For a long time, the approach of the Trinity was awaited with great impatience by the common people. Signs for Trinity and Spirits Day

At the end of spring and beginning of summer, an Orthodox holiday is celebrated - Holy Trinity Day. Believers know that on this day they need to pray for the health of all the living and the peace of those in the other world. There have long been signs for Trinity, which indicate that on this day you cannot work or clean the house. It is necessary to carefully monitor the weather. It is also believed that Spiritual Day is endowed with special life-giving energy, so there are many superstitions about what you need to do to get pregnant.

What kind of holiday is Trinity - folk traditions and customs

The Day of the Holy Trinity has a second name - Pentecost. On this day christian church recalls a special event - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples. For Orthodox Church this event meant the opportunity to spread the faith of Christ throughout the world. Since ancient times, the holiday of Trinity has been especially revered by the people; many traditions and customs have been associated with it. Since pagan times, people believed that all plants on this day are endowed with a special life-giving power, and are able to heal even the most serious diseases. During the holiday, you cannot get into quarrels or show an unkind attitude towards others. You need to know what kind of holiday Trinity is, folk traditions and customs on this day in order to preserve well-being throughout the year.

Traditions for the Christian holiday of Trinity and Parents' Day

On the Saturday before Trinity, parents' day is celebrated and deceased relatives are remembered. It is believed that on this day you need to pray for everyone and not wish harm on anyone. This is especially true for those who themselves can no longer turn to God - dead sinners. On Parents' Day they also visit cemeteries, putting things in order. Another memorial day for Christians is the so-called Radonitsa. This day falls on the ninth day after Easter. It is also called “Easter of the Dead” because it is customary to shed tears at graves.

Sunday morning on Trinity Sunday begins with a solemn service. Temples are decorated with herbs and greenery. According to Orthodoxy, green- this is the color of the Holy Spirit, so there is a lot of it in churches, even priests are dressed in green robes. It is believed that one cannot work for the Trinity. The Church really does not recommend spending time on anything other than prayer on Orthodox holidays. However, it does not impose a categorical ban on work. After the service, Vespers takes place, and then the Procession of the Cross. Every housewife also decorates her home with flowers. After returning home, a gala dinner is held. On a table with a green tablecloth there are always salads, pastries, and honey wines. Then festivities are held, fairs and concerts are organized.

Signs for the church holiday of Trinity - what not to do and how many days

In order for the whole year to pass safely, you need to know the signs: what not to do and how many days for church holiday Trinity. Since ancient times, many beliefs have come down to us. For example, it was forbidden to work in the fields, as well as to cut and wash hair. There were various rituals and fortune telling that young girls followed.

Folk signs and customs on Spiritual Day (Trinity)

It has long been believed that according to signs on Trinity Sunday, as well as seven days after this church holiday, you should not do laundry or swim in open water: mermaids can drag you into the water. To prevent this from happening, they carried wormwood with them, believing that in this way they could scare away evil spirits. In ancient times, girls wove wreaths and floated them on water. If the wreath floated to the other shore, it meant marriage. If you drowned, it means trouble. Herbs were collected for the holiday, because it was on this Sunday that they were most beneficial for health. It is especially important to pick thyme. If you dry it and put it in a pillow, good health and well-being are ensured throughout the year. Also, since ancient times, people have broken brooms for baths on this day, because plants have a special life-giving power.

Folk signs for Trinity (Spirit Day) for the weather

In ancient times, on Trinity or Spiritual Day, people especially listened to the forces of nature, which was reflected in various folk signs about the weather. It was believed that herbs and trees on this day have a special life-giving power and are able to treat many diseases.

Signs about the weather on Trinity Day

  • Rain on Trinity means a rich harvest of mushrooms and good weather in the summer.
  • A dry, hot day is a harbinger of a dry summer.
  • If the birch branches with which the house is decorated stand for more than 3 days, this means unsuccessful haymaking and rainy weather.
  • Folk signs on Trinity (Spirit Day) they say about the weather that if it is cold on Sunday on Trinity Day, it will be warm on Monday.
  • Abundant morning dew on the grass - to good health. You need to collect this dew and wash yourself with it.

