Making your own furniture from chipboard, detailed instructions. Making cabinets from chipboard - simple and accessible about self-assembly technology Making furniture from chipboard with your own hands

Today we will talk about how to make furniture from chipboard with your own hands. This material will be useful not only for beginners who know nothing about how this process occurs, but also for amateur craftsmen who want to try their hand at making furniture.

A little history

World market building materials filled with a huge number of them. But special attention it is worth paying attention to chipboard, because it is the most popular material today for creating furniture products and one of the most popular in finishing works. Abroad, this material has been used for a very long time, and they call it particle board or a board made of small parts.

Chipboard is a chipboard, sheet composite material. It is made by hot pressing from waste different varieties timber, for example, from sawdust, shavings and others. During production, binding components are added - most often formaldehyde resins.

This material has been used for about a century. This slab is a budget option that is not inferior in characteristics to natural wood. The first industrial production of chipboards was built in Germany and Switzerland. And this material was invented due to a catastrophic shortage of raw materials and the need for more rational use wood, including waste processing. Already in the 1950s, the production of slabs became a conveyor belt.

Material selection

Before you start creating furniture, you need to completely decide on the type and dimensions of the chipboard. Most often, cabinet furniture is made from 16 mm thick chipboard, and 25 mm thick sheets are used for the tabletop.

The surface of the chipboard sheet is of enormous importance. There are the following types of chipboard for furniture:

  • Laminated chipboard - laminated, covered with film
  • naked - without film.

The material, not covered with film, can also be used to create pieces of furniture, because it has a smooth, polished surface. You can cover it yourself with self-adhesive film. Preference should be given to films from German companies. They are thicker and more durable compared to their Chinese and Russian counterparts, and as a result, mechanical damage is not so bad for them. However ideal option, of course, you need to name it, but the cost of veneered boards will be about 40% higher.

Chipboard panels for furniture are presented and the market in several classifications. The most popular is the division by assortment. The scope of application of the material depends on it. There are three varieties:

  • first - meets the standards for finishing materials, has a smooth surface and uniform structure. This is the best variety
  • the second one has a rougher execution. Edges may be slightly different in size or chipped. In addition, there may be scratches
  • ungraded - it is used mainly in construction. Such slabs are made from tree bark shavings; they have a rough and uneven texture.

It is recommended to create furniture from chipboard only from first-class raw materials. These raw materials are carefully tested and comply with all environmental standards. Such stoves are safe for human health. Second-grade and ungrade slabs are more suitable for finishing non-residential premises.

Construction stores offer a huge number of different manufacturers, but the most popular are foreign brands, for example, Egger, Kronospan or Cleaf.

According to the production method, the slabs are:

  • flat-pressed, produced by pressing perpendicular to the plane of the entire slab
  • extrusion, which involve the direction of pressing parallel to the plate.

In addition, when choosing a material, you should pay attention to the emission class. This characteristic is responsible for the presence of formaldehyde resin in the material. There are three categories:

  • E1 is the safest raw material, contains the smallest amount of resin - up to 10 mg
  • E2 - not recommended for use in children's rooms
  • E3 - suitable for use only for technical purposes and non-residential premises.

This indicator is very important, so you should buy only certified products. The certificate always contains information about the class and characteristics of the slab.

Chipboard has excellent performance and technical specifications. The material has many advantages, the main ones:

  • ease of processing. This material does not require special technological equipment
  • moisture resistance, allowing the material to be used in damp areas
  • high density guaranteeing high strength
  • resistance to high and low temperatures
  • affordable price
  • mechanical stability.

What are they made from this material? Most boxes are made from this material, because they are the basis of this type of furniture. For example, craftsmen very often make a box made of chipboard as the basis for an expensive wooden kitchen. In addition, such raw materials form the basis of expensive sliding wardrobes, with very attractive and non-standard sliding doors. The colors of chipboard for furniture are distinguished by a variety of shades. Many shades imitate expensive wood species.

To create pieces of furniture, you need to purchase sheets of specific dimensions. Next, you need to cut them into the parts that make up the future item. Before starting to cut the sheets, experts recommend carrying out the so-called “overtaking” - 5-10 mm of material is cut off from the sheet along the perimeter. During transportation, the ends are very often subjected to mechanical stress, as a result of which one can observe the formation of chips, which are eliminated by this “fitting”. It is worth noting that, despite their high strength, chipboard sheets are characterized by fragility. For this reason, transportation must be handled very carefully.

In addition, when working with large parts (and the slabs have significant weight), you need to be careful, because the end finished part may cut skin. As a result of cutting on special cutting machines, the end becomes similar to the edge of a knife.

