Paint a new wooden outbuilding. Exterior wood paint. Features of special compounds. Choice of coverage. Fence decor: artistic painting and zoning

IN country house design even outbuildings can be not just a shed, but a real work of art. I present to your attention interesting ideas utility sheds, houses for equipment and workshops. All these structures can be made for your dacha with your own hands and decorated to your liking.

Utility units may also have no windows to prevent easy theft of tools if your site is located in a not very quiet place.

The wall of the shed can be decorated with painted plastic plates, screwed with self-tapping screws. The northern wall of my dacha is decorated this way; I painted them myself.

Your workshop may also have a small porch where you can sit and take a break from country affairs and worries.

The classic design of a cute utility unit, decorated with hanging flowers, as well as tub and tray compositions.

The octagonal guest house can be used both as a workshop and as a utility unit.

A utility block combined with a garage. Even a shed can have a beautiful front garden with flower beds.

A stylish guest house made of foam blocks can also serve as your workshop.

Here's another one nice idea household unit of a passionate summer resident. The doors, as I like them, are glazed to the floor.

A wonderful idea for a utility room combined with a guest house.

The idea of ​​simulating windows with trays of flowers will revive plain walls barn.

A pleasant composition of a shed and a pergola with a resting place.

A classic barn in a country house or private yard.

Still, it’s nice that there are people who create beautiful landscape design solutions from ordinary, familiar buildings.

It would seem like a barn, but here is a porch, here are flowers - and it’s a completely different feeling! Some kind of joy...

If you paint the shed in light shades, the area will immediately become more cheerful.

Old tools can be hung on the walls, decorated in rural country style.

A neat guest house, covered with shingles.

A beautiful idea for a shed at the dacha - a flower bed and trays of flowers, a path made of stone slabs leading to the building.

Tall barn with pitched roof and windows for light under the ceiling.

An original utility unit for storing equipment in the country.

The idea of ​​a workshop on a summer cottage - I can imagine that an artist creates his masterpieces here!

Natural roof in Scandinavian style— in Norway you can find turf on old houses. Well, here the designer’s idea was to plant a flowering lawn.

Some ideas are so good that they can even become the basis of a small country house, not a utility block.

The photo shows a completely workable option for a summer house on a plot of 6 acres.

Wenge-colored barn - stylish solution in color!

A stone outbuilding on an English estate - the structure is more than a century old, and there are many more centuries to come!

A simple idea for a shed for storing equipment in a summer cottage.

A beautiful frame shed covered with plywood.

A squat utility block is a design idea for your dacha.

An original solution is to imitate shutters on a window.

You can make such outbuildings with your own hands in a week, thereby giving you a place where you can store your tools. But don't turn the room into a storage room!

The idea of ​​designing an approach to outbuildings at the dacha.

It would also be nice to provide a canopy over the door so that in the rain you can open the door without standing under falling drops of water.

An unusual solution for the entrance group made it possible to create an additional door.

A solid barn built in Western style.

The idea of ​​a utility block is a square-shaped workshop.

The idea of ​​a utility room with an asymmetrical roof.

Household with a beautiful front door on massive hinges.

Unusual utility block with walls made of wood cuts. I have already come across a similar solution several times, I wonder how labor-intensive and reliable it is?

With this, let me say goodbye to you today, see you tomorrow! Follow the updates, share ideas with your friends, get inspired and create unique beauty in your area!

In Russia, it is still customary to fence off one’s property with fences, sometimes so massive that not even the house itself—even the spire on the roof is not visible. Decorating the fence is necessary, first of all, in order to disguise this barrier, which often spoils the appearance of the building.

The design of outbuildings will also not interfere - after all, this is also part of your site, and therefore the barn and other additional buildings simply must look appropriate.

After reviewing the photos of the design of fences, photos of the design of a shed and other outbuildings at the dacha, you can bring these ideas to life, or come up with something of your own that matches the style of your garden plot.

Decorating fences with plants (with photos)

Decorating fences with plants is the easiest way to decorate the fence of your home.

Climbing perennials - ideal option to disguise the fence.

You can combine flowering or decorative-leaved perennials with climbing varieties. Secure the supports along which the plant will “crawl” along the fence.

As you can see in the photo, decorating fences with plants sometimes involves planting an additional hedge - spruce and linden are perfect for this.

Fence decor: artistic painting and zoning

A necessary element of fence decor is artistic painting. Paint the fence new color, make inserts or overlays from interesting materials, decorate it with hanging pots with bright flowers.

