Tips on how to fry chicken in a frying pan. Fried chicken in a frying pan - the most delicious recipes for hearty dishes for the holiday and not only

Chicken fried in pieces in a frying pan - a tasty and uncomplicated dish. It would seem that preparing it couldn’t be easier. But in order for delicious fried chicken in a frying pan to turn out juicy, with an appetizing golden crust, you need to know a few secrets. Firstly, it is better to use fresh, unfrozen meat. Secondly, you only need to fry it in a hot frying pan in hot oil. So let's begin.


  • chicken 1 kg;
  • refined vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt 0.5 tsp;
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste;
  • garlic 2 cloves;
  • spices for cooking chicken 0.5 tsp.

How to deliciously fry chicken in a frying pan:

Let's prepare the meat. Frozen food must first be allowed to thaw at room temperature. If you are using a whole chicken, you must first cut it into pieces. I used fresh chicken thighs. Wash the meat thoroughly and dry it from water with paper towels. If you put wet meat in oil, it will sizzle and splatter.

How to fry chicken in a frying pan? It's simple. Place a cast iron or non-stick frying pan on the fire. Pour onto a hot surface sunflower oil Let's let it get very hot. This is necessary so that a golden brown crust forms on the chicken and all the juices remain inside.

If you place the meat in a cold frying pan, it will release a lot of liquid and will simmer rather than fry. As a result, it will be dry and not golden. If you don't know how to fry chicken in a frying pan with a crust, then follow these tips.

Place chicken pieces in hot sunflower oil.

How long does it take to fry chicken in a pan? First, fry the pieces for 3-5 minutes on each side over high heat, without covering the dish with a lid.

Then reduce the heat, cover the dish with a lid, and continue frying the ingredients. The size of the pieces of meat determines how long it will take to fry the chicken in a frying pan. Checking the degree of readiness is very simple. You need to pierce the thickest piece of meat with a sharp knife. If the juice comes out clear, the dish is ready. If the juice contains blood, you still need to keep the meat on the fire.

When the chicken is almost ready, season it with spices and salt. Add chopped garlic for flavor.

Fry the ingredients for about 5 minutes. Let's turn off the stove burner and let ready-made dish leave for about 5-10 minutes. During this time you can manage to make a light vegetable salad with herbs or make a sauce.

We will serve the dish hot with a side dish, pickles or seasonal vegetables.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! I have a question - do you know how to fry chicken in a frying pan correctly? Don't be so quick to answer yes. Only if your chicken dish comes out with a perfect crust and the meat is juicy.

How to choose chicken in a store

The success of a dish is largely determined by the quality of the meat. To avoid mistakes when choosing it, follow my step-by-step instructions:

  • First– pay attention to the color. The chicken should not be yellow, much less have a bluish tint. You don't want to put an "old lady" in the pan. For a quality portion of animal protein, you should choose a young beauty. It boasts light pink skin, without a whitish coating.
  • Second- the same skin and the same coating. The latter should not exist at all. Neither whitish, nor pink, nothing. And the skin should be dry and clean.
  • Third- the chicken must “be in shape.” Apply pressure and see how the meat behaves. If the dent does not straighten out, then this is a sign - leave this carcass in place. If the meat quickly returns to its original shape, then everything is fine. This carcass is ready to become your culinary masterpiece.
  • Fourth– aroma. If the “aroma” begins to fill everything around the carcass even as you approach it, run headlong. If it’s not there, then don’t be shy to smell the meat. Of course, you don’t have to imagine yourself as a bloodhound dog that takes the scent. One breath is enough to understand that there is no repulsive smell. Then the carcass can be taken to the checkout.
  • Fifth– choose chilled meat rather than frozen. Otherwise, you run the risk of encountering a number of problems after all the icebergs fall from the chicken. For example, it turns out that it is not pink at all. Or that she smells so much that you want to cremate her and not fry her.
  • And lastly– don’t delay cooking. It’s better to immediately make friends between the carcass and the frying pan. Or start the process of preparing for frying. If you need to put it in the refrigerator for a while, then put it in a container. Optimal temperature storage 0 – 4°C.

