Few flowers at home signs. Room greenhouse - signs about flowers in the house. Folk signs related to flowers

The people there are a large number of colors associated with flowers. It is believed that the plants affect the person, the atmosphere in the house, and also have the ability to foreshadow the upcoming event. We still believe that cactis in the house are failed, and the yellow bouquet of colors predicts an ambulance separation. Whether it really is, we will try to figure out.

What flowers do not keep at home

Our ancestors belonged to homemade plants with caution. There are a number of plants that categorically impossible to keep in the house. These indoor flowers emit a negative energy, which is why the atmosphere in the house becomes tense. The flowers dangerous for the house include:

Ivy. This plant, according to folk signs, is dangerous for women. It is believed that if a woman holds ivy in the house, she will be very difficult for her to marry. Ate believing old legends, ivy survives from the house of men and does not let anyone else.

Violets. Unscructing fame in the people got these flowers. It is believed that violets cannot be kept at home with young girls. The violet brings failures in love and attracts female diseases.

Ficus. A lot of legends and belief are connected with this plant. Some argue that Ficus brings happiness and money to the house, and others call it energy vampire. What to believe? If you contact the Chinese teaching Feng Shui, the ficus will be useful in the house only if there are often quarrels and scandals among family members often arise. Ficus will take the negative energy and the atmosphere in the house will work out.

Good room colors

There are plants that have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the house. It is spathifylum, bamboo, aloe and fat man. These domestic flowers attract money, well-being, health and love. There are several adoptions associated with these home colors.

In order for the fat manner to attract money, the pot must put a coin on the bottom. The larger on this plant there will be petals, the more money will be in the house.

If aloe does not bloom for a long time, then you will soon expect illness. Cancellation of this plant as best as possible, and then no diseases will overcome you.

Bamboo should be kept in the desktop. If he quickly and grows next to your table, then this is a happy sign, meaning that very soon your business will go to the way.

What does color mean

What colors do you most often give? If you pay attention to the color of the bouquet, you can predict the upcoming events. According to the old one, each color of the plant means this or that event in life.

Red colors Symbolizes passion and strong emotions. The people say that if a man gives a woman red bouquets, he is seriously configured towards her. This may indicate an emergency wedding.

Yellow flowers The people earned bad glory. It is believed that the yellow bouquet is a precursor separator. You should not give a bouquet of this color to a person with whom you do not want to part.

Blue colour - Symbol of kindness and sincere intentions. Blue flowers, according to old signs, symbolize purity of thoughts and a strong emotional connection with a man who is meant a bouquet.

White bouquets It is customary to give only a wedding. White color is a symbol of purity, innocence and the beginning of a new life. If a man gives a woman a bouquet of white flowers outside of marriage, then this is a good sign and harbing a fast wedding.

Believe folk signs or not - the personal matter of everyone. In any case, admire the flowers and enjoy their great mind, then they will certainly attract good luck to you. We wish you happiness and do not forget to click on the buttons and

01.04.2014 12:05

Spathifylum is one of the most popular indoor plants. About "female happiness" folded many will accept and ...

To give an even number of colors - it is impossible. Perhaps this is the most common superstition that almost everything is observed. Where ...

Having decided to acquire in room colors unwittingly think about which of them are best suited. After all, the correct combination is the key to harmony and prosperity. Someone gives preference to simple non-zero-seeming plants that do not require special care. Others, on the contrary, wish to see exoticism, others do not like to care for others, preferring live colors - artificial. Therefore, it will be useful to agree on own tastes with signs and superstitions for a happy choice.

Pets' corner

We will perform a slight jogging on the signs and superstitions of different family families:

Cacti are known for inhibitable love for the absorption of harmful radiation, but still considered guards: for nothing to be inserted into the house of robbers or bad people. True, there are two large flaws in prickly colors: they are involved in drunkenness, suppress the sexual functions of both sexes.

  • Aspidistra next helps to resist harmful temptations (drunkenness);
  • Oxalis (acids) and hibiscus treat the death of loneliness, help to find a pair, ignite the passion;
  • Ivy a malicious flower, running won husbands - the husband's husband so called superstitious people;
  • Callas are able to drive into the longing of the merry man, the flower of sadness;
  • Chlorophytum creates the atmosphere of happiness in the house, purifies air;
  • Violet smoothes family conflicts;
  • Geranium home psychotherapist, hears the owner, give him confidence;
  • Drazena brings an incredible luck and good luck.

