Lack of stool in an infant - why does it happen and how to help? Treatments for constipation in adults: food, drugs, enema, and more I have loose, thin stools and constipation

Causes of Fluid Constipation often much more serious than occasional emptying of hardened stools. Such bowel cleansing may indicate the presence of infectious diseases, and even oncology.

Signs of fluid constipation

Normal stools have a soft, textured texture, and the process of defecation itself occurs up to two times a day. During defecation, a person does not experience any discomfort and pain, and bowel cleansing occurs easily, without effort and straining.

If there is no bowel movement for more than a day, we can talk about the presence of constipation. The disease can be manifested both by the release of solid feces and watery, but with an interval of several days. Observed constipation liquid at any age and, depending on the cause of their occurrence, are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • partial absence of stool;
  • nausea and lack of appetite;
  • bloating;
  • stomach ache;
  • frequent belching;
  • fatigue and weakness;
  • and joint pain.

Most often, liquid constipation has an alternating etiology: sometimes solid feces, sometimes liquid. Sometimes the disease is manifested by the release of dense pea-shaped feces mixed with watery or outflow of liquefied feces at the end of the act of defecation.

The general symptoms of such constipation depend on the disease that provoked their appearance. Often, irregular stools with watery stools are a sign of a serious pathology in the body.

Causes of Fluid Constipation

There are quite a few factors that influence the development of problematic emptying. If we talk about constipation with hard feces, then most often their appearance is associated with malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle.

If constipation with loose stools, the reasons for its occurrence are much more serious. The most harmless of them is improper use, which is easy to fix by canceling them, in other cases, the cause of the disease can be:

  • inflammation in the large or small intestine (enterocolitis);
  • bowel oncology;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • rectal cancer.

Constipation with loose stools in children

Hardest to define liquid, since when breastfeeding, the stool of children always has a liquid consistency. You can guess the problem by the following symptoms:

  • no stool for more than 24 hours;
  • restless behavior;
  • refusal of food;
  • hardening of the abdomen;
  • increased formation of gases;
  • crying during bowel movements.

Often in children with poor emptying, yellowing of the skin and rashes are observed, indicating intoxication of the body.

Liquid constipation in a child often ends with the formation, since the bulk of the thickened feces, through which the watery stool seeps, does not come out and accumulates in the intestines.

The most common cause of constipation in infants is maternal malnutrition. Whole cow's milk can also provoke problems with the intestines, which in no case should be given to newborns.

Watery constipation can occur due to the entry of harmful microorganisms through the mother's milk. If a woman has a history of infectious inflammation, enterocolitis and other ailments, then it is better to transfer the baby to special mixtures.

Treatment and prevention of liquid constipation

Loose stools in the baby treated under the supervision of a pediatrician. If necessary, the child is prescribed drug therapy and transferred to artificial feeding.

The best prevention of watery constipation is the prevention of diseases that can affect its occurrence. So, in order to prevent infection with helminths, one should adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and carefully process food of animal origin.

Proper nutrition, adherence to the drinking regimen, strengthening immunity, avoiding stress and regular physical activity will also help prevent problems with emptying.

Constipation- this is difficult fecal excretion, in which the intestines are not completely emptied. The medical name is obstipation.

Constipation is a condition in which bowel movements occur less than 3 times a week.

Constipation affects about 50% of the total population, with women more often than men. In old age, the frequency of the disorder increases by 5 times. According to the ICD-10, constipation is considered a disease (K59.0), but the International Association of Gastroenterologists classifies constipation as a symptom.

On the one hand, constipation is accompanied by many diseases, on the other hand, constipation itself causes intoxication in the form of a headache, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, palpitations, decreased ability to work, and sleep disorders. Long-term changes the appearance - the skin loses elasticity, becomes flabby and dry.

Constipation leads to:

  • malnutrition - insufficient intake of dietary fiber, mashed or slimy food, the use of foods with a high content of tannins - tea, cocoa;
  • insufficient amount of fluid in the diet;
  • little physical activity;
  • unavailability of the toilet when urged to defecate (business trip, trip, employment);
  • frequent use of laxatives and addiction to them;
  • pregnancy (especially the second and third trimester);
  • violation of the motor activity of the intestine;
  • pelvic floor disease;
  • congenital disorders of development or innervation of the colon;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive canal;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • diseases and injuries of the spinal cord;
  • hormonal and endocrine disorders - diabetes mellitus, myxedema, severe menopause;
  • decompensated insufficiency of internal organs - cardiac, renal, hepatic;
  • , creating a mechanical obstacle to the passage of the food bolus;
  • depression.

How to get rid of constipation?

Any treatment begins with a clinical examination that identifies the cause of the disorder. First of all, all efforts are directed to getting rid of the disease that led to constipation. This may be a surgical operation for diverticula and tumors, treatment of peptic ulcer, correction of glucose levels, nervous and mental disorders.


Food should contain a lot of dietary fiber (), which are not digested in the intestines, but are necessary to promote the food bolus. Food should be prepared from the allowed list of foods (see table below) and avoid those that contribute to food retention in the intestines.

Featured Deprecated
  • rye and bran bread;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • porridge buckwheat, oatmeal and barley;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • meat of old animals and birds with a high content of connective tissue and a small amount of fat;
  • water, lemonades and juices;
  • beer;
  • fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, sour cream, fermented baked milk;
  • white grape wine;
  • all types of cabbage, especially broccoli;
  • prunes;
  • dried fruit puree.
  • pureed food;
  • mucous soups;
  • semolina and rice porridge;
  • products containing tannin - tea, cocoa, dried blueberries;
  • dishes prepared from concentrates and stews;
  • pates.

Of particular importance is water, the daily norm of which is at least one and a half liters (and if health allows, then more). It is good to use warm mineral water. Morning should be started with a glass of clean water (preferably with lemon) to “start” intestinal motility.


Medicines in this group should be treated with caution, because addiction occurs quickly enough. So, after 5 years from the start of regular use of a specific laxative, only 10% of patients continue to respond to it, the rest lose sensitivity to the drug.

There are no absolutely harmless drugs, therefore, it is not recommended for unexamined people to use any medications for constipation on their own.

Fast acting laxatives

These are the ones that have a local irritating effect, and the systemic effect on peristalsis is weakly expressed or absent altogether. Medicines increase the amount of the contents of the ampoule of the rectum, soften the feces, which contribute to emptying.

Means of this group are used occasionally, they are suitable for the postpartum and postoperative periods, in preparation for the study of the lower parts of the digestive canal. Popular means:

  • Bisacodyl - stimulates the nerve endings of the rectum, increases the amount of mucus. Action in 15 minutes.
  • Glycerin suppositories or glycelax - reflexively stimulates peristalsis, softens feces, protects the skin of the anus.
  • Anal suppositories with sea buckthorn oil. Soft action, plus have a local healing effect. May be used in pregnant women.
  • Microlax - microclysters of 5 ml in single tubes. Increases water content in feces and rectum. Effect after 5 minutes.
  • Evakyu - gas-forming suppositories. When interacting with the contents of the rectum, carbonic acid, water and a lot of carbon dioxide are formed. Emptying occurs after 10 minutes.

Means of this group are contraindicated in diseases of the anal ring (hemorrhoids, fissure) and uterine bleeding.

Medicines are not intended for systematic use. With prolonged use, they can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, dermatitis, and a decrease in the peristaltic ability of the intestine.

Mild laxatives

These are drugs whose action is limited to the large intestine so that the electrolyte balance is not disturbed.

  • Lactulose is an artificially created disaccharide that increases the content of water and organic acids. An important property is that addiction does not develop to this substance. - Duphalac, Goodluck, Portalac, Dinolac and the like. All drugs are available in the form of a syrup, the breakdown of which begins only in the large intestine.
  • Mucofalk - contains powder from the shells of psyllium seeds, which attract and retain water, which contributes to the gentle movement of feces.
  • Exportal - contains a substance that is broken down in the large intestine, forming organic acids. Emptying occurs in a day or even on the 2-3rd day. Along the way, it promotes the transport of ammonium ions and other toxins from the blood into the intestinal lumen, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Guttalax - drops for oral administration. Contains picosulfate monohydrate, accumulates electrolytes and water in the intestines. Action in 12-14 hours.
  • Laxigal - drops with sodium picosulfate, excites the nerve endings of the large intestine, reduces the reabsorption of water. Action after 6 hours.
  • Regulax - cubes for chewing. Contain sena fruits and leaves, as well as dried figs and other fruits.
  • Preparations with a high salt content - Karlovy Vary salt, Glauber's salt. These substances should be washed down with plenty of water (at least 1 liter).


An enema is the introduction of liquid into the rectum through the anus. More often than others, a cleansing enema is used, other types - siphon, medicinal - are possible only in a medical institution.

For an enema, an Esmarch mug is used, into which a liquid of at least 1 liter is poured. They use warm water, sometimes mineral water, a decoction of herbs, a weak solution of soda and other substances. The patient is placed on the left side, the gel-lubricated tip is inserted into the rectum and the liquid is carefully released. After that, you need to lie down for a bit, pulling your legs to your stomach. After the appearance of an irresistible urge, emptying occurs.

Sometimes oil enemas with a volume of 50-100 ml are used, which are administered with a syringe. Use sunflower or any other neutral oil.

Enemas are not suitable for systematic use - this can disrupt natural peristalsis.

Toilet design

Toilets, which are in every home, force a person to take an anti-physiological body position for defecation. In the sitting position, the ampulla of the rectum is at an acute angle, and there are difficulties in emptying. Physiological posture - squatting, then the rectum occupies the correct natural position. Toilets with footrests, allowing you to squat, are produced in India, and other countries are mastering production.

Active lifestyle

In a sedentary person, the abdominal muscles weaken and cannot create the necessary pressure necessary for bowel movements. Any physical activity, even a simple walk, improves the condition (see).

When constipation occurs for the first time or accidentally, it is easiest to use suppositories or microclysters - but only if there is no pain in the abdomen. After that, you need to eat right, taking a large amount of dietary fiber, at least a week, and drink plenty of clean water.

If constipation recurs for a week or more, it does not make sense to postpone a visit to a gastroenterologist - the disease has begun.

When is it necessary to go to the doctor?

There are several signs that medical attention is needed:

  • gases do not go away - obstruction is likely;
  • there is pain - possibly an ulcerative lesion or swelling;
  • appeared - intoxication is likely;
  • skin color has changed - a sign of self-poisoning;
  • appetite is disturbed - the digestion of the necessary substances has changed;
  • - probably a disease of the digestive system.


It is important that acute or occasional constipation does not become chronic. To do this, you need to empty the intestines always at the same time, preferably in the morning. To achieve this, here's what you need to do:

  • drink clean water on an empty stomach - a glass or more;
  • eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and juices;
  • consume dairy products daily;
  • have sufficient physical activity;
  • bring the daily amount of liquid to one and a half or 2 liters;
  • reduce the interval between meals;
  • never suppress the urge to defecate.

Both diarrhea and diarrhea occur for specific reasons. This does not indicate the presence of a specific disease, but only the manifestation of the underlying ailment. As a rule, diarrhea manifests itself several times a day, while the feces become liquid.

