Specific gravity of dry tile adhesive. How to calculate tile adhesive consumption. Brand of glue and its composition

One of the first questions that arises when purchasing tile materials used in the work is how much tile adhesive is consumed per 1 m2.
Since based on this value it is possible to calculate not only the volume of the required material, but also its cost. In principle, it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, but it is quite possible to calculate the approximate consumption of the solution per 1 m2.

How can you calculate the required amount of mixture?

The first option that comes to mind is to find out about the required quantity from the person who produces it. For a specific manufacturer, there are standards for the consumption of tile adhesive based on the condition of a constant thickness of the applied mortar. These data are indicated on the packaging and are indicative for calculation. The table below shows the characteristics of the most popular brands of glue. The spread of values ​​is due to different compositions of mixtures and type of purpose.

Options for approximate calculation of the amount of tile adhesive

As is clear from the table presented, the values ​​are approximately the same and do not mean much. It is better to estimate the consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m2 using the calculator that each manufacturer presents on its website.

In order to use this service, you need to know the area of ​​the room, decide on and select the type of mixture. As a result, you will be given the result in kilograms.

Another simplified calculation option under optimal application conditions: half the thickness of the panel is multiplied by the solution consumption indicated on the packaging, the result will be the desired glue consumption per 1 m2.

To correctly determine the required amount of mixture, you need to take into account all the factors influencing this value.

Factors affecting glue consumption

The first thing the mixture consumption depends on is the type of surface and its general condition. How smoother wall and the fewer irregularities and cracks there are, the less glue is used. That is why professional builders recommend pre-preparing the base using a less expensive finishing material such as plaster.

In addition, the back side of the tile may also have an uneven surface, and then an additional layer of mortar is applied to it.

The next parameter that determines the required amount of glue is the material of both the wall and the tile itself.

Each material has its own porosity, depending on which it has a certain absorbency. For example, concrete walls absorb the least amount of mortar. To reduce the consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m2, the base is carefully treated before

Tiles are also made from different materials. The smallest amount of glue disappears on porcelain stoneware panels, the largest porosity is on cotto tiles.

The size of the panels also plays a role; the larger the tile, the thicker the layer should be.

Much depends on the installation method and the professionalism of the craftsmen. The more experienced the finisher, the thinner the layer of glue he can apply without losing the quality of the fastening.

Types of glue

Before determining the consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m2, you need to choose what composition will be used. There are three main types of tile mixture:

1. Dispersion - a ready-made composition, extremely convenient in that you do not need to spend time on its preparation. It is good because it has ideal plasticity and viscosity, allowing you to apply the solution in an optimally thin layer.

2. Cement-based adhesive, the most inexpensive mixture, which is sold dry and needs to be diluted. Thanks to its cheap components, it is very popular and is used in 80% of cases. This type has its own method of calculating consumption, approximate, but giving at least some idea of ​​the required quantity. To determine the consumption, you need to know the thickness of the adhesive layer, which is calculated based on the size of the tile. We multiply the thickness by 1.3 (this is the average weight of the tile adhesive) and get the desired result.

3. Epoxy mixture is usually used by professional finishers, since its production requires certain experience. For dilution, a special catalyst is used, which provokes a chemical reaction.

Spatulas used during work

A lot also depends on the size and type of spatula. To apply the solution, use a spatula of a certain shape. If it is incorrectly selected in size, then the consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m2 increases significantly.

1. Glue consumption directly depends on the angle of inclination of the spatula during application, than more slope, the greater the consumption.

2. The most glue is consumed when applying the solution with a spatula with square teeth, the most economical option- V-shaped tool.

So how much glue should you buy?

Experts suggest taking 10 kg of glue per 1 m2 for a layer thickness of 10 mm as the norm. Even if you do it yourself, it will be more than enough. In order to reduce the consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m2, professional advice suggests carefully studying the technology for applying the solution and following the recommendations from the manufacturer.