Signs for Trinity Day (Trinity) to get pregnant

Those who want to get pregnant need to especially listen to the signs on Trinity Day. It is believed that the energy of this holiday favors the emergence of new life and fills people with health. It is especially important to collect and dry herbs to brew tea with them throughout the year. For a speedy conception, healthy pregnancy and childbirth, thyme and boron uterus will help.

The collection will be received on the Orthodox holiday of Trinity for those wishing to get pregnant

  • Those who want to get pregnant need to donate something to the poor. If you give food or clothing to the poor, conception will not take long to occur.
  • On Saturday evening before Trinity, you need to go into the chicken coop and ask the hens to tell you what gender the future baby will be. The next Sunday morning, collect the eggs and count them. An even number means a boy will be born, an odd number means a girl.
  • As the signs on Trinity Day (Trinity) suggest, in order to get pregnant you need to bring birch and willow branches into the house.

What kind of Trinity holiday our ancestors knew well. It is from ancient times that various rituals and signs of the Trinity have come down to us. Many beliefs about the weather are still popular today. Knowing what not to do and for how many days, you can ensure your health and well-being throughout the year. And to get pregnant you need to listen carefully to yourself.

Every year on the fiftieth day after the Bright Resurrection of Christ, all believers Orthodox people celebrate the main holiday of summer - Holy Trinity Day. This holiday is also called Pentecost, since it is celebrated on the 50th day after Happy Easter, and the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. The Feast of Pentecost is the birthday of the church, i.e. God's chosen disciples were given special power to preach the gospel throughout the world and share the message of Jesus as Savior and Lord. Nowadays, the successors of the apostles are the clergy, who are considered mediators between God and people.

For the holiday of Trinity, housewives clean the house and clean it up, decorate the rooms with flowers, young grass and green branches, which symbolizes the coming spring, prosperity and the continuation of life. Most often, branches of birch, oak, rowan, maple, calamus grass, mint, lemon balm, etc. are used for decoration. On Trinity Day, they attend a festive party in the morning church service. Parishioners hold flowers, fragrant herbs and green branches in their hands, symbolizing renewal through the descending Holy Spirit.

Close people and relatives are invited to a festive dinner, treated to a loaf of bread, egg dishes, pancakes, pies, jelly and give each other funny gifts.
What not to do on earth.
On the holiday of the Trinity, under no circumstances should you plow, harrow, dig, dig, stick stakes, mow grass, cut down trees, or plant plants. Particular care must be taken with trees, since green trees are widely used in Trinity ritual events. It is decorated with ribbons, wreaths and flowers. The girls curl the young branches of birch, willow, linden, and maple trees and wonder about their future fate. Therefore, on Trinity you should not cut down trees, break branches, or chop wood.

According to popular belief, in the week before Trinity there is a great danger of encountering mermaids and forest maws. This is the time when mermaids visit the world of the living, can freely stay on earth and are capable of harming people. According to popular beliefs, babies who were born dead, unbaptized children, or children cursed by their parents and carried away by evil spirits became mermaids and mavkas.

In order not to anger the mermaids, on this day you should never go into the forest or field alone, otherwise the mermaids and mermaids living there will be tickled to death. It is also forbidden to take horses and cattle into the forest or engage in field work, so as to avoid losses on the farm. Also, in order not to anger the mermaids, on the Trinity there is a ban on many women’s work - you cannot spin, weave, sew, or bleach canvases. You also cannot do housework - clean the house, rinse clothes, wash, cut, cut your hair. On Trinity holidays it is forbidden to swim - mermaids can drag you to the bottom, and a person will drown. According to popular belief, rarely does the Trinity go without a drowned man. Nevertheless, people continue to swim on this holiday, as if they are trying to test this folk wisdom from their own experience.

On Trinity Saturday, in addition to deceased people, you can remember those who died by death other than their own. According to popular belief, such people were also related to evil spirits. Prayers and funeral services help their souls find peace.

For centuries-old history During the holiday, many signs and beliefs about the Trinity appeared among the people. Perhaps the most famous sign- It always rains on Trinity Sunday. People say that rain on the day of the Holy Trinity is tears for dead people, because the Saturday before Trinity is called parental Saturday. And on this day, from the very morning, it is customary to remember deceased relatives in the cemetery. On the day of the Holy Trinity and during the mermaid week, they were sure to observe numerous prohibitions, so as not to offend the dead people present on earth at that time and not incur their wrath. For example, it was forbidden to sew, spin, whitewash the hut and stove, work in the garden, or swim in the river.