Please note in the photo: the decor of the fence may include zoning. Moreover, it is possible to zone not only the entire territory, but also individual structures, including the fence. Color its different parts in different colors or even striped. As an option, make pergonal inserts.

Decor of a fence at the dacha with overhead elements

Decorating a fence at the dacha with overlay elements can be done using voluminous overlay elements: separately hanging pots with bright flowers or shelves with flower containers. On the fence you can strengthen mirrors, empty picture frames, decorative overlays - bells, forged rosettes, etc.

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Decorative design of a multilayer fence

The decorative design of a multi-layer fence is the duplication of some parts of the fence with the help of another, lower and purely decorative fence.

For example, create a fence, and the third row is . Make sure that all three fences are visible at the same time and give the impression of a single structure. This will add volume and layering.

Design of outbuildings (shed, garage, kitchen)

If you are just starting construction, first of all determine how to place buildings for utility purposes on the site. The design of outbuildings (shed, garage, kitchen) is based on the criterion of ease of use.

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The garage should be located separately, and best of all - at the entrance to the site, the summer kitchen - not far from the house. Once you have decided on the placement, move on to the details. Now you can design the shape of structures, their original features, and methods of decoration.

For example, if a small barn or cellar is “built” into a slope, there is a great opportunity to stylize it “like a grotto.”

If there are already buildings on the site, decorate them!

Cover . Hide behind a curtain of green plants, a hedge, a pergola or trellis.

Decorate each of your buildings like a small house - with a porch, windows, hanging flower pots. Set up a small mini-“estate” near each house. Not a utility block - a toy!

Barn design using painting

You can design barns using painting - to do this, paint the entire barn or simply paint one of its walls a different color. It will act as a background or screen for the exposure you have created.

For example, one wall can be painted in dark color, and then tall ones will look especially advantageous against its background bright flowers, planted around the perimeter of the barn.

Create an exhibition wall

Make the wall of the building that you would like to hide light, and then arrange on it an exhibition of household items, a “hobby” exhibition, an exhibition of teapots, mugs or fishing lures - and many old unnecessary things will become original exhibits of your garden.

Make inlay - decorate one or more walls of the barn, summer kitchen, masterful mosaic from colored batts ceramic tiles and dishes. Both abstraction and clear ornamentation will look advantageous.

Decorate the wall (it’s better if there is only one) with objects of the same type:

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Barn design with false “windows” and overhead elements

False “windows” and overhead elements look very nice in the design of a barn. To do this, brightly color the picture frames and attach a pot with a bright flower to each of these “windows”.

Overlay elements in the design of a barn are the decoration of a utility block using panels and wicker elements. Even beautiful coasters for hot dishes will do, or even a door taken from another building, previously decorated in an antique style. You can attach picturesque driftwood or a wrought iron lattice to the wall (this is ideal if you need to block an unsightly part of the wall). “False” forging can be made from the most ordinary rubber mat: paint it with copper or cast iron paint (you can also apply “patina”), and then nail it to the wall of the barn using small nails. The grille can also be made of wood if the style requires it. You can also attach carved platbands to the wall so that they form some kind of composition.

Design of outbuildings using natural materials

Design of outbuildings natural materials- another way to decorate the site. Some buildings can be decorated with firewood. For example, best decoration for a woodshed - the firewood itself. Cover one or more of its walls with them, leaving niches-“windows”.

The method of volumetric still life differs from the wall “exhibition” in that it is three-dimensional. You can use the wall to hang items, place a table next to it with a composition, large bouquets of dry plants, and even a mini-bench. It will be possible not only to beat up a boring building in an unusual way, but also to create a nice relaxation area.

Decorating a garden greenhouse

A garden greenhouse, especially a modern one, is not a hindrance to design. But sometimes you still need to decorate it.

Decorating a garden greenhouse is not done by planting next to it. tall plants. It is also impossible to arrange scenes, since the greenhouse should not be shaded. The solution is beautiful “decoretto” stickers. They are suitable for glass and polycarbonate and transform this “technical” object into a stylish one.

There was a building - and there is no building. Now it's hidden in garden maze. The labyrinth can be made from any structural material, preferably brick or natural stone.

You can also plant low hedge in the form of a labyrinth, and place a surprise object in the center. Naturally, the labyrinth is suitable for those buildings that are not subject to any decoration.