The condition during which there is a delay in defecation is called constipation. If the intestines have not cleared within 24 hours, this is considered normal. If the act of defecation is performed from 3 times a day to 3 times a week and has the same frequency, this can also be considered the norm.

Causes of alternating diarrhea and diarrhea

Diarrhea is a protective function of the body against irritating factors.

Many tests have proven that the period during which the discharge of a liquid consistency alternates with their absence, this may indicate the presence of fundamental and most dangerous pathologies that have arisen in the body. Diseases that cause diarrhea and constipation:

In such a situation, the intestine tries to cleanse itself of the organisms that caused the infectious disease, or of the toxic substances that arose as a result of pathological processes, and in a similar way the general condition of the patient is normalized.

If there is a lack of fluid in the body, constipation occurs. Mechanisms of pathophysiology, reflecting the main factors in the appearance of a series of diarrhea with constipation:

  • intestinal obstruction due to the presence of a foreign body or formation;
  • impaired intestinal patency due to paralytic etiology.

During the manifestation of such conditions, you should contact a medical institution.

irritable bowel syndrome

The cause of irritable bowel syndrome may be dysbacteriosis.

If diarrhea is replaced by constipation, it may be caused by irritable bowel syndrome. This condition can occur regardless of age.

During irritable bowel syndrome, motility is impaired, and the large intestine is exposed to this action.

The occurrence of the syndrome may be preceded by inflammatory and dystrophic transformation in the tissue structures of the intestine.

A condition with this kind of pathology is very common, and people of mature age are exposed to it. The reason lies in endogenous factors, as well as others that excite the mentioned condition:

  1. repeated exposure to stressful situations (frequent change of residence or work);
  2. manifestations of dysbacteriosis;
  3. the mechanism of rational nutrition is violated (lack of vitamins and elements needed by the body that are contained in food);
  4. excessive consumption of harmful products;
  5. the use of alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  6. disturbed diet, excessive consumption of food.

In women, violations of the proper functioning of the intestinal tract are interconnected with hormonal imbalances. During this condition, the following symptoms are observed: rare or frequent emptying, pain in the lower abdomen, muscles.

There is flatulence, a feeling that the intestines are not completely emptied, frequent urges to empty the intestines, weakness of the body, malaise and migraine. A concomitant condition may be depression, anxiety, sexual dysfunction, lack of appetite, nausea. As a rule, after a bowel movement, most of the symptoms disappear.

If the patient has a complaint about the simultaneous presence of both diarrhea and constipation, then this may be evidence of chronic enterocolitis. This disease is characterized by inflammatory processes in the large and small intestines. Inflammation leads to an imbalance of secretory and motor functions and the absorption of nutrients.

As a result of chronic enterocolitis, dystrophy can occur, as well as atrophy of the pituitary lining of the intestine. This disease can last more than one year. It occurs as a result of incorrect or missing therapy for acute enterocolitis. Accordingly, the longer the inflammatory process, the more it damages the mucous membranes in the intestine.

Enterocolitis as a disease

Increased intestinal peristalsis provokes diarrhea.

Among the symptoms characteristic of this disease are irregular stools, alternating diarrhea with constipation.

Increased intestinal peristalsis provokes the appearance of diarrhea. Accordingly, water absorption does not occur through the pituitary membrane.

Due to the liquefaction and softening of the feces, diarrhea also occurs. The frequency of bowel movements depends on how severe the bowel injury is.

In cases where inflammatory processes have spread to the area of ​​the small intestine, then abundant and diluted emptying will be observed about 4 times a day.

This disease is not accompanied by pain. After eating, there is an urge to empty. The number of acts of defecation can reach 10 times per day and even more. There may be pituitary impurities in the feces.

After prolonged diarrhea, there may be constipation. Accordingly, the acts of defecation are reduced to 2 times a week.

Rectal cancer

A key link in the development of cancer is malnutrition.

The rectum is a certain department in the digestive system, passing through it, all the products of digestion are brought out.

Oncology of this organ can be provoked by: chronic colitis, polyploid growths, heredity. A key link in the development of cancer is malnutrition.

Constipation begins when an excessive amount of fried and fatty foods, a small proportion of vegetables and fruits enter the diet.

An important factor in the development of this disease will be overweight, as well as hypodynamia. During an oncological disease of the rectum, the following symptoms are observed:

  • modified feces;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea alternating with diarrhea;
  • pain during emptying;
  • fecal masses of a black shade with an admixture of blood.

Sometimes oncology of the rectum is mistakenly recognized as hemorrhoids. But during hemorrhoids, the blood is located outside the feces, and during cancer, it mixes with them. At the same time, constipation differs in its duration.

Patient Treatment Methods

One of the components of the treatment process is adherence to the diet.

In order to normalize the excretion of feces from the body of a patient (both an adult and a child), it is necessary to correctly diagnose.

To do this, you need to conduct a detailed inspection. Thus, the doctor takes the necessary tests, prescribes an x-ray of the intestine, conducts a digital examination of the organ, determines the presence of blood in the feces, and conducts a bacteriological and biochemical analysis.

The main goal of treatment in this situation is to eliminate the cause of the disease. To do this, you first need:

  1. follow the diet;
  2. protect yourself from stressful situations;
  3. take drugs containing enzymes, as well as antibacterial, antidiarrheal, antispasmodic drugs.

For prolonged constipation, the doctor prescribes an enema procedure. Cancer is a call for surgery.

Watch the video on how to get rid of constipation:

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Fluid constipation

Violation of bowel movements, in which there is no stool for more than two days, is called constipation. This disease leads to intoxication of the body, chronic colitis, hemorrhoids, hernia and other troubles.

Loose stools for constipation

There is chronic constipation, and there is situational, that is, episodic. Situational constipation can occur during travel, pregnancy, or due to stress. This type of constipation does not last long. Laxatives will help solve the problem.

Chronic constipation is characterized by the fact that the stool is quite often delayed for more than two days, the feces are dry and dense. After the act of defecation, there is a feeling that the intestines are not completely emptied. In order to solve the problem, you need to visit a therapist, gastroenterologist and proctologist.

With constipation, loose stools occur in the elderly and young children. It arises due to certain eating habits, lifestyle and for other reasons. If a person often restrains the urge to defecate, inhibition of the reflex activity of the intestine occurs, resulting in constipation. With irritable bowel syndrome, its motility is disturbed, so constipation alternates with diarrhea.

Liquid constipation in adults

Constipation can be classified according to the mechanism of development and etiological characteristics. Alimentary constipation is associated with dietary habits. Neurogenic constipation appears due to a violation of neuro-reflex activity. If a person is stressed, he may experience psychogenic constipation. Toxic constipation occurs when poisoning with mercury, lead or drugs.

Liquid constipation in adults occurs after a long absence of stool. A person experiences a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, which ends with loose stools mixed with mucus. Most often, constipation is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, which disappears after a bowel movement. Difficulty in the movement of intestinal masses is often accompanied by flatulence. Gases are formed due to the activity of microorganisms that inhabit the large intestine. People who suffer from constipation have poor appetite, bad breath, work slowly, sleep restlessly and have neurasthenic disorders.

Fluid constipation in the chest

In order for children to feel good, they need to eat right and empty their bowels regularly. If the baby eats little or not what he should, he rarely goes to the toilet.

Constipation is hard fecal masses that are difficult to squeeze out of the intestines and cause a lot of discomfort. Liquid constipation in infants can occur due to lactase deficiency, Hirschpring's disease, duplication of the colon, rickets, hypothyroidism and other reasons.

If the baby is breastfed, the mother must strictly monitor what she eats. After all, everything she eats immediately goes into milk. Bananas, fatty meats, cheese and other foods should be excluded from the diet. If the mother rarely has a bowel movement, do not be surprised that the same will happen to the child. Any problem needs to be solved from within.

If the baby is bottle-fed and has constipation, then you need to change the mixture. Maybe what he gets doesn't suit him.

Also, do not forget that mother's or artificial milk is food, despite the fact that it has a liquid consistency. The kid needs to drink more. The child should be given boiled water from a spoon or bottle.

If the child suffers from constipation for a long time and all the efforts of the mother remain without result, you need to go to the pediatrician. Perhaps the baby has some kind of pathology that needs to be looked for and eliminated. The doctor will prescribe a series of tests and conduct an examination to find out the true cause of stool retention.

What to do and how to treat constipation in adults using medicines and folk remedies?

A healthy lifestyle for modern men and women has recently taken its place of honor among other, very numerous, priorities. Finally, we began to pay attention to whether we eat well, whether we move enough, whether we sleep well. We take vitamins, dietary supplements and probiotics, take care of your body, and do prevention.

But, despite this, an organism that works "like a clock" is a rarity. According to medical statistics, every second adult has a tendency to constipation or already suffers from it. Moreover, most of the "patients" do not consider this a problem and do not even realize that constipation is a disease that needs to be treated.

Defecation is a natural physiological process that no one pays attention to if it takes place in a normal mode. Do not cause concern and occasional delays and difficulty in stool. A person really begins to worry that something is wrong with his intestines when he feels heaviness, weakness, pain in the abdomen, and all attempts to go to the toilet turn out to be fruitless.

Symptoms of constipation in adults

Constipation is a delicate issue, and it is clearly not a topic that is customary to discuss with friends. In most cases, people simply do not know the symptoms that indicate the onset of the disease, and do not attach importance to them, so the first signs of constipation often go unnoticed. How to determine that an adult has constipation, and where is the border when the physiological norm of emptying an adult turns into pathology?

In the common people, constipation is considered to be a delay in stool for several days. This is true, but only in part. The fact is that each organism has its own "biological clock", that is, the rhythms of all ongoing processes. Due to these individual characteristics, there is no single "average" frequency of bowel movements for all.

Emptying several times a day, or 3 times a week can be considered the norm. But at the same time, there is one condition - a person should not feel any discomfort in the intestines, either between trips "in a big way", or during the process itself.

The second criterion for the presence of a tendency to constipation is difficult defecation. Long sitting on the toilet, straining in an attempt to “squeeze out” feces, soreness and fissures in the anal area are the signs that make it possible to judge the presence of the disease, even if the stool occurs without delay. Systematically recurring symptoms are already talking about chronic constipation. The severity of the disease is characterized by the severity of pain syndrome, dyspepsia, the presence of signs of intoxication of the body.


The overwhelming number of cases of constipation in adults is the result of an irregular and unbalanced diet, a “sedentary” lifestyle. Often, stool delays occur against the background of psychological stress (psychogenic causes) and various uncomfortable situations (situational constipation, as a rule, one-time).

It is not necessary to dismiss the objective factors for the occurrence of intestinal dysfunction. These include pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of other organs and systems that affect the digestive processes in the body.

