Convex polygons. Definition of a convex polygon. Diagonals of a convex polygon

“Regular polygons geometry” - This means that there is only one circle inscribed in a regular polygon. Regular polygons. Around any regular polygon you can describe a circle, and only one. Take any three vertices of the polygon A1A2...An, for example A1, A2, A3. Center equilateral triangle. Let us derive a formula for calculating the angle аn of a regular n-gon.

“Regular polygons grade 9” - Construction of a regular pentagon 2nd method. Doubling the number of sides of a polygon. Regular polygons. Parquets made of regular polygons. Constructing a regular pentagon 1 way.

“Construction of polygons” - Division into 6 equal parts. Construction of a ninegon. Despite the fact that even the ancient Greeks found ways to construct, using only a compass and a ruler, regular polygons with the number of sides 3, 4, 5, 15, as well as with the number of sides twice as large, in relation to other regular polygons, complete control reigned. unknown.

“Polygons 9th grade” - Types of broken lines. Angles formed by adjacent sides are called internal. Non-convex. Convex polygons. Regular polygons. Radius of the inscribed and circumscribed circle. The number of diagonals from one vertex. Number of diagonals. Regular polygons in ornaments and parquet floors Regular polygons in nature Crossword puzzle on the topic.

“Regular polygons problem” - Then tulips in the shape of a square inscribed in a circle. How do I evaluate myself in class? Evaluate yourself. Flowers need to be planted every 20 cm (see picture). In the spring we will plant flowers in our flowerbed. Fill in the empty cells of the table (a is the side of the polygon). What new did you learn about yourself today?

“Definition of a polygon” - Theorem. Introduction and greeting of teams. A polygon is called convex. The sum of any n non-adjacent angles of a circumscribed quadrilateral. Item. What is the sum of the angles of a convex n-gon? Property of the sides of an inscribed quadrilateral. Polygons. Give the general formula for the sum of the angles of a polygon.

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I have three consecutive points of a polygon, say p1, p2, p3. Now I wanted to know whether the orthogonal between p1 and p3 is inside the polygon or outside the polygon.

I do this by taking three vectors v1, v2 and v3. And the point is before the point p1 in the polygon p0.
v1 = (p0 - p1)
v2 = (p2 - p1)
v3 = (p3 - p1)

This polygon is counterclockwise. and It starts from the beginning of v1 and v2.

3 answers

Since your points are consecutive, you can solve this problem by checking the orientation of the triangle p1 p2 p3. If the orientation is the same as a polygon, then the diagonal is inside and outside.

To determine the orientation of the triangle, most in a simple way is to calculate the signed area and check the sign. Compute

P1.x * p2.y + p2.x * p3.y + p3.x * p1.y - p2.x * p1.y - p3.x * p2.y - p1.x * p3.y

If the sign of this value is positive, the orientation is counterclockwise. If the sign is negative, the orientation is clockwise.

To be precise, the method above gives you information about which side of the polygon the diagonal lies on. Obviously, the polygon can still intersect the diagonal at later points.

In principle, the diagonal can be completely inside, completely outside, both inside and outside, and possibly overlap one or more edges in all three cases. This makes it not entirely trivial to determine what you need.

From a mathematical perspective, there really isn't much difference between inside and outside, except for small details like the outside having an infinite area. (At least for a two-dimensional plane, the inside and outside of the playgon do not stand out sharply on the sphere.)

You also have subqueries regarding the ordering of the edges of the polygon. The simplest way is to sum all the angles between adjacent edges in order. This will add up to N*(pi/2). For CCW polygons N is positive.

[edit] Once you know the direction, and if you don't have any of the difficult cases listed above, the question is simple. The angle p0-p1-p2 is less than the angle p0-p1-p3. Therefore, the edge p1-p3 lies at least partially outside the polygon. And if it doesn't intersect the other edge, it obviously lies entirely outside the polygon.

Diagonal in a polygon (polyhedron) - a segment connecting any two non-adjacent vertices, in other words, vertices that do not belong to one side of the polyhedron (one edge of the polyhedron).

For polyhedra a distinction is made between diagonals of faces (considered as flat polygons) and spatial diagonals that extend beyond the boundaries of the faces. Polyhedra with triangular faces have only spatial diagonals.

Counting diagonals

No diagonals for a triangle on the plane and for a tetrahedron in space, since all the vertices of these figures are connected in pairs by sides (edges).

