Plants for the entrance area of ​​the site. Decoration of the entrance area of ​​the country house. Entrance area and front garden

Theater begins with a hanger. The house does not begin with a door, but with a plot near the main entrance. It is his landscape that gives the first idea of ​​the house and its owners. This article presents design options for the entrance area to a private house.

The overall style of the space sets the tone when choosing both functional components for arranging the entrance area and decorative elements. You can make an entrance to the house different ways, the main thing is not to go beyond the general style of the house and the site.


The canopy in front of the entrance to the house is not an insulated structure that has both aesthetic and functional purposes. The canopy protects the entrance in rainy and snowy weather.

Sheds are separate and attached. In the first case, the design is independent, in the second, it relies on the entrance, porch, balcony.

There are options with walls that turn the canopy into a protected, reliable structure.

Cozy terrace

A private house is good because you can free time carry out in the air. A popular design option for the entrance area is the terrace, which serves as a place for a comfortable stay.

The terrace area is concreted or most often made of wood. It can be located under a canopy or in the open air. It has a small table and chairs. This is a convenient place for family tea parties and sincere conversations.


To emphasize the splendor of the main entrance to the house, you can equip it with a small external staircase. The number of steps is usually odd and is usually on the order of three, as this is convenient when entering the porch landing.

The optimal parameters of the steps are a height of 15-20 cm and a depth of 30-35 cm. It is good if the steps are inclined by 2-3 degrees. This will allow rainwater to drain freely to the ground and also make them easier to clean.


A patio is a whole equipped patio designed for family and guests to relax. The area under it is laid with a stone slab.

On the territory there is furniture for relaxation: sun loungers, sofas, chairs and tables. To protect from rain and sun, umbrellas or a canopy are installed. Often the patio is equipped with barbecue ovens or is a real summer kitchen. The patio is located near the entrance to the house.

front garden

It is always made within the strict framework of the general style of the house and the site. Being a zone connecting the house with the street, the front garden has at least one path with a width of at least 1.5 meters.

It emphasizes the entrance area, gives it a solemn front look. It is separated from the garage and utility areas of the yard by decorative gratings. Plants for the front garden are selected so that the garden remains blooming as much as possible. long time.


This is a necessary component of the organization of the entrance area if there is a disabled person in the family or Small child.

Ramps are fixed and removable. Choosing the right option depends on the height of the porch and the needs of family members. If there is a small child in the house, it is advisable to install a folding ramp in order to remove it after a while.


Lighting is as much a design element as landscape or decor. Classic style the location of lighting fixtures involves the placement of lanterns at the gate, the door of the house, the garage and several lanterns along the path to the house. Due to the design features, the classic "Pushkin" lanterns do not illuminate the track well and are required in large quantities for good visibility.

An alternative to the classics are all kinds of modern lamps. Their location is carefully calculated. Lamps can be hidden in the bushes, from where they will brightly illuminate the path and other intended objects.

There are a lot of options and ways to design the entrance area. The main thing is that its appearance is in harmony with the inner world of the owner of the house, bringing him joy.

Like any business, the concept of landscape design is based on certain postulates. By violating them, it is possible to destroy the already existing natural composition and in return not create anything worthwhile, having built some kind of heaps that are incompatible in style.

Therefore, before you arrange landscape design on your site, you should rely on certain rules- a kind of "code of laws" of art, located at the junction of four areas (architecture, crop production, history and philosophy).

Universal landscape design techniques

There are several universal design techniques that will help make your garden more beautiful and solve many problems at the same time.

They can be used without prior preparation, "here and now."

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"Eskimo Design". A garden can be made visually larger by applying a technique known as "Eskimo Design". It is believed that the Eskimos used this little trick to visually push the boundaries of their modest dwellings. The method consists in dividing the space into many small bright details, turning it into a kind of "mosaic".

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"Cinch effect". By applying it, you can dissolve the boundaries of the fence or any other unwanted object. Plants are planted nearby with flowers of a certain color, say, red, and with variegated flowers, but such, in the coloring of which the color of the first group of plants is present. Example: combinations of phloxes with raspberry flowers and phloxes with variegated, white-crimson flowers.

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"Papuan design". If you need to make a large object less noticeable, use "Papuan design" - a technology that will make a large space whole and cozy. It includes many techniques, but the main one is a combination of a dark background with bright accents. Choose a dark color for the fence and other buildings, and then plant around the plant with bright flowers, better - red, yellow and orange. Plant a few plants with dark flowers and foliage to support the composition.

