Pancreas and vegetable oil. Is it possible to use unrefined oil for pancreatitis? Use during remission of the disease

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Nutrition plays a major role in exacerbating the process or developing acute pancreatitis. Therefore, treatment of pancreatitis begins, first of all, with a diet. The biggest problem with dietary nutrition- This is the improper use of animal and vegetable fats. You can’t do without them, because they contain fatty acids that are important for the functioning of the body’s cells. Oil contains the largest amount of beneficial fatty acids. Oil for pancreatitis is a product that, depending on its origin and type of processing, can be beneficial or cause a serious aggravation.

Functions of fats in the body

Any fats cause increased production of pancreatic juice, which contains enzymes. During the period of exacerbation of pancreatitis, they can aggravate the disease, acting destructively on the already inflamed gland. Fats perform the following functions and are used for:

  • renewal of cell membranes;
  • building nerve fiber sheaths;
  • synthesis of many hormones.

The body cannot exist without fats.

Butter is a source of vitamins

A balanced diet along with drug therapy is an important point of treatment. You need to include oils in your diet, including butter, which contains vitamins A, D, E. They affect the condition of the skin, hair, nails and take part in the formation cell membranes.

In addition to vitamins, the product contains phospholipids, phosphorus and calcium, as well as cholesterol, which in large quantities has a negative impact on metabolism and vascular condition.

That's why butter useful for pancreatitis, but subject to correct use depending on the stage and severity of the process:

  • You should eat no more than 25 g per day, 10 g at a time;
  • introduce it into the menu during the absence of nausea and severe pain;
  • consume warm with the main dish;
  • the product must be fresh and free of oxidized areas;
  • It must be stored in the refrigerator in an oil dish.

The healthiest butter should contain more than 70% fat; it is better to buy it with a fat content of 82%. It contains no refractory fats, emulsifiers, or stabilizers. Currently, oil is produced with a fat content of 60%, but it contains: various additives and flavorings, which are very harmful to the pancreas.

In case of acute pancreatitis, the product should not be consumed, as complete starvation is indicated. You can include it in your diet during the period of normalization of the process.

Vegetable oil - benefits and harms

For chronic pancreatitis, sunflower oil is used. It is used in the cooking process and for adding to dishes in unrefined form. Since sunflower oil has a choleretic effect, it should be used with caution in case of cholelithiasis, so as not to provoke an attack of colic.

Even in a state of remission of the disease, it is necessary to avoid heat treatment of the product, since beneficial fatty acids are converted into dangerous trans isomers.
Sunflower seeds contain many enzymes that are harmful to the pancreas during pancreatitis. They can cause dyspesia. Therefore, it is recommended to replace it with sesame, flaxseed, and olive oil.

Vegetable oil - composition and beneficial properties

Olive oil for pancreatitis is also consumed outside of exacerbation of the disease. Like other oils, it is quite fatty and is not an absolute leader in the value of its properties. By quantity useful substances it is superior to sea buckthorn and flaxseed.

The product contains:

  • minerals and fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E, K, which are a good prophylactic agent oncological diseases, powerful antioxidants that prevent skin aging, improve the growth and quality of hair and nails;
  • oleic acid, which accelerates the breakdown of fats, helps suppress the active growth of tumor cells;
  • linoleic acid, which has a positive effect on the organ of vision, motor and regenerative functions of the body;
  • hydroxytyrosol;
  • phenols - strengthen the immune system, slow down the aging process.

In the remission phase, you can use it, but not more than one tablespoon per day on an empty stomach, and not earlier than a month after the acute period. IN more not recommended, as it may cause another exacerbation of the disease. This is explained by the increased production of enzymes by the pancreas, the load on which therefore increases significantly.

The oil is introduced gradually, starting with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing its amount to 20 ml per day. It can only be used if there is no loose stool, nausea and vomiting.

You can pour it into cereals, soups, salads immediately before consumption to preserve the Omega 3 and Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids it contains.

If you drink a teaspoon of oil on an empty stomach, it relieves pain and soothes.

