Application to the certification commission of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region for certification for the first qualification category for the position of teacher

Olga Ivleva
Application for higher education qualification category.

I ask you to certify me for the 2015 academic year highest qualification category teacher by position.

I currently have my first qualification category, its deadline is March 18, 2018.

The basis for certification for the specified in application for qualification category I consider the following results of the work. I plan my teaching activities in accordance with the basic general education program preschool education municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 76". I carry out the educational process on the basis of a personality-oriented model of interaction, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the child. When choosing the content, methods and forms of the educational process, I also take into account the psychological capabilities of children. All this allows you to achieve good results in working with children. Analysis of monitoring results for the entire inter-assessment period showed the dynamics of average and high levels of children’s mastery of program material. So in 2013, 25% of students had an average level; 75% - high level development. In 2014, indicators with an average level of 17%; and those with high levels increased to 83%.

I provide accessibility additional education. Introduced a program for short-term stays for children into the practice of the preschool institution "First Steps". The priority area of ​​work under this program is the adaptation of younger children preschool age to the conditions of the preschool educational institution. One of the main tasks is to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children early age.

The results of monitoring the implementation of the program showed that the number of pupils in 2014 increased by 42% compared to 2013.

I carry out my activities with the help of information resources. Information support I carry out the educational process systematically, post materials on the website, publish booklets, leaflets, newspapers to educate parents about the education and upbringing of children in a preschool institution.

I actively use elements of health-saving technologies, acupressure and self-massage using balls "Su-Jok", physical education minutes, dynamic pauses, finger gymnastics, thanks to which children are relieved of mental and emotional stress, and their ability to better assimilate the material being studied increases.

The use of health-saving technologies in working with children has made it possible to achieve positive dynamics, reducing colds among preschoolers:

In 2013, the incidence of ARVI was 56%.

In 2014, the incidence of ARVI decreased to 30%.

During their working career, there were no justified complaints from parents, there were no injuries or accidents.

My students systematically participate in regional, city, All-Russian and International competitions, have victories and prizes places:

2013 certificate of the All-Russian competition of decorative and applied creativity "Autumn Sketch" city ​​of Samara and a winner's diploma.

2013 winner's certificate for participation in the district competition for the best New Year's craft « Road sign at the New Year's tree".

2014 diploma from the education department of the Zavodsky district of the city of Novokuznetsk for 2nd place in the correspondence regional competition among preschool institutions “For the safety of the whole family!”.

2014 certificate and diploma of the second degree winner for holding an event in the All-Russian competition of arts and crafts "From beads sparkling brightly".

The share of students participating in creative, physical education and sports activities every year increases: in 2013 20% of participants, and in 2014 60% of participants from total number.

I am proficient in modern information and communication technologies (Microsoft Office Word, Power Point, Excel, Microsoft Publisher). I actively use Internet resources and apply them in educational work. I create presentations and consultations for parents. I'm designing a newspaper "The Life of Our Group", - in which parents can become more familiar with the activities of children in kindergarten.

To exchange teaching experience using a personal Internet blog http://www..hime. I have a certificate of publication on the international educational portal Maam: certificate of participation in a monthly competition "The best methodological development"- Traffic plan. Participated in regional and international competitions: certificate of participation in the All-Russian competition of professional skills of the pedagogical club "Science and Creativity"(/https://sites,gogl/klubnayka (2013)

In my work I regularly use design technologies, I have developed research project "Small steps to big discoveries", the result of which is the development of search and cognitive activity of preschool children, high motivation to engage in research activities. This project was highly appreciated by teachers and parents at the open pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution (2014)

I am an active participant in regional and international competitions: winner's diploma (1st place) in the 3rd All-Russian creative competition “Creative works and methodological developments of teachers”, diploma for participation in the All-Russian creative competition “Scenarios for holidays and events in kindergarten”. In 2013, she presented teaching materials on the topic "Children are friends of nature" at an environmental and biological festival "Stream" in the city of Novokuznetsk. Became a laureate of the international competition of author's dolls for fairy tales by Svetlana Savitskaya (2013) .

