Traffic rules signs for children. Mkou Bulanikha sosh

Prohibition signs introduce or remove certain traffic restrictions.

3.1 “Entry prohibited.”

Entry of all vehicles in this direction is prohibited.

3.2 “Movement prohibited.”

All vehicles are prohibited.

3.3 “The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited.”

3.4 “Truck traffic is prohibited.”

The movement of trucks and vehicle combinations with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons (if the weight is not indicated on the sign) or with a permissible maximum weight more than indicated on the sign, as well as tractors and self-propelled vehicles is prohibited.

Sign 3.4 does not prohibit the movement of trucks intended for transporting people, vehicles of federal postal organizations that have a white diagonal stripe on the side surface blue background, as well as trucks without a trailer with a permissible maximum weight of not more than 26 tons, which serve enterprises located in the designated area. In these cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination.

3.5 “Motorcycles are prohibited.”

3.6 “Movement of tractors is prohibited.”

The movement of tractors and self-propelled vehicles is prohibited.

3.7 “Driving with a trailer is prohibited.”

It is prohibited to drive trucks and tractors with trailers of any type, as well as tow motor vehicles.

3.8 “The movement of horse-drawn carts is prohibited.”

The movement of horse-drawn carts (sleighs), riding and pack animals, as well as the passage of livestock is prohibited.

3.9 “Bicycles are prohibited.”

Bicycles and mopeds are prohibited.

3.10 “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.”

3.11 “Weight limitation”.

The movement of vehicles, including combinations of vehicles, the total actual weight of which is greater than that indicated on the sign, is prohibited.

3.12 “Limitation of mass per vehicle axle.”

It is prohibited to drive vehicles whose actual weight on any axle exceeds that indicated on the sign.

3.13 “Height limitation”.

The movement of vehicles whose overall height (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign is prohibited.

3.14 “Width limitation”.

The movement of vehicles whose overall width (laden or unladen) is greater than that indicated on the sign is prohibited.

3.15 “Length limitation”.

The movement of vehicles (vehicle trains) whose overall length (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign is prohibited.

3.16 “Minimum distance limitation.”

It is prohibited to drive vehicles with a distance between them less than that indicated on the sign.

3.17.1 “Customs”.

It is prohibited to travel without stopping at a customs office (checkpoint).

3.17.2 “Danger”.

The further movement of all vehicles without exception is prohibited due to a traffic accident, accident, fire or other danger.

3.17.3 “Control”.

Driving through checkpoints without stopping is prohibited.

3.18.1 “Right turns are prohibited.”

3.18.2 “Left turns are prohibited.”

3.19 “Turning is prohibited.”

3.20 “Overtaking is prohibited.”

It is prohibited to overtake all vehicles except slow-moving vehicles, horse-drawn carts, bicycles, mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles without sidecars.

3.21 “End of the no-overtaking zone.”

3.22 “Overtaking by trucks is prohibited.”

It is prohibited for trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons to overtake all vehicles.

3.23 “End of the no-overtaking zone for trucks.”

3.24 “Maximum speed limit.”

It is prohibited to drive at a speed (km/h) exceeding that indicated on the sign.

3.25 “End of maximum speed limit zone.”

3.26 “Sound signal is prohibited.”

It is prohibited to use sound signals, except when the signal is given to prevent a traffic accident.

3.27 “Stopping is prohibited.”

Stopping and parking of vehicles is prohibited.

3.28 “Parking is prohibited.”

Parking of vehicles is prohibited.

3.29 “Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month.”

3.30 “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month.”

When signs 3.29 and 3.30 are used simultaneously on opposite sides of the roadway, parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway from 19:00 to 21:00 (rearrangement time).

3.31 “End of the zone of all restrictions.”

Designation of the end of the coverage area simultaneously for several signs from the following: 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26 – 3.30.

3.32 “The movement of vehicles with dangerous goods is prohibited.”

The movement of vehicles equipped with identification signs (information plates) “Dangerous cargo” is prohibited.

3.33 “The movement of vehicles with explosive and flammable cargo is prohibited.”

The movement of vehicles transporting explosives and products, as well as other dangerous goods subject to marking as flammable, is prohibited, except in cases of transportation of these dangerous substances and products in limited quantities, determined in the manner established by special transportation rules.

Signs 3.2 – 3.9, 3.32 and 3.33 prohibit the movement of the corresponding types of vehicles in both directions.