Choosing a marinade for frying

Of course, it is better to marinate the chicken before frying. It will be saturated with the aromas of spices, and the taste will be amazing. Therefore, a few words about the methods and types of marinade.

Mayonnaise . I’m definitely not a fan of cooking chicken with mayonnaise, although this marinade is one of the most common. I think there is no need to explain anything here. If you prepare mayonnaise at home yourself, then add your favorite spices or fresh herbs to it. So it will sparkle with a completely different taste.

Sour cream . My favorite and win-win option. Gives tenderness and creamy taste to meat. You can add natural sugar-free yogurt instead. Although you can try it with sugar

Soy sauce . It’s better not to overdo it with this marinade. Soy sauce is a salt concentrate. Therefore, in this case, less is better.

Garlic . Chicken with garlic. Their friendship has been tested over the years and with so many dishes that if you voice a number, your head will spin.

Rosemary . Absolutely a win-win option. Chicken + rosemary = flavor bomb.

Pepper mixture . I trust her more than any one specific species pepper The mixture after grinding amazing aroma. And she makes her unique contribution to the final result.

Honey . Quite a controversial ingredient when frying chicken. The combination is truly impressive, but there is a subtlety here. When heated, honey loses its beneficial properties. Moreover, there is an opinion that this is how it begins to release hydroxymethylfurfural. And this, as scientists say, causes cancer. Although there is no exact connection observed. Plus, this substance is found in almost all products that are heated above 60C. Most of it is in regular coffee. Therefore, I completely accept marinade with honey.

Mustard . Mustard color gives the meat a rich yellow tint. Looks very colorful with salad greens and white rice.

Turmeric - the color of the golden sun. I love cooking with this spice. It is enough to leave the meat for 20-30 minutes and it will marinate. Yes, turmeric is natural dye, so be careful when working with it.

Oil . There are many options: cream, sunflower, corn, sesame and other varieties. Everyone has a preference for their favorite oil. Another interesting combination of butter and vegetable oil. A sort of spicy note creamy taste ready dish.

How to properly fry chicken in a frying pan

The choice has been made, the meat has been marinated for a couple of hours and has already been prepared for the main thing - frying.

  1. Place the frying pan on high heat. We heat it up.
  2. Pour oil in a layer of 3-5 mm. Refined sunflower oil is better. It needs to be heated. You can determine readiness by the appearance of bubbles or the characteristic crackling sound of the oil in the pan.
  3. Place the chicken on the surface of the pan. Please be careful. To avoid getting oil, place the meat away from you.
  4. To get a beautiful crust, the meat should be fried on all sides. Wait until golden brown and change sides. It is better to do this with culinary tongs. First of all, it’s convenient. Secondly, the meat is not damaged and maintains its integrity. I usually turn it over 3 times, i.e. Fry twice on each side.
  5. When frying chicken, it is important not to cover the pan with a lid, otherwise you can say goodbye to the golden crust. This is necessary so that it is juicy and so that it is fried. You can cover it with a lid only when there is already a good and beautiful crust.

How long to fry chicken

When frying, many people have a question - how long to fry chicken (fillet, legs or wings) in a frying pan. Of course, it is better to check the meat for doneness. This can be done using a wooden toothpick. Pierce the meat with it and see if there are traces of blood on the toothpick. Is everything clean? The meat is ready.

But, the main thing is time. The commandment of any chef is not to overdo it. Especially chicken. There is practically no fat in its meat. And instead of a juicy leg, you risk getting tough and dry meat. To prevent such a disaster from happening, a clock and this sign will come to your aid:

Fried chicken in a frying pan

Well, who doesn’t know how to fry chicken in a frying pan? I also decided to surprise... No, I didn’t intend to amaze you with something new, original recipe, but I just thought it wouldn’t be amiss to tell young novice cooks and chefs how to quickly and easily cook fried chicken.

You want the finished meat to be juicy, tender and flavorful? But what about without the crispy crust that so many people like? Even such a seemingly elementary matter also has its own nuances and subtleties, which I will introduce to you today.


Number of servings: 4

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

To cook delicious fried chicken in a frying pan, we need chicken, refined vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper, chicken seasoning and fresh garlic.