I participate in the preparation and conduct of pedagogical councils, where I introduce preschool teachers to my experience in working on topics “Innovative technologies and health protection of preschool children”, “Development of independence in children 4-5 years old” and others. Participated in the pedagogical council with a presentation of a stand for parents, where she received a positive assessment from colleagues. She summarized her work experience in the creative development “Game activities of preschoolers carried out during routine moments.”

Publications on the topic:

Certification of teachers. Application for the first qualification category I ask you to certify me in 2014-2015 for the first qualification category for the position of “educator”. I currently have no qualifications.

Application form for the highest qualification category for the position of “educator” To the certification commission of the Department of Education and Science of the Lipetsk Region Arkhipova Elena Ivanovna (last name, first name, patronymic) 07/04/1967

Sample characteristics of a physical education instructor at a preschool educational institution for the highest qualification category Characteristics - presentation of the full name (R.p.) of the physical education instructor, the name of the institution according to the Charter (R.p., city... region.

Sample characteristics of a musical director for the highest qualification category Characteristics Last name, first name, patronymic (R.P., Name of preschool educational institution (R.P., in accordance with the Charter of the institution) year of birth, education (.

Sample characteristics of a teacher for the highest qualification category Last name, first name, patronymic (in the genitive case) of the teacher of the institution (full name of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Charter, R. p.) year of birth.


Please certify me at 20 13 year old for the first qualification category for the position of teacher.

Currently I have the second qualification category, its validity period is until February 26, 2015.

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application.

I am proficient in information and communication technologies, I use them in practical activities to model the educational process. I create presentations, booklets, leaflets for successful work with children. I create visual information for parent corners and stands kindergarten. I edit films about the life of a kindergarten. Some of my latest works:

films “An Ordinary Day in Kindergarten”, “Summer, Ah, Summer!”, “Our Tavosochka”;

presentations “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”, “Winter fun”, “Wintering birds”, “ Coniferous trees", "Household Appliances";

booklets “Intensive hardening in preschool educational institutions”, “Color therapy”, “Phytotherapy”, “Aromatherapy”;

leaflets “Prevention of influenza and ARVI”, “The flu will not go away!”, “Healthy eating”;

stand " New Year in "Tavosochka".

I successfully use Internet resources to find the necessary information, music and video material necessary for the organization directly educational activities children, as well as sharing experiences with colleagues. I post the material I have prepared in electronic form on the official website of MADO No. 215.

To maintain children's interest in the educational process, I systematically use technical teaching aids (music center, audio recordings, video recordings, DVD player, interactive games and toys, computer programs etc.). For example, when working with children I use educational computer programs: “Baba Yaga - School on Chicken Legs”, “Soon to School. Fun Mathematics" (FEMP); " The Three Little Pigs O Tiv wolf. Learning the alphabet", "The ABC - how a mouse caught letters" (learning to read and write). The latest audio and video collections I have edited:

“Classical music for children” (audio);

“Music for Relaxation” (audio);

“Electrical appliances” (video).

The technical teaching aids I use make it possible to expand the range of informational, expressive, and artistic possibilities for children’s educational activities, enhance the impression of the material presented, and help build motivation in children.

I independently develop and use in the educational process demonstration and handout material in various areas of direct educational activity. Developed and designed visual aids, didactic games, diagrams, models, compiled card indexes of games, observations, gymnastics, game breathing exercises, relaxation. For example, some of my latest developments include:

“Trees”, “Flowers”, “Wild and Domestic Animals”, “Birds” (visual aids);

“Blow away a snowflake” (teaching manual);

“Cut pictures” (according to various lexical topics), “What first - what next”, “Sequence”, “Seasons” (didactic games);

“Finger games”, “Articulation gymnastics”, “Observations on a walk”, “Sedentary games”, “Gymnastics for the eyes”, “Artistic word in routine processes”, “Artistic word about the seasons” (card files);

“Game stretching”, “Invigorating gymnastics” (folders - collections).

