How many square meters is the stadium? Penalty area (football)

Nowadays, a football field is not only a place where matches between teams take place. This is a very complex engineering project that strictly complies with established standards for placement, size and arrangement various systems provision.

The first requirements for ground standards for playing football appeared back in 1863 in a single set of rules that were established by the English Football Association, founded on October 26 of the same year. This was the very first football association in the world. It was she who made a special contribution to the formation of modern football rules and standards that stadiums must meet to host official matches at the national and international level.

Currently, the requirements for football arenas are specified in the FIFA Laws of the Game. According to these rules, a football field is a rectangular area where the goal lines must be shorter than the side lines. The playing field has the shape of a rectangle. The side line must be longer than the goal line.

Field dimensions: Length: minimum 90 m (100 yards), maximum 120 m (130 yards) Width: minimum 45 m (50 yards), maximum 90 m (100 yards) Area - 4050 m2 to 10800 m2 (Average - 7425 m2 ) Pitch dimensions for international matches: Length: minimum 100 m (110 yards), maximum 110 m (120 yards) Width: minimum 64 m (70 yards), maximum 75 m (80 yards) FIFA recommended dimensions: Length 105 meters Width 68 meters Area 7140 m2

Field marking

The field is marked using lines, the width of which is the same and cannot exceed 12 centimeters. The lines must fit into the area they outline. The middle line connects the two side lines, thereby dividing the field into two halves of equal size. In the middle of this line there is a mark in the form of a solid circle measuring 30 cm, which is the center of the field. A circle with a radius of 915 centimeters is drawn around this mark. A goalkeeper's box is located on each half of the field. The marking is carried out at a distance of 5.50 meters from the outside of the goal post. Two stripes 5.5 meters long are drawn perpendicular to the goal line, directed deep into the field. Their end points are connected by a line parallel to the goal line. A goal kick is taken from within this zone. In the penalty area, the goalkeeper can play with his hands. The marking is carried out at a distance of 16.5 meters from the goal post. Two stripes 16.5 meters long are drawn perpendicular to the goal line, directed deep into the field. Their end points are connected by a line parallel to the goal line. In the penalty area, a mark is made in the center at a distance of 11 meters from the goal line in the form of a solid circle with a diameter of 30 cm. Penalties are taken from this point. An arc with a radius of 915 cm is drawn behind the penalty area, and the penalty mark is the center of this circle. Players must be behind this arc when the penalty kick is taken. A mark is made in the four corners of the field in the form of an arc with a radius of 1 meter to determine the corner kick zone. The field surface can be synthetic or natural (grass), but must be green.

A football field consists of several layers: drainage and heating pipes, a substrate of crushed stone and sand, and a grass lawn. A grass lawn requires constant watering, fertilization, and replanting of bald areas. Very often, grass is not grown directly at stadiums, but is brought in in the form of rolls.

Center of the field.

The field is divided into two halves using a midline connecting the midpoints of the side lines. A field center mark is made in the middle of the center line - a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 m (1 ft). A circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yards) is drawn around the center of the field. The kick-off is taken from the center field mark at the beginning of each half of regular and extra time, as well as after each goal scored. When taking the kick-off, all players must be in their own half of the field, and the opponents of the team taking the kick must be outside the center circle.

Gate area.

On each half of the field, a goal area is marked - the area from which the goal kick is taken. From points 5.5 m (6 yds) from inside Each goal post, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn deep into the field. At a distance of 5.5 m (6 yards) these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. Thus, the dimensions of the goal area are 18.32 m (20 yards) by 5.5 m (6 yards).

Penalty area.

On each half of the field, a penalty area is marked - an area in which the goalkeeper can play with his hands, and a penalty kick will be awarded to the team that committed an offense punishable by a free kick in its penalty area. From a point 16.5 m (18 yds) from the inside of each goal post, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn deep into the field. At a distance of 16.5 m (18 yards) these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. The dimensions of the penalty area are therefore 40.32 m (44 yards) by 16.5 m (18 yards). Within the penalty area, in the center of the goal line and at a distance of 11 m (12 yards) from it, a penalty mark is drawn - a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 m (1 foot). Outside the penalty area, an arc of a circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yards) is drawn, the center of which is on the penalty mark. This arc is used to position team players when taking a penalty kick.

Corner sectors.