The main symbol of the Trinity is popularly considered to be the birch tree, as a symbol of the coming summer. Its branches are blessed in the church, and then they decorate the house. After the holiday, birch branches were taken to the field, thereby begging nature for a rich harvest. In temples and churches on Trinity Day, after the liturgy, Vespers is celebrated, at which prayers are read with kneeling that the Lord would send us the grace of the Holy Spirit and remember all our departed relatives.

It is believed that herbs collected on the day of the Holy Trinity have a tremendous healing effect and work as powerful amulets. Thus, wormwood, picked on Trinity Day, reliably protects the home and family from all evil spirits and the machinations of sorcerers. With the help of lovage, the girls cast a spell on their suitors and great love. Mint protected children from bad dreams and night cries. And the Bogorodsk herb, thyme, helped women get pregnant and bear a healthy baby.

Protective ritual for Trinity.
For the Trinity holiday you need to take 3 bouquets: wormwood, St. John's wort and yarrow.

We take all this to church, where you can confess and receive communion if you wish.

Then you need to buy candles and light 7 candles for your health and read the Prayer to the Holy Trinity. Buy at church Silver ring with the inscription "Save and Preserve". When you put it on, say: “Shield and protection for me for the Glory of the Trinity!”

After the service at home, light a sprig of St. John’s wort in an old bowl and fumigate the home with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, come out, evil spirits, perish!”

Divide the wormwood in half: place one part under the bed, and the second above front door. We brew yarrow and take baths with its addition. St. John's wort can be brewed as tea. Take baths and tea for 3 days in a row.
In the morning and evening, be sure to read prayers to the Trinity! Usually after this many ailments and problems go away

Amulet for family happiness.
Since ancient times, it has been customary to cook special scrambled eggs on Trinity Day. It consists of two eggs, since both of its “eyes” should symbolize a friendly couple - husband and wife. While the dish is fried in a frying pan, the hostess reads a prayer: “ Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake. Lord have mercy (three times). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

These scrambled eggs are salted with Thursday salt. Scrambled eggs are seasoned green onions, garlic and parsley. Moreover, the greens are not chopped, but placed in twigs or long green feathers along with the growing head of the onion. It was believed that thanks to this the integrity of the family was preserved. A round scrambled egg, shaped like a frying pan, along with green seasoning, was sealed into an identical round loaf of rye bread, necessarily consecrated in the church, cut in half. The loaf is the only thing that is allowed to be divided, but not into small parts, but only in two. The “sandwich” should be wrapped in a towel, taking some boiled potatoes in their jackets, go to the grove to a pre-decorated birch tree, under which this amulet for family happiness is eaten. They also simply ate these scrambled eggs with herbs at home and without adding bread. Only the bread was broken, not cut.

These are the signs and superstitions that have come down from antiquity to the present day. Believe them or not, decide for yourself. Just like celebrating Trinity, or treating this holiday as a relic, is also a business matter.

In some countries of the Spirits, the day is considered a day off, since this holiday always follows Trinity. In Russia, Holy Spirit Day is a holiday for Orthodox Christians and an ordinary working day. In all churches, a service is held with the blessing of birch branches, which are then taken home to decorate the house. In ancient times, for this purpose, they specially went with a priest to sprinkle one tree with holy water, from which all the women subsequently picked a branch and carried it into the house. It was believed that in this way one could drive away evil spirits from one’s family. Even before the baptism of Rus', this day was also dedicated to spirits, but already to the spirits of the earth. Our ancestors believed that the Earth also possesses a certain spirit, which has a huge influence on the fate of each person and humanity as a whole. Therefore, it was the name day of Mother Earth. This day was also saturated with a huge number of superstitions, for example, they used to believe that various evil spirits woke up on Spirits Day - mermaids, mermen, and so on. Perhaps that is why the coming week was called Rusalya.

