List the races. Lesson on the topic: "Races of modern man. Features and unity of modern races"

Race is a group of people united on the basis of their mutual kinship, common origin and some external hereditary physical characteristics (skin and hair color, head shape, structure of the face as a whole and its parts - nose, lips, etc.). There are three main races of people: Caucasian (white), Mongoloid (yellow), Negroid (black).

The ancestors of all races lived 90-92 thousand years ago. Starting from this time, people began to settle in territories that differ sharply from each other in terms of natural conditions.

According to scientists, in the process of formation modern man In Southeast Asia and neighboring North Africa, which are considered the ancestral homeland of man, two races arose - southwestern and northeastern. Subsequently, from the first came Caucasoids and Negroids, and from the second - Mongoloids.

The separation of the Caucasoid and Negroid races began approximately 40 thousand years ago.

Displacement of recessive genes to the outskirts of the population range

The outstanding geneticist N.I. Vavilov in 1927 discovered the law of the emergence of individuals with recessive traits beyond the center of origin of new forms of organisms. According to this law, in the center of the species' distribution area forms with dominant characteristics dominate, they are surrounded by heterozygous forms with recessive characters. The marginal part of the range is occupied by homozygous forms with recessive traits.

This law is closely related to the anthropological observations of N.I. Vavilov. In 1924, members of the expedition under his leadership witnessed an amazing phenomenon in Kafiristan (Nuristan), located in Afghanistan at an altitude of 3500-4000 m. They discovered that most of the inhabitants of the northern mountainous areas had blue eyes. According to the prevailing hypothesis at that time, since ancient times northern races were widespread here and these places were considered a center of culture. N.I. Vavilov noted the impossibility of confirming this hypothesis with the help of historical, ethnographic and linguistic evidence. In his opinion, the blue eyes of the Nuristans are a clear manifestation of the law of the entry of owners of recessive genes into the outlying part of the range. Later this law was convincingly confirmed. N. Cheboksarov on the example of the population of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The origin of the characteristics of the Caucasian race is explained by migration and isolation.

All of humanity can be divided into three large groups, or races: white (Caucasoid), yellow (Mongoloid), black (Negroid). Representatives of each race have their own distinctive, inherited features of body structure, hair shape, skin color, eye shape, skull shape, etc.

Representatives of the white race have light skin, protruding noses, people of the yellow race have cheekbones, a special shape of the eyelid, and yellow skin. Blacks, who belong to the Negroid race, have dark skin, wide noses, and curly hair.

Why are there such differences in the appearance of representatives of different races and why are each race characterized by certain characteristics? Scientists answer this as follows: human races were formed as a result of adaptation to different conditions of the geographical environment, and these conditions left their imprints on representatives of different races.

Negroid race (black)

Representatives of the Negroid race are distinguished by black or dark brown skin, black curly hair, a flattened wide nose and thick lips (Fig. 82).

Where black people live, there is an abundance of sun, it is hot - people's skin is more than enough irradiated by the sun's rays. And excessive radiation is harmful. And so the body of people in hot countries has adapted to excess sun over thousands of years: the skin has developed a pigment that blocks some of the sun's rays and, therefore, saves the skin from burns. Dark skin color is inherited. Coarse curly hair, which forms a kind of air cushion on the head, reliably protects a person from overheating.

Caucasian (White)

Representatives of the Caucasian race are characterized by fair skin, soft straight hair, thick mustache and a beard, a narrow nose and thin lips.

Representatives of the white race live in the northern regions, where the sun is a rare guest, and they really need the sun's rays. Pigment is also produced in their skin, but at the height of summer, when the body, thanks to sun rays will be replenished with the required amount of vitamin D. At this time, representatives of the white race become dark-skinned.

Mongoloid race (yellow)

People belonging to the Mongoloid race have dark or lighter skin, straight coarse hair, sparse or undeveloped mustache and beard, prominent cheekbones, lips and nose of medium thickness, almond-shaped eyes.

Where representatives of the yellow race live, there are frequent winds, even storms with dust and sand. And local residents tolerate such windy weather quite easily. Over the centuries they have adapted to strong winds. Mongoloids have narrow eyes, as if on purpose so that less sand and dust get into them, so that the wind does not irritate them, and they do not water. This trait is also inherited and is found among people of the Mongoloid race and in other geographical conditions. Material from the site

Among people there are those who believe that people with white skin belong to the superior races, and those with yellow and black skin belong to the inferior races. In their opinion, people with yellow and black skin are incapable of mental work and should only do physical work. These harmful ideas are still guiding racists in a number of third world countries. There, the work of blacks is paid lower than that of whites, and blacks are subjected to humiliation and insults. In civilized countries, all peoples have the same rights.