Recalculate, find out volumetric weight: physical properties. Quantities. Amount of kg in 1 liter, kg/liter. For calculations, reference data was used from: Now you can find out how much it weighs using a tool such as: Measurement error. -
How many kg are in 1 liter of glue - a liter jar. We use reference data on density and specific gravity, calculating the formula to obtain the volumetric weight.1.3 Directory physical properties, GOST, TU.Liter jar.up to 5% -
Comments, interesting explanations on the question “how much does a liter volume weigh” and some additional information on reference data on physical properties.

In fact, we have 1 liter of glue, a liter jar or a certain amount known in liters, we want to find out the mass: how much does it weigh in kg or grams. That is, our task is to determine how much it weighs: recalculate liters of glue - units of volume into kilograms - units of weight of glue. Having determined volumetric mass 1 liter of glue, how much in kilograms, without weighing on scales. Find out how much it weighs (for example: a liter jar), based on calculated, theoretical, reference data from the table of physical properties: specific gravity and density of the glue. It is better, of course, not to use the true density, but the bulk density, if you can find the bulk density in the reference book. Which is actually not so easy to do in practice. It is extremely inconvenient to independently recalculate based on physical properties, also because most tables, GOSTs, TUs give values specific gravity and densities “tied” not to a liter jar, but in other units: tons/m3, kg/m3, kg/cube, g/cm3. If you wish, you can spend a lot of time, find data, perform the recalculation yourself and find out how many kg there will be in a liter volume. However, this option to find out how much a liter volume weighs is not simple for everyone and in a convenient way, especially since it requires searching additional information by the bulk density of the glue and its specific gravity, plus knowledge of the conversion formula. Therefore, we made this recalculation ourselves based on the physical properties given in GOST and TU, indicated the mass of 1 liter of glue in kg, a liter jar, giving it in a separate table of weights and volumes. Extract from general table is given above. Question: how many kg are in one liter of glue, liter volume. Answer: see bulk density in Table 1. How to find out how much it weighs - measure the mass of the glue liter jar, independently, without weighing on scales. On our website you can find other interesting practical information on density and specific gravity not listed in conventional reference books, tables, GOSTs and specifications, which is not so easy to find on the Internet. For example, for the more familiar units of volume measurement: cm3, m3, cube, cubic meter, cubic meter. Household and cutlery measuring products: teaspoon, tablespoon, glass. More construction, gardening, manufacturing and industrial: shovels (bayonet and scoop), packs, buckets, bags, pallets, barrels, construction or garden wheelbarrows. Transport: tank car, railway tank, railway car, on-board vehicle, truck, dump truck. These are so-called non-standard containers, often used in practice. Despite all the variety of containers, each of them has its own displacement. This means that it is possible to recalculate the mass of the load in kg using the values ​​indicated in Table 1. Naturally, this technique has its own errors. In this case, the error in calculating the mass of a large displacement will be higher than the error in determining the mass of a liter volume indicated in Table 1.

To make a durable tile installation, you definitely need adhesive. Everyone knows this. But not everyone can immediately calculate how much it will be needed. A pack? Two? Bag? Ten bags? Or maybe even a truck? Often this issue is resolved at the very last stage somewhere already in hardware store or on the market. And the decision on how much to buy is made not by you, but by the sales consultant.

Moreover, he will not give any guarantees that this will be enough for you. Or your worker buys as much of it as he considers sufficient. But it is also impossible to make sure that he did not take part of the money for himself, without knowing how to correctly independently calculate the glue consumption per 1 square meter. m.

So, you want to know in advance the consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m2 and calculate the entire budget. So what should we do? How to calculate the required amount of this material?

Alternatively, you can use tile adhesive consumption calculator. But we are talking about independent calculations, because a calculator is not always at hand, and people of the older generation may not be able to or may not want to use it.

The required amount of adhesive material is measured as follows: the consumption of tile adhesive is multiplied by 1 sq. m of laying, which is multiplied by total quantity meters. As a rule, the area to be covered with tiles is known to everyone. This means that you will only need to find out how much adhesive will be enough for 1 square meter. m. In this article we will try to give you an approximate idea of ​​how much glue is per 1 sq. m. you will need.

