Carrot seeds medicinal properties and contraindications. How and why carrots are used in medicine. Chemistry and medicinal properties of carrot tops

Carrot- a biennial plant with feathery leaves and roots that have a cylindrical or conical shape. The color of the root vegetable can be bright or pale orange - it all depends on the variety. Afghanistan is considered the birthplace of carrots. This vegetable has long been used for culinary purposes, both in our country and in other countries. Carrots are used to make soups, salads, side dishes and more. Fry it and add it to the soup - it will immediately acquire color, add it to fried meat or fish, and they will instantly become even more appetizing. In ancient medicine carrot considered a popular dietary and medicinal remedy. Dioscorides wrote about its medicinal properties. The root, fruits and leaves were used for treatment.

Carrots are consumed:

  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (liver disease, constipation, spleen disease, flatulence)
  • for diseases of the genitourinary system (urolithiasis)
  • for respiratory diseases (cough)
  • in case of violation menstrual cycle
  • at joint diseases(gout, rheumatism, arthritis)
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system (anemia)

According to Avicenna’s description, the roots of wild carrots swell and strengthen the stomach, help with pleurisy, chronic cough and dropsy. The fruits and leaves of carrots help if they are applied crushed to gangrene-corroded wounds. Seeds of wild and garden carrots soothe pain in the intestines, drive urine and arouse lust. Carrots, especially wild ones, in the form of a drink or in candles, promote menstruation, and its fruits and roots help with difficult pregnancies. According to the description of Muhammad Hussein Sherazi, carrots thin out matter (mucus, bile, etc.), open blockages in the liver and strengthen the stomach. carrot roots- beautiful dietary product, especially recommended for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, and kidneys. As a remedy, they are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis, anemia and loss of strength. Fresh carrots are especially useful in the treatment of vision disorders associated with a lack of vitamin A in the body. As a source of this vitamin carrot juice prescribed to patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction - Regular consumption of fresh carrots or juice from them strengthens the body, increases its resistance to infectious diseases and adverse environmental influences. In baby food great application has carrot juice. Fresh carrots and their juice are good for pregnant women and nursing mothers to eat and drink; it has been proven that it activates lactation. carrot roots, eaten on an empty stomach, have a mild laxative effect, so they are taken for constipation and hemorrhoids. The juice from them has the same effect. In addition, carrots cleanse the intestines, as they suppress putrefactive processes. For such cleansing, it is recommended to drink 150 - 200 ml of freshly squeezed juice along with pulp on an empty stomach. Small children are given a tablespoon in the morning and evening. IN folk medicine carrots are taken for chronic cough pleurisy, and the juice from the root vegetables is valued as a diuretic. Carrot juice is also prescribed for urolithiasis and kidney stones. It is believed that it promotes the removal of stones if taken 3-4 times a day, a tablespoon for several months. Recommended to be taken before meals fresh carrot juice(you can eat carrots) to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Known folk recipes use dry carrot powder for kidney stones, it is recommended to take 1 g of finely ground fruits 3 times a day.
This powder is also effective as a carminative laxative. For hemorrhoids, it is recommended to drink tea brewed with carrot leaves. Juice with honey (1:1) or grated carrots boiled in milk are used for colds, digestive tract disorders and sexual impotence. To prevent the treatment of obesity, it is recommended to eat carrots, cabbage and cranberries, as they contain a lot of iodine. Rinse your mouth and throat with carrot juice inflammatory diseases.
For lung abscess, take 100-200 ml of carrot juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day before meals. Drink with warm milk. For children, reduce the dose. Fresh carrot juice is used to lubricate the oral cavity of children with thrush. “Freshly squeezed juice is taken in tablespoons several times a day as a blood purifier” (an old medical book). Raw carrots And carrot seeds given to children on an empty stomach for worms. Treatment of jaundice (bile spillage). Hollow out the middle of the carrot, fill the void with urine and hang the carrot in a pipe with the words: “Let the jaundice disappear from so-and-so sooner than this urine dries up” (Papus. “ Practical magic»).
In scientific medicine, for diseases of the urinary and biliary systems, a complex drug called urolesan is used, which includes an extract from carrot fruits. Due to the abundance of vitamins and microelements, carrot roots have pronounced wound-healing properties. In folk medicine it is fine grated fresh carrots applied to skin areas affected by burns, frostbite, wounds, and ulcers. This leads to a reduction in inflammation, muffles pain, helps cleanse the affected area of ​​pus, and accelerates healing. In 1843, the famous Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov made a report at the Society of Russian Doctors “On the miraculous effect of freshly scraped carrots on cancerous ulcers.” Traditional medicine makes recommendations for the treatment of cancerous ulcers. Fresh crushed wild carrot leaves are applied to the rotting cancer sore, which is disintegrating. It is useful to wash out ulcers decoction of carrot leaves and her juice. Wild carrot root juice also used for malignant skin tumors with simultaneous ingestion. As an additional therapy for cancer, treatment with fresh vegetable juices has become widespread, among which carrot juice occupies a special place. Depending on the person's condition raw carrot juice you can drink from 0.5 to 3-4 liters per day. It protects the nervous system, normalizes the activity of the whole organism as a whole and has no equal in increasing its protective forces and energy.

