What is a particle in a sentence? Form-forming and word-forming particles in the Russian language. What particles help form the imperative and conditional moods?

Service. It is intended to indicate various emotional and semantic shades. Also, with its help, completely new words and their forms are formed.

All particles in the Russian language are divided into two large categories:

1) those that express shades of various meanings and emotions (modal);

2) formative and word-forming.

This division is based on what meaning and what role this part of speech plays in a sentence.

Modal particles in Russian

Depending on the shades of meaning and emotions they express, particles, in turn, are divided into the following groups:

1) incentive: let, well, come on, come on, come on;

2) negative and affirmative: no, yes, no, definitely, not at all;

3) exclamatory-evaluative particles: well, of course, what the, what, how, what;

4) interrogative: what, really, really, whether;

5) intensifying particles: yes and, and, even;

6) concessional at least, after all, nevertheless;

7) comparative: as, as if, as if, exactly, as if;

8) excretory-restrictive particles: only, solely, only, exclusively, almost;

9) clarifying: just, exactly, exactly, exactly;

10) demonstrative: here and, there and, here, this, there, that.

Formative and word-forming particles in the Russian language

The latter are:

1) particles neither and not, if they are used as prefixes to form adjectives, nouns, adverbs, as well as pronouns (indefinite and negative): untruth, someone, nothing, etc.;

2) particles -or, -something, -that, something-. They are used as affixes. With their help, indefinite pronouns and adverbs are formed: something, somewhere, somewhere, etc.

Shape-forming particle - would. With its help, the mood of the verb can be changed to the subjunctive: would help, would win.

Particles in Russian. Classification by origin

In the Russian language, some particles originate from various parts of speech, while others do not. On this basis, the following classification is made into:

1. Derivatives. They can come from adverbs: barely, directly, only, etc.; from verbs: come on, let, see, etc.; from pronouns: -some, everything, -that, it, etc.; from conjunctions: and, yes, same, a, whether, -or, etc.

2. Non-derivative particles. Their origin is not connected with any parts of speech: -ka, over there, here, etc.

Particles in Russian. Spelling "not" mixed with words

An unstressed particle is not used when one intends to express negation. It is written together with words only in the following cases:

a) if it serves as a prefix for nouns, adverbs and adjectives: unkind, sad, failure;

b) if the word is not used in use without it: ridiculous, inappropriate, slob;

c) if the forms of indefinite and negative pronouns are unprepositional: no one, no one, nothing, no one;

d) if at full communion no dependent words: unheated sun, uncorrected error.

Particles in Russian. Spelling "ni" is merged with words

This unstressed particle is used to express amplification. It is written together with words in cases where it acts as a prefix:

a) in negative adverbs: in no way, from nowhere, nowhere, not at all, not at all, not at all, nowhere;

b) in negative pronouns (in their non-prepositional forms): I didn’t have a chance to take anyone on the road.

Among the particles should be distinguished. There are quite numerous examples of them in the Russian language. The difficulty is that they can perform several functions, and particles often go into Let's look at how these particles are represented in the Russian language, examples will help with this.


What is a particle? This is a special auxiliary part of speech, which is designed to convey additional semantic or emotional shades both to the entire sentence as a whole and to a specific word. They also have another important function: participate in the formation of word forms.

Let's look at two sentences that use particles. Examples are as follows:

  • Only she can help me do this hard work.
  • Let them finish this task quickly and move on to the next one.

If in the first sentence the particle only strengthens the pronoun she, gives the word the meaning of isolation, exclusivity, then in the second particle let performs a completely different function - participates in education imperative mood: Let them finish, let them move on.

Syntactic role

Just like other function words (prepositions and conjunctions), particles do not carry a syntactic load; it is wrong to single them out as a part of a sentence. The only exception is their formative role. In this case, the particle is indicated with the member of the sentence to which it is adjacent.

  • Wasn't it you and me we met on the bus yesterday? (The addition not with you includes the particle Not.)
  • Let the lights sparkle brighter. (The predicate in the imperative mood let them sparkle includes the particle let him.)

Let's compare with sentences where there are no examples:

  • Should you be on class duty today? (Interrogative particle isn't it does not carry any syntactic load.)
  • How beautiful the sea is at dawn! (Exclamation particle how come is not part of the sentence.)

