosmic bodies form the Solar System?

The solar system is the Sun and 8 planets with their satellites, the interplanetary medium, as well as asteroids or dwarf planets, united in two belts - the near or main belt and the distant or Kuiper belt. The largest Kuiper planet is Pluto. This approach gives a specific answer to the question: how much major planets in the solar system?

The list of known large planets of the system is divided into two groups - terrestrial and Jovian.

All terrestrial planets have a similar structure and chemical composition of the core, mantle and crust. This makes it possible to study the process of atmospheric formation on the planets of the inner group.

The fall of cosmic bodies is subject to the laws of physics

The speed of the Earth is 30 km/s. The movement of the Earth together with the Sun relative to the center of the galaxy can cause a global catastrophe. The trajectories of planets sometimes intersect with the lines of movement of other cosmic bodies, which is a threat of these objects falling onto our planet. The consequences of collisions or falls to Earth can be very severe. Parasitizing factors resulting from the fall of large meteorites, as well as collisions with an asteroid or comet, will be explosions generating colossal energy and strong earthquakes.

Prevention of such space disasters is possible if the entire world community joins forces.

When developing defense and countermeasure systems, it is necessary to take into account that the rules of behavior during space attacks must provide for the possibility of the manifestation of properties unknown to mankind.

What is a cosmic body? What characteristics should it have?

The Earth is considered as a cosmic body capable of reflecting light.

All visible bodies in the solar system reflect the light of stars. What objects belong to cosmic bodies? In space, in addition to clearly visible large objects, there are a lot of small and even tiny ones. The list of very small space objects begins with cosmic dust (100 microns), which is the result of gas emissions after explosions in the atmospheres of planets.

There are astronomical objects different sizes, shapes and location relative to the Sun. Some of them are combined into separate groups to make them easier to classify.

What kind of cosmic bodies are there in our galaxy?

Our Universe is filled with a variety of cosmic objects. All galaxies are empty spaces filled with in different forms astronomical bodies. From the school astronomy course we know about stars, planets and satellites. But there are many types of interplanetary fillers: nebulae, star clusters and galaxies, almost unstudied quasars, pulsars, black holes.

Large astronomically, these are stars - hot light-emitting objects. In turn, they are divided into large and small. Depending on their spectrum, they are brown and white dwarfs, variable stars and red giants.

All celestial bodies can be divided into two types: those that provide energy (stars) and those that do not (cosmic dust, meteorites, comets, planets).

Each celestial body has its own characteristics.

Classification of cosmic bodies of our system according to composition:

  • silicate;
  • ice;
  • combined.

Artificial space objects are space objects: manned spacecraft, inhabited orbital stations, inhabited stations on celestial bodies.

On Mercury, the Sun moves at reverse side. According to the information received, terrestrial bacteria are expected to be found in the atmosphere of Venus. The Earth moves around the Sun at a speed of 108,000 km per hour. Mars has two satellites. Jupiter has 60 moons and five rings. Saturn is compressed at the poles due to its rapid rotation. Uranus and Venus move around the Sun in the opposite direction. On Neptune there is such a phenomenon as.

A star is a hot gaseous cosmic body in which thermonuclear reactions occur.

Cool stars are brown dwarfs that do not have enough energy. The list of astronomical discoveries is completed by the cool star from the constellation Bootes CFBDSIR 1458 10ab.

White dwarfs are cosmic bodies with a cooled surface, in which the thermonuclear process no longer occurs, and they consist of high-density matter.

Hot stars are celestial bodies that emit blue light.

The temperature of the main star of the Bug Nebula is -200,000 degrees.

A glowing trace in the sky can be left by comets, small shapeless space formations left from meteorites, fireballs, and various remains of artificial satellites that enter the solid layers of the atmosphere.

Asteroids are sometimes classified as small planets. In fact, they look like stars of low brightness due to the active reflection of light. Cercera, from the constellation Canis, is considered the largest asteroid in the universe.

What cosmic bodies are visible to the naked eye from Earth?

Stars are cosmic bodies that emit heat and light into space.