In each of the four corners of the field, an arc with a radius of 1 m (or 1 yard) is drawn, centered in the corner of the field, limiting the sector for taking corner kicks. At a distance of 9.15 m (10 yards) from the boundaries of the corner sectors, markings may be placed on the touch lines and goal lines (on the outside of the lines adjacent to them at right angles) used to determine the distance at which players are when a corner kick is taken. . Flagpole In the corners of the field, flags must be installed on flagpoles that are at least 1.5 meters (5 feet) high and do not have points at the top. Also, flagpoles can be installed at a distance of at least one meter from the intersection of the middle and side lines (in modern football they are used extremely rarely).

Goals measuring 7.32 x 2.44 m must be placed in the center of each goal line (located at an equal distance from the corner flagpoles) and be securely fixed to the ground; the use of portable gates is permissible only if they comply with this requirement. The width of the goal line is equal to the width of the posts and crossbar. Nets may be attached to the goal and the ground behind the goal, which must be securely fastened and positioned so as not to interfere with the goalkeeper. Gate posts and crossbars must be made of wood, metal or other material permitted by the relevant standard, and have cross section the shape of a rectangle, ellipse, square or circle and be white. When matches are held in stadiums where there are specially designated areas for accommodating technical staff and substitute players, a technical zone is designated in the immediate vicinity of the field, the boundaries of which protrude 1 meter on both sides of the area allocated for the substitutes' bench, and forward to a distance of 1 meter from the side line. It is recommended to use markings to indicate the boundaries of this area.

A football field is usually called a rectangular area with a flat surface on which the playing field is located and the zone surrounding it on all sides, free from any objects - the game safety zone.

Therefore, the construction dimensions of a football field should always be more sizes playing field, i.e. the area within which the game takes place. The size of the playing field depends on the significance of the games played on it and on what class of teams will play on it. For international matches and games of national significance, the field must be from 100 to 110 meters long and 64 to 75 meters wide. The most common playing field size in our country for games of national importance and international meetings is 69x104 meters. Such a football field is usually located on a standard sports core with a closed-circuit running track 400 meters long.

In general, football fields can be built with a playing field ranging from 90 to 120 meters in length and 45 to 90 meters in width. The length of the field (the distance from one goal to another) must always be greater than its width. The best aspect ratio is close to 1:1.5. Football fields for adult teams playing according to normal competition rules are usually made with a playing field 50 to 60 meters wide and 90 meters long.

Team competitions within physical education groups are often held according to simplified rules of the game. The Football Federation has established the dimensions of reduced playing fields for such competitions.

Teams of adults and senior boys are allowed to play according to simplified rules on football fields of 60x90 and 50x75 meters. Competitions according to simplified rules for youth teams younger age and children are recommended to be accommodated on playing fields measuring 60x90, 50x75 and 40x60 meters.

For games of backyard teams, football fields smaller than those established by the simplified rules of the game can be used - with a playing field from 40 to 60 meters long and from 20 to 40 meters wide.

The safety zone of regular football fields must be at least 2 meters wide along the touchlines and at least 4 meters wide along the goal line. Therefore, the construction dimensions of a football field with a playing field, for example, 69x104 meters, must be at least 73x112 meters.

On reduced pitches, the width of the safety zone can be reduced to 1.5 meters along the side lines and up to 3 meters along the goal lines. The construction dimensions of a football field with a playing field, for example, 40x60 meters, should, based on this, be at least 43x66 meters.

The playing field must be marked with clearly visible lines no more than 12 centimeters wide. The width of the lines is included in the dimensions of the areas they limit.

Marking is done with oil or glue paint, as well as a solution of lime or chalk with the addition of 1/10 of cement so that the coloring matter sticks better to the field. Marking lines are applied with a special machine or using a stencil made of cardboard or roofing felt along a stretched cord. It is forbidden to mark the field with grooves or slats - this is dangerous for the players.

Goals with a net, corner flags and center line flags are installed on the field. The distance between the inner edges of the goal posts of a normal field is 7 meters 32 centimeters. The height of the goal from the ground to the crossbar is 2 m 44 centimeters. On fields of reduced size, goals are installed with a distance between posts of 6 m and a height to the crossbar of 2 meters. Gate posts and crossbars are round, with a diameter of no more than 12 centimeters. The net is attached to the posts, to the crossbar and to the ground behind the goal so that it does not interfere with the goalkeeper. Flag poles must be no shorter than 1.5 meters and not pointed at the top. The center line flags are installed at a distance of 1 meter from the side lines.