Recipes and methods of use:

  1. More effective means for kidney stones and bladder counts medicine from carrot fruits (seeds). Take 3 tablespoons of fruits, pour 3 cups of boiling water over them and leave for 6-8 hours. in a hot oven or oven. The resulting infusion (filtered through cheesecloth from the fruit and cooled) is drunk 3 times a day, 3/4 to 1 glass.
  2. For kidney stones and hypertension take 5 tablespoons (50 - 60 g) wild carrot seeds, add 1 liter of boiling water and leave the mixture for 10-12 hours. in a warm place, covering the dishes thick fabric. Then strain. Take 1 glass 3-4 times a day.
  3. Nourishing carrot masks are widely used in medicinal cosmetics. for dry skin. To do this, grate carrot root vegetables, break eggs into the grated mass (preferably just the yolk), mix thoroughly, apply the resulting dough-like gruel in a fairly thick layer on the face for 20 - 25 minutes. These masks should be used 1-2 times a week.
  4. For the treatment of the liver, urolithiasis, chronic cough, menstrual irregularities You can prepare the following healing composition: grind 100 g of seeds using a coffee grinder, pour 0.5 liters of red wine over them, leave for 3 weeks, shaking from time to time. Take 50 g 3 times a day.
  5. To the people those suffering from constipation, you need to chew crushed carrot seeds an hour before meals. Carrot seeds - effective remedy for the treatment of stones in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladder. Based on them, you can prepare various infusions. For example, take 3 tablespoons of root seeds and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Wrap the container well and leave to infuse for 12 hours, then strain. Take 6 times 100 ml of infusion half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is from 1 to 2 months. For angina pectoris drink this infusion 5 times a day, 0.5 cups.
  6. Mask with honey removes wrinkles, evens out skin tone and smoothes it: 1 tbsp. l honey and olive oil mixed with 6 drops of carrot seed oil, rubbed in with massage movements 2 times a day.
  7. Uric acid diathesis and kidney stones: 3 tbsp. l. seeds are poured with boiling water and left in a thermos for 8-10 hours. Strain and drink 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


Despite the huge benefits for health, carrot seeds, medicinal properties which are effective, also have a number of contraindications. Do not use extract and oil if: allergies to root vegetables; duodenal and stomach ulcers; inflammation of the small intestine; diarrhea and colitis; diabetes mellitus; diseases of the thyroid gland; epilepsy; asthma; pyelonephritis; heart problems; uterine bleeding; pregnancy. Despite its benefits, carrot oil is not recommended for regular use in aromatherapy due to the presence of myristicin. This is a specific substance that causes inappropriate behavior and hallucinations. Carrot seeds and seed oil should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers or children. BEFORE USE, CONSULT A DOCTOR

Carrots - even a child recognizes this root vegetable from thousands of other vegetables; it’s not for nothing that they draw it in the “primer”, associating it in the minds of children with the letter “M”.

