Why do muscles hurt after training? Headache after exercise - causes, treatment, prevention

Physical exercise is the key to well-being and good health. Some sports, such as weightlifting and running, can cause headaches. Read further in the article about the causes of discomfort caused by physical activity.

Among the reasons that cause headaches during or after sports are the following:

Diseases that cause headaches

The following pathological conditions can provoke cephalalgia:

  1. Intracranial hypertension. The main symptoms of the disease are a bursting sensation in the temples and forehead, nausea, vomiting, and decreased vision. With excessive physical activity, the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the main organ of the central nervous system increases, which provokes an increase in pressure.
  2. Hypertension. This disease is expressed in dizziness, redness of the face, tachycardia, internal tension, as well as throbbing headaches. Often a person does not know that he has high blood pressure. Physical activity is a catalyst for the process and can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  3. Post-traumatic conditions. Concussions, injuries and bruises can provoke pain in the head when playing sports.
  4. Cervical migraine. Pathology occurs when blood flow in the vertebral arteries is disrupted. Painful sensations may appear immediately after training. This condition is characterized by the appearance of spots before the eyes, nausea, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness is possible.
  5. Neuralgia. Careless movements of the neck cause a burning and shooting headache, which is unilateral or bilateral. Similar discomfort often goes to the back of the head.
  6. Vascular disorders. For pathologies vascular system physical activity should be moderate. Insufficient cerebral circulation can cause the development of a heart attack or atherosclerosis.
  7. Depressive and anxiety states. Worries and overexcitement can worsen a person’s overall well-being.
  8. Osteochondrosis, spinal injuries, sprains.
  9. Diseases of the ear cavity. Otitis and inflammation of the inner ear can cause aching and shooting pain in the head.

Risk group

The most susceptible to cephalgia are:

Mistakes when playing sports

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of physical exercise. Such loads have a beneficial effect on overall well-being, keep your figure in shape, and strengthen your immune system. But sometimes training can cause harm and worsen your health. Often it is athletes who complain of constant headaches and dizziness.

Below are a number of mistakes that people who are actively involved in sports often make:

  • visiting the gym when stressed, feeling unwell, after a hard day at work;
  • uneven distribution of stress on the body, high intensity of exercise;
  • carrying out training immediately after eating;
  • non-compliance with the exercise program by people who are overweight and have heart pathologies;
  • excessive stress on the neck muscles, which provokes their weakening and, as a result, the occurrence of pulsating sensations in the head area;
  • insufficient water intake, which leads to dehydration;
  • incorrect posture, which, with excessive physical exertion, provokes pain not only in the head, but also in the spine.

Warning signs

What to look for special attention for sudden headaches that occur during sports:

  • unpleasant sensations that were not there before;
  • intense pain syndrome;
  • severe dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • spasms due to head injury;
  • discomfort after suffering infectious diseases;
  • pain radiating to the neck and back.

Such manifestations require immediate examination by a doctor. The specialist will diagnose and prescribe appropriate therapy.


If you have a headache after physical activity occurs for the first time, it is necessary to stop training. By continuing to strain your body, you risk making the condition worse.

The following recommendations will help relieve pain:

If treatment does not bring results, it is necessary to change the type of exercise or reduce its intensity.

Preventing headaches during exercise

If sport has become an integral part of your life, but an illness such as cephalgia interferes with your plans, it is recommended to follow the following preventive measures:

  1. Before any sports exercise, you need to warm up: this way you will help your body get ready for the workout.
  2. It is important to monitor your breathing when doing exercises: you need to breathe evenly, in time with your movements. It is not recommended to hold your breath during intense exercise.
  3. You should not immediately perform heavy exercises: the load should be gradual.
  4. Healthy foods for athletes include fruits, vegetables, berries, rice, oatmeal, yogurt, lean meat and fish.
  5. Don't forget to eat well, as training burns a lot of calories. The diet should include the proteins and carbohydrates necessary for the body. Doctors recommend eating 30 minutes before starting a workout.
  6. Regular yoga practice helps relax your back and neck and relieve muscle spasms.
  7. It is important to drink as much water as possible before going to the gym, during and after exercise. The liquid has a positive effect on the vessels of the main organ of the central nervous system, reduces blood pressure, thereby preventing the development of headaches.
  8. It must be remembered that stretching the muscles of the neck and back will help avoid tension headaches.
  9. It is advisable that walking and climbing stairs become habitual activities for you. This way you can improve blood circulation and tone the body.