Plants are divided into men's and women. One of them is Anthurium, nicknamed male happiness.

Couple not para

Anthurium is very beautiful, but a capricious flower. Right from South America loves to create comfortable conditions for him: they were not poured, but did not overcame, sprayed, while the water should not fall on the flowers. Favorite place - half. Perfectly feels at room temperature. Does not endure drafts, loves moisture.

A good sign is to give it, and not to buy, because it gives his owner by strength, freedom, courage. Helps to find half, activates the best male qualities, supports the male sphere. because he is given predominantly to men.

However, according to the signs and superstitions, if a lonely woman starts male happiness in the house, then she will soon be a meeting with her beloved. An important acquisition condition is a gift, not a purchase.

Folk superstitions, for the completeness of happiness and harmonious relationships in the house, advise to get a couple of anthurium - spathifulum, female analogue. At the same time, the spouses take care of each behind their flower, thereby attracting cash wealth into the house.

Artificial beauty

Do I need to keep artificial flowers in the house? Intuitively many know the answer, and he is negative. Ensure and very attractive flowers take energy, that is, the essence of them - vampirism. People bring them as a gift, most likely they say superstitions, they wish the bad, can unconsciously, but it is. Or, on the contrary, they know perfectly well, because they bring to the evil eye and damage.

Similar colors are capable not only to "help" the parting of the family couple, being constantly with their bedroom, but something worse. Especially dangerous artificial flowers from wax are considered. Sooner or later, someone will die in the house, report signs. Sometimes wax flowers are masked under the candles, that is, the latter are created according to their image. From such things it is better to immediately get rid of.

Superstitions argue that upholstered in the house, so cute, but terrible creations take the strength, feeding the energy of the owners, especially artificial ivy. Refami belongs to deadly species. He is still unbelievable, not to mention the unnatural similarity.

Vanya sensitive

Another exotic inhabitant of Tropical latitudes of America and Asia arrived in Europe for several centuries ago, immediately having loved the wide circle of people: from the rulers to the peasants for their cute cozy image. Balzamin eternally blooming semi-stabilizer immediately crossed in Vanka-wet for low-dryed droplets on flowers.

Vanka-wet is a very positive room plant, say signs, it brings happiness and prosperity where it was sheltered. It is considered a patron of creative personalities. True, superstition asserts, it has a tendency to push to alcoholism. But, perhaps, this is the only stain on his impeccable reputation.

Balzamin belongs to purely male happiness flowers. It is accepted to give the same way as Anthurium. By signs, while he feels good (does not fade, he does not dry), then everyone will be happy in the house.

Balzamin protects the owner from physical impotence, enough to put it where it is most often. According to the signs, the flower causes an incredible rise of mental strength, directing a person to career growth. But this room plant is very sensitive to the atmosphere in the house, just what Rugan he immediately reacts.

Are you wondering if there are folk signs about indoor plants? Exist. Plants very thinly feel not only the change in the weather, but also the oscillations of the aura around you. It is worth learn to "read" your homeflowers. They will prompt when the trouble sneaks, and when we are waiting for happiness.

Some home plants are able to attract like a magnet to their owner both love and money and grief and failure.

You need to know the features and signs of room plants - their green "neighbors".

Superstition about home green "neighbors"

  1. Many say that non-coming plants indicate a bad energy in the house. But the first thing is worth paying your attention to the departure of the plant. And how did you watered? Is the location of the pot are correctly selected? Is that soil covered? If all the answers are positive, then you can say one thing. The flower took over the negative. Perhaps someone smoothed or tried to damage, and the flower took away from you. You can have everything perfect at home. You just did not know that someone wanted you evil. Plants, like domestic animals, always act as a "living shield" from magic. They save their owner with the price of their health and even life. Do not throw out a flower on the garbage. Initially thank him for salvation. And then jump it out on the street.
  2. Surely everyone heard that if the flower was stealing, it would be better to grow. In principle, it is most likely superstition. The beginning of this "Basni" is rooted in the distant past. Previously, indoor plants could boast exclusively rich. Therefore, to acquire greens in the house was possible, only by staging the process. Hence the belief.
  3. Some considers a bad sign to get flowers immediately in a pot and with Earth. But others believe that just living flowers, falling, retain the whole negative.
  4. Cacti is accused of attracting quarrels and scandals in the house. But at the same time, he will protect the house from thieves. Many people consider energy to be "filters" of energy, while others do not advise on the house. After all, they can "relieve" the spouse that he will "fly away" from home. It is believed that with its turns flower survive from the house of a man. But you should not blame in the whole flower. Perhaps you yourself missed the moment when my husband was not comfortable next to you. Maybe you should pay more attention to your loved one, not plants?
  5. Do not get involved in calves. Often they carry sadness. These flowers can attract loneliness.
  6. What plant "Vampires"? Ivy, Monster, Kiparis, Sansevieria, Thuja, Cyperus.