There are many medical classifications of constipation, one of them is based on the causative factor:

  1. Alimentary constipation in adults is characterized by insufficient or compacted fecal masses that occur with a deficiency of plant fiber in nutrition and dehydration. Such a problem leads to an unbalanced diet in terms of the number of vegetables, fruits and cereals, low fluid intake. The result is the formation of a hard stool, impaired intestinal motility.
  2. Hypokinetic constipation worries people who spend a lot of time in conditions of reduced physical activity. These are mainly representatives of various "sedentary" professions. This complication often occurs in bedridden patients.
  3. Endocrine constipation, as its name implies, appears in patients with hormonal disorders. This is hypofunction of the thyroid gland, and diabetes mellitus, and malfunctions of the ovaries in women. In such cases, stool problems are one of the indirect signs of endocrine diseases.
  4. Toxic constipation in adults is the result of the abuse of certain drugs or prolonged intoxication of the body with chemicals. So, uncontrolled intake of antispasmodic and sedative drugs leads to a decrease in the peristalsis of the intestinal muscles and, accordingly, persistent constipation. A similar effect produces chronic poisoning with lead, nicotine, drugs.
  5. Reflex constipation is associated with diseases of various parts of the digestive system, when the process of digesting food and removing its residues is impaired due to insufficient functions of the digestive tract (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestinal sectors, etc.). Sometimes pathologies of other organs can also affect the intestines.
  6. Mechanical constipation in adults occurs if there is an obstacle in the way of the movement of feces. There is no need to talk about congenital pathologies in relation to adults, since if such a problem exists, it is either eliminated in the first years of life, or compensated, and the patient has been living since childhood, adjusted for his disease. The occurrence of organic constipation in an adult is a serious condition, since with intestinal obstruction, doctors first of all suspect a tumor, and it is possible that it is malignant. Other causes of mechanical constipation can be polyps, scars, adhesive disease after inflammation and abdominal operations.
  7. Psychogenic (neurogenic) constipation - defecation disorders that do not have obvious objective causes and are explained by pathologies of the nervous system or psychological problems of the patient. We will consider this type of constipation separately.

Constipation "in the head": psychological causes

Some of the factors that interfere with the process of defecation in humans lie in the field of neurology. This is a break in the integrity of nerve fibers due to trauma, inflammation and tumors in the brain or spinal cord, the destruction of neurogenic connections due to nervous diseases and their drug therapy.

They can influence the mechanism of bowel movement in its various stages: from the suppression of peristalsis to the disruption of the anal sphincter.

But it happens that a person eats normally, leads an active lifestyle, does not suffer from serious diseases, while his intestines constantly or periodically “fail”. Another explanation, how to look for the cause of these problems "in the head", does not come to mind.

One of the common causes of constipation is the conscious inhibition of bowel movements. This is due to the lifestyle of an adult. Most of the time he is at work, school and other places where going to the toilet may be impossible or inappropriate.

If an adult is shy or disdainful to visit toilets in public places, something needs to be done about this, since with such behavior he only harms his body. Once "be patient until the house" - there is nothing to worry about, but the systematic suppression of urges "in a big way" sooner or later leads to a serious failure of the emptying mechanism.

Another - situational - type of constipation, the so-called traveler's constipation. In this case, a person simply cannot "do the job" in "marching" conditions: on the train, at the station, etc. In people prone to such constipation, similar problems occur quite often, not only in stressful situations, for example, while in the hospital, but also in fairly harmless ones - at a party, in the country, etc.

Many explain this by the force of habit to their "native" bathroom, where a person feels comfortable and protected. In an unusual environment, he cannot relax, and therefore the defecation mechanism does not work. It has been noticed that many adults over the years have developed peculiar rituals associated with “toilet gatherings”.

For example, having become accustomed to visiting the “closet” with a book in hand and a cigarette in his mouth, a person develops a corresponding reflex in his body, and, once in other conditions, the intestines refuse to work.

Recently, doctors have identified defecation disorders associated with irritable bowel syndrome as a special type of constipation. This is a symptom complex characterized by various functional malfunctions in the work of the intestine, not due to any objective reasons. This disease is usually associated with stress, psychological trauma, prolonged nervous strain. In this case, constipation is one of the many manifestations of IBS.

How to determine the type of constipation in adults?

Symptoms and complaints that accompany constipation can vary greatly from person to person. It depends not only on the cause that caused the violation of the stool, but also on the nature of this violation. In terms of the mechanism of fecal retention, constipation can be atonic or spastic. (Read more about intestinal atony and its treatment)

Atonic constipation is formed with reduced intestinal tone: weak peristalsis is not able to transport fecal masses with normal intensity, causing them to slow down and stop.

Spasmodic constipation is caused, on the contrary, by hypertonicity of the intestine, when its walls randomly contract, causing spasms in one area or another. Thus, the stool is simply clamped by the intestine itself and cannot move forward.

How to independently determine what kind of constipation torments the patient? To do this, it is enough to know the signs of both disorders - they differ significantly and their differentiation is not difficult.

Liquid constipation. What is it connected with?

treatment of the underlying disease. Various diseases can become

cause both episodic and chronic constipation. Install

the cause of occasional digestive problems is usually not

difficult. But for the diagnosis of diseases leading to

chronic constipation, you should consult a doctor. Image change

life. People with a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work are more likely to

suffer from constipation than active ones. Increased motor activity -

very effective method not only to deal with this problem, but also to

and race walking, skiing. If it is not possible to practice

these sports, it is necessary to at least regularly perform

morning exercise. Should be given

also attention to the mode of work and rest. Constant fatigue, weakness

sleep - stress for the body, which can lead to dysfunction

various organs and systems of the body, including the gastrointestinal

diet is the most effective measure in the fight against constipation. Very

often the cause of constipation lies precisely in the wrong

nutrition, adjusting which, you can permanently get rid of this

implies the rejection of fatty foods, smoked meats, spicy dishes,

canned food, rich pastries, vegetables containing indigestible

Eat enough fruits and vegetables, dairy and

fermented milk products, cereals, products, which include

cereals and bran, vegetable oils. Do not forget about the need

drink enough liquid. People suffering from constipation

you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day, because

dehydration also often leads to dysmotility

the use of laxatives and chronic constipation. Permissible

the use of preparations based on senna leaves. For constipation caused

spasm of the intestine, the use of antispasmodics (drotaverine,

no-shpa), drugs that improve intestinal motility (trimedat). Help

relieve the condition of abdominal massage, warm baths, sedatives. Effective

to eliminate constipation in adults, laxatives that have

mild laxative effect ("Duphalac"), they are not addictive and

absolutely safe. Their appointment is allowed in the treatment of constipation in

pregnant women. However, it should be remembered that taking these

drugs only help to fight the symptoms of the disease, and not with its

Treatment of constipation should always be comprehensive. Very often you can

avoid the use of drugs by changing lifestyle and

keeping a diet. Good work of the gastrointestinal tract is a guarantee

good health and good mood.

Symptoms and causes of liquid constipation

The causes of liquid constipation are often much more serious than occasional emptying of hardened stools. Such bowel cleansing may indicate the presence of infectious diseases, severe intoxication of the body, and even oncology.

Signs of fluid constipation

Normal stools have a soft, textured texture, and the process of defecation itself occurs up to two times a day. During defecation, a person does not experience any discomfort and pain, and bowel cleansing occurs easily, without effort and straining.

If there is no bowel movement for more than a day, we can talk about the presence of constipation. The disease can be manifested both by the release of solid feces and watery, but with an interval of several days. Liquid constipation is observed at any age and, depending on the cause of their occurrence, is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • partial absence of stool;
  • nausea and lack of appetite;
  • bloating;
  • stomach ache;
  • frequent belching;
  • fatigue and weakness;
  • fever and joint pain.

Most often, liquid constipation has an alternating etiology: sometimes solid feces, sometimes liquid. Sometimes the disease is manifested by the release of dense pea-shaped feces mixed with watery or outflow of liquefied feces at the end of the act of defecation.

The general symptoms of such constipation depend on the disease that provoked their appearance. Often, irregular stools with watery stools are a sign of a serious pathology in the body.

Causes of Fluid Constipation

There are quite a few factors that influence the development of problematic emptying. If we talk about constipation with hard feces, then most often their appearance is associated with malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle.

If constipation is loose stools, then the causes of its occurrence are much more serious. The most harmless of them is the improper use of laxatives, which is easy to fix by canceling them, in other cases, the cause of the disease can be:

  • inflammation in the large or small intestine (enterocolitis);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • bowel oncology;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • rectal cancer.

Constipation with loose stools in children

The most difficult thing to determine is liquid constipation in a newborn, since when breastfeeding, children's stools always have a liquid consistency. You can guess the problem by the following symptoms:

  • no stool for more than 24 hours;
  • restless behavior;
  • refusal of food;
  • hardening of the abdomen;
  • increased formation of gases;
  • crying during bowel movements.

Often in children with poor emptying, yellowing of the skin and rashes are observed, indicating intoxication of the body.

Liquid constipation in a child often ends with the formation of fecal plugs, since the bulk of the thickened feces through which watery stools seep does not come out and accumulates in the intestines.

The most common cause of constipation in infants is maternal malnutrition. Whole cow's milk can also provoke problems with the intestines, which in no case should be given to newborns.

Watery constipation can occur due to the entry of harmful microorganisms through the mother's milk. If a woman has a history of infectious inflammation, enterocolitis and other ailments, then it is better to transfer the baby to special mixtures.

Treatment and prevention of liquid constipation

To eliminate liquid constipation in an adult, it is necessary to understand the cause of its occurrence. The correct diagnosis can only be made by a specialist. Self-medication is fraught with aggravation of the problem.

Therapy for such constipation may include adjusting the daily diet and prescribing medications:

If the diagnosis reveals the accumulation of feces in the intestines, then enemas and laxatives are additionally used.

Loose stools in infants are treated under the supervision of a pediatrician. If necessary, the child is prescribed drug therapy and transferred to artificial feeding.

The best prevention of watery constipation is the prevention of diseases that can affect its occurrence. So, in order to prevent infection with helminths, one should adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and carefully process food of animal origin.

Proper nutrition, adherence to the drinking regimen, strengthening immunity, avoiding stress and regular physical activity will also help prevent problems with emptying.

Why does diarrhea and constipation occur?

Sometimes there are situations when diarrhea replaces constipation and vice versa. Many people try not to pay close attention to this, but they turn out to be wrong, since the alternation of diarrhea and constipation can be the result of severe and serious diseases, both in a child and an adult.

Let us consider in more detail the causes that cause the alternation of diarrhea and constipation.

There are several pathological conditions when constipation is replaced by diarrhea and vice versa. These include the following diseases:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • malignant neoplasms of the intestine, causing obstruction;
  • chronic constipation, accompanied by the simultaneous use of laxatives;
  • spastic colitis or neurosis of the large intestine (irritable bowel syndrome);
  • helminthiases (worms);
  • enterocolitis, taking a chronic form.


Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the intestinal microflora. In other words, the balance between beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms is disturbed.

There are 7 main reasons that can cause dysbacteriosis:

  • malnutrition;
  • taking medications (such as antibiotics);
  • severe stress and nervous overexcitation;
  • bad habits (drinking alcohol and smoking);
  • working conditions (work with chemicals);
  • poor hygiene;
  • bad ecology.