The technique of landscape design called "mirroring" allows the garden to look especially harmonious. Pay attention to the views outside your garden. Repeat certain elements of what you see on your site. If you see a lake in the distance, a pond will be especially good on the site, if a river - a stream, if a birch grove - planting birches, if a hilly landscape - a rock garden. The principle is this: the surrounding nature should be reflected on your site, as in a mirror.

"Border" method of landscape design

All garden areas should have boundaries. Thick screens and screens are not always needed. The “border” method of landscape design dictates the following rules: in small areas, solid partitions look heavy, and openwork, light ones are much better suited - after all, you just need to mark the border. You can even mark the beginning of a new zone with a separate large decorative item or even a huge boulder. An unusual tree or shrub often acts as a "border guard".

Any boundaries must be correctly located - at the transition points from one area of ​​the site to another, at the places of their "joining". But there can be many such places, and in order to choose a “strategic” point, check a few points. Firstly, this place should be well "read" from various parts garden. Secondly, it must meet practical requirements: the partition must be located where its presence creates comfort and creates a good microclimate, which means that its location depends on how the resting place is planned in this area, what objects and plantings it is filled with. Thirdly, the partition should not block the beautiful view from the territory of a particular area of ​​the garden. If you are using a container as a zoning medium, it is best to make it the same color as the flowers of the plant growing in it.

Design Techniques: Paths and Corners

Design the track configuration with a slight expansion at the beginning and end. This visually expands the boundaries of the site.

Use the corners of the site - it's beautiful and practical, besides, it allows you to visually enlarge the site. This method is also known as the "cat method" because operates according to the principle: "in each corner there is a cat, in front of each cat - three cats." The method works great on any small volumes, releasing maximum amount space.

Interesting points to be emphasized. If there are interesting geometric shapes and lines in the garden, try to emphasize them.

How to decorate the entrance area in landscape design

Particular attention should be paid to the design of the entrance area. The first impression is the strongest.

Don't show the whole garden at once. There must be intrigue in the garden. We must try so that it is impossible to see the entire site - its beauty should be revealed gradually, the landscape - unhurriedly unfolding. Something must be placed in every corner: a bench, an unusual or fragrant plant, a sculpture, etc. leading to them should be winding.

Bizarre shapes on the site look bad. By placing complex objects, you run the risk that it will be impossible to examine them in detail - part of the exhibit will be hidden from the eyes, moreover, extravagance moves us away from natural, natural forms and may look “too much”. Always choose simplicity and naturalness: a shape slightly curved at one or two points, best of all oval - slightly elongated, expanded or narrowed.

Basic rules of landscape design

When designing your garden plot, rely on the basic rules of landscape design:

1. Use volumetric optical effects. In order for the site to visually appear larger, the garden pond must be filled with water not to the top, but just below the sides (2-3 cm). Make the border of the pond visually narrower by backfilling it with stone or pebbles.

2. For some garden objects, there are ideal proportions. So, the reservoir should not occupy less than 1/5 of the area of ​​​​the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site that you see at the same time as it. Keep in mind that the same object can be viewed from different areas at the same time, so balance the composition, focusing on the largest "picture".

3. Use the opposite method. This method will help to balance non-standard sections - for example, too narrow and long. If your yard is rectangular, choose an angular, diagonal layout as the correct shape. better fit not a square, but a rhombus, etc. An option with soft shapes is also suitable: design winding paths, oval rest areas or fluid, irregular, wavy shapes. All of the above applies to any site objects. Due to their soft shapes and diagonal arrangement on the site, sharp corners can be visually “rounded”. This method can be applied locally: for example, if your site has separate inconvenient areas with sharp corners or narrowed.

4. Use a similar method. If your site has a complex, irregular layout, a bizarre shape with many sharp narrowings and expansions, you can correct these shortcomings by applying a similar method. Try to ensure that all the lines of your layout follow the outlines of your site, are in tune with them. For example, if your site has a "wavy" or rounded shape, the straight lines of the tracks will cause a feeling of dissonance. On the contrary, sinuous lines will support the composition, and it will look harmonious - after all, in nature there is no perfect correct forms. The layout of the site as a whole sets a pattern, consistency, "explains" the configuration of the garden. Ideal Solution for the option discussed above - gazebo round shape, oval paving and the like. If you style requires the presence of geometrically correct objects, enter an element that will link the two types of shape (for example, a square can be inscribed in a circle, etc.).

