Detailed business plan with calculations. Samples for drawing up a business plan with detailed calculations

And when you find someone attractive, you only get halfway through studying her in detail? What comes next is impossible for you?

  • Have you come up with a great option for creating your own project, but can’t move beyond the plans?
  • There is a wonderful version for you as individual entrepreneur, but you don’t have enough money and you don’t know who can give it to you?
  • Can't find investors for your business idea?
  • Have you been denied a bank loan that you wanted to take out to develop your business?
  • Most likely, you are having difficulties with your business plan. Either with its writing, or with an understanding of what it is and why it is needed. Actually, there is nothing special about this problem. For entrepreneurs of various levels of training, experienced or beginners, with a specialized economic education, or those who have a unique talent for a certain type of activity, writing business plans can be difficult. And it’s not just a lack of skill or specific knowledge of how to do this. The main difficulty is understanding what it is in principle.

    Is a business plan needed or not for a beginning entrepreneur?

    Often, those who are just embarking on the path of entrepreneurship and creating their own project from scratch have a strong opinion that writing a business plan can be postponed “for later”, doing it only when such a document is required for taking out a loan or other purposes. That is, it is considered a kind of “obligation” for situations of communication with banks and investors. And if the task of obtaining a loan is not urgent right now, then the business plan can wait.

    This opinion is fundamentally wrong; it deprives a novice entrepreneur of the opportunity to see the prospects of his project and does not allow him to comprehensively assess its potential risks, even if this is a “simple” enterprise. This approach is fraught with troubles in the future and, accordingly, can lead to the death of the entire project.

    Having a business plan will not only allow you to see the whole picture, it solves a number of problems for the owner or someone who is trying to implement the idea. It shows:

    • prospects and potential of the project;
    • possible “thin spots”;
    • in what direction do you need to move for development;
    • how much time and money will be needed to implement the idea and promote it.

    And, most importantly, a business plan can indicate that the project is unviable or unprofitable. That is, he will not allow you to make a mistake and waste your time and savings.

    Order a business plan or write it yourself?

    There is another approach that is now in vogue among middle-market entrepreneurs. By the way, established businessmen and owners of large dynamically developing and profitable enterprises sometimes “sin” with it. They order the preparation of business plans from specialized companies that provide this type of service. The option is, of course, acceptable. But often the customer receives a voluminous document of one hundred pages, which absolutely does not reflect the specific features of his business, is incomprehensible and too general.

    Naturally, some specific calculations, market research, and forecasting can be entrusted to a third-party company, where this will be done on a professional basis. However, only the owner of a business or a person who knows it from the inside is able to fully and comprehensively describe it, analyze its prospects and possible problems, and also show it in a profitable way to receive investment. He will be able to do this so specifically and with reference to the company that it will immediately be clear what kind of business we are talking about, what its real potential and “problem areas” are, what can be done to minimize them, and the like. It is this format that most attracts investors.

    What is a business plan essentially?

    This document is necessary to understand the goals, objectives, direction of development and required costs for the creation and development of any project, ranging from global to global, where it is planned to organize a federal network of retail hypermarkets. It is worth considering that a business plan has several varieties, which directly depend on who it is intended for:

    • compiled for internal use or for oneself, in the case of a preliminary assessment of one’s own business idea;
    • aimed at an external user or “evaluator” of the project.

    The second option is about obtaining financing. Here a business plan is written for:

    • credit organizations and banks for the purpose of obtaining loans;
    • government agencies and officials on whom the allocation of funds from the budget depends, which can be obtained for business development;
    • potential investors who may be interested in investing in the idea;
    • various foundations and organizations that issue grants.

    In the first version special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the analysis of potential risks and threats to the development of the project. The second must necessarily have a presentation component, showing prospects and competitive advantages. Also important here is the design of the document, the presence of all standard subsections, financial calculations and applications with visual materials (graphs, tables, etc.)

    Advice: when writing a business plan in any version, you should never embellish reality. It is worth remembering that it may take twice as long to complete a project. more money and in three times than it initially seemed. An idea presented in the spirit of “everything is great and there are no threats” will only cause a potential investor irritation and indignation at the illiteracy of the entrepreneur who drew up such a document. For the project initiator himself, this is fraught with a one-sided vision, which can lead to negative consequences in the future.

    How to write a business plan: step-by-step instructions

    Each project, be it an idea or an online gift store, necessarily has its own “personality,” features, and specifics. In addition, they differ in their regional affiliation, the nuances of the range of goods or services, and the customer audience they are designed for. It is impossible to “squeeze” them all into any standard scheme.

    Advice: do not download a ready-made business plan from the Internet, even one suitable for the type of activity, with the aim of using it for yourself. You can take several of those offered on specialized resources and, after carefully analyzing them, taking them as a basis, write your own, original and completely corresponding to your project.

    This document must fully answer three main questions:

    • what do I want to achieve?
    • How do I plan to do this?
    • What do I need for this?

    If any of these points is not fully disclosed, an unclear answer is given, and unsaid things remain - the document requires improvement, it is not effective.

    A business plan has several required sections:

    • title (name, address, contacts, table of contents);
    • introduction ( brief description and resume);
    • marketing part (analysis of the market and its prospects in relation to the project, potential threats and risks, as well as the tools that will be used to cope with them);
    • overview of the market and competitors;
    • project implementers and possible partners;
    • business model or calculation of income and costs;
    • financial forecast and existing indicators (for existing projects);
    • threats and risks for the development of the project (all possible) and scenarios for overcoming them;
    • calculation of the use of funds for launch, development or modernization, as well as sources of income;
    • applications (this includes all the key documents, as well as materials that help you fully understand your idea).

    Please note that a business plan aimed at an external user cannot be too short or without any of these sections. As a rule, its volume is 30-40 sheets. In the “for yourself” version, some points can be excluded.

    While some sections are understandable to almost every novice entrepreneur, there are others that can cause considerable difficulties.

