Good signs that plans will come true. You can't eat from a knife. Signs about the weather

There are several signs that always work. And all because they have been tested by more than one generation.

Of course, whether to believe in omens or not is everyone’s business. But we should not forget that life, for all its intricacy, is a surprisingly simple thing, amenable to certain laws. And when people noticed this, folk signs appeared. Most of them cannot be called romantic and beautiful, but they always work.

How do omens work?

Folk signs are a kind of support and support in life. From time immemorial, people have analyzed this or that situation, turning it into experience, and drawing conclusions based on their observations. Thus, any sign is an assessment of the surrounding world, phenomena and everything that happens around us.

7. If your child has gone on a spree, and you have already drunk all the sedatives in the house, do not rush to despair. Better yet, urgently try to hold an unscheduled leisure event with your loved one. Before you have time to move from words to action, a child will knock on the door.

Live a cheerful and eventful life, believe only in good omens and do not forget that the law of meanness always works. You won’t be able to deceive him, but you can use him to your advantage. We wish you a great mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.10.2017 06:05

There is an opinion that the fortieth anniversary should not be celebrated because of possible negative consequences. Reply to this...

Beliefs and superstitions can predict the weather, good and bad events, the harvest or a wedding. Russian folk signs have been formed over many centuries; they contain the wisdom of our ancestors. A black cat, thirteen people at one table, a cricket flying around a hut... For the Slavs, belief replaced the weather forecast, stock market analytics, and news reports.

Do you want to learn to understand Russian folk signs and apply them in practice? In this article you will find ancient beliefs that existed in Rus' for many centuries and have been carefully preserved to this day.

Household beliefs

Home and life - that’s what formed the basis of life common man(to be honest, it still does). Of course, kings, princes and boyars could afford to enjoy overseas trips and other imaginable and unimaginable entertainment. The majority of the population of Rus' rarely left their native district. Therefore, many Russian folk signs are associated with home and everyday life. Judge for yourself:

  • After dinner you forgot a spoon on the table - expect guests
  • To sauerkraut if it’s not missing, put an aspen twig in it
  • Don't swear or gossip in the house - the flowers will wither
  • After sunset, don’t borrow money so as not to fall into poverty.
  • Scratching your elbow - sleeping in a new place
  • In one hut they don’t sweep with different brooms (wealth will “disperse”)
  • Itches right palm- to profit, left - to loss
  • Put your clothes on inside out - either to get drunk or get beaten

As you can see, our ancestors noticed signs of fate even in the most trivial, at first glance, things. Centuries have passed, but many folk beliefs remain relevant to this day.

“Thin” (bad) omens

Probably the largest group can be considered “bad” Russian signs, warning of possible misfortune. How can one not remember the famous salt that spilled during a quarrel or a mirror that broke in the house! Apparently, the Slavs adhered to the principle “forewarned is forearmed.” We invite you to familiarize yourself with Russian folk signs that warn of trouble:

  • If you eat from cracked dishes, you will bring disaster upon yourself.
  • If there are moths in the house, then you need to prepare for losses
  • Do not wipe the table with paper - this will lead to a quarrel
  • You can’t give a knife as a gift, so as not to quarrel (the knife is “sold” for a pretty penny)
  • Finding a button on the street is a sign of imminent trouble.
  • They don’t say hello or goodbye at the door, so as not to quarrel
  • The brick fell out of the oven - expect big trouble
  • They don’t eat in front of a mirror so that they don’t “eat away” their health and luck.

The effect of many negative superstitions can be “reversed,” that is, canceled. For example, accidentally spilled salt should be covered with sugar, the fragments broken mirror- bury in the ground. And if you are afraid of a black cat that suddenly crossed your path, then it is enough to spit over your left shoulder three times.