Traditions and customs on Spiritual Day

It seems that such a day should begin with a service in the temple or prayer. However, according to ancient belief, on Spiritual Day many tried to listen to the earth. After evening prayer, people went out into the street before sunrise, put their ear to the ground and listened. This ritual was performed in the hope that in this way great secrets would be revealed to them. But at the same time, everyone then sincerely believed that this could only happen to a select few.

On this day, not only did they go into the forest with the priest to sprinkle the birch tree with holy water, this ritual was also performed over the well. Our ancestors sincerely believed that in this way they saved it from drying out, and also this sprinkling of the well helps to keep the water clean and fresh.

If on the feast of the Holy Trinity women did not have time to collect medicinal herbs, then on Spiritual Day they corrected it. After all, according to beliefs, on this holiday all herbs do not lose their special power, and are also capable of healing, like herbs collected on Trinity. We stocked up on herbs and flowers, because... It was believed that plants collected and dried on this day had healing properties. Because it was believed that fire comes from the sky and destroys all evil spirits. It was from the herbs collected during this period that the healers prepared a special herbal powder to exorcise demons.

Since Spiritual Day is strongly associated with paganism, even after the adoption of Christianity our people tried to appease evil spirits. To do this, women went into the forest, to the river and hung old children's clothes everywhere. At the same time, it was believed that if you meet a mermaid, then there is a huge chance of gaining wealth and prosperity, but there is also a risk of getting misfortune and misfortune on your head. After all, at the same time, there was a belief that mermaids could tickle you to death, or carry you away in a round dance. Girls and children should be especially wary, so during Rusalya Week they were not allowed into the forest. They believed that people who swim on these holidays die. And if not, many considered them witches, since only they could escape from the mermaids who live in lakes and rivers.

On Spiritual Day it was forbidden to wash your hair or cut your hair. Do repairs, do crafts, sew, etc. it was also impossible.

It was also common practice to feed the earth on this day. Spiritual Day in many villages was considered a women's holiday. It was accepted that married women The villagers, including the oldest representative, gathered on the outskirts. A tablecloth was laid there, right on the ground, and a meal was arranged. The women sang, had fun, and danced in circles. This ritual was meant to show respect and reverence for the land. To do this, women went out into the field, laid out a blanket and had a meal. If this ritual is performed, then, according to our ancestors, there will be a good and rich harvest all year. And some of the food was either distributed around different parts fields, or tried to bury some food, saying: “Birthday Earth, give us a harvest.”

The well, which was consecrated, was constantly visited during the day. They washed, left funeral food, threw a coin and prayed. Thus, in ancient times in Rus' they tried to wash away all sins and cleanse themselves.

Blessed birch branches were brought home from church. They were placed in the house as protection from evil forces. When the branches dried out, they were necessarily stored in a secluded corner.

After the temple, many hurried to the cemetery to decorate the graves with birch branches. There was also a meal there. However, they did not take all the remaining food home, but left it in the cemetery.

The holiday ended with the symbolic burial of Kostroma, the role of which was most often taken by a young girl. She was dressed in white clothes, and then they laid her on boards, after which they carried the girl to the river and performed the “awakening” ritual. Then everyone swam together and had a party. This ritual symbolized that Kostroma resurrects after death and bestows fertility and a good harvest.

Signs and beliefs on Spiritual Day

Our ancestors believed that under no circumstances should one look at one’s reflection in the water on this day. This could lead to the girl or guy losing their true love.

If this holiday was rainy, then, according to signs, the next six weeks will also be the same.

On this day, when going to get water, they always said, “I went on water.” If you say “let’s go get water,” you can easily drown.

They also believed that the mermaids and mermaids who can be met on this day are people who died before their time or committed suicide.

On Spiritual Day, all the dead gather near birch trees or sit on their branches. Perhaps for this reason, the birch tree was appointed as the symbol of this holiday.

Since our ancestors believed that the earth had a name day on this day, it was forbidden to work, sew, sow, or dig. It was allowed to cook food.

And in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, in ancient times they wore fragrant plants on this day, such as wormwood, garlic or onions.

Whatever the weather will be on Spiritual Day, the same is expected for the whole summer.

But the thunderstorm and lightning on this day - good sign, because in this way the earth drives away evil spirits, because since ancient times it was believed that it is fire that can get rid of them.

