Biology variety. Sunflower - what it is, what it looks like, where it grows. Among the variety of valuable species, it is worth highlighting

The fields where sunflowers grow attract attention; many people immediately want to take a few pictures against the backdrop of such amazing beauty. The petals of the inflorescences look like the sun with children's drawing. This miracle of nature amazes not only with its magnificent appearance, but also useful properties.

North America is considered the birthplace of sunflower, and sunflower oil production began in England in the second half of the eighteenth century. Since then, breeders have developed many sunflower varieties that are highly resistant to various diseases and pests.

What is a sunflower and what does it look like?

The annual sunflower, or sunflower, is a useful oilseed crop that is grateful and responsive to good care.


No matter what the weather is like outside, a plant similar to the sun will help create a warm and bright atmosphere in any garden plot.

Where do sunflowers look and why does a sunflower turn towards the sun? This phenomenon is typical exclusively for young plant flowers that have not yet fully opened. An unopened sunflower bud actually moves towards the sun throughout the day. This occurs due to uneven growth of the stem, a phenomenon called “heliotropism”.


Growing sunflowers is possible in any fertile soil, and the resulting raw materials are subsequently used in the process of preparing vegetable oil. In addition, the culture acts as a medicinal, ornamental and melliferous plant.

Information! Another unusual variety of crop is the tuberous sunflower, which can be eaten.

The annual sunflower is part of the family asteraceae. His root system rapidly develops to a depth of at least 150 cm (sometimes this figure reaches 5 meters), and up to 120 cm in width.

Among the main distinctive features sunflower can be distinguished:

  • a tall, woody stem covered with small hairs, reaching a height of 4 meters;
  • large leaves have an oval heart-shaped shape and pointed tips;
  • the sunflower inflorescence is represented by a multi-flowered basket - its diameter is 20 cm, the disk of the basket is flat, and the hook is slightly convex;
  • the flowers are located at the edges, are ligulate and asexual, their shade is yellow-orange;
  • As for the middle flowers, their size is much smaller, they are tubular and bisexual.

A ripe plant has a lot of seeds. The annual herbaceous crop has an achene-fruit containing a shell and a core. The composition of sunflower seeds includes oil in an amount of 30%; for representatives of elite varieties, the figure can be more than 47%.

Attention! One basket, depending on the plant variety and proper care, contains from 300 to 8000 seeds.

Among the advantages of an annual crop, excellent medicinal properties- anti-inflammatory and astringent.

Where do sunflowers grow in the Moscow region? This question is often of interest to those who choose places for staged photo sessions and beautiful shots. People on various forums write that they saw fields with sunflowers in the following places:

  • if you go from Khotky to Sergiev Posad through Semkhoz (by car), then along the road you will come across such a field;
  • a small sunflower field is located near the Danone plant;
  • along the Simferopol highway before reaching Podolsk there is a huge field of sunflowers - it is difficult to drive through them;
  • on Novorizhskoe highway in the Mansurovo area.

It should be remembered that in the Moscow region it is best to pick sunflowers from the end of July, during their flowering period.

Distinctive features and description of sunflower varieties

The annual plant has a wide variety. There are a large number of sunflower hybrids that are actively cultivated to this day and fully comply with the detailed step-by-step criteria and requirements of industrial production.


Varieties can be either mid-season or early-season, or decorative with ten petals. The latter can be used to decorate a park or garden area. Among the early ripening perennial varieties the following can be distinguished:

  1. Albatross sunflower, which has a fairly high oil content. The variety is drought-resistant, resistant to pests and various diseases. Feels great with extensive growing methods. It reaches a height of 2 meters.
  2. Sunflower Buzluk, the seeds of which contain up to 55% oil. This variety has stable yields that do not depend on weather conditions, and a high index of drought resistance. When growing Buzluk, it is necessary to follow high-quality agricultural practices and regularly apply fertilizers. This subspecies grows up to 170 cm in height.

As for mid-season varieties, here we can highlight a variety called Favorite: it has a high oil content - up to 55%. The variety is not afraid of hydrolytic decomposition, because its seeds have a low acid number. The height of the plant, on average, is 2 m. Among the varieties with high yields, Flagman and Master also stand out. During their cultivation, appropriate mineral fertilizers must be periodically applied.

Attention! All of the above crop varieties are resistant to diseases such as false powdery mildew, Phomopsis, broomrape and sunflower moth.

Tuberous sunflower, better known as Jerusalem artichoke, is presented as a commercial, fodder or ornamental crop. For optimal cultivation of the plant, areas of the southern climate zone are most suitable. This fact is due to the fact that it ripens only in September-November (depending on the specific variety). The yield of tuberous sunflower reaches 35 tons of tubers, which can be collected from one hectare of land.