It is worth noting that for high-quality cutting you need special equipment. Unfortunately, at home, when cutting with a jigsaw, the cut line will always contain chips. Furniture edge PVC is glued into separate parts in the same place where the cut is made. You can glue it yourself using an iron.

Furniture made from chipboard is assembled quite easily, using various fastening materials, for example, confirmats, corners, minifixes, nigel and others. The most popular are confirmations and minifixes. Products fastened with confirmations are highly durable, and products fastened with minifixes do not have holes on the front side.

As mentioned earlier, the disadvantages of this material include high fragility. If a piece of furniture will be assembled and disassembled several times, then it is worth using minifixes, because confirmats will simply crumble the connecting holes. As a result, the structure, after the next disassembly, will be simply impossible to assemble. In this case, it is necessary to drill holes in other places so that the structure holds.

In addition, another weak point of particle boards is the fastening of fittings, such as guides, hinges, handles. When you secure such parts once with a self-tapping screw, it is no longer possible to unscrew them, because a similar process of chipping of the material is observed. After the second time, this fastening material will dangle in the hole and there can be no talk of any strength.

In conclusion, we can say that modern chipboard furniture is different high quality, durability, ease of installation and environmental safety.

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Making cabinets from chipboard - simple and affordable about self-assembly technology

Have you decided to make a small wardrobe yourself and don’t know what materials to use? As the best material for self-made For furniture I recommend chipboard. I’ll also tell you what’s good about this material and how to make a cabinet out of it yourself.

The most popular material for making furniture

Is it possible to assemble furniture from chipboard yourself in a home workshop? Of course you can, because particle board (chipboard) is a popular, easy-to-process and affordable material. You can work with such material even without much carpentry experience. Order cutting of parts at the factory and all you have to do is assemble the structure.

What can be assembled from chipboard? Any modification of cabinets belonging to the category of cabinet furniture can be made from particle board. There is such a thing on the market choice of chipboard, which will be sufficient for assembling the body of a two-section cabinet, and for making the facade, and for making the internal filling.

The advantages of hand-made chipboard furniture

There are many advantages, including:

  • Affordable price of furniture. Laminated particle board costs half as much as high-quality plywood of the same thickness and, of course, less furniture facades. Therefore, choosing such a material allows you to reduce the cost of finished furniture.
  • Possibility of assembling furniture that fits into the interior. There is a wide range of color and texture designs of particle boards on sale, and therefore you can choose the material for wallpaper and other elements of the surroundings in the room.
  • Wide range of standard sizes. The particle board on sale is represented by materials with a thickness from 10 to 28 mm. From these materials you can choose an option for assembling any components in the cabinet design. That is, furniture can be assembled entirely from chipboard.
  • Durability. If properly assembled and used correctly, furniture made from particle board will not have to be repaired or painted for a long time. Proper operation means maintaining optimal humidity and air temperature in the room.

Are there any shortcomings that need to be addressed? There is an opinion that particle board is environmentally unsafe due to the formaldehyde content in the binder component. There is such a problem, but if the laminated film is not damaged and an edge is glued to the end, the emission of volatile substances will not exceed permissible norm and the cabinet you assemble will be no more dangerous than an all-wood set.

DIY furniture: working with chipboard at home

How to assemble furniture from chipboard yourself? First you need to decide what you want to do. That is, you need to understand the design, functionality and dimensions of the future cabinet.

At this stage, you can use standard drawings or sketch out your dream cabinet on paper yourself. Next, you will have to prepare the materials, cut them in accordance with the drawings, purchase the necessary fittings and assemble the prepared parts together.


For inspiration, I offer a selection of standard drawings from which you can choose a good option for assembling a cabinet yourself.

How to make kitchen furniture with your own hands from chipboard

Now you know how to make your own cabinet from chipboard for use in a residential area. Is it possible to make the same furniture for use in the kitchen?

Of course, it is possible, since the differences between ordinary cabinet furniture and kitchen analogues are minimal and consist only in size and filling elements. If chipboard with a thickness of 16 mm is used to assemble conventional cabinets, then to make a tabletop you will need a slab with a thickness of at least 30 mm.

Preparation of material

Illustrations Materials and components for cabinet assembly

Laminated particle board (LDSP). For the manufacture of cabinet furniture we use 16 mm thick laminate.

Fiberboard (Fibreboard). Fiberboard with a thickness of 3-5 mm will be required to install the back wall of cabinet furniture.

Fastening hardware. This category includes confirmations, self-tapping screws, shelf holders and dowels if the joint is to be glued.

Accessories for door installation. The fittings are selected depending on the type of cabinet to be assembled. For ordinary furniture, rotary hinges are sufficient, while for sliding wardrobes a more complex mechanism is purchased.