Requirements for vegetable oil for illness:

  • Oil cannot be stored for more than 6 months. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the expiration date.
  • To use it for pancreatitis, you must use a product of exceptionally good quality.
  • The most useful is unrefined. During refining, cleaning and deodorization, its medicinal properties are lost, vitamins and minerals are destroyed. You can determine by the intense smell of olives whether the oil has medicinal properties. If the oil doesn't smell, there's no point in buying it.
  • What makes it difficult to use high-quality olive oil is its high cost. If the price is low, this indicates that it consists of a mixture of refined and unrefined.
  • Unfiltered oil is much healthier; it retains more microelements, vitamins and other substances.

What kind of oil is good for pancreatitis? This question was probably asked by those in whose lives such a dangerous diagnosis as pancreatitis was made. The fact is that inflammation of the pancreas requires strict adherence to a diet to restore function.

Is it possible to use butter for pancreatitis?

Butter for pancreatitis is prohibited only during an acute attack. The danger is posed by the fats included in its composition, the digestion of which requires the activity of pancreatic enzymes. On the other side of the scale are positive properties butter:

  • It contains instant vitamins, namely A, D and E.
  • Butter acts as a source of phosphorus, calcium and phospholipids.
  • It is characterized by good digestibility and high nutritional value.
  • Butter is rich in cholesterol, which, for a second, is necessary for the body to build bile acids and form a number of hormones. But the negative effects of cholesterol occur only when it is abused.

Since the high fat content of butter does not allow its consumption at the stage of acute pancreatitis, the introduction of the product is allowed at least a couple of weeks after the attack. They start with small volumes, literally 3 grams. It is best to add oil to chopped pureed vegetables or cereals.

If there is no negative reaction from the pancreas, the amount of oil is increased to 5 grams per day, and then 20 grams, of course, not at one time.

The greatest benefit for inflammation of the pancreas is butter added right before serving to warm dishes. Please note that you do not need to melt the butter first. Moreover, this product should be stored exclusively in the freezer.

When purchasing, nutritionists urge you to carefully study the composition. Be guided by the following points when choosing:

  1. The oil must meet the standards, which means it must contain at least 70% fat. Despite the fact that in pancreatic disease fats are minimized, choosing oil with lower fat content is even more dangerous, since the remaining share of the product will be, in this case, larger number additives
  1. The label must indicate the specific formulation - oil. All this rest is derived goods, such as margarine, spread or other fatty products.
  1. Foil packaging is most preferable. Thanks to this storage method, coupled with the location of the oil in the freezer, it will be possible to preserve the maximum number of vitamins and nutrients.
  1. The butter must be factory-made and made from pasteurized cream.

For reference, the most famous brands of butter contain the following percentage of fat content:

  • Peasant - 72.5%;
  • Amateur – 80%;
  • Traditional – 82.5%.

Before adding butter to fruit or vegetable purees, cereals or other dishes, be sure to cut off the oxidized layer. It has a characteristic dark yellow tint.

Vegetable oil for pancreatitis

The activity of enzymes leads to aggravation of the inflammatory process of the pancreas. Sunflower oil for pancreatitis, the fats of which stimulate the secretion of juice, despite the potential danger, is still included in the menu even during an acute attack of the disease. The body requires fats to build cell membranes, preserve the sheaths of nerve fibers, produce hormones, and much more. That is why it is not possible to completely eliminate fats from patients’ diets.

The introduction of vegetable oil does not occur immediately. It is preceded by a period of life-saving fasting, as well as the gradual inclusion of protein and carbohydrate foods in the menu. Only after making sure that the pancreas reacts positively to them, refined sunflower oil is added to warm dishes in a volume of 5 to 15 milliliters. This daily norm, adopted by nutritionists, which should be distributed evenly between all meals.

Is it possible to use non-refined oil for pancreatitis? Doctors agree that once stable remission occurs, it can be added to the diet. Also, in chronic cases of the disease, they begin to use oil during cooking. Better absorption is achieved by mixing oil with protein products.

Recipes for pancreatitis of the pancreas

Diet for pancreatitis
Sample menu for pancreatitis for a week
Review of medications for the treatment of the pancreas in modern medicine.