Properties and beneficial qualities of culture

Sunflower has a number useful properties, which arise due to the unique chemical composition. The crop is obtained from the seeds vegetable oil, rich in oleic and linoleic acid. By using sunflower oil You can get rid of cholecystitis, as well as biliary dyskinesia. In addition, we must not forget that this product is widely used in cooking.

The composition of sunflower seeds includes the following elements:

  • glycosides;
  • scopolines;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • carotenoids and anthocyanins.

Sunflower seeds contain magnesium, the amount of which is six times higher than that in rye bread.

Important! Experts recommend using the seeds in the treatment of kidney failure and to get rid of gallbladder diseases. For preventive purposes, their use will be very effective for atherosclerosis, hypertension, as well as for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Due to the content of calcium, zinc, iron, iodine and fluorine, the plant is often used in cooking various additives and products that can be used to care for the skin of the face and body. Shampoo, lipstick, children's hygiene products - sunflower oil can be found in these and many other products. This oil also contains large quantities of vitamin F, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and also has a nourishing effect on hair and nails.

Sunflower can have a positive effect on a person suffering from diabetes mellitus. Tea made from the leaves of this culture has expectorant, diuretic and astringent properties. The petals can be used to make poultices to help with wounds and spider and snake bites.

Sunflower tea

In the culinary industry, sunflowers are often used in the baking process of baked goods. The seeds must first be fried and crushed, and the resulting consistency must be used for baking cookies as a filler. In Great Britain, young baskets of the plant were used to prepare vitamin-rich vegetable salads.

The pollen that bees receive from the inflorescences of the honey-bearing sunflower produces very tasty honey, which even bears love to eat.

What pests are there and how to deal with them

Pests that pose a particular danger to sunflowers in the Moscow region are:

  • sunflower spikenose;
  • cotton bollworm;

In order to lay eggs, the thornbull uses the axils of sunflower leaves. The yellow larvae have a brown head and three pairs of legs covered with long hairs. The larvae penetrate into the core of the plant, digging holes for themselves different sides. They feed on the stem, eating a third of it, and with the onset of autumn they become pupae and hibernate. You can fight thorn weed by resorting to timely cleaning and deep plowing. Treating the plant with Vantex also helps.

The main pest of the plant is the cotton bollworm, whose wingspan is 40 mm. The color of its front wings is yellow and gray, and its hind wings are light color, separated by a burgundy stripe. In the center of the hind wings you can often notice dark spot. The length of the cotton bollworm caterpillar is 40 mm, and its color can be light green, brown or yellow. To combat the cotton bollworm, farmers are advised not to neglect deep autumn plowing, timely destruction of weeds and correct processing soil between rows of plants.m

The main plant pest is the cotton bollworm.

As for aphids, they nibble on sunflowers. This often happens when elevated temperature air or prolonged drought. Ladybugs feed on the bulk of insects, so aphids do not cause significant damage to the crop, and there is no need to treat plants using chemicals.

Important! If aphids are aggressive and numerous, they can cause significant damage to crops, leading to a loss of yield. In this case, you need to immediately treat the plant with chemicals.

Possible harm and contraindications

Due to individual intolerance to sunflower, the human body can be harmed.

Important! A decoction of the roots of the plant is strictly contraindicated for use during pregnancy, lactation, and also in childhood.

Despite all the beneficial qualities of sunflower oil, it should not be eaten in large quantities, as this very often leads to intestinal disorders.

Sunflower fields in the Moscow region are the brightest, most picturesque and cheerful decoration of any landscape, even in inclement weather conditions. To decorate your personal plot And to create the same cozy and bright environment, you can use decorative annual sunflowers, characterized by full yellow inflorescences, in which there are practically no seeds. With this unpretentious shrub the garden is filled with light, solar energy and freshness.

1. The concept of variety and breed

The outstanding domestic geneticist and breeder, Academician N.I. Vavilov, defining the content and tasks of modern breeding, pointed out that for successful work on creating varieties and breeds, the following should be studied and taken into account: the original varietal and species diversity of plants and animals, hereditary variability (mutations) , the role of the environment in the development and manifestation of the studied traits, patterns of inheritance during hybridization, forms of artificial selection aimed at isolating and consolidating desirable traits.

What is a variety or breed?

An animal breed or plant variety is a collection of individuals (population) artificially created by man, which is characterized by certain hereditary characteristics: productivity, morphological, physiological characteristics.