Symptoms of dysbiosis include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • belching, unpleasant rotten smell from the mouth;
  • flatulence, bloating, rumbling;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • burning in the anus after defecation;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • decreased appetite and weight loss;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • general weakness and malaise.

bowel cancer

Colon cancer is a malignancy of intestinal cells.

Causes of bowel cancer include:

  • polyps in the intestine;
  • long course of Crohn's disease or the presence of ulcers;
  • improper and irregular nutrition: the predominance of salty, spicy and fatty foods;
  • exposure to radiation or any chemicals;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking.

At the initial stages of development, the clinic is hardly noticeable and resembles a slight indigestion. With each stage of cancer, the symptoms become more pronounced:

  • belching, nausea and vomiting;
  • an increase in body temperature resembling a fever;
  • constipation after diarrhea;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • increased fatigue, weakness, lethargy;
  • sometimes there is pain in the joints, the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, the indicators of heart rate and respiration change;
  • diarrhea can also occur after chemotherapy.

Constipation and abuse of laxatives

Constipation is the retention or excretion of a small amount of feces (less than 290 grams) for three or more days. The first signs of constipation include difficulty in emptying the bowels. The stool is hard, dry, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine. Sometimes the act of defecation is accompanied by pain.

The reasons why constipation occurs can be different:

  1. tumor in the intestinal lumen;
  2. chronic diseases (prostatitis, endometritis, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease);
  3. improper and irregular nutrition;
  4. congenital anomalies of the intestine;
  5. hypodynamia;
  6. frequent travel.

Taking laxatives leads to chemical irritation of the intestinal walls. They can be addictive and, when taken for a long time, cause intestinal atony and electrolyte imbalance.

The effect after taking a laxative occurs quite quickly (from 1-7 hours), depending on the dose taken. The stool becomes semi-solid or liquid.

spastic colitis

Colitis is a violation of the motor function of the intestine (motility), leading to involuntary spasms. Spastic colitis refers to functional disorders.

The main causes of the disease include:

  • malnutrition and malnutrition;
  • allergic reaction to food;
  • severe emotional stress, nervous overexcitation;
  • chronic constipation, in which there is an accumulation of feces in the body;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • intestinal infections that are difficult to treat.

In addition to cramping pain, the following symptoms can be noted:

  • alternating constipation and loose stools;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • rise in temperature to high values;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • in severe cases of the disease, an admixture of mucus or blood appears in the stool.

Helminthiases (worms)

  • dirty hands;
  • unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  • meat that was poorly cooked (half-raw).

The main manifestations of helminthic invasion include:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • profuse salivation;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • unstable stool: now diarrhea, then constipation;
  • weight loss with good appetite;
  • general weakness, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes;
  • itching in the anus, mainly at night.

Chronic enterocolitis

Chronic enterocolitis is a pathological condition in which inflammation and dystrophic changes occur in the small and large intestines.

Clinical manifestations have the following picture:

  • feeling of fullness and heaviness after eating;
  • rumbling, flatulence and bloating;
  • instability of the stool, a tendency to develop diarrhea;
  • nausea and loss of appetite;
  • feces mushy or liquid with pieces of undigested food;
  • urge to go to the toilet almost immediately after eating;
  • skin is pale;
  • mucous membranes are dry, there is a white coating on the tongue.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disease characterized by bouts of severe pain, alternating liquid and hard stools, and bloating without any changes in the digestive tract.

Causes of IBS:

  • heredity;
  • severe stress and chronic overexertion;
  • frequent manifestation of dysbacteriosis;
  • eating certain foods.

Clinical picture of the disease:

  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • liquid stool, which is replaced by constipation;
  • nausea, heartburn, loss of appetite;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • flatulence, rumbling;
  • discomfort in the abdomen.


If you experience symptoms of the above diseases, you should not ask yourself the question “What to do?!”. You should immediately seek the advice of a specialist and do not self-medicate, as this can lead to serious consequences. After all, treatment will begin only after the cause of the disease is established and an accurate diagnosis is made.

In the treatment of diarrhea, the method of intensive rehydration is used, replenishing the deficiency of electrolytes, vitamins and other nutrients. Also, dieting, taking drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora.

For the treatment of constipation, exercise, diet, according to indications, laxatives are used. It is worth abandoning medications that slow down intestinal motility.

Violation of bowel movements, in which there is no stool for more than two days, is called constipation. This disease leads to intoxication of the body, chronic colitis, hemorrhoids, hernia and other troubles.

Loose stools for constipation

There is chronic constipation, and there is situational, that is, episodic. Situational constipation can occur during travel, pregnancy, or due to stress. This type of constipation does not last long. Laxatives will help solve the problem.

Chronic constipation is characterized by the fact that the stool is quite often delayed for more than two days, the feces are dry and dense. After the act of defecation, there is a feeling that the intestines are not completely emptied. In order to solve the problem, you need to visit a therapist, gastroenterologist and proctologist.

With constipation, loose stools occur in the elderly and young children. It arises due to certain eating habits, lifestyle and for other reasons. If a person often restrains the urge to defecate, inhibition of the reflex activity of the intestine occurs, resulting in constipation. With irritable bowel syndrome, its motility is disturbed, so constipation alternates with diarrhea.

Liquid constipation in adults

Constipation can be classified according to the mechanism of development and etiological characteristics. Alimentary constipation is associated with dietary habits. Neurogenic constipation appears due to a violation of neuro-reflex activity. If a person is stressed, he may experience psychogenic constipation. Toxic constipation occurs when poisoning with mercury, lead or drugs.

Liquid constipation in adults occurs after a long absence of stool. A person experiences a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, which ends with loose stools mixed with mucus. Most often, constipation is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, which disappears after a bowel movement. Difficulty in the movement of intestinal masses is often accompanied by flatulence. Gases are formed due to the activity of microorganisms that inhabit the large intestine. People who suffer from constipation have poor appetite, bad breath, work slowly, sleep restlessly and have neurasthenic disorders.

In order for children to feel good, they need to eat right and empty their bowels regularly. If the baby eats little or not what he should, he rarely goes to the toilet.

Constipation is hard fecal masses that are difficult to squeeze out of the intestines and cause a lot of discomfort. Liquid constipation in infants can occur due to lactase deficiency, Hirschpring's disease, duplication of the colon, rickets, hypothyroidism and other reasons.

If the baby is breastfed, the mother must strictly monitor what she eats. After all, everything she eats immediately goes into milk. Bananas, fatty meats, cheese and other foods should be excluded from the diet. If the mother rarely has a bowel movement, do not be surprised that the same will happen to the child. Any problem needs to be solved from within.

If the baby is bottle-fed and has constipation, then you need to change the mixture. Maybe what he gets doesn't suit him.

Also, do not forget that mother's or artificial milk is food, despite the fact that it has a liquid consistency. The kid needs to drink more. The child should be given boiled water from a spoon or bottle.

If the child suffers from constipation for a long time and all the efforts of the mother remain without result, you need to go to the pediatrician. Perhaps the baby has some kind of pathology that needs to be looked for and eliminated. The doctor will prescribe a series of tests and conduct an examination to find out the true cause of stool retention.

Causes of Fluid Constipation often much more serious than occasional emptying of hardened stools. Such bowel cleansing may indicate the presence of infectious diseases, severe intoxication of the body, and even oncology.

Normal stools have a soft, textured texture, and the process of defecation itself occurs up to two times a day. During defecation, a person does not experience any discomfort and pain, and bowel cleansing occurs easily, without effort and straining.

If there is no bowel movement for more than a day, we can talk about the presence of constipation. The disease can be manifested both by the release of solid feces and watery, but with an interval of several days. Observed constipation liquid at any age and, depending on the cause of their occurrence, are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • partial absence of stool;
  • nausea and lack of appetite;
  • bloating;
  • stomach ache;
  • frequent belching;
  • fatigue and weakness;
  • fever and joint pain.

Most often, liquid constipation has an alternating etiology: sometimes solid feces, sometimes liquid. Sometimes the disease is manifested by the release of dense pea-shaped feces mixed with watery or outflow of liquefied feces at the end of the act of defecation.

The general symptoms of such constipation depend on the disease that provoked their appearance. Often, irregular stools with watery stools are a sign of a serious pathology in the body.

There are quite a few factors that influence the development of problematic emptying. If we talk about constipation with hard feces, then most often their appearance is associated with malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle.

If constipation with loose stools, the reasons for its occurrence are much more serious. The most harmless of them is the improper use of laxatives, which is easy to fix by canceling them, in other cases, the cause of the disease can be:

  • inflammation in the large or small intestine (enterocolitis);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • bowel oncology;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • rectal cancer.

Hardest to define fluid constipation in a newborn, since when breastfeeding, the stool of children always has a liquid consistency. You can guess the problem by the following symptoms:

  • no stool for more than 24 hours;
  • restless behavior;
  • refusal of food;
  • hardening of the abdomen;
  • increased formation of gases;
  • crying during bowel movements.

Often in children with poor emptying, yellowing of the skin and rashes are observed, indicating intoxication of the body.

Liquid constipation in a child often ends with the formation of fecal plugs, since the bulk of the thickened feces, through which watery stools seep, does not come out and accumulates in the intestines.

The most common cause of constipation in infants is maternal malnutrition. Whole cow's milk can also provoke problems with the intestines, which in no case should be given to newborns.

Watery constipation can occur due to the entry of harmful microorganisms through the mother's milk. If a woman has a history of infectious inflammation, enterocolitis and other ailments, then it is better to transfer the baby to special mixtures.

To eliminate liquid constipation in an adult, it is necessary to understand the reason for its occurrence. The correct diagnosis can only be made by a specialist. Self-medication is fraught with aggravation of the problem.

If the diagnosis reveals the accumulation of feces in the intestines, then enemas and laxatives are additionally used.

Loose stools in the baby treated under the supervision of a pediatrician. If necessary, the child is prescribed drug therapy and transferred to artificial feeding.

The best prevention of watery constipation is the prevention of diseases that can affect its occurrence. So, in order to prevent infection with helminths, one should adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and carefully process food of animal origin.

Proper nutrition, adherence to the drinking regimen, strengthening immunity, avoiding stress and regular physical activity will also help prevent problems with emptying.

a source

If there is constipation or diarrhea, the reasons may be different. Malfunctions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract occur after illness, overeating, eating low-quality or too fatty food, a sudden change in diet, a long flight.

However, if these are isolated cases, you should not worry. After a few days, the work of the digestive organs is getting better on its own without the use of drugs.

An unstable stool should be of concern if it is observed for a long time. Especially if the bowel disorder is accompanied by pain and other ailments. Such signs may indicate the presence of the disease.

Constipation may alternate with diarrhea in irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

Malfunctions of the digestive system can be triggered by neurosis. A mental disorder causes disturbances in the activity of the nervous system, which regulates intestinal motility.

From a pathological condition, one who often overeats, irrationally eats and abuses products containing caffeine suffers.