Positive superstitions about colors

Folk signs about room plants can be positive and warning. If we talk about a positive, then quite a variety of patterns between flower and changes in life are recorded.

  1. Aloe - Defender. Both from unexpected guests and from misfortunes.
  2. Lack of sexuality? Want to become more relaxed? Get avocado to yourself.
  3. The courage is added when growing home by balsamines. But still he has "bad" factors. Before you decide on the cultivation of this herb, read his second side.
  4. Hibiscus, like any rose, attracts loyalty. Love, passion, loyalty - all this will come for the Chinese rose. 5. In the house where Diffenbahia flowers, always clean air. But there is a reverse side of the medal: they say that male potency is very much suffering from this flower. Often there are failures in bed. As a result, a man feels not full and "runs out" from this home. 6. In the house with a drasa, there are no quarrels. 7. Depression disappears under the influence of jasmine. Helps and "tells." Feelings are reborn even where only ashiste remains from them. Conflicts do not visit the housing with a beautiful flower. 8. The brides used themselves to have grown to their wedding such a houseplant as Mirt. And then on the marriage itself gives every guest on the branch. So she provides a happy family future. 9. Want to love? Create Oxalis. Promotes improvement. 10. Gerana is painted its owner, helps to survive losses and adversity of life. Destroys all incompleteness complexes. But at the same time, she will attract disease, poverty. Does not tolerate Aries and Sagittarov. Pay attention to the smell. He will say a lot about the financial position of the family. If "stinks", then everything is fine. But if the smell is surprisingly pleasant, "not all right in the Danish kingdom."

Negative superstitions about colors

  1. Aloe does not tolerate strangers in the house. She "survives" them. Guests are not comfortable. And they try to quickly leave your dwelling.
  2. Quarrels in the house are increasing if AsParagus is growing there. He provokes spread of gossip about you and your family.
  3. Muganones are Aspidistra, Monster, Mokhokha, Decembrist, Fern, Diffenbachia, Szindapsus, Money Tree, Cacti, Hoya, Ivy, Aglionm, Hibiscus. With these plants, the question: will be constant.
  4. Balzamin brings lack of money to the house. Yes, and call them widow flowers.
  5. Despite the many positive will take about Jasmine, there are not necessary notes that trouble comes to the house. Even separation occurs at the moment when she is not waiting.
  6. Cacti not only drive out men, making a woman barbed, but also lead to their mutual. There is no passion in the house. Men often go into rips. But it is rather the consequence of the flange of his wife. And for a young girl, it is not recommended to start in your room (if it lives not alone) or in the apartment plants. After all, they can make an old girl from her.
  7. Myrtt brings loneliness to the next generation (that is, your children).

You can experiment about the signs of room plants - come true.

Someone may think that the plants are created exclusively for beauty, but this statement is not quite true. Indoor flowers, like all living plants, have a certain energy. It can be both positive and negative. Some species of colors require a special location to avoid negative influence. Below we will talk about what flowers can be kept at home. What flowers can not be held at home - we also learn from our article.

Folk signs and superstition

Not to be afraid - not all the flowers make the atmosphere in the indoors unfavorable. There is some list of plants, information about which should be taken on.


Cactus does not have a negative energy if it is located in the kitchen or hallway. You can not keep it in the bedroom, otherwise it can make spouses "barbed" and embroil them. There is a version that the cactus is useful to put next to the monitor during operation - so it absorbs electromagnetic radiation and reduces its effect on a person. Cactus is also called a male plant - people believe that it strengthens vitality.

cacti decorate residential interior


Ivy is appropriate in a male apartment, but in the female he can harm the personal happiness of the hostess. It is believed that ivy is the "owner" and will not tolerate a small man in the house.


You can also keep the money tree in the house when it looks like leaves. If they fall out or the plant is ill, it will lead to cash in the family or ruin.