Basic functions

Let's figure out what forms this part of speech (particle) is used to form. Examples will help with this.

  1. The imperative mood of the verb. These are the particles: let (let), come on, yeah. (Let's start your duties as soon as possible . Yes the celebration will begin! )
  2. Conditional mood of the verb. The particle used here is would (b). (If would just return everything back. Came b you came to me, you got it done would much faster.)
  3. Particles are also used to form the degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb. Examples: taller, less deep, most beautiful; more interesting, less broad.
  4. A number of linguists identify some (we will give examples of them in this paragraph) as participating in the formation of indefinite pronouns: either, either, something(someone, somewhere, anyone, some). However, classical science still identifies them as suffixes and prefixes (some-).

Transmitted values

Much more diverse Examples will help prove that with the help of these function words you can convey various emotional and semantic shades.

There are several groups of such particles:

  1. Interrogative. Really, really, really) indicate a question. ( Really Is it so difficult to complete a simple task? Isn't it Did I say I'll come after lunch? You whether stood behind that tree?)
  2. Exclamation marks. How, what the talk about admiration or indignation. ( How It's great to come home after a day of work! What the beautiful morning! What the naughty child! How You can make such a terrible soup!)
  3. Index marks. Here, there are used when it is necessary to attract the listener's attention to a specific subject. ( Here this house. It is over a thousand years old. There, look, a wedge of cranes.)
  4. Amplifiers: even, after all, after all, then. They are used to enhance emotions specific word. (Even a small child knows that he needs to wash his hands after going outside. After all I warned you that you could make a mistake here. Still you are an incorrigible romantic. Anya same I went into the forest through the thicket. To me -That Don’t you know how hard it is to study and work!)
  5. Clarifying: exactly, exactly, exactly- used to designate specific objects and phenomena. (It was exactly that dress that was hanging in the window just yesterday. Exactly This is what I'm trying to convey to you. Just Pavel should know this.)
  6. Conveying doubt: hardly, hardly.(Hardly there will be someone who can help us. Hardly he will cope with such a difficult test.)
  7. Negative particles: no, neither. We will look at examples of their use in more detail below. Here we will only say that they convey negation in different ways.

Denial with no and no

It is the negative particles that cause the most difficulties. The difficulty lies in the fact that they are used in different speech situations. Yes, particle Not used when it is necessary to convey the negations of a sentence as a whole. ( Not talk to me in that tone! I Not Can Not go to this meeting . )

Another thing is the particle neither. It is intended to strengthen the already existing denial. In other words, it is always used in conjunction with Not, giving it additional meaning. By the way, instead of a particle Not there may be an equivalent word no. (In heaven there is no neither clouds, neither clouds. I won't go neither to the store, neither to visit - I want to stay at home.) Word No, which is a predicate, can be omitted, it can be easily restored from the context. (In the house neither souls. Wed: Not in the house neither souls.)

Particle neither can also take on an intensifying meaning. (Where neither I’ll look - everyone is enjoying the first sun.) In such cases, the function word is used in subordinate clauses together with, for example, who, what, where, where.

Spelling no and no

When to write Not and when neither? The answer is simple: try to “eliminate” the controversial particle from the sentence. If the meaning does not change, you need to use neither, otherwise - Not. ( Whichever book I neither I read, everywhere I meet characters who are similar to my loved ones.) If you remove the sentences, it will remain the same, it will not suffer grammatically.

(Who Not I was preparing for exams and passed them very poorly.) If you remove the particle, the meaning of the sentence will change to the opposite. Must be consumed Not.

It should also be remembered that in exclamatory sentences along with the particle only always written Not.(Where is he? Not I looked for the loss - everything is useless!)

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"Particles in Russian"


7th grade student "A"

Balashova Svetlana

Morphological characteristics

A particle is an auxiliary part of speech that serves to express various semantic shades of any member of a sentence or a sentence as a whole, as well as to form moods. The particle introduces additional semantic shades into the sentence and serves to form word forms. Unchangeable part of speech. The particle is not a member of the sentence.

Morphological features: formative, negative, modal. Formatives serve to form the conditional and imperative mood of the verb. These include: yes, come on, let's, would (b), let, let. Negatives are used to express negation, strengthen negation, or give a sentence a positive meaning when double negative. These include: no, neither. Modals are used to express various shades of meaning and feelings in a sentence. These include: really, really, what for, how, here, only, only, really, etc.