    Particular attention should be paid to the first two or three pages that come after the title page, the so-called introduction. This is the main thing that will allow you to present your idea to both investors and the business owner himself. Some experts recommend writing the introduction at the very end, after everything has been analyzed, calculated, and presented in facts and figures. But there is another opinion. You should start with the “introduction” section. And it is more correct in cases of novice entrepreneurs who are just creating their own project from scratch. It is when writing an introduction, a summary of your future or a business just getting on its feet that its owner or initiator can understand what prospects his idea has, what risks it is exposed to, whether it has profitability potential, what the result may be, how much investment will be required and is there any prospect of finding this money? Naturally, the initial version can be edited and made as necessary to interest a potential investor, if the business plan is written for this purpose. But you need to start the document from this chapter. It will give understanding and a complete picture.

    What you need to cover in the introduction for a newly created project:

    • what type of activity do you plan to engage in;
    • what is your target audience (future clients);
    • how much money is needed to launch and further implement the project;
    • where will the funds come from;
    • what is the planned revenue for the first six months/year of work (depending on the specifics of the project);
    • main assumptions financial indicators(its profitability, income, profit);
    • form (organizational and legal), number of involved employees, partners.

    In an existing business, this section should be written taking into account existing data and indicators.

    How to write a business plan for a small business yourself: a sample of the main sections

    A standard business plan consists of several main sections that outline various aspects of the project. The financial part kind of sums up everything that was stated earlier. It is in the descriptive chapters that we present our idea, give it a comprehensive analysis and show in what ways and tools we plan to implement it.

    Marketing part

    Many beginning businessmen, and even those who already have some experience, have serious difficulties writing a section on marketing. It’s not entirely clear what should be in it and where to get data on comparative analysis market. Issues that require reflection in this part of the document:

    1. What product or groups or services do you plan to focus on?. The following points should be noted here:
      • where the product is used;
      • what customer needs will you satisfy?
      • what are the advantages of your product and why it will be in demand;
      • what customer groups are you targeting?
      • how will you convey your product/service to the buyer;
      • what disadvantages does your product have, and how do you plan to minimize them;
      • your USP or unique selling proposition.

    The last point needs to be discussed in more detail. It is worth considering that there are practically no truly unique products today. Or rather, they exist, but there are only a few of them. In addition, an innovative idea that is simply not yet on the market requires money, time and knowledge to develop. A success story can be written not only with the new iPhone, like the legendary Steve Jobs. By taking an existing product, service or product as a basis, and adding your own unique selling proposition to it, you can conquer the market. What could be the USP:

    • in service maintenance;
    • in the quality of service and its diversity;
    • in the loyalty system;
    • in sales format.

    That is, this is not necessarily the uniqueness of the product itself; on the contrary, most often the USP is created precisely on a “near-commodity” basis. If you perceive this concept as a lower price than competitors, then you are mistaken. For example, you decided to build your business in the field agriculture and practice. Planning to conquer the market by lowering the price and setting a figure much lower than that of competitors is fundamentally wrong. Thus, you can systematically make less profit and become an unprofitable enterprise. In addition, dumping is not always advisable in terms of fighting for the client. This may cause the buyer to doubt the quality of the product. It is much more effective to find “your” consumer and organize such related services for him that your pricing policy, where the cost of the product will be the average market price or even higher, will seem justified for him.

    Advice: When developing your own unique selling proposition, start from the premise that you can give your buyer something that your competitors do not have. There are a huge number of quite successful businesses that are built precisely on this principle. This could be the concept of selecting an assortment for a store, targeting a specific target audience of customers, the quality or environmental friendliness of products, and much more. The main thing is not only to develop and formulate a USP, but also to think through the tools that can convey it to the consumer.

    1. What is your market?. This part of the marketing section should describe:
      • what market segment do you want to cover in terms of geographic location;
      • what type of buyer are you targeting?

    This section can be challenging for a new entrepreneur who does not have successful sales experience in the past. This should be based on reasonable assumptions and analysis of the work of competitors. It is also worth looking at information about projects similar to yours and ways to implement them.

    When determining the type of your client or drawing his portrait, you need to consider the following:

    • gender, age and marital status;
    • place of residence;
    • social status and income level;
    • occupation and hobbies.

    Having created a kind of collective image of the target audience for your product, you can begin to count the number of future customers. To do this, you need to take the geography of coverage and the estimated number of residents who fit the profile of the target audience.

    To determine the potential volumes of consumption of your product, you should take into account the regularity and frequency of demand for them (naturally, what is purchased daily and what is purchased once every five years will be radically different in both the format of the offer and the algorithm for promoting it to the market, and many other aspects). It is also necessary to take into account fluctuations in demand (seasonality, changes in the solvency of consumers, fashion trends, rivalry within a product group between analogues and the like, characteristic of your product).

    1. This section of the business plan also includes a competitor analysis. The description algorithm can be based on:
      • listing companies that operate in your segment;
      • what are the distinctive characteristics of their services/products;
      • the ways they use to promote their products;
      • their pricing policy;
      • the nuances of how their business is developing.

    Particular attention should be paid to competitors closest in geography and product range.

    It also requires you to indicate in what ways you will realize your benefits. This point needs to be devoted to a separate, albeit small, subsection. This may include answers to the following questions:

    • how do you plan to organize sales;
    • what will you do to inform customers about your entry into the market;
    • what advertising format you will choose (or do without this tool);
    • How will you form your pricing policy?

    In the final part of the marketing section of the business plan, it is worth giving a preliminary forecast of sales volume for any period. As a rule, it is better to take the year on a monthly or quarterly basis.

    Advice: A fairly common mistake of novice entrepreneurs is that they overload this part of the business plan with details and details. This is understandable; they want to thoroughly describe their actions that will lead them to success, and thereby prove to a potential investor the promise of their project. There is no need to do this. For greater persuasiveness, you can use applications - diagrams, diagrams, graphs that visualize and clearly show your potential capabilities. The very essence of the marketing part of the business plan is best presented on 2-3 sheets.

    Production part

    You should not confuse it with the production process, thinking that if you engage in trade or provide services, then you will not need this section, this is incorrect. All information about a specific project is presented here. To do this you need to answer the following questions:

    • what technologies, formats and methods of project implementation will be used;
    • what production facilities will be used (office, retail premises, equipment, storage areas, vehicles, raw materials, goods, materials and other things that are important for the project);
    • who will be involved (and whether) as employees, partners, suppliers, etc.).

