Unusual male names. Beautiful and unusual names for boys: tips for choosing and rating of fashionable male names

Usually, long before the baby is born, future parents think about what to name it. Does it seem so complicated? Give a name and that's it.

But in reality it turns out that not everything is so simple. The fact is that the name, just like the date of birth, can predetermine certain character traits. And this already has great value. Also, let's not forget what year the baby will be born. Next year's lord is the Rooster. Considering all these components, it is worth thinking about what better name come up with something for a boy in 2017. What are beautiful and rare or, conversely, relevant today?

Let's start with the character that will be given to those born in the coming year. The rooster loves to show off. This is a bright individual personality. Therefore, you can expect pedantry and narcissism from boys. Of course, the child needs to develop the right approach. Then in the future these tendencies will not develop into self-centeredness and narcissism. Everyone needs praise. But in our case, it’s not worth going overboard with it.

Very talented children will be born next year. They will be endowed with a love of creativity: drawing, music. They will strive to play sports. The boys will succeed wherever possible. Therefore, parents need to pay special attention to ensure that a little bit of everything does not happen, and nothing is really good. We must try to determine his desires and pave his way to this. But the problem may be that it is not so easy to understand what the child really likes.

At school the boy will show good intellectual data. However, in behavior, unfortunately, everything will not be so rosy. His leading position can cause conflicts with teachers, peers, and even the weaker sex.

If a boy in adolescence develops an interest in farming, let him help in whatever he wants. Give him responsibilities. Then useful skills will transfer into adulthood.

Names for “winter” boys in 2017

What traits do these guys have? They are usually prudent and self-possessed. However, they have outbursts of rudeness. But they try to keep their emotions under control. This is why guys may seem too harsh and cold. Because of this, they have problems communicating with the weaker sex. Stubbornness and determination are their typical traits. If a man wants to do something, he will definitely achieve it. He has no illusions about life. The guy will quickly make a career for himself.

Artem- one of the suitable names for “winter” boys in 2017. Artem will be softer and more sociable. But his strong qualities will become even greater. This relates, first of all, to perseverance and determination.

Another good option - Michael. This name will give the boy charm, help him express emotions when necessary, and add kindness.

And if you call Arthur, then the guy’s strength and inflexibility will be most evident. At the same time, he will develop some intractability and stubbornness. But maybe this will even help him.

For those born in spring

What beautiful names for boys are suitable for those born in the spring? This is the awakening of awakening, when you want everything unusual. During such a period, philosophers appear who plunge into the world of fantasy. promises them unprecedented success scientific field, this is especially true for the exact sciences. Boys are characterized by some indecisiveness and excessive softness. Therefore, most likely, he should be called by a name that will help him feel more self-confident. Excellent options, for example, would be: Herman, Kostya or Yaroslav.

For those born in summer

What names are suitable for “summer” boys in 2017? This is a period of cheerful people and optimists. The guys enjoy the sunny day, meeting interesting people and life in general. But negative character traits here include frivolity and a tendency to rash actions. These are capable boys, but impulsiveness will interfere with life. Therefore, future parents must treat the child strictly. The guys are always in the center of the action, and will be able to amuse everyone around them.

Among the names for boys in the summer months of 2017, it is worth taking a closer look at such options as Ruslan, Bogdan, Dima. For example, the name Dima will help a guy increase those qualities that he lacks. He is soft and friendly, and at the same time persistent and adamant. Therefore, the boy will develop a sense of purpose. And then success will be guaranteed to him.

For those born in autumn

What names for “autumn” boys of 2017 will be the most relevant? Let's think about it. In autumn, self-possessed and calm natures are born. They are even a little soft and gentle, but serious. Such boys are born psychologists, since they are initially characterized by empathy. However, they have problems in communication, since their communication skills are lacking. But the guys don’t experience much suffering because of this. After all, even having one friend, they don’t look for more. Teachers will certainly note your intelligence and common sense.

If parents are looking rare names for boys born in 2017, you can stop at Rodion. The name will strengthen good features character of the boy. After all, Rodion has an even and calm disposition. It's not easy to piss a guy off. And in life he will always achieve his goals.