Irritable bowel syndrome can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • it causes nausea, flatulence, heartburn, belching, pain and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • the patient has an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • the person loses his appetite;
  • periods of severe diarrhea (stools more than 3 times a day) are replaced by prolonged constipation (stools less than 3 times a week);
  • often there is an alternation of diarrhea and constipation;
  • feces become either excessively dry, “sheepish”, or watery, mucus may appear in it;
  • defecation is accompanied by straining and leaves a feeling of incomplete emptying;
  • in addition to discomfort in the abdomen, the patient may experience headaches and frequent urge to urinate (even with an empty bladder).

Also, with irritable bowel syndrome, there is a feeling of a foreign object in the throat and dissatisfaction with inhalation. The patient suffers from depression, panic attacks and phobias. His hands are constantly cold.

Diarrhea with constipation is often tormented by a person suffering from chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is a disease in which the pancreas becomes inflamed. As a result of the inflammatory reaction, the enzymes that the organ produces are not pushed into the duodenum, but remain in the gland and cause its destruction. The toxins released at the same time have a negative effect on vital organs.

At the initial stage of the disease, the gallbladder and its ducts contract sluggishly. As a result, bile stagnates in the gallbladder and enters the duodenum in small quantities, insufficient for food processing. Malfunctions in the work of organs lead to the appearance of constipation.

As the disease progresses, there is a strong loosening of the stool. Patients with alcoholic pancreatitis suffer especially from diarrhea.
For the chronic form of the disease, an unstable stool is characteristic, in which the patient has either diarrhea or constipation.

With diarrhea, stools have a mushy texture and a characteristic greasy sheen. They are difficult to remove from the walls of the toilet.

Pathology is accompanied by nausea, bitterness in the mouth, flatulence and bloating. The patient suffers from dull pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right or left hypochondrium.

Nausea can lead to vomiting. In this case, bile can be detected in the vomit.

Diarrhea after constipation is observed in chronic enterocolitis. Enterocolitis is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied by inflammation of the small and large intestine. The pathological process causes atrophy of the intestinal mucosa and disruption of its functioning.

If the inflammatory reaction has spread to a greater extent to the tissues of the colon, the patient suffers from constipation and diarrhea, which alternate. With this form of pathology, there are aching pains in the abdomen on the right or left. Other symptoms of enterocolitis include: excessive gas formation, flatulence, bloating and "rumbling".

Sometimes diarrhea is so severe that the patient is forced to visit the toilet up to 7 times a day. In the feces, mucus and particles of undigested food are often found. During constipation, causing severe pain, cracks in the anus may form. In this case, a little blood remains on the surface of very hard feces.

Constipation and diarrhea are characteristic symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis. The pathological condition occurs as a result of an imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

In a healthy adult, there are about 50 trillion microorganisms in the intestines, some of which are beneficial microflora, and some are conditionally pathogenic, capable of causing disease under certain conditions.

Microorganisms that inhabit the intestines perform many useful functions:

  1. dispose of undigested food residues;
  2. neutralize and remove toxins from the body;
  3. participate in the synthesis of vitamins;
  4. train the human immune system.

The number of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms is regulated by representatives of beneficial microflora.
With dysbacteriosis, the number of beneficial microorganisms decreases. The remaining bacteria produce insufficient substances to curb the growth of opportunistic microflora.

Rapidly multiplying pathogens change the acid-base balance of the intestine, creating a favorable environment for the vital activity of pathogens.

An excess of pathogens causes various ailments. The patient develops abdominal pain, nausea, belching, bad taste and bad breath. He suffers from diarrhea and constipation, which appear in turn. Due to the decrease in the number of beneficial microorganisms, the immune defense weakens.

The patient becomes vulnerable to infectious diseases and suffers from allergic reactions to products that he previously consumed without consequences.

Constipation after diarrhea can be a sign of the development of chronic cholecystitis. Cholecystitis is called inflammation of the gallbladder, in which the processes of bile formation and bile secretion are disturbed. The chronic form of the disease in most cases develops after the formation of stones in the organ. Stones cause damage and inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder.

  • diarrhea in chronic cholecystitis often appears after eating fatty foods;
  • with inflammation of the gallbladder, the process of digesting fatty foods is disrupted;
  • during diarrhea, stools have a mushy texture and a sharp, fetid odor.

Chronic cholecystitis is characterized by pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium or in the area above the navel. Unpleasant sensations appear within the next hour after eating. If among the products there were fried, smoked and fatty foods, the pain will be more pronounced.

Then the patient begins to suffer from constipation.

An attack of cholecystitis can provoke hypothermia, shaking in transport, stress and excessive exercise.

Diarrhea and constipation can signal the development of Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by the formation of granulomas (nodules).

Lesions can appear in any part of the digestive tract. Most often they are localized in the ileum and the initial section of the colon.

First, the patient has abdominal pain and diarrhea. The urge to defecate occurs up to 6 times a day, mainly at night. The sick person suffers from excessive sweating, vomiting, nausea and bloating. His body temperature can rise to 38-39°C. Sweating is especially pronounced at night.

The inflammatory process causes erosion on the walls of the intestine. Fecal masses moving along it injure the ulcerated mucous membrane. Therefore, mucus and blood are found in the feces. Diarrhea alternates with intestinal obstruction, resulting in severe constipation. As a result of the delay of fecal masses, the intestinal walls are damaged even more.

Since the disease is autoimmune in nature, the patient may show signs of arthritis (joint damage), stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), erythema nodosum (skin disease), episcleritis (damage to the whites of the eyes).

The disease is characterized by intermittent symptoms. After periods of exacerbation, remission occurs, during which the signs of pathology decrease or completely disappear.

  1. Alternating diarrhea and constipation can be a sign of a formidable disease - rectal cancer. Colon cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the cells lining the colon. A characteristic feature of the disease is the alternation of constipation and diarrhea. During bowel movements, blood and mucus are released from the anus. The patient suffers from false urge to defecate and pain in the rectum.
  2. The appearance of constipation, alternating with diarrhea, may indicate the development of proctitis or paraproctitis. Proctitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum. The acute form of the disease appears suddenly. The patient has pain in the perineum, burning and a feeling of heaviness in the rectum. Body temperature rises to 38 ° C, weakness appears, the stool becomes unstable. If, along with diarrhea, blood or its clots come out of the rectum, the process has acquired an ulcerative necrotic character. With paraproctitis, purulent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the rectum is observed. The patient's body temperature rises above 38°C, there are severe pains in the lower abdomen and in the rectum. There is a simultaneous disorder of the stool and urination. The urge to defecate becomes frequent and painful.

If the blockage of the intestinal lumen occurs periodically, in this situation there will be an alternation of diarrhea and constipation. The situation is aggravated by intoxication, which negatively affects the functioning of the intestines. It can provoke various diseases of the digestive system. They can also cause loose stools.

If unstable stools are observed for a long time, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe an examination and tell you what to do. The results of the research will help to understand why the chair became unstable.

Self-medication is not allowed. Not knowing how to induce diarrhea, many people become addicted to laxatives. Uncontrolled intake of laxatives can disrupt the bowels and aggravate the patient's condition.

With very severe diarrhea, you need to call an ambulance. This condition is dangerous dehydration. Before the doctor arrives, you need to drink plenty of water.

It is necessary to call an ambulance if the appearance of alternating constipation with diarrhea is accompanied by fever, pain, rectal discharge containing pus and blood.

a source

When the digestive system functions normally, emptying occurs about twice a day. At the same time, the feces are of a homogeneous structure, without admixtures of blood, mucus, pus and other pathologies.

Both diarrhea and diarrhea occur for specific reasons. This does not indicate the presence of a specific disease, but only the manifestation of the underlying ailment. As a rule, diarrhea manifests itself several times a day, while the feces become liquid.

The condition during which there is a delay in defecation is called constipation. If the intestines have not cleared within 24 hours, this is considered normal. If the act of defecation is performed from 3 times a day to 3 times a week and has the same frequency, this can also be considered the norm.

Diarrhea is a protective function of the body against irritating factors.

Do not forget that diarrhea and constipation are nothing more than a protective function of the body against specific irritating factors. Such circumstances can be safely attributed to food intoxication and toxic infection.

In such a situation, the intestine tries to cleanse itself of the organisms that caused the infectious disease, or of the toxic substances that arose as a result of pathological processes, and in a similar way the general condition of the patient is normalized.

If there is a lack of fluid in the body, constipation occurs. Mechanisms of pathophysiology, reflecting the main factors in the appearance of a series of diarrhea with constipation:

  • intestinal obstruction due to the presence of a foreign body or formation;
  • impaired intestinal patency due to paralytic etiology.

During the manifestation of such conditions, you should contact a medical institution.

The cause of irritable bowel syndrome may be dysbacteriosis.

If diarrhea is replaced by constipation, it may be caused by irritable bowel syndrome. This condition can occur regardless of age.

During irritable bowel syndrome, motility is impaired, and the large intestine is exposed to this action.

The occurrence of the syndrome may be preceded by inflammatory and dystrophic transformation in the tissue structures of the intestine.

A condition with this kind of pathology is very common, and people of mature age are exposed to it. The reason lies in endogenous factors, as well as others that excite the mentioned condition:

  1. repeated exposure to stressful situations (frequent change of residence or work);
  2. manifestations of dysbacteriosis;
  3. the mechanism of rational nutrition is violated (lack of vitamins and elements needed by the body that are contained in food);
  4. excessive consumption of harmful products;
  5. the use of alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  6. disturbed diet, excessive consumption of food.

In women, violations of the proper functioning of the intestinal tract are interconnected with hormonal imbalances. During this condition, the following symptoms are observed: rare or frequent emptying, pain in the lower abdomen, muscles.

There is flatulence, a feeling that the intestines are not completely emptied, frequent urges to empty the intestines, weakness of the body, malaise and migraine. A concomitant condition may be depression, anxiety, sexual dysfunction, lack of appetite, nausea. As a rule, after a bowel movement, most of the symptoms disappear.

If the patient has a complaint about the simultaneous presence of both diarrhea and constipation, then this may be evidence of chronic enterocolitis. This disease is characterized by inflammatory processes in the large and small intestines. Inflammation leads to an imbalance of secretory and motor functions and the absorption of nutrients.

As a result of chronic enterocolitis, dystrophy can occur, as well as atrophy of the pituitary lining of the intestine. This disease can last more than one year. It occurs as a result of incorrect or missing therapy for acute enterocolitis. Accordingly, the longer the inflammatory process, the more it damages the mucous membranes in the intestine.

Increased intestinal peristalsis provokes diarrhea.

Among the symptoms characteristic of this disease are irregular stools, alternating diarrhea with constipation.

Increased intestinal peristalsis provokes the appearance of diarrhea. Accordingly, water absorption does not occur through the pituitary membrane.

Due to the liquefaction and softening of the feces, diarrhea also occurs. The frequency of bowel movements depends on how severe the bowel injury is.

In cases where inflammatory processes have spread to the area of ​​the small intestine, then abundant and diluted emptying will be observed about 4 times a day.

This disease is not accompanied by pain. After eating, there is an urge to empty. The number of acts of defecation can reach 10 times per day and even more. There may be pituitary impurities in the feces.

After prolonged diarrhea, there may be constipation. Accordingly, the acts of defecation are reduced to 2 times a week.