However, playing field equipment alone is not enough to fully train football players. In order for football players to improve their playing technique, they need special equipment and devices, which are best placed not on the playing field, but on a separate site. The presence of a special training ground helps maintain the grass cover of the main field. The dimensions of the training area are approximately 30x60 meters. Its surface is made of dirt or with a lawn-free coating. A shield fence 80-100 centimeters high and 30-50 meters long is placed along the long side of the site. The shield fence is installed strictly in a straight line. It is made from boards 5 centimeters thick, which are nailed to posts with a diameter of 15-18 centimeters, dug into the ground to a depth of 80 centimeters at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other. The working side of the fence board is painted with light-colored oil paint, onto which target landmarks in the form of circles, squares and rectangles are applied with bright-colored paint. In addition to the shield fence, several training walls 4-5 meters high and 9-10 meters long are installed along the border of the site. The front side of the walls can be either smooth or uneven, giving the ball an unexpected bounce.

Training walls are also made from boards 5 centimeters thick, which are joined into tongues or quarters and nailed to posts with a diameter of 18-20 centimeters, dug into the ground at a distance of 1 meter from each other. Smooth walls, so that the boards do not warp, are painted on both sides with oil paint gray. On the front side of the wall they draw the outlines of the gates, drawn into rectangles with numbers inscribed in them.

Portable training equipment is also placed on a special training ground: target rings, dribbling stands, lightweight mobile backboards, portable goals and other training devices.

  • - the first indications in the rules on the size of a football field.
  • - under pressure from the Sheffield Football Association, the FA of England adopts rules requiring that the goal be equipped with a rigid crossbar and prohibiting the use of ribbon; The final size of the gate is set.
  • - a net appears on the goal.
  • - appearance of a penalty area.
  • - the goalkeeper has the right to play with his hands only in his own penalty area, although previously he was allowed to play with his hands throughout the entire field.
  • - the last change in the marking is the arc of the penalty area, 10 yards from the penalty spot.


Matches can be played on both natural and artificial turf fields. According to the official rules of the game of football, artificial turf must be green.


From points 5.5 m (6 yards) from the inside of each goal post, two lines are drawn downfield at right angles to the goal line. At a distance of 5.5 m (6 yards) from the goal line, these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. Thus, the dimensions of the goal area are 18.32 m (20 yards) by 5.5 m (6 yards).

Penalty area

Each half of the field is marked penalty area- an area in which the goalkeeper can play with his hands, and a penalty kick will be awarded against a team that commits an offense punishable by a free kick in its own penalty area.

From a point 16.5 m (18 yards) from the inside of each goal post, two lines are drawn downfield at right angles to the goal line. At a distance of 16.5 m (18 yards) from the goal line, these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. The dimensions of the penalty area are therefore 40.32 m (44 yards) by 16.5 m (18 yards). Within the penalty area, in the center of the goal line and 11 m (12 yards) from it, a penalty penalty mark- a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 m (1 ft). Outside the penalty area, an arc of a circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yards) is drawn, the center of which is on the penalty mark. This arc is used to position team players when taking a penalty kick.

Corner sectors

In each of the four corners of the field, an arc with a radius of 1 m (or 1 yard) is drawn, centered in the corner of the field, limiting the sector for taking corner kicks.

At a distance of 9.15 m (10 yards) from the boundaries of the corner sectors, markings may be placed on the touch lines and goal lines (on the outside of the lines adjacent to them at right angles) used to determine the distance at which players are when a corner kick is taken. blow.



In the corners of the field, flags must be installed on flagpoles that are at least 1.5 meters (5 feet) high and do not have points at the top.

Also, flagpoles can be installed at a distance of at least one meter from the intersection of the middle and side lines (in modern football they are used extremely rarely).


The goal must be 7.32 m (8 yards) wide and 2.44 m (8 ft) high. The goals must be placed in the center of each goal line (equidistant from the corner flagpoles) and securely anchored to the ground; the use of portable gates is permissible only if they comply with this requirement. Width goal lines equal to the width of the posts and crossbar. Nets may be attached to the goal and the ground behind the goal, which must be securely attached and positioned so as not to interfere with the goalkeeper.

The goalposts and crossbar must be made of wood, metal or other material permitted by the relevant standard, have a cross-sectional shape of a rectangle, ellipse, square or circle and be white.