The priority direction of my work is strengthening the health of children. In my teaching activities I use modern health-saving technologies: I organize optimal motor activity children, various types of hardening, acupressure, breathing exercises, articulatory gymnastics, finger exercises, physical education, dynamic pauses, corrective exercises after sleep, play stretching, music therapy, fairy tale therapy, aromatherapy. I provide health improvement for children using modern technical means: I use ionizers and air humidifiers. In order to preserve children's vision, I comply with SanPin requirements for the placement of children, lighting conditions, and use visual gymnastics. Together with parents, I organize entertainment (“In the Land of Health,” 2011), physical education holidays (“Olympiad,” 2012), competitions (“Russian Heroes,” 2012), health days and other health-improving events, which allows us to achieve stable reduction of colds, increases the effectiveness of the educational process. There has been a steady decline in cold incidence over the past three years (2.3%).

The projects I developed: “Playing Theater” (for children of senior preschool age) and “Development through perception” (for children of primary preschool age) are successfully implemented in working with children and have positive results and feedback from teachers and parents of students. These projects are aimed at the successful socialization of children, the formation of communication skills, and the development of cognitive activity.

From January 2010 to January 28, 2013, MADOU No. 215 was a regional experimental site in the direction of “Health-saving support of the educational process, as a condition for the implementation of the priority national project “Education”. Pupils of my preparatory group“Swallows” were members of the control group. My responsibilities included organizational support experimental work, parent counseling.

Since June 2011, a federal internship site in the direction of “Modernization of municipal preschool education systems” has been operating on the basis of MADOU No. 215. Our group is exemplary as an example of the implementation of FGT in the educational preschool environment.

I have a secondary specialized pedagogical education.

I improve my skills through advanced training courses and take part in various specialized seminars and webinars. In 2009, she took the course “Computer technologies in professional activities.” In 2010, I took courses in the “Theory and Practice of Preschool Education” program, totaling 104 hours. In 2012, she participated in the seminar “Organization and content of teacher activities in groups of children with speech disorders.” In 2012, she participated in a series of webinars “Website as a tool for working with parents.” In 2013, she was a participant in the round table on the topic “Resolving conflict situations in preschool educational institutions.” In 2013, she participated in a series of seminars “Television by children in preschool educational institutions, as a process of socialization of children and a tool for the development of the emotional-cognitive sphere.”

I successfully collaborate with parents using various forms of interaction: meetings, individual conversations, open days, visual campaigning. I have positive reviews about my teaching activities posted on the website As a result of interaction with parents in the educational process, the interest of both children and adults in the activities and life of the MADU has increased. Over the 4 years of work at MADO No. 215, there were no complaints from parents.

I systematically engage in self-education, study the latest in methodological literature, scientific articles on preschool education, and review specialized latest printed publications for colleagues. I am working on the topic of self-education: “Theatrical games as a means of developing children’s speech.” A long-term plan has been developed for this topic, and a selection of games and exercises has been created. Various types of theaters for children's games have been made: finger, glove, plane, mask, clothespin. The results of monitoring children's speech activity have proven the effectiveness of my work on speech development through theatrical games. Data for the 2011-2012 academic year:

the ratio of the levels of speech development of coherent speech in children at the beginning of the school year is high 15%, average 54%, low 31%;

the ratio of levels of speech development of coherent speech in children at the end of the school year is high 46%, average 54%, low 0%.