Data required to calculate the amount of glue per sq.m.

  • type of glue;
  • tile size;
  • type of tile;
  • the base on which the tiles will be laid;
  • brand of glue and its composition;
  • weather conditions;
  • qualification of the installer and installation method.
  • Input data for calculation per 1 sq. m. glue

Type of glue

It is important to know that all its types are combined into 3 large groups: cement-based, dispersion, epoxy.

Glue on cement- the most popular. It is very easy to handle: buy a bag of this powder and dilute it with water according to the instructions (or, alternatively, with a latex additive). It is the most economical and easy to use than the others. Its consumption rate is 1-1.9 kg per 1 sq. m. (taking into account 1 glue thickness of 1 millimeter).

Dispersive– this is a ready-made adhesive liquid (produced on the basis of resin). There is no need to breed it.

Epoxy is an application solution that consists of a resin solution and a catalyst. To achieve the desired consistency, you need to combine both components. As a result chemical reaction it turns out necessary glue solution. Despite the fact that you will have to tinker with it more than with a cement-based composition, this option is the most resistant to various external influences. Water, low and high temperatures are not dangerous for him, in addition, he does not shrink and eliminates the appearance of cracks. It also creates excellent grip on the surface. In this case, the total mass of this mixture in kilograms is not practical to compare with calculations for cement-based adhesive.

Tile size

As a rule, than larger sizes for tiles, the thicker the adhesive coating needs to be made. Usually for medium sized tiles(no higher than 10 by 10 cm) for adhesive materials on cement, taking into account the thin laying layer, the norm for its layer is slightly less than 2 mm.

If the sides of the tile are 20–30 cm, the adhesive layer most often has 2–3.5 mm. If the tiles are 30 by 30 and 50 by 50 cm, then the adhesive layer can be 3.5–4.5 mm. If the tile has dimensions larger than those already mentioned, then the adhesive can be applied in a layer of up to 5 mm. If laying slabs is intended, then the norm may be to apply 1 mm to the slab itself (from the inside out).

Tile type

The back side of the tile is designed to absorb glue. However different material can be distinguished by porosity. For example, homemade tiles or a variety of cotto are characterized by increased porosity and, accordingly, absorb more adhesive than less porous surfaces (for example, porcelain stoneware). If you intend to use glazed industrial tiles, they will absorb less glue than the indicated varieties. And porcelain stoneware will absorb less of it.

Of course, these (and other) features are taken into account during production. But they also meet universal species adhesives. In this regard, it is advisable to monitor actual absorption during work. It may be necessary to apply additional amounts of the compound.

It is also important to take into account the reverse side relief tiles (for example, porcelain stoneware). The more uneven the terrain (and this is often found in homemade tiles), the more adhesive will be needed to adhere to the surface on which the tiles are supposed to be attached.

When laying tiles (for example, porcelain stoneware) on the same area, which have different thicknesses, it is with the adhesive material that you will have to compensate for this difference. Accordingly, this must be taken into account when calculating the amount of adhesive material consumed.

The base on which the tiles will be laid

Before installation, you need to have an idea of ​​what the surface will be on which installation will be carried out: wall, facade, floor. Of course, the smoother the surface, the better. But in reality it happens differently. Most often there are two cases:

  • The surface (most often a wall) has a maximum evenness of relief, the difference of which is not higher than 4 mm;
  • the surface is very “tricky” and complex, has a lot of differences, potholes, cracks, etc.

If smooth surface, then maximum savings are possible and, accordingly, a minimum thickness of the tile adhesive layer. It will only play the role of adhesive material and will not exceed 5 mm. However, in general, its consumption will need to be calculated based on data on the height of the base and existing potholes.

If “tricky” surface, then the situation is corrected correct selection types of adhesive material. Among them there are those that simultaneously fix the tiles and level the surface. They can even out a difference of 3 cm on the surface. There is a special name for the technology that provides for such installation. It is called “thick-layer” and will require greater consumption of adhesive mass.

