You can't live with a witch! What to do when you live with a witch: precautions What to do if there is a witch in the house

There is a misconception that all witches do is harm people. In fact, everything is much more complicated; the very name of such a woman comes from the old word - to know, to know. Sometimes fellow villagers take up arms against them, thinking that the witch is spoiling livestock and people. In the event of such an insult, the sorceress can take revenge on the offenders even after death.

A person who did nothing wrong to the witch while she was still alive need not fear for his sanity and life. But there are also those who run to the healer for help, and then gossip about her, or do something worse. The sorceress will take revenge on such people, even if she was not evil during her lifetime.

In Rus', women who knew the properties of medicinal herbs and knew how to use the forces of nature were called witches and were held in great honor by their fellow tribesmen. With the advent of Christianity, when life, illness and death itself were considered to depend only on God, witches began to be declared accomplices of the devil. Since then they have believed that they are only capable of harming people. In fact, there are sorceresses who received their gift by birthright. They can cause damage and curse someone, but they can also cure any illness, and even change the life of any person for the better. Witches and scientists can only bring evil into the world.

It is known that witches try to live on the outskirts, away from people. They do this because unity with nature requires concentration; to prepare some potions, it is necessary to carry out special rituals alone, so that no one interferes. Usually, village residents know the whereabouts of the healer and, if necessary, go to her. Sooner or later the time comes for the witch to die. This happens hard and until she gives her gift to a woman from her family, death will not come to her. But this could be a completely different girl, the main thing is that she has a desire to practice witchcraft. If one is not found, the neighbors dismantle the ceiling and only then the soul flies away.

Not everyone knows what to do if a witch dies; be that as it may, one day death takes her away. Now it’s the villagers’ turn to do everything to prevent the witch’s soul from harming the living, until she finally leaves for another world. The surest way is to surround the healer's house with a triple circle. The first, closer to the hut, is carried out with ordinary chalk, the second - with coal from the stove, the third - the most important one - is done with holy water. All this must be done immediately after the body of the deceased is taken out for burial. There is a belief according to which a grandmother who has been involved in bad deeds during her lifetime is placed face down in a coffin so that she cannot come to life and crawl out of the grave. No one should enter the hut, surrounded by a triple ring, for 40 days.

You should not settle and live in the house where a witch once died; what should you do if this happened a long time ago? Her soul had already left this place, but some entities could remain that would ruin the life of almost any person who dared to settle in the hut. It is possible to cleanse the hut of evil spirits, but this must be done by a priest familiar with the rituals of exorcism. The stronger the witch, the more difficult it was to drive the evil spirits out of the house. Sometimes after a while the new tenant begins to have problems - either the livestock dies or he or his household gets sick. No matter how much time passes, the curse of such a place remains.

After the death of the witch and her funeral, when the required forty days have passed, you need to take care of the things left in the house. The sorcerer or witch who has accepted the power of the deceased takes the books, records and everything else. If they live in another place - they take it with them, they prefer to stay - then there is no need to take anything away, everything will remain as it was. It is known that the more generations live in the hut, the more power each subsequent one will have. Over time, sensitive people clearly sense the danger emanating from this place and try to avoid it. On the contrary, animals love to come to the hut.

It is believed that witches are all evil and dream only of bringing evil to people. This opinion is erroneous, because there are such old healers who do not accept black magic and are only engaged in helping everyone who turns to them. These women, who usually live in remote villages, make potions from medicinal herbs and treat village residents if they cannot get to a doctor. After the death of such an old woman, there is no need to take protective measures, since they were not associated with dark forces during life. The house is occupied by heirs and it is likely that one of them, most often a girl, will also feel the ability for magic. The notes of the good witch will help her acquire knowledge and begin to help those in need.

Witches can be different, if she is innate, hereditary, and also has someone to learn from, then she will turn out to be a sorceress capable of doing both bad and good, such people most often do not enter into an agreement with the devil and shun evil. Scientific witches simply memorize spells and cannot even correct what they themselves have done.

If a witch dies, she is buried face down, outside the cemetery fence - she cannot lie on holy ground. Her things should be given to a student or student, if there are none, they should be burned. In the house, the priest must perform a ritual of exorcism, only after this can one live in it.

Ways to recognize and protect yourself from a witch or sorcerer.

Now many people are interested in magic and various rituals. Despite this, there are not many true sorcerers. These are people who do not stand out from the crowd. But knowing some tricks and behavioral characteristics, you can easily recognize a sorcerer.

In fact, these are very interesting and unusual people. In this case, there is no need to resort to torture, as during the Inquisition. It is not necessary to set fire to or drown women who seem to you to be witches.