If you took a risk to change your life and joined a gym, you accepted the right decision. However, not all physical exercise can be performed if you have health problems. Before you start training, you need to discuss the possibility of performing certain exercises with a competent instructor. He will help you choose a training program that is right for you.

IN lately I began to notice that guys involved in sports began to complain more and more about headaches during training. Not surprising... High performance sports require excellent health, and if an unprepared athlete takes on an impossible task at the moment the bar for yourself, then this can turn out very, very sad.

So... Headache
1) Sharp throbbing pain in the back of the head

2)Usually occurs before a failed repetition in a set

3) The pain is so severe that the athlete usually cannot continue training

4) Goes away quite quickly, but returns just as quickly when lifting weights

In most cases, athletes continue training, come to the gym every day, but again the same thing - a severe headache... What is it and how to deal with it?

Well... I will introduce, perhaps, a new concept for some - VSD.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) is a polyetiological syndrome (symptom complex) that is often a manifestation of somatoform autonomic dysfunction of the heart and cardiovascular system. (c) Vicki

** If you experience the same pain during orgasms, then this is definitely a problem with the blood vessels. (If you don’t have a partner, then you can jerk off for the sake of experiment... Sorry for the obscene language.)

VSD has many names: neurocirculatory dystonia, psychovegetative syndrome, vegetative neurosis, autonomic dysfunction syndrome... It is not even considered a disease - it is not on the list of diseases.

According to statistics, people with manifestations VSD very much - about 80%. But most of them peacefully coexist with this disease throughout their lives. For dystonia to start unsettling you, it needs a stimulus. This push can be anything: from severe stress, lack of sleep or over-drinking - to a hormonal storm.
Why did such misfortune suddenly befall you? There may be several reasons for this. I will list the main ones:

  1. acute and chronic psycho-emotional stress, iatrogenicity;
  2. infections (tonsillogenic, viral);
  3. physical and chemical influences (microwave currents, vibration, ionizing radiation, brain injury, hyperinsolation, chronic intoxication);
  4. alcohol abuse;
  5. smoking;
  6. frequent consumption of coffee;
  7. overwork.
Well, perhaps, we bodybuilders are only concerned with factors 3, 6 and 7. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Physical activity, as well as doping, inevitably leads to increased blood pressure. After prolonged exercise, some vessels can no longer cope with such a large amount of blood.

Energy drinks, pre-workout drinks... In most cases, they contain substances that constrict blood vessels.

Overtraining... Yes, yes... This insidious thing can not only reduce your muscles and reduce strength, but also harm the entire body, in this case we are more interested in the blood vessels.

These headaches can last from several days (training) to several months. If the pain does not stop after a week after the first attack, then it is necessary to interrupt training. Rest will have a positive effect on blood vessels. Perhaps in a few weeks you will be able to start full-time training. Of course, it is advisable to go to the doctor and take the necessary pictures of the brain and blood vessels (MRI).

I'll tell you right away. I am not a medical specialist. It’s just that this illness visited me and I had to undergo a full examination and course of treatment, hence my knowledge.

Well, now my story:
For me, this pain started during a period of high-intensity training, and very hard training (3 times a week all over the body... yes, yes... I know... I'm crazy) + then Jack came from Iherb... The first pains began as soon as I took 2.5 scoops of Jack before training. Well, from there it went... The pain didn’t stop, I couldn’t train. Did an MRI. It turned out that the vessels were greatly narrowed in the back of the head... Hmmm... the jack is working... I completed a course of treatment... 10 days of injections + a month of tablets... Drugs to dilate blood vessels. After a course of injections, I started training (can you imagine, I waited for 3 weeks before seeing a doctor... my strength levels dropped, of course...). The pain doesn’t bother me... I work out hard... As you can see, both pre-workout and overtraining played their part...

Every person knows from childhood that playing sports and leading an active lifestyle is the key to health and longevity. However, there are often cases when physical activity causes headaches, dizziness and all the ensuing troubles.

What to do in such a situation: stop active activities or try to overcome the disease? It is impossible to give a definite answer, because everything depends on the specific case. Let's look at how headaches after physical activity can be dangerous and how to deal with the problem.

When considering the problem of headaches caused by physical activity, it is worth focusing on many factors. The phenomenon is interesting because there are quite a lot of reasons that cause it. Such features of the disease are associated with an increase in activity and the need of brain tissue for oxygen during physical activity. The slightest deviation from the normal amount of blood or oxygen in the brain causes headaches or dizziness.

Based on this specificity of the problem, it is important to note that in a person who has not previously exercised, the pain may be temporary and will go away with constant practice.