First you need to prepare the chicken. If you have it frozen, let it thaw properly. To do this, move it to the refrigerator a few hours in advance or fill a large bowl with cold water and leave the chicken right in the bag at room temperature until it becomes soft. I have chilled chicken. But in any case, the meat must be thoroughly washed under cold running water and then dried thoroughly. paper towel. If the meat is wet, the water will splash a lot when frying in oil.

Next, heat a suitable frying pan with vegetable oil. The oil needs to be heated well over medium heat and only then can you add portioned pieces of chicken. Fry the meat over high heat in hot oil - then a crust will quickly form and the juice will remain inside. In addition, the chicken will be fried, not stewed. Fry the pieces for literally a couple of minutes on each side, not forgetting to turn the meat.

Now you can turn the heat to medium and even cover the pan with a lid. Fry the meat on each side for another 10 minutes.

Almost at the end of frying, salt the chicken, season with ground black pepper (to taste) and add chicken seasoning (optional). Fry for about 5-7 minutes in total.

At the end, turn the heat to low and add the peeled and chopped fresh garlic. The aroma lingers throughout the kitchen, whetting your appetite. Let the garlic give it its all and we can say that the fried chicken in the pan is ready. Pierce the meat at the highest point: if the juice comes out completely clear, the chicken is ready.

Serve our fried chicken hot, accompanied by fresh vegetables, herbs and sauces.

I will be glad if you learn something new and useful for yourself. Bon appetit, my dears! Do you like fried chicken?

How to fry chicken in a frying pan with a golden crust recipe with photos

Fried chicken general principles

Sometimes you really want to pamper your family members with something delicious, but you don’t want to spend too much time on the cooking process. Fried chicken in various variations the most ideal option surprise your household and save time for other important matters. Tasty, satisfying, original and always relevant! And what kind of recognition and respect will a hostess enjoy if she has a couple of tasty but simple recipes cooking fried chicken.

This light dish is perfect for everyday, festive, and romantic menus. It can be consumed either alone or in combination with potatoes, salads, vegetables, rice and even some fruits. A glass of dry red table wine adds a special piquancy to a fried chicken dish. Amazing combination, and so it comes to romantic dinner, isn't it?

Fried chicken is very popular and delicious, and for good reason! It has a golden crust on top, and tender juicy pinkish meat inside, and it doesn’t require any special skill when cooking. A great option to surprise your beloved girl, because even a man inexperienced in culinary matters can cook delicious and original dish. It is enough to show a little love, imagination, desire, and your woman will not remain indifferent.

Below we will try to consider all the nuances associated with preparing equipment and products, as well as some simple recipes for a tasty and uncomplicated dish called fried chicken.

Fried chicken preparation dishes

In order for our chicken to keep correct form and acquired the desired golden crust during the frying process, you need to choose a frying pan wisely. Let's talk about proper care so that the frying pan does not lose its main functions longer.

Firstly, frying utensils should be made of metal, since the oil boils better in it and does not absorb harmful substances. You should give preference to a copper, cast iron, babbitt, tinned or cast iron-enamel frying pan, if possible with a thickened bottom.

Secondly, it must be absolutely clean and smooth from the inside, without potholes or nicks. Scratches on the bottom, even minor ones, cause food to burn on the pan, so this type of cookware is not suitable for frying. It is also undesirable to have yellow spots left on the bottom from the oil of previous frying. They are usually difficult to eliminate, so try to prevent them from appearing.

To ensure that your dishes remain in their original condition, do not forget to properly care for them:

— place food only in hot oil, without adding cold oil (it’s better to pour more oil right away than to add it later);

- don't wash it hot water in a greasy form, remove the greasy layer with a napkin or cloth;

- do not leave the frying pan unwashed after frying, and after washing, immediately wipe it with a clean towel;

- do not scrape it with a knife, metal sponges, or clean it with coarse powder; it's better to use a special one detergent and a soft sponge for washing.

Fried chicken food preparation

When buying chicken in a store, you should focus on the size. It should not be too large, since the bird itself cannot grow to enormous sizes. However, taking a small chicken (less than 1.5 kg) is not profitable, and it does not look very appetizing. Therefore, it is better to choose the golden mean from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, no more.