    As a kind of summary, you can attach a brief estimate showing the expenditure part. It is better to do it in dynamics, broken down into periods (month/quarter).

    The estimate must be presented in the form of a table, which may contain the following columns:

    • purchase of fixed assets;
    • acquisition of raw materials and supplies;
    • rental costs, maintenance of premises and utility bills;
    • expenses for the purchase of auxiliary consumables;
    • wage fund;
    • other current expenses, which include payment for communication services, hospitality, travel expenses and more.

    Advice: for projects with different specifics, cost graphs and figures will be very different. Take this into account when writing a business plan and do not take average values ​​from the Internet. In addition, you should not focus on the minimum. Even if you have found premises for your future store with very favorable rent, almost half as much as everywhere else in the city, do not use this figure as the basis for calculating your business plan. It may change for some reason for the better. Therefore, the data in your business plan will become irrelevant, and it will turn from a guide to action into one that will be misleading.

    Organizational part

    This section should indicate which organizational and legal form was chosen for the implementation of the project, why, and whether changes are planned in the future. It is also necessary to touch upon permitting documents. Here you should dwell on the need for licenses and how you plan to issue them, on obtaining certificates of conformity and hygienic conclusions (if necessary), on how you will undergo approvals in inspections of various formats to obtain permits to operate.

    In addition, this part describes:

    • composition of project managers;
    • experience in the field of the initiator or involved persons;
    • What kind of professional support do you expect and what are its sources?

    You can add profiles of managers/initiators to the applications section, where you can reflect in more detail professional experience and specialized knowledge.

    Financing or how to calculate a business plan

    In this part of the document, it is necessary to provide justification that the project will make a profit, as well as determine the size of investments, the time frame for reaching the break-even point and further prospects for repayment initial capital or borrowed funds.

    In fact, it has already been written; you just need to take the necessary numbers from the previous sections and enter them here, formatting them correctly.

    Here you definitely need to highlight:

    • Sources of project financing. This can be personal funds (investments), borrowed or credit funds, government subsidies or other forms, for example, leasing.
    • The initial stage of project implementation. At this point, it is necessary to make a forecast of the period required to organize the business, that is, until it starts working.
    • The stage before receiving the first profits. Here it is necessary to justify the attraction of funds and when they will begin to return. This point is necessary not only for obtaining loans or borrowings, but also for understanding whether it is worth investing your own funds in the project.
    • The chosen taxation system. It is worth considering here that the amount and list of deductions will depend on what organizational and legal status you prefer for the implementation of your project. For individual entrepreneurs, some “indulgences” are provided in this regard. By the way, they also differ in favor of simplification for the second format.

    This section also includes calculation of indicators and a plan of expected profits/losses. There is no need to be immediately alarmed by the term “losses.” The fact is that the initial stage and period of business formation rarely passes without the need to attract additional funds or additional investments. Naturally, they are defined as losses, because they are not yet offset by profits from the project.

    The form in which the numbers and data will be shown depends on the nature of the project, the status of the enterprise (LLC, individual entrepreneur) and the chosen taxation system. In its simplest expression it may contain:

    • costs of organizing a business (registration of an enterprise, purchase of equipment, materials, product range, arrangement of a premises or site for conducting activities, purchase of a license, etc.);
    • expenses of a constant nature (payment of rent, utilities, salaries, etc., that is, those that do not change depending on fluctuations in sales or production volumes);
    • costs of a variable nature (purchase of consumables, transport, communications, payment to third-party organizations or individuals for one-time work, piece-rate salaries, that is, those that directly depend on sales or production volumes);
    • income from the sale of goods/services and net profit.

    The last indicator is quite easy to calculate. It is necessary to take away everything from the income part variable costs per unit of goods or for a certain period, as well as that part of the constants that falls on the calculation period taken as the base (month, quarter).

    As a result of this part of the business plan section, the profitability of the entire project is calculated. You can take as a basis the return on investment indicator (investments of personal savings, loans, credits). As an example, a calculation scheme is given by which you can determine the efficiency and profitability of your own investments:

    RLS (return on personal funds) is equal to PE (net profit) divided by the amount of LP multiplied by 100%. The payback period should be understood as the period of time during which the net profit available to the investor will cover all initial investments.

    Risk assessment

    This is the final section of the business plan. Here a description and analysis of the most likely risks that the implementation of the project may be exposed to is carried out. Among them:

    • natural disasters, fires, floods, accidents that can cause damage to equipment, premises, etc.;
    • illegal actions, including theft, embezzlement;
    • actions state institutions, federal and local authorities;
    • economic factors, decline in production and consumption, inflation;
    • failure to fulfill obligations on the part of partners and suppliers.

    Alternatively, here you can use the pessimistic scenario for the development of events from the introduction.

    In this part, you need to analyze the sustainability of your business and your readiness to overcome risks.

    How to draw up a business plan for agriculture yourself?

    Actually, all the main sections of the document drawn up for a business in the field of agriculture are not much different from the standard one for any enterprise. Its peculiarities are that for this type of activity there is a special organizational and legal form of the peasant farm (peasant farm). There is a simplified registration procedure and a specialized taxation system.

    When drawing up a business plan for an agricultural project, you need to consider the following points:

    • seasonality of business;
    • dependence on weather conditions;
    • crop yield level for a certain region (if your field is crop production);
    • product distribution system and logistics.

    The last point needs to be given serious attention. When writing a business plan to obtain government subsidies or grants, as well as loans from credit institutions, this issue needs to be covered in detail. The fact is that the investor is not interested in products for the sake of products, he is looking for potential profit.

    And for agricultural enterprises, logistics and sales organization often pose a problem, so part of the grown crop or other goods never reaches the consumer, becoming unusable and incurring direct losses instead of potential profits. If your business plan reflects how you plan to organize the sale and delivery of products, confirmed by agreements of intent and preliminary agreements, then the investor’s attitude will be much more loyal.

    Why do you need a business plan? Most will probably answer - to get a loan from a bank. This statement is true, but only partly. First of all, the entrepreneur himself needs a plan in order to understand the size of the initial investment for starting, how long it will take to reach self-sufficiency and projected revenue indicators, assess the level of profitability, payback period of investments and many other parameters.