Decorating elements. To assemble cabinet furniture, you will need an edge with a width corresponding to the thickness of the particle board. In addition, you will need plugs or stickers to cover the holes for the screws.


The choice of tools depends on who will do the cutting. If you do the cutting of parts yourself, you will need a stationary circular saw and a jigsaw. In addition, you will need a screwdriver, a measuring tool, clamps, and an iron for gluing the edges.

The cabinet body will be assembled on the floor, so free up enough space by moving the furniture towards the walls. Cover the floor with packing board or similar materials to prevent damage during assembly.


The process of assembling furniture from a ready-made set begins with the manufacture of the body - a frame consisting of lateral upper and lower parts. After the body is assembled, fiberboard is stuffed from the inside out.

The body of the assembled furniture is lifted and installed close to the wall, where it will subsequently be used. Inside the assembled case, filling is installed, selected in accordance with the functional purpose of the cabinet. Door leaves are installed in accordance with the drawing.

How to process chipboard edges

In order not to paint the ends of the particle boards, we cover the edges with a special tape.

Illustrations Types of edging tapes

Melamine based. This is a flat tape 0.5-0.8 mm thick without a transverse profile. Glue and glue-free modifications are available for sale.

The adhesive tape is applied to the end of the plate and heated with an iron, as a result the hot-melt adhesive softens and sticks.

Pasting tape without hot-melt adhesive is carried out with the preliminary application of separately purchased glue.

PVC. An elastic edge is made from polyvinyl chloride, which does not require gluing, since it has a special transverse profile made in the form of the letters “P” and “T”.

How to attach PVC tape

Illustrations Installation of furniture end tape

T-shaped. A groove 8 mm deep and 2 mm wide is cut at the end. The edge is applied with a tenon to the cutout and driven in along the entire length with a mallet.

U-shaped. We apply the tape so that its edges wrap around the end of the slab. We pass the mallet along the entire length of the slab, so that the tape lies equally evenly.

Correct marking and alignment of holes on chipboard

How to properly mark laminated chipboard? When assembling cabinet furniture, it is often necessary to mark the distance from the edge of the furniture at several points with the same indentation. This can be done using a square. We apply the square to the edge one by one and mark the indentation at the required distance along the holes.

But there is a simpler and more convenient way. We drill a hole on the aluminum corner at the required distance from the edge and apply markings using this template. Laminated chipboard is a material with a smooth surface, and therefore, when marking the holes, we punch them with an awl or a punch. Such markings will not be erased and, in addition, the drill will not slip.

How to drill? To screw a self-tapping screw or confirmat into the chipboard, a hole is drilled with a diameter 2 mm smaller than the diameter of the hardware used. We install the drill along the inclined marking and drill at low speeds with pressure. Of course, we use sharpened drills.

Installing drawers using guides

Illustrations Types of telescopic guides

Roller. Such guides consist of two runners, each of which has one roller. When the drawer is pulled out, the runners roll on rollers spaced apart relative to each other.

The disadvantage of such guides is that the plastic on the rollers crumbles and will have to be repaired within a year.

Ball. In such designs, the main skids and their counterparts are assembled together using bearings. Drawers on such guides slide out smoothly, and such fittings last longer than roller fittings.

How to install? One part of the guides is mounted on the inner wall of the case, while the counter part is installed on the side of the box. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws 20 mm long. Before attaching the guides, measurements are taken so that the box subsequently stands up straight without distortion.


What facades are preferable to use for assembling furniture from chipboard? Best option- these are facades made of the same particle board.

Additional items

Additional elements of the cabinet include decor and filling. Filling elements are shelves, drawers, hanger guides, etc. Most of these elements can be made from the same particle board. Therefore, when choosing laminated chipboard to make a cabinet, you will be able to complete the assembly using only this material.

Even a person with no experience in carpentry can make a bed from laminated chipboard with his own hands. The tools needed to make this kind of furniture are available in almost every home. Specialized stores have a wide range of laminated chipboards, as well as hardware and other consumables necessary for them.

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Material characteristics

Chipboard is a composite material in the production of which wood waste and a binder based on formaldehyde resins are used. Hot-pressed boards are much cheaper than natural wood, which is why they are often used in furniture production.

Due to the low cost of chipboard, manufacturers do not pay attention to the following disadvantages of the material:

  • release of formaldehyde vapors harmful to health;
  • lack of resistance to moisture, as a result of which the slab is deformed and quickly collapses;
  • relatively low strength.

Lamination of chipboard improves its characteristics, protecting the material from dampness, and environment from harmful emissions. The protective layer, which is a melamine film or varnish coating, makes the chipboard stronger and gives the panel the appearance of more expensive wood.