The carrot root vegetable, as an ingredient, is used in the preparation of more than 60% of culinary dishes, and this is not counting juices, purees and even sweets (candied fruits, marmalade, halva, etc.). Carrots are grown on an industrial scale, and production of the valuable root crop is increasing every year; Not a single rural garden or summer cottage can do without it...

And carrots, or rather their seeds (fruits), are included in the register of medicinal raw materials, because beneficial properties This plant was known even to our distant ancestors. As for modern traditional medicine, we should pay tribute to the healers who increased the experience of their ancestors in terms of the medicinal use of carrots, both seeds and roots, and often tops.

With the help of “carrot oil”, peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach is successfully cured. Externally, the drug is recommended for use in case of bedsores, thermal damage to the skin, cracks and ulcers.

It is necessary to remove the skin from the washed root vegetable (scrape it off) and chop it on a not very fine grater (so that it does not turn out to be a mush). Place the chopped carrots in a glass container (do not compact it), filling up to a third of the volume, then fill to the top olive oil. Next, you should place the container on water bath and leave for 2 hours. Strain the cooled oil and seal it in dark glass bottles (keep in a cool place).

Contraindications and side effects

As for root vegetables and carrot juice, consuming them for food or for treatment purposes is absolutely safe, and you should only pay attention to other components that are used in cooking medicines.

Carrot seed treatment is also relatively safe if followed. medical recommendations and do not exceed the indicated dosages when taking medications.

Self-medication with the use of “daukarin” is unacceptable (it’s not for nothing that it is stored in pharmacies on list B, like belladonna preparations and other potent plants). “Daukarin” should only be prescribed by a doctor!

garden plant umbrella family (Umbelliferae). Root vegetables contain sugar, fats, essential oils, calcium salts, phosphorus, iron, copper, asparagine, flavonoids, pigments, vitamins A, B 1, B 2, C, PP, pantotin and folic acid and other substances. Carrots boiled in milk are taken for general loss of strength, frustration gastrointestinal tract, skin tuberculosis, sexual impotence.

Red maiden
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street.

More than two thousand years before new era person appreciated benefits of carrots.

Celery family (Apiaceae) - APIACEAE

Description. Wild carrot (D. Carota L.) - annual or biennial herbaceous plant, cultivated plant(D. carota L. var. sativus Hoffm.) - only biennial. The root is thick, fleshy, conical or cylindrical, transversely grooved, yellow or orange-red, rarely (in some forage varieties) yellow or white. The stem is coarsely hairy, furrowed, 30–60 cm high, branched. The leaves are multi-pinnate. The flowers are small, collected in complex umbels; At the base of the main rays of the umbrella there is a wrapper of leaves. There is no cup; the corolla is small, composed of 5 white unfused petals; stamens 5. The fruit is dry, small, elliptical, splitting into two halves of 3-4 mm each, on the surface of which there are thread-like ribs. The stem develops in the second year (from fleshy carrots). It blooms in June - July, in the second year of life.

Geographical distribution. Homeland - Mediterranean countries. Widely cultivated in Russia.

Other types. Wild carrots are distinguished by a thin, whitish, inedible root. Distributed wildly in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, in the southern and middle lane European part of Russia.

Organs used: roots (root vegetables) and seeds.

Chemical composition. Roots (root vegetables) contain carotenoids α, -β, -γ and ε-carotenes; phytoene, phytofluenilikin; vitamins B1 (up to 0.1 mg%), B2 (up to 0.05 mg%), pantothenic (up to 0.15 mg%) and ascorbic (up to 0.5 mg%) acids, as well as flavonoids (up to 0.3 mg%) and anthocyanidins. Sugars (3-15 mg%), fatty (0.1-0.7%) and essential (0.014%) oils, um belliferon and other substances were also isolated. The seeds contain essential oil (up to 1.6%), which includes α-pinene, l-limonene, cineole, geranyl acetate, geraniol, citronellol, citral, caryophyllene, carotol, daucol, p-cymene, dipenene, asarone and bisabolene . In addition, flavone compounds and fatty oil (11-13%), consisting of petroselinic, petroselidic, palmitic, oleic and linodeic acids, in the form of glycerides, as well as daucarin and some other substances, were found in the seeds.