A key link in the development of cancer is malnutrition.

The rectum is a certain department in the digestive system, passing through it, all the products of digestion are brought out.

Oncology of this organ can be provoked by: chronic colitis, polyploid growths, heredity. A key link in the development of cancer is malnutrition.

Constipation begins when an excessive amount of fried and fatty foods, a small proportion of vegetables and fruits enter the diet.

An important factor in the development of this disease will be overweight, as well as hypodynamia. During an oncological disease of the rectum, the following symptoms are observed:

  • modified feces;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea alternating with diarrhea;
  • pain during emptying;
  • fecal masses of a black shade with an admixture of blood.

Sometimes oncology of the rectum is mistakenly recognized as hemorrhoids. But during hemorrhoids, the blood is located outside the feces, and during cancer, it mixes with them. At the same time, constipation differs in its duration.

One of the components of the treatment process is adherence to the diet.

In order to normalize the excretion of feces from the body of a patient (both an adult and a child), it is necessary to correctly diagnose.

To do this, you need to conduct a detailed inspection. Thus, the doctor takes the necessary tests, prescribes an x-ray of the intestine, conducts a digital examination of the organ, determines the presence of blood in the feces, and conducts a bacteriological and biochemical analysis.

The main goal of treatment in this situation is to eliminate the cause of the disease. To do this, you first need:

  1. follow the diet;
  2. protect yourself from stressful situations;
  3. take drugs containing enzymes, as well as antibacterial, antidiarrheal, antispasmodic drugs.

For prolonged constipation, the doctor prescribes an enema procedure. Cancer is a call for surgery.

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Constipation and diarrhea can be caused by various diseases at the same time, and before starting any treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of this condition. As you know, when the human digestive system is functioning normally, then bowel movements occur up to 2 times a day. At the same time, the feces have a homogeneous structure, do not contain impurities of blood, mucus or pus.

Both diarrhea and diarrhea have causes. In the second case, the stool becomes liquid in nature and the urge to empty the intestines is manifested in the human body repeatedly during the day. In turn, if we talk about the delay in defecation, then this condition is called constipation. Thus, constipation and diarrhea are opposite concepts. Sometimes it happens that such conditions alternate with each other, thereby causing a person's concern about the state of his health.

Delayed bowel movements, lasting for three days without the accumulation of defecation products in the colon after diarrhea, may be a completely natural condition. Indeed, constipation, which replaces diarrhea, in this case can be explained by the fact that the intestines are practically cleared of feces, the peristalsis of the organ is slowed down as a result of taking medicines against diarrhea.

These circumstances can lead to constipation for a short time even in the body of a completely healthy person. If antibiotics were used in the treatment of diarrhea, then constipation and increased gas formation occur as a result of the development of dysbacteriosis. This situation usually does not require medical intervention. If the intestines have not returned to normal within 72 hours, then this may indicate the development of the following pathologies:

  1. One of the most common causes of constipation after diarrhea is irritable bowel syndrome. This condition periodically occurs in 40% of the fair sex and 15% of men aged 20 to 60 years. It is due to the development of depression, stress or chronic lack of sleep. A sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, reduced immunity as a result of previous diseases, hormonal failure or pregnancy can also contribute to the development of this syndrome. Such a diagnosis can be made if possible pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract have been excluded, but the patient has been tormented by a similar condition for more than 3 months.
  2. The cause of frequent constipation, which alternately occurs with diarrhea, may be enterocolitis or a simultaneous inflammation of the small and large intestines in a chronic form. At the same time, every time after 2 hours after eating, pain in the abdomen occurs, the person feels the urge to defecate. During the act, fluid is released with a small amount of solid feces. This situation is repeated 5 to 7 times during the day. If such a pathology is not treated, then this can lead to anemia, beriberi, dystrophy, etc.
  3. The greatest danger is diarrhea after constipation, which was caused by intestinal obstruction. Very strong convulsions, a malignant tumor, scars and adhesions for a significant period of time do not allow food residues to move forward, which leads to their accumulation, decay and stretching of the intestinal walls. This contributes to the necrosis of part of the organ or peritonitis.
  4. Constipation after diarrhea is considered one of the most characteristic symptoms of appendicitis. In this case, the pathology at the initial stage manifests itself in the form of a sharp pain in the entire abdominal cavity and severe diarrhea, after 6-12 hours the patient already suffers from constipation.

It should be noted that the alternation of constipation and diarrhea is also a form of complication for patients undergoing gastric resection. This condition can be explained by the ingress of almost unprocessed food into the human intestine. To avoid this situation, patients are advised to follow a special diet.

In order to normalize the patient's stool, a correct diagnosis is necessary. Only having it on hand, the attending physician will be able to prescribe adequate therapy. To eliminate the cause of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to a diet, avoid stressful situations and, finally, take antibacterial, antidiarrheal and antispasmodic drugs.

If constipation continues for a long time, then the attending physician may prescribe an enema procedure. In the event of such problems against the background of oncological pathologies, surgical intervention is most likely required.

As a rule, constipation, which replaces the state of diarrhea, passes without medical intervention. However, if constipation is severe, medical attention will be needed. In this case, it is not recommended to immediately resort to the use of laxatives. To eliminate this condition, you need to consume more fiber, drink water, increase physical activity, stop taking anti-diarrhea drugs, reduce the use of sugar, and drink probiotics.

Sometimes it happens that the opposite situation develops and a person develops constipation after diarrhea. To treat this condition, you need to seek medical help in order to determine the cause. If it consists in a fecal blockage, then it will be necessary to remove the masses from the rectum and only after that take the necessary measures to prevent the condition. Fecal blockage, as a rule, is eliminated manually. Also, rectal suppositories are used to solve this problem. In exceptional cases, for the treatment of fecal blockage resort to surgical intervention.

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Violation of bowel movements, in which there is no stool for more than two days, is called constipation. This disease leads to intoxication of the body, chronic colitis, hemorrhoids, hernia and other troubles.

There is chronic constipation, and there is situational, that is, episodic. Situational constipation can occur during travel, pregnancy, or due to stress. This type of constipation does not last long. Laxatives will help solve the problem.

Chronic constipation is characterized by the fact that the stool is quite often delayed for more than two days, the feces are dry and dense. After the act of defecation, there is a feeling that the intestines are not completely emptied. In order to solve the problem, you need to visit a therapist, gastroenterologist and proctologist.

With constipation, loose stools occur in the elderly and young children. It arises due to certain eating habits, lifestyle and for other reasons. If a person often restrains the urge to defecate, inhibition of the reflex activity of the intestine occurs, resulting in constipation. With irritable bowel syndrome, its motility is disturbed, so constipation alternates with diarrhea.

Constipation can be classified according to the mechanism of development and etiological characteristics. Alimentary constipation is associated with dietary habits. Neurogenic constipation appears due to a violation of neuro-reflex activity. If a person is stressed, he may experience psychogenic constipation. Toxic constipation occurs when poisoning with mercury, lead or drugs.

Liquid constipation in adults occurs after a long absence of stool. A person experiences a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, which ends with loose stools mixed with mucus. Most often, constipation is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, which disappears after a bowel movement. Difficulty in the movement of intestinal masses is often accompanied by flatulence. Gases are formed due to the activity of microorganisms that inhabit the large intestine. People who suffer from constipation have poor appetite, bad breath, work slowly, sleep restlessly and have neurasthenic disorders.

In order for children to feel good, they need to eat right and empty their bowels regularly. If the baby eats little or not what he should, he rarely goes to the toilet.

Constipation is hard fecal masses that are difficult to squeeze out of the intestines and cause a lot of discomfort. Liquid constipation in infants can occur due to lactase deficiency, Hirschpring's disease, duplication of the colon, rickets, hypothyroidism and other reasons.

If the baby is breastfed, the mother must strictly monitor what she eats. After all, everything she eats immediately goes into milk. Bananas, fatty meats, cheese and other foods should be excluded from the diet. If the mother rarely has a bowel movement, do not be surprised that the same will happen to the child. Any problem needs to be solved from within.

If the baby is bottle-fed and has constipation, then you need to change the mixture. Maybe what he gets doesn't suit him.

Also, do not forget that mother's or artificial milk is food, despite the fact that it has a liquid consistency. The kid needs to drink more. The child should be given boiled water from a spoon or bottle.

If the child suffers from constipation for a long time and all the efforts of the mother remain without result, you need to go to the pediatrician. Perhaps the baby has some kind of pathology that needs to be looked for and eliminated. The doctor will prescribe a series of tests and conduct an examination to find out the true cause of stool retention.

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Professional skills: Hydrocolonotherapy, treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Any indigestion disrupts the usual way of life of a person. But even more bewilderment and confusion is experienced by the patient when he begins to have diarrhea after constipation. After all, it is necessary not only to establish what provoked the malaise, but also to decide how to treat diarrhea, so as not to again cause excessive fixation of the stool.

Diarrhea can be provoked by various factors, even the use of foods that cause fermentation or nervous shock. At the same time, diarrhea and constipation occur much less frequently. There may be several reasons for the appearance of malaise.

This is the most common cause of digestive disorders, characterized by alternating looseness and excessive fixation of the stool. But such a symptom as a long alternation of constipation and diarrhea is observed in only 10% of patients.

Gastroenterologists consider the causes of irritable bowel syndrome to be:

  • Stress, nervous tension, emotional experiences.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • lack of mobility.
  • Hormonal disruptions.

People who often suffer from intestinal infections can also develop irritable bowel syndrome. In patients, this syndrome is manifested by fixation of the stool or frequent diarrhea. Defecation occurs less frequently than once every three days, then abruptly flows into loose stools. Diarrhea that replaces constipation may be watery, with an admixture of mucus.

The following symptoms may also appear:

  • Spasmodic pains in the abdomen after eating.
  • Colic in the lower abdomen.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Headache.
  • Insomnia.

Patients with the development of constipation after diarrhea complain of flatulence, bloating. Normal defecation alternates with false urges. After visiting the toilet, there is a feeling of incompleteness of the act of defecation, a feeling of fullness of the rectum.

Frequent enterocolitis can also cause a violation of the nature of digestion. With simultaneous inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large and small intestines, the processes of absorption of nutrients are disturbed, the digestibility of food worsens. The main symptom of the disease is pain in the abdomen during diarrhea. The patient's feces are watery, with an admixture of mucus, pieces of undigested food, and sometimes blood.

There are other symptoms of this disease:

  • Rumbling and twisting in the abdomen.
  • Severe bloating, flatulence.
  • Dyspepsia. The passage of feces through the large intestine is difficult, this causes fermentation.
  • Violation of the defecation regime, constipation and diarrhea replace each other.

The disease is divided into infectious and non-infectious according to the type of origin, into acute and chronic - according to the nature of the course. Acute enterocolitis is characterized by a pronounced course, severe pain, and sometimes vomiting with diarrhea. Chronic enterocolitis provoke increased fatigue, a feeling of apathy.

If the small intestine is affected, the disease causes dull pain in the navel, usually in the late afternoon. Patients suffering from constipation and diarrhea with chronic enterocolitis often lose weight, especially if the inflammation has affected the small intestine.