It is also necessary before starting work to know exactly how the tiles will be laid. The consumption of tile adhesive also depends on it. The relationship is very simple: a flat surface means less connecting materials, an uneven surface means more. Very uneven - even more so.

You also need to take into account the material on which the installation will be done. If porous surface, then the amount of adhesive mixtures will need to be added. A porous base will “eat” more tile adhesive than a concrete surface.

And the last thing in this paragraph: if installation is carried out on a steep surface(for example, on the facades of buildings or a wall), then it would be advisable to apply the adhesive mass both to the facade and to the tile itself. This will help avoid possible empty spaces, which could cause the tiles to fall soon. Accordingly, the amount of purchased material will need to be added.

Brand of glue and its composition

Depending on the manufacturer, the composition of tile adhesives may have different properties due to with various chemical additives. Added substances can contribute to greater ductility, speed of surface bonding, water resistance, temperature resistance, etc. These same substances can change the consistency of adhesive compositions. This is important because because of this, a bag of the same volume may end up (when ready) with a different amount of material. And this also affects the volume of its use. For maximum accuracy of calculations you need to know:

  • manufacturer (for example, Ceresit, Vetonit);
  • name of tile adhesive (for example, Eunice);
  • additives.

Read carefully what manufacturers write on packs (bags) of tile adhesive - this will increase the accuracy of your calculations.

Weather conditions

The extreme temperature that tile adhesive (for example, Eunice) can withstand ranges between 5 and 40 degrees Celsius. Comfort mark holds between 17–25 degrees. We take into account that elevated temperature will evaporate water faster and, accordingly, increase its consumption. Temperatures below zero begin to destroy the adhesive composition (Eunice). Therefore, in this case, even if all factors are taken into account, you can miss the quantity. It may be required much more than expected, even with a reserve. Also take into account the presence of a windy side. It dries up the water. And, as mentioned, it affects increased consumption.

Layer qualifications and installation method

This is rarely taken into account, but the ability to use a spatula and other tools can also affect the consumption of tile adhesive. The thickness of the glue surface is directly affected by the angle of the spatula. Proper Use This tool can cut your costs by a quarter! The presence or absence of teeth on it is also important. A V-shaped tool saves more adhesive than a U-shaped tool. A U-shaped one will save more material than a square tooth tool.

A novice worker can spend much more adhesive material than an experienced one, since he may not know the technologies or have insufficient knowledge of them. He will have to simply throw away, wipe and otherwise dispose of some of it. If you are an unqualified installer and there are no options, then buy more mixtures in advance so that you don’t have to throw everything away and go for more.

More information about the spatula and the thickness of the adhesive surface

When purchasing adhesive materials, you should pay attention that in the instructions for all sizes of tiles, the manufacturer will not indicate the numbers of their layer in millimeters. The numbers that will be indicated in the technical information are size of spatula teeth. For example, the Ceresit or Vetonit factories advise using spatula 7 for tiles measuring 20 by 20, and spatula 11 for 40 by 40. There is no mention of millimeters. Why is this so?

The explanation for this is very simple. To measure adhesive mixtures in mm at the moment of their distribution over the surface, the task is almost impossible. There are simply no measuring instruments for this. Also, when applying a new, even layer, it will appear infallible. But this is a big mistake - the height of the error will be high and uncontrollable. This entails the appearance of air holes, which, in turn, leads to the fall of the tiles.

The instructions most often recommend First apply the adhesive with the smooth side of the spatula, and then level it with the serrated side. The most common teeth are 6, 8, 10 and 12. Manufacturers rely on the properties of their material and therefore confidently recommend the use of a specific size. That is why, without reading the instructions of a specific manufacturer, it is impossible to predict the layer of glue and its quantity.