Modal particles introduce the following semantic shades:

1) question: whether, really, really, for example: Have you prepared the previous material for today’s lesson? Didn't you do right choice by continuing your education?

2) indication: here, there, for example: Here necessary tools for practical training;

3) clarification: exactly, just, for example: This particular specialist will be in demand to work in our company;

4) allocation, restriction: only, only, exclusively, for example: Only those who passed will be allowed to take the exams. A medical worker must be an exceptionally kind, sympathetic, merciful person;

5) exclamation: what the, like, for example: How nice it is for a teacher to see the success of his students!

6) doubt: unlikely, hardly, for example: It is unlikely that you will cope with the task if you do not make an effort;

7) strengthening: even, really, after all, after all, for example: How many times have they repeated the basic terms;

8) mitigation, requirement: - ka, for example: Repeat this topic again.

Also, particles are a class of words that express diverse relationships realized in an act of speech or text, namely: the relationship of what is being communicated to the participants in the speech act (speaker, listener), as well as the relationship between them; the relationship of what is being reported to reality (in terms of its reality, unreality; reliability, unreliability); the relationship between statements and their components. By expressing these relationships, particles realize their meanings. Some meanings of the particle contain semantic components that modify the content of what is being communicated (only, total, was, not, nor).

Particles, in addition, serve to form morphological and syntactic moods (would, let, let). In "Grammar of modern Russian" literary language» Particles are classified on a different basis - by function. There are three main categories: syntactic (would, let, yes, come on, etc.), subjective-modal (after all, even, really, really, etc.) and negative (not, nor) particles. Among the subjective modal particles, intensifying (-that, even, after all, here, right), excretory (only, only), etc. differ in meaning. In the “Russian Grammar” the main categories of particles are also distinguished by function. Characterizing a sign (action or state) by its course over time, by the completeness or incompleteness of implementation, by effectiveness or ineffectiveness (it was, it happened, it happens, etc.). Particles in this grammar are also classified according to their structure: they are divided into primitive and non-primitive, into simple (and, fortunately, more, etc.) and composite; composite particles are divided into dismemberable (it would be, here and, like this, etc.) and non-divisible (it would be good, if only, if only, etc.); within the constituent particles, phraseological particles are distinguished (no, no, and; which of that, etc.). Thus, the question of classes of particles and the principles of their isolation is solved in different ways. When studying particles as lexical units in their system, it is revealed large number intersecting subclasses interconnected by a variety of relationships.

Various classifications can be applied to particles as units of language, taking as a classification unit separate meaning particles (for example, in the classification proposed below). The most adequate to linguistic reality are those classifications that reflect the semantic properties of particles. However, analysis of the semantics of particles is impossible without taking into account the specifics of their functioning. According to the main classification criterion - semantic, particles are divided into eleven categories. Modal particles expressing different types subjective relations. With the help of such particles, meanings associated with two types of modality are expressed: reality/irreality and reliability/unreliability.

The meanings “possibility”, “desirability”, “necessity” associated with the opposition reality/irreality correspond to the particular meanings of expectation expressed by particles (simple, and, precisely, nevertheless, after all; for example, And you agreed!), surprise (well, look how), motivations, encouragements, demands, wishes (come on, well, so that, otherwise, let, if, when, it would be good; for example, I wish I was alive!; So that I would be good meeting!), reminders/memories (tea, more, same; e.g., Take some candy! - I can’t see the candy!; Do you remember her: she also sang a song to you!), assumptions (perhaps, as if, exactly, as if, like , definitely, in no way; eg, As if someone came in?), fears (unequal); Associated with the opposition of reliability/unreliability are the particular meanings of confirmation (yes, exactly), assumption (albeit, well, good), doubt, distrust [yes, no, directly, perhaps; eg: I'll find you a book! -Yes, you will find it! (meaning “you won’t find it”); I'm staying. No, really? (meaning “I can’t believe it”)]. Emotionally expressive particles expressing various emotional characteristics (threat, surprise, dissatisfaction, annoyance, irony, ridicule): well, see, see, simply, directly. Some researchers classify these words (except simply, directly) as interjections as words serving the sphere of emotions. They come close to particles when they function as a modal component of a sentence.