Signs of a witch:

  • Pleasant appearance. The girls are very beautiful and look young, despite their age.
  • Stylish clothes. Such people love to be the center of attention, so they prefer to dress stylishly. The wardrobe is dominated by clothes in dark colors.
  • Intelligence. It is interesting to communicate with such people. They are educated and very smart even in everyday matters.
  • Presence of moles. Witches and wizards often have moles and birthmarks in interesting places. They are usually found in the groin, armpits or chest.
  • There is something repulsive in the look. Such people are often repelled, despite their attractiveness. The look is very piercing, you feel strange.

It is not easy to recognize a possessed person. Everything is not at all like in the films. It is not necessary that a possessed person writhes in convulsions and talks to himself.

Signs of demon possession:

  • Gluttony
  • Constant swear words
  • Hallucinations
  • Constant fears
  • Fear of the Church
  • Fear of Christian relics

Such people are often afraid to be in church, do not drink holy water and avoid talking about God.

Despite the fact that many consider the church a holy place, many unusual and scary things can happen in it. This is a great place full of energy. It is believed that in the church a person considers himself sanctified and protected, but this is not so. Witches don't even sleep in church. This is an excellent place for witchcraft and rituals.

Reasons why witches visit churches:

  • Burning candles for repose
  • Take salt and all the necessary ingredients for witchcraft
  • Transferring negative energy to everyone around you

Witches in the church behave in an unusual way. To avoid falling into the clutches of a witch, pay attention to details. You can easily recognize both the evil and the good witch.

Features of the behavior of witches in the church:

  • They walk backwards. This can happen both during the service and while leaving the temple.
  • Crossing yourself incorrectly. Perhaps she does it from the bottom up. You should be suspicious of people who cross themselves with their left hand.
  • Please note that after you place the candles for health, no one touches them. If you notice that some woman took your candle, she is a witch. You will have to perform a ritual to prevent damage.
  • Stands under the temple before it opens and touches the doors. Witches strive to be the first to enter the temple, so they can push at the doors of the temple, touch the handles, doors and walls.

Signs of obsession:

  • A man runs and screams in a temple
  • A child or adult may experience convulsions or seizures
  • The man feels very bad and wants to leave the temple
  • Feels unwell, to the point of losing consciousness

Priests have a negative attitude towards sorcerers and healers visiting temples. Church ministers believe that you can get rid of illnesses through prayer. In addition, church paraphernalia cannot be used to cause harm. Of course, no one will drive a woman out of church who behaves strangely. But she may be reprimanded and asked to leave the temple.

There are many ways to protect yourself from a witch or magician. You don't have to go to a healer for this. There are a lot of interesting and effective rituals that will help protect yourself from the evil eye and various types of damage. Of course, there is no need to deny yourself visiting church, but you should be careful in the temple.

Options for protecting against a witch:

In the church. If you notice that one of the visitors is behaving strangely, walking backwards or touching other people’s candles, you can say to yourself: “Sorcerer, sorcerer, cut your body, drink your blood. But you don’t care about my blood, about my body. Amen".

Make a protective amulet. You can use a blue stone for this. Hold it in the sun and ask it to help you.

In churches, do not allow strangers to move candles from one place to another. It is also prohibited to let someone light a candle with your own candle. You can say: “A pound of millet, a pound of poppy, Christ is risen against the Sorcerers.”

If you are standing in a temple with a candle, and it begins to smoke and smoke, look at your feet. If you see a needle, move away from that area and continue praying.

Before leaving the house, you can say the words: “The cross is above me, the cross is below me, the cross is on the sides, the cross is in front and behind.” They will help you achieve success in business and protect you from evil spirits.

Place aspen branches under the insoles of your shoes. They will help you avoid clashes with witches and energy vampires.

To protect against possessed people and to cleanse them of spirits, a number of prayers are used. The most common are prayers to Seraphim, Pansophia of Athos and prayer to Jesus from the tricks of the Devil. Ask the priest to dedicate the apartment. Below are options for prayers for protection from demons.

Conspiracy for salvation from demoniacs and sorcerers:

I will go, blessed, from the hut through the doors into the vestibule, from the passage into the courtyard, from the courtyard to the gates, under the red sun, under an open field, in an open field stands the holy church of God, the Royal doors themselves dissolve, the servant of God himself (name) is charmed by the sorcerers , from witches, from witches, from witches; Whoever thinks foolishly about me, count the woods in the forest, the sand in the sea, and the stars in the hut. Forever and ever. Amen! As you can see, it is very difficult to protect yourself from witches and sorcerers even in a temple. Therefore, do not be lazy to make an amulet and read prayers regularly.

Prayer to Seraphim

Prayer of Pansophius of Athos

As you can see, it is very difficult to protect yourself from witches and sorcerers even in a temple. Therefore, do not be lazy to make an amulet and read prayers regularly.