For the therapeutic effectiveness of carrots give great value her rich and rational chemical composition: glucose, phosphatides, mineral salts, especially potassium, high content carotene (up to 9 mg%), vitamins D and group B (pyridoxine, amounting to 0.12 mg%), nicotinic (up to 0.4 mg%) and folic (0.1 mg%) acids (B. G. Volynsky and al., 1978).

Application. Carrots are recommended for fresh for the treatment and prevention of hypo- and avitaminosis A, accompanied by decreased vision and dystrophic changes in the epithelium. However, the carotene contained in carrots is not absorbed by liver diseases and decreased thyroid function. In these cases, natural vitamin A should be prescribed rather than carrots. Grated carrots are given for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, liver diseases, kidney diseases, hemorrhoids. Fresh carrot juice is used topically to treat wounds, burns, frostbite, festering ulcerated skin surfaces, as well as gargle with sore throat, lubricate the oral cavity during inflammatory processes (V.I. Zavrazhnov and others).

Fresh carrot juice used as an anthelmintic (a tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning and evening); for thrush, the oral cavity is lubricated with carrot juice. Herbal infusion ( carrot tops) with parsley helps with hemorrhoids, cancer, kidney stones.

Grated carrots applied to wounds, ulcers, burns promote their healing. It is recommended for anemia, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, and acne.

From carrot seeds receive the drug "Daukarin", used for atherosclerosis, coronary insufficiency with symptoms of angina pectoris.

Taking grated carrots and a glass of juice a day reduces susceptibility to infectious diseases, treats jaundice, gives freshness and velvety to the skin, and improves vision.

It is useful to wash your hair with a decoction of the herb to improve hair growth and strengthen hair. Carrot masks are good for dry skin. To do this, grate two washed carrots, add an egg yolk and a few drops of vegetable oil. The resulting mass is applied to the face. After 20-25 minutes, remove the mask with a swab moistened warm water. Do it 1-2 times a week (Surina, 1974).

During a kidney attack, a 20% infusion of carrot seeds gives an analgesic and diuretic effect.

Carrot juice is taken for loss of strength, anemia, after illness. For worms, it is recommended to do carrot enemas.

Carrot tops tea quenches thirst well and tones (Altymyshev, 1976).

Carrot fruit extract is included in the drug "Urolesan", approved for use in diseases of the liver and kidneys, acute and chronic cholecystitis, various forms urolithiasis and cholelithiasis (Hammerman, 1983).

The medicinal properties of seeded carrots are associated with the large amount of carotene (provitamin A) it contains, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body. Carrots are used for hypovitaminosis A, which is accompanied by increased fatigue, loss of appetite, a tendency to colds, gastrointestinal diseases tract and skin (dry skin, increased fragility of hair, nails and pustular skin lesions).

Carrots are used for corneal diseases, conjunctivitis and other eye diseases (carrot juice with honey).

Whole Plant Extract used as a choleretic and laxative.

Theraniol is obtained from the aerial part (tops).

In China, carrot seeds are used for chronic dysentery and flatulence. And fatty oil from carrot seeds is used as an abortifacient (“Plant Resources”, 1988).

In carrot roots twice as many alkaline substances accumulate as acid-forming substances. Alkalis are necessary to neutralize the destructive effects of acids. The presence of a significant amount of fiber in carrots makes it useful for the normal functioning of the digestive organs.

Carrot juice is used for cystitis - inflammation of the bladder (Nebesny, 1970).

Fruits and crushed leaves applied to ulcers. Carrots help with pleurisy, difficult pregnancy, stimulate lust (especially seeds) (Avicenna).

Preparation. Methods of preparation and use

Daucarin - a sum of flavonoids obtained from carrot seeds. It has an antispasmodic effect, reminiscent of the action of papaverine or kellin, expands coronary vessels. It is prescribed for coronary insufficiency with symptoms of angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, and bronchial asthma.

1. Freshly squeezed juice is prescribed on an empty stomach for adults but 100-200 g for kidney and cholelithiasis. It should be drunk immediately after preparation.

2. A glass of fresh juice is mixed with a few tablespoons of honey and taken 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day for bronchitis and laryngitis.