In order to improve teaching and educational methods, I accept active participation in teacher councils, seminars, workshops, consultations held at MADO. I am a member of the Council of Teachers, secretary of the Trade Union Organization of MADOU No. 215, a member of the PMPC, a member of the creative group for the study and implementation of FGT, a mentor of young specialists of MADOU, a mentor of students of the Kemerovo Pedagogical College. I show open events for kindergarten teachers and students of a pedagogical college, for example:

theatrical production “Kolobok” (2010);

master class “Making finger puppets” (2010);

GCD for Literacy Education (2011);

organization of the role-playing game “Polyclinic” (2012);

organization of didactic and outdoor games with children (2010 – 2013);

consultations for students of the College of Education on topics of teaching practice (2010 – 2013);

organization math games with children (2013).

I take an active part in events at various levels.

Participated in the MADOU team in the city competition at best design educational institution in Kemerovo, 1st place (2009).

Participated in the winter towns competition held at MADOU (2010).

P prepared and presented to teachers at the teachers' council a report and presentation “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. From work experience" (2011).

Awarded a certificate for 1st place in team game“Brain-ring” on the basics of life safety, held at MADO No. 215 (2011).

As part of the team, she participated in the city review-competition “Best Kindergarten Site”, 2nd place (2012).

Together with children I participate in all exhibitions and competitions children's creativity, held at MADO No. 215.

I am the official administrator of the website of MADO No. 215 – I carry out various events to promote the development of the site and increase the efficiency of working with parents through the Internet resource. In 2012, she organized and held an online competition “New Year’s Photo” in which more than thirty children attending MADO No. 215 took part.

I take an active part in competitions at various levels.

In 2010 she took part in the city competition methodological developments"Experience the world." Awarded with a letter of gratitude.

In 2010, she took part in the city competition “ Didactic games according to the Rules traffic" Awarded with a certificate of participation.

In 2012, she participated in the all-Russian Internet competition “Best preschool educational institution website.” Awarded a diploma for third place in the “Website Contentability” category.

In 2012, I was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Education Department of the Kemerovo City Administration in connection with the successful graduation of the children of my group to school.

A high level of knowledge of innovative pedagogical technologies, their skillful adaptation to a specific group of children, as well as their application in the educational process, make it possible to develop the cognitive potential of each child: 92% of my students successfully master the general education program of a preschool educational institution and have high and average levels of development.

According to the results of my monitoring, there is a positive trend in reducing morbidity over the past 3 years, average one child's absence due to illness is below the territorial average:

Kemerovo (days)

Group (days)

Creating a safe and favorable microclimate for each pupil contributes to the absence of emergency situations and cases of child injury.

My students regularly take part in competitions at various levels. Children were awarded:

diploma for participation in the regional environmental design competition “Mirror of Autumn” (2011);

a diploma for active participation in the festival of MADO No. 215, dedicated to the Day Earth (2011);

a diploma for 1st place in sports competitions of MADO No. 215 “Russian Heroes” (2011);

a letter of gratitude for active participation in the “Wonders of Nature” competition (2012);

certificate for 1st place in a sports competition " Olympic Games", held in MADO No. 215 (2012);

diploma of participant in the regional competition of children's choreographic groups "Steps to Success - 2012" in the category "Variety Dance" (2012);

diploma of participant in the regional competition of children's pop song performers “Golden Cockerel” (2012);

2nd degree diploma of the city competition of folk song performers (2012);

diploma for 1st place in the city competition of folk song performers (2013).

In my work I take a creative approach to organizing a subject-based development environment. Its quality meets the program requirements and age characteristics of children. I use innovative design techniques, applying the principles of building a developmental environment in accordance with FGT. I produce visual and gaming material using various technologies: testoplasty (material for role-playing games), quilling (group design elements and parent corner), collage (group design elements), scrapbooking (greeting cards), knitting (group design elements), sewing (promenade design elements).

Graduates of my group have a high level of preparation for education and successfully study in schools and gymnasiums in the city. The final monitoring showed 100% readiness for school among my students.

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Material on the topic: an example of writing a teacher’s application for 1 qualification category

To the certification commission

Ministry of Education and Science

Volgograd region


I would like to ask you to certify me in 2012 for the first qualification category for the position of “educator”.