No matter how much space there is in country house, on personal plot You can’t do without such a necessary outbuilding as a barn.

If you don’t yet have experience in self-building, but the owner knows how to use tools, he can easily build a shed at his dacha with his own hands, following the instructions.

If the barn will be located next to the house, and it is important that it looks aesthetically pleasing, it is better to use the same materials from which the house is built. To reduce the cost of construction, you can decorate the barn with siding - it can be different, and imitates any materials - wood, brick, stone of different textures.

How to make a shed quickly and inexpensively

Guided by step by step instructions how to make a barn yourself, you can build it in as soon as possible, while spending very little money.

One of the simplest, fastest and cheapest options is a frame shed. The frame itself can be made of wood or metal; the outside is sheathed suitable material, install the roof – and it’s comfortable outbuilding ready for use.

If the barn is made of wood, then the frame can be made of timber. But it is more convenient, reliable and durable to make a frame from profiled pipes with a rectangular or square cross-section - a profile with round more difficult to join and weld.

There are also ready-made metal frames on sale, which are assembled using self-tapping screws, and at the factory you can order a structure according to your own drawing.

As practice shows, the assembly of both metal and wooden sheds usually takes only a few days. The photo shows sheds on frames - what they are like, and how beautifully they can be finished.

What should the foundation be like?

Sheds on frames are lightweight buildings, so the foundation for them is made lightweight. Most often, several posts, screw piles or a concrete block are enough - one or several, depending on the area of ​​the barn.

If the ground is on plot of land complex, the foundation can be a shallow strip foundation made of special monolithic blocks.

Reinforced strip foundation will even withstand bricks and building blocks as walls - the building will be reliable and will not crack on soil that is prone to swelling, since the movement of the structure will occur along with the foundation.

The choice of foundation type depends on the soil on the site, the area of ​​the barn, the material from which it is built, as well as the financial capabilities of the owners of the site. But it’s easier, faster and cheaper to build a shed on a frame without a foundation.

Frame lean-to shed without foundation

Frame sheds can be built without a foundation at all. There are two options. In one case, the racks treated against rotting are buried 60-80 cm, concreted, and then the lower frame is attached to them, on which the floor is laid on the joists. It is worth noting that this method is only suitable for building a small area.

On soils that absorb and drain water well, you can also build a shed without a foundation this way: the area for construction is marked out in such a way that the area on which the shed will stand is 0.5 m wider on each side than the area of ​​the building itself .

The turf is removed from the soil and a sand and gravel backfill is made, which must be thoroughly compacted. A strapping beam is laid on the prepared site, and floor joists treated with an antiseptic are attached to it - the joists will be in direct contact with the ground, so treatment with an antiseptic is required.

As soon as the logs for the future floor are laid on the site, the floor itself is made. It can be made of planks, from sheets of moisture-resistant plywood or from oriented strand board (OSB). In this case, the recommended thickness of materials:

  • for boards – 20 mm;
  • for plywood and OSB – 13-15 mm.

When the site for the building is ready, you can begin building the shed.

Pay attention!

When building a frame barn with a pitched roof, the roof should be installed correctly - its angle should be such that snow easily rolls off it.

Practice shows that the optimal angle of inclination is achieved when the height of one wall is 3 m, and the opposite one is 2.4 m. It is a good idea to cover the roof with ondulin - this roofing material is also called Euro slate.

Ondulin is much more attractive in appearance than slate, it has a wave-like shape, and its color can be different, this allows you to make the roof of the barn beautiful, cheerful, truly country-like.

Having started assembling the frame, first the racks of each wall are mounted into the floor one by one. If not boards are chosen for cladding, but ready-made slabs - made of wood, metal or other material, the cladding can be installed on the frame of each wall in advance, on the ground, and the wall can be fixed to the floor in finished form. As an option, the walls can be sheathed with OSB 9.5 mm thick.

There is an alternative technology - Balloon. With this method, installation is carried out gradually - corner frame racks are immediately attached to the frame or the blocks themselves as the racks are installed in height. A rope is stretched between them at each new height level, along which the next racks are then placed.

Pay attention!

When installing window and doorways It should be taken into account that the load on the frame is greater here, so it is necessary to strengthen the frame in those places where the window and door sashes will be attached. For this purpose, the openings are equipped not only with corner posts, but also with reinforced posts.