“Good” (good) omens

Not all beliefs and superstitions foreshadow the onset of bad events, and this is easy to prove. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of good omens compiled by many generations of Russian people:

  • A pin on clothes will protect you from the evil eye
  • Single girl If she cuts her finger before the New Year, she will get married soon
  • Found a horseshoe - hang it above the door (there will be happiness)
  • Accidentally breaking dishes - good luck
  • Neck itches - look forward to a fun meeting with friends
  • - it means someone has fallen in love with you

Popular beliefs predict good luck for you - wealth or perhaps? In this case, you can be called truly lucky! After all, you not only have the chance to evaluate the veracity of ancient signs, you will also be able to do this completely without risk to yourself.

Russian superstitions about the weather

The weather had great value for the inhabitants of Rus', many of whom were engaged in agriculture. Peasant families depended on the harvest no less than on the master. Therefore, it was very important to calculate correctly the right time for sowing, so as not to live from hand to mouth. And Russian folk signs helped them in this:

  • There was a big harvest of rowan - the weather will be frosty
  • The dog barks all night - the morning will be foggy
  • A crow flies in circles over the house - coming soon it's going to rain
  • The cow is acting restless - frost is coming soon
  • Sparrows bathe in dust (for rain)
  • Birds fly low over the ground - it will rain
  • Frosty patterns appeared on the windows - the winter will be long

Will the sun rise or will it rain? Fog will rise, or hail will destroy young crops... If you want to learn more about signs about the weather, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Beliefs about animals and birds

During pagan times, people deified many animals and birds. As an example, we can recall the patron saint of travelers, traders and those interested in magical sciences. The Slavs did not regard animals as “our little brothers.” Rather, they treated members of the fauna as equals. Animals and birds are often found in folk tales, epics, legends and superstitions:

  • A magpie jumps on the roof of a sick person's house - to a speedy recovery
  • You can't kick the cat - otherwise the children will be capricious
  • A magpie is “talking” loudly - expect guests or news
  • If a cat reaches out to a person, then this is a sign of renewal.
  • They don’t spit on the doorstep so as not to encounter a wild animal (wolf, bear, mad dog)
  • If a man sings in the forest and sees a crow, then he will stumble upon a pack of wolves
  • Hearing the cry of an owl close to the hut - to the newborn
  • A cuckoo flies around the village - there will be a fire

Among the birds special attention deserves a crow. This mystical bird in the ideas of the Slavs became a conductor between Reality (or the world of the living) and Navy - kingdom of the dead. There are numerous beliefs, both good and bad.

Signs about evil spirits

Our ancestors had to “get along” with a whole host of evil spirits. In the thicket of the forest, a goblin was waiting for a person, who could confuse all the paths and roads. Mermaids lured unwary young men to the depths, tickled them and drowned them. Bannik could be scalded with boiling water (of course, if you show disrespectful behavior and anger him). Some Russian folk signs are dedicated to representatives of evil spirits:

  • Don't look out the window until dawn - you can see the devil
  • He who sits on a chair and dangles his legs shakes the devil
  • Don’t make a loud noise in the forest, otherwise the devil will lead you into the thicket
  • Go to the forest for Ivan Kupala - you can find treasure
  • Don't swim during the mermaid week - it won't take long to perish
  • After sunset, avoid bodies of water (otherwise the evil spirits will drag you away)

Of course, not all “evil spirits” sought to do dirty tricks on people. After all, there was also one whose duties included maintaining peace and order in the home. The brownie took care of family members and the household. For this he was supposed to be given a treat.

All folk signs and superstitions- their roots go back to ancient times. Our Slavic ancestors imagined the world to be in a constant struggle between good and evil. Each of these sides alternately gained the upper hand over the other, and in the nature or destiny of man, favorable or unfavorable events occurred accordingly. Trying to grasp the patterns of these events, people developed bad and good omens and superstitions.
Bad omens associated with the inheritance of the faith of our ancestors - in evil spirits, which were embodied in brownies, devils, witches, goblins and the like mystical creatures who harmed people or could even get the better of them. For example, in ancient times it was common among people superstition, that if a cow is milked with purple blood, it means that a witch or other evil spirit may have drunk her milk. It was also believed that the brownie strangled people at night by sitting on their chest.