Even a newborn baby can suffer from loose stools, followed by hardening of the stool, with enterocolitis. The reason for the development of a disease in an infant with alternating constipation and diarrhea is food intolerance or an intestinal infection.

Gastroenterologists note that constipation after diarrhea may be in patients suffering from colon cancer. Indirect causes of the growth of tumors in the rectum are heredity, frequent untreated enterocolitis, diet, old age (over 60 years).

The first thing that indicates possible problems with the rectum is blood in the stool, staining feces in a crimson color. This symptom appears both in the early stages of the disease and later. At the same time, other symptoms are noted that may indicate problems with digestion:

  • Gas incontinence.
  • Difficulty holding feces.
  • Rumbling and bloating in the abdomen after constipation, quickly developing into diarrhoea.
  • False urge to defecate.

Pain is another symptom. According to the localization of painful sensations and their intensity, it is established which part of the large intestine is affected. Severe pain during bowel movements appear in patients with rectal cancer, with damage to the colon, aching pain can even be in the upper abdomen.

There are other factors that cause constipation, followed by diarrhea. Diarrhea alternates with constipation for the following reasons:

  • Medication use. Taking large amounts of laxatives for constipation can lead to severe diarrhea that is difficult to treat.
  • The formation of a fecal blockage. Gastroenterologists note that sometimes watery diarrhea with constipation is a sign of fecal blockage. In this case, people who are accustomed to achieve normal stools with the help of laxatives often suffer from alternating diarrhea and constipation. Also, the problem sometimes occurs in patients suffering from helminthiasis.
  • Immaturity of the digestive system. Children under one year old should recover at least once a day. Eating unusual food, changing the daily routine, stress lead to disruption of the process of digestion of food: after constipation, the child begins to have diarrhea. The malaise can have characteristic signs: at first, solid feces leave, then profusely watery. Acute diarrhea after constipation in infants may appear periodically, until fresh vegetables and fruits are introduced into the child's diet.
  • Dysbacteriosis. When there is an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, the processes of digestion of food worsen. Factors that negatively affect the composition of the saprophytic flora of the gastrointestinal tract and cause constipation with diarrhea: taking medications, eating heavy food, alcohol. If a patient develops chronic constipation, this is also a reason to suspect that the cause of the malaise is dysbacteriosis.
  • Intestinal obstruction. The normal movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract can be disrupted by a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestinal walls, mechanical damage to the intestine, or a foreign body stuck in the intestine. With intestinal obstruction, not only loose stools replace solid ones, but severe pains in the abdomen appear, loss of appetite is noted.
  • Consequences of operations, starvation. Constipation after diarrhea occurs in people who have refused food for a long period. Also, pregnant women, young mothers after childbirth can complain about the fixation of the stool that has arisen after diarrhea.

Important! If a person is tormented by frequent urge to defecate, but the feces come out a little bit, there is a feeling of overcrowding in the intestines, this is also a sign of indigestion.

It is possible to determine exactly what caused the development of indigestion only after consulting a doctor. Patients need to undergo the following examinations (in combination or those recommended by a specialist):

  • Pass blood tests (biochemical and general) and urine.
  • Make a coprogram.
  • Perform esophagogastroduodenoscopy.
  • Get a CT scan (computed tomography) of the abdomen.
  • Make a colonoscopy (including a computer one).
  • Perform endoscopy.

People who often suffer from unstable stools should definitely consult a doctor. In the early stages of gastrointestinal diseases, some patients only need one course of treatment for a complete recovery. If the appeal to a specialist is postponed, the disease is not cured, a chronic form of malaise may develop, requiring complex therapy.

When a patient has constipation alternating with diarrhea, the first thing doctors recommend is dieting. Spicy and fatty foods, alcohol, marinades and fast food are excluded from food. The patient is prescribed a diet in which the first place is occupied by liquids: water, teas, kissels and compotes, soups and broths.

Be sure to exclude all drugs that can provoke a re-indigestion. The diet is stabilizing: the patient needs to eat often, but in small portions. People suffering from unstable stool need to walk more and do daily exercise.

  • Taking antidiarrheal medications that relieve diarrhea gradually. Be sure to replenish the lost fluid.
  • The use of laxatives for constipation in moderate doses. Rectal glycerin suppositories, microclysters may be required.
  • To stabilize the intestinal microflora, in some cases it is necessary to take probiotic medicines. They are selected on an individual basis, taking into account the course of the disease.

Patients should always choose safe drugs, both for diarrhea and excessive stool hardening. After all, it is often the uncontrolled intake of fixing or laxative drugs that causes the development of malaise. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, because only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of indigestion and select effective medications.

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Diarrhea and constipation are unpleasant phenomena familiar to people of any gender and age. Unstable stools and alternation of conditions worsen the quality of life. Two opposite symptoms sometimes speak of a general disease.

In an adult, stools are considered the norm with a frequency of at least three times a week. Many gastroenterologists believe that the physiological regularity of the stool is once a day. According to the Russian proctologist Amniev, a single defecation during the day occurs in 64.7% of healthy people, twice - in 22.3%, three or more times - in 6.2%. 6.8% of observed regular stool every three days. In a child, the consistency and amount of feces depends on the age and nature of the diet. On breastfeeding in the first half of the year, normal stool corresponds to the number of feedings (6-10 per day). A child receiving formula is emptied 1-2 times a day. Fecal masses with an admixture of mucus, greenery, undigested particles and blood are an occasion for examination and treatment.

Diarrhea is loose loose stools more than three times a day. In many patients with normal bowel movements in the morning, liquid is repeated several times during the day. Frequent urges with the release of a meager amount of feces or mucus is also diarrhea. The volume of the allocated masses exceeds 200 g per day, and the water content is more than 80% at a rate of 60%. The acute condition lasts six to eight weeks. Chronic diarrhea lasts more than two months.

Difficulty, slowing down the passage of dense stools and a feeling that the intestines are not completely emptied are included in the concept of constipation. According to various sources, it is observed in 2% to 20% of people. Change in the frequency of bowel movements from once a day to 1 time in two or three days, hard fragmented feces are manifestations of the mentioned symptom.

The change from one state to another is caused by a number of diseases. Effective treatment is possible if the true cause is identified.

The most common cause of constipation after diarrhea is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). On average, one in five suffers from these symptoms. This is a functional disorder. It is not caused by intestinal inflammation, but by a change in the regulation of nerve endings. In women, especially young people, it occurs on average half as often as in men.

The intestinal wall contains muscle fibers that contract and relax. This is how food moves through the gastrointestinal tract. With IBS, there is a violation of peristalsis. If the fibers contract quickly and strongly, diarrhea and bloating occur, if weakly and slowly, stool retention occurs.

The diagnosis is established after examination with the exclusion of other causes based on complaints:

  • Alternating diarrhea and constipation.
  • Pain and discomfort in the abdomen that are relieved or disappear after a bowel movement.
  • Anxiety, fear.
  • Bloating.
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Nausea.
  • Heartburn.

Irritable bowel syndrome can last for years. Periods of exacerbation alternate with long periods of well-being. The disease is not life-threatening, but worsens the emotional and physical condition of a person.

It has been proven that exacerbation can occur due to certain factors. Each person responds to one or a series of stimuli with different severity.

  1. Food (alcohol, coffee, chocolate, dairy products, cabbage and spices).
  2. Stressful (change of place of work and study, exams).
  3. Hormonal (symptoms worsen during menstruation and pregnancy).
  4. Accompanying illnesses.

Both diarrhea and constipation accompany Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The cause of occurrence is unknown. In European countries, one in five out of 100,000 is sick. The disease starts more often at a young age. From 6% to 20% of patients note the presence of similar symptoms in relatives.

The inflammation first spreads to the small intestine. Along with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain are disturbing. Then, when the colon and rectum are involved in the process, dense feces are formed with an admixture of blood and mucus.

In patients, along with diarrhea and constipation, damage to the joints, eyes, kidneys and other organs develops.

The appearance of constipation after diarrhea is caused by neoplasms of the intestine (polyps, malignant and benign tumors) due to impaired peristalsis. In cancer of the thyroid and pancreas, a change in the secretion of hormones in 10% of cases leads to diarrhea after constipation.

A serious diagnosis is often disguised as a functional disorder or inflammatory disease. Japanese gastroenterologists believe that irritable bowel syndrome may precede colon cancer. When certain complaints are found, the likelihood of cancer increases.

  • Sudden and unexplained weight loss.
  • Constant severe pain in the abdomen.
  • Onset of symptoms after age 55.
  • Oncological diseases in the family.
  • Fever.
  • Blood in the stool.
  • Changes in blood tests (anemia, accelerated ESR, leukocytosis).

The reasons why liquid stools are replaced by fragmented hard stools differ depending on gender and age. In 60-80% of cases, stool changes in children are due to functional disorders. At the same time, the child gains weight, grows and develops according to age.

In the first year of life, unstable stool is a manifestation of the maturation of the gastrointestinal tract. Difficulty defecation is often combined with diarrhea and infantile colic. Children are characterized by false or constipation diarrhea. After a long delay, hard feces are excreted with difficulty. Then, together with the gases, liquid stools with mucus pass repeatedly in small portions. After the introduction of dietary fiber with vegetables, fruits and cereals into the diet, bowel movements become regular.

In preschoolers and younger students, constipation alternates with diarrhea due to helminths. Infection occurs when the rules of personal hygiene are not followed, after contact with animals and games in the sand and earth. Enterobiosis, ascariasis and giardiasis are common. The diagnosis is based on a threefold analysis of feces and characteristic complaints:

  • Chair disorders.
  • Constant unexpressed abdominal pain, nausea.
  • Weakness, irritability, headaches.
  • Sleep disturbance, nocturnal grinding of teeth.
  • Allergic rashes, itching.

With constipation and diarrhea, the child should receive enough fluids. For 10 kg of body weight, the daily requirement is 1 liter.

In children, a violation of the stool requires the consultation of a pediatrician.

During pregnancy, constipation worries many times more often than diarrhea. Throughout the entire period, due to an increase in the concentration of progesterone, the tone of the muscle fibers of the intestine decreases, the passage of food slows down, and more fluid is absorbed. An enlarged uterus also prevents the free movement of feces.

Loose stools during pregnancy are a possible symptom of an intestinal infection or poisoning. A tendency to diarrhea that developed before pregnancy may be a manifestation of an enzyme deficiency or a food allergy.

Medicines help quickly, but not every case requires the use of medicines.

With functional disorders and during pregnancy, a conversation about the absence of danger to life and the role of stress will be useful.

Patients are advised to keep a food diary for two weeks. This determines the relationship between specific foods and stool disorders. If the main symptom is constipation, fresh fruits and vegetables are included in the diet daily, at least 300-400 g. Vegetable oils are useful - sunflower, sesame, linseed. A glass of plain water in the morning on an empty stomach and at least six more glasses a day helps to establish a chair. During pregnancy and constipation in a child, mothers are advised to eat 2-4 prunes, dried apricots or raisins. Hiking after meals and a set of exercises have a positive effect on the regularity of defecation.