VIDEO: How to protect yourself from witches?

Incredible facts

Who is this witch?

And how to recognize her among a crowd of people?

Is it a curse to be her or a reward from above?

As a rule, the word witch is pronounced in a half whisper.

You, in turn, give them advice or prepared herbal tinctures and various potions(because she is well acquainted with the properties of plants). People leave you with hearts full of hope for happiness and healing.

How do I know if I'm a witch?

3. Closeness to nature

Do you live in a forest or near a pond? If not, do you spend a lot of time in such places, preferring them to urban areas?

Witches, being inextricably linked with nature, try to be as close to nature as possible and spend as much time with it as possible. Her natural beauty and energy nourish the witches and give them strength.

Many perform their rituals near water or in the forest. If you are a witch, you feel at home in nature.

Signs of a witch

4. You are not afraid of storms and storms

You do not feel fear, even when nature is raging so much that it seems like the apocalypse has arrived. Moreover, you enjoy storms and storms, and sometimes you wonder if perhaps your own energy caused such a disaster.

The witch revels in the power of nature in all its manifestations. She rejoices in the rain and wind.

5. Love for animals

You love the animal world and empathize with all living beings on our planet. You are able to feel their pain and cry with him.

In some strange natural way, you know the entire animal race, are able to understand it, and also see the signs that animals give you.

Often lost dogs come into your house or birds fly into your windows. And it also happens that in the field an unfamiliar horse will come close and lean its head on your shoulder.

Can you talk to animals, understand their requests and heal them from illnesses?

Witches and animals are so dependent on nature that they can speak a similar energetic language and easily recognize each other.

How to spot a witch

6. Influence of the Moon

Does your activity and mood depend on the lunar phases? The energy of the moon affects you. When you were a little girl standing by a moonlit window, did you talk to the moon? Are you adapting to its phases now?

For example, do you start any new projects or relationships when the moon is exceptionally waxing? Have you noticed that when the moon is full, things around you begin to behave strangely, and when it is waning, all endeavors or relationships weaken and decline?

If you have the traits of a witch, you will not miss the opportunity to sit alone in complete silence on a new moon. In the dark, you like to dream and make plans for the future.

So, on a new moon, you adapt to the phases of the moon, drawing on its energy.

Witch Abilities

7. Powerful power to make wishes come true

Do you have any suspicions that your wishes have the ability to come true? Be careful with them, because both good and bad wishes can come true.

Witches are as old as time. If you are a witch, in your eyes you can see ancient stories and secrets of the earth, myths and secrets, answers to many questions.

8. The ability to heal people

Most likely, you have the traits of a witch if you have the desire and ability to heal people.

You have the gift of choosing medicinal herbs, natural energy products for yourself and loved ones. You are undoubtedly a witch if you simply place your hand on someone’s sore back or bruise, and the next day the pain disappears and the wound heals.

Times are changing, the black flowing cloaks of sorcerers and witches and the demonic shine of their eyes are far in the past. And now they live not in castles or in secluded forest huts, but next to us, in our society. What to do if a sorcerer is near you? This is bad? Dangerous? Yes! What if such a person lives very close, for example, in your House or even in the same entrance as you? This is a much greater risk than, say, riding on the same trolleybus with a sorcerer.

If a sorcerer is near you: how to find out about it

How to determine if there is such a “surprise” near you? If you live in a very large (6-9 entrance) house, then you should pay attention to the two entrances located to the left and right of yours. It is better to study the whole of a small house. Remember if sudden deaths, strange illnesses, unexpected divorces have happened in your house during the time you have been living there. Maybe someone you know, coming to visit you, feels “out of place.”

Try waking up for 10-15 minutes between 2 and 4 a.m. several nights in a row. Go to the window and listen to see if a cat is screaming nearby. Screams - notice the time. If this happens with some regularity, you should be wary. When approaching your home in the dark, lower your eyes to the level of the basements.

If any window attracts attention, try to remember after a few days whether it is the same thing. Then choose the time when the light goes out in this window and look at the next one for a few minutes. A special light should emanate from the “witch’s” window - dark, not visible, but rather tangible. Pay attention to how you feel: you will feel slightly uncomfortable.

It may seem like something is wrong in your apartment or you just really want to go home. If you have at least two of the signs listed above, then most likely a sorcerer lives in your house, and your fears are not unfounded.

If a sorcerer is near you: how to identify him

How to identify the sorcerer himself was described in previous chapters. Take a closer look at the people living nearby and you will most likely recognize him.

Under no circumstances show it. If the sorcerer realizes that you recognize him, then trouble will not be avoided. First of all, try to minimize communication with him, but if you meet him by chance, do not remain silent and do not shy away. On the contrary, you should very calmly say hello or just nod, like any other neighbor!