5. Use a fence to visually expand narrow passages. It often happens that on the site narrow passages are adjacent to the fence, and this visually reduces the site, creates the impression of crowding. To avoid this, first, do not design the tracks perpendicular to such cul-de-sacs. Second, paint the fence in light color and decorate it large quantity as many varieties of plants as possible, best with variegated light foliage and flowers. Plant white flowers, make mesh inserts into the fence, reinforce light arches in some parts of the fence and run them over climbing plants, best blooming. One of the most “powerful” tricks is to fix large or medium-sized mirrors on a wall or fence in some places, but you can also have a group of small ones, and you need to fix them not flat, but slightly at an angle, obliquely.

Rules for lighting in landscape design

Lighting the garden correctly is an essential part of its image Lighting rules in landscape design say: it is better to illuminate the garden in separate "islands", and not evenly. There must be some mystery, a game, a contrast of light and shadow. Highlight, underline with light all the most beautiful places in the garden, beautiful designs, retaining walls, podiums, ponds, stone compositions, and, of course, the most spectacular plants. In a word, you must determine which objects should attract the most attention.

Light should fall from the side of the observer - so that it does not irritate the eyes and does not distort the landscape.

If you want to create special effects with plants, use colored light, and to emphasize their natural beauty, use white or yellow.

A tree or tall shrub illuminates completely.

If you want to highlight not only a corner of the landscape, but also its specific details, use a not too bright spotlight and spotlights together.

If you want to emphasize the depth of space, use bright light in the foreground and diffuse light in the background.

In terms of design, the most the best option- have lights various types. The more diverse the lighting, the “richer” the impression of the site.

In addition, the most advantageous solution is to place lamps at different levels. Ideally, if they are varied: different heights, classic and built-in, "floor" for paving, suspended and wall-mounted. The more "dimensions" of light, the better.

If you want to illuminate, the light source must be from behind. Direct the stream of light so that the jets of falling water shine beautifully. Emphasize the beautiful line of the path or area with a chain of lamps.

The concept of camouflage in landscape design

Actively use the concept of masking in landscape design. On the garden plot camouflage is one of the most pressing issues when working with any landscape. Even if you start creating a composition on a newly acquired site, there are areas that you would like to hide. What to say about the already inhabited spaces!

On any site there are many objects that annoyingly negate all the good impression, do not correspond to the composition and style of the garden, give the impression of sloppiness, neglect, and unfinished work. Old foundations, massive monotonous fences, temporary buildings, sheds - this is only a small part of the possible "unsightly" objects. However, it is not always possible to refuse economic objects - it is better to disguise them.

Garden camouflage techniques will allow you to both completely hide objects and decorate them, in order to then “fit” into the overall concept of the site.

Of course, deposits of garbage and various scrap clearly need to be cleared. Clutter has no place on the site! Sort everything you want to keep and discard the rest without regret.

The garden is planned as an ideal place for relaxation and therefore, in the eyes of others, it becomes a reflection of the character and habits of the owners. And the project of the entrance zone of the garden in landscape design is a very important detail, because this is the territory from which acquaintance with it, the house and its inhabitants begins. Logically, the garden front door and the facade of the house should harmoniously complement each other.

The European tradition requires that the entrance area and the space adjacent to the house be given an open character. This deprives her of the privacy we are accustomed to. It is reached by fences with entrance gates. They try to revive these rather monumental structures with green spaces, paths in the style of a garden. Presentability and convenience - that's two keywords, defining the approach of architects and landscape designers of the company "Grintek" in solving this problem. Many elements should be linked together: the nature of structures and buildings, competent lighting, site and garden planning, selection planting material and small architectural forms.

Garden entrance design styles

Let's pay attention to the most popular styles, they are preferred by the clients of the landscape company "Grintek" (Moscow).

These gardens come from childhood, which we spent at the dachas of our grandmothers. The house is located deep in the garden, paths with flower borders lead to it. Be sure to have a front garden at the entrance to the house, a recreation area with a swing and a rocking chair, terraces with cozy tea parties.

The project of the entrance zone of the garden is decorated with trees: cherries, apple trees, pears. The bushes of lilac, jasmine, lilies look romantic, planted as if slightly carelessly, in a natural order.

  • cottage style

An option for urban residents who are not accustomed to abandoning the benefits of civilization outside the city. This style retains signs of architectural unity with neighboring cottages. The entrance to the cottage is functional, decorated with a porch with a wide canopy. Forging or wooden panels. Emphatically strictly resolved entry zone to the garage, the gates of which repeat the color of the main entrance to the house.