3. Pour a tablespoon of carrot seeds into a glass of boiling water, leave in a warm oven for 12 hours, and filter. Prescribed orally, 1 glass 3 times a day, hot. Salt-free diet (treatment of kidney stones).

Its root vegetables are rich in carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, K, PP, salts of iron, cobalt, potassium, copper, phosphorus, and iodine. The greatest amount of vitamins is contained in the outer layers of root vegetables, and there are much more of them in red than in yellow.

Eating carrots boiled, raw and fried, canned, sauerkraut with cabbage and even made into jam. Dishes made from it are useful for anemia and loss of strength, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver, hemorrhoids and constipation, eczema, dry skin.

Gargle with fresh juice mouth with stomatitis. Important has carrots for the treatment of visual impairment associated with a lack of vitamin A in the body. Daily consumption of fresh carrots significantly strengthens the body and increases its resistance to infectious diseases.

Seed powder can be used for kidney stones, and also as a laxative and diuretic, 1 g 3 times a day. Daucarin is obtained from the seeds, which is recommended for the treatment of chronic coronary insufficiency with symptoms of angina pectoris. For hemorrhoids, you should drink a decoction of carrot tops. Sometimes carrot juice is used in cosmetics - it gives freshness to the skin and prevents wrinkles.

Grated carrots applied to burns, wounds, ulcers, tumors.

Traditional medicine has long been a strong competitor to scientific medicine and for good reason - after all, it has remedies for all diseases in its arsenal. One of them is carrot seeds, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been known since ancient times, so that they can be called a panacea for any ailment.

Useful ingredients

Carrot seeds contain essential oils from which daucarin is obtained - medicine. It is a complex of flavonoids that dilate blood vessels during coronary insufficiency with symptoms of angina pectoris and atherosclerosis.

Carrot seed essential oil is used in aromatherapy, cosmetology and gastronomy.

Carrot seeds will help against kidney stones, soothe stomach and intestinal pain, stimulate sexual desire and stimulate menstruation.

Where do carrot seeds come from?

Everyone knows where this root vegetable grows, but where do carrot seeds come from?

Carrot is perennial plant, which produces fruit in the first year, and a dill-like seed bush in the second year white.
They can be easily obtained at home. To do this, carrots are kept warm for several days; in early July, the root crop is planted in a pot or on the edge of a plot of soil.

There is no need to fill the soil - it must be moist. Then they are transplanted into the garden and by the end of July or early August the carrots will throw out rosettes with seeds. When they are dry, they need to be collected and rubbed in your hands over a fine sieve until the tendrils fall off and they stick together.

Experienced gardeners do not advise leaving carrots in the ground for the winter, since in this case the root crop will give birth to barren flowers.

Ready carrot seeds can be sown for the next season or consumed in medicinal purposes, and store the remaining seeds for 5 years in a dry place in a paper or plastic bag.

Carrot seed essential oil

Despite the many beneficial properties of carrots essential oil, it is not very popular in aromatherapy and healing practice.

Natural oil is obtained by steam distillation from the fruits of not only wild carrots, but also cultivated carrots, which grow in Egypt, India, Moldova, the Caucasus and other countries. The color of the oil can vary from yellow to amber and depends on the variety, color and taste of the root vegetable. But the composition of the oils is the same - they contain geranyl acetate, thanks to which carrot seed essential oil is used in perfumery and aromatherapy. In addition to geranyl acetate, the oil contains asarone, bisabolene, carotol and other substances.

Carrot seed oil, the use of which was described by Avicenna, will be effective for:

  • formation of gastric and intestinal gases,
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract of cancer patients,
  • prevention of fungal infections,
  • cleansing the liver and digestive tract of harmful toxins.

The antiseptic and reproductive properties of carrot essential oil have been practically proven. As an antiseptic, it is widely used in dermatology in the treatment of cancer tumors and keloid scars, and is effective for rosacea, skin ulcers, psoriasis and eczema.

Carrots are an aphrodisiac and its erotic effect extends to the oil - it helps to activate the function of the gonads and improve spermatogenesis in men and prepares the body for conception in women.