Research by N. N. Miklouho-Maclay on racial equality

Russian scientist Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay, in order to prove the complete inconsistency of the theory about the existence of “inferior” races incapable of mental development, settled on the island in 1871 New Guinea, where representatives of the black race - the Papuans - lived. He lived for fifteen months among the island-chan, became close to them, studied them

Humanity is currently represented by one species Homo sapiens (A reasonable person). However, this species is not uniform. It is polymorphic and consists of three large and many small transitional races - biological groups distinguished by small morphological characteristics. These characteristics include: hair type and color, skin color, eyes, shape of the nose, lips, face and head, proportions of the body and limbs.

Races emerged as a result of the settlement and geographic isolation of the ancestors of modern people in different natural and climatic conditions. Racial characteristics are hereditary. They arose in the distant past under the direct influence of the environment and were adaptive in nature. The following large races are distinguished.

Negroid (Australo-Negroid or Equatorial) The race is characterized by dark skin color, curly and wavy hair, a wide and slightly protruding nose, thick lips and dark eyes. Before the era of colonization, this race was common in Africa, Australia and the Pacific Islands.

Caucasoid (Euro-Asian) The race is distinguished by light or dark skin, straight or wavy hair, good development of facial hair in men (beard and mustache), narrow protruding nose, thin lips. Representatives of this race are settled in Europe, North Africa, Western Asia and Northern India.

For Mongoloid (Asian-American) The race is characterized by dark or light skin, straight, often coarse hair, a flattened wide face with strongly prominent cheekbones, and average width of lips and nose. Initially, this race inhabited Southeast, North and Central Asia, North and South America.

Although the large races differ markedly from each other in their complex of external characteristics, they are interconnected by a number of intermediate types that imperceptibly transform into one another.

The biological unity of human races is evidenced by: 1 – the absence of genetic isolation and unlimited possibilities of crossing with the formation of fertile offspring; 2 – equivalence of races in biological and psychological terms; 3 – the presence of transitional races between large races, combining the characteristics of two neighboring ones; 4 – localization of skin patterns such as arcs on the second finger (at great apes– on the fifth); All representatives of the races have the same pattern of hair arrangement on the head and other morphophysiological characteristics.

Security questions:

    What is the position of man in the animal world?

    How is the origin of man from animals proven?

    What biological factors contributed to human evolution?

    Which social factors contributed to the formation Homo sapiens?

    What human races are currently distinguished?

    What does the biological unity of races prove?


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Man represents one biological species, but why are we all so different? It's all due to different subspecies, that is, races. How many of them exist and what mixed ones are, let’s try to figure it out further.

Concept of race

The human race is a group of people who share a number of similar traits that are inherited. The concept of race gave impetus to the movement of racism, which is based on the belief in the genetic differences of representatives of races, the mental and physical superiority of some races over others.

Research in the 20th century showed that it is impossible to distinguish them genetically. Most of the differences appear externally, and their diversity can be explained by the characteristics of the habitat. For example, white skin promotes better absorption of vitamin D, and it appeared as a result of a lack of daylight.

IN lately scientists more often support the opinion that this term is irrelevant. Man is a complex creature; his formation is influenced not only by climatic and geographical factors, which largely determine the concept of race, but also by cultural, social and political ones. The latter contributed to the emergence of mixed and transitional races, further blurring all boundaries.

Big races

Despite the general vagueness of the concept, scientists are still trying to figure out why we are all so different. There are many classification concepts. They all agree that man is a single biological species Homo sapiens, which is represented by various subspecies or populations.

Options for delimitation range from two independent races to fifteen, not to mention many subraces. Most often in the scientific literature they talk about the existence of three or four large races, which include small ones. Yes, according to external signs There are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, and Australoid types.

Caucasians are divided into northern ones - with blond hair and skin, gray or blue eyes, and southern ones - with dark skin, dark hair, brown eyes. They are characterized by narrow eyes, prominent cheekbones, coarse straight hair, and little body hair.

The Australoid race was long considered Negroid, but it turned out that they have differences. In terms of characteristics, the Veddoid and Melanesian races are much closer to it. Australoids and Negroids have dark skin, dark color eye. Although some Australoids may have light skin. They differ from Negroids in having abundant hair, as well as less wavy hair.