Another good option is Gleb. He is also calm and not inclined to act rashly. He will be lucky both in work and in his personal life. Gleba will create good family, where he will prove himself to be a caring spouse.

Among other suitable options, you can take a closer look at such names for boys in 2017 as Yura, Pasha, Vitya.

Popular names

IN different times Moms and dads call their children certain names more often than others. So, recently parents tried to find a completely unique name, common among foreigners, but not found here. However, when making such a choice, it is worth considering how it combines with the patronymic and surname. IN recent years There is a trend back to frequent traditional boy names. Rare and beautiful in 2017, they are currently trying to find among Slavic roots. So, what do parents often call their children?

Sasha. Such a man strives for the truth. He is a born advocate for both himself and other people. Intelligent and courageous, Alexander has a good understanding of things, and it is quite difficult to confuse him about something. Therefore, despite the fact that he gets involved in different things, Sasha can easily get out of them. This is an excellent leader and manager. Usually there is no compromise.

Vanya. Everyone famous name from Russian fairy tales continues to be widespread today. Ivan, having matured, will become sincere and kind. He is hardworking and tries to help others. But this is a contradictory nature. On the one hand, he loves the truth, but there are situations when he is not averse to lying. Vanya will try to build a reliable family. He will work hard for her sake.

Elisha is a lucky man in the family. He will choose for himself the best woman. These men are good-natured, sincere and open to others. Unfortunately, there are those who will take advantage of this. Therefore, boys need to cultivate strength of character. Elisha is reasonable and smart. He will remain calm in the most unpredictable situations and therefore will find a way out of any problem. Elisha is realized in different areas.

Maxim. For many years now, parents have liked to call their babies this name. The boy will grow up smart and energetic. He finds time for everything: to study, to read interesting books, and to communicate with friends. He is accommodating and easily achieves goals. Often this is the soul of the company. Maxim will always come to the rescue, and will also make you laugh and talk about this and that.

Danila. This is the name of an optimist who always expects good things from life, even if circumstances are against him. He has an innate desire for justice and establishing the truth. Because of this, Danila often quarrels with others. He is a sporty guy who is always on the move.

Matvey. The name has only recently gained popularity. More and more often, future mothers and fathers choose this name. Matvey is one of those children who will cause little trouble for their parents. He is not characterized by capriciousness and harmfulness. On the contrary, Matvey is characterized by calmness and prudence. At first it will even seem too soft, but this is not so. Matvey is a truly brave man who always acts fairly.

Names for boys according to the church calendar in the future 2017

Many parents, when choosing a name for their child, look at the days of the saints. It is believed that if they name a child after him, the boy will receive a strong guardian angel who will protect him throughout his life.

Let's look at different boy names: common, rare and beautiful, which are worth naming children in 2017. For every month church names their

January. For this month, the child should be named: Yakov, Danila, Ignat, Grisha, Mark, Misha, Maxim, Kirill, Gordey, Philip, Fedya, Styopa, Efim, Vanya, Petya, Adam, Kolya, Makar, Vasya, Savva, Pasha, Prokhor.

Current names for boys in February 2017 will be: Lavrenty, Fedya, Maxim, Petya, Nikita, Arkady, Timofey, Gena, Vanya, Grisha, Savva, Fedya, Efim, Ignat, Vasya, Ippolit, Moses, Roma, Alyosha, Yura, Julian, Dima, Vsevolod, Zhenya, Anton, Semyon, Kolya, Tryphon, Theodosius, Ephraim, Kirill.

The March boys are called by the following names: Danila, Arseny, Ilya, Lev, Grisha, Semyon, Vanya, Pasha, Fedya, Trofim, Timofey, Sasha, Procopius, Vasya, Nestor, Seva, Taras, Kolya, Bogdan, Slava, Fedot, Kostya, Arkady, Zhenya, Efrem, Lenya, Efim, David, Valera, Nikifor, Rostislav, Afanasy.