Each breed or variety is characterized by a certain reaction to the environment. The positive qualities of a breed and variety are most fully manifested only under known conditions of maintenance, feeding, agricultural technology, and in the presence of a set of certain climatic factors. Therefore, breeds and varieties bred in one country are not always suitable for another soil and climate zone.

In all countries there is an extensive system of scientific and scientific-practical institutions: institutes, breeding stations, breeding farms, which are systematically engaged in this complex work on a national scale. To test newly created plant varieties, our country has a large network of variety testing sites.

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Selection - the science of creating new and improving existing varieties of plants, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms. The scientific foundations of selection were laid by Charles Darwin in his work “The Origin of Species” (1859), where he illuminated the causes and nature of the variability of organisms and showed the role of selection in the creation of new forms. An important step further development selection was the discovery of the laws of heredity. M. made a great contribution to the development of selection. I. Vavilov, author of the law of homological series in hereditary variability and the theory of the centers of origin of cultivated plants.

Subject of selection is the study in man-made conditions of the patterns of change, development, transformation of plants, animals and microorganisms. With the help of selection, methods of influencing cultivated plants and domestic animals are being developed. This happens with the aim of changing their hereditary qualities in the direction necessary for a person. Selection has become one of the forms of evolution of the plant and animal world. It is subject to the same laws as the evolution of species in nature, but here natural selection is partially replaced by artificial selection.

Theoretical basis of selection is genetics, evolutionary doctrine. Using evolutionary theory, the laws of heredity and variability, the doctrine of pure lines and mutations, breeding scientists developed various methods breeding plant varieties, animal breeds and microorganism strains. The main selection methods include selection, hybridization, polyploidy, experimental mutagenesis, genetic engineering methods, etc.

The main tasks of modern selection is to increase the productivity of varieties and breeds, transfer them to an industrial basis, create breeds, varieties and strains adapted to the conditions of modern agriculture, ensuring full production food products at the lowest cost, etc.

There are three main sections in breeding: plant breeding, animal breeding and microbial breeding.

The concept of breed, variety, strain

The objects and end result of the selection process are breeds, varieties and strains.

Animal breed- this is a collection of individuals within a certain species of animal, as if it has genetically determined stable characteristics (properties and signs) , distinguishing it from other sets of individuals of this species of animals, are steadily transmitted to their descendants and are the result of human intellectual activity. Animals of the same breed are similar in body type, productivity, fertility, color. This allows you to distinguish them from other breeds. The breed must have sufficient quantity animals, otherwise the possibility of applying selection is limited, quickly leading to forced inbreeding and, as a consequence, to the degeneration of the breed. In addition to high productivity and numbers, the breed must be quite common. This increases the possibilities for creating in it various types, which contributes to its further improvement. Natural geographical conditions have a great influence on the formation of rock characteristics - characteristics of soils, plants, climate, terrain, etc. When animals are brought into new natural and climatic conditions, physiological changes occur in their bodies, and in some cases they are profound, in others they are profound. The restructuring of body systems is deeper, the more more difference between new and previous conditions of existence. The process of animals adapting to new living conditions is called acclimatization; it can last several generations.

Plant variety - a group of cultivated plants that, as a result of selection, have received a certain set of characteristics (useful or decorative) , which distinguish this group of plants from other plants of the same species. Each plant variety has a unique name and retains its properties after repeated cultivation.

Microorganism strain - a pure culture of a certain type of microorganism, the morphological and physiological characteristics of which have been well studied. Strains can be isolated from various sources(soil, water, food) or from one source to different times. Therefore, the same type of bacteria, yeast, microscopic fungi can have a large number of strains that differ in a number of properties, for example, sensitivity to antibiotics, the ability to form toxins, enzymes and other factors. Strains of microorganisms that are used in industry for the microbiological synthesis of proteins (in particular enzymes), antibiotics, vitamins, organic acids, etc., are much more productive (as a result of selection) than wild strains.

Breeds, varieties, strains are not capable of existing without constant attention person. Each variety, breed, strain is characterized by a certain reaction to conditions environment. This means that they positive qualities can manifest themselves only at a certain intensity of environmental factors. Scientists in scientific and practical institutions comprehensively study the properties of new breeds and varieties and check their suitability for use in a certain climatic zone, that is, they are zoned. Zoning niya - a set of measures aimed at checking the conformity of the qualities of certain breeds or varieties to the conditions of a certain natural zone, which is a necessary condition their rational use on the territory of any country. The best for use in a certain climate zone are zoned varieties, breeds, positive properties which can only appear under certain conditions.