Despite the fact that the mermaid is the embodiment of an evil spirit who needs to be feared and feared, she is still associated with good omen. So, in the old days they believed that wherever a mermaid set her foot, there would be a rich harvest of wheat and rye.

They also used to say: “Don’t trust the heat until the Spiritual Day.”

But it was undesirable to run on this day - you could run away from your fate. But in order to bring the meeting with happiness closer, on Spiritual Day it was necessary to walk barefoot in the dew in the morning.

There were different signs for Spiritual Day, some of which have survived to our times. Previously, on the Day of the Holy Spirit, some symbol of the Spirit was hung from the shrines - these were wooden doves. Many Christians still believe in the phenomenon that the Holy Spirit descends to earth on the evening of Trinity Day. And therefore, on such a day you cannot run either around the house or on the ground outside. It is believed that the Earth is the birthday girl.

Spirits Day in Russia and others Orthodox countries always associated with rain and thunderstorms. It is believed that after this day there should be no frost until winter. What the weather will be like on such a day will indicate what it will be like in the next 6 weeks.

Fortune telling on Spiritual Day

Fortune telling with wreaths was also relevant on this day. Therefore, the girls did not miss the opportunity to tell fortunes on the river. To do this, they floated a wreath along the river:

  • if he drowned, then there will be trouble and the girl will soon become very ill;
  • if she landed on the shore, then she will get married this year;
  • if the wreath floated far away, then the girl will soon meet strong and long-lasting love.

The girls also tried to find out through fortune-telling about which side she should wait for her beloved. To do this, they circled on this day, who would fall in which direction, and from there await their fate. Or they scattered the fragments of an old plow - in which direction it fell, she would wait for her beloved.

Also, unmarried young girls curled a birch tree a few days before the holidays, and already on Trinity or Spiritual Day they came to develop it. If during this time the branches have withered, then the girl will soon get sick or be in trouble, but if the branches are fresh, then the girl will have good luck, joy and luck this year.

Whatever exists folk beliefs associated with this date, it is important to remember that the truth is different for each person. An Orthodox believer must always remember God and pray to him, regardless of what holiday is in the yard and what folk signs and beliefs are associated with it.

In June, one of the biggest Christian holidays is celebrated - Trinity Day, which falls on the 50th day after Easter. In 2017 it falls on June 4th. It is immediately followed by Holy Spirit Day. Steeped in traditions and superstitions, it originates in ancient times.

The people of Trinity were associated with a whole cycle of beliefs and prohibitions, which were not allowed to be violated under the threat of misfortune.

What not to do

— On Trinity, it is not customary to paint or sew, or to work in the garden or bake pies. You can only cook food.
— Wedding ceremonies are also prohibited. A family that becomes an official unit of society on this day will face a series of troubles in the future.
“On this day you couldn’t look at your reflection in the water.” This could lead to the girl or guy losing their true love.
“It was not advisable to run on this day - you could run away from your fate.” But in order to bring the meeting with happiness closer, on Spiritual Day it was necessary to walk barefoot in the dew in the morning.
— It was forbidden to make birch brooms on Trinity;
— For a week, it was forbidden to fence the fence or repair harrows so that “ugly-looking domestic animals would not be born”;
- you cannot go to the forest, river or lake during the week - it is undesirable to swim on Trinity Day, because, as our ancestors believed, Trinity Day belongs to mermaids - if you swim, you will go to the bottom.


- To prevent adversity, illness and all sorts of troubles from being drawn into life, people gave generous alms and provided any help to those who needed it.
- The tablecloth that was used to cover festive table on Trinity Sunday, they were not washed, but carefully stored and not shown to anyone. This directly affected the fate of unmarried and unmarried family members. People believed that such a tablecloth could attract rich sons-in-law, as well as beautiful and hard-working daughters-in-law, into the house.
— All plants on Spiritual Day were endowed magical properties. With the help of infusions and decoctions prepared from plants, people were cured of many ailments.


- If this holiday was rainy, then, according to signs, the next six weeks will be the same.

“On this day, when going to get water, they always said, “I went on water.” If you say “let’s go get water,” you can easily drown.