Currently I have qualification category II, its validity period is until December 3, 2012.

I consider the following work results to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application: I am proficient in modern educational technologies and methods (socio-game approaches, health-saving technologies).

The main focus of the work is the theme: “Plot - role play as a means of developing socialization and early career guidance in children of senior preschool age.” To successfully achieve my goals, I widely use specialized programs: “Discover yourself” by E.V. Ryleeva, “I am a man” by S.A. Kozlova, “In the world of friends” by E.V. Kotova.

I organize work with children in this area through theater, play and speech activities. I organize educational activities in an entertaining and playful way, which promotes sustainable motivation and creative activity of children.

When working with children, I use a variety of methods and techniques to make direct educational activities informative, exciting, varied and interesting. An integral condition in the development of pupils is taking into account the needs and interests of each child.

A teacher’s application for certification is necessary to pass certification for the first category. You can familiarize yourself with an example of a teacher’s application for certification, or you can download a ready-made teacher’s application for certification in Microsoft Word format.

This is the application that I submitted for certification, which I ultimately passed successfully and received the first category. With minor modifications, this application can be used as a teacher’s application for the highest category.


I ask you to certify me in 2012 for the first qualification category for the position of teacher

Currently I have (do not have) the second qualification category for the position of teacher, its validity period is until October 30, 2012

I am familiar with the procedure for certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions _________________

You can download the teacher’s application for certification (already completed) in MS Word format, into which you just need to insert your data. The download link will be available after payment.

97 people have already purchased

Having problems? Write [email protected]

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application: mastery of modern educational technologies and methods, their application in practical professional activities

Teacher's application for certification

I am proficient in modern educational technologies and methods: socio-game approaches; I widely use health-saving technologies (technologies for modeling the educational space (working in the mode of changing dynamic poses), correctional technologies (fairytale therapy, color therapy, laughter therapy, art therapy, etc.), physical education ( breathing exercises, finger gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics, morning exercises, dynamic pauses, relaxation, etc.), medical and preventive (health monitoring, preventive measures, nutrition control, etc.), educational technologies active sensory-developmental environment (the systemic set and order of functioning of all personal instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals), valeological education of parents, technology for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child (creating emotional comfort for the child, ensuring the positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communication with peers); research activities (orientation, problematization, planning, etc.); “Preschooler’s Portfolio” technology (individual educational achievements); information and communication technologies (for testing, creating presentations); gaming technology(intellectual, role-playing, business, entertainment, sports, outdoor games); I use the project method (joint activity of an adult and children on a specific practical problem); mnemonics method for teaching children coherent speech, method graphic modeling(.joint activity of the teacher and children in building models, aimed at ensuring the successful acquisition by children of knowledge about the characteristics of natural objects, their structure, connections and relationships that exist between them).

Due to the fact that a teacher’s application for certification is quite large and has complex formatting, it is very difficult to post it in full.

You can also download the teacher’s analytical report on the website.


To the certification commission

Penza region

on certification

teaching staff





from Vlasova Tamara Ivanovna,

teacher of the Municipal

budget preschool

educational institution


combined type №38

city ​​of Kuznetsk


I ask you to certify me in 2017 for the first qualification category for the position of “educator”. Currently I have the first qualification category. Its validity period is until December 25, 2017.

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application:

My professional activity carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 - Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation"(as amended and supplemented from 02/03/2014, 05/06/2014), Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, SanPiN–13 from 05/15/2013 and others regulatory documents.

I own modern theories and methods of raising preschool children, I take a creative approach to their application in practice. I consider the main goal of my work to be the development of a comprehensive and harmonious personality of the child.

I work according to the Basic Educational Program of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution of a Combined Kindergarten

No. 38 of the city of Kuznetsk.