Fats are a source of many essential acids, without which the normal functioning of cells in the human body is impossible. The source of fats is vegetable and animal oils. But in the case when a person is sick with pancreatitis, a product so necessary for the body can cause an exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the pancreas.

Any fats enhance the production of pancreatic juice, which contains enzymes that are necessary for digesting food. But with pancreatitis, enzymes digest not only food, but also the pancreas itself, which causes an exacerbation of the disease. However, fats must be included in the human diet. In this case, only strict adherence to the rules for eating oils will help maintain a balance between maintaining gentle conditions for the diseased organ and consuming the required amount of fat for the body.

Composition and beneficial properties

The most valuable substances contained in vegetable oils are fatty acids.

Fats – main source vitamins A, D, E, K and at the same time necessary condition for their absorption, since these vitamins are fat-soluble.

  • to renew the membranes of body cells;
  • to remove “bad” cholesterol;
  • for building nerve fiber sheaths;
  • to regulate metabolic processes.

These acids are not synthesized by the body, so they must be administered with food. Soybean, rapeseed and sunflower oils are rich in unsaturated acids.

Saturated fats are needed by the body in much smaller quantities. Over time, their excessive consumption can cause the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels and lead to metabolic disorders. The highest amounts of saturated fat are found in coconut, palm and peanut oils.

Fats are the main source of vitamins A, D, E, K and at the same time a necessary condition for their absorption, since these vitamins are fat-soluble. Sterols present in fats are involved in the production of many hormones and also ensure the absorption of calcium.

In addition, vegetable fats contain:

  • phospholipids;
  • proteins;
  • nitrogenous compounds;
  • pigments;
  • waxes;
  • free amino acids;
  • minerals.

Another useful property of vegetable fats is their choleretic effect. Regular consumption of olive, cedar, and black cumin oils promotes timely cleansing of the gallbladder, ducts, and dissolution of bile clots.

The use of oil for pancreatitis is not only acceptable, but also necessary. When used correctly and in dosage, some types of vegetable oils can have a powerful therapeutic effect:

  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regulate the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • restore pancreatic tissue.


Refined oils are devoid of all beneficial substances, so they do not bring any benefit to the body. Unrefined oils are a source of vitamins, minerals and essential non-fatty acids:

  • sunflower – rich in omega-6 fatty acids;
  • sesame – champion in calcium, phosphorus and omega-3 content;
  • pumpkin – a source of phytosterols;
  • olive – rich in vitamin E and omega-9;
  • flaxseed is the leader in omega-3 content;
  • sea ​​buckthorn – contains almost all vitamins;
  • cedar – has a set of rare microelements;
  • black cumin – contains more than 100 beneficial substances.


Butter is a source of:

  • vitamins A, D, E;
  • microelements phosphorus and calcium;
  • phospholipids - acids not produced by the body.

These substances support health nervous system, skin, hair, nails, improve blood circulation. But, in addition to useful components, the oil also contains cholesterol, which can cause atherosclerosis. Therefore, the daily consumption rate of the product should not exceed 25 g, and a single dose should not exceed 10 g. For pancreatitis, only fresh oil with a fat content of more than 82% should be used: it does not contain flavorings, stabilizers and other harmful impurities.

Features of use

The use of vegetable fats for pancreatic pathology is allowed only during remission. They can be used as pure form on an empty stomach, and as dressings for dishes. In order not to provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis when consuming oil on an empty stomach, the dosage must be observed: the product should be introduced into the diet slowly, starting with ½ tsp. and gradually bringing to 1 tbsp. l. The amount of oil used for cooking should also be increased gradually.

It is better to use refined oil for frying, and unrefined oil for dressings.

In acute form

At acute form Pancreatitis, the patient must follow a strict diet: the first 2 days - complete fasting, then you can include in the diet foods that are gentle on the inflamed organ. Fats of both plant and animal origin increase the secretion of the pancreas, which is unacceptable during times of exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, the consumption of any fat-containing foods during the acute stage of pancreatitis is strictly prohibited.