Names for April boys according to the church calendar in 2017 year, the following: Vanya, Vitya, Fedya, Maxim, Polycarp, Yakov, Joseph, Egor, Isaac, Danila, Petya, Vasya, Kirill, Terenty, Sasha, Rodion, Maxi, Nikita, Lazar, Gosha, Vadim, Martyn, Semyon, Lenya, Zakhar, Styopa, Innocent, Seryozha, Sofron, Gabriel.

May boys are given the following names: Vitya, Yura, Trifon, Sasha, Fedya, Vsevolod, Vanya, Efim, Kuzma, Egor, Alyosha, Mark, Styopa, Joseph, Vitalik, Savva, Vasya, Gleb, Tolya, Makar, Petya, Arseny, Nikita, David, Kirill, Timofey, Kolya, Denis, Sasha, Bogdan, Methodius, German, Pakhom, Gabriel.

Rare and beautiful names for boys in 2017 for the first month of summer the following: Vanya, Arseny, Dima, Tikhon, Seryozha, Korniliy, Sasha, Timofey, Alyosha, Kostya, Ignat, Fedya, Neil, Isaac, Denis, Misha, Nikita, Gosha, Igor, Elisha, Modest, Lenya, Fedot, Yura, Mstislav, Ustin, Methodius, Leonty.

Someone born in July is called: Julian, Vasya, German, Vanya, Petya, Svyatoslav, Arseny, Artem, Seryozha, Demyan, Andrey, Kirill, Misha, Stefan, Vova, Emelyan, Pasha, Tolya, Kostya, Efim, Nikodim, Pankrat, Kuzma, Gosha, Denis, Sofron, Gleb, Terenty, Yakov.

The following names are suitable for August boys: Seraphim, Vanya, David, Roma, Cornelius, Gleb, Afanasy, Semyon, Nikanor, Kostya, Ermolai, Kolya, Prokhor, Vasya, Styopa, Maximilian, Grisha, Lenya, Arkady, Pasha, Denis, Fedya, Julian, Misha, Valentin, Polycarp, Demid, Maxim, Miron, Laurus, Elizar, Sasha, Evdokim, Hippolytus, Trophim, Moses, Kapiton.

If your baby is born in September, consider these names: Timofey, Savva, Vanya, Leonty, Sasha, Danila, Andrey, Adrian, David, Petya, Anton, Bogdan, Zakhar, Feodosius, Dima, poppy, Arkhip, Misha, Kirill, Seryozha, Pasha, Yura, Styopa, Vitya, Nikita, Cornelius, Arseny.

Rare and beautiful names for boys in 2017 next month could be: Galaktion, Denis, Igor, Ephraim, Joseph, Abraham, Vova, Tryfon, Misha, Oleg, Nikita, Fedya, Trofim, Kostya, David, Anton, Dim, Kondrat, Petya, Makar, Tikhon, Ignat, Aristarchus, Mark, Vlad, Innocent, German, Andrey, Jacob, Julian, Benjamin, Lukyan, Seryozha, Philip, Lazar, Demyan, Abraham, Matvey, Khariton, Slava, Grisha, Lazar, Kupriyan, Nazar.

Those born in November can be called: Vanya, Yakov, Ignat, Egor, Philip, Maximilian, Nestor, Nicodemus, Hilarion, Zinovy, Nil, Terenty, Lazar, Gury, Artem, Sasha, Irakli, Dima, Terenty, Kirill, Lazar, Kuzma, Joseph, Mark, Styopa, Arseny, Spiridon, Galaktion, Pasha, Vikenty, Matvey, Misha, Maxim, Rafail, Fedot, Gury, Bogdan, Grisha.

Suitable names for December boys: Roma, Grisha, Clement, Yaropolk, Plato, Spiridon, Arkady, Petya, Vanya, Proclus, Misha, Arkhip, Adrian, Trifon, Tolya, Sasha, Alyosha, Makar, Grisha, Yura, Yakov, Styopa, Fedya, Afanasy, Vanya, Naum, Zhenya, Kolya, Anton, Pasha, Kirill, Danila, Arseny, Orest, Sophron, Andrey, Innocent, Vsevolod, Procopius.