Before making a bed from laminated chipboard, you need to choose the material most suitable for use in a residential area. Products belonging to the formaldehyde emission class E1 can be considered harmless to the body.

Please note that the slabs have protective coating only on 2 sides, so the ends of the chipboard need to be sealed. You can do this yourself using melamine tape, PVC or ABC edges. The invisible ends of the chipboard are painted over.

Required materials

To save materials and money, you can use parts taken from an old bed. Among them:

  • corners;
  • slats;
  • plywood;
  • bars;
  • furniture bolts and nuts;
  • confirmations.

Laminated boards and an old mattress will be used. Panels with undamaged coating can be used in manufacturing external elements frame, the rest after repair will be useful for partitions, stiffeners, drawers, etc.

The drawers, footboard and headboard of the bed are best made from 22 mm thick chipboard. The furniture will be heavier than from 16 mm slabs, but will be more durable. The base for the mattress can be plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm. The bottoms of the boxes are cut out from fiberboard sheets.

You will also need:

  1. self-tapping screws;
  2. glue (PVA and Moment);
  3. furniture edge;
  4. sandpaper for cleaning the surfaces of plywood and wood parts.

You may need hardware for drawers, leatherette or other material for upholstering the headboard.

Deciding on design and construction

Before making a bed from chipboard with your own hands, it is better to draw a sketch to see how this piece of furniture will fit into the interior of the room. It is desirable that the design of the bed makes it possible to use it not only as a place to sleep.

The lifting mechanism of the base will allow you to organize storage of bedding and other things under it. Several drawers can be placed under the bottom of the bed. They are installed on roller guides or furniture wheels. The roll-out drawers are not structurally connected to the frame, so it will be easier for a novice carpenter to assemble a bedroom set with such elements.

To make high-quality single or double furniture, you cannot limit yourself to one sketch: you need to carefully consider the design of the bed. Its production according to an exact pattern will allow you to avoid waste of material and defects in work. When drawing up a drawing, you should take into account the dimensions of the mattresses, the dimensions of the room, etc.

It may be difficult for an inexperienced craftsman to draw furniture details. Ready-made drawings of bed designs made from chipboard will help him, but in most cases he has to come up with the configuration of the headboard and footboard on his own. These furniture pieces stand out the most.

Drawings and diagrams

Drawings make assembling the bed much easier: diagrams show the exact dimensions of its parts, their number and attachment points. The simplest drawing of a double bed suggests using elements of the following sizes:

  • headboard – 1664x722 mm;
  • foot – 1664x296 mm;
  • 2 side drawers – 2054x296 mm each;
  • stiffener – 1608 mm;
  • bottom – 2004x1608 mm.

If the frame is reinforced with 3 stiffening ribs (at the head, foot and in the center of the frame), then they will support the plywood bottom. Otherwise, bars will have to be attached along the inner perimeter of the box. The crossbar can be installed parallel to the drawers.

The master can make amendments to this drawing. It will not be difficult to change the shape of the headboard and equip the furniture with metal or wooden legs. Other changes to the design may involve the height of the headboard. If it is reduced to 296 mm, then the frame will perform only load-bearing functions. The assembly of the structure will be completed by securing the front and rear backrests. A cutout in the drawer allows you to place drawers under the bottom.

The drawings stipulate that the base for the mattress should be slightly larger in size. The bed, assembled according to the above diagram, is intended for a mattress 2000x1600 mm.

What do you do with old furniture?

The kitchen set is considered one of the simple types hand-assembled furniture for inexperienced craftsmen.

Furnishings for a relaxation room and hall, as a rule, require a professional approach and the use of extraordinary materials.

Today we’ll talk about how to assemble furniture with your own hands.

The use of laminated chipboard as the main building material

Today, natural wood in its pure form is almost impossible to find in the environment. After all, sets made from natural wood are considered expensive and quite elite pieces of furniture. Therefore, the array is replaced with an affordable material such as chipboard.

In most cases, the thickness of these plates reaches 16 mm. Sheets of greater thickness are also sold. The material is cut on machines.

You can do the work at home using an electric jigsaw, but unevenness and chips cannot be avoided. After all, it is almost impossible to saw off laminated chipboard evenly at home with a jigsaw.


One of weak points This material is considered to be cut, since it is through it that moisture passes inside most easily. In this regard, due to poor quality protection, swelling of the ends is possible. Therefore, it is preferable to cover the ends with edges, as in the photo of the furniture you made yourself below.