— To protect yourself from evil spirits, in ancient times, fragrant plants such as wormwood, garlic or onions were worn on this day.

- Whatever the weather will be on Spiritual Day, the same is expected for the whole summer.

“But thunderstorms and lightning on this day are a good sign, because in this way the earth drives away evil spirits, because since ancient times it was believed that it is fire that can get rid of them.”

Fortune telling

Fortune telling with wreaths was also relevant on this day. Therefore, the girls did not miss the opportunity to tell fortunes on the river. To do this, they floated a wreath along the river: if it drowned, then there would be trouble and the girl would soon become very ill; if she landed on the shore, then she will get married this year; if the wreath floated far away, then its owner will soon meet strong and long-lasting love.

Unmarried girls curled the birch tree a few days before the holidays, and already on Trinity or Spiritual Day they came to develop it. If during this time the branches have withered, then expect illness or misfortune; if the branches are fresh, then this means good luck, joy and luck this year.

Traditions and customs

It seems that such a day should begin with a service in the temple or prayer. However, according to ancient belief, on Spiritual Day many tried to listen to the earth. To do this, even before sunrise, they went out into the street, put their ear to the ground and listened. This ritual was performed in the hope that in this way great secrets would be revealed to them. But at the same time, everyone then sincerely believed that this could only happen to a select few.

Since Spiritual Day is strongly associated with paganism, even after the adoption of Christianity, people tried to appease evil spirits. To do this, women went into the forest, to the river and hung old children's clothes everywhere.

It was also common practice to feed the earth on this day. To do this, they went out into the field, laid out a blanket and had a meal. If this ritual is performed, then, according to our ancestors, there will be a good and rich harvest all year.

After the temple, many hurried to the cemetery to decorate the graves with birch branches. There was also a meal there. However, they did not take all the remaining food home, but left it in the churchyard.

Is it possible to visit the cemetery

Trinity Saturday, the day of remembrance of the dead, falls on June 3 this year. Orthodox believers strive to visit the cemetery and atone for the sins of those who left this world before the Almighty.

On this day you need to visit the church, light candles and read prayers.

In Orthodoxy, special places are reserved for visiting cemeteries and commemorations. parenting days. It is they who delimit and distinguish the celebrations of the living and the dead. By reinterpreting these concepts and wasting time, we anger the Creator and attract failure. Therefore, you should visit the deceased on the eve of Trinity, on Saturday.

Long before the advent of Christianity Slavic peoples celebrated Green Week. It marked the end of spring and the beginning of summer. To this day, some pagan rituals and fortune telling have been preserved, which are carried out on the holiday of the Trinity. The customs of ancient times are based on the renewal of life - this is the time when the first leaves appear on the trees and flowers bloom. And for the holiday of Trinity, churches and houses were decorated with greenery - a symbol of the growth and renewal of the Christian faith.

Trinity or Pentecost?

The Feast of Trinity is one of the most beautiful holidays in Orthodoxy. It always falls at a time when the first leaves on the trees begin to bloom. Therefore, on this holiday, people decorate houses and churches with green branches of birch, maple, and rowan.

Trinity Sunday does not have a fixed date of celebration. It is scheduled for the fiftieth day after Easter. The Bible says that it was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. The disciples received the ability to preach the word of Christ. Therefore, this holiday is otherwise called Pentecost or the Descent of the Holy Spirit.

Only in the 14th century did they begin to celebrate the Trinity holiday in Rus'. The customs and traditions on this day have been observed since ancient times. The founder of the holiday was St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Old Testament holiday

Pentecost is a Jewish holiday that is celebrated on the 50th day after. According to legend, on this day the people of Israel received the Law of Sinai. Traditionally, in honor of the celebration, entertainment for the people, mass celebrations, and sacrifices are organized.

He did not give the Law of God to his people. This happened on the fiftieth day after the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Since then, Pentecost (or Shavuot) began to be celebrated every year. In Israel, on the same day, the festival of the first harvest and fruits is celebrated.

When did the Trinity appear in Christianity? The customs and traditions of the celebration originate from the Old Testament Pentecost.

Orthodox holiday

The apostles retired to celebrate the Jewish Pentecost. The Savior, before his martyrdom, promised them a miracle - the coming of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, every day they gathered in one of the Zion upper rooms.