    Very often, a beginning businessman (and not only beginners) does all planning and calculations “by eye” on a napkin or in his head (and sometimes does not do it at all), forgetting about many costly items, which results in many mistakes and leads to bankruptcy.

    Typical mistakes: when determining investments, the costs of financing activities before reaching self-sufficiency are not taken into account, the amount of inventory is incorrectly determined (the size of inventory items is set for one month, and based on the turnover period, reserves for 3 months are required), taxes and insurance contributions are not taken into account in the calculation of the wage fund , the need for personnel is incorrectly calculated and many others.

    A correctly drawn up business plan with detailed calculations is the key to a successful start in any business activity, which will allow you to cut off unprofitable options at the forecasting stage and, as a result, protect yourself from losing your own investments or the funds of the investor (creditor).

    Let's say you plan to install, the calculation shows that the full payback will be 5 years, it is obvious that this will not be the right investment, it is unlikely that the machine will work without breakdowns for such a period of time. (For reference: the optimal payback for this type of activity is 12-18 months.)

    What’s better – buy a ready-made business plan or make it yourself? If we are talking about a small business, then you definitely need to do it yourself. This will allow you to dive deeper into the project, understand its essence, and sort out the economics of future activities for yourself. Well, if you want to organize a production that requires multi-billion dollar investments, then you cannot do without the help of specialists.

    On the site you will find samples of ready-made business models with all the calculations, which you can use as the basis for drawing up a feasibility study for your specific project.

    Algorithm of actions

    1. Familiarization with the provided sample feasibility study.
    2. Collection of statistical data for a specific region where business activities will be carried out.
    3. Conducting marketing research: identifying strong and weak points project().
    4. Updating information on the economic part: searching for potential and raw materials, requesting commercial proposals, recalculating costs and determining the final price based on current market realities, as well as determining the level of profitability.
    5. Conducting a stress test of the figures reflected in the calculation (what will be the payback if the revenue is N percent less than planned). Based on the data obtained, drawing up several options for the development of the event: conservative, realistic and optimal.
    6. carrying out economic activities.
    7. Choosing the most profitable one (studying legal schemes to reduce the tax burden).

    Based on the analysis and synthesis of the information received, you draw up your own economic justification for the project with the help of which you can determine the feasibility of investing cash.

    Please note that you can download any business plan you like for free. If there is no download form somewhere, you can ask a question through a special form, and within a short time we will add this feature. Through this form, you can also clarify any point regarding the described model, and we will try to find a specialist to provide competent advice on the point that interests you.

    Let's give a simple example of a business plan. Please note that this is only one of the possible options, and presented in a very compressed form.

    Target: Produce confectionery, mainly cakes, for city residents. Take a leading position in the upper price segment of this market.

    1. Create a compact confectionery shop.
    2. Provide the production process with the necessary raw materials and labor, some of which will be hired.
    3. Initially occupy 30% of the market segment through the implementation of a developed marketing strategy that involves squeezing out the main competitors dumping prices and new recipes for consumers.
    4. Raise the missing investment funds from the bank using available real estate as collateral.

    An example of drawing up a business plan for an enterprise

    Let's look at an example of a manufacturing business plan. It is planned to open a small tailoring shop. Let's consider how promising this business is in a specific market.

    1. Summary. Opening of small production on January 1, 2014. Form of ownership – LLC. The planned period is 42 months.

    2. General provisions. Purchasing equipment that will allow you to use a variety of fabrics and perform different finishes. It is planned to partially raise borrowed funds for the purchase of equipment and rental of premises. The tailoring service will be provided to the population, as well as legal entities those in need of special clothing, as well as sewing curtains and bedding for subsequent sale.

    3. Market analysis and marketing plan. IN at the moment There are 350 enterprises represented on the market. Through strict adherence to deadlines and quality, it is planned to create a positive image of the company, which will allow it to occupy a niche in the market.

    4. Costs. Estimated direct and variable costs, including wages and rental of premises for 3 years will amount to 13.5 million rubles. Of these, 50 million rubles are own funds. The planned sales volume will be 15 million rubles, which, minus tax deductions, will allow the project to reach payback by the end of the third year.

    5. Production schedule. Release of 1000 units of goods.

    6. Investments. Attracting partners on the terms of joint business.

    Brief example of a business plan

    If you are about to open a shoe repair shop, then general view The development of a business plan using an example looks like this:

    • – Fixed costs (equipment) – 300 thousand rubles.
    • Variable costs(threads, glue, rent) - 10 thousand rubles.
    • – Investment required – 100 thousand rubles in the form of a bank loan at 23% per annum for 10 years with a progressive scale and deferred repayment for 1 year.
    • – Form of ownership – individual entrepreneur
    • – Tax deductions 24 thousand rubles.
    • – Planned revenue – 20 thousand rubles per month.
    • – Revenue for 1 year – 97 thousand rubles.
    • – Financial result – 73 thousand rubles.

    As a result, the entrepreneur has reasons to invest money in this project. The margin of safety is large enough so that possible deviations from the predicted values ​​do not lead to financial collapse.

    Example of a business plan with calculations

    Opening a small store selling used children's items also requires a preliminary assessment. Enterprise business plan example:

    The assessment of goods purchased from the population will be based on the cost of 1 kg.
    To begin with, you will need to create an assortment of 100 units.
    The cost of 1 kg is 400 conventional units. One product weighs on average 1 kg. Thus, the cost of the product will be 100 * 100 = 40,000 USD. Replenishment costs working capital will be 100 units, which equals 10,000 USD. per month
    The rent of the premises will be 10,000 USD.
    Variable costs, including advertising and unforeseen expenses - 10 USD.

    Sales volume in the first 6 months will be 130 products per month;
    in subsequent years - 280 products per month.
    The average unit price will be 250 USD.
    Revenue for 1 year = 130 * 250 * 12 + 280 * 250 * 12 = (10,000 * 12,000 + 40,000 + 10,000 * 12 + 10,000 * 12,000) = 420,195 – 361,240 = 58,955.
    The tax will be 25,000 USD.
    Financial result – 33,955 USD

    At first glance, the business seems attractive, given the low input costs and quick payback, but after performing a simple calculation, the entrepreneur will come to the conclusion that the profitability is very low and, although the risk is small (the product is in stable demand), it is unprofitable to engage in this business without achieving scale .