Addressative particles expressing semantics associated with the social sphere. This semantics can be reduced to the oppositions superior/inferior/equal; yours/someone else's. This category includes particles: -ka, -s (obsolete). In the meanings of the particle, the sign of categorical/non-categorical is revealed, which leads to the sphere of modal meanings. Contextual particles that serve to identify authorial behavior and to draw attention to certain components of a statement or text. Contextual particles can be associated with the organization of speech activity (yes, and, yes, no, here, there; for example, Yes, another piece of news; Yes, I almost forgot, I have a letter for you), with various kinds of clarifications regarding the chosen expressions, filling “emptiness” in speech (or that, namely), and with indications of the transmission of someone else’s speech (they say, de, they say, supposedly). Quantitative particles expressing a quantitative characteristic of a component of propositional content from the point of view of the speaker (only, only, like this).

Negative particles specialized in expressing negation (no, no). A phase particle (was), which modifies the propositional semantics of a verbal predicate, expressing that the action began or was assumed, but did not take place or was interrupted. Excretory particles expressing the meaning of inconsistency or correspondence between the assumed, expected and actual (only, only, even, even, exactly, and).

Identifying particles [same, and; for example, He was born here and lives here all his life; I have the same book (like the one on the display)], which serve to express anaphoric relations in the text (relations of coreference or equilexicality). Gradational particles expressing an increase in a characteristic (even). Replica particles and capable of functioning in dialogue as a replicating component (yes, okay, okay). Semantic classification covers this entire class of words, but does not reflect all the properties of this class. The second classification feature is the features of the functioning of the particle: some of them can function in a relatively closed statement (well, ek, only, there, you), others can bring the statement into a wider text, being non-union indicators of connection in the text (like, and, an .well, only, even, exactly). Particles can also be classified according to their correlation with the type of speech act: a question - is it possible, is it possible, is it possible; by impulse - let it, give it, well, so that, otherwise; statement - all other particles. This classification does not cover the entire class - some words in this regard are neutral, indefinite, not marked (only, even, total). Particles, being words that have a wide variety of parameters, can simultaneously be included in several classifications. Thus, the particle is even excretory, textual, not marked from the point of view of its relevance to the speech act; particles ek - emotional-expressive, functions in isolated statements and in statements; Is the particle modal, textual, interrogative (in relation to the speech act).

Separate writing of particles

The particles would (b), same (g), li (l) are written separately: would read, if, here, which, however, however, hardly, hardly.

Note. The rule does not apply to those cases when the specified particles are part of the word: so that, also, also, really, or, etc.

Hyphenated spelling of particles

Particles (suffixes) are written through a hyphen: -de, -ka, koe- (koy-), (-kas - dialect), -or, -ni, -s, -tka, -tko, -to: you-de, she -here, here, here, look, someone, someone, someone, some, from somewhere, yes, sir, well, look, somewhere , once upon a time, something. Note. The particle -de (colloquial) is used when conveying someone else's speech, as well as in the meaning of the verb says (they speak) and in the meaning of particles they say, they say; Wed: And if I see that his execution is too small, I will immediately hang all the judges around the table (Kr.). - My fellow countryman turned to the commander at a rest stop: so and so, - allow me to leave, they say, it’s an expensive occasion, they say, since I’m a local resident, it’s just a stone’s throw from the yard (Tv.). The particle say (colloquial) was formed by merging two words: de and say.

A particle is an auxiliary part of speech, which, without having its own completely independent lexical meaning, gives different shades to words and sentences or serves to create forms of words.

Particles do not change, do not have an independent lexical meaning and are not members of sentences, but can be part of sentence members.
The main area of ​​use of particles is oral speech, fiction and journalism with elements colloquial speech. The use of particles in speech makes statements more expressive and emotional. Excessive use of particles leads to speech clogging and loss of semantic accuracy.

The main role of particles (general grammatical meaning) - add additional nuances to the meanings of other words, groups of words or sentences. Particles clarify, highlight, and strengthen those words that are necessary for a more precise expression of the content: « Already the sky was breathing in autumn, Already the sun shone less often.» ( Pushkin A.S.) Already- a particle with an intensifying value.

Particles arose later than other parts of speech. By origin, the particles are related to in different parts speech: with adverbs ( only, only, barely, just, right etc.); with verbs ( let, let, come on, let it be, it would be, after all, you see etc.); with unions (oh, yes, and, well etc.); with pronouns ( everything, it, what for, then, this, itself etc.), with interjections ( there, well etc.). Some particles are not related to other parts of speech by origin: here you go etc.