In the chronic stage

In the chronic stage of pancreatitis, the use of both vegetable and butter is mandatory. During this period, the pancreas is able to cope with their processing, which means that the body will have the opportunity to replenish its reserves of necessary substances. The same period is favorable for taking oils with pronounced therapeutic properties, such as cedar or black cumin. The therapeutic effect will be maximum.

During exacerbation of the disease

In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, the use of any fats is completely excluded. You can return fat-containing foods to the diet no earlier than a month after the end of the attack, provided that the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared and the patient’s condition has stabilized.


Vegetable oils have a powerful choleretic effect. Their constant presence in the diet improves the flow of bile. However, cholecystitis in most cases is accompanied by the presence of gallstones. By stimulating the flow of bile, large stones can be set in motion, which poses a threat to life. In this case, urgent surgery will be required. Therefore, in case of cholecystopancreatitis, the consumption of vegetable fats should be under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Healthy sunflower oil can be found in the kitchen of any modern housewife. It has long been perceived as an integral part of the preparation of many delicious and traditional dishes, although this oil was first produced only in the 18th century, and it became established in the Russian diet only towards the end of the 19th century. Today it is actively used not only for cooking, but also in medicinal or for cosmetic purposes. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on many processes occurring in our body.

Sunflower oil in the acute phase of pancreatitis

Any fat stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice, saturated with enzymes, which in the acute period of any pancreatitis aggravate the destructive processes in the inflamed gland. However, the body cannot exist without fats; they are necessary for the construction of cell membranes, the preservation of nerve fiber sheaths, the formation of many hormones, etc. In addition, vegetable fats serve as a source of a number of essential substances.

That's why vegetable oil present in the diet of patients with acute phase of pancreatitis. But it is introduced into the diet not immediately after the phase of forced hunger, but after it becomes clear that the patient’s body copes satisfactorily with protein and carbohydrate foods. Refined oil is added to ready-made warm vegetable purees or porridges in an amount of 5 - 15 g/day. After stable improvement with expansion of the diet, the permissible daily dose sunflower oil increase to 10 - 15 g.

Sunflower oil in remission phase

The onset of remission of pancreatitis allows:

  • use sunflower oil during cooking;
  • include unrefined oil in your diet;
  • slightly increase its quantity.

The criterion for the possibility of all these dietary “indulgences” should be individual tolerance. Due to the choleretic effect, patients with cholelithiasis should treat sunflower oil with special care and caution. It is better to divide the entire daily amount of oil evenly into several doses throughout the day. To improve absorption when consuming sunflower oil, you should carefully mix it with protein foods.

In addition, even in remission, it is recommended to avoid heat treatment of sunflower oil as much as possible. After all, in this case, the transformation of beneficial fatty acids occurs (they protect against atherosclerosis, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent fat deposits in internal organs) into trans isomers. The latter irreversibly lose many of the healing biological qualities of their predecessors.


The maximum daily portion of sunflower oil for chronic pancreatitis:

  • acute phase - up to 15 g (subject to good tolerance).
  • phase of stable remission - up to 20 - 30 g (with good tolerance and absence of stones in the bile ducts and gall bladder).

For acute pancreatitis - up to 15 g (subject to satisfactory tolerance).

A tablespoon contains about 17 g, a teaspoon - 4.5 g of sunflower oil.

Assessing the suitability of sunflower oil for consumption:

  • for acute pancreatitis - plus 8;
  • with exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis - plus 8;
  • in the remission phase of chronic pancreatitis - plus 9.

A properly formulated diet plays a decisive role in the treatment of pancreatitis and maintaining the constant normal functioning of the pancreas. Oil is a product that, depending on its origin, can be either beneficial or harmful to the entire digestive system. But in general, when correct use, there are no contraindications to its use.

Oil - butter or vegetable - is necessary for the human body, so you should not categorically refuse to use it even with pancreatitis

Vegetable oils and their importance for pancreatitis

Products of plant origin are included in many diets due to their composition.

Olive oil

Considered most useful olive oil first (cold) pressed. His nutritional value is preserved if the product is consumed in its natural form. During heat treatment, the oil loses its nutritional qualities.