Flower rushing

This flower is best raised in non-residential premises, well suited for office or supermarket, as well as other public places. Being in the house, the flower jack will bring his owner poverty.


Calla - Flower of well-being and family happiness. It is believed that if you keep in the house of Calla, love and mutual understanding will be reigned. Calla helps cure heart disease and get rid of sorrow. There is a belief that to get pregnant - put in the house Calla.


Drazen Sander brings his owner to prosperity in a career and money growth. It can be kept both at work and at home.


Croton is best grown at home. The people believe that it protects the house from enemies and negative energy, as well as the envy. Croton has a wonderful calm aura - he has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizes sleep, helps to cope with depression, can contribute to the development of creative abilities. It is believed that this flower brings happiness to its owner.


Spitafillum is called "female flower", it's all about its energy. It is believed that Spitafilum needs to keep at home in order to marry. Spouses he gives calm and harmony in personal relationship.


Dry and artificial flowers

It is believed that these flowers do not possess energy. No wonder artificial flowers carry in the cemetery, there is no life in them. For this reason, you should not keep them in the house.

Curly flowers

Curly flowers are best left to work, at home more appropriate flowers. It is believed that the presence of curly colors in the house testifies to the treasures of her husband, "see each skirt."

curly plants are well suited for office


Palm trees are good in the house when you raised it yourself. To bring it to the house from other people's owners - it means to discover yourself for misfortune.


Pansies, or Viola, are good where there is no live energy. It is in cemeteries and plant them most often. Think if you want to associate your home with a dead energy.


Geranium causes controversial opinions. On the one hand, this flower does not have negative superstitions. On the other hand, it is believed that he brings loneliness to the house. Perhaps this is due to the fact that geranium most often grown grandma pensioners, hence the belief. In defense of Gerani, it can be said that this flower is considered therapeutic - they can treat colds and apply sheets into the place of the injury.


For popular beliefs, Liana and other ampel plants expel men from home. For the same reasons you should not hold in the house of Zebrin, Rafidofor, REO and Capmelia.

What flowers can be kept at home?

Flowers significantly decorate the interior, please the eye and establish a psychological atmosphere. Below we will tell about what flowers can and need to keep at home for well-being.


Another name of the Jubling violet is the "love flower". It is best if it is white - then the family will be in the family, happiness, love and harmony. Pink and blue violets are best located in the kitchen.


Aloe is a healing flower, rumors about his dangers are not more than a fairy tale. Predated this plant brought only good energy to the house, juice of this plant is added to many cosmetic products, as well as in drugs.

aloe is a healing home plant


Mirt is considered a very positive plant, it is strongly recommended to keep in the house. Unmarried Girls Mirt brings an ambulance, and married - a long and strong marriage. Mirt is very often given to newlyweds on the wedding day as a symbol of love.


Anthurium is considered a male plant, it literally attracts male energy into the house and gives happiness to all lonely girls. Thanks to the anthurium, family relationships are being established, quarrels and squabbles go out of the house, a pleasant aura appears.

Decembrist Slubberger

His name is the Decembrist Slubberger received because it blooms in winter, in December. This flower literally spreads around himself "Fluids of happiness and good". With him, even selfish people get better. It is believed that if this plant begins to bloom in the wrong time only because the favorable atmosphere reigns in the house.


The ficus is definitely not a place in the bedroom, it is best to arrange it in another room. Ficus has a powerful energy capable of driving a negative and aggression from the house. Some believe that the ficus can bring peace and peace to the house, as well as cope with anxiety and depression.

ficus will be useful for people's energy, but it is better not to put it in the bedroom

First of all, there should be no curly plants in the house, as they will lead to love from the family. These include:

  1. Golden mustache;
  2. Tradesska;
  3. Epiprem.

Other colors of swords, and which of them cannot be kept unmarried to the girl in the house, are described below.


The flower of birch in the people is considered to be a man. An unmarried girl will not be easy to arrange their personal life, because the birch does not tolerate the male energy sector next to him. For this reason, the flower birch should not be held in his house, however, as married couples.

Chinese rose

Rose - everyone's favorite and most popular flower, it is called "queen flowers." Undoubtedly, the Chinese rose is a very beautiful plant, but it is dangerous for young girls and married ladies. The people say that Rosa is capable of pulling the energy of love from the house, being in some kind of "energy vampire". There are no returns from roses.