If the carcass is frozen, defrost it at room temperature, not in hot water. Nowadays it is fashionable to defrost food using microwave oven. This method is allowed if the dish needs to be prepared urgently.

So, is our chicken defrosted or did you originally buy it chilled (that's even better) excellent! Cut the carcass between the fillets, clean off the entrails and other unnecessary residues, cut off the tail, and rinse it in running cool water. Cut into pieces and start marinating, coating, treating with salt and spices. What we do with the chicken components depends on the recipe.

Recipe 1: Quick Fried Chicken

This recipe is universal, quite quick and simple. Before frying, the chicken should be marinated a little, this, in fact, is the secret. While it is soaking, you can freely do other things. It is better to use chicken legs for frying.

Ingredients. chicken legs 700 gr. lemon juice table. spoon, a little vinegar, vegetable oil table. spoon (for marinade), pepper and herbs of your choice.

Prepare marinade from oil, lemon juice, vinegar and herbs, thoroughly coat the legs with it on all sides and leave to soak for three to four hours. You can put meat in plastic bag, so it will soak in better. Don't add salt!

Next, heat the oil in a frying pan and carefully place the chicken, add salt, pour in the drained marinade, close the lid and fry on both sides over high heat, each side for 2-3 minutes. Then reduce the heat to medium, remove the lid and fry each side for another 5 minutes. Then turn the heat to low and fry the pieces, turning, until cooked.

Recipe 2: Fried chicken in mayonnaise

The chicken prepared according to this recipe turns out very tasty, tender, juicy and aromatic due to preliminary marinating in a mixture of mayonnaise and garlic.

Ingredients. small pieces of chicken or legs cut in half 1.5 kg, mayonnaise 6.7 tablespoons, two cloves of garlic, oil, pepper and salt.

Cut the chicken into pieces, mix them in a bowl with pepper, salt, chopped garlic, leave the chicken for 30 minutes, then add mayonnaise, stir everything and leave for another couple of hours for soaking. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and lower the pieces. Fry over high heat on both sides, then reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and fry until done. When pierced, the finished pieces should release clear juice.

Recipe 3: Fried chicken in mustard

We use chicken wings as the main ingredient, which cook quickly enough and taste simply excellent.

Ingredients. chicken wings 10 pieces, garlic powder 2 table. l. onion powder 2 tbsp. l. tablespoon salt, ground black pepper 2 tbsp. l. mustard 3 tbsp. l, flour, oil for frying.

Season the wings with onion and garlic powder, salt, pepper, and generously coat each side with mustard. Place the flour in a plastic bag, place the wings in there and shake well. Heat the oil in a frying pan, lower the wings and fry them over medium heat until done. The dish is ready! Before serving, pat the wings dry on a paper towel.

Recipe 4: Fried Chicken with Cheese

Chicken prepared according to this recipe is very nourishing, tasty and beautiful dish, especially if you put the pieces on a large plate and cover them with green salad leaves.

Ingredients. 1 chicken, shredded hard cheese glass, 2 eggs, milk 100-150 ml, starch 1 tsp. breadcrumbs 5 tbsp. l. oil drain 3 tbsp. l. salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

1. Cut the chicken into portions, you can use the thighs, add salt, pepper and fry until golden brown.

2. Place the browned pieces in a deep bowl, add a little milk and simmer until soft over low heat.

3. Mix cheese with milk, eggs and starch, add salt and beat the mixture. Dip chicken pieces into the mixture, roll in breadcrumbs and fry them on butter until a beautiful golden crust forms.

— the readiness of fried chicken should be determined by piercing the pieces; the juice released should be clear;

- to improve the taste of fried chicken and give it an unsurpassed aroma, while heating the oil in the frying pan, add spices (garlic, onion, dill seeds, anise, etc.) and remove them after 3 minutes, then lower the chicken for frying ;

— it is better to take young chickens for frying, and it is best to use old ones for making cutlets;

— to make the crust even more appetizing, the chicken pieces can be greased with rich sour cream around the perimeter before frying.

We hope that the above tips will be very useful to you and will come in handy in the very near future! Bon appetit!