Main composition:

  • oleic fatty acid Omega-9, the content of which reaches 80%, is an alternative source of fat in diets, improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • lipoic acid (up to 14%) ─ antioxidant, reduces the risk of degeneration of gland parenchyma cells into cancer cells, prevents damage to nerve endings in diabetes;
  • palmitic and stearic acids ─ perform the function of energy fat storage, but when consumed in excess, they increase the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • less than 1% ─ Omega-3.

Due to the presence of many beneficial substances, olive oil is recommended for consumption for various diseases.

Microelements included in the composition:

  1. Vitamins: A ─ increases immune function, accelerates the process of cell regeneration, E ─ prevents oxidative processes, normalizes enzymatic antioxidant protection, D ─ promotes the absorption of calcium, regulates cell reproduction, stimulates the synthesis of hormones, K ─ participates in the absorption of calcium, improves metabolic processes.
  2. Polyphenols ─ plant pigments, powerful antioxidants, prevent the appearance of cancer, have an antidiabetic effect, help prevent chronicity inflammatory processes in the body.
  3. Sterols ─ reduce cholesterol in the blood.

Olive oil should be eaten with caution during pancreatitis, as it is a fatty product, and its excess can cause an increase in the secretory function of the gland, which is unacceptable both in the acute period and during remission of the disease. You should also take into account the high calorie content of the product ─ 100 grams contain more than 900 kcal.

Olive oil makes an excellent dressing for vegetable salads

Nutritionists recommend eating it as an addition to vegetables or as a topping for cereals. You need to start taking vegetable fat with a small amount ─ ½ tsp. per day, and gradually increase the dose to 1 tbsp. l. If you consume the product in a small volume in the morning on an empty stomach, it acts on the gland as a wound healing agent.

Olive oil for pancreatitis is strictly prohibited from being included in the diet during an exacerbation of the disease.

In my own way chemical composition it is close to olive, but unsaturated Omega-6 acids predominate in it, and there are no Omega-3 acids. And the vitamin E content is more than 10 times higher. The product reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and strengthens the immune system.

Widespread sunflower oil for gastrointestinal diseases should be consumed with caution

For inflammation of the pancreas, sunflower oil can be added to ready meals─ soups, porridges, vegetable purees. As a source of fat, it is the first to be introduced into the diet together with protein foods after an acute attack of pancreatitis. The initial dose should not exceed 5 g. Then it can be increased to 15 grams per day. During periods of stable remission, the amount of product consumed is 30 grams.

People with gallstone disease should eat vegetable oil with caution. A large amount of it can activate the movement of stones in the gall bladder, which is dangerous due to blockage of the bile ducts. With excessive use of sunflower oil, patients may experience symptoms such as bitterness in the mouth, unpleasant belching, and bloating. In this case, you should stop using the product and undergo additional examination.

A small amount of hemp oil can add a new taste to familiar dishes.

The diet can be supplemented with other vegetable oils in moderate quantities ─ corn, flaxseed, hemp, pumpkin.

Butter for inflammation of the pancreas

It is impossible to say an unequivocal “no” to the use of oil of animal origin for inflammation of the pancreas, but there are significant restrictions on its use.

Butter is a high-calorie product with a high fat content. With pancreatitis, its absorption is difficult. The product contains cholesterol, which slows down metabolism. Along with this, the oil is rich in vitamins E, A, D, which regulate metabolic processes and accelerate regeneration in organs and tissues. It contains many microelements necessary for the body (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, phospholipids, selenium).

During the acute period, use of the product is unacceptable. In case of chronic disease, it can be included in the diet. Eating butter as an independent product or as part of sandwiches is not recommended; it is better to add it to cooked dishes.

Instead of a traditional sandwich, you should prefer a piece of butter added to healthy buckwheat porridge.

To prevent animal fat from harming the body, you need to adhere to certain rules while eating:

  • You can eat the product only if there are no signs of a subacute condition ─ nausea, heaviness and abdominal pain;
  • a single dose should not exceed 10 g, per day - no more than 30 g;
  • eat only fresh butter;
  • Do not use it for heat treatment of other dishes.

Oil is an integral part of any diet; the main thing is to use it rationally and correctly to achieve a therapeutic effect.

The video talks about which vegetable oil is most beneficial for the body:

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