The signs do not apply to:

3.1 – 3.3, 3.18.1, 3.18.2, 3.19 – for route vehicles;

3.27 – for route vehicles and vehicles used as passenger taxis, in places where route vehicles stop or where vehicles used as passenger taxis are parked, marked with markings 1.17 and (or) signs 5.16 – 5.18, respectively.

3.2, 3.3, 3.5 – 3.8 – for vehicles of federal postal service organizations that have a white diagonal stripe on a blue background on the side surface, and vehicles that serve enterprises located in the designated area, and also serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated area. In these cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination;

3.28 – 3.30 – for vehicles driven by disabled people, transporting disabled people, including disabled children, if the identification mark “Disabled” is installed on these vehicles, as well as for vehicles of federal postal service organizations that have a white diagonal stripe on the side surface on a blue background, and in a taxi with the taximeter on;

3.2, 3.3 – for vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children, if the identification sign “Disabled” is installed on these vehicles;

The coverage area of ​​signs 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26-3.30 extends from the place where the sign is installed to the nearest intersection behind it, and in populated areas, in the absence of an intersection, to the end of the populated area. The effect of the signs is not interrupted at exit points from areas adjacent to the road and at intersections (junctions) with field, forest and other secondary roads, in front of which the corresponding signs are not installed.

The effect of sign 3.24, installed in front of a populated area indicated by sign 5.23.1 or 5.23.2, extends to this sign.

The coverage area of ​​signs may be reduced:

for signs 3.16 and 3.26 using plate 8.2.1;

for signs 3.20, 3.22, 3.24 by installing signs 3.21, 3.23, 3.25 at the end of their coverage area, respectively, or using plate 8.2.1. The coverage area of ​​sign 3.24 can be reduced by installing sign 3.24 with a different maximum speed value;

for signs 3.27-3.30 by installing at the end of their validity repeated signs 3.27-3.30 with plate 8.2.3 or using plate 8.2.2. Sign 3.27 can be used in conjunction with marking 1.4, and sign 3.28 - with marking 1.10, while the coverage area of ​​the signs is determined by the length of the marking line.

Road signs— pictures for children

Every mother will worry about her child as soon as he himself wants to go for a walk with friends on the street. When a child begins to walk, he will always notice beautiful road signs that stand, for example, near a road crossing. So why not teach your child road signs from childhood. It is natural that the most common signs for children will be: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Attention children”, “Tram stopping place”. A curious child will see many other signs, but these are the most important.

Doctors believe that teaching a child road signs starts from childhood. When he goes for a walk with you, tell him what a “Zebra” is and why near the crossing there is a beautiful sign with a little man walking along the stripes. When a child already goes to school in first grade, he will already know where he is supposed to cross the road and where not, he will know the most basic road signs.

We provide you with several of the most important pictures of road signs and a small but very simple explanation that every child can easily remember at a very young age.

Pictures of road signs for children and their explanations

"Pedestrian crossing"— an information sign that shows the place where it is allowed to cross the road. A little man is depicted walking along stripes. It is worth drawing the child’s attention to the fact that the same sign can be triangular, but it warns the driver that he is approaching a pedestrian crossing.
"Underground pedestrian crossing"- also an information and directional sign that indicates the location of the underground passage and is installed directly next to the passage. If on the way to kindergarten or school there is underground passage, be sure to point it out to your child.

“Tram stop location” and “Bus stop location”— information and directional signs that inform and indicate that public transport stops in this place. It is very important to explain to the child that this sign is important for both the pedestrian and the driver. Tell your child how to behave at a stop where there is such a sign (do not run, do not jump out, etc.).

For a clearer presentation about road signs for children we offer the following pictures, which will make it much easier to explain the rules of the road for pedestrians.

The main document regulating the rules of behavior on the road is the traffic rules. As for children, the significant sign is “Caution Children” 1.23 according to traffic rules. Compliance with the rules is very important, because otherwise, irreparable consequences may arise for which the offending driver will be legally punished.

Drivers should pay great attention to this traffic rules sign, which warns motorists about the possible appearance of children in the area.

The road sign, beware of children, is classified as a warning sign, and it must be installed where there is an increased likelihood of children appearing.

These are, as a rule, places on the road near which children's institutions will be located, be it schools, kindergartens, sports clubs and other organizations for children and adolescents. In addition, the sign can be installed in other places where it has been noticed that children often cross the roadway, but there is no pedestrian crossing on the site.

And according to the traffic rules, along with this warning sign there must be an additional sign that will indicate over what area the effect of the sign will be extended.

But it is worth noting, since the sign is only a warning measure, it does not oblige the driver to any restrictions.