There are several types of edges on the modern market:

  • Melamine. This is the most affordable edge of excellent quality. You can glue it yourself using a regular iron.
  • PVC is an excellent choice for edging. Its gluing is only possible on the machine.
  • ABS edge, similar to PVC edge, but created from a natural material.


The façade and doors of furnishings, including DIY garden furniture, are made from the best quality material.

The facade is considered a separate piece of furniture and, as a rule, is made to order.

In cases where facades have unusual shapes, they can be produced within long period time.

Types of facades

Since the main function of the facade is decorative, it is accordingly offered in a wide variety. The façade differs in material, as well as in appearance.

Laminated MDF is a pressed and fairly moisture-resistant material. Usually the surface is treated like a natural array.

However, even the most durable film will crack and peel off after a certain period of time. The main advantage of this material is its affordable cost and speed of production.

In addition to blind-type facades, there are options for a figured look like stained glass. The glass part is fixed to a special plate.

Wood facades will appeal to fans natural materials, however, their cost is quite high. In addition, environmental friendliness is also controversial.

Pay attention!

Painted façade to look like enamel. It has a significant disadvantage - chips and deformations often appear on the surface.

It was once exploited because of its attractive, catchy shade, but with the advent of shiny plastic, everything changed radically.

Glass facades made from aluminum are suitable for kitchen spaces in high-tech style. They look fashionable, but are quite problematic to manufacture and install. Unusual fittings are used for fastening.


There are many methods for making cabinet boxes, as well as DIY pallet furniture. One of the simplest is considered to be assembly around the perimeter using laminated chipboard.

If necessary, create original facade, it must be screwed onto the frame main part from the inside.

In addition, the facade is often attached to eccentrics in the form of one of the walls of the box. In this case, the main task is not to assemble the necessary box, but to secure it correctly.

Pay attention!


There are built-in wardrobes and free-standing ones. Internal filling is at the discretion of the owner; it is possible to carry out restoration of furniture with your own hands.

The main element of each cabinet is a sliding door leaf. It is not recommended to save on this part; it is important to purchase accessories good quality.

Basically, the closet is equipped with several doors, consisting of a frame into which decorative elements are inserted. Door leaves can be assembled from several materials, separated by an aluminum profile.

The movement of the canvases is carried out along special guides, which are installed with your own hands, just as you create furniture from cardboard yourself.


If you approach the issue of creating and installing pieces of furniture with all responsibility, then the furnishings will be not only of high quality, but also affordable, distinguished by exclusivity and specialness.

DIY furniture photo

Pay attention!

The cost of furnishings directly depends on the material they are made from. Laminated chipboards are widely used in furniture production - the products are inexpensive and have a wide range of model range and a variety of shades and textures. To increase strength, moisture resistance and decorativeness, particle boards are covered with a laminated front layer in the form of a film based on melamine resins. You can make furniture with your own hands from laminated chipboard, but it is worth considering that if you cut it yourself, you can get chips on the front surface. Experts recommend making a drawing of the future product and ordering cutting of parts in a store or furniture workshop using special equipment.

Features of the material

Prices for laminated chipboard

Laminated chipboard

Laminated chipboard contains natural wood - in structure it is chipboards that have undergone high-quality sanding and covered with melamine film. It is this coating that distinguishes the two types of slabs. Laminated chipboard has high moisture resistance and greater strength than conventional boards.

The laminated surface exhibits greater resistance to impact mechanical in nature, as well as chemically active substances - acetone, gasoline, alcohol, acids, solvents, coffee. Therefore, furniture made from laminated chipboard can often be found in public places: in reception areas, in offices, in multifunctional centers, in educational institutions, in cafes, in kindergartens, in playrooms and children's rooms, in the kitchen.

The film not only gives the material excellent performance characteristics, but also allows you to give it a unique appearance - from any shades and textures of natural wood, to images applied according to individual sketches. The ability to choose any shade allows you to produce cabinet furniture for any interior. This is especially true for children's rooms, where bright, rich colors are welcome. Bright furniture is also used for advertising and trade stands, as a body for reception desks with the possibility of being manufactured in the company’s colors with a logo.

Pay attention! The laminated layer makes the surface of the chipboard monolithic and does not allow harmful substances that may be contained inside its structure to pass through.

The formation of the laminated layer occurs by pressing paper, which acquires properties comparable to plastic, filled with melamine resin under pressure (up to 28 MPa) and high temperature(up to 210 degrees). Decorative paper impregnated with resin is pressed into top layer Chipboard.

The surface of such a plate, among other things, is heat-resistant, which allows you to place hot dishes on it - this has made laminated chipboard a popular material for making kitchen countertops.