Orchid is quite demanding in care, she has a very beautiful and attracting view of flowers. But behind the external beauty hides the ability to absorb the energy of households. It is said that orchid blooms thanks to the disadvantages of their owners. In addition, her presence in the house can break your dream, for this reason do not put it in the bedroom.


Begonia is a very popular flower, but more than one pot in the house is better not to keep. It is impossible to say that Begonia carries exclusively negative energy, but unmarried ladies she can serve a bad service, taking love to himself. True, part of the positive energy it still gives in return.


Tulips are the most spring flowers, a lot of fans of this plant. Tulips in the house can break peace and "give" insomnia, keep them exclusively in the kitchen. Also, tulips can lead to hair loss and deterioration of the appearance of the girl.


Fern to grow well in the garden or greenhouse, for the apartment it is not at all suitable. The abundance of fern in the house may cause strong headaches, since its flowers are isolated in large numbers carbon dioxide. In addition, the fern can fall from you fans.


The fragrance of tubers is very attractive, it is often used in the preparation of perfume compositions. But if you are in a relationship, then tubosis will affect them the most negative way.

Of course, the question of whether it is possible to keep at home rhetorical flowers. Of course, you can and even need. However, not all colors "are equally useful."

What flowers do not keep at home?

Plants, which are poisonous, unwanted place in those apartments where children or pets, as they have a number of negative properties.


Opens a list of Agronam - this is the most poisonous home plant, which can allocate poison. Even touching his flowers you will feel some irritation. Aglanionm is very dangerous with internal getting into the body - it affects the central nervous system and provokes nausea, headache and even fainting. You should be very careful with this flower.


Journery - the flower is definitely not for happiness, since the juice of dairy can burn the skin and cause strong swelling of the mucous membered up to the loss of vision.

Rhododendron Sims

Rhododendron Sims is a very poisonous flower, in no case cannot be allowed to get into the body. If this happened, then immediately call the doctor, otherwise you can fall from cramps and losing consciousness.


Diffenbahia is dangerous with its juice. You can not allow the flower of children or animals, otherwise the risk is the risk that they will try the stem diffenbahia. As a result of entering inside, the plant's juice will provoke the strongest vomit reflex due to poisoning poison.


Monster is an energy vampire. According to popular belief, this flower sucks energy from humans. Itself without noticing, he begins to feel fatigue, apathy, health problems begin.


Sansevieria, or "Techin Language" (and "Picky Tail") sucks love from the house, takes women's appeal. Unmarried girls can warm up a personal life. For this reason, "Techin Language" can not be kept in the house.


Primula is a beautiful name for an equally beautiful flower. Introduce very toxic, it allocates harmful substances into the atmosphere, which affect the overall condition of the body. Primulus leaves can cause skin irritation.

Christmas star

Christmas star, or Puansettia, got its name due to the unusual form of their leaves. This is a very beautiful plant that requires proper care. If the temperature regime is not compared to the temperature and moderate humidity of Poinsettia absorbs oxygen, highlighting carbon dioxide gas. Christmas star is well placed in the office.


Pandanus can not be kept in the house because it is an energy vampire. An impressionable people with such a plant will be uncomfortable, they will have a feeling of depression right up to the nervous disorder. In other cases, Pandanus can be placed both at home and in the working.

Waxy Ivy

Skilek, or Hoya, brings to the house of trouble and misfortune. Where did this belief come from - it's hard to say. However, for the signs of Hoya does not promise a successful marriage to girls, sons leave the house, and the husband begins to change what brings the divorce into the family.

We found out which plants can not be kept at home and why. The list is quite extensive, although incomplete. The question is whether you can keep at home. Those or other flowers always causes a lot of disputes. Yes, you can blindly trust the signs and superstitions, but do not forget that they were also invented by people. How easy it is possible to shove your problems on these green plants, without silent, why the disorder and quarrels reign in the house. Undoubtedly, some flowers are considered to be poisonous and should be removed from them their children and animals. But it is recommended to look at the rest - the flower will not be able to establish your personal life or solve health problems, the reason for the problems can be much deeper.

Beautiful view of the windowsill in any weather.Gentle leaves and flowering period. Pleasant troubles awarded with beautiful fruits. Lovers of home plants choose them for themselves, focusing on complex or not very care and personal preferences.

Another category of domestic flower flows chooses plants and wonders the prejudice associated with this topic. Flowers in the house and signs associated with them create a special atmosphere in the house and each green sprout has its own energy and influence on biofield.