Are you planning to add to your family in 2017? It's time to think about a name for your long-awaited baby! This is a difficult and responsible choice for any parent, because it is known that names carry a hidden meaning. Often they determine the fate of a person and the attitude of others towards him. If you already know the gender of the child, it’s worth looking for a couple of sonorous names for him in advance and discussing your choice with your family. In this article, we will tell you the best names for a boy born in 2017 and which names to avoid.

When choosing a name, consider its meaning and combination with the surname

How to choose a name for a child?

When looking for a name for a baby, it is worth considering many details that at first glance seem insignificant. The combination of first and last name plays an important role. For example, the currently popular foreign names Oscar or Michael sound ridiculous together with Russian surnames and patronymics. Very often the baby is named in honor of the saint on whose day he was born. This tradition is as old as time, and many still adhere to it.

It is believed that in this way the newborn receives an intercessor in heaven, under whose supervision he will remain for the rest of his life. However, it is worth considering that the boy will probably be ashamed to introduce himself as Akakiy or Spiridon. In addition, a name that is too unusual can cause ridicule of a child in kindergarten or school. In this case, one name is given at baptism, and another, secular one is indicated in the documents.

Names trendy in 2017

Most Popular male names in 2017 – Sasha, Maxim and Artem
  • Surely many parents will name their sons in 2017 Alexandra. Translated from ancient Greek, this name means “protector” and “man.” It became popular after the triumphal campaigns of the great commander Alexander the Great. Characteristics Sasha is purposefulness, courage and authority - qualities necessary for a representative of the stronger sex.
  • The name is no less popular Maxim. It came to us from Ancient Rome and is translated as “the greatest.” Maxims are distinguished by their proud and at the same time balanced character. They are easily influenced - both in a positive and negative sense. Often the bearers of this name, due to the increased care of their relatives, lose independence and faith in themselves, but many of them still achieve success in life.
  • Artem- another name that has been given to thousands of babies in recent years. There are two options for its origin. The first one points to literal translation from Greek - “unharmed”, “healthy”. The second connects the name with the goddess Artemis, the patroness of hunting and fertility. Artem is sociable, independent and assertive. He is an authority for classmates, colleagues and family.
  • Most likely, many parents in 2017 will name their child Mikhail, which in Hebrew means “equal to God.” In Christianity, this name is borne by the head of the angelic army, the messenger of the Almighty and the protector of the Israeli people. Mikhail is also the patron saint of the city of Kyiv. Misha is charming and sociable, sensitive to art and proactive in his work. It is not surprising that this is the name of many successful men.
  • In recent years, more and more boys are receiving the name Daniel(Danila). It comes from the biblical Daniel (that was the name of one of the Christian prophets) and is translated as “God is my judge.” That is why its owners are revered as fair and decent people. Daniels can boast of their calmness, optimism and prudence. Their weak side is a small reserve of mental and physical strength, which is spent faster than that of other men.

Many parents will like names such as Ivan (gift of God), Andrei (courageous), Alexey (defender), Nikita (winner, conqueror), Kirill (lord), Vladislav (owner of glory).

Remember that each name has a specific meaning

Unusual male names and their meanings

IN lately Children are often given original and sonorous names. Here is a list of options that imaginative moms and dads will appreciate:

  • Name Arthur has many interpretations. According to one version, it comes from the Latin artus, which means “strength”, “power”. U ancient people To the Celts, this word meant a strong bear. It became famous thanks to the legends of the British King Arthur. The namesake of the medieval hero is often stubborn and hot-tempered, but at the same time has a talent for creativity.
  • Gleb– the name of a mysterious passage. From Old Scandinavian it is translated as “heir of the gods” or “pleasing to God”; it could have been transferred into Russian from the words “lump” or “bread”. Gleb is a reasonable and reserved young man, good leader and a patient husband.
  • Elisha translated from Hebrew as “God saves.” The owner of this name has been friendly and open since childhood. This is a versatile person, capable of realizing himself in almost all areas of activity. It is believed that no woman can resist Elisha.
  • Lion– this is not only the king of beasts, but also “heart” in Hebrew. Many people associate this name with insolence and aggression, but in reality its bearer is a very gentle and friendly person who will one day make an excellent husband. However, Leo is no stranger to determination and assertiveness.