    View an example of a business plan

    Schematically planning, for example, growing vegetables looks like this:

    1. Summary. A summary of the remaining pages is shown here.
    2. Marketing part. Who will be the buyer and how will it be possible to conquer the market? Settlement part – 5 tons of carrots for 100,000 USD
    3. Costs. Rent of land and equipment – ​​27,000 USD
    Payment for hired labor – 30,000 USD.
    4. Revenue– 23 USD
    5. Sources of financing. Bank loan for 50,000 USD at 18% per annum for 10 years.
    6. Financial result– 9 USD

    If the pessimistic scenario is fulfilled, this activity will not generate income at all in the first year. In addition, the entrepreneur will be able to work fully and invest in development only after repaying the entire loan amount.

    Download ready-made examples of business plans

    On this resource you can download examples of business plans for free. Downloading the file gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with more detailed options calculations that will allow you not only to understand the essence, but also to make, by analogy, your own calculation to justify the feasibility of investing funds.

    If you have no experience at all, it is not at all necessary to order development from a specialized company. It is enough to get acquainted with an example of planning for a similar activity, where you can study in detail the features of market analysis and calculation of production costs for a particular business.

    To download, click on the link:

    Be sure to watch the video: “What is a business plan?”

    Business plan: sample and purpose of the document + reasons for drafting + 5 stages of creation + features of writing for investors and for personal purposes + structure + 15 tips + 7 illustrative examples.

    Any actions must be planned and displayed on paper. This is especially true for entrepreneurship. Without business planning, i.e. detailed optimization of resources and determination of further tasks, even an experienced entrepreneur will not be able to achieve his goals.

    That's why it's so important to have on hand sample business plan and compose it correctly. This material will help you with this.

    Why and who needs a business plan?

    There are several definitions of a business plan on the Internet.

    Here are the most common ones:

    Those. A business plan is a document that describes in detail the ways of its implementation. Thanks to it, you can thoroughly justify your project and evaluate its effectiveness from all sides. decisions made, understand the feasibility of financing a particular activity.

    The business plan shows:

    • business development prospects;
    • volumes of the sales market, potential consumers;
    • profitability of the project;
    • upcoming expenses for the production and sale of products, supplying them to the market, etc.

    A business development plan is a tool that evaluates the final results of activities for a specific period of time. It can be used to attract investors and is necessary in creating a business concept and company strategy.

    Drawing up a business plan is one of the important, responsible stages of planning. It is developed both for those enterprises that produce goods and for those whose specialization is the provision of services.

    Before writing a business plan, specialists or the owner of the company determine the tasks and means for their implementation. The developed document can attract lenders to implement ideas. For this reason, it is impossible to exaggerate its importance.

    Purpose of the business development plan:

    • analysis of aspects of entrepreneurship;
    • competent management of finances and operations;
    • justification for the need to obtain investments (bank loans, equity participation of companies in the project, budget allocations, etc.);
    • taking into account the financial capabilities and threats (risks) of the enterprise;
    • choosing the optimal direction of development.

    Entrepreneurs write business plans for the following reasons:

    Features of drawing up a plan for personal purposes and creditors

    It is important to see the difference between a business plan, which is written for internal use, and a “front door” document, so to speak, to be transferred to creditors.

    1. Create a plan for personal goals.

    If you intend to use the sample business plan and write it for yourself, please note that it will be in the form practical guide to further actions.

    In this case, the business development plan should answer the following questions:

    1. What activities are you (will you be) involved in?
    2. What product/service does your company offer to the market?
    3. Who are the consumers, clients?
    4. What goals should you achieve?
    5. What means are needed to achieve the goals?
    6. Who is responsible for completing certain tasks?
    7. How long does it take to complete it?
    8. What capital investments will be required?
    9. What results should the actions lead to?

    You need to understand that when drawing up a working document, you need to reflect the real state of things in order to know in which direction to move, what to do, what to strive for.

    2. Document for investors.

    When developing a business plan to present to creditors/investors, the methodology is different. The person or organization that will finance your enterprise should receive a document detailing the situation and main objectives.

    You must convince investors that their money will be used rationally and indicate the benefits for them. A business plan must be drawn up logically, every action must be justified.

    If you have doubts in any area, study it more carefully, because lenders will likely have “uncomfortable” questions regarding the program you outline. And the amount of initial investment to open/develop your own business will depend on how you answer them.

    Confidence in delivery is also of particular importance. It’s good if you can display statistics in a business plan, citing the example of another company. This will increase your chances of receiving investment.

    When writing a business plan, you should adhere to business style and follow the structure.

    Sample business plan: structure

    Regardless of the purpose for which you draw up a plan, working with it takes place in 5 stages:

    As a business creator, you will have no problem making up the first two points. But what should be the proper structure of a business plan?

    Let's look at the main sections, what information they contain and how to compose them correctly.

    No. 1. Front page.

    He acts like himself business card. It indicates: the name of your company, contact information, address details, phone numbers of the founders.

    In addition, the title must contain the contents of the entire document (chapter - page number). When writing your title, be brief and present information concisely.

    The total volume of the business plan is about 30-35 pages, including applications.

    *Business plan (sample title page)

    No. 2. Introductory part of a sample business development plan.

    It takes up approximately 2 A4 sheets. The introduction describes the main aspects of your business, its essence, and what advantages it has.

    It is necessary to write down why the product/service is attractive to buyers and what the expected profit is. If you intend to raise funds for your business, the introductory part indicates the amount of capital you need.

    Typically, the introduction is devoted to the following points of the plan:

    The introductory part is compiled last, because it describes the overall picture of the company's activities.
    You can fully portray it only after studying all the nuances of the case.

    You can study a sample of this and other parts of the plan at the end of this material - examples of this document for the main areas of business are collected there.

    No. 3. The main part of a business plan.

    The main section concerns the type of activity and all its key points, project cost.

    It consists of subsections:

    • production;
    • financial;
    • marketing;
    • organizational;
    • calculating business efficiency;
    • risks.