Plant variety (French sorte, from Latin sors - variety, type)

cultivar, a set of plants created as a result of selection and possessing certain morphological, physiological, economic characteristics and properties that are inherited; the lowest classification unit for cultivated plants. S. r. divided into local and selection. Local varieties are a product of folk selection, mainly long-term mass selection. They are well adapted to growing conditions, have many economically useful traits and often serve source material in selection (See Selection). Selected varieties created in research institutions using special methods. Depending on biological characteristics and origin, linear varieties are distinguished - the offspring of one self-pollinating plant, obtained by the method of individual selection, are distinguished by uniformity in all characteristics; varieties-populations - a genetically homogeneous collection of plants, usually cross-pollinating, which may even belong to different varieties, but have one or more common characteristics; clone varieties - selected offspring of one vegetatively propagated plant (by cuttings, division, grafting) - are genetically the most homogeneous (may be Chimeras). A special position is occupied by hybrids created by crossing varieties, self-pollinated lines, or a variety with a line. Are different increased productivity(the phenomenon of Heterosis a) in the first generation. For ease of study and inventory, related varieties that have similar economic and biological characteristics are combined into groups called varieties.

Usage the best varieties- one of effective means increasing agricultural productivity crops and improving product quality. In production under conditions, varieties deteriorate and require variety renewal (See Variety renewal). Old S. r. they are periodically replaced with new ones that are more productive and produce better products, i.e. they carry out a variety change (See Variety change). In the USSR, all varieties undergo state variety testing - a kind of competition during which the best ones are selected for introduction into production (see Varietal zoning) . Their propagation is carried out by seed production. Determining the authenticity of S. r. carries out varietal control.

Yu. L. Guzhov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what a “plant variety” is in other dictionaries:

    A set of plants created as a result of selection and possessing certain morphological, biological, economic characteristics and properties that are inherited; the lowest classification unit of cultivated plants.... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A set of cultivated plants of the same species, artificially created by man and characterized by: certain hereditary characteristics; and hereditarily fixed productivity; and structural, morphological characteristics. See also... Financial Dictionary

    A set of plants created as a result of selection and possessing certain morphological, biological, economic characteristics and properties that are inherited; the lowest classification unit of cultivated plants. Varieties... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    plant variety- (French sorte, from Latin sors, genus sortis variety, species), cultivar, a set of plants created as a result of selection and possessing certain inherited morphological, physiological, ... ... Agriculture. Large encyclopedic dictionary

    A set of plants created as a result of breeding work and possessing valuable biological and economic properties, transmitted by inheritance. Varieties are local and selective. Local varieties are created by folk... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

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    PLANT VARIETY- (French sorte, from Latin sors, genus sortis variety, species), cultivar. a set of species created as a result of selection and possessing certain inherited morphol., physiol., economics. signs and sv you; lowest... ... Agricultural encyclopedic dictionary

    A set of species created as a result of selection and possessing certain inherited morphol., biol., economics. signs and properties; lowest classification unit of cultural values. There are S. r. local (created by people... ... Natural science. Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

    GRADE, -A, pl. varieties, m.

    1. Category, rank of some kind. goods by quality, price. Second grade flour. High quality cloth. Georgian tea of ​​the first grade. || A variety of something. goods, product by production, material, etc. Varieties of dress fabrics. Types of rental. Two types of sweets.Dinner was excellent; There were up to three types of wine: sherry, Sauternes and Cahors. N. Uspensky, Village newspaper.

    2. A variety of something. cultivated plant having some economically valuable properties. Drought-resistant wheat variety. Wine and table grape varieties. Early ripening varieties of apples.Branches peeked out from the gardens, as if covered with ripe plums of all kinds. Garshin, From the memoirs of Private Ivanov.

    3. Razg. Type, genus of someone, something. On our [shelf] there were all kinds of books - educational and non-educational. L. Tolstoy, Childhood. He had just driven into the yard when dogs of all kinds came running from all sides: brown, black, gray, piebald. Gogol, Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt. | About people. $ Cool ladies come in two varieties: evil and kind. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Little things in life. Of course, there are different types of poets. Mayakovsky, Conversation with the financial inspector about poetry. || ( only in gens. item with definition). Character, quality of something. Now I am sending Nikolai a letter of such a kind that he will certainly answer. Chekhov, Letter to F. O. Shekhtel, December 16. 1888. - Well, sir, what kind of business is yours? - the policeman asked after the fifth glass. Kuprin, Olesya.

    First grade (in meaning tale) - about smth. excellent, magnificent.

    [French sorte]

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999; (electronic version):

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