Number of diagonals N for a polygon it is easy to calculate using the formula:

N = n·(n - 3)/2,

Where n- the number of vertices of the polygon. Using this formula it is easy to find that

  • a triangle has 0 diagonals
  • a rectangle has 2 diagonals
  • a pentagon has 5 diagonals
  • a hexagon has 9 diagonals
  • An octagon has 20 diagonals
  • a 12-gon has 54 diagonals
  • a 24-gon has 252 diagonals
  • Number of diagonals of a polyhedron with number of vertices n It’s easy to calculate only for the variant when the same number of edges converge at each vertex of the polyhedron k. Then you can use the formula:

    N=n· (n - k - 1)/2,

    which gives the total number of spatial and face diagonals. From here it is possible to find that

  • tetrahedron (n=4, k=3) has 0 diagonals
  • the octahedron (n=6, k=4) has 3 diagonals (all spatial)
  • a cube (n=8, k=3) has 16 diagonals (12 face and 4 spatial)
  • the icosahedron (n=12, k=5) has 36 diagonals (all spatial)
  • the dodecahedron (n=20, k=3) has 160 diagonals (25 face and 135 spatial)
  • In this case, the polyhedron converges at different vertices different number ribs, the calculation becomes noticeably more complicated and must be carried out individually for each option.

    Shapes with equal diagonals

    On a plane There are two regular polygons, which all diagonals are equal among themselves. This square And true pentagon. A square has two similar diagonals that intersect at a right angle in the center. A regular pentagon has 5 similar diagonals, which together form the outline of a five-pointed star (pentagram).

    The only true polyhedron with all diagonals are equal between themselves - a faithful octahedron octahedron. It has three diagonals, which intersect in pairs perpendicularly in the center. All diagonals of the octahedron are spatial (the octahedron has no diagonals of faces, since it has triangular faces).

    In addition to the octahedron, there is also one true polyhedron, which all spatial diagonals are equal among themselves. This cube (hexahedron). The cube has four similar spatial diagonals, which also intersect in the center. The angle between the cube's digonals is either arccos(1/3) ≈ 70.5° (for a pair of diagonals drawn to adjacent vertices), or arccos(-1/3) ≈ 109.5° (for a pair of diagonals drawn to non-adjacent vertices ).

  • - Wikipedia: Diagonal
  • - illustration of the difference between the face and spatial diagonals of a polyhedron
  • Additionally in the site database:

  • How to find the diagonal of a rectangle?
  • How many vertices, edges and faces does a tetrahedron have?
  • How many vertices, edges and faces does a cube (hexahedron) have?
  • “Regular polygons problem” - Problem 2. 2. 1. Problem 4. Find the area of ​​a regular n-gon if: n=4, n=3, P=24 cm; n=6, r=9 cm; n=8, The sum of all angles of an n-gon is equal. Radius of the inscribed circle. Fill in the empty cells of the table (a is the side of the polygon). Binary test. Right. Find the angles of a regular n-gon if: n=3; n=5; n=6; n=10.

    “Types of polygons” - Convex, non-convex polygon. Figure (a) shows a simple broken line, and Fig. (b), (c), (d) are broken lines with self-intersection. A*n=180° *n-360° hence follows, 360°=180°n-a°n. Regular polygons. Broken. Based on the number of vertices, triangles, quadrangles, etc. are distinguished. We will call links that have a common end adjacent, and points A1 and An – the ends of the broken line.

    “Polygons 9th grade” - The number of diagonals from one vertex. A6. A1 A2, A1 A4 – diagonals of the polygon. Regular polygon. All angles are equal and all sides are equal. Lesson plan. All sides are equal. Polygon. A1. A2. A5. Non-convex. Angles formed by adjacent sides are called internal. Polygon elements.

    “Measuring the area of ​​a polygon” - Oksana Nikolaevna Cherevina. Area of ​​a polygon. Measuring the areas of polygons by dividing the figure into squares. How to measure the area of ​​a figure? 3. “Area of ​​a polygon” Geometry 8th grade. Learning new things. 4. 1. Abu-r-Rayhan al-Buruni. Lesson objectives: From today we will learn to calculate the areas of various geometric shapes.

    “Regular polygon” - Square. Regular polygon. Basic formulas. r. Corollary 2. Consequences. O. A circle inscribed in a regular polygon. Regular triangle. Regular octagon. R. Regular polygons. Application of formulas. Corollary 1. Regular hexagon. A circle circumscribed about a regular polygon.

    “Construction of polygons” - Division into four equal parts. Carl Gauss, a first-year student at the University of Göttingen, solved a problem that mathematical science had balked at for more than two thousand years. In nature, in the surrounding world, in everyday life - everywhere we see regular polygons. Construction of a ninegon. Divide into 7 equal parts.

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