Technical area

When matches are held in stadiums where there are specially designated areas for accommodating technical staff and substitute players, a sign is indicated in the immediate vicinity of the field technical area, the boundaries of which protrude 1 meter on both sides of the area allocated for the bench, and forward to a distance of 1 meter from the side line. It is recommended to use markings to indicate the boundaries of this area.

Football field design

A world-class football field is a complex, multi-layered structure. A football field consists (from top to bottom) of the following parts.

Nowadays, a football field is not only a place where matches between teams take place. This is a very complex engineering project that strictly complies with established standards for the placement, size and arrangement of various support systems. The first requirements for ground standards for playing football appeared back in 1863 in a single set of rules that were established by the English Football Association, founded on October 26 of the same year. This was the very first football association in the world. It was she who made a special contribution to the formation of modern football rules and standards that stadiums must meet to host official matches at the national and international level. Currently, the requirements for football arenas are specified in the FIFA Laws of the Game. According to these rules, a football field is a rectangular area where the goal lines must be shorter than the side lines.

Field size

There are no clearly established dimensions of a football field, but there are boundary indicators.

For national level matches:

  • The length of the side line must be no less than 90 and no more than 120 meters.
  • The length of the goal line is from 45 to 90 meters.

For international matches:

  • Side line length 100-110 meters
  • Field width 64-75 meters
  • Recommended dimensions of a football field: 105 meters long and 68 meters wide.

Field marking

The field is marked using lines, the width of which is the same and cannot exceed 12 centimeters. The lines must fit into the area they outline. The middle line connects the two side lines, thereby dividing the field into two halves of equal size. In the middle of this line there is a mark in the form of a solid circle measuring 30 cm, which is the center of the field. A circle with a radius of 915 centimeters is drawn around this mark. A goalkeeper's box is located on each half of the field. The marking is carried out at a distance of 5.50 meters from the outside of the goal post. Two stripes 5.5 meters long are drawn perpendicular to the goal line, directed deep into the field. Their end points are connected by a line parallel to the goal line. A goal kick is taken from within this zone. In the penalty area, the goalkeeper can play with his hands. Marking is carried out at a distance of 16.5 meters from the goal post. Two stripes 16.5 meters long are drawn perpendicular to the goal line, directed deep into the field. Their end points are connected by a line parallel to the goal line. In the penalty area, a mark is made in the center at a distance of 11 meters from the goal line in the form of a solid circle with a diameter of 30 cm. Penalties are taken from this point.
An arc with a radius of 915 cm is drawn behind the penalty area, and the penalty mark is the center of this circle. Players must be behind this arc when the penalty kick is taken. A mark is made in the four corners of the field in the form of an arc with a radius of 1 meter to determine the corner kick zone. The field surface can be synthetic or natural (grass), but must be green. A football field consists of several layers: drainage and heating pipes, a substrate of crushed stone and sand, and a grass lawn. A grass lawn requires constant watering, fertilization, and replanting of bald areas. Very often, grass is not grown directly at stadiums, but is brought in in the form of rolls.
Similar topic.

Football(from English foot- sole, ball- ball) is the most popular team sport in the world, in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent's goal larger number times than the opposing team does it within the set time. The ball can be kicked into the goal with your feet or any other parts of the body (except hands).

History of the emergence and development of football (briefly)

The exact date of the origin of football is not known, but it is safe to say that the history of football goes back more than one century and has affected many countries. Ball games were popular on all continents, as evidenced by widespread archaeological finds.

IN Ancient China There was a game known as "Tsuju", references to which date back to the second century BC. According to FIFA in 2004, it is considered the most ancient of the predecessors of modern football.

In Japan, a similar game was called “Kemari” (in some sources “Kenatt”). The first mention of Kemari occurs in 644 AD. Kemari is still played today at Shinto shrines during festivals.

In Australia, balls were made from rat skins, the bladders of large animals, and twisted hair. Unfortunately, the rules of the game have not been preserved.

North America also had an ancestor of football, the game was called "pasuckuakohowog", which means "they gathered to play the ball with their feet." Usually the games took place on the beaches, they tried to kick the ball into a goal about half a mile wide, but the field itself was twice as long. The number of participants in the game reached 1000 people.

Who invented football?

Modern football was invented in England in the 1860s.