Why are planets visible in the night sky that do not emit light? All stars glow due to the release of energy during nuclear reactions. The resulting energy is used to restrain gravitational forces and for light emissions.

But why do cold space objects also emit a glow? Planets, comets, and asteroids do not emit, but reflect starlight.

Group of cosmic bodies

Space is filled with bodies of different sizes and shapes. These objects move differently relative to the Sun and other objects. For convenience, there is a certain classification. Examples of groups: “Centaurs” - located between the Kuiper belt and Jupiter, “Vulcanoids” - presumably between the Sun and Mercury, the 8 planets of the system are also divided into two: the inner (terrestrial) group and the outer (Jupiterian) group.

What is the name of the cosmic body closest to the earth?

What is the name of the celestial body orbiting a planet? The natural satellite Moon moves around the Earth, according to the forces of gravity. Some planets of our system also have satellites: Mars - 2, Jupiter - 60, Neptune - 14, Uranus - 27, Saturn - 62.

All objects subject to solar gravity are part of the huge and incomprehensible solar system.


Idea of ​​the Universe. The universe and human life.

Human exploration of the Universe.

1. Universe.

Universe- this is limitless outer space with celestial bodies. Space has long attracted the attention of people, captivating them with its beauty and mystery. Unable to go beyond the Earth, people populated space with a variety of mythical creatures. Gradually the science of the Universe was formed - astronomy.

Observations are carried out at special scientific stations - observatories. they are equipped with telescopes, cameras, radars, spectrum analyzers and other astronomical instruments.

2. Human exploration of the Universe.

Astronomical observations from the Earth. Scientists take pictures of the starry sky and analyze them. Powerful radars listen to outer space, receiving different signals.

Launch of space satellites. First space satellite was launched V space in 1957. Satellites are equipped with instruments for studying the Earth and space.

Human flight into space. The first flight into space was carried out by a citizen Soviet Union Yuri Gagarin.

3. The influence of the Universe on the development of life on Earth.

Our planet was formed from cosmic dust about 4.5 billion years ago. Space material continues to fall to Earth in the form of meteorites. Breaking into the atmosphere at high speed, most of them burn up (falling “stars”). Every year, at least a thousand meteorites fall to the Earth, the mass of which varies from several grams to several kilograms.

Cosmic radiation and ultraviolet radiation The suns contributed to the processes of biochemical evolution on our planet.

The formation of the ozone layer protects modern living organisms from the destructive effects of cosmic rays.

Sunlight through photosynthesis provides energy and food to all living organisms on the planet.

4. Man's place in the Universe.

Man, as an intelligent creature, masters and changes the face of the planet. The human mind has created technologies that have made it possible to go beyond the Earth and begin to master space. A man landed on the Moon, space probes reached Mars.

Humanity wants to find signs of life and intelligence on other planets. There are scientists who believe that modern people- these are the descendants of aliens who made an emergency landing on our planet. Drawings made in the era of primitive people have been found in several places on Earth. In these drawings, scientists see people in space suits. The elders of some tribes paint a starry sky that can only be seen from space.

Among several theories about the origin of life on Earth, there is also the theory of the introduction of life from space. Amino acids are found in some meteorites (amino acids form proteins, and life on our planet is of a protein nature).

1. Star worlds - galaxies. Stars, constellations

All terrestrial planets They are relatively small in size, significantly dense and consist mainly of solids.

Giant planets They are large in size, low in density and consist mainly of gases. The mass of the giant planets makes up 98% of the total mass of the planets in the Solar System.

Relative to the Sun, the planets are arranged in the following order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

These planets are named after Roman gods: Mercury - god of trade; Venus - goddess of love and beauty; Mars is the god of war; Jupiter is the thunder god; Saturn - god of earth and fertility; Uranus - god of the sky; Neptune - god of the sea and shipping; Pluto is the god of the underworld of the dead.

On Mercury, the temperature rises to 420 °C during the day and drops to -180 °C at night. Venus is hot day and night (up to 500 °C); its atmosphere consists almost entirely of carbon dioxide. The Earth is located at such a distance from the Sun that most of the water is in a liquid state, which made it possible for life to arise on our planet. The Earth's atmosphere contains oxygen.