Carrots contain vitamin A, recognized by cosmetologists as the vitamin of youth and beauty due to its ability to smooth out wrinkles, and therefore its oil is actively used in the beauty industry as an additive to massage oils, creams and masks.

In the form of an aroma oil, ether particles relieve inflammation, relieve tension and protect the body from infections.

Medicinal properties of carrot seeds

The beneficial properties of the root vegetable have been known since ancient times - even during excavations, archaeologists discovered scrolls describing the seeds of wild carrots, the medicinal properties of which in the form of oils, tinctures and decoctions for the treatment of a wide range of diseases were known to Avicenna’s contemporaries. Today these recipes are relevant and used in the treatment of:

  • spleen diseases;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • liver diseases;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • dissolving stones in the gall bladder and kidneys.

Carrot seed oil

Carrots do not contain fat, but on its basis carrot seed oil is obtained, the use of which in food is permissible, since to obtain it they use any vegetable oil in which the pulp and seeds are infused. It is not an oil pure form. This is one of the best anti-aging products and is used in such areas as:

  • cosmetology - for skin and hair care;
  • medicine - in the fight against aging of the body, for constipation, anemia, treatment of the liver, gout, rheumatism and arthritis, to strengthen the pulmonary and respiratory systems,

Carrot seed oil, the use of which is so beneficial, can be obtained at home. To do this, grated carrots are dried in the oven, poured into a glass container by a third and filled with oil. Insist for 3 weeks. Store oil in a dark and cool place.

Wild Carrot Seed Extract

In the pharmacology of wild carrot seeds, the extract is included in the components of the medicinal preparations “Urolesan” and “Daukarin”. It contains vitamins and microelements, fatty and essential oils, phytoncides and phytosterol, pantothenic acid and a flavone compound. The extract is obtained by extracting medicinal substances using solvents. Solvents can be glycerin, alcohol, water and ether individually or in the form of mixtures. Wild carrot seed extract enhances the protective functions of the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, and increases skin elasticity. Regular use of the extract prevents the occurrence of wrinkles.

Cosmetic recipes

A mask with honey removes wrinkles, evens out skin tone and smoothes it:

  1. 1 tbsp. l honey and olive oil are mixed with 6 drops of carrot seed oil.
  2. Rub in with massage movements 2 times a day.

Anti-scar oil is rubbed into the damaged area of ​​the skin 2 times a day:

  1. 5 drops each of essential oils of seeds, rosemary, calendula, and lavender, 2 drops of hazelnut essential oil and 1 tsp. Vitamin E is mixed and used for scar massage.

Hair mask

  1. Five drops of essential oil are mixed with olive oil. rub into the scalp and distribute throughout the hair.
  2. Keep under a plastic cap for an hour.
  3. Wash off under warm running water.

Massage oil for face and body with rejuvenating effect

  1. You need to mix 10-20 drops of oil with olive oil for facial and body massage.

Moisturizing overnight mask.

  1. Pure 50 ml of aloe vera gel is mixed with 20 drops of oil.
  2. Apply a thin layer to the face at night.

Wrapping mixture

  1. 10 drops of oil are mixed with cream and honey, diluted in 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Soak the sheet and wrap for 30 minutes.

Cosmetic rejuvenating ice

  1. Mix 2-3 drops of oil with grape seed or jojoba oil, mix with 0.5 tbsp of water and pour into ice molds.
  2. Use in the morning when washing your face. Ice is especially effective before facial massage.

Carrot seed oil cannot be used in its pure form. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and open wounds.

The extract is added to shampoos - 7%, creams and tonics - 5%, and soaps - 3%.

Medical prescriptions

As an immunostimulating agent, add 4 drops of oil per 100 grams of honey, jam or liquid preparation. Take 3-4 times before meals.

Menstrual irregularities, diseases of the spleen and liver, kidney and bladder stones, coughs due to colds, colic are treated with the following recipe:

  1. 100 g of ground seeds are poured into 0.5 liters of wine.
  2. Leave for 3 weeks, shake periodically.
  3. Take 50 g per day 3 times.