Paths and open spaces in front of the house are tiled. The cottage style is closest to European, so the popularity of lawns, topiaries, sundial. Sheared hedges or a low picket fence act as borders. A traditional Christmas tree is planted in front of the house, rose gardens are arranged. Symmetrical flowerpots with green sculptures, flowers or ampelous plants are placed at the front porch.

  • Modern

Simplicity and elegance distinctive features modern. Lightness is emphasized by many details: rounded steps of stairs, twisted pergolas, forging with floral ornament, stained-glass windows, tiled tiles.

Immediately at the gate, paired benches are placed under the lanterns, they plant irises, lilies, lush bushes hydrangeas. Do not forget about the reservoir: fountains, including wall-mounted ones, ponds with water lilies and a decorative bridge. In Art Nouveau, tunnels entwined with ivy and roses, ideally with luxurious wisteria, are warmly welcomed. The final touch is sophisticated lighting that effectively enhances the beauty of the garden in the evening. By the way, lunar silvery gardens are typical of this particular style.

  • Minimalism

A minimum of decor, a maximum of expressiveness in geometric lines - this is the philosophy of minimalism. The conciseness of the image can be traced in the design of the entrance: a ramp and steps made of marble or tiles, metal handrails, a plexiglass canopy. No flowerpots, only tall cylindrical containers are appropriate. Their plants we choose succulents, cereals, silver conifers and junipers. Combined paving is used in combination with lawns. Lighting device with remote control, the entrance gate also has it.

Garden entrance project: choosing decorative details

Hallways, verandas, porches, front doors, often "complicated" by the knot of a private house. Illiterately designed, poorly made and ill-conceived style can bring a lot of trouble and inconvenience to the owners in the future. This week's topic is dedicated to the solution of the entrance area - how to make it not only beautiful and functional, but also warm and cozy.


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The entrance area can be considered as a link between the house and the outside world, at the same time it creates the first impression of the house and its inhabitants. European view of the entrance area suburban area how open space has little in common with our notions of a garden and a house. In our area, the entrance area is used to be considered a more private place, it is usually more closed, often enclosed by a fence.

The design of the entrance area, which is usually small in size, should be concise and all the details of the landscape and architecture should be kept in the general style of the garden. Here, there will definitely be a problem of choosing a specific style, the direction in which the space of the entrance zone will be decorated. However, today it is more correct to speak of a certain stylization, since eclecticism is characteristic of modern architecture. Often design projects country houses reflect not so much the style itself, but are its imitation, using the most characteristic moments of individual styles. Still, let's talk about several main directions in the design of a country house and garden.

Russian old fashioned style

The old country style is characterized by a slight neglect of the garden, a flat relief, all landscape solutions are quite simple, without unnecessary frills. The house is usually located in the back of the site, you can go to it along the path. Sheathed with boards, usually painted in light colors, the plinth is plastered.

A spacious covered veranda with columns necessarily adjoins the house, which is reached by a wide staircase with a balustrade. Such a veranda is used for family tea parties. Among the furniture leading role plays a large table, which can accommodate the whole family and close friends. A wicker rocking chair adds color and contributes to a calm, friendly and slightly contemplative atmosphere.

On such a veranda, planters with balsams, pelargoniums look great, and mock orange bushes planted nearby in the height of summer fill the veranda with a wonderful aroma.

And, of course, sprawled nearby orchard, at the time of flowering, flowering of apple and pear trees, gaining incredible beauty and charm. Complementing the picture of the Russian garden are lilac and wild rose bushes planted at the entrance and along the fence. A harmonious addition to these flowering shrubs is the hydrangea. Along the path leading to the house, you can plant a flower garden of peonies, lupins, geraniums, lilies, roses and other perennial flowers.

Russian log style

The main architectural element of this style is a house built of timber or large logs. The ideal location would be a forested plot of land on which large trees grow, however, a rural landscape with a rich nature would be an acceptable alternative. This country style will be approved by people who prefer simple forms and materials, connoisseurs of the pristine beauty of nature.

A spacious open terrace adjoins the house, it is framed around the perimeter wooden railings with a simple geometric pattern. Steps descend directly into the garden, which can be accessed from the house through the terrace. Furniture on the terrace is recommended to be treated with antiseptic solutions. Lanterns with shades are responsible for lighting the terrace simple design. Containers with blooming annuals are placed on the railings.