How to deliciously fry chicken in a frying pan

Most main source Protein for our body is meat, and the cheapest, fastest and easiest to prepare meat product is chicken.

But in order for a poultry dish to retain its benefits as much as possible during heat treatment, you need to master all the intricacies of how to tasty and correctly fry chicken in a frying pan. And since in the culinary archives there are many dishes from different parts carcasses, then each of them has its own rules, which we will get acquainted with today!

How to fry chicken in a frying pan

In general, small pieces of chicken, individual parts of the carcass, and even the whole bird are fried using the same technology:

  • First you need to heat a frying pan with oil over high heat, and only then put the chicken in a container. It is not necessary to set the flame to maximum here.
  • It is better to set the temperature a quarter above average so that we can fry the chicken at a heat that will cover the pieces with a thick golden brown crust but not burn them. The resulting crust will retain the meat juice, making the dish juicy and tender.
  • At the first stage, you don’t need to fry the chicken in a frying pan for too long; just over 5 minutes is enough for the chicken to brown on all sides.
  • Next, reduce the cooking temperature to the second or third level (slightly less than medium flame) and fry the chicken under the lid until cooked for 10-20 minutes on one side and the same on the other.

It would seem that it could be easier than cooking food on the stove, but why then is it usually only scrambled eggs that always turn out successful?

Today we will tell you how to deliciously fry chicken in a frying pan in pieces so that it turns out moderately juicy, aromatic and with a crispy crust. There are no difficulties here, there are just little secrets, so read carefully and start cooking - the result will definitely please you.

As you probably guessed, it is impossible to cook both tender breast and dense drumsticks in exactly the same way, so we have specially selected a few tips for you, depending on which pieces you chose for your lunch today.

So, we offer three options for frying chicken pieces in a frying pan: breast, drumsticks or thigh fillet. We choose what we like best and get started! Please note that the quantities indicated are for two servings, so adjust the ingredients according to your needs if necessary.

Preparing chicken pieces for frying in a pan

Chicken meat is very tender, quick to cook and, at the same time, relatively neutral in taste, therefore, no matter what part of the bird we choose, the main principles will be alternating temperatures and the ability to add almost any ingredients.

At the same time, the chicken must be properly defrosted, so in advance, preferably in the evening, put the meat on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator.

To understand how long to fry chicken in a frying pan in pieces, first of all, we determine the meat itself: the softer and more tender it is, the less time it will take for heat treatment.

How to fry chicken breast in pieces


  • — 700 g + -
  • - to taste + -
  • - to taste + -
  • - 3 cloves + -
  • Greens - to taste + -
  • — 2 pcs. + -
  • — 0.5 pcs. + -
  • Eggplants - 0.5 pcs. + -
  • - for frying + -

Step-by-step cooking of chicken pieces in a frying pan

  • We take chicken breasts at the rate of 1-2 fillets per serving, depending on how large the bird was. We cut each fillet into several fairly large pieces, but not smaller than 2-2.5 cm, otherwise they will turn out overdried.
  • If possible, we do refueling. For this we take olive oil, add a clove of garlic crushed directly in the skin and some finely chopped greens.

Dried basil or oregano work well for this option. If you have crushed pepper, add it to the oil too, and then mix everything.

  • Pieces chicken fillet put in a bag or bowl suitable size, sprinkle them well with the dressing and stir until they are evenly coated with oil. We don't add salt!
  • Let stand for at least 30 minutes. If time or the calorie counter does not allow you to do this, then feel free to skip this step.
  • Heat the frying pan over high heat, add a little vegetable oil. If you made the dressing, use the same oil that the chicken was in.
  • Place the chicken pieces in the pan so that they do not touch each other, otherwise they will stew and not fry. If there is too much meat, then it is better to do this in several stages.
  • Quickly fry the fillet on all sides until a beautiful outer crust is obtained, but do not overdo it, the meat inside should remain raw.
  • Place the finished batch on a separate plate and move on to the next one: chicken breast very tender, so frying will take no more than 15 seconds.
  • We cut the vegetables into the same size as the poultry pieces.

  • Reduce the heat to a minimum. Add chopped vegetables and lightly fry them. Then return the chicken to the pan. Salt everything and mix. Cover with a lid and fry for 2 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat, but do not open the lid - the chicken should be saturated with its own aromas. Leave for 10 minutes and then serve.