For constipation, 1 hour before meals, 3 times a day, take 1 g of seeds crushed in a coffee grinder.

For angina pectoris 1 st. l of seeds, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 12 hours. Drink about 5 cups 5 times a day. For flatulence, drink this infusion 3 times a day.

For nephritis, 3 tbsp. l seeds are poured with a liter of boiling water, left for 8-12 hours and drunk 0.5 cups on an empty stomach 4 times a day.

Stones in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladder:

  1. With a slide of 3 tbsp. l. seeds are poured with boiling water.
  2. The dishes are wrapped for 8-12 hours. Strain the drink 0.5 cups 5-6 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  3. You can also use 1 g of seeds crushed in a coffee grinder 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Uric acid diathesis and kidney stones:

  1. 3 tbsp. l. seeds are poured with boiling water and left in a thermos for 8-10 hours.
  2. Strain and drink 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Kidney and bladder stones:

  1. Steamed carrot seeds. Pour 3 tablespoons of seeds into 3 tablespoons of water, close the dish and keep in the oven at 150 degrees for 6-7 hours.
  2. Strain the mixture, pour it into a thermos and drink 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Before using prescriptions, you must consult a doctor!


Despite the enormous benefits for health, carrot seeds, whose medicinal properties are effective, also have a number of contraindications. Do not use extract and oil for:

  • allergies to root vegetables;
  • duodenal and stomach ulcers;
  • inflammation of the small intestine;
  • diarrhea and colitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • epilepsy;
  • asthma;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • heart problems;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • pregnancy.

Carrot seeds and seed oil should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers or children.

No similar news

There is no such thing garden plot or a rural garden where there would not be a bed or two with carrots. This plant, famous for its delicious, juicy root crops, has been known to people and has been cultivated by them since time immemorial. And this is quite understandable.

Carrots belong to the Apiaceae family. There are two varieties of this crop: wild carrot (Daucus carota) and seeded carrot (Daucuscarota sativus).

Wild carrots growing in natural conditions, its root crop cannot be eaten, and sowing carrots are divided into fodder carrots, which are grown for livestock feed, and table carrots, which are what gardeners and summer residents grow for food.

Carrots are tasty and healthy. Modern research showed that in its bright orange root vegetables (now there are root vegetables of other colors - red, white, yellow and even purple, and it has been proven that carotene is responsible for the orange and red color of carrots, anthocyanin is responsible for the purple color, and yellow and white root vegetables are distinguished by juiciness and sugar content) contains many substances useful for the human body: sugar in it is 6.5%, there are proteins, vitamins C, E, K, B vitamins, provitamin A (carotene), as well as mineral salts of potassium and copper , iron, cobalt, phosphorus.

Now all year round You can buy carrot roots in grocery stores and supermarkets. And yet experienced gardeners and summer residents prefer it in their garden beds. They have mastered all the ways of obtaining crops. To have fresh, juicy carrots as early as possible - in late spring - early summer, they use. To do this, prepare a bed in a high place that is not flooded with melt water, fill it with organic matter, cut grooves for sowing 2-3 cm deep. And at the end of October or early November, when the soil is covered with the first frost, the seeds are sown and then covered with fertile soil. soil or compost, mulch with peat.

In the spring, in order to speed up the germination of carrots and ensure the earlier appearance of root crops, experts recommend covering the bed with film to better warm the soil. Later, after the first shoots appear, it is advisable to cover the shoots with white spunbond to protect them from damage by the carrot psyllid. And then, at the end of spring - beginning of summer, you can already try the first root vegetables. You just need to remember that carrots grown in this way cannot be stored for a long time - they cannot be left for the winter, but must be consumed immediately after harvesting or frozen after chopping in the freezer.

In spring, carrots are sown for various purposes. For this there is various varieties, the choice is very large: early ripening, mid-ripening, late ripening. The first of them are sown mainly in order to obtain an early harvest (after 100 days) of vitamin-rich root vegetables for fresh consumption. Popular and very delicious varieties- Fun, Karotel. Mid-late varieties ripen in 120 days. They are intended for winter storage. The Vitaminnaya carrot variety is known here. Late-ripening varieties require up to 140 days to ripen. Their root crops are grown for winter use. IN lately popular late-ripening variety carrots Queen of autumn.