On Mars, the temperature regime is similar to that on Earth, but the atmosphere is dominated by carbon dioxide. At low temperatures in winter, carbon dioxide turns into dry ice.

Jupiter is 13 times larger and 318 times heavier than Earth. Its atmosphere is thick, opaque and appears as stripes of different colors. Under the atmosphere there is an ocean of rarefied gases.

Stars- hot celestial bodies that emit light. They are so far from the Earth that we see them as bright specks. With the naked eye you can see about 3000 visions in the starry sky, with the help of a spyglass - ten times more.

Constellation- groups of nearby stars. Long-time astronomers mentally connected the stars with lines and obtained certain figures. In the sky of the northern hemisphere, the ancient Greeks identified 12 zodiacal constellations: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. The ancients believed that each earthly month was connected in a certain way with one of the constellations.

Comets- celestial bodies with luminous tails that change their position in the sky and direction of movement over time.

The comet's body consists of a solid core, frozen gases and solid dust, ranging in size from one to ten kilometers. As the comet approaches the Sun, its gases begin to evaporate. This is how comets grow a luminous gas tail. The most famous is Halley's comet (it was discovered in the 17th century by the English astronomer Halley), which appears near the Earth at an approximate interval of 76 years. The last time it approached Earth was in 1986.

Meteora- these are the solid remains of cosmic bodies that fall at tremendous speed through the Earth's atmosphere. At the same time, they burn, leaving a bright light.

Fireballs- bright giant meteors weighing from 100 g to several tons. their fast flight is accompanied by loud noise, a scattering of sparks, and a burning smell.

Meteorites- charred stone or iron bodies that fell to Earth from interplanetary space without collapsing in the atmosphere.

Asteroids- these are “baby” planets from 0.7 to 1 km in diameter.

2. Determining the sides of the horizon using vision.

Behind the constellation Ursa Major it is easy to find the North Star. If you face it, then in front there will be north, behind - south, on the right - east, on the left - west.

3. Galaxies.

Spiral (consist of a core and several spiral arms)

Irregular (asymmetrical structure)

Galaxies- these are giant star systems (up to hundreds of billions of vision). Our Galaxy is called the Milky Way.

Elliptical (their appearance is circles or ellipses, the brightness gradually decreases from the center to the edge)

Sun. Solar system. The movement of planets around the Sun. The sun is the source of light and heat on Earth.

The sun is the nearest star.

Sun is a hot ball of gas located at a distance of 150 million km from the Earth. The sun has a complex structure. The outer layer is an atmosphere of three shells. Photosphere- the lowest and thickest layer of the solar atmosphere, approximately 300 km thick. Next shell - chromosphere, 12-15 thousand km thick.

Outer shell - solar corona silver-white in color, the height of which is up to several solar radii. It does not have clear outlines and changes shape over time. The corona matter constantly flows into interplanetary space, forming the so-called solar wind, which consists of protons (Hydrogen nuclei) and helium atoms.

Radius of the Sun - 700 thousand km, mass - 2 | 1030 kg K chemical composition Suns belong to 72 chemical element. Most of all is Hydrogen, followed by Helium (these two elements make up 98% of the mass of the Sun).

The Sun has existed in space for about 5 billion years and, according to astronomers, will exist for the same amount of time. The energy of the Sun is released as a result of thermonuclear reactions.

The surface of the Sun glows unevenly. Areas of increased brightness are called torches, and with reduced - spots. their the appearance and development is called solar activity. IN In different years, solar activity is not the same and has a cyclical nature (with a period from 7.5 to 16 years, on average - 11.1 years).

Often appear above the solar surface flashes- unexpected bursts of energy that reach the Earth within a few hours. Solar flares are accompanied magnetic storms, as a result of which strong chaotic waves arise in conductors electric currents that disrupt the operation of electrical networks and devices. Earthquakes can occur in seismically active areas.