The pieces turned out very tender and juicy, and most importantly, you don’t need to prepare a side dish for them.

How to fry chicken drumsticks in a frying pan

This is the simplest and most interesting option for bird lovers. Once you figure out how long to fry chicken pieces in a frying pan, you can create countless delicious dishes.


  • Chicken drumsticks - 8 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;

How to fry chicken drumsticks in pieces in a frying pan?

  • First, let's prepare the shins. Ideally, you need to cut off the thin lower part of them (or immediately buy these), then rinse and dry. There is no need to cut it further; the pieces will already be quite small.
  • Heat the frying pan well and add a little vegetable oil.
  • Quickly fry the drumsticks on all sides, then place on a separate plate. Each side will take about 30 seconds, i.e. 1.5-2 minutes for the whole batch.
  • While the chicken is “resting,” temporarily remove the pan from the heat. During this time, cut the onion into half or quarter rings, 2-3 mm wide, finer is not necessary. Reduce the heat to low, return the pan and fry the onion until translucent. If necessary, add a little oil.
  • Return the chicken to the pan, add salt and pepper to taste, stir until the onion coats the drumsticks. Cover with a lid and leave to fry for 20 minutes, stirring once more during this time.
  • When the meat begins to slightly lag behind the bone, this will mean that it is well and moderately fried.

How and for how long to fry thigh fillet in pieces


  • Thigh fillet - 700 g;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Champignons – 250 g;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

How to fry thigh fillet (pieces) with mushrooms in a frying pan?

This method is very similar to the previous ones, so we won’t go into detail about how to fry chicken in pieces in a frying pan. The main difference of this recipe is that it does not require preliminary “sealing” of the juices, because the thigh is already quite juicy and soft.

  • Heat the frying pan over low heat, add a little vegetable oil.
  • Chop the onion in the same way as for the drumsticks, then lightly fry until translucent.
  • Cut the thigh quite coarsely and add it to the onion. Salt and pepper to taste. Over medium heat, fry on all sides for a minute.

  • Chop the champignons quite large and add to the chicken.

If you want a more filling dish, replace the champignons with hearty vegetables: cauliflower, bell pepper or even potatoes.

  • Stir and fry for 30 minutes over low heat, covered. You can use your favorite spices. As in all other cases, after turning off the burner, it is best to let the dish sit for a few minutes.

Now you know three ways to deliciously fry chicken in pieces in a frying pan. Look for your favorite combinations - and delight yourself and your loved ones.

Bon appetit!

Who doesn't know how to fry chicken in a frying pan? Are you?.. Urgently fill this gap in your education by reading the simple recipe in this article.

Fried chicken is a dish from the “you want something tasty, but you don’t have time to mess around in the kitchen” category. Alas, this situation often happens to each of us... And if you manage to combine work with sports and raising children, and also try to carve out an hour for a hobby or self-education, standing at the stove becomes an almost inaccessible luxury. Is this really a reason to switch to semi-finished products? Of course not: store-bought dumplings and sausages cause obesity and stomach ulcers. It’s better to buy a fresh chicken, throw it in a frying pan, and... but let’s take it in order. So, you go to the store...

Choosing chicken

Before you fry chicken in a frying pan, you need to buy it. Traditionally, the legs (thigh plus the upper part of the leg - drumstick) and wings are used for these purposes. The white meat of the brisket becomes dry from frying, the giblets and neck are only suitable for soup or broth, the head and paws... well, you and I are not Chinese, really, to eat waste?! Personally, I buy thighs - but I wouldn’t dare recommend them to those who don’t like fatty meat. The shanks have less fat and are considered dietary. However, even more dietary optionboiled chicken, the cooking tricks of which can be read here: . If your choice is an exceptionally healthy low-calorie diet, then you should either avoid eating fried foods altogether or allow yourself to eat them occasionally (as the author actually does).

Yes, a few more important points. If you have the opportunity to buy fresh, not frozen meat, you should do so. In terms of taste, broilers are an order of magnitude superior to farmed layers. Meat from old chickens is generally not suitable for frying.. Well, that’s all for the theory part – let’s get down to practice.