Basic rules of football (briefly)

The first rules of the game of football were introduced on December 7, 1863 by the Football Association of England. Today, the rules of football are set by the International Football Association Board (IFAB), which includes FIFA (4 votes), as well as representatives of the English, Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh football associations. The latest edition of the official football rules is dated June 1, 2013 and consists of 17 rules, here is a summary:

  • Rule 1: Judge
  • Rule 2: Assistant referees
  • Rule 3: Duration of the game
  • Rule 4: Start and resumption of play
  • Rule 5: Ball in and out of play
  • Law 6: Definition of a goal
  • Law 11: Offside
  • Law 12: Player violations and unruly behavior
  • Law 13: Penalty and free kicks
  • Law 14: Penalty kick
  • Law 15: Throwing out the ball
  • Law 16: Goal kick
  • Law 17: Corner kick

Each football team must consist of a maximum of eleven players (that is how many can be on the field at one time), one of whom is the goalkeeper and he is the only player who is allowed to play with his hands within the penalty area at his goal.

How many players are on the team?

The team consists of 11 players: ten field players and one goalkeeper.

A football match consists of two halves of 45 minutes each. Between halves there is a 15-minute rest break, after which the teams change goals. This is done to ensure that the teams are on an equal footing.

The football game is won by the team that scores more goals into the opponent's goal.

If the teams finish the match with the same goal score, then a draw is recorded, or two additional halves of 15 minutes are assigned. If extra time ends in a draw, a penalty shoot-out is awarded.

Penalty rules in football

A penalty kick or penalty kick is the most serious penalty in football and is taken from the appropriate mark. When taking a penalty kick, there must be a goalkeeper in the goal.

Taking post-match penalties in football takes place according to the following rules: teams take 5 shots at the opponent’s goal from a distance of 11 meters, all shots must be carried out by different players. If after 5 kicks the score in penalties is equal, then the teams continue to take one pair of penalties until a winner is determined.

Offside in football

A player is considered to be in an offside or offside position if he is closer to the opponent's goal line than the ball and the second-to-last opponent player, including the goalkeeper.

To avoid being offside, players must adhere to the following rules:

  • it is prohibited to interfere with the game (touching the ball that was passed to him or that touched a teammate);
  • it is forbidden to interfere with an opponent;
  • It is prohibited to gain an advantage due to one's position (touching a ball that bounces off a goal post or crossbar or from an opponent).

Handball in football

Football rules allow field players to touch the ball with any part of their body except their hands. For handball, the team is awarded a penalty kick or a penalty kick, which is taken by a player from the opposing team.

The rules of handball in football include two more very important points:

  • accidentally hitting the ball in your hand is not a violation of the rules;
  • instinctively defending the ball is not a violation of the rules.

Yellow and red cards

Yellow and red cards are signs that the referee shows to players for breaking the rules and unsportsmanlike behavior.

A yellow card is of a warning nature and is given to a player in the following cases:

  • for deliberate handball;
  • for delaying time;
  • for disrupting the attack;
  • for a kick before the whistle / leaving the wall (penalty kick);
  • for a kick after the whistle;
  • for rough play;
  • for unsportsmanlike conduct;
  • for disputes with the arbitrator;
  • for simulation;
  • for leaving or entering the game without the permission of the referee.

A red card in football is shown by the referee for particularly serious violations or unsportsmanlike behavior. A player who receives a red card must leave the field for the remainder of the match.

Football field size and marking lines

A standard field for big football is a rectangular area in which the goal lines (end lines) are necessarily shorter than the side lines. Next we will look at the parameters of a football field.

The size of a football field in meters is not clearly regulated, but there are certain boundary indicators. For national-level matches, the standard length of a football field from goal to goal should be between 90-120 meters and a width of 45-90 meters. The area of ​​a football field ranges from 4050 m2 to 10800 m2. For comparison, 1 hectare = 10,000 m2. For international matches, the length of the side lines should not extend beyond the interval of 100-110 meters, and the goal lines beyond the range of 64-75 meters. There are FIFA recommended dimensions for a football field of 105 by 68 meters (area 7140 square meters).

How long is a football field?

The length of the football field from goal to goal should be between 90-120 meters.

The field markings are made with identical lines; the width of the markings should not exceed 12 centimeters (the lines are included in the areas that they limit). The side line or edge of the football field is usually called the “edge”.