    We will look at them separately.

    At the end it follows final part. In it you need to summarize the work done and give a clear definition of the tasks.

    Subsections of the main part of business plans

    No. 1. Development of the production subsection of the business plan.

    The main section of the document is the most capacious. Its subsections describe each aspect of your business.

    For example, industrial shows what equipment will be used, what premises you have, how much money you will need to purchase and start a business.

    This plan is also designed to help you calculate production capacity and determine the likely prospects for growth in production volumes.

    In addition, it contains information on the full provision of raw materials, components, and covers issues about the need for labor, temporary and fixed costs business.

    So that the production subsection of the plan has a clear structure and contains all necessary information, indicate:

    • How streamlined is the production process, are there innovative solutions;
    • methods of supplying resources, the degree of development of the transport system;
    • a complete description of the technologies and why they were chosen;
    • Do you need to buy/rent premises to run a business;
    • composition of the required personnel and all data about them, labor costs;
    • possible maximum volume of output;
    • information about suppliers, subcontractors of the business;
    • the cost of each product;
    • estimate with mention current expenses etc.

    No. 2. Development of the financial subsection of the plan.

    Financial plan summarizes all the data presented economic indicators for business, i.e. in cost terms.

    This includes business reports:

    • Balance sheet plan (confirming the company’s ability to timely pay its monetary obligations).
    • ABOUT financial results, profit and loss.

      It highlights the sources of profit, how losses occurred, provides an assessment of changes in business income/expenses that occurred during the reporting period, etc.

      About the movement of money.

      This report allows you to see operating results, long-term creditworthiness, and short-term liquidity.

    The financial subsection of a business plan is also characterized by the presence of:

    • schedules of future financial activities,
    • descriptions of likely investments.

    Carefully consider the possibility of investing, whether it will be profitable, and the target orientation of the investment. Write how you will return the funds raised into the business.

    Try to ensure that the financial part of your business plan includes:

    No. 3. Development of the marketing subsection of a business plan.

    The marketing subsection concerns the analysis of the sales market for the products manufactured by your company. You must indicate in the plan the size, dynamics and trends of the market, its segments, and conditions.

    In addition, the subsection informs about who the consumers of the business’s products are and what product promotion strategy will be used.

    Here the volumes of consumption are calculated, the estimated share occupied in the market, the levers used to influence demand (advertising campaign, pricing, product improvement, etc.), and the competitiveness of the business are described.

    It is necessary to evaluate your product from the consumer’s perspective, why it is attractive, what its consumer value is, whether it is safe to use, and its service life.

    When drawing up a marketing plan, rely on the following points:

    To draw up a marketing plan, information is taken from the external environment, relevant research and surveys are conducted, and professional marketers are hired to study the market situation.

    No. 4. Development of an organizational subsection of the plan.

    In terms of doing business, they are considered equally important organizational issues. Therefore, in this subsection you are required to describe all the steps that will be taken to implement the project.

    For example, as shown in the example in the picture:

    It is better to present the information in the plan in tabular form so that the sequence of your actions is clearly visible. It would not hurt to mention the regulatory and legislative acts, which regulate the selected industry.

    In organizational terms, it is worth describing the management side, the responsibilities of all employees, the system of subordination and incentives (remuneration), and describing the internal regime of the company.

    Remember that you need to follow the structure as in the example:

    No. 5. How to calculate the effectiveness and probable risks?

    In the penultimate sections, you need to give an objective assessment of the company’s performance, show the expected prospects based on the estimate, balance sheet, profitability threshold, and planned sales volume.

    The business plan developer must write the payback period, NPV (net present value).

    The best option would be to arrange this in a table, as in the example below:

    Business risks should also be taken into account. Be sure to indicate in the plan what measures you will take to minimize them if they arise, and what self-insurance program you will resort to.

    Experienced business plan authors pay special attention to risks, and consider the likelihood of the worst outcome. Making notes on how to resolve perceived difficulties will make your future work easier. If damages and financial losses occur, you will already know how to compensate for them.

    When this section of the business plan causes difficulties, turn to experts for help.

    A SWOT analysis of a business is often used for this purpose:

    This is a method of identifying external/internal factors that influence business development.

    Thanks to it you will be able to appreciate:

    • their weaknesses(assuming the need to rent a building, lack of brand recognition),
    • advantages (low price, high service, professional staff),
    • indicate opportunities (these include the availability of funds for innovation, the use of modern equipment, coverage of a larger market segment, etc.).

    And, ultimately, threats are considered that you cannot cancel, for example:

    • economic crisis,
    • deterioration of the demographic situation,
    • increase in customs duties,
    • growing political tensions,
    • tough competition, etc.

    If you provide a clear and justified algorithm for solving risks in the document, this is guaranteed to attract partners and creditors for your business.

    15 tips for beginners to competently draw up a business plan

    very painstaking and complex. In the process of compiling it, many questions will arise. For this reason, most beginners make mistakes.

    To avoid them and make your business plan worthwhile, follow these recommendations:

      Before you start writing, it is better to look at more than one example of a business plan.

      It’s easy to find illustrative examples on the Internet, and perhaps they will even relate to your line of business.

      There is no need to “pour water”, thinking that the document is supposed to be voluminous.

      A business plan should contain only important, realistic information that is interesting to investors and useful to you in running your business (as in the samples below).

    1. Errors, corrections, and typos are strictly prohibited.
    2. The business plan should reflect the possibility of your enterprise reaching a higher level and the strengths of the management team.
    3. When developing a business plan, one cannot underestimate competition and possible difficulties.
    4. If the information you want to display is sensitive, you should skip it.
    5. Do not complete the document hastily.

      Such a plan will not have the desired effect on creditors. If you are composing it for yourself, all the same, it should not look like a draft version.

      Use more tables, graphs (as in the samples below).

      Providing statistics in this way makes the material more visual.

      Market analysis is often inaccurate.

      Therefore, approach the marketing section responsibly and collect all the necessary data.

      Be sure to include competitive and distinctive characteristics in your business plan.

      Throw out too abstruse expressions from your business plan, as well as those that are understood ambiguously and demonstrate your inconsistency.