Good omens were associated primarily with the actions of good light forces - which helped people and protected them from more fallen evil spirits. These signs associated with various life situations. For example, if a boy is born like his mother, and a girl is like his father, then they will be happy in life. It was also previously believed that the more moles a person has, the happier he will be - although modern interpretation moles have contradictory meanings. Meeting a woman on the way carrying full buckets (no matter what they are filled with) is considered superstition- a sure sign of good luck. Bad omens don't be afraid, but good omens should not be neglected, because what a person believes in most strongly has more success come true.

Superstitions will accept

If your right palm itches omens- to profit, the left - to loss - but in general, by the palm of your hand you can recognize not only signs and superstitions and also tell fortunes.
- when the elbow itches - to grief,
- if a fly gets into a drink or a plate of food by superstition- this is for a gift,
- when you accidentally spit on yourself, there will be a new thing,
- if the neck itches - to feasts or beatings,
- however, when the back of the head itches, it means sadness,
- itching in the leg - to good news,
- if the bridge of the nose itches, they say to the deceased,
- right eyebrow itch - for a date with a friend, if the left one - with a hypocrite,
- the left eye itches - to tears, the right - to look at the dear one,
- when the cheeks itch or burn with a great flame - to tears,
- if there is a ringing in the right ear, it is good omen to good news, but if there is a ringing in the left ear - to bad news,
- when your ears itch - to all sorts of insignificant news,
- soles itch - for travel, for the road,
- if the right ear is on fire, they tell the truth about him, but when the left ear is on fire, they tell a lie,
- bite your tongue - someone scolds you,
- if two people yawn at the same time, it means they should drink vodka together.

Folk signs of superstition - for the weather

Folk signs about the weather although they have lost relevance in the modern world, they are often intensely guided and believed in signs in Rus'. Over the course of many centuries, our previous ancestors collected truly invaluable material, including on folk superstitions o weather. That is why they probably got the name folk signs about the weather.

Contradictory signs and superstitions

Interpretations of signs and superstitions. It is worth noting the fact that the most interesting thing about interpretation of superstitions is that there are discrepancies, and there is practically no universal signs and superstitions, which would be the same in all countries and peoples.
In fact, the opposite is true. Each nation has its own superstitions and signs, which in other countries can mean something different, and often completely the opposite. This is shown by the inconsistency presented below. folk signs and superstitions.

Let's consider this fact using the example of superstitions associated with cats. :

Black cats bring good luck and prosperity - an English belief.
-On Friday, the 13th, owners are required to wear bells on all black cats when they are allowed outside - this is Indiana state law.
-A black cat on the porch means prosperity in the house - a Scottish omen.
-Beware of people who don't like cats - Irish sign.
-A house without a cat or dog is the house of a miser - Portuguese belief.
-The cat gives life, well-being and health, it does this every day and provides peaceful old age. - Inscription on ancient graves.
-If there is a black cat at home, there will be no shortage of lovers in it - Old English superstition.
-If there is a black cat on the ship, without a single white hair, then the voyage will be successful. - Sailors' belief.
-If a black cat sneezes not far from the bride - happiness for the young - English belief.
-During a thunderstorm, you must definitely throw the black cat out of the house, otherwise it will attract lightning to itself. - Russian folk belief
-Capricorn from December 22 to January 20. Talisman: black cat, devil - this is how a modern book on astrology called “Stars and Fates” deciphers it.
-Although black cats are believed to bring bad luck, a stray cat, especially if it is black, is sure to herald good luck.
-If a black cat comes to your door, let him in and be kind to him.

Such inconsistency in interpretation one or another will accept indicates that all this is nothing more than ordinary human superstitions and prejudices, or remnants of the past. After all, the fear of superstitions that we believe in is nothing more than a form of worship.

Folk signs of superstition - regarding dreams

A folk sign says: You cannot tell your family a bad dream before sunrise, otherwise it will definitely come true.

If you had a nightmare, you need to look out the window and say three times: “Where there is night, there comes sleep.”

It's a bad omen when you dream about it Death
See in a dream death- this is one of the bad omens; however, when you dream of death, you should not ignore such a dream...