Erection of the roof

Since the roof of the barn will be pitched, rafter system is simple: rafter boards, the length of which to provide an overhang (usually 30-50 cm) must be greater than the length of the side of the area intended for the roof, are laid on edge. For example, if the planned area of ​​the shed is 3 m by 3 m, then the length of the rafter board should be 3.840 m.

The boards are nailed diagonally - two nails on both sides, so that the roof can more reliably withstand loads under snow pressure and when strong wind, it can be reinforced with metal corners.

It is necessary to install a sheathing on the roof (100*25 mm is suitable). If you plan to cover the roof with ondulin, then the recommended manufacturer of this roofing material the optimal lathing pitch should be 40 cm.

The final step is to cover the roof with the selected material - ondulin, slate or others.

Pay attention!

Completing the construction of the shed

After the walls and roof are erected, windows and doors are installed in the prepared openings.

You can make a small porch at the door or just one or several small steps - depending on the height of the threshold of the barn.

The lining of the shed can be painted to match the roof, or, if it is wooden, leave it a natural color, which will look organic in the dacha by oiling it.

And to make the building look aesthetically pleasing and neat, the foundation should be covered with an asbestos sheet.

Such a barn, if the site on which it is being built has already been prepared, can be erected in just a couple of days. Built with your own hands and taking into account individual needs, it will turn out to be very comfortable and beautiful.

Photo of a do-it-yourself shed

The summer resident is constantly in time trouble with problems related to the maintenance of the site. Painting a shed is far from an urgent landscaping issue. However, it should not be removed from the agenda. You just need to do it quickly, beautifully and for a long time.

Impregnation of the barn

Typically, the construction of a barn precedes the construction of a summer house. The task is to store tools and materials. You can sit out the bad weather or relax in the shade. All efforts and resources are thrown at the house. There was only enough energy to correctly place the utility block on the site, giving it even geometric shapes and covering the walls with unplaned boards. If funds allow, you can deviate from the accepted path and buy a shed for your summer cottage.

The situation is quite understandable and justified, but only until the main building appears. A featureless building, lost on the border dacha area, will thoroughly spoil the overall impression of the achieved result. The solution in this situation is to paint the barn at the dacha with water stain and antiseptic solutions. This solution provides a number of advantages compared to traditional staining:

  • no surface preparation required. When it comes to unplaned boards, this point is extremely important. Allows you to save a lot of time;
  • deep impregnation of wood occurs. The hairiness of the surface does not affect the color. Exfoliating the fibers only improves the quality of the surface;
  • you can paint a shed using the most simple tool: brushes and roller. Any primitive spray gun, including hand-held flower sprayers, will greatly reduce the time;
  • save money and time. The cost of stain and tools is low. The impregnation procedure involves generously applying the product to the surface of the board. No smoothing movements are required. Good result in terms of time and quality, it is achieved when painting with a wide brush;
  • when in contact with aqueous compounds, the villi experience cyclic wetting and drying, as a result of which they warp and fly off the surface. Each time the treated surface only gets better;
  • It is possible to apply impregnating compositions with additives that improve resistance to decay, insect damage, and increase the fire resistance of wood.
  • the widest range of colors and shades that can be obtained when preparing a stain solution.

Gradually, time pressure will become less acute. The eyes will pick out such imperfections as blackness from nail heads, a matte surface, uneven color in tarred areas, and surface damage. This means it’s time for the traditional painting of the barn with preliminary surface preparation. By this time the pile had completely come off. All that remains is to clean off the remains with sandpaper, putty the uneven areas and choose the right paint. At the same time, repair the dilapidated roof using modern materials.

Paint selection

For sheds in the country, it is better to stick to oil paints. Their film thickness is sufficient to hide surface imperfections. In addition, they do not cause wood hairiness. Have good shine and varied color scheme. Can be used as a basis for alkyd enamels. This is in case a slightly muted oil sheen is not enough for the owner of a country shed.

Acrylic compositions last longer from painting to painting, but it is extremely difficult to remove their residues from the surface. On large areas that are not in perfect condition, this is difficult to do.

What color should I paint my garden shed?

When choosing a color, you should not play with the composition of the exterior design of the house. Utility buildings should shade the main structure. The gaze should only glide over their design, snatching correct forms and a strict color corresponding to the barn, and again return to the house, the lawn, the gazebo near it.

The established color scheme was the use of gray or brown tones in combination with black shading elements. Traditional color solutions“avert their eyes” from small “blunders”, which, of course, are always present in a hastily put together barn that marked the beginning of the development of a summer cottage.

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