There are few particles in the Russian language. In terms of frequency of use, they are in the first hundred most used words (the same as , conjunctions and some pronouns). This hundred most frequent words includes 11 particles ( no, same, here, only, yet, already, well, neither, even, whether, after all ).

Comparison with other parts of speech

In their structure and functions, particles are similar to adverbs, conjunctions and interjections.

Particles differ from significant parts of speech in that they do not have lexical meanings, therefore particles are not members of the sentence, but can be part of the members of the sentence. Particles differ from prepositions and conjunctions in that they do not express grammatical relationships between words and sentences, i.e. the particle never connects anything.

At parsing the particle is highlighted together with the word it refers to or is not highlighted at all.

In the science of the Russian language there is no consensus on the classification of particles. Classifications may vary among different authors.

Particle discharges.

According to their meaning and role in a sentence, particles are divided into categories.

  • formative,
  • negative,
  • semantic (modal).

Shaping particles

- particles that participate in the formation of certain forms various parts speech (verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, pronouns).

  • Particles that serve to form verb inflections:
    • imperative mood - yes, let (let), come on (let's) :long live, let him go, let's (let's) go;
    • subjunctive (conditional) mood - would(b): said would, helped would , put on b ; What would didn't happen.
      Particle would(b) may appear before the verb to which it refers, after the verb, may be separated from the verb in other words: I b went to work. I wanted would live in Moscow. I did more would better. I would made it even better.

    Particles let, let, let, yes, come on (let's go) are part of the verb form and are part of the same part of the sentence as the verb, and are underlined with it. The formative particle is a component of the verb form and is written with the verb when morphological analysis verb as part of speech.

  • Particles that form forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives, adverbs, names of states - more, less : more important, less important; more Interesting, less boring.
    Meaning comparative degree may be amplified by particles more And All : more scarier All more interesting.

When forms are formed, particles become closer to morphemes: more important (the degree of comparison is formed using a suffix) - more important (the degree of comparison is formed with the help of a particle).

Postfixes are not particles -sya(-s), -that, -either, -something And no, neither as part of negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, participles and adjectives, regardless of combined or separate spelling. It is necessary to distinguish the particle -That And -That : Which -That, Where -That ( ) - I -That I know everything. (particle)


In Babaytseva’s complex on the Russian language, some other authors (Glazunov, Svetlysheva) proposed a different approach, where -something, -either, -something - attributed to word-forming particles and form pronouns and adverbs : who - someone, someone, anyone, anyone; what - some, some etc. Negative particles are also classified as word-forming particles Not And neither : who - no one, no one; when never, never etc. In this case, the particles turn into .
Using a particle Not Words with opposite meanings are formed: friend - foe, happiness - misfortune.
Some words without Not no longer exist: bad weather, slob, ignorant, impossible etc.
These questions should be clarified with your teacher.

Negative particles

No, neither- the most frequent particles. Besides: no, not at all, not at all.

Particle NOT plays a major role in expressing negation and gives the following meanings:

  • negative meaning to the whole sentence: This will not happen.
  • negative meaning to an individual member of a sentence: In front of us was not a small, but a large clearing.
  • positive meaning, statement (via double negative with not): could not help but help, i.e. should have helped; I couldn't help but say.

Most often a negative particle Not is part of the predicate: At night there was no rain. ( there was no- predicate) I Don't know. (Don't know- tale.)

NI particle gives:

  • negative meaning in a sentence without a subject: Neither from the spot!
  • strengthening of negation in sentences with the word not (no), which expresses the main negation: Around No neither souls. Not visible neither zgi. In the sky No neither clouds. Sometimes neither used without Not : In the sky neither clouds.
  • strengthening and generalization of any statement made in the main clause (for this, the particle is used in the subordinate clause neither ): What neither (= everything) would do, everything would work out for him. Where neither (= everywhere) you look, there are fields and fields everywhere.
  • When repeating the particle neither becomes important coordinating (conjunctive) conjunction : Neither Sun, neither air won't help me. ( neither - union)
  • Negative particles include words No. It is used when there is a negative answer to a spoken or unspoken question: Want? No . To strengthen the negative word No repeated or used before a negative predicate: No, I don’t want to.
    Particle No corresponds in its role to the affirmative particle in the sentence Yes : Will you go? Yes .
  • not at all, not at all, not at all .