Football field markings

  • The middle line is the line that divides the field into two equal halves. In the middle of the center line is the center of the field with a diameter of 0.3 meters. The circumference around the center of the field is 9.15 meters. A kick or pass from the center of the field begins both halves of the match, as well as extra time. After each goal scored, the ball is also placed in the center of the field.
  • The goal line in football is drawn on the lawn parallel to the crossbar.
  • The football goal area is a line drawn at a distance of 5.5 meters from the outside of the goal post. Two strips 5.5 meters long are drawn perpendicular to the goal line, directed deep into the field. Their end points are connected by a line parallel to the goal line.
  • Penalty area - from points at a distance of 16.5 m from the inside of each goal post, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn deep into the field. At a distance of 16.5 m these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. A penalty mark is placed in the center of the goal line and at a distance of 11 meters from it; it is marked with a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 meters. Within the penalty area, the goalkeeper can play with his hands.
  • Corner sectors are arcs with a radius of 1 meter centered on the corners of a football field. This line forms a limited area for corner kicks. Flags with a height of at least 1.5 meters and a banner size of 35x45 centimeters are installed in the corners of the field.

The field is marked using lines, the width of which must be the same and not exceed 12 centimeters. The image below shows the layout of a football field.

Football goal

The goal is located exactly in the middle of the goal line. Standard size The goal in football is as follows:

  • the length or width of the goal in big football is the distance between the vertical posts (bars) - 7.73 meters;
  • goal height - distance from the lawn to the crossbar - 2.44 meters.

The diameter of the posts and crossbars should not exceed 12 centimeters. Gates are made of wood or metal and painted in white, and also have a cross-sectional shape of a rectangle, ellipse, square or circle.

A soccer goal net must fit the size of the goal and must be durable. It is customary to use football nets of the following size: 2.50 x 7.50 x 1.00 x 2.00 m.

Football field design

The design standard for a football field looks like this:

  • Grass lawn.
  • Substrate made of sand and crushed stone.
  • Heating pipes.
  • Drainage pipes.
  • Aeration pipes.

The surface for a football field can be natural or artificial. Grass requires additional care, namely watering and fertilizing. The grass surface does not allow more than two games per week. Grass is brought to the field in special rolls of turf. Very often on a football field you can see grass of two colors (striped field), this happens due to the peculiarities of lawn care. When mowing the lawn, the machine first moves in one direction, and then in the other, and the grass lies in different sides(multi-directional lawn mowing). This is done for the convenience of determining distances and offsides, as well as for beauty. The height of the grass on a football field is usually 2.5 - 3.5 cm. The maximum speed of the ball in football at the moment is 214 km/h.

Artificial turf for a football field is a carpet made of synthetic material. Each blade of grass is not just a strip of plastic, but a product of complex shape. In order for the artificial turf to be suitable for play, it is covered with a filler of sand and rubber crumbs.

Soccer ball

What kind of ball is used to play football? A professional soccer ball consists of three main components: a tube, a liner and a tire. The chamber is usually made of synthetic butyl or natural latex. The lining is the inner layer between the tire and the tube. The lining directly affects the quality of the ball. The thicker it is, the better the quality of the ball. Typically the lining is made of polyester or compressed cotton. The tire consists of 32 synthetic waterproof pieces, 12 of which are pentagonal in shape, 20 are hexagonal.

Soccer ball size:

  • circumference - 68-70 cm;
  • weight - no more than 450 g.

The speed of a ball in football reaches 200 km/h.

Football uniform

Mandatory elements of a player's sports football kit are:

  • Shirt or T-shirt with sleeves.
  • Underpants. If underpants are used, they should be the same color.
  • Gaiters.
  • Shields. Must be completely covered with gaiters and provide the proper level of protection.
  • Boots.

Why do football players need socks?

Gaiters perform a protective function, supporting the leg and protecting against minor injuries. Thanks to them, the shields hold on.

The goalkeeper's football uniform must be different in color from the uniform of other players and referees.

Players may not wear any equipment that could be dangerous to themselves or other players, such as jewelry and wristwatches.

What do football players wear under their shorts?

Underpants are tight-fitting compression panties. The color and length of underpants should not differ from the color and length of panties.