Each family has its own traditions of choosing a name for the baby.
  • Mark translated from Latin it means “born in March”, and from German it means “essence”, “core”. According to another version, the name comes from the French title “marquis” (written as marquis). Mark shines with career success and a thirst for knowledge, but selfishness often lies in the way of his happiness.
  • Name Matvey in Hebrew means "gift of God" or " man of God" The owner of this name is a modest and patient, incredibly honest man. He is a born peacemaker and an excellent family man. To everyone's surprise, in the face of danger, Matvey can show remarkable courage.
  • Miron means “mirror” (sacred oil in Christianity, one of the gifts to the newborn Jesus) in Greek and “emir”, that is, ruler, in Persian. A man with this name is hardworking, true to his word and knows how to achieve his goal. At work or in a company, he often becomes a leader.
  • Rodion– a name with Slavic roots, derived from the word “native”. In Greek, this word denoted a resident of the island of Rhodes, named after the hermit saint. Rodion is characterized by a desire for independence, calmness and excellent self-control.

Each parent chooses a name for their baby according to their own criteria. For some, family traditions come first, for others, fashion trends and advice from friends come first. Many people believe that a name chosen according to horoscopes will bring success to the child in the future. But do not forget that only your love and care will make your child truly happy!

So, it's done! A new addition is expected to your family, and doctors have already announced that a boy will be born. Naturally, any parents want their child to be not only healthy, but also happy. And also - so that good luck always accompanies him in life. And in this regard, not only the date of birth of the baby is very important, but also what you name him. Therefore, even the most beautiful names for boys in 2017 need to be chosen meaningfully, taking into account many factors. After all, a name is a kind of key to a person’s success, which at a decisive moment can play an important role in a person’s life. So you should approach the choice of a name for a boy seriously and carefully - it should be euphonious, not devoid of individuality and, as people say, happy.

How do you choose names for boys these days?

There are several options for choosing names, which parents often resort to. The first of them is based on associativity - the boy is named after his father, grandfather, close family friend, and so on. This option is good because the person after whom the child is named is really very dear to you. And you will definitely transfer your positive emotions to your child. But in this case, there is an unspoken rule according to which one should not name a boy in honor of the deceased. It is believed that in this case the child will grow up sick and capricious, and may also repeat the tragic fate of the one in whose honor he received his name.

At all times people have had various examples to be imitated, so sons were usually named after heroes or celebrities. This trend has continued to this day, so if you want to find beautiful names for boys, you can turn to the gossip columns and choose the appropriate option. True, in pursuit of exoticism, you should not name the baby Sanchez or Mauritius: fashion will change very soon, but the boy will have the name for the rest of his life.

By the way, our ancestors acted simpler and turned to the calendar - the church calendar, choosing a name for a boy in such a simple way. It was believed that a child named in honor of a particular saint would receive his protection for life.

Top 5 fashionable and beautiful names for boys in 2017

If you still decide to follow the canons of fashion, then you should turn to statistics, which with mathematical precision determine the five most popular names in 2017. Many parents will name their sons this way. If you are one of them, you can be sure that your baby will be in trend.

Perhaps most often boys in 2017 will be called Dmitry. The name is euphonious and translated from Greek means “farmer.” Boys with this name have an inquisitive mind and enormous willpower. But at the same time, they are quite emotional and do not hide their true feelings. Justice is not alien to them, and for the sake of their loved ones and loved ones, Dmitry is ready to perform feats.

The name Alexander promises to become no less popular in 2017, whose owners are distinguished by reliability, devotion and determination. Translated from Greek, Alexander means “protector,” so boys with that name become the real support of their family.

The Jewish male name Michael is gradually returning to use, which equates its owner to God. Indeed, boys with this name will be successful; they will be able to achieve whatever they want. Since childhood, Mishas have an easy-going character, they are sociable and friendly. But at the same time, they are always ready to defend the weak, they know how to achieve their goals and clearly know what they want.