Try not to make eye contact, and if they do, quickly look away. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and there is no need for a sorcerer to look into it. After saying hello, move on, but so that your paths do not cross, or if they do cross, then only behind your back.

Another rule: do not cross the sorcerer’s path, let him go his own way.

And do not sit in the elevator with the sorcerer, do not go up the stairs next to him. There is no point in giving an extra reason for conversation. Under any pretext, get out of the elevator, or better yet, out of the entrance. Just not silently: give your action at least a basic explanation (“Oh, my wife is coming, sorry,” “I forgot to buy bread,” “I need to pick up the mail, otherwise they’ll pull you out”).

If a sorcerer is near you: precautions

When climbing stairs, try not to touch the railings and explain this to your children. When you arrive home, you must first wash your hands in running water, as water washes away the negative effects well. And make it a rule to take a shower every evening.

Go to church and get holy water. Spray the threshold of the apartment outside, your stairwell, and one flight up and down with this water once a week. You should start from the corners, then spray the rest of the places. Before you begin, do not forget to read the “Our Father”, and at the end - the “Virgin Mary”.

If a female witch lives in the house, then take a wooden knitting needle and draw 3 wavy lines right in front of the threshold - no shorter than your doorway.

Take the time to inspect the corners of the door and the rug. Sweep up the sand scattered on the rug with a broom, wash the broom in running water and keep it on the balcony until it dries. Water on the rug is a bad sign - it is better to throw the rug away. In general, it is preferable to put a rubber one, it is easy to wash, and the evil spell will “flow away”. Balls of animal hair, even the smallest ones, can cause great harm; they must be burned in a candle.

And the most important thing in such a situation: you don’t need to go to fortune-tellers and astrologers, you don’t need to buy yourself amulets specifically to protect yourself from “your” sorcerer. Moreover, you should not put any kind of magical protection on your home. The sorcerer will feel this and, most likely, will take a retaliatory step. It's another matter if you've already been harmed. Then, of course, you need to turn to someone for help.

It should be noted that if you are careful and follow our advice, then it is unlikely that anything will happen to you. In the end, he is just your neighbor, not your personal enemy. It’s another matter when the sorcerer is in your environment, that is, he is a relative. We'll talk about this separately.

If the sorcerer is your relative

Relatives meet often or rarely, it doesn’t matter. The very fact of a personal meeting is important. Try to communicate as little as possible and not in your home. When meeting, keep up the conversation, but less often contact the sorcerer directly. Lower your gaze, do not let them look into your eyes. If an argument breaks out in a conversation, leave the room, do not argue. Also, you should not discuss the sorcerer behind your back, and in general, do not think about him again.

If you have a date coming up where many relatives are gathering, do not invite the sorcerer personally, but convey the invitation through someone. Refer to the fact that you weren’t at home or couldn’t get through by phone. At the table, seat such a guest as close to the front door as possible, this will give you the opportunity to serve him last.

Before laying the tablecloth, on the place of the table where the sorcerer’s plate will stand, draw a cross three times with holy water. After guests leave, wash the table, starting from the opposite edge, erase the crosses last. After this, throw the rag into the trash, which should be taken out that evening.

Now let's talk about protecting the apartment from “unsuccessful” relatives and guests. Some of the protective equipment is not cheap, but you can't skimp on security. In any case, it's up to you.

If the sorcerer is near you: apartment protection

So, the house should always have holy water, church candles or a lamp, some incense and several silver spoons or forks. If you know in advance about the arrival of the sorcerer, prepare the apartment. In the morning, wash the floors and throw the water somewhere outside. Sprinkle all corners with holy water, starting from the children's room, and in the hall - from the “front” corner, and move towards the exit.

At noon, light a candle in front of your home icon. If there is no icon, don’t worry, put a candle on the window in the hall. Immediately before guests arrive, smoke some incense - a little, so that the smell is not too strong: you should not irritate such visitors, it is enough to create only slight discomfort.

Place an odd number of cutlery on the table, even if guests come in pairs; You will remove one device later. Be sure to give your family members at least one silver spoon. It is important not to make a mistake and not give the silver device to the sorcerer.

Above the front door, attach a hemlock bush on the right and a needle with a short thread on the left. This will make unwanted visitors come less often, and once they are in the house, hemlock can cause a noticeable headache.

Now there is one more very important point. Mirrors. Everyone has long known the magical power of mirrors. So, in the house, of course, it is better to have mirrors with rounded corners, or even even round ones. You will also have to stock up on square, rectangular, whatever, as long as the corners are sharp.

Before guests arrive, you need to replace the maximum number of mirrors with “angular” ones. They will take away more of the emotions released by the guests. Look at yourself less at this time. After guests leave, quickly replace the mirrors with your regular ones.