It is necessary to distinguish neither (not) prefix, particle and conjunction. The prefix is ​​written together ( someone, no one, no one). The particle and conjunction are written separately: no not a soul (particle, strengthens negation); Neither (conjunction) rain, neither (union) snow couldn't stop him.

Semantic particles

Semantic (modal) particles are particles that introduce various shades of meaning into a sentence (clarify, emphasize, intensify), express the feelings and attitude of the speaker.

Particle groups by value:

  • Adding shades of meaning:
    • interrogativewhether, really, really :
      Really is that so? Is it true whether This? Isn't it do you disagree with me?

      Isn't it And really often act as synonyms: Is it (is it really) didn't you recognize me? But they can also have different meanings.
      In sentences with isn't it doubt is expressed, the speaker seems to be arguing with the interlocutor, confident in the inadmissibility of the fact: Isn't it can I lie?
      In sentences with really doubt and surprise appear: Really did he deceive us?
    • index fingershere (and here), there (and there), here and, there .
      Highlight the item you need to pay attention to: Here my village.
    • clarifyingexactly, just, almost, almost, exactly, exactly, exactly : Exactly she told me about it. Just he knew about it.
      Particles exactly , just serve to highlight the most important information.
    • express allocation, limitation(restrictive-excretive) - only, only, exclusively, almost, solely : I'm not sick only (only) a little tired.
  • particles that express the feeling and attitude of the speaker:
    • exclamation marks particles - what the, how , well and: What a soul! How great! Gee!
      These particles express admiration, surprise, and indignation.
      Particle How has a homonym How - pronoun How and union How .
      Particle How usually used in exclamatory sentences: How evenings in Russia are delightful!
      Pronoun-adverb How used in interrogative sentences and is a member of the sentence : How are you feeling? How - circumstance.
      Union How - in complex sentences: I'll tell you How live on.
    • express doubthardly, hardly: Barely whether this will do. Hardly he will agree.
    • amplifiers particles - even, well, neither, well, really, after all, only, only etc.
      Particles highlight words in a sentence: Masha knows each other only famous monuments. ( Only - an intensifying particle, in a sentence it is part of the definition only known).
      Some particles of this discharge can perform the role of unions : The moon has become brighter, the stars same They just turned blue. Particle same highlights the word stars and connects the first and second sentences.
    • express relaxation of requirements — —ka.
      In combination with imperative verbs, this particle softens the meaning of the verb: Do it! - Do it -ka .


  • Day and night the cat is a scientist All walks around the chain. (A. Pushkin) - intensifying meaning
  • Well what the neck, what thelittle eyes! (I. Krylov) - exclamation value
  • Yeslong live the sun,Yesdarkness will hide (A. Pushkin) Let the brown one burst stronger. (M. Gorky) - forms the imperative form of the verb
  • Same word, but not the samewouldsaid. - forms a shape subjunctive mood verb.
  • What we were talking about before only thought, now they have brought it to life. We just thought -only not an adverb, not a conjunction, since it does not connect anything, but enhances the meaning of the verb (they thought, but did not do). Therefore it is a particle.

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Problems HOW

like * * * like, * * * like, *** like

director of the USSR

According to the degree of complexity of forming the word “HOW” with commas in a sentence and it can be adverb, particle, union, union word And noun plural he has no equal in the Russian language.

And how often does righteous anger arise in the minds of students at those legislators of the rules of the Russian language who came up with all this!!!

Let's try to figure it out.

“HOW” adverb!

When is "HOW" an adverb? But when: if in your sentence it can easily be replaced with the following expressions given italics:

Here's how ( how) you need to pour it in glasses!
How ( to what extent/how much) it takes a long time, however!
How ( to what extent/to what extent) is breathing Lepota!
How ( When) I'll come back, she'll get it from me!
Is it not possible how ( somehow) cheaper?

Adverbs are not separated by commas just like that: unless they are parts of a more complex grammatical structure, in which a comma is used according to different rules.

Remember: if “how” can be easily replaced by the above expressions, then adverb“HOW” is NEVER separated by a comma. Neither left nor right.

“HOW” particle!