Pros and cons of using laminated chipboard for making furniture

The advantages of laminated chipboard include the following:

  1. Low cost.
  2. Easy processing.
  3. Ability to cut parts of any shape.
  4. The presence of a safe edge at the ends.
  5. The ability to create furniture with rounded corners, which is especially important for children's furniture.
  6. Excellent performance properties: mechanical, thermal, chemical resistance, moisture resistance.
  7. Preservation of operational properties throughout the entire life of the furniture.
  8. Wide range of colors.
  9. Easy care, possibility of daily wet treatment.

The laminating layer protects the boards from the negative effects of moisture, which makes it possible to make furniture from them for rooms with high humidity.

The disadvantages of laminated chipboards include the fact that they contain formaldehyde, however, the laminating layer and the sealed edge at the ends of the furniture completely neutralize the release of harmful substances into the environment. The edge also protects the slabs from moisture, which can cause them to swell.


As noted earlier, any part made of laminated chipboard must have an edge that will protect the material from moisture and the environment from the harmful effects of formaldehyde. Having a drawing of the product in hand, you can order sawing and edging from a specialized company that has special equipment. In the future, collect finished product you can do it yourself.

Table 1. Types of edges

Edge typeDescription

The budget option is not of very good quality. Using an iron, you can glue it yourself.
This edge is fixed using special equipment during the cutting of individual parts. It is made with a thickness of 0.4 mm and 2. A thin edge is made on the invisible ends, and a thicker one on the outside, where more serious impacts are possible.
A rare type of edge in use, which has a T-shaped section and is fixed into a groove at the cut.

A significant disadvantage is that the edges protruding a few millimeters are vulnerable to contamination. The advantage will be the ability to hide a poorly executed cut.

Types of laminated chipboard structures

The use of laminated chipboard is widespread in various industries, one of which is furniture production. Laminated chipboard is used not only for the manufacture of simple furnishings, but also multifunctional furniture structures.

Manufacturing of facades

The material from which the visible parts of the furniture are made, forming its decorative appearance - facades, must have an aesthetic appearance, match the style and color scheme of the interior, and also be moisture- and wear-resistant. If you need to make a drawer inside the cabinet, you can use a simpler material - 16 mm thick laminated chipboard with a 2 mm PVC edge. If this is the façade of a kitchen unit, then it must be made of beautiful and reliable material.

The size of the standard facade is 2 mm smaller than the cabinet dimensions on each side. That is, if the cabinet is 60 cm wide, then the front will be 59.6 cm wide.

Kitchen furniture, first of all, should be ergonomic - convenient, comfortable and safe to use. Thus, floor and low wall cabinets have a height of 71.5 - 72.5 cm (it is worth taking into account the height from the floor to the top of the tabletop - at least 82 cm), and high wall cabinets - 91.5 - 92.5 cm. When manufacturing furniture according to an individual drawing, the anthropometric data of the apartment owner are taken into account when developing the latter.

Laminated chipboard facades differ from MDF in that it is not possible to create a relief pattern on their surface. However, this material is perfectly used to create sets in a modern style, the appearance of which requires minimal decor and conciseness. You can increase the decorativeness of the set by using fittings and inserts made of colored or embossed glass.

Hidden elements – bottom and walls

To make the back wall of the box and its bottom, laminated fiberboards with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm are used. Their shade is selected to match the color of the chipboard used and fixed with the smooth side inward.

Fastening LDVP is most often done using nails or self-tapping screws with a press washer. To prevent the plate from cracking, you must first make a hole for the screw and only then screw it in. When making drawers, a sheet of HDF can be fixed into a groove.

If it is necessary to increase the load-bearing capacity of the product, the bottom is made of laminated chipboard.

Manufacturing of countertops

A horizontal work plane intended for preparing and eating food, performing activities related to reading books, writing, drawing, using a computer is called a table top.

To design the working surface of a kitchen set, use special plates Laminated chipboard with a thickness of 28 to 38 mm, characterized by increased moisture resistance. On their surface there is durable plastic, which is fixed using the “postforming” technology.

This technology consists of lining a chipboard slab with thin-thick laminated paper plastic under pressure and exposure to a temperature of 90 or 180 degrees. The difference is that in the first case, the slab is covered with plastic on the main side and at the ends, and silicone sealant is used to treat the joint of the coating.

In the second case (at a temperature of 180 degrees), the plastic completely covers the stove, going around the end of the tabletop, and sticks to it from the bottom, forming a drip tray. This is an important detail that protects the inside of the stove from moisture.

Pay attention! For the manufacture of kitchen countertops, moisture-resistant chipboards are used - they are green when cut.