Daniel - another one popular name for a boy in 2017, which has not gone out of fashion for several years in a row. Its roots should also be sought in religion, because that was the name of one of the biblical prophets. The name literally translates as “God is my judge,” which indicates the humility and meek disposition of its owner. At the same time, Daniil is distinguished by his prudence and the ability to quickly make informed decisions, which, you see, is an excellent quality.

The top five popular names for boys for 2017 includes Ivan, which means that its owner has been pardoned by God. Vanya’s character, as a rule, is an alloy of wisdom and dashing prowess, innate ingenuity and simplicity. Boys with this name are distinguished by curiosity, but at the same time they can become a victim of their own gullibility.

How to choose a name for a boy depending on the time of year?

“Seasonality” in the selection of names for sons is another principle that parents often follow. And this makes a certain sense, since, for example, the “autumn” Maxim will be less successful in business than the “summer” Maxim.

So, if your baby was born in the spring, then you should name him Eduard, Evgeniy, Vladimir or Kirill. These names for boys will become a real amulet and will help you overcome many difficulties in the future. If your son swarmed in the summer, then it is best to give him one of the following names - Alexander, Konstantin, Igor, Mikhail, Dmitry. The thing is that “summer” children have amazing spontaneity and a certain amount of frivolity, so a certain constant in the form of a name, which will become a deterrent for the child, does not fit in this case.

If a boy was born in the fall, then you can and should name him Yuri, Ignat, Matvey, Alexey, Roman or Stepan. These names will definitely bring good luck to the “autumn” child and help him achieve his goals in life. Well, if a boy was born in winter, then in this case it is worth choosing his name from the list that includes Daniil, Andrey, Nikolai, Valentin, Georgy and Boris.

Calendar of names for boys by month

Another way to choose beautiful name boy in 2017 sacred meaning- focus on the month of his birth. There is a numerological calendar that allows parents to decide not only on a sonorous name, but also to correlate it with the period of birth of the child.

  • In January, it is best to call boys Anton, Boris, Vasily, Mikhail, Albert or Vyacheslav
  • In February, the most successful male names are Daniil, Vsevolod, Georgy, Veniamin, Bogdan, Zinovy.
  • The March boys should be named Evgeny, Gleb, Stanislav, Vladimir or Rodion.
  • If a boy was born in April, then such names as Victor, Peter, Ilya, Fedor are perfect for him.
  • The son born in May should be called Ivan, Oleg, Kirill or Arseny.
  • If your boy was born in June, then names such as Alexander, Pavel, Andrey, Hilarion, and Philip are best suited for him.
  • For a boy who celebrates his birthday in July, you should choose one of the following names - Kondrat, Egor, Semyon, Arkady.
  • If the baby was born in August, then you should name him Leo, Maximilian, Timofey or Klim - these names will be especially happy for the child.
  • A boy born in September should be called Igor, Veniamin, Denis, Mark or Rostislav.
  • If your son celebrates his birthday in October, then names such as Maxim, Valentin, Gennady, Leonid, Anatoly are perfect for him.
  • Among the current and fashionable names for boys who were born in December are Yakov, Lyubomir, Vikenty, Adam, Mikhail.

Our names are unique identifiers of character and personality, and also act as individual business card. You should carefully choose a name for your newborn baby, because he will have to live with it all his life. Before what to name a child in 2017 try to find out detailed description name, its main features, and most importantly, think about whether you like it.

Choosing a name is always an exciting event and every parent treats such an important step with special trepidation. Some mothers already know exactly what they will name their baby even before he is born, while others spend 12 months studying mountains of information before finally deciding on a name for the little man.

But there are also parents to whom the name “comes” immediately after they look into the eyes of their child. Surprisingly, this is true! Hundreds of mothers admit that at such moments something literally whispers a sweet and pleasant name into their ear.

Today there are a huge number of names, and it can sometimes be very difficult to decide on just one. However, try not to give free rein to your emotions and not quarrel with loved ones. Remember that it is not the name that makes the person, but the person who makes the name.