On the 50th day after the Resurrection, they heard a noise that filled the small space of the house. Flames appeared and the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. He showed them three hypostases - God the Father (Divine Mind), God the Son (Divine Word), God the Spirit (Holy Spirit). This trinity is the basis of Christianity, on which the Christian faith firmly stands.

People who were not far from the upper room heard a strange noise - the apostles were speaking different languages. Jesus' disciples received amazing abilities - to heal, prophesy and preach in different dialects, which allowed them to carry the word of God to all corners of the world. The apostles visited the Middle East, India, Asia Minor. We visited Crimea and Kyiv. All the disciples, except John, suffered martyrdom - they were executed by opponents of Christianity.

There is only one God. The customs of the church holiday began in the morning. The whole family went to church for worship. After which people returned home. We had a gala dinner, went to visit, congratulated friends on happy holiday, gave gifts.

Slavic holiday

In our country, the holiday of the Trinity began to be celebrated only 300 years after the baptism of Rus'. Before this, the Slavs were pagans. But even today there are rituals and signs that originated in those times.

Before Trinity, this day was considered the border between spring and summer. Its name is Semik (Green Week), or Triglav. By pagan religion, three deities ruled all humanity - Perun, Svarog, Svyatovit. The latter is the keeper of light and human energy. Perun is the defender of truth and warriors. Svarog is the creator of the Universe.

In Semik, people held merry celebrations and danced in circles. Houses were first decorated with greenery, from which medicinal tinctures and decoctions were then prepared.

Thus, from the pagan celebration, a church holiday arose - Trinity. The customs and signs of those ancient times are still relevant among the people. For example, the greenery that was used to decorate the church on Pentecost was taken home and dried. It was sewn into canvas bags. This sachet served as a talisman for the home.

Celebration traditions

How is the Trinity Day celebrated? The customs of most holidays begin with cleaning the house. Only after the room was sparkling clean did the women decorate the rooms with green branches and flowers. They are a symbol of fertility and wealth.

The housewives prepared the festive table - they cooked pies and gingerbreads, cooked jelly. There is no fasting on this day, so Orthodox Christians are allowed any food. In churches, the Divine Liturgy is celebrated on Trinity Sunday, and immediately after it, the Vespers Liturgy. During it, kneeling prayers are read. The clergy ask for the granting of grace to all those present, for the sending of wisdom and reason to the believers.

After the service, people sit down at the festive table, invite guests, give gifts and congratulate each other. According to tradition, it was customary to get married on this day. It was believed that if the matchmaking took place on Trinity and the wedding on Pokrov, a happy life awaited the young family.

How is Trinity celebrated in other parts of the world? Traditions, customs, and rituals from different countries are united by festive services. And in England, religious processions are even held on this day. In Italy, rose petals are scattered from under the ceiling of a church. In France, trumpets are blown during worship, which symbolizes the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Folk customs for Trinity

According to folk legends, mermaids wake up on Pentecost. In this regard, the villagers have several customs.

  • In the villages they made a stuffed mermaid and danced around it during festivities. Then it was torn into small pieces and scattered across the field.
  • Before going to bed, women ran through the village with a broom to protect themselves from mermaids.
  • One girl was dressed as a mermaid, taken to a field and thrown into a grain harvest. After which everyone fled to their homes.

What other folk practices are the Trinity famous for? Traditions, customs, rituals were to ward off evil spirits from the gate of the house. According to legend, on this day the merman woke up, and the villagers burned fires along the shore to ward off evil spirits.

Much attention was paid to decorating the house. Only branches of maple, birch, rowan, and oak could protect people and give them strength and health.

Another custom was to water the branches and flowers that were in the temple with your tears. Girls and women tried to cry harder so that drops of tears would fall on the greenery. This method helped the ancestors get rid of the summer drought and autumn crop failure.

First day

All festive events were divided into 3 days. The first was called Green Sunday. On this day, icons were decorated with birch branches, and a special prayer was said for Trinity.

Folk festivities were held in forests and fields. People danced, played, and sang songs. The girls wove wreaths and lowered them down the river. Such fortune-telling helped to find out what fate awaited in the coming year.