And a little about personal protection. It’s great if you wear your pectoral cross, and not on a chain, but on a string. Other crosses also help, although less, the main thing is that they are silver and bought in the church.

If a sorcerer is near you: help from nature

Nature also gives us powerful protection. Therefore, try to go into the forest more often and at noon lie down in a clearing on the grass with your head facing east, with your arms outstretched. Close your eyes and look at the sun through your eyelids. Then find “your” tree (for men it is oak, for women it is birch). Try approaching several trees.

Whatever you are drawn to is yours. Lean your back against it and stand there for ten minutes. The tree will take your negative charges and give you its positive ones; it will, as it were, “darn” your aura. You will feel it. If trips to the forest don’t work out, then find yourself a tree in the park. City trees are weaker than forest trees, but they can also help you. Communicate with them at least once a week and especially after meeting with the sorcerer.

So, you have learned some simple ways to protect yourself and your home from witchcraft. And if the sorcerer has not put you on the list of his personal enemies, then most likely these funds will be enough for a quiet life. But it is better to stay away from all kinds of magicians and witchcraft.

The material belongs to the Meridian website. Reprinting or copying of the article in any form is strictly prohibited.

Everything about religion and faith - “a prayer from a neighbor’s witch” with a detailed description and photographs.

Don't be alarmed if you see a practicing witch in front of you. I will teach you how to protect yourself from witchcraft. Just read the article to the end.

A witch may live next door or “dump” negativity directly on you.

In public transport, visual contact often occurs, during which the witch, through special chakras, transmits negative energy to you.

It's easy to notice. I assure you that you will immediately feel internal discomfort and psychological constraint.

It often happens that you look into her eyes as if spellbound, not finding the strength to look away.

To protect yourself from witchcraft, use these simple tips in your daily life:

* The most important thing is don’t be afraid of the witch.

Fear paralyzes the will, and opens all chakras to accept witchcraft negativity.

* Don't let strangers touch you.

With the help of short-term contact or “grinding in,” the sorcerer can dump someone else’s negativity on you.

If contact has already occurred, do not shudder, but protect yourself from the consequences with these lines:

You can’t spoil me too much, you’ll make a mess of yourself. Amen.

* When you suspect someone is a witch, prevent divination with a magic spell:

A good person will not offend you, but a damned witch will perish. Amen.

* If you regularly notice someone leaving small objects under your rug or frequent requests for something, it is quite possible that a witch lives next door.

Don't argue with her. Be natural.

Do not touch discovered charmed objects with your hands, but sweep them with a broom into a piece of paper, which you burn in a deserted area.

If you mistakenly pick up a small witchcraft item, don’t fuss, but throw it to the east, saying several times:

I remove the damage from my hands and throw it to the east. Amen.

* When leaving home - anywhere, prematurely protect yourself from witchcraft with a short spell:

I conjure myself for protection, the witch’s chakras will not be pierced. Amen.

And finally, in order to avoid becoming a victim of a sorcerer, go to church more often, at least sometimes observing strict fasts.

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Protection from witches: prayers, protective amulets and amulets

For the common man, evil awaits around every turn. And no one guarantees that a source of negative energy is not constantly hanging around you, trying to drag you into a sad story, which will undoubtedly backfire. Protection from witches is relevant today, even more than in ancient times. Evil has become more cunning, its methods more sophisticated. Let's talk about how to protect yourself from a witch, how to recognize one, and where to find strength to combat this terrible threat.

Do sorcerers and other evil entities exist?

You can talk for as long as you like about sorcerers, goblins, witches, there is little sense in this if a person denies them as a phenomenon. And everyone has to decide for themselves what is true and what is false, sometimes through their own painful experience. Evil forces do not take into account the victim’s opinion; disbelief plays into their hands. They infiltrate the consciousness and push to strange, destructive, destructive actions, enjoying the torment of the human soul, feeding on its pure energy. The peoples of the world have known this for a long time. Therefore, people tried to figure out how to protect themselves from the witch.

Religion has given a lot in this regard. It unites people, which means it makes them stronger. After all, everyone relies on a common power resource, and this increases protection manifold. For example, many have heard that praying to Cyprian against witchcraft works wonders. With its help, people get rid of terrible illnesses, straighten their fate, become happier, and feel freer. Prayer is a way to call for help from neighbors who profess the same faith. Their souls create a special entity, so to speak. Esotericists call such a formation an egregor. This is a combination of thoughts, feelings, hopes, that is, energy invested in a certain idea. Believers in the past and present, through prayers, unite forces into precisely such an energy formation. And everyone uses its potential as needed. It turns out to be a powerful shield against witchcraft, protection against witches, a source of strength for the soul and body. And in such groups in the energy-informational world all adherents of one or another idea or thought are united. Witches and sorcerers create their own egregors, and the enlightened ones work on the generation of opposing entities. We, one way or another, join one side or another when we make any decision in ordinary life. If you uttered a bad (obscene) word, the egregor of evil reached out to you; I felt sorry for the crying child - the bright essence was nearby. How does this relate to the topic of “protection from witchcraft”? Let's explain now.