Set pieces in football

  • Kickoff kick. The ball is played in football in three cases: at the beginning of the match, at the beginning of the second half and after a goal is scored. All players of the team taking the kick-off must be in their own half of the field, and their opponents must be at least nine meters away from the ball. The player taking the kick-off does not have the right to touch the ball again before other players do so.
  • A goal kick and the ball being put into play by the goalkeeper. Putting the ball into play after it has gone beyond the goal line (on the side of the post or over the crossbar), due to the fault of a player of the attacking team.
  • Throwing the ball in from the sideline. Made by a field player after the ball has crossed the side line and left the field. The ball must be thrown in from the place where it was “out”. The player making the catch must face the field on or behind the sideline. At the moment of the throw, both feet of the player must touch the ground. The ball is put into play without a signal from the referee.
  • Corner kick. Putting the ball into play from the corner sector. This is a penalty for players on the defending team who kick the ball over the goal line.
  • Free kick and free kick. Penalty for deliberately touching the ball with your hand or using rough handling against players of the opposing team.
  • Eleven meter kick (penalty kick).
  • Offside position.

Football refereeing

Judges ensure compliance established rules on the football field. For each match, a main referee and two assistants are appointed.

The duties of a judge include:

  • Timing of the match.
  • Recording match events.
  • Ensuring the ball meets the requirements.
  • Ensuring that players are equipped as required.
  • Ensuring that there are no unauthorized persons on the field.
  • Ensuring that injured players are cared for/carried off the field.
  • Providing the relevant authorities with a match report, including information on all disciplinary action taken against players and/or team officials, as well as all other incidents that occurred before, during or after the match.

Judge's rights:

  • Stop, temporarily interrupt or terminate the match in case of any violation of the rules, outside interference, or injury to players;
  • Take action against team officials who behave inappropriately;
  • Continue play until the ball is out of play if the player, in his opinion, has received only a minor injury;
  • Continue play when the offended team benefits from the advantage (remains in possession) and penalize the original offense if the intended advantage is not taken advantage of by the team;
  • Punish a player for a more serious violation of the Rules in the event that he simultaneously commits more than one violation;
  • Act based on the recommendations of your assistants and the reserve judge.


Competitions are organized by the federation; each tournament draws up its own regulations, which usually prescribe the composition of participants, the tournament scheme, and the rules for determining the winners.


National teams

  • The World Cup is the main international football competition. The championship is held once every four years; men's national teams of FIFA member countries from all continents can take part in the tournament.
  • The Confederations Cup is a football competition among national teams, which is held a year before the World Cup. It is held in the host country of the World Championship. 8 teams take part in the championship: the winners of the continental championships, the winner of the World Championship and the team of the organizing country.
  • Olympic Games
  • The FIFA Club World Cup is an annual competition between the strongest representatives of the six continental confederations.


National teams

  • The European Championship is the main competition of national teams under the leadership of UEFA. The championship is held every four years.
  • The UEFA Champions League is the most prestigious annual European club football tournament.
  • The UEFA Europa League is the second most important tournament for European football clubs members of UEFA.
  • The UEFA Super Cup is a one-match championship in which the winners of the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League of the previous season meet.


National teams

  • The America's Cup is a championship held under the auspices of CONMEBOL among national teams of countries in the region.
  • Copa Libertadores - The cup is named after the historical leaders of the War of Independence of the Spanish colonies in America. It is held among the best clubs in the countries of the region.
  • The Copa Sudamericana is the second most important club tournament South America after the Copa Libertadores.
  • The South American Recopa is the equivalent of the continental Super Cup. The tournament involves the winners of the two most important club tournaments - the Copa Libertadores and the Copa Sudamericana of the previous season.


National teams

  • The CONCACAF Gold Cup is a football tournament for the countries of North, Central America and the Caribbean.
  • The CONCACAF Champions League is an annual football championship among the best clubs in North and Central America and the Caribbean.

Football structures

The main football body is FIFA (Fédération internationale de football association), located in Zurich, Switzerland. She organizes international tournaments on a global scale.

Continental organizations:

  • CONCACAF (Сonfederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football) - football confederation of North and Central America and the Caribbean countries,
  • CONMEFBOL (CONfederacion sudaMEricana de FutBOL) - South American Football Confederation,
  • UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) is a union of European football associations,
  • CAF (Confederation of African Football) - African Football Confederation,
  • AFC (Asian Football Confederation) - Asian Football Confederation,
  • OFC (Oceania Football Confederation) is the Oceania Football Confederation.

We tried to cover the topic as completely as possible, so this information can be safely used when preparing reports on physical education and essays on the topic “Football”.

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