During years of increased solar activity, tree growth increases. During these same periods, karakurts, locusts, and fleas reproduce more actively. It has been discovered that during years of high solar activity, not only epidemics (cholera, dysentery, diphtheria), but also pandemics (influenza, plague) occur.

In humans, the most vulnerable to changes in solar activity are the nervous and cardiovascular system. Even healthy people motor reactions and perception of time change, attention is dulled, sleep worsens, which affects professional activity. The number of leukocytes decreases and immunity decreases, which increases the body’s susceptibility to infectious diseases.

2. Solar system.

The Sun, major and minor planets, comets and other celestial bodies that revolve around the Sun make up Solar system.

One revolution of a planet around the Sun is called year. The farther a planet is from the Sun, the longer its revolution is and the longer the year on this planet is (see table).

Although all planets revolve around the Sun with at different speeds, they move in the same direction. Once every 84 years, all the planets are on the same line. This moment is called parade of planets.

Last year I gave my husband binoculars. This, of course, is not a telescope, but at maximum magnification you can see the Moon a little, especially on a full moon. Somewhere out there, very far from us, there are so many interesting and unknown things. I’ll tell you a little about this now.

Celestial bodies and their types

In some popular science program on the topic of space, the phrase “celestial body” is sure to appear. It is understood as an object of a miraculous nature that is located in outer space, well, or came from there. Sometimes such bodies are called astronomical objects. The essence does not change from this. The list of celestial bodies includes:

  • comets;
  • planets;
  • meteorites;
  • asteroids;
  • stars.

They all have a lot of differences between each other. First of all, each astronomical object has its own size. The largest are stars, and the smallest are meteorites. Various celestial bodies can form their own systems. For example, a star system consists of planets. Asteroids, united with each other, form belts, and stars - galaxies. But comets, as a rule, are solitary celestial bodies.

Comets are classified as celestial bodies small size. They move around the Sun in an elongated orbit. Comets consist of the following substances:

  • ammonia;
  • methane;
  • other components.

The main part of a comet is the nucleus. It is this that accounts for almost 100% of the mass of this celestial body. From Earth, a comet looks like a luminous ball with a tail. It appears only when a celestial body approaches the Sun. At this time, various particles of dust and gas fly out from the comet's nucleus, which complete the tail of the comet. The greater the distance from the comet to the Sun, the brighter it becomes. And all because ice, which is also part of the comet, turns into gases under the influence of the Sun. It is their cluster that gives such a bright glow to the celestial body.

Scientists claim that comets are located within the solar system. Several such astronomical objects are recorded every year. In total, more than 3,000 comets have already been discovered.

Space is my element. I adore all processes and bodies that are outside our atmosphere. I am amazed by their beauty, power, size and distances between us. All this excites my mind, and I am always very interested.

What are celestial bodies and what are they like?

For our planet, all celestial bodies are physical bodies that can be observed in the sky. Telescopes are used for this.

I consider all objects with a certain shape and mass that are located in the solar system to be celestial bodies. These include:

  • other planets;
  • asteroids and comets;
  • The Moon and man-made satellites;
  • Sun.

These are the closest objects that are very close by cosmic standards. I included it in this list artificial satellites, since they are in Earth orbit. I have repeatedly confused them with stars in the night sky.

Objects that are several hundred thousand or more light years away from us can also be called celestial bodies. For example, all year round in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth you can look at Milky Way. There are also various constellations in the sky, North Star and so on.

How can you observe celestial bodies

To get a better look at our closest satellite or another planet, you need to use a telescope. Every amateur astronomer, like me, has used this device at least once in his life. It can be used to look at specific areas of the starry sky to take stunning photos. Home telescopes are usually used, but today radio telescopes, which were previously built for special institutions, have become available.

You don't need a telescope to observe other planets. At a certain period of time, you can see Jupiter, the Andromeda galaxy, the Moon, Venus, Mars and meteor showers with the naked eye. I remember the first time I witnessed a meteor shower. Then I specially stocked up on food, climbed onto the roof of the garage, laid out a blanket to lie on and look at the sky.

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