Select by date of birth

Many parents prefer to name their child after his birthday, or rather, a name that corresponds to this day. It is worth noting that this method is not entirely correct, because in the naming calendar there are quite funny and ridiculous names, which can then ruin the baby’s whole life.

If you decide to name your child the name that falls at the time of his birth, then turn to the sacred calendar of names, in which you will find beautiful, and most importantly, bright names. By naming a child after a saint, you will “give” him a powerful guardian angel for life.

You can name your child in 2017 based on the season when he was born. For winter children, it is worth choosing melodious and beautiful names, because they can “soften” a little the severity and firmness of character of such children.

Spring babies are most often advised to be called hardy and tough names, because children born during this period often show uncertainty and weakness in some matters.

Babies born in the summer are always active, smiling and friendly. They always achieve their goals. Any names that parents like are suitable for them.

In autumn, balanced, intelligent and strong individuals are born. They need to be given a name that is equally courageous and beautiful. Some parents use the law defining Harmony. Using it you can calculate the most suitable name for your child.

Name after celebrities

Since ancient times, children have been named after famous figures in history, hoping that they will repeat the fate of their predecessors and lead the same interesting and memorable lives. There were cases when children were named after Alexander Pushkin, Zagmund Freud, Leo Tolstoy and other prominent figures. The subconscious of parents, even before the birth of the baby, wishes him only happiness, so they try in every possible way to help him reach heights.

And the right name, in their opinion, is the main detail in the implementation of this plan. In 2017, the fashion of naming children after celebrities is once again intensifying. However, we all must remember that we are responsible for our own destiny and, alas, we will not be able to repeat someone else’s.

According to the church calendar

The Orthodox religion allows you to name a child in honor of the saint on whose day he was born. These special days are marked in and allow you to “make friends” of the baby with your patron in advance. A guardian angel will always help in a difficult situation, help you out of trouble and push you on the right path. Motivated by these facts, parents try to choose a sweet-sounding name prescribed for each day of the year. But you need to give a name according to the calendar correctly:

  • Firstly, a child should be baptized on the eighth day after his birth. During this sacrament, the desired name is chosen.
  • Secondly, if you could not decide on a name before the eighth day, I advise the church to move the christening to the fortieth day.
  • Thirdly, even if you don’t like the proposed list of names, you can look a few days before and choose the right one.

However, some mothers like the same name all their lives, so you shouldn’t renounce your desires.

By zodiac sign

There is a certain list of names that are suitable different signs zodiac If you trust horoscopes and try to constantly check them, then this method of choosing a name will be ideal for you. A correctly chosen name will allow your child to grow up healthy, happy and self-confident.

Favorable names for a child in the year of the Rooster

Children born in the year of the Fire Rooster will be distinguished by their practicality, balance and strong-willed character. All names can be divided into several categories, which will help parents quickly decide on one and only one and name their newborn boy or girl.


  • For girls: Natalia, Kira, Victoria.
  • For boys: Arkady, Artem, Arthur, Nikita, Mark, Konstantin, Yakov, Timur, Victor.

These names will help strengthen such important character traits as energy and determination.

Having received one of these names, your child will certainly achieve heights in life, will delight you with his successes in any area and will give you many positive moments.

Balanced and energetic

  • For girls: Diana, Irina, Ekaterina, Tamara, Nina, Karina, Veronica.
  • For boys: Pavel, Plato, Robert, Vadim, Daniil, Eduard.

Such names can harmoniously connect with your child’s personality, thereby ensuring him a long and happy destiny. In addition, the year of the Fire Rooster will strengthen such qualities as determination and drive, which are important in our lives.

The only point that parents should remember when naming a baby with a similar name is that over time he can show authority and selfishness. However, if you do not go beyond reasonable limits, raise your child correctly and instill in him the main values ​​in life, then you should not be afraid of bad consequences.

Emotional lungs

  • For girls: Valeria, Lyudmila, Olga, Svetlana, Polina, Alina, Elina, Lilia.
  • For boys: Leonid, Oleg, Valery, Rodion, Ivan, Vasily.