Minor and mixed races

Large races are too strong a generalization, because the differences between people are more subtle. Therefore, each of them is divided into several anthropological types, or small races. There are a huge number of them. For example, it includes the Negro, Khoisai, Ethiopian, and Pygmy types.

The term "mixed races" more often refers to populations of people that arose as a result of recent (since the 16th century) contacts of large races. These include mestizo, sambo, and mulatto.


In anthropology, mestizos are all descendants of marriages of people belonging to different races, regardless of which ones. The process itself is called crossbreeding. History knows many cases when representatives mixed race were discriminated against, humiliated and even exterminated during the Nazi policies in Germany, apartheid in South Africa and other movements.

In many countries, the descendants of specific races are also called mestizos. In America, they are the children of Indians and Caucasians, and in this meaning the term came to us. They are mainly distributed in South and North America.

The number of Métis in Canada, in the narrow sense of the term, is 500-700 thousand people. Active mixing of blood took place here during colonization, mainly European men entered into contact with. Separating themselves, the mestizos formed a separate ethnic group speaking the Mythic language (a complex mixture of French and Cree).


The descendants of Negroids and Caucasians are mulattoes. Their skin is light black, which is what the name of the term conveys. The name first appeared around the 16th century, coming to Spanish or Portuguese from Arabic. The word muwallad used to be used to describe non-purebred Arabs.

In Africa, mulattoes live mainly in Namibia and South Africa. Quite a large number of them live in the Caribbean region and Latin American countries. In Brazil they make up almost 40% of the total population, in Cuba - more than half. A significant number live in the Dominican Republic - more than 75% of the population.

Mixed races used to have other names, depending on the generation and the proportion of Negroid genetic material. If Caucasian blood was classified as ¼ of Negroid blood (mulatto in the second generation), then the person was called a quadroon. The ratio of 1/8 was called octon, 7/8 - marabou, 3/4 - griff.


The genetic mixture of Negroids and Indians is called Sambo. In Spanish the term is zambo. As with other mixed races, the term changed its meaning periodically. Previously name Sambo meant marriages between representatives of the Negroid race and mulattoes.

Sambo first appeared in South America. The Indians represented the indigenous population of the mainland, and blacks were brought as slaves to work on sugar cane plantations. They brought slaves from early XVI centuries up to late XIX. During this period, approximately 3 million people were transported from Africa.

All people living on planet Earth currently belong to one species - Homo sapiens. Within this species, scientists distinguish human races.

The human race is a historically established group of people with common hereditary morphological characteristics.

Such features include: hair type and color, skin and eye color, shape of the nose, lips, eyelids, facial features, body type, etc. All of these characteristics are hereditary.

A study of the fossil remains of Cro-Magnons showed that they had features characteristic of modern human races. For tens of thousands of years, the descendants of the Cro-Magnons lived in a wide variety of geographical areas on the planet. This means that each human race has its own area of ​​origin and formation. Differences between human races are the result of natural selection different conditions habitats in the presence of geographic isolation. Long-term effect of factors environment in places permanent residence led to the gradual consolidation of a complex of characteristics characteristic of these groups of people. Currently, there are three large human races. They, in turn, are divided into small races (there are about thirty of them).

Representatives Caucasian (Eurasian) race adapted to life in cold and humid climates. The distribution area of ​​the Caucasian race is Europe, North Africa, a small part of Asia and India, as well as North America and Australia. They are characterized by predominantly light or slightly dark skin. This race is characterized by straight or wavy hair, a narrow, prominent nose and thin lips. Men have prominent facial hair (in the form of a mustache and beard). The protruding narrow nose of Caucasians helps to warm the inhaled air in cold climates.

People Negroid (Australian-Negroid) race are most represented in areas of the planet with a hot climate. They inhabit Africa, Australia and the Pacific Islands. Adaptations to these climatic conditions include dark skin color and curly or wavy hair. For example, curly hair on the heads of representatives of the Negroid race forms a kind of air cushion. This feature of the hair arrangement protects the head from overheating. Representatives of the Negroid race are also characterized by a flat, slightly protruding nose, thick lips and dark eye color.

Mongoloid (Asian-American) race distributed in areas of the Earth with a harsh continental climate. Historically, this race inhabited almost all of Asia, as well as Northern and South America. Mongoloids are characterized by dark skin and straight, coarse dark hair. The face is flattened, with well-defined cheekbones, the nose and lips are of medium width, the facial hair is poorly developed. There is a fold of skin in the inner corner of the eye - epicanthus. The narrow eye shape and epicanthus of Mongoloids are adaptations to frequent dust storms. The formation of thick fatty subcutaneous tissue allows them to adapt to low temperatures cold continental winters.