Protection mechanism

Of course, you can simply talk about what magical manipulations should be performed in order to avoid the networks that dark forces are scattering around the world. But this is not enough. As it is now fashionable to say, the psyche must have a rationale for everything that happens. Otherwise, it inhibits the order of consciousness and ceases to act. Esotericists talk a lot about belief in miracles, in the other world, in bioenergy and the like. But we live in a very realistic, pragmatic space. It is better to understand once what is happening and how it happens, in order to use it constantly, for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones, and to the detriment of witches and sorcerers.

And the mechanism is simple. Imagine two waves: black and light. Each has an autonomous energy source. They are trying to build it up and take up as much space in the world as possible, squeezing out the enemy. This opposition is eternal, like the Universe. And every single person takes part in it. It alternately connects to the energy source of one side or the other. Only saints constantly interact with good forces. Ordinary people give their energy to both participants in the confrontation. But sorcerers and witches shy away from the light side and cannot deal with it under any circumstances. They try to win as many people as possible over to the side of the dark forces. After all, the warring parties on our planet have no other sources of life-giving energy - only human souls. Protection from witches is about tapping into the light side of this eternal struggle. She will cover the sufferer with her umbrella of goodness and drive away the negative creature along with its owner.

Practical methods of protection

Having mastered the theoretical basis, you can move on to specifics. Protection against witches consists of several stages. You cannot miss a single one, otherwise the meaning of the event will be lost. And you need to do the following:

  1. Identify the witch.
  2. Choose the best way to neutralize it.
  3. Apply it.
  4. Evaluate the result.
  5. Repeat if necessary.

You know, the first point of the above plan is often omitted. There is a risk of error here. We all tend to evaluate other people's behavior based on our own worldview. Sometimes we mistake the results of our mistakes, wrong intentions, and the like for evil spells. Then we appoint as a “witch” a person who is not involved in the situation and has no evil thoughts. And some protection rituals directly harm such a person. For example, a prayer from a witch covers the person who turns to her, isolating him with a dome from the alleged offender. This wall is not visible in the physical world, but is quite real and tangible in the energy world. It cuts off connections between people and stops the exchange of fields. And if you suspected your “offender” in vain, then aggression will fall on your head. And that person will suffer. Suspicion, not to mention confidence, is the same negative program. You use it to attack an innocent person no worse than a witch.

Ways to counteract evil

Have you noticed the second point of our action plan? It suggests choosing the optimal protection method. This means that you need to have an idea of ​​what exactly they are, how they work, and what the advantages of one or another are. There's nothing particularly new here either. Protection from witches has been carried out in the following ways since ancient times:

What exactly is right for you? Look into your value system. It is necessary to take on the instrument that does not raise doubts. It is better for believers to pray, for atheists to speak, for realists to engage in auto-training, and the like. By the way, all psychological practices are special rituals in our system. Dark forces work at all levels of the subtle world. They penetrate thoughts, try to fill the astral plane with negativity, and reduce the vibrations of feelings and emotions. They have many ways to influence a person. And our job is not to give in, to be able to distinguish between their pernicious influence. If you use the scheme described above, stay close to the light, reject the machinations of the negative side of the confrontation. And then not a single witch will be afraid, the sorcerer will not be able to sneak up and harm. What is the bright side? You feel it subconsciously. Contact with her gives birth to sincere joy in the soul, unrelated to anything, like a child.

How to identify a witch

Evil forces are rich in invention. It is impossible to describe the witch’s appearance for certain and accurately. It is only in fairy tales that an ugly old woman with a hockey stick exists. In our real life, a witch takes the form of a beautiful maiden or a chic lady, depending on the target of the attack. She can pretend to be a friend or charity worker, a random passer-by or a colleague (boss). "Horror is everywhere!" - the optimist will exclaim with doubt, and the pessimist with fear. It's not all that scary. Logic and intuition will help you identify a witch. This man makes everyone feel bad. You've probably met such a person. She complains, tries to please or help, but everything is out of place. The more active he behaves, the more confusing the situation becomes. The goal of a witch is to extract as much negativity as possible from the people around her. Each of her victims feels this intuitively. You just need to connect logical conclusions with inner insight. And reveal a terrible danger. But, by the way, there are not many real witches on the planet. Those who foolishly want to become black witches do not count. They cause more harm not to those around them, but to themselves.