However, if headaches are accompanied by every physical activity, you should be wary. The main causes of this disease are:

  • unstable
  • neuralgia of the nerves
  • sprained neck muscles and ligaments
  • bad emotional state, depression
  • joint damage
  • stagnation of fluid in the spinal cord
  • inflammation of the sinuses of the skull, etc.

There are a huge number of causes for the appearance of headaches after physical activity, so the most accurate diagnosis is possible only by specialists using certain diagnostic measures.

As for the specific diseases that occur in such a situation, the main ones can be identified:

  • hypertension
  • otitis
  • sinusitis
  • occipital neuralgia
  • osteochondrosis
  • migraine
  • myositis
  • cerebrovascular diseases

All ailments are quite dangerous, and therefore ignoring headaches caused by physical activity is undesirable, and sometimes simply dangerous to a person’s health or even life.

Danger signs - when you need a doctor

Headaches of this kind can be the result of previous injuries or some serious illnesses, resulting in the appearance of other unpleasant symptoms quite a constant practice.

Ignoring the full etiological picture of the problem is an extremely irrational decision that can have some adverse health consequences. The appearance of headaches along with other symptoms after sports or similar exercise requires consultation with a doctor.

Particular attention should be paid to the following signs:

  • impaired consciousness or other mental defects
  • rapid development of headache (from 5 seconds to a couple of minutes)
  • nausea, vomiting, or fever
  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the back, neck or shoulders
  • intense nature of pain

All of the above symptoms can signal the development of very serious pathologies, as a result of which their appearance is a good enough reason to visit the hospital.

Treatment methods: traditional and medicinal

Any problem related to human health requires immediate treatment. The appearance of headaches after active physical activity is no exception. In most cases, such an unpleasant phenomenon can be easily treated with home therapy.

It is worth noting that it can be used as folk remedies, and medicines from the pharmacy.

Basic therapeutic measures when pain in the head occurs are presented below:

  • First of all, eliminate or alleviate headaches or dizziness. This can be done by taking primitive painkillers (Analgin, Citramon, Mig).
  • Sleep, taking a “healing” bath with sea salt or some herbs, as well as a compress on the forehead with grated lemon often helps to get rid of headaches.
  • Have a drink herbal tea. The most effective drinks will be those made from the herbs St. John's wort, coltsfoot or mint.
  • You can rub your temples with menthol ointment and massage all parts of the skull.
  • Snack on something sweet. For example, eat a couple of spoons of honey or a couple of slices of chocolate.

Useful video - Causes of headaches:

If the pain is severe, unbearable and untreatable, it is necessary to call ambulance or come to the hospital for special procedures.

Naturally, it is stupid to eliminate headaches every time after physical activity. Therefore, when you come to your senses, consult a specialist to determine the illness that caused your pain. Only after curing this or that disease will exercise become enjoyable and useful for you.

Undoubtedly the best solution for systematic headaches after physical activity, the disease will be prevented. Of course, in case of really serious pathologies or diseases, no amount of preparation for sports will help, but a number of cases fully suggest the use of preventive measures.

Prevention of headaches involves following some recommendations while playing sports, namely:

  • Breathe correctly. Do not hold your breath, watch it, inhaling while “preparing for a certain action” and exhaling “while working.”
  • Follow the rule of gradually increasing loads. Do not start playing sports by passing the master of sports standards; do all the exercises step by step and confidently.
  • Organize proper diet nutrition in which all the nutrients necessary for the body are balanced.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. At least 40-60 minutes before training, drink 1-2 glasses of water. Dehydration increases the risk of headaches.
  • Strengthen your neck muscles by doing special exercises. It is also extremely important to “keep” your posture.

As you can see, the appearance of headaches after physical activity is quite dangerous phenomenon. However, of course, you shouldn’t give up playing sports. Properly using the above information, it is quite possible to organize normal exercise tolerance. Good health to you!

To be healthy, strong and beautiful is the normal desire of any person. To do this, someone works intensively in gym, jogging in the morning or just doing exercises.

After any stress on the body, a headache may appear.

In people different ages Headaches are not uncommon and can be the result of a variety of diseases. In each case, headache after physical activity requires immediate identification of the causes and methods of eliminating them.

During hard, strenuous work, gym classes, jogging and other physical activities, the human brain needs more oxygen.

When this process of supplying oxygen to the brain is disrupted for some reason, a headache begins.