The most vulnerable point of a laminated chipboard kitchen countertop is the end cut, which must be hidden. H regular melamine edge in conditions high humidity and intensive operational load will quickly cease to cope with its task. Therefore, aluminum end strips are used to protect the ends of kitchen countertops. There are also corner and connecting strips used to connect several modules that form a single tabletop - they cover the joints, protecting them from dirt and moisture.

Also, for protective and decorative purposes, a special plinth is used at the junction of the table top with the wall when it is attached to the guide decorative element required shade.

From below, the tabletop is fixed to the floor cabinets using short self-tapping screws and horizontal spacers - this allows you to maintain the integrity of the smooth front surface.

Manufacturing of sliding doors

The sliding wardrobe is very popular - this method of opening the door allows you to save free space, which is important for small rooms. There are many models of sliding wardrobes: straight, five-walled, corner, trapezoidal, radius. Also, the main difference lies in the type of construction - stationary or built-in. In the first case, the cabinet is a box with two side walls and a back wall. In the second case, the side walls may be absent if the cabinet is built into a niche. If it is built into a corner, then you can dispense with one side wall. In this case, part of the load is distributed to the walls.

The main element of such a cabinet is sliding door, which, when opened, moves using rollers along guides. A sheet of laminated chipboard is inserted into a profiled frame; to achieve a decorative effect, it can be combined with other materials, separating them using aluminum profile. The width of one door should not exceed 1 m.

The guides along which the canvas moves are installed from below and from above. The upper guide is needed to fix the blade, and the lower one is needed for its smooth movement.

Plastic is used to make the lower rollers. The device is equipped with a shock-absorbing spring and an adjustment screw for adjusting the height. The upper rollers have a rubberized surface.

Prices for components for sliding doors

Let's look at the advantages of sliding wardrobes, the main nuances of their installation, and give detailed instructions on how to independently assemble a spacious wardrobe for a small hallway.

Video - Stages of assembling a sliding door at home

Making a drawer

A drawer is a convenient storage element, which is present in models of cabinet furniture made from chipboard for any purpose - in kitchen set, V desk and an office cabinet, in a closet, at the bottom of the bed.

The main element of the design is the guide, which ensures smooth opening of the drawer. There are two types of guides: roller and ball.

The roller guides are fixed to the bottom of the box. Movement occurs using rollers. The peculiarity is that the drawer will not extend completely. If it is heavy, then there is a risk of the drawer falling out when it is opened more than halfway.

The situation is different with ball guides, which allow you to safely pull out the drawer to its full length, while the structure moves smoothly and there is no risk of it falling out.

Table 2. How to assemble a simple roll-out box on roller guides


One drawer will require two slides on each side. One will be attached to the side wall of the drawer, the second to the inner wall of the cabinet or cabinet.

When attaching the guide to the cabinet wall, 2 mm are removed from the edge.

Fix the guide with self-tapping screws so that their head does not protrude.
The back wall and sides have an edge on one side and holes for Euroscrews on both sides.
There is a groove on the facade for attaching HDF.

The drawer front is fixed to the side walls using an eccentric tie. Screw a “Twister” screw into the hole until it stops
Wooden dowels are inserted into holes with a diameter of 7 mm, which can be lubricated with PVA glue for reliable fixation.

The eccentric is inserted with an arrow into the outlet hole at the end.
The part is installed and tightened clockwise.
The rear wall is secured using Euroscrews.
The HDF sheet is inserted into the groove on the reverse side of the facade and aligned.
Guides are screwed through the HDF.

The HDF is fixed to the back wall with several screws.

At the final stage, screw the handle.

Nuances of assembling the main parts

Cabinet furniture made from laminated chipboard consists of individual elements - lids, tabletops, walls, facades, shelves, which are called parts. Parts can be nested or overlaid depending on the type of assembly, which is chosen based on the upcoming loads. The service life of the structure and its safety depend on this.

So, in a floor-standing cabinet, the load is distributed from top to bottom - from the lid towards the legs, as shown in the first “correct” picture. The lid and bottom of the cabinet are overhead. If they are fixed in a nested manner, as shown in the second figure, then the correct distribution of the load will be hampered by a confirmat - a furniture screw, which will sooner or later pull out under tension, and the part itself will receive damage, which can only be eliminated by completely replacing the element.

The situation is different with a wall cabinet. The load falls on the bottom shelf and if it is fixed in an overhead way, then sooner or later the tension screws will tear out and the bottom of the drawer will collapse. Here it is better to fix it using a nested method, when screws screwed in perpendicularly will resist the load.

Types of fasteners

Modern fasteners, which are used when assembling furniture, ensure the strength and durability of the structure, as well as its aesthetic appearance, since parts are fixed whenever possible in a hidden way, and those fasteners that remain outside are masked using special plastic covers to match the furniture.