In this case, the motorist only needs to pay increased attention on the road and reduce his speed so that, if necessary, he can quickly react and stop his vehicle.

If on a section of road in locality, there is a possibility that children may be crossing the road here. The sign should be installed no less than 50 meters from the beginning of the dangerous section.

But any driver must understand that children do not always follow the rules and treat their behavior on the road with responsibility and understanding, therefore, even if there is no picture of a child, do not forget to be careful. Staying alert on the road can save someone's life.

Designation when transporting children on a vehicle

If group transportation of children is planned by motor transport, the rules establish special requirements for this. First of all, this is the presence of special signs, both in front and at the back of the vehicle, which will indicate that children are passengers. Also, each child must have a separate seat. And of course, a mandatory requirement will be the presence of an adult accompanying person who is with small passengers in the vehicle.

The plate attached to the vehicle will look like a yellow square with an image of two running children in a red border.

Moreover, the size of the sign on the back should be large sizes, rather than the front sign.

Requirements for the driver and car

And the driver of a vehicle with such signs will be subject to a number of restrictions, the implementation of which is strictly mandatory:

  • First of all, it is a low speed, namely, no more than 60 km/h;
  • When children are dropped off or picked up on the roadway, vehicles must have the alarm. It is necessary to warn other road users about small passengers, so other drivers need to be especially careful;
  • Even before the start of the journey, the entire route must be drawn up and agreed upon. It is prohibited to make any changes to it during the journey;
  • In the vehicle interior, in addition to children, their personal belongings and hand luggage, there should be no foreign objects or cargo;
  • It is prohibited for the driver to leave the vehicle until the last child gets out of it;
  • If children are transported in a convoy of several cars, overtaking is prohibited;
    Such vehicles with a warning about transporting children are not allowed to drive in reverse.

This sign, which warns of the possibility of children on the road, namely “Caution Children”, was adopted by the UN convention in Vienna, and it is valid throughout the world.

Didactic game on traffic rules for older preschoolers “Road signs”

Netkacheva Elena Sergeevna, teacher, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 34 “Bell”, Mozdok, North Ossetia-Alania.
Description: This didactic game will be useful for educators and parents to study and reinforce road signs.
Age: playbook made for children preschool age.
Goal and objectives: Teach and reinforce children's knowledge of road signs. Develop attention, thinking, memory.
Material: The game consists of cards and elements of road signs. Each card shows a road sign, with its silhouette underneath the sign.
Progress of the game:
The game can be played by one, two or more people. The presenter conducts the game. The presenter talks about the meaning of each sign, or invites the children to remember and talk about them. Shows and explains their shape, color, name, purpose.
After explaining all the signs, the presenter distributes cards.
Then the presenter shows an element of a road sign and asks: “Which sign has the same element?”, “What is the name of this sign?”
If the answer is correct, the element becomes game card. The game is considered over if all participants in the game have filled out cards.

To make it easier for players during the game process, cards with signs can be cut.

During the game, you can use Olesya Emelyanova’s material “Poems about road signs.” This will bring more interest to the game.

No entry sign:
The driver's sign is scary
Cars are prohibited from entering!
Don't try rashly
Drive past the brick!

"No overtaking" sign:
Overtaking sign
In this place, it is immediately clear
Overtaking others is dangerous!

Pedestrian crossing sign:
There's a land crossing here
People walk around all day.
You, driver, don't be sad,
Let the pedestrian pass!

“No driving without stopping” sign:
You, driver, take your time,
See the sign, stop!
Before you continue on your way,
Don't forget to look around.

Sign “Pedestrian traffic prohibited”:
In rain or shine
There are no pedestrians here.
The sign tells them one thing:
“You are not allowed to go!”

Sign “Underground pedestrian crossing”:
Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He doesn't decorate the city,
But it doesn’t interfere with cars!

Sign "Bus Stop Location"
trolleybus, tram and taxi":

There is a pedestrian in this place
The transport is waiting patiently.
He's tired of walking
Wants to become a passenger.

“No Sound Alarm” sign:
Hey driver, don't honk your horn
Don't wake up the sleeping ones with noise.
Don't scare passers-by with your horn,
After all, you yourself will go deaf too.

First aid station sign:
If someone breaks a leg,
Here doctors will always help.
First aid will be provided
They will tell you where to get treatment next.

Traffic light:
Every driver should know
What is the most important thing about a traffic light:
If he looks with a red eye,
Stop right away.
If a yellow eye flashes,
Wait, he will change now.
And the green eye will light up -
Feel free to go forward!

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