It can give you a headache healthy person due to strong odors or in a stuffy room. There are many causes of headaches, and pain is a signal of danger in the body. In 5% of cases, the cause is serious diseases, you need to pay attention to them:

  • Increased blood pressure. During physical activity, blood pressure always increases and this is normal. Healthy blood vessels are elastic and recover quickly. But with hypertension, the vessels cannot cope with double the load. There is a sensation in the back of the head. In some cases, there is bleeding from the nose, nausea, and vomiting. A hypertensive crisis may occur.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. Through cervical region The spine contains many blood vessels that supply the human brain. Muscle contraction restricts the movement of the cervical vertebrae, and blood supply to the brain deteriorates. After exertion, a squeezing headache occurs. In some cases, there is dizziness and darkening of the eyes.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. A vascular disease that affects the walls of the artery. As a result, the vessels become denser and narrower. Blood circulation is disrupted, oxygen supply to the brain is reduced. When overworked or under physical exertion, a headache develops. The frontal area and the back of the head hurt. There is noise in the ears, flashing of dots before the eyes.
  • Disease of the frontal and maxillary sinuses. Inflammatory diseases in the nasal cavity cause pain when turning the head, bending, or jumping. It's a dull pain in the area of ​​the nose and back of the head. With heavy load it becomes pulsating throughout the head.
  • Various otitises. With prolonged otitis media, the pain is aching on one side of the head. During exercise, it intensifies and radiates to the occipital region. Sometimes I feel dizzy.
  • Intracranial pressure. Severe structural damage to brain tissue. May be congenital, after a concussion or head injury. The symptoms are bursting and squeezing in nature. There is dizziness, nausea, vomiting.
  • Physical overexertion. Most people experience pain from physical tension. The pain is tolerable, but can sometimes be severe. In this case, there is no reason to worry.

During the period when blood pressure is higher than normal, it is worth temporarily limiting active sports and not exercising.

Symptoms that should alert you

One cannot ignore the following manifestations of the disease:
  • impairment and loss of consciousness;
  • severe headache;
  • pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • numbness of half the face;
  • double vision and blurred vision;
  • severe weakness and dots before the eyes.

These symptoms are characteristic of life-threatening diseases.

Video on the topic

Headaches that occur during physical activity are an unpleasant phenomenon that can significantly limit motor activity people and even break the usual way of life. It has long been known that most headaches in young people are the result of spasm of cerebral vessels. According to this mechanism, pain develops in vegetative-vascular dystonia and migraine. In middle-aged and elderly people, the causes of headaches can be the most various diseases, the course of which worsens with physical activity. To help people cope with headaches and improve their body health, special ones are being developed today.

Why do you get a headache after exercise?

During the period of physical activity, the need of brain tissue for oxygen increases. If for some reason the blood flow cannot supply the brain in accordance with its needs, inflammatory mediators and under-oxidized compounds accumulate, causing pain.

  • Headache after exercise is characteristic of hypertension. In this case, the rise in blood pressure is accompanied by pressing pain in the back of the head, and at the time of a hypertensive crisis it is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • Symptomatic arterial hypertension (due to adrenal tumors, kidney diseases) can also manifest itself as pain in the head.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels makes the walls of arteries and veins thick and unable to change the lumen. Therefore, people with atherosclerotic processes in the cerebral arteries are susceptible to frequent headaches due to stress.
  • Narrowing of the cervical vessels (carotid, brachiocephalic, vertebral arteries) can impair brain nutrition and lead to pain and noise in the head after work or exercise. Also, such pathologies are characterized by dizziness, hearing loss, memory and sleep disorders.
  • But not only blood pressure can provoke unpleasant sensations in the head area. Stagnation of cerebrospinal fluid with intracranial hypertension (after traumatic brain injury, as a consequence of arachnoiditis) also leads to headaches. In this case, there is a feeling of fullness in the area of ​​the crown or forehead.
  • Physical activity may be accompanied by pain in the frontal region if a person suffers from acute or chronic inflammation of the frontal sinus (frontal sinusitis). The pain intensifies when the head is tilted forward.
  • Diseases of the middle and inner ear also lead to headaches.

How to get rid of pain

If you experience headaches while doing physical work, playing sports or doing simple everyday activities, you should consult a specialist and undergo a thorough examination to eliminate the risk of brain hemorrhages and not to miss the development of tumors. If the culprit is frequent spasms and disruptions in the autonomic regulation of brain vessels, you can learn to cope with the problem without medications. Center M.S. Norbekova offers, which teach special gymnastic exercises and figurative practices that help normalize vascular tone.

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