Table 3. Types of fasteners

Name of fastening elementDescription

Dowels made of wood are used for preliminary fixation of two parts. After this, the structure is fastened with hardware.
Serves for fixing parts located at an angle of 90 degrees. This method is popular, but somewhat outdated and has its drawbacks - the element is not hidden, looks bulky and becomes loose over time. Corners come in plastic and metal.

Modern furniture in most cases is assembled using confirmats - furniture screws, the threads of which, compared to conventional self-tapping screws, are larger, which ensures better fixation in the solid slab. After the screw is screwed in, the visible metal part is masked using a plastic plug to match the furniture.

Hidden fasteners used in the assembly of modern cabinet furniture from laminated chipboard. The holes for it are made in the factory using a Forstner drill. Considering that the thickness of the slab is 16 mm, and 12 mm must be selected for fasteners, the drilling accuracy must be ideal.
Used to tighten two parts together. For example, bed bases and headboards.

Selection of furniture fittings

In addition to fasteners, there is another furniture fittings, without which the product will lose its decorative and functional qualities.

Table 4. Types of furniture fittings

A necessary element that provides convenience when opening doors and drawers. Fixed with screws. Selected according to color scheme and the style of the furniture facade.
For the stability of the structure, especially when the floor surface is not too flat, choose products with height adjustment. The material must be practical and durable, moisture-resistant and resistant to mechanical stress. The appearance is also selected according to the design style.

An inconspicuous but important detail that ensures silent closing of the doors. Fixed from below and from above on the door or end of the cabinet.

An important element that ensures the opening of the sash. Equipped with a mechanism for adjusting the height and depth of the door.
Used for comfortable operation of roll-out drawers and cabinets.
Masking fasteners. Matched to match the body.

Used for fixing additional shelves in wardrobes and racks.
They are used inside wardrobes and on panels in hallways.

They may have different cross-sections and radii. Used in wardrobes.

Used for doors and drawers in cabinets and office shelving.

Video – Furniture fittings

How to assemble a cabinet from chipboard with your own hands

Even a beginner can assemble a simple cabinet; to do this, you need to follow the following steps sequentially.

Table 5. Instructions for assembling the cabinet

Prices for the range of drills

First, you need to make a sketch of the future product in order to have a clear idea of ​​the size and number of parts, fasteners and accessories.

The cutting of parts is ordered from a specialized company or furniture workshop, whose specialists need to provide a clear list of parts with dimensions and designation of the sides to be edged. Where laminate edges will be made, subtract 2 mm. For example, if the length of the part in the drawing is 1085 mm, in fact it is necessary to cut out a part with a width of 1083 mm.
Important! When calculating the distance of the walls on both sides of the box, take into account 13.5 mm on each side per rail.
It is recommended to make the top cover of the cabinet 3-5 cm wider than the base. This will allow you to install it so that from below it does not rest against the baseboard or sockets on the wall.
After the guide location line has been drawn and the element has been attached, use an awl to make a mark at the locations of the holes where the self-tapping screw will be screwed in.
Guides for drawers are screwed to the side walls according to the markings.

Markings for confirmations are applied to the side walls.
The drilling point is marked using a sharp awl.

The hole is drilled so that the screw head is subsequently hidden under a decorative rivet.

To fix the top cover, wooden dowels with a diameter of 8 mm are used, holes for which are drilled using a metal drill, onto which contrasting electrical tape is wound, indicating the drilling depth (12 mm) with a plate thickness of 16 mm.

The distance from the edge is 8 mm.
The dowels are fixed with PVA glue.
To install the central partition, measure the length of the dowels installed in the lid array.
Drill holes for dowels to the required depth according to the markings. The drill must be kept strictly horizontal.

The dowels are lubricated with PVA glue and a partition is installed.
Connect the table top to the side walls.

A shelf is fixed to the confirmations. Using a clamp, fix the shelf and crossbar at a right angle.
According to the markings, fix the shelf with a confirmation to the partition in the center.
Using the method described above, another partition and shelf are installed.
The decorative edge should be located on the outside of the product.
At the next stage, partitions with guides and shelves are installed.

For protection flooring use felt pads with a self-adhesive backing.
When assembling the box, the distance from the edge under the confirmation is 8 mm. It is enough to retreat 30 mm from below and above.

The bottom of the LDVP box is fixed with furniture nails.
After the box is assembled, check its diagonals.
Guides are fixed to the ends of the box.
A handle is screwed to the front of the drawer.

Drill holes for screws. Fix the facade. The screw heads are masked with decorative rivets to match the furniture.

Video - Making furniture from chipboard

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