      For example, “a product that has no analogues”, “at the stage of consideration”, “ease of sale”, etc.

      Take into account absolutely all business expenses.

      Lenders consider this column particularly important. Therefore, they may have a lot of questions for you on such items as staff salaries, taxes, purchase of raw materials, etc.

      Don't ignore risk considerations.

      As mentioned, this will protect you from problems encountered on the way to achieving your goals, and will also allow investors to see you as a serious, responsible entrepreneur.

    6. In your business plan, focus not on the first profit or big earnings, but on a stable cash flow.
    7. Don't forget to include time limits.

      Any task has a deadline (a quarter, a year, several years).

      If you are not sure that you can complete a business plan on your own, even using the samples below, do not waste money on a specialist.

      He understands this issue more than you, so he will draw up the document accurately, without technical, methodological and conceptual mistakes that you may make without proper experience.

    A detailed outline of a high-quality business plan with explanations

    you will find in this video:

    Ready-made business plans (samples) for different areas of activity

    The pharmaceutical business does not lose its relevance, because the need for medicines does not disappear. Moreover, most family budget, as a rule, is spent on medications.

    Because of this, opening a pharmacy is a very profitable business.

    Therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at the example of drawing up such a business plan in this sample:.

    If you want to enter a different field, consider opening a cafe.

    There are quite a lot of similar establishments and the competition is great. However, the demand for them is growing. If you take into account all the aspects of the arrangement and offer healthy food, you will definitely be successful.

    To draw up a document correctly, check out the sample cafe business plan!

    The male half of the population may be interested in the idea of ​​organizing a car service center.

    The owner of a service station will not be left without income if the repair and maintenance of vehicles is outlined in detail with all the ensuing factors in the business plan.

    Women will find it more pleasant to open a beauty salon.

    We assure you that, regardless of the number of existing establishments providing cosmetic services, your “enterprise” in the beauty industry will be in demand. This is due to the fact that every client wants the salon to be nearby and not have to travel to another block.

    Representatives of the fair half of humanity can delve into trading activities and create a flower shop. The main advantage of the idea is the small start-up capital.

    This small business also requires planning. And although flower shops are not exactly popular in Russia, who knows, maybe you will change that.

    To do this, you need to draw up a well-thought-out business plan (a sample of which you can study at this link).

    Hotel business is a much more complex option, which involves taking into account many factors, especially marketing ones.

    If you don’t know what size room you need or what investments are required, get the information you need in a standard sample:
    business plan for a hotel.

    The process of implementing a farming project is no less labor-intensive. But in this case, you will have the opportunity to receive financial support and benefits from the state.

    A good sample plan that can attract public investors, clearly demonstrates the goals, .

    The implementation of any idea begins with drawing up a business plan. Without it, it is impossible to determine the necessary tasks and understand the feasibility of investments and costs. Many businessmen needlessly ignore this fact and do not use this useful tool.

    If you have no experience in writing, any sample business plan given here will help you understand all the drafting standards, thanks to which you can easily set yourself a guideline for further actions.

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    Investment size

    By business area:

    By investment size:

    From 2,800,000 rub.

    Every person uses household chemicals every day. Demand for it does not depend on the time of year or the state of the economy. Therefore, the likelihood that the funds invested in the business will not pay off is minimal. At the right approach a household chemicals store will regularly make a profit. In order for a business to develop successfully, an entrepreneur needs to take into account many organizational issues.

    In many regions the composition drinking water, due to the climate, soil composition and technogenic factors, it is often oversaturated with salts and microelements. Excessive consumption of fluorine, iron, particles of limestone deposits, chlorine, nitrites, cadmium and others negatively affects the condition of the body.

    From 300,000 rub.

    The chinchilla is a small herbivorous rodent with thick and soft fur. It is not difficult to have such an animal as a pet. It is unpretentious in food and maintenance, and its life expectancy in captivity is on average 10-12 years. Exotic rodents can bring their owner not only positive emotions, but also a good income.

    From 160,000 rub.

    Selling hot corn is a good business, which, with great effort and a competent approach to creating and placing a point, will bring considerable profit. Previously, it was sold in carts that were carried along the beaches and offered in resort towns. Now cobs and grains are very popular. Selling delicacies will bring even greater profits if you grow a tasty vegetable yourself.

    From 100,000 rub.

    How can you make money if you live in your own country house? There are many possible answers, but I like one of them better because it is in demand. We will talk about growing flower seedlings for sale. You can also grow vegetable seedlings only if you have more than one small greenhouse. In this article we will try to figure out how to properly grow seedlings for sale, as well as calculate the costs and income from this type of activity, provided that we use our own greenhouse with a total area of ​​60 m2.

    From 500,000 rub.

    Sooner or later, at least once in their life, every person thinks about creating and developing their own business. We invite you to consider such an option as the production of napkins and toilet paper. They are present in every apartment and are used up quite quickly, which is why they are sold in large quantities. The production and sale of napkins is one of the promising areas of business; this product can be sold to a huge number of companies and stores.

    From 1,067,000 rub.

    Business idea for organization gym It’s not new and it doesn’t lose its relevance to this day. The demand for the services of gyms, dance schools, fitness centers and yoga studios is increasing every year. A beautiful body and keeping oneself in good shape has been important for people at all times, and recently it has only become more important.

    Household goods, household chemicals, personal hygiene products are those goods for which the population of cities and villages has a constant need. How to open a household goods store from scratch, choosing a form of ownership, where to find suppliers, how to select the right assortment and many other issues will be discussed in this article.

    The production of foam rubber is a profitable business idea. The resulting raw materials are sold for the needs of the furniture market, the production of sports equipment, protective packaging, shoes and soft toys. Foam rubber is made by foaming liquid polyurethane. The material is 90% air, but has great elasticity. This quality of foam rubber allows it to be used in various industries.

    The business of producing disposable tableware can be classified as a promising area with high level profitability. Every year, the population’s demand for these products only increases, and this trend seems likely to continue for a long time.

    Shrimp farming is a fairly promising business idea for our country. With the right approach, even a small enterprise can bring its owners quite a large income. According to experts, the shrimp business can become profitable in the first year. The Russian consumer has managed to appreciate the taste and benefits of these crustaceans for the body.