The unity of human races is confirmed by the absence of genetic isolation between them. This is expressed in the possibility of fertile offspring in interracial marriages. Another proof of the unity of the races is the presence of arched patterns on the fingers of all people and the same pattern of hair on the body.

Racism- a set of teachings about the physical and mental inequality of human races and the decisive influence of racial differences on the history and culture of society. The ideas of racism arose when the laws of evolution of living nature discovered by Charles Darwin began to be transferred to human society.

The main ideas of racism are the ideas about the original division of people into superior and inferior races due to their biological inequality. Moreover, representatives of higher races are the only creators of civilization and are called upon to dominate the lower ones. This is how racism seeks to justify social injustice in society and colonial policies.

Racist theory existed in practice in fascist Germany. The Nazis considered their Aryan race to be superior and this justified the physical destruction of a huge number of representatives of other races. In our country, as one of the most affected by the aggression of the fascist occupiers, any adherence to the ideas of fascism is condemned and punished by law.

Racism has no scientific basis, since the biological equivalence of representatives of all races and their belonging to the same species has been proven. The differences in the level of development are a consequence of social factors.

Some scientists have suggested that the main driving force The evolution of human society is the struggle for existence. These views formed the basis of social Darwinism - a pseudoscientific movement according to which all social processes and phenomena (the emergence of states, wars, etc.) are subject to the laws of nature. Supporters of this doctrine consider social inequality of people as a consequence of their biological inequality, which arose as a result of natural selection.

Features of human evolution at the present stage

In modern society, at first glance, there are no obvious signs of further evolution of the species Homo sapiens. But this process continues. Social factors play a decisive role at this stage, but the role of some biological factors of evolution also remains.

Constantly arising under the influence of environmental factors mutations and their combinations change the genotypic composition of the human population. They enrich human phenotypes with new characteristics and maintain their uniqueness. In turn, harmful and incompatible mutations with life are removed from the human population by natural removal. Pollution of the planet, primarily by chemical compounds, causes an increase in the rate of mutagenesis and accumulation of genetic load (harmful recessive mutations). This fact may one way or another have an impact on human evolution.

The species Homo sapiens, which was formed about 50 thousand years ago, has undergone virtually no external changes to date. This is the result of an action stabilizing natural selection in a relatively homogeneous human environment. One example of its manifestation was the increased survival rate of newborns with a body weight within the average range (3-4 kg). However, at the present stage, thanks to the development of medicine, the role of this form of selection has significantly decreased. Modern medical technologies make it possible to care for low birth weight newborns and enable premature babies to develop fully.

Leading role isolation in human evolution was traced at the stage of formation of human races. In modern society, thanks to the variety of means of transportation and the constant migration of people, the importance of isolation is almost negligible. The absence of genetic isolation between people is important factor in enriching the gene pool of the planet's population.

In some relatively limited territories, such a factor as genetic drift. Currently, it manifests itself locally in connection with natural disasters. Natural disasters sometimes kill tens or even hundreds of thousands of people, as happened in early 2010 with the earthquake in Haiti. This undoubtedly has an impact on the gene pool of human populations.

Consequently, the evolution of the species Homo sapiens Currently, only the mutation process is affected. The effects of natural selection and isolation are minimal.

All people living on planet Earth at the present time belong to one species - Homo sapiens. Within this species, human races are distinguished. Traits of races were formed under the influence of environmental factors. Currently, there are three large human races: Caucasian, Australian-Negroid and Mongoloid. At the present stage, of the biological factors, only the mutation process affects human evolution in an unchanged form. The role of natural selection and genetic drift has decreased significantly, and isolation has practically lost its significance.

Human race

Race- a system of human populations characterized by similarity in a set of certain hereditary biological characteristics. Traits that characterize different races, often appear as a result of adaptation to various environmental conditions that occurred over many generations.

Racial studies, in addition to the above-mentioned problems, also studies the classification of races, the history of their formation and such factors of their occurrence as selective processes, isolation, mixing and migration, influence climatic conditions and the geographic environment in general for racial characteristics.

Racial studies became especially widespread in National Socialist Germany, fascist Italy and other Western European countries, as well as earlier in the United States (Ku Klux Klan), where it served as a justification for institutionalized racism, chauvinism and anti-Semitism.