I base my teaching activities on the principle of creating a favorable psychological climate, respectful attitude towards the child, his feelings and needs. I organize the lives of children so that every day is connected with the joy of learning about the world around them, I form the foundations of the basic culture of the individual.

I consider speech development to be one of the important areas of my activity.

preschoolers, so I work in depth on the topic “Development of children’s speech through folklore.” To successfully implement the assigned tasks, I use information and communication technologies in educational activities with children: I have developed a card index of games and exercises: verbal, didactic, finger, moving, plot-based; cards for opposites, mnemonic tables; carried out a selection of nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, sayings, poems by topic. Made laptops: “Water”, “Vegetables and fruits, healthy products", "Traffic Light", "Visiting a Fairy Tale". This allows you to activate cognitive interest and create motivation for cognitive activity. Developed a program for the folklore circle “Ladushki”. The purpose of the circle: to introduce children to Russian folk culture through different types activities and development of musical abilities of each child. The creation of joint projects: “Miracle Spoon”, “Visiting a Fairy Tale” with parents and employees of preschool educational institutions provides great assistance in work.

When implementing this direction in the process of carrying out innovative forms of work with children, I use: moments of joy, friendly gatherings, entertainment, evening meetings with parents. I build a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education. I create the most favorable conditions in the “Talented Fingers” center, equipped with traditional and non-traditional aids to create the interest of each child, such as: “Colored paths”, “Mosaic”, “Laces”, “Figures on magnets”. Topped up the PRS various types theater: spoon, glove, finger, flannel, magnets.

I run a group page on the kindergarten website, I have a personal website for the teacher, where I cover child-parent educational events, teaching materials, and publish consultations and recommendations for parents on various pedagogical issues. ( [email protected]; ; (http://site/vlasova170260/ ).

I carry out my work in close cooperation with the parents of the students. Organized and conducted joint educational events for children and adults: “Folklore gatherings”, exhibition family photos“My Birthday”, entertainment “Journey to the Forest Teremok”. Developed consultations for parents: “Safety of preschoolers”, “Theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions”, “Finger gymnastics”, “Theater as a means of development and education of children of early preschool age”, “How to develop the speech of children?”, “Toys for timely development” .

Non-traditional forms of communication with parents allowed us to achieve positive results and improved the pedagogical culture of parents, contributed to changing their views on raising a child in a family environment and increased the activity of parents by 25%.

My students are participants and diploma winners of various competitions and festivals: All-Russian competitions “Ogonyok”, “Umnata”, “Pedazvitie”.

I systematically work to improve my teaching skills and actively participate in the work pedagogical council kindergarten, I participate in city methodological associations, seminars:

2013 – participant in a seminar on labor education for preschool educational institutions managers. “Use of new forms of interaction between kindergarten and family in the labor education of children.”

2014 - master class at a general parent meeting “How to create an emotional mood in a child?”

2015 - participant in the webinar “Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in kindergarten.”

2015 – member of the creative group of the kindergarten for the development of the Basic educational program Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of combined type kindergarten No. 38 in the city of Kuznetsk.

2016 master class at the city seminar " Speech development preschooler" on the topic "Use of a laptop in the work of a teacher"

2016 - participant in the Regional Exhibition of Non-Traditional Physical Education Equipment as part of the implementation of the regional project “Healthy Preschooler”;

2017 business game at the teachers’ council “Modern educator. What is he like?

2017 - participant of the Regional Exhibition of Non-Traditional Physical Education Equipment as part of the implementation of the regional project “Healthy Preschooler”;

I implement regional projects “PROreading”, “Healthy preschooler”, “For preschoolers about their native land”, took part in the campaigns: “Let’s start together”, “Sursky region - without drugs!”.

Participated in All-Russian and regional competitions: “Ogonyok”, “Talents of Russia”, “Emerald City”, “Educator. Ru”, “Umnata”, “Pedazrazvitie”, “Voprosita”, “Art on a Plate” took honorary prizes.

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