    From 800,000 rub.

    The production of modern window systems is one of the most promising areas of modern production. But to open your own business, you need to be absolutely confident in the end result. Therefore, it is important to calculate each line of expenses and possible income. A well-drafted business plan for the production of plastic windows will help with this.

    From 23,400,000 rub.

    The beef cattle and poultry industry in Russia is actively developing. However, not every enterprise or farm has its own slaughterhouse, and the technical regulation of the Customs Union “On the safety of meat and meat products”, which came into force on May 1, 2014, establishes mandatory safety requirements for slaughter products and meat products.

    “I earn too little to afford bad shoes” - you’ve probably heard a similar phrase at least once from relatives, friends or colleagues. And indeed, in addition to practical shoes, her appearance, quality play a huge role in our lives. It is often compared to a litmus test, which determines our property, social status, aesthetic preferences, and tells about a person’s habits and lifestyle.

    From 403,000 rub.

    Many of us have heard this phrase - anti-cafe. What is an anti-cafe? This is a cafe, but with a peculiar social twist. Anti-cafe is a social establishment, intended for a pleasant pastime, creative meetings, friendly conversations in cozy atmosphere, holding lectures, master classes and co-working spaces.

    From 500,000 rub.

    Food mixtures for pets such as cats and dogs became popular in Russia a little over 10 years ago. Before this, feed was produced and sold for animals raised in rural areas for milk, wool or slaughter. The production of animal feed is a very profitable business.

    From 70,400,000 rub.

    One of the interesting and popular production options that will remain relevant for many years is the production of polyethylene film. There are also risks in the form of mass abandonment of these products in favor of biodegradable materials, but complete abandonment will take many years, which means that you have several years left in which you can make a good profit.

    Today there are many ways to stand out from the faceless crowd. Printing on T-shirts and mugs will allow you to get an exclusive accessory that no one else will have. With the help of a bright T-shirt you can attract your attention. A mug with an interesting print and slogan will decorate your desktop. A business producing such products pays for itself very quickly. In this article we will tell you how to open it.

    From 530,000 rub.

    The rapid development of technology has led to the emergence of new types on the market building materials. However, despite everything, cinder block is still very popular among developers. Houses built from this material are strong and durable.

    From 1,100,000 rub.

    Most of us are very familiar with these disposable shoes, which are indispensable in clinics, kindergartens and many enterprises. Maybe some of the readers have already had the idea to start own production shoe cover But you don't know where to start or how risky such an undertaking will be. Let's look at these issues together.

    But there are many more examples of failures. And the lack of a well-thought-out strategy significantly hinders development. Even in those successful cases where entrepreneurs created business empires, proper planning it was possible to achieve a similar result several times faster, and reach the figure obtained in a decade in just a few years.

    A business plan is first and foremost necessary for the entrepreneur himself. Calculations allow you to find out the amount of required starting capital and payback time. Detailed calculations put everything in its place and make it possible to abandon a hopeless project, for example with a payback of ten years or more, even before investing funds.

    Planning the activities of an enterprise provides an opportunity to take into account everything possible risks and prevent them, develop a plan “B” in advance. Without a thoughtful and detailed business plan, you will not be able to attract investment either from a bank or from private investors.

    Should I buy a ready-made business project or do it myself?

    If you are looking for a business plan for a small business, you definitely need to do it yourself. In the process of calculations and planning, an entrepreneur will be able to delve deeper into the essence of the business being opened and avoid many mistakes.

    To correctly draw up a real business plan for a company, you need to have deep knowledge of tax and labor legislation, accounting and financial accounting, management and, of course, become familiar with the market segment in which you plan to operate.

    If you are just taking your first steps in entrepreneurship and do not have a specialized education or practical business planning skills, use our database. It presents examples of business plans for small businesses that have been successfully implemented and proven their worth. All projects are systematized, all you have to do is select ready-made example and based on the ready-made template with the formulas already given, make your own calculations.

    As for opening a large industrial company, the opening of which involves billions of dollars in investment, it is better to entrust the development of a business plan for production to a team of specialists. The larger the project, the more subtleties there are. Well, the examples presented will help you initially assess the approximate size of the investment and the prospects of the project.

    Our database contains detailed business plans with calculations for:

    Opening of stores of various types, enterprises for wholesale trade;

    Enterprises producing construction materials;

    Agricultural and food processing enterprises;

    Enterprises in the service sector: cafes, restaurants, beauty salons, etc.;

    Amusement parks;

    Vending (installation of vending machines: coffee, toys, photo machines, etc.);

    Mini-productions, etc.;

    Online stores;

    Opening a shop with hand-made goods, etc.;

    Social projects, etc.

    Pay attention! Our website provides typical examples of business plans with calculations and is intended for your reference. The market, like prices, is in flux. Therefore, the figures given can only be used as a basis. Before starting the project, you need to calculate everything in detail based on the given algorithm.

    How to use business ideas from our database: algorithm of actions

    We study in detail an example of a business plan. We evaluate the volume of investment and payback period - if these parameters are not suitable, we look for another direction. If the decision is positive, we move on to the next point;

    We analyze the local market (where we will operate). Ideal option– combine ready-made data from industry experts (can be found on the Internet, newspapers, television business channels) and independently evaluate the activities of competitors’ enterprises;

    Marketing research: analysis of competitors’ activities, current prices for similar services, calculation of market capacity, average monthly and average annual revenue, taking into account seasonal fluctuations;

    Cost estimation: we are looking for suppliers of equipment and raw materials;

    Determination of the legal form and tax regime, calculation of tax deductions, salaries to employees.

    After all the research and calculations, we must get the main figures - the size of the investment, profitability and payback period.

    Typical mistakes of a novice businessman when drawing up a business plan

    When calculating a business project, novice businessmen most often make a number of typical mistakes:

    When determining investments, the cost of purchasing raw materials for only one month is taken into account, while it usually takes three to six months to achieve self-sufficiency;

    When calculating salaries, the actual number of personnel is underestimated, and sick leave and tax deductions for each employee are not taken into account;

    Costs for public utilities: payment for electricity, water and gas supply.

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