People remembered their deceased relatives. In the cemetery they swept crosses and monuments with a birch broom to ward off evil spirits. They left treats for the deceased at the graves. That night, according to folk tales, people had prophetic dreams.

Second day

Feast Monday is the second day of the celebration of Pentecost. People were rushing to church in the morning. After the service, the priests walked through the fields with blessings. This was done in order to protect the crop from drought, rain and hail.

Third day

Girls celebrate God's Day most of all. They organize celebrations, games, and fortune telling. By folk tradition, a fun activity is being held - “Drive Poplar”. Most beautiful girl dressed up, decorated with greenery and wreaths - she played the role of Poplar. Then the youth took Topolya from house to house, and each owner gave her gifts. delicious treat or a gift.

Holiday symbol

There is still a ritual of curling a birch tree. During the process, the girls wished good health to their mother and other relatives. Or, while curling the birch tree, they thought about the young man they loved - thus tying his thoughts and thoughts to themselves.

During the festivities, a small birch tree was decorated with ribbons and flowers were flown into it. After round dance chants, they cut it down and began a triumphal procession through the village. An elegant birch tree was carried around the entire village, attracting good luck to its residents.

In the evening, the ribbons were removed from the tree and a traditional sacrifice was performed. The branches were “buried” in the field, and the birch itself was drowned in a pond. So people asked for the sending bountiful harvest and protection from spirits.

Early dew was collected on Trinity Sunday - it was considered a strong medicine against illnesses and illnesses. Such rituals existed among our ancestors. Some of them can still be found today. What can't you do on Trinity Sunday?

What is forbidden to do on Pentecost

On this holiday, it was strictly forbidden to work in the garden or around the house. Therefore, zealous housewives spent general cleaning to Trinity. And on the holiday itself they only decorated the house and prepared a rich meal.

What other prohibitions exist? What not to do on Trinity Day? All home repairs are best left for another day. You can't sew. Do not wash, cut or dye your hair.

On this day you cannot think about bad things or talk about someone in a negative way. It is forbidden to swim - otherwise the disobedient person will die in the near future (according to one version, he will be tickled by mermaids). And the one who remained alive after swimming on Trinity Sunday was declared a sorcerer.

You should not be offended or swear on this day - Trinity is a bright holiday. Signs and customs (what you can’t do and what you can do) - it all comes down to prayer and kind words. Trinity is a holiday of renewal of life, so you should surround yourself only with positive things on this day.

Parents' Saturday

The day before Trinity began, people went to the cemetery and commemorated their deceased relatives.

Since ancient times in parent's Saturday a funeral dinner was being prepared - cutlery was set out for the deceased. The deceased was invited to a meal.

On this day the bathhouse was heated. And after the whole family had washed, they left water and a broom for the deceased.

On Trinity Parents' Saturday they remember suicides and ask for repose for their souls. It is read on Trinity. But the Holy Church claims that this is a delusion - suicides will not be able to find peace after death. Therefore, only in home prayer can you ask for them.

Signs for Pentecost

The Trinity is rich in beliefs and signs. The customs and traditions of the holiday carry many centuries-tested omens.

  1. Rain on Pentecost means an abundance of mushrooms and close warmth.
  2. If the birch is fresh on the third day after the holiday, it means wet haymaking.
  3. They get married on Trinity, they get married on the Intercession - for love and harmony in the family.
  4. To attract wealth into your home, you need to place several
  5. The heat on Trinity means a dry summer.

The entire week of celebration was called Rusal Week. Thursday was considered especially important - on this day the mermaids tried to lure people into the water. Therefore, in the evenings people tried not to leave the house. Swimming was prohibited for the entire week. And you should definitely carry wormwood with you - this herb repels evil spirits.

Nowadays, the Trinity holiday is celebrated in nature, with songs and fun. Customs and signs of ancient times become irrelevant and gradually disappear. But people still decorate their homes with greenery so that peace, tranquility, happiness, health and prosperity reign in it. And the girls carry wreaths to the ponds and, holding their breath, set them afloat: wherever the wreath floats, wait for your betrothed from there, and if it washes up to the shore, you know it’s not your destiny to get married this year...

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