Disadvantages and benefits of kashpo residents

Each plant is distinguished by its own character. Flowers in the house and signs are always an interesting topic. They are alive, everyone feels and can share their mood and even be a certain guard. Flowers in the house and signs of their existence are an important detail.

Cacti is a sponge for negative energy. They can protect the house from quarrels and misunderstandings between family members. Indoor flowers are endowed with special energy and power. Thanks to them, a kind of aura appears.

Attention! Spiky representatives of flora and have a number of significant flaws.

Living in the family, the plant can take away sexual energy in both partners. To avoid such surprises from the cactus, the space of magic colors should be diluted.

For this purpose, you can choose a violet. Gentle and beautiful flowers in the house carry harmony and love. The house will reign an extremely touching atmosphere. Floral Fleur will enhance all family members as soft plaid.

Even melancholics should not be breeding on the windowsill flower Calla.

These bouquets are not in vain in the tombstones and mourning wreaths. They are really capable of depression even an absolutely positive and cheerful person. Reducing rainbow moods will occur gradually, but right. Flowers in the house and signs on this score have repeatedly confirmed this fact.

Male Happiness - Gentle and Capricious Plant

Anthurium is a beautiful and interesting name. It does antiquity and bold beginnings and not in vain. Capricious and wayward flower. It must be watered, but not overcoat the soil. He needs a sun, but no, remove the pot, I became very hot. But why did you put me in the shadow? Here is gray and sad! All this is about a flower with a very variable character. Flower Male happiness and signs that are accompanied quite and very different from the complex leaving in which the plant needs. Flowers in the house and signs associated with them always have different views.

He is called the happiness of a strong floor, as he is able to give his owner the strength of the Spirit, the absence of fear and complete confidence. Ideal qualities that will be happy man. There is an opinion that it is better to take a flower as a gift, and not buy yourself. So, he will show his best qualities and effects.

However, ladies can also safely start this plant in their greenhouse. But only under the condition of complete loneliness and hope to meet their happiness. Family couple, which has already found each other can start an ideal flower pair.

Spathifulum - is a female analogue of male happiness. The composition will complement each other and personify her husband and wife in the world of flora. It is important to follow the rules. A man should take offense of the Anthurium, and the woman is a gentle spathifylum.

Bright and ambiguous Balsamin

Balzine is a small shrub with a beautiful flowering period, which lasts almost all the hot period. The plant pleases with wonderful flowers of beautiful shape and juicy shades.

People's Solve gave another name - Wet Vanka flower, signs literally envelop the plant. These findings were made far from immediately.

It is customary to associate a flower with understanding and love in the family. He lives and blooms only where the world reigns and respect. When a quarrel begins between relatives, the flower is faded. And completely not understandable reasons. He can even die if mutual understanding in the family will not be achieved. Vanka wet will not allow himself to fool. He feels a lie at a distance.

Periodically, droplets may appear on the stalks of the plant. What sweat and likeness of the juice. Such observations led to the fact that Balzine began to accuse someone from the members of the home of the hearth to the alcohol.

Not an easy and contradictory flower with a rich palette of perception. Prejudice and signs associated with it cannot be ignored. And it is not so important. Sooner or later, it will be possible to make sure of the truthfulness of its character. Or maybe not? In a safe family, Vanka wet will bloom and the good day of day.

Poleva beauty

Previously, artificial bouquets brought only a cemetery. Today they are common decorative element for decorating the interior. But this statement applies only to skeptics who do not pay attention to superstitious reviews.

Important! In fact, non-living flowers are capable of sucking energy. They do it gradually. They are often compared with the ghouls who take the strength and desire to live, love and create. It is better to decorate a resident with live flowers and plants in pots. Only a live flower highlights living and painted in different paints energy.

Artificial flower can only eat. Flowers in the house and signs that tell about their essences can significantly change the decision to acquire a plant. Some will tell that the flowers in the house are perfect in any form. Others - listened to the signs. This is a personal choice.


Flowers give joy and is an excellent opportunity to care for and give warm. They beautifully give their fragile life in the hands of the owner. But they are character. Before decorating your life with bright green paints, it is worth studying the history of the plant to avoid unnecessary interventions of unnecessary events in the usual way of life, which can bring a pot on the windowsill. Flowers in the house and signs are an inseparable chain.

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