The main trait that you will give to your child by giving him such a name is self-confidence and the desire to complete what he starts. These character traits will help the child stand firmly on the ground, achieve heights and receive good dividends. It is especially pleasant to be with such a name for people of a creative environment.

Their talents will be revealed to the fullest, and, perhaps, some of them will be glorified. The stars advise parents to beware of two traits that can become negative - jealousy and gambling. Show more attention to your child, have serious conversations with him and then these threads of character will not “come out” to the surface.

Powerful and assertive

  • For girls: Zhanna, Inga, Lyubov, Margarita, Ulyana, Tatyana, Nelly, Yana, Elena, Daria, Albina, Galina, Marina.
  • For boys: Matvey, Yulian, Peter, Ivan, Dmitry, Ilya, Valentin, Gennady, Yuri, Andrey, Vladimir.

Astrologers advise to be careful with these names and choose them only in case of strong attachment. They all have one thing in common: immoderation. And unrestrained people can do unpleasant things and cause a lot of trouble for loved ones. Often such individuals rush from one extreme to another, they are overly energetic and, at times, explosive.

Of course, this does not mean that children with such names will be hooligans and slobs. Parents will just have to make more efforts to raise them and stock up on a huge amount of patience.


  • For girls: Elizaveta, Alisa, Anastasia, Larisa, Olesya, Oksana, Sofia, Faina, Zoya, Christina, Ksenia, Raisa.
  • For boys: Bogdan, Arseny, Alexey, Grigory, Gleb, Mikhail, Fedor, Felix, Timofey, Evgeny, Vladislav, Denis, Zakhar, Igor, Maxim, Taras, Stepan, Sergey, Ruslan, Igor.

Children given reactive names will exhibit motor skills throughout. They have a stormy character. They can be jealous, scream, show pride and selfishness. But at the same time, they will go straight towards their goal, overcoming various obstacles, and even strong blows of fate are not able to lead them astray.

Such names should be treated with caution, but there is no need to completely disown them. Parents must understand that they will have to “work” tirelessly with each child, because only by making Herculean efforts can they raise a good person.

A person is given a name only once and subsequently affects his entire destiny. With age, we become fused with our name, turning into a person who personifies what is put into it. You've probably noticed how many people are similar to their names, so when choosing a name for a boy, you should think carefully about what you want him to be in many years to come.

Character of boys born in 2017 Year of the Rooster

2017 will pass under the auspices of the Fire Rooster, who will pass on part of his character to everyone born at this time. Children will be distinguished by determination, self-confidence, business acumen and classical thinking. Boys born in the year of the Fire Rooster often become scientists, classical musicians or conductors, military men or outstanding athletes. The parents of such a boy will be lucky to feel proud of the qualities of a serious and balanced person who is responsible for his actions, manifested even in childhood.

How to choose a name for a boy according to the church calendar?

The main tradition for naming babies since ancient times was to name the child in honor of the saint who patronized a particular day. It is not necessary to name a child with a name that celebrates its name day on its birthday. You can take those Orthodox (church) names for boys who are close to this date. Often people choose popular and beautiful worldly names, but baptize and celebrate name days under a different name - a church name. In modern society, this tendency is very common due to the fact that not all ancient Russian names fall so easily on the ear of a modern person. After all, not everyone can calmly react to an interlocutor, for example, with the name Akaki.

Orthodox calendar of names 2017 by month

Another criterion for choosing a name for boys is its consonance with the surname and patronymic. Be sure to think through all possible beautiful options so that in the future your baby does not suffer from attacks from classmates.

Beautiful and rare names for boys

In 2017, fashion for old names will come back again. Today's parents choose a name for a boy based on both church calendar names, and based on the historical background and meaning of this name. For example, the name Zakhar (“memory of God”) has become very popular recently, but it is not yet so common as to become commonplace to hear, like, say, the same Alexander (“winner”). Elisha (“God saves”, “bringer of salvation”) - an ancient male name, more common in the CIS countries than in Russia, will help develop a child’s creative abilities. Another rare and very beautiful name for a boy, Miron, or the consonant Emir (“ruler”) is perfectly consistent with the character traits that will be given to the child

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