When is "HOW" a particle? And when emotions overwhelm, but at the same time a particle can be replaced with another particle. For example, “come on!”, “damn it!” or just “damn” and the like.

Let's look at the examples and remember:

How?! Have you come again? ( righteous anger)
How? ( simple question, didn't hear)
How come there is no money? ( difficult questioning)
Right now I’ll give it to you! ( a hint after a difficult question)
How the prophetic Oleg is getting ready now ( poetic)

"HOW"- particle also not separated by commas.

“HOW” union!

First you have to remember what it is union? Having honestly searched the dictionaries for the definition of this obscure, but very important part of speech in grammar, this is what we found: “An unchangeable service word used to connect words and sentences.” There is also a more difficult to understand definition: “A conjunction is an auxiliary part of speech that connects homogeneous members of a simple sentence and simple sentences complex sentence, as well as expressing the relationships between these syntactic units.” Let us remember for now that it is either a connection or a relationship.

The next thing about this difficult conjunction is that it can be simply “AS”, or it can be an integral part of another conjunction, for example: “SO AS”. The phrase “AS SO” is divided into the conjunction “AS”, the particle “SAME” and the conjunction “SO” (which, in turn, can be not only a conjunction, but also a pronoun and an adverb!). Aren't you tired?

Thus, if you decide to write correctly, you should learn to isolate the conjunction “HOW” from the host of other “HOW” that are not conjunctions. For this is the root of the overwhelming number of spelling errors.

Examples of spelling the conjunction “HOW”:

I'm tired as a dog! (In this case, you need to pay attention to the fact that a comma is placed before “HOW”!)
Tired as a dog! (In this case, you need to pay attention to the fact that a comma is NOT placed before “HOW!”)

The difference between these two similar sentences is that linguists have come up with the following rule: if the conjunction “HOW” comes before a simple sentence or just a phrase or just a word, then a comma is placed. If the conjunction “HOW” precedes a comparative phrase, then a comma is not used. It's clear?

The second is another example that explains this incredible complexity:
He sits on pins and needles! (This means that it is twitching, in this case “like on pins and needles” is a comparative phrase and it can be easily replaced, for example, with the word “restless”, “nervously”!)
He sits as if on pins and needles! (This means on sharp objects, there is no comparative phrase at all; “like on pins and needles” can be replaced in this case with sharp objects, real, sharp objects!)

In principle, these are all the rules regarding placing commas before the conjunction “HOW”: you will be able to determine what comes after it comparative phrase or explanation put/fail to put the comma correctly. If you fail, you will be wandering in the dark for a long time!

All other types of uses of “KAK” (except for the plural genitive case of a noun, which we wouldn’t even want to mention here!) belong to those types that characterize “KAK” as a conjunctive word. That is, it adds subordinate clauses of manner of action, additional clauses, time clauses, and other clauses.

In order to clearly distinguish subordinate clauses from non-clause clauses, and, even more so, from other types of sentences, you will have to go through short course syntax (i.e., ways of combining words into phrases and sentences, a special section of grammar) of the Russian language. After going through which you will discover that in this very syntax in relation to “HOW” there is not only no order, but also something more or less similar to order. There are only prerequisites for establishing some semblance of order. Of course, with very eloquent exceptions.

Therefore, our recommendations are the following (well, since science has not yet established this for sure!): learn to distinguish subordinate clauses, introduced by the conjunctive word “HOW”, from comparative phrases and remember that the first ones are highlighted with commas, and the second ones are not highlighted.

All other cases are tricky, not explained and you just have to remember them. Or contact specialists. Which, in turn, can give you mutually opposite answers.

A few examples to complete this.

A house is like a house. Hair black as pitch. Tell me how it turned out. Do it the right way. It's like hell in your house. You are a fool as you are. These shoes are just right for me.

If you saw the internal logic, honor and praise to you. We don't see her. Meanwhile, this is exactly how examples are presented in dictionaries and reference books.

And it’s impossible not to quote from here: http://orel.rsl.ru/nettext/russian/granik/sekr_punkt/05.htm:

We quote:
For example, in the sentence The air is clean and fresh, like a child's kiss a comma is required, but in sentences The forest was like a dream And Snow is like a dream In no case should a comma be inserted, because in the first sentence it separates the comparative phrase, and in others there is no phrase.

The forest was like a dream no comparative turnover???

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