Sometimes racial studies are confused with ethnic anthropology - the latter refers, strictly speaking, only to the study racial composition individual ethnic groups, i.e. tribes, peoples, nations, and the origin of these communities.

In that part of racial research that is aimed at studying ethnogenesis, anthropology conducts research together with linguistics, history, and archeology. When studying the driving forces of race formation, anthropology comes into close contact with genetics, physiology, zoogeography, climatology, and the general theory of speciation. The study of race in anthropology has implications for many problems. It is important for resolving the question of the ancestral home of man modern look, the use of anthropological material as a historical source, coverage of problems of systematics, mainly small systematic units, knowledge of the patterns of population genetics, clarification of some issues of medical geography.

Racial studies studies geographical variations in the physical type of people, without taking into account linguistic and cultural isolation. And ethnic anthropology studies what racial variants and anthropological types are inherent in a given ethnic group, people. For example, to establish into which groups the indigenous population of the Volga-Kama region is divided, to identify their general portraits, average height, level of pigmentation - this is the task of a racial scientist. And to recreate the appearance and trace possible genetic connections of the Khazars is the task of an ethnic anthropologist.

Modern division into races

There are many opinions about how many races can be distinguished within the species Homo sapiens.

Studies of classical anthropology show that there are two trunks - eastern and western, equally distributing the six races of humanity. The division into three races - “white”, “yellow” and “black” - is an outdated position. Despite all their external dissimilarity, the races of the same trunk are connected by a greater commonality of genes and habitats than neighboring races. According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, there are about 30 human races (racial-anthropological types), united in three groups of races, which are called “large races”. However, in non-scientific literature the term “race” is still applied to large races, and the races themselves are called “subraces”, “subgroups”, etc. It is worth noting that the races themselves (small races) are divided into subraces, and there is no consensus regarding the belonging of certain subraces to certain races (small races). In addition, different anthropological schools use different names for the same races.

Western trunk


The natural range of Caucasoids is Europe to the Urals, North Africa, South-West Asia and Hindustan. Includes Nordic, Mediterranean, Phalic, Alpine, East Baltic, Dinaric and other subgroups. It differs from other races primarily in its strong facial profile. Other signs vary widely.


Natural range - Central, Western and Eastern Africa. Characteristic differences are curly hair, dark skin, widened nostrils, thick lips, etc. There is an eastern subgroup (Nilotic type, tall, narrowly built) and a western subgroup (Negro type, round-headed, medium height). The group of pygmies (Negrill type) stands apart.


Pygmies compared to a person of average height

The natural range of pygmies is the western part of Central Africa. Height from 144 to 150 cm for adult males, light brown skin, curly, dark hair, relatively thin lips, large body, short arms and legs, this physical type can be classified as a special race. The possible number of pygmies can range from 40 to 200 thousand people.

Kapoids, Bushmen

Caucasoid (Eurasian) races

Northern forms Atlanto-Baltic White Sea-Baltic Transitional (intermediate) forms Alpine Central European Eastern European Southern forms Mediterranean Indo-Afghan Balkan-Caucasian Near Asian (Armenoid) Pamir-Fergana Mongoloid (Asian-American) races

Asian branch Mongoloid races Continental Mongoloids North Asian Central Asian Arctic race Pacific Mongoloids American races

Australoid (Oceanian) races

Veddoids Australians Ainu Papuans and Melanesians Negritos Negroid (African) races

Negroes Negrilli (Pygmies) Bushmen and Hottentots Mixed forms between Caucasians and the Asian branch of the Mongoloids

Central Asian groups South Siberian race Ural race and subural type Laponoids and sublapanoid type Mixed groups of Siberia Mixed forms between Caucasoids and the American branch of Mongoloids

American mestizos Mixed forms between the Caucasoid and Australoid major races

South Indian race Mixed forms between the Caucasoid and Negroid major races

Ethiopian race Mixed groups of Western Sudan Mixed groups of Eastern Sudan Mulattoes South African "coloreds" Mixed forms between the Asian branch of Mongoloids and Australoids

South Asian (Malay) race Japanese East Indonesian group Other mixed race forms

Malagasy Polynesians and Micronesians Hawaiians and Pitcairns


Idaltu (lat. Homo sapiens idaltu) is one of the most ancient races of modern people. The Idaltu inhabited the territory of Ethiopia. The approximate age of the found Idaltu man is 160 thousand years.

See also



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