Carrots are delicious fresh. Remember your childhood years - with what pleasure you crunched carrots that had just been pulled out of the garden, washed and peeled. It is also good in various dishes. An intoxicating aroma emanates from the kitchen when they are preparing frying with onions and carrots for soup or other dish.

Now almost everyone knows what carotene is. Its lack in the body leads to metabolic and functional disorders nervous system, to a decrease in immunity. If you ask someone: where can you find this carotene? Most people will answer - in carrots. Indeed, carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene (vitamin A). It is believed that two good carrots are enough to provide daily requirement our body in this vitamin. True, experts say that in order to absorb it, carrots need to be eaten with vegetable oil or with sour cream. Once in the body, carotene is converted into vitamin A, which is necessary for our eyes, hair, skin, reproductive system and liver.

And it is no coincidence that it has long been used as a means to improve digestion, heal wounds, and increase milk production in nursing mothers. Traditional healers also recommended eating carrots for prevention and treatment. night blindness" And now doctors advise eating it to strengthen the retina of the eyes, to prevent conjunctivitis and other eye diseases. Eating carrots containing beta-carotene helps with anemia, chronic fatigue body. The pigment apigenin is found in the core of the carrot root, which helps relieve fatigue of the heart muscle.

It has been proven that raw carrots lowers blood cholesterol levels, helping reduce the risk of stroke.

Extracts from carrot pulp are used for the treatment of urolithiasis and pathologies of the bile ducts.

The juice obtained from carrot roots also has unique medicinal properties. Regular intake of it helps the endocrine system to function normally; this juice increases the body's resistance to bronchitis and flu. And for sore throat, it is recommended to mix fresh carrot juice and warm boiled water in equal parts, add one or two tablespoons of honey to a glass with this mixture and gargle the sore throat with this liquid. This rinsing also helps with stomatitis.

Scientists believe that all parts of the carrot plant are useful, even the tops. It also contains many vitamins, even more than root vegetables. It also contains trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, which have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. In our country it is somehow not customary to prepare salads with the addition of young, juicy carrot tops, but in European countries they are even sold for this purpose in grocery stores. And they willingly buy the tops.

Decoctions are prepared from fresh or dried carrot tops for external and internal use. These decoctions, which have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, are used to wash wounds and cuts.

Decoction of carrot tops

To obtain it, one tablespoon of chopped dry or fresh carrot tops is poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for half an hour. Then the broth is filtered and used for its intended purpose. For example, it is used for herpes and stomatitis. Practice has shown that such a decoction is useful during childbirth to stimulate uterine contractions. In this case, it is recommended to take 100 ml every half hour.

Carrot seeds also have medicinal benefits. A decoction is prepared from them, which helps dissolve gallstones. This decoction is also useful as an anthelmintic. It also reduces blood sugar.

Decoction of carrot seeds

To prepare it, pour three tablespoons of seeds into three glasses of boiling water and place in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then filter and take 1 glass hot 2-3 times a day.

In folk medicine, an infusion is prepared from carrot seeds to treat legs with varicose veins. To do this, pour one tablespoon of seeds into a glass of boiled water and bring the liquid to a boil. Keep it boiling for 1-2 minutes, then leave for two hours. It is recommended to take this infusion 3 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Purified dry extract “Daukarin” is obtained from carrot seeds. Indications for its use are chronic coronary insufficiency, manifested by pain in the chest and in the heart area at rest or after physical exertion. At the same time, "Daukarin" eliminates pain or significantly alleviates it.

Possible contraindications for carrots

As they say, everything is good in moderation. And even useful and delicious carrots, used in large quantities, may cause harm to some people. It should not be eaten in case of colitis and enterocolitis, as well as in case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, diabetes mellitus (diabetics are recommended to eat boiled carrots - they contain 34% more antioxidants than raw ones) and problems with the thyroid gland. Also, excess beta-carotene can cause yellowing of the skin on the hands and face in some people.

Anatoly Petrov

Photo by Olga Rubtsova and E. Valentinov

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