Learning how to properly fry chicken is not at all difficult: grab a frying pan and the culinary lesson begins...

Fresh or defrosted meat is washed in running water and placed in a deep bowl. Salt, mix the pieces with your hands and leave the chicken to stand for 5-10 minutes. Inexperienced housewives sprinkle the meat with salt already during the frying process, but it is better not to do this: it may turn out that the skin turns out to be too salty and the flesh a bit bland. If you have already decided to fry chicken correctly, then do not make amateurish mistakes.

Pour oil into the frying pan - refined sunflower oil is better, as it has the least amount of calories. Bring almost to a boil over high heat and carefully place the chicken in it. Immediately after this, reduce the heat to about half. If you are frying thighs or legs, place them skin side up, otherwise it will immediately weld to the surface of the pan. And if you want a crispy crust to form, you don’t need to cover the pan with a lid.

The first time you need to turn the meat over is after 5 minutes (and then reduce the heat to very low), the second time after 15, the third time after another 15. Use a special spatula - it’s inconvenient to do this with a fork. A different manipulation is performed with a fork: they check the chicken for doneness. To do this, you need to pierce one of the pieces, checking if blood is oozing from the hole. If not, then it’s time to turn the meat over again and sprinkle it with spices. It can be ground black pepper, chopped garlic or herbs, suneli hops, ready-made sets of seasonings for chicken - it all depends on your preferences. After the aromatic herbs are in the frying pan, close the lid, wait another 5 minutes and turn off the oven. The chicken is ready, it's time to go to the table!

How long does it take to fry chicken in a pan?

Forty minutes is how long you need to fry the chicken in a frying pan so that a crispy crust is formed, but the meat does not start to burn.

Let's do the math... 5+15+15+5=40. Forty minutes is how long chicken is usually fried in a frying pan. However, you can allow an error of 10 minutes: some people prefer slightly raw meat, others prefer slightly burnt meat. In any case, when the chicken becomes golden beige and the oil underneath is yellow, when the kitchen is filled with a wonderful aroma, by which it is also easy to determine readiness, it’s time to call the household members to the table.

And in conclusion - now you know how to fry chicken in a frying pan... but do you know what side dish is best to serve it with? A delicious plate and a couple lightly salted cucumbers! If you don’t know how to pickle cucumbers yet, read the simple recipe.

How many people love fried chicken, and in every family this is one of the most favorite dishes. Fried chicken always has a delicious aroma and a crispy crust, tender and juicy meat. Anyone can fry chicken, but how can you make it not only tasty, but also beautiful? Sometimes housewives simply overcook the chicken, it even turns out burnt and such a dish will already have a slightly spoiled taste, and its appearance will not cause appetite. To properly cook fried chicken in a frying pan, you need to know a few rules. I will tell you these rules below in my recipe with photos.
This chicken will go perfectly with, with or spaghetti. If you don’t want a side dish, just serve it with the chicken. fresh vegetables and greens, which will be very tasty.

- 400 grams chicken meat(hips, legs),
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 1.5 tables. l. mayonnaise,
- salt, pepper to taste,
- vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Wash the chicken meat (I used thighs, they have a lot of meat and are very tasty), wipe with paper napkins, then rub with salt and pepper. I most often use only ground black pepper, but if you like other seasonings, then the choice for you is unlimited: coriander, curry, paprika and other spices that will give the chicken a special aroma.

Now rub the chicken with garlic: I squeezed the garlic cloves through a garlic press and thus chopped the garlic. I rub garlic paste on each piece of thigh.

I coat the chicken with mayonnaise, let it sit and marinate for about 20 minutes, then heat the oil in a frying pan and put the meat there. It is important to first heat the oil thoroughly so that the chicken begins to sizzle immediately when it is laid out. This will create a golden brown crust. Fry over high heat on one side.

After a couple of minutes, turn over and fry with reverse side so that the chicken is browned on both sides. Then turn the heat down to low and fry until soft and fully cooked. After 20 minutes, the chicken in the frying pan will be ready.

Serve the fried chicken hot to the table. Bon Appetite!
It turns out very tasty if you cook it

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