With all this, you should also not assume that an 8-gauge spatula will produce a layer of glue equal to this number of millimeters. This will be wrong. The size of the 8mm teeth suggests the original height of the tooth itself, not the layer it produces at a ninety degree angle. But this is ideal. There are several reasons for this:

  • you will not get a constant right angle;
  • a tile laid on glue will deform its layer under its pressure and spread it across the surface;
  • the layer under the tile will change its height.

However, there are some guidelines. The height of the adhesive layer will not exceed 0.3–0.5 times the size of the spatula teeth. It is calculated like this: a spatula size 8 will give a layer of glue of 2.4-4 mm. This is, of course, an approximation, due to the difference in the angle at which you apply the glue.

Based on the information in the instructions, you can more or less accurately calculate the height of the glue layer with the specified spatula.

In order for the tile adhesive to reliably fix the cladding, it is necessary to maintain technical specifications mixtures according to GOST. This task lies largely on the shoulders of the manufacturer, but consumer awareness is no less important, proper use mixtures and acceptable storage conditions.

The main criterion is the place of operation

Main types

The properties of tile adhesive vary depending on its composition. The components and their ratio directly determine the compressive strength and density of the mixture. For each type of material, GOST prescribes its own requirements.

The following adhesive compositions are most often used for laying tiles:

  • Cement– this includes Portland cement, sand and various types of modifying additives. It is easy to handle, but hardens quite quickly, so it is not recommended to prepare a large volume of the mixture.
  • Dispersive– consists of epoxy resin and a special hardener. To work with it, a catalyst is introduced. This adhesive has properties such as strength and water resistance, making it well suited for the bathroom.
  • Polyurethane– stable polyurethane particles and hardeners are added to the composition of such a mixture. It is used even in unfavorable environments.

Cement mortar is a common and simple option

Storage and shelf life

Depending on what the tile adhesive is made of, not only its characteristics vary, but also its shelf life. Taking into account these features, two types are distinguished:

  • dry powder;
  • ready-made mastic.

For the first group of mixtures, it is important to observe the storage period and conditions. The cement mortar must be in a dry place and not in contact with direct sun rays. The average warranty is 6-9 months.

But the shelf life of liquid glue depends on the moment the package is opened. To ensure that its properties remain at the proper level and comply with GOST, it is not advisable to store excess mixture. A couple of months are allowed, but there is no guarantee of quality.

Record the opening date, for example, with a marker on the can

Glue weight

The indicator you are interested in is not the gross of the pack itself, but the average consumption of the mixture per square meter coated surface.

Approximate consumption is also controlled by GOST standards. The calculations are based on the specific gravity of the tile adhesive used with a layer thickness of only one millimeter. This value is indicated on the packaging.

To calculate the volumetric weight of the required tile adhesive, determine the thickness of the layer of the composition. It depends on the size of the tile and the quality of the surface. Total weight per square meter is determined by simply multiplying the specific gravity by the layer thickness in millimeters. Then multiply by the surface area. This way you can determine the gross value of the mixture you need.


Tile adhesive has a different composition, but according to the standards, it must meet the established GOST requirements:

  • Strength is defined as the maximum permissible load on the surface and compressive forces.
  • Density - measured in grams per square meter, it additionally characterizes the weight of the mixture.
  • Shrinkage is surface deformation.
  • Viscosity is the concentration of adhesive particles and the ability to fix the cladding without displacing the base.
  • Drying speed affects the shelf life, since hardened glue cannot be used. Consumption directly depends on density. Defined as the weight of the mixture per square area.
  • Elasticity - the composition should be applied well and not crumble.
  • Water resistance - does not allow moisture to pass through.
  • Adhesion is the quality of adhesion to various types of surfaces.

These are the main technical characteristics according to GOST, which you need to focus on when purchasing a mixture.

Viscosity and drying speed - main characteristics


One of the most important indicators for determining the advisability of using a particular composition is the degree of shrinkage of the tile adhesive. Pay special attention to this property when finishing the surfaces of newly constructed buildings and repaired coatings.