For finishing the basement and the platform in front of the house is better suited natural stone. It is necessary that the garden does not enter into disharmony with the surrounding nature, it must contain plants characteristic of the area, common to a traditional Russian garden.

The highlight of the entrance area can be a beautiful bright front garden. It can be a country-style flower garden. Bells, asters, phloxes, nivyanik will look harmoniously in it. For shaded areas, we can recommend such perennials as Rogersia, aconite, bergenia, astilba. Decorate the entrance area Garden swing and trellises braided with girlish grapes. To maintain privacy, the view from the street to the site will be covered by picturesque groups of plantings of elderberry, mock orange, and hazel.

Building a veranda to the house (video)


Art Nouveau style is easily recognizable by smooth lines and fluid forms, elegant decor with plant motifs, all sorts of combinations various materials, design elements bearing the stamp of individuality. This style is for creative natures, who are characterized by a certain extravagance.

In this style, the garden is a natural extension of the home, so landscaping and architectural design must be integrated. The entrance area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is decorated, for example, with a purple flower garden, or with a border of bushes of tree hydrangea, Japanese spirea or others flowering shrubs. The patio in front of the house is paved in an original way. It is almost essential to have water features in the form of a raised nymphaeum pool or wall fountain, giving the patio a very picturesque look. Near the water composition, you can place a flower arrangement from various kinds iris - dwarf, Siberian, Japanese, bearded, with the addition of sage and polyanthus rose. Forged arches, a garden bench, which is decorated with climbing rose.

Plants with an unusual crown shape and picturesque foliage are better suited to the Art Nouveau style. You can advise for the garden common lilac and white derain, panicled hydrangea. It is great if the foliage of the plants will organically combine with the color of the house.


The style of minimalism is chosen by people who like laconic design, use modern technologies in combination with simple forms against the backdrop of an almost complete disregard for decor. A garden in this style requires almost no maintenance. The facades of the buildings are made of glass, stone, concrete, metal, and tinted wood is also found.

The garden in a minimalist style is distinguished by the presence of all kinds of electronic filling.

Stairs, whose sweat rises to the house, can be equipped with a ramp. The design of the stairs is made up of metal handrails, cables and wooden bars. The canopy over the stairs can be made of glass, mounted on a metal frame.

The design of the adjacent territory is built on the principle of contrast - natural forms are combined with artificial elements. The area in front of the house is paved in a combined way, equipped with lighting and has glass block inserts. Plant decoration is made up of succulents (sedums, juveniles), compositions from representatives of cereals. Appearance These plants will fit perfectly into the style of modern architecture. Next to the cereals, you can place glass balls, metal lanterns, and cover the soil with a layer of gravel or pebbles. To decorate the entrance area, monoplants are practiced - several species are planted in large blocks. As a harmonious combination, we can recommend a group of Cossack juniper and gray spirea.

cottage style

This is an extremely popular destination, perhaps due to the successful combination of functionality, beauty and comfort. The houses included in the cottage settlement are built in a similar architectural style, there are transparent fences and well-visible gardens. The decoration of the house is most often - facing brick, decorative plaster of light colors is also found, a garage is usually adjacent to the wall of the house and winter Garden.

Changing the "face" of your home (video)

The entrance to the cottage is preceded by a porch with a canopy, which can be decorated with forging, forming a single ensemble with a forged fence. The entrance area is usually well visible from the street, so it is given a formal look. Clinker bricks are used to cover the area in front of the house, paving slabs, provides for the presence of drainage gratings and lighting devices

Plants used for decoration are best taken with a beautiful crown and foliage, and certainly the presence of conifers. Solitary planting is practiced for which Sargent's apple tree, pedunculate oak, drooping birch and other plants with an unusually shaped crown are suitable.

If we talk about conifers for solitary planting, then good choice there will be prickly spruce, one-color fir, in conditions of a shortage of free space, you can prefer Serbian spruce or Korean fir. Beautiful view will give the entrance area a composition of junipers different varieties, a combination of Japanese spirea and mountain pines with the inclusion of polyanthus roses.

Green lawns and hedge, planted along the perimeter of the fence once again emphasize the elegance of the cottage garden.

As you can see, it is quite possible to arrange the entrance area country house within the framework of the chosen style, and at the same time it will reflect your individuality, bear the imprint of the lifestyle and way of life of your family, being a kind of business card presented to all guests of your house.

Entrance group in a private house (video)

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