Diarrhea also requires dietary adjustments. To compensate for fluid losses, solutions for oral rehydration are prescribed (Regidron, Ionica, Bio Gaia ORS, Humana electrolyte), dried fruit compote. Strong black tea also fixes, but is not recommended for children under three years old. The diet includes rice, mashed potatoes on the water, baked vegetables and fruits, dry biscuit cookies. Now water-tea breaks are canceled. It has been proven that the sooner food enters the intestines during diarrhea, the faster recovery will come.

Experimenting with drugs for constipation with diarrhea is impossible. With prolonged uncontrolled intake after a laxative, the opposite effect occurs. Wanting to quickly and inexpensively get rid of constipation, a person takes a laxative, often without reading the instructions and repeatedly exceeding the dosage. It is dangerous to do this, since when taking herbal stimulants for more than two weeks, 90% of patients develop laxative disease. An overdose of hay and buckthorn preparations depletes the intestinal receptors, the tone decreases and constipation appears. More formidable symptoms are heart rhythm disturbance and kidney function, a drop in blood pressure.

To combat loose stools, along with fluid replacement, adults are prescribed antidiarrheal drugs. Loperamide (Imodium, Lopedium) slows down peristalsis and reduces the urge to defecate. Contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

For constipation at any age, glycerin suppositories or microclysters are safe. The action is based on irritation of the rectal mucosa and stimulation of emptying.

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If constipation is replaced by diarrhea, you should definitely contact the clinic for a thorough examination. Constipation after diarrhea can be a sign of an underlying stomach problem. Next, we will take a closer look at why fluid constipation occurs and how to treat it.

The main causes of alternating constipation and diarrhea:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome should be safely attributed to the first place. Chronic lack of sleep, stress and nervous tension lead to this pathology, which may be accompanied by a violation of the regular stool.
  • Chronic enterocolitis can also cause simultaneous constipation and diarrhea. During this disease, pain and discomfort occur in various parts of the abdomen, especially after eating. In addition, the patient often runs to the toilet, but the feces are characterized by a dense structure.
  • Bowel obstruction also causes regular stool retention.
  • Diarrhea and constipation at the same time are very common in infants due to disruption of the normal levels of beneficial bacteria in the stomach. The baby's body adapts to the environment, so it can react with alternating constipation and diarrhea.
  • Exacerbation of appendicitis is also manifested by severe diarrhea and pain, which develop into constipation.
  • Cholecystitis can present with both diarrhea and constipation. It all depends on the individual patient.

So, we can distinguish the following causes of the development of irritable bowel syndrome:

  • Frequent conflict and stress factors that negatively affect the patient's nervous system.
  • Imbalance of beneficial bacteria in the stomach.
  • Irrational and irregular nutrition disrupts the functioning of the intestinal muscular system.
  • Bad habits, namely alcohol intake.
  • Chronic overeating.
  • Violation of hormonal or enzyme metabolism.

Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Constipation, which may be replaced by diarrhea.
  • Sharp pain in various parts of the abdomen.
  • Bloating of the abdominal cavity.
  • Acute flatulence.
  • Deterioration in health.
  • Headache.
  • Loss of appetite.

Also, constipation and diarrhea can occur due to the following factors:

  • Uncontrolled or incorrect use of antidiarrheal drugs, such as Loperamide.
  • Violation of the water or salt balance as a result of prolonged diarrhea leads to constipation.
  • Imbalance of beneficial enzymes and digestive bacteria.
  • Poor nutrition during diarrhea.
  • Decreased abdominal muscle tone during diarrhea.
  • Severe diseases of the stomach that disrupt its normal functioning.
  • The use of painkillers with narcotic elements.
  • Uncontrolled intake of potent drugs.

In any case, liquid constipation should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist in order to avoid a deterioration in health in the future.

So, you should immediately contact the clinic with the following symptoms:

  • The first signs of dehydration.
  • Deterioration of general well-being with severe nausea.
  • The presence of mucus and blood in the feces.
  • Severe pain in different parts of the abdomen during constipation or diarrhea.
  • A sharp decrease in body weight.

Alternating constipation and diarrhea can be a symptom of a serious illness. That is why you should first undergo an examination in the clinic to determine the underlying cause. This is the only way to choose the most effective method of treatment.

Irritable bowel syndrome is almost impossible to completely cure. At the same time, symptoms can be alleviated with the help of dietary nutrition, folk methods and laxatives.

Fluid constipation is primarily treated with a special dietary menu. You should keep a diary and write down the foods that caused diarrhea or constipation.

Diet during diarrhea should include plenty of fluids, because dehydration can develop. It is useful to drink ordinary water, decoctions of medicinal herbs, juices and compotes.

Alcohol, carbonated drinks, caffeine, spicy, fatty and smoked foods should be excluded from the daily diet. Only a healthy cooking method should be chosen to eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea or constipation.

Diarrhea after constipation is very often observed with uncontrolled intake of laxatives. In addition, the occurrence of alternating diarrhea and constipation can provoke a serious disease of the digestive system, including irritable bowel syndrome.

Predominantly prescribe folk or medications to remove feces from the intestinal system. If the problem with bowel movements occurs against the background of a malignant formation in the large intestine, then surgical treatment is recommended.

Constipation after diarrhea is observed with improper or uncontrolled use of diarrhea remedies. Mostly this is an overdose or excess of the recommended treatment period.

So, to treat constipation after diarrhea should be in compliance with the following rules:

  • The daily menu should contain foods with fiber.
  • The use of drinks with a laxative effect.
  • Regular exercise to maintain normal abdominal muscle tone.
  • Use of probiotic preparations.
  • Stopping medication for diarrhea.

Diarrhea with constipation can develop at any age, including newborns and pregnant women. If any alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately contact the clinic, where they will diagnose and select a rational treatment.

During constipation or diarrhea, there is often a deterioration in general well-being. This occurs against the background of poisoning the body with toxins or a violation of the water-salt balance.

So, if any warning signs appear, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor in order to exclude a possible deterioration in your health in the future.

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Sometimes there are situations when diarrhea replaces constipation and vice versa. Many people try not to pay close attention to this, but they turn out to be wrong, since the alternation of diarrhea and constipation can be the result of severe and serious diseases, both in a child and an adult.

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Let us consider in more detail the causes that cause the alternation of diarrhea and constipation.

There are several pathological conditions when constipation is replaced by diarrhea and vice versa. These include the following diseases:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • malignant neoplasms of the intestine, causing obstruction;
  • chronic constipation, accompanied by the simultaneous use of laxatives;
  • spastic colitis or neurosis of the large intestine (irritable bowel syndrome);
  • helminthiases (worms);
  • enterocolitis, taking a chronic form.

Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the intestinal microflora. In other words, the balance between beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms is disturbed.

There are 7 main reasons that can cause dysbacteriosis:

  • malnutrition;
  • taking medications (such as antibiotics);
  • severe stress and nervous overexcitation;
  • bad habits (drinking alcohol and smoking);
  • working conditions (work with chemicals);
  • poor hygiene;
  • bad ecology.

Symptoms of dysbiosis include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • belching, unpleasant rotten smell from the mouth;
  • flatulence, bloating, rumbling;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • burning in the anus after defecation;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • decreased appetite and weight loss;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • general weakness and malaise.

Colon cancer is a malignancy of intestinal cells.

Causes of bowel cancer include:

  • polyps in the intestine;
  • long course of Crohn's disease or the presence of ulcers;
  • improper and irregular nutrition: the predominance of salty, spicy and fatty foods;
  • exposure to radiation or any chemicals;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking.

At the initial stages of development, the clinic is hardly noticeable and resembles a slight indigestion. With each stage of cancer, the symptoms become more pronounced:

  • belching, nausea and vomiting;
  • an increase in body temperature resembling a fever;
  • constipation after diarrhea;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • increased fatigue, weakness, lethargy;
  • sometimes there is pain in the joints, the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, the indicators of heart rate and respiration change;
  • diarrhea can also occur after chemotherapy.

Constipation is the retention or excretion of a small amount of feces (less than 290 grams) for three or more days. The first signs of constipation include difficulty in emptying the bowels. The stool is hard, dry, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine. Sometimes the act of defecation is accompanied by pain.

The reasons why constipation occurs can be different:

  1. tumor in the intestinal lumen;
  2. chronic diseases (prostatitis, endometritis, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease);
  3. improper and irregular nutrition;
  4. congenital anomalies of the intestine;
  5. hypodynamia;
  6. frequent travel.

Taking laxatives leads to chemical irritation of the intestinal walls. They can be addictive and, when taken for a long time, cause intestinal atony and electrolyte imbalance.

The effect after taking a laxative occurs quite quickly (from 1-7 hours), depending on the dose taken. The stool becomes semi-solid or liquid.

Colitis is a violation of the motor function of the intestine (motility), leading to involuntary spasms. Spastic colitis refers to functional disorders.

The main causes of the disease include:

  • malnutrition and malnutrition;
  • allergic reaction to food;
  • severe emotional stress, nervous overexcitation;
  • chronic constipation, in which there is an accumulation of feces in the body;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • intestinal infections that are difficult to treat.

In addition to cramping pain, the following symptoms can be noted:

  • alternating constipation and loose stools;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • rise in temperature to high values;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • in severe cases of the disease, an admixture of mucus or blood appears in the stool.
  • dirty hands;
  • unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  • meat that was poorly cooked (half-raw).

The main manifestations of helminthic invasion include:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • profuse salivation;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • unstable stool: now diarrhea, then constipation;
  • weight loss with good appetite;
  • general weakness, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes;
  • itching in the anus, mainly at night.

Chronic enterocolitis is a pathological condition in which inflammation and dystrophic changes occur in the small and large intestines.

There are many causes of the disease:

Clinical manifestations have the following picture:

  • feeling of fullness and heaviness after eating;
  • rumbling, flatulence and bloating;
  • instability of the stool, a tendency to develop diarrhea;
  • nausea and loss of appetite;
  • feces mushy or liquid with pieces of undigested food;
  • urge to go to the toilet almost immediately after eating;
  • skin is pale;
  • mucous membranes are dry, there is a white coating on the tongue.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disease characterized by bouts of severe pain, alternating liquid and hard stools, and bloating without any changes in the digestive tract.

Causes of IBS:

  • heredity;
  • severe stress and chronic overexertion;
  • frequent manifestation of dysbacteriosis;
  • eating certain foods.

Clinical picture of the disease:

  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • liquid stool, which is replaced by constipation;
  • nausea, heartburn, loss of appetite;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • flatulence, rumbling;
  • discomfort in the abdomen.

If you experience symptoms of the above diseases, you should not ask yourself the question “What to do?!”. You should immediately seek the advice of a specialist and do not self-medicate, as this can lead to serious consequences. After all, treatment will begin only after the cause of the disease is established and an accurate diagnosis is made.

In the treatment of diarrhea, the method of intensive rehydration is used, replenishing the deficiency of electrolytes, vitamins and other nutrients. Also, dieting, taking drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora.

For the treatment of constipation, exercise, diet, according to indications, laxatives are used. It is worth abandoning medications that slow down intestinal motility.

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