If you dreamed of a dead person, this means that he is asking for the repose of his soul. You need to light a candle in the church and give it for the repose. There is also an opinion that dreams of the dead also mean bad weather, rain, blizzards.

When a dead person in a dream calls for him (to follow him) or says: “I’ll pick you up,” then this is very bad omen.

It is also not a very good omen to dream about Blood. Seeing blood in a dream is a warning; A popular sign about such a dream says: that you should beware of competitors, as well as new ones...

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

A sign when you dream of Teeth can have many meanings and usually Seeing teeth in a dream- this is most likely not a good omen about which there is a lot of superstition...

A dream I had on a holiday, may be completed no later than half of the next day. They say: “A holiday nap is until lunch,” but on Friday it is “valid” all day.

Who cries in a dream, - he will laugh in reality.

If you dreamed that you are getting married, or dreamed of a wedding, then this could be bad omen. You should go to church just in case - light a candle and say a prayer.

To not remember dreams, - when you wake up, you need to hold yourself by the crown.

In most cases, a positive sign is when you see a Fish in a dream. Seeing a fish means starting to move, otherwise you will miss your chance. Dream, in which you saw three fish, is a good omen.

If small child laughs in his sleep, then at this time the angels are playing with him. It would be a sin to wake him up or disturb him at this moment.

A sign when you dream of pregnancy can be interpreted in different ways. There are usually plenty of folk superstitions about this, but the meaning of the sign depends on the specific details of the dream.

When I crossed the road black cat , they say it’s a bad omen, and the route should be changed. A cat in a dream says that you will have no luck that day.

Stepping in shit is considered a good omen, - this is about money. The sign has the same meaning if shit is found on any objects you use, for example, bird shit on a car.

If you dreamed about shit in a dream, this is also a good omen. Seeing shit in a dream in its different variations can be both a good and a bad omen.

If a rat crossed the road- you should be careful in business, this sign says that unfamiliar ill-wishers are hanging around you.

Rat by various signs has bad value, and when you dream of a rat or a mouse, you shouldn’t expect anything good. Seeing a rat or even a small teddy bear in a dream means the appearance of new enemies, what does a rat mean?...

Lose a ring or breaking a ring is a completely bad omen, unpleasant surprises await you.

A sign when you dream of a ring makes a person wary. When you dream of a ring, the omen indicates that real life changes are coming.

Water and if water is accidentally poured on you, is a good omen, but it is desirable that it be clean.

Water in dreams can be either a good omen or vice versa, when you dream about Water When you dream water- attention should be paid to the condition of the water, since depending on clean water or dirty, the meaning of the sign is interpreted.

When a bird knocked on the window- this sign indicates upcoming news, often the arrival of unexpected guests.

When you dream of a bird in a dream, this is usually a good omen. If you dream of a bird, most likely you are lucky; dreams with birds are good.

Folk signs - Miscellaneous

Signs related to money
You probably know at least one sign related to money. The most common, perhaps, is when you don’t borrow money in the evening. It is believed that having occupied the evening in the following...

Signs related to home and moving
Are you planning to move to new home or an apartment and it seems that there is no happier family in the world than yours...

Road signs
Many car owners have their own prejudices and many adhere to them. After all, the road can be very long and long, no one knows what awaits along the way...

Folk fortune telling
Sometimes people’s curiosity about everything unknown forces them to resort to using not only folk signs in life, but they also resort to common folk methods fortune telling.

In the modern rhythm of life, we often do not notice the clues from the Universe. But many signs work really well, and it is they who lift the veil of the future.

Almost every one of us spends our day busy with business and worries. We are so accustomed to running somewhere and carrying out urgent assignments that we have completely stopped looking around and noticing the signs that the Higher Powers send us. But this can make our life much easier.

To start every day with a smile and bring only good news, learn to pay attention to certain things. And then with your positivity and great mood you will be able to attract good luck and abundance. And simple rituals will help you consolidate the results obtained and keep Fortune in your life.

Good omens for every day

In fact, many of the signs are probably familiar to you. But, as experience shows, in practice almost no one uses this. But for everything to work, you just need to pay attention to the details.