Protective amulets and amulets

This method of resisting evil spells is thousands of years old, if not more. In ancient times, people endowed objects with magical powers, not yet realizing that they themselves filled them with light. And now amulets are in great demand. They work independently, you activate them once and feel protected. The best amulets are those given by a loving person. They are directly connected to the forces of light through feelings.

What kind of thing is suitable for making a talisman out of it? Every nation has its own traditions. For example, in the east they believe in a blue eye. This is a special glass talisman. It is believed that it collects dark energy. Many peoples understood and now welcome the magical properties of precious metals and minerals. Any decoration is a natural talisman. It distracts and scatters the witch's attention. It's no secret that evil entities are greedy. They are greedy for everything shiny, especially expensive trinkets. For the amulet to work, it must be activated. To do this, hold the thing in the sun, warm it, and fill it with life-giving energy. If it is a stone or jewelry, rinse it with running water first. Finally, hold it in your palms, feel its surface, remember. And also ask that the amulet protects you from dark forces.

Believers rely on the Lord in their own confrontation with witchcraft. A conversation with the Almighty is more suitable for them. You can do it constantly, any time you feel threatened. For example, the prayer to Cyprian against witchcraft is read so that the Lord will protect from evil spells and his own sinfulness. That is, it protects from external and internal darkness. You need to visit the temple, buy candles and an icon. Before her and pray at home to get rid of the threatening situation. Words must come from the soul.

There is a special text in the prayer book. You can, of course, use it too. But in prayer it is important to open your heart to the Lord. Therefore, Jesus commanded to conduct a conversation with the Father behind closed doors, with a pure soul, free from pride. And this is interpreted as using your own words. But here is a short text of the prayer to Saint Cyprian for those who are not yet able to fully open their souls. Here it is: “Lord Jesus! Hear the prayer of Your servant (your name) and Cyprian! Forgive my sins, committed through the temptation of the devil and human weakness. Lord, without Your will the birds do not fly in the sky, the vine does not grow, the tree does not bear fruit. Everything happens on earth according to Your will! I pray, Lord, by Your power, prohibit all witchcraft and sorcery that tempt a person, protect from the spells of the devil, strengthen the strength of Your servant (name). Autumn with Your mercy, do not let me perish from the evil spells, support me on the earthly path leading to Your holy abode. Amen!".

How to read witch spells

It should be noted that prayers only work for those who feel a connection with the Lord. In other cases, it is recommended to choose another tool, a spell from a witch, for example. Formulas were created by different magical schools. But they are all effective, since they are connected to the protection egregor. One has only to start reading special words, and this powerful force will rush to help the person in need. It has been created for as many centuries as religion has existed. Or rather, they came from the same root, and then diverged. The “protection from witch” plot awakens in the depths of the subconscious the most ancient instincts of kinship with the planet. All nature helps the psyche cope with the threat, resist the eternal evil personified by the witch. You need to read the words automatically, like believers “Our Father.” But the magic formula is not just a set of sounds, but interaction with nature.

It was recommended to pronounce the following spell while holding onto a tree or other plant. The words are as follows: “I speak to the living, from an evil enemy, from a sharp fang, from the poison of a snake, from black fortune telling, from bad friendship, from the evil eye, from leprosy, from thinness and any misfortune. A star will not fall from the sky, but a witch will pass by! Amen!". The spell should be learned by heart so that the words do not fly out of your head under stress. It is read at the moment when you feel evil directed in your direction. And the faster you react, the less chance the witch has of taking over a piece of your energy.

What to do if a witch caused harm

Witchcraft produces a change in a person's aura. This phenomenon is popularly called spoilage. To remove it and correct the damage, it is necessary to perform a special ritual. The spoilage is cast with wax, rolled out with an egg, and removed with salt. Any ritual will do. At home, for example, you can use regular salt. You need to take a frying pan. Sprinkle salt on it with a wooden spoon and warm it while reading prayers. Magi recommend the following texts: “Our Father”, Psalm 90, “May God rise again!” Stir the salt and say the words of prayers. The whole ceremony lasts from fifteen minutes to an hour, or even two. Its effectiveness is judged by the behavior of the salt. It smokes - damage comes out, it smokes - strong witchcraft, does not emit gases - suspicions are groundless. After the ritual, it is necessary to install protection from the witch. And to do this, you should buy a talisman and activate it (see above).

It should be noted that independent work does not always help to completely get rid of witchcraft. The result of the confrontation depends on the balance of forces. If you feel that you cannot overcome it, then urgently seek help. And she may be very close. For example, it is customary for Muslims to make dua. Old women gather in the house of a man stricken by witchcraft and read suras from the Koran over the poor man. So, everyone comes together and copes with grief, driving out the messenger of dark forces.