GOST sets the maximum acceptable standards For of this property. Before purchasing glue, pay attention to this indicator. To prevent the use of an unsuitable composition from resulting in you having to carry out repeated repairs within a year, in most cases it is recommended to use a mixture with zero shrinkage.

If we are talking about wood, buy elastic tile composition, which is able to compensate for the movement of the base.

Density and compressive strength

The thickness of the glue layer determines its wet height. In this case, the weight of the composition is taken into account. This indicator indirectly demonstrates the presence of certain impurities in the solution.

Another parameter characterizes the tile adhesive in an already hardened state. Compressive strength is, in essence, the maximum permissible pressure on a surface during operation. The class of concrete is determined in the same way. The higher this indicator, the better the strength of the coating, and therefore, it will last much longer even under conditions of significant load placed on it.

Terms of use

So as not to make things worse quality characteristics tile adhesive, you need to handle it correctly.

Appearance and strength of masonry

An important point is to determine the volume of the required mixture. Here they calculate the weight of the glue per area to be treated and mix only as much as you have time to use before the components harden. Epoxy glue is more difficult to work with. It is diluted using a catalyst. Due to its high viscosity, application may be difficult.

The installation process involves using a spatula to spread a layer of tile adhesive over the surface. The size of the teeth is selected according to the thickness of the solution. In case of serious unevenness, it is additionally applied to the tile itself. Too thin or thick layer deteriorates the quality of installation. It is important to remove voids and air accumulation under the tiles. Excess at the joints is removed immediately after compaction, before hardening.

Choosing a suitable adhesive for tiles is only possible based on a thorough analysis of all its characteristics and comparing them with your requirements. Take into account the reputation of the manufacturer and the storage conditions of the product in the store or warehouse. Correct use guarantees the quality of the cladding.

And areas

Very often modern interior design decorates with fashionable glass transparent mosaic, translucent tiles or light natural stone designed to bring more light into the room, making it airy and voluminous. However, it is not recommended to lay such decorative elements on ordinary mortar, since it is made of gray cement, which will darken the surface and destroy the integrity of visual perception. To ensure that such problems are avoided, it is recommended to use tile adhesive LITOKOL LITOPLUS K55 white (25 kg). What is its main difference?

Glue Features

High-strength white cement is used as the main binder for the production of dry mixture, giving the finished solution a neutral light color. Tile adhesive not only does not darken transparent finishing materials, but also serves as a substrate to highlight them against the general background of the surface being decorated. Moreover, the solution contains latex additives that provide high adhesion to any popular bases: precast and monolithic concrete, gypsum plasterboard, plasterboard, cement plasters; it is also possible to install using the “tile-on-tile” method, without the need to dismantle the old coating.

In addition, it is necessary to highlight:

  • Water, - weather - and frost resistance - allows you to carry out work in rooms with varying degrees of humidity and outdoors, for example, tiling bathrooms, showers, kitchens, pool bowls, fountains and so on.
  • Tile adhesive LITOKOL LITOPLUS K55 white (25 kg) is resistant to slipping and lacks vertical sliding, allowing decoration in any order, starting from the middle or from the top of the base.
  • By developing the material, I increased the time of working with the finished solution, thereby allowing adjustments within 40 minutes, which is convenient for both professional craftsmen and beginners.
The performance specifications for tile adhesive include its use in conjunction with the “Warm Floor” system.

Additional information in articles:

in 3 hours

Laying textiles and coverings

in 24 hours

Ready for use


Moisture resistance


Aging resistance


Resistant to oils and solvents


Acid and alkali resistance

Heat resistance

-30°C to +90°C

Mechanical strength

see table

Tile adhesive

In our building materials store you can choose tile adhesive from any manufacturer at the best prices, we work with the most well-known manufacturers tile adhesives.

Tile adhesive is mainly used for laying tiles ( ceramic tiles), for laying artificial stone, laying paving slabs.

Tile adhesive the one you buy should be high if you want your tiles to be securely glued.

In our store you will find tile adhesive of the highest quality.

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