Let's get off the wrong foot. Everyone knows the expression that the way you get out of bed in the morning is how the day will pass. This is actually true, and there is nothing supernatural here. The very moment of awakening is considered very favorable time, to make wishes, since it was at this time that the person did not have time to finally wake up, and the connection with the Higher Powers is considered the strongest. When we get out of bed and pay attention to which foot to put on the floor first, at that very moment a miracle happens. If you get up on the right foot, then the day will be successful. Well, what if left leg turns out to be the first, then expect trouble. This sign can be changed at will, just make sure that the right leg is first and smile at the new day.

We attract prosperity. In money matters, the hand sign works great. If you have itching left palm, which means you can expect quick profits. If the right one reminds you of itself, then this foreshadows an interesting meeting. Moreover, such a prediction can also be helped. When your palm itches, smile and mentally invite a new friend or money into your home. You can attract money to your home in other ways. One of them is money talismans, which you can make with your own hands.

Looking for love. If you want to know what awaits you at love front, then make it a rule to look at your feet. The girl who finds a hairpin or a comb on the road will soon meet her soulmate.

Signs are another way to concentrate on the good, because in this way we program ourselves to happy life. However, it should be remembered that the choice is always ours, and if someone prefers the psychology of poverty, then the Universe will fulfill his request. Love yourself, believe only in the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.05.2016 03:00

There are many signs and superstitions about weddings, which have long grown into traditions. When entering into marriage...

Sometimes, even the luckiest person is not averse to acquiring good luck and thinks about how...

Folk signs are a whole world that has been formed over the centuries. And good omens are also a guarantee of confidence, because when even omens speak of good luck, all deeds are crowned with success. Each of us knows at least a few signs, but few people understand their meaning, which is why I want to understand not only the signs themselves, but also the history of their formation, the meaning that they carry with them through the centuries. Using good signs, you can even cheer yourself up.

  • See a double rainbow- to good luck.
  • If baby smiles in a dream, the family will be happy.
  • Sneezing before eating is good news.
  • If on your plate or a fly hit the glass- you will soon be rewarded with a gift.
  • See a dream in which you cry- in reality you will laugh.
  • Left hand itches to profit.
  • Fortunately, they meet a woman with a full bucket on the road.
  • Ears itching - this is news.
  • It is believed that a person who has many moles will be happy.
  • Fortunately, the dishes break. Therefore, do not be upset if you break something and do not store it in the house broken or chipped dishes.
  • If you step into manure, you will receive a cartload of happiness.
  • Seeing a spider is good news.
  • Rain on a significant day is considered a good sign, which means God is sending you His mercy.
  • Accidentally spitting on yourself means new things. 14. If a girl looks like her father, and a boy looks like his mother, then they will be happy.
  • When two people yawn at the same time means they will drink together.

You can create a good omen yourself by simply following simple tips:

  • It is better to get out of bed on your right leg.
  • If in lately you have a lot of little troubles- buy a new watch.
  • When you lend money, press the right hand rusty nail.
  • For a date, wear a round piece of jewelry.
  • On steps and sidewalk step on your right foot.
  • Sit on the path- this expression is very familiar to many. When getting ready to travel, this sign gives you the opportunity to take a break for a couple of minutes, relax and at the same time collect your thoughts, which is why it makes sense. While you sit in front of the road, you can remember something important that you forgot during the training period.
  • Avoid passing any objects across the threshold. After all, the threshold is the border between two worlds, and the dead should not be disturbed. That is why we do not recommend sitting on the threshold.
  • Try not to borrow money after sunset, and it’s better not to take anything out at all during this period of the day.
  • An important sign is a talisman, knocking on wood. Our ancestors believed that by knocking on wood we touch God, thereby asking for his protection. To ward off trouble, you need to knock three times, since three is sacred number Christian.
  • Spit three times over your left shoulder possible in order to protect yourself from evil spirits. According to ancient belief, an angel sits on our right shoulder, and a devil on our left. By spitting three times over our left shoulder, we protect ourselves from evil spirits that push us onto the wrong path.

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