Personal war

You know, a person cannot live to old age and never encounter evil. Confronting witches, warlocks and other entities is part of our earthly experience. You shouldn't be afraid of this. It is important to understand that in this world a person is free, that is, he decides for himself which side of the eternal confrontation to support at any given moment. And only after making a mistake does he need advice on how to get rid of the witch. Its presence in your destiny suggests that there is something in your soul that attracts the dark side. These forces don’t just send their messengers to people. They wait for a signal that the victim is ready to cooperate. Analyze your reaction to the events of the last few days before you realized that you had become a victim of a witch. Emotions such as envy, jealousy, resentment, discontent, anger and others show the dark side that you are ready to join the ranks of its adherents. Only absolutely happy people do not attract this force. This is the most insurmountable defense for a witch! Be happy all the time, strive for creativity, love and receive the same feelings in return. No sorcerer will come close. You also need to have courage in your soul. It strengthens protection with light. Good luck!

What are witches and wizards afraid of?

In our world, there are ancestral witches and sorcerers, when witchcraft is passed on from generation to generation (they begin to master their “profession” from the age of 12–13), and non-hereditary ones, who were taught to witch by other witches or sorcerers.

Envy and anger, the thirst for wealth, fame, the desire to move up the career ladder - these are the incentives for selling your soul to the devil. And they get all this from him. But at what cost?! Earthly life flies by quickly, and after death, retribution for sins begins. But the worst thing is that their descendants suffer.

And no matter how witches and sorcerers call themselves (white or black), they are all servants of the devil. A certain number of devils, demons and demi-demons are handed over to them. And the more people a witch or sorcerer does evil to, the more assistants - demons - are given to them. I associate witches and warlocks with murderers in the truest sense of the word, since they can kill a person spiritually and physically. Your letters are proof of this.

What are witches and warlocks afraid of and how they do mischief?

Witches and warlocks fear God's wrath. But since they sold their soul, they can’t help but do dirty tricks. And they play dirty tricks on any occasion. So in the letter below, the witch - the most seemingly ordinary woman neighbor - after they lit a candle for her health, asked for help from God, she changed - she suddenly became scary, her face turned red.

“...I am applying because of my health condition, because I cannot understand what is happening to me. I was born in a village. I felt very bad from one grandmother - my neighbor. Something was choking me at night, sometimes at night I was lifted up somewhere, as if I was flying. Now I don’t live in the village, but when I come to my parents, my neighbor comes over to visit us. And once they even left me to spend the night with her; she asked for it. That night something was choking me again, and at 12 o’clock at night something began calling me in her voice to get up. I began to ask God, scream, and everything disappeared. Then I lit a candle in the church for the health of my neighbor-grandmother. When I returned home from church, my mother told me that a neighbor suddenly fell ill, she turned all red, and she suddenly felt bad, she turned from a kind grandmother into a terrible witch.

This neighbor is no longer alive. Everything seems to have returned to normal. I started working and living. But now I feel very bad, I don’t know what it is, nerves or something else. I went to the hospital, I felt bad in my head, dead people in coffins were constantly standing before my eyes, I didn’t know what to do, I felt like I was going crazy. Everything hurts. I went to church, where I screamed for half a month in a voice that was not my own. I'm in deep despair, I don't know what to do. Is it possible that my neighbor is still bothering me from the grave? »

“... I suffered a lot of grief: I buried my father, my mother, my older brother hanged himself.

My husband and I lived in perfect harmony. A neighbor lives next to us who studied at psychic courses. She used part of our garden. One day her husband told her: “Aunt Katya, you have three vegetable gardens, so we’ll take ours and we’ll cultivate it ourselves.” We heard so many nasty things in response: “I’ll make it so that you won’t live here.” You will have nothing but troubles, nothing will come of you, everything will go to a loss.”

And off we go... We were always and everywhere together. My husband wouldn’t let me go anywhere alone with my daughter. And now he says: “Lyuba, go away, live alone. Why should you answer and suffer for my sins?” I tell him: “Maybe you have another woman, say so.” “Don’t talk nonsense,” he says. Since then, I have had pain in the shoulder joint of my left arm, now spreading to the cervical vertebra. I rub it, massage it, but nothing helps. And now a lump (tumor) has grown on my lip and is beginning to fester.

The husband says that he is thinking about hanging himself. And my daughter and I almost drowned. They took me to church. Father read it. The husband didn't want to go. However, I still hope. The house was consecrated. The eldest daughter began to quarrel with her groom over trifles, shouting: “I’ll poison myself.” The baby didn’t sleep at night, screaming, afraid of something. The husband does not swear, but asks: “Go away.” I feel that he has been turned away from me, but before he doted on me. The little daughter is crying and wants to be with her dad. I was treated by my grandmother, but there was no result..."

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