CrossFit is the best workout for men! Basic CrossFit exercises for a good men's workout

Ecology of health: Many people think that this requires regular visits to the gym, but this is far from the case. Not long ago, Greg Glassman created a unique type of fitness - CrossFit, which allows you to pump up and get rid of excess weight without special simulators.

CrossFit: functional training for men

Today it has become fashionable to be healthy and strong, to have an impeccable body. Many people think that this requires regular visits to the gym, but this is far from true. Not long ago, Greg Glassman created a unique type of fitness - CrossFit, which allows you to pump up and lose weight without special exercise equipment.

The essence of the direction is to perform exercises with high intensity, the complex of which everyone selects in accordance with personal preferences. It’s worth noting right away that some exercises are quite simple, but to perform others you need to have experience with heavy loads.

Main types of exercises

CrossFit combines several areas, such as gymnastics, elements of weightlifting and functional training. At the same time, there is no single training scheme, since everyone chooses exactly the program that they like best. However, there are a number of connectives that are used most often.

These include the following complexes:

1. Murph, which includes a kilometer run on a track, one hundred pull-ups, two hundred push-ups, three hundred squats without weights and finally a kilometer run again.

2. Fran consists of squats with a barbell, kettlebells or dumbbells, which are performed in three sets of 21, 15 and 9 times. Afterwards, three sets of pull-ups are performed, 21, 15 and 9 times.

3. Kalsu are squats with kettlebells or other weights, which should be done in five sets of 100 repetitions. Every minute you need to pause for a burpee complex, performed five times.

4. Linda includes barbell rows, cleans, and bench presses with a medium grip. Each exercise is performed for 10 approaches, and begins with ten repetitions, which are reduced by one each time.

5. Whitman consists of kettlebell swings, cleans, and jumps performed for ten sets of 15 repetitions.

6. Cindy is best choice for beginners, including five pull-ups, ten push-ups and fifteen squats. But all exercises must be performed without stopping for twenty minutes. If you are unable to complete 20 minutes, then the time can be reduced to 12 minutes. And in this case, perform one pull-up, four push-ups and seven squats.

To achieve best results All exercises must be performed with maximum bends and lunges.

Burpees are the choice of those who need quick results.

Burpee is unique complex, allowing you to bring your body into impeccable condition as quickly as possible. However, it is considered quite difficult and therefore not everyone can perform it correctly. As a rule, this type exercises are included in the most advanced workouts, but it will also be appropriate at home.

For those who have never done burpees, this exercise seems quite simple and unpretentious, but after just a couple of repetitions you will feel a lot of tension. Despite the difficulty of performing, the complex is very popular, as it allows you to get rid of a huge amount of calories and at the same time increase the overall resistance of the body. This is due to the fact that the complex trains almost all muscles.

Burpee perfectly develops stamina, coordination and strength, thanks to which daily execution lasting just 5 minutes can transform the body beyond recognition. It is ideal both for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, and for those who are in good shape and want to maintain it. Burpee will become good addition cardio training, during which it should be performed in several sets of thirty seconds.

Let's do burpees correctly!

To achieve maximum effect the complex must be performed correctly. To begin with, it is recommended to warm up the muscles with a warm-up, as this will protect them from injury. The next sequence of actions is as follows:

We move both legs back, taking a position parallel to the floor on straight arms;

While jumping, we pull both legs to the elbows;

We get up and quickly jump up to the maximum height and clap our hands above our heads.

The complex is performed in a circle and without stopping for the entire specified time. But it is worth considering that experts distinguish several levels of complexity of this exercise and It is important to choose one that matches your actual fitness level.

1.Initial– designed for beginners and includes 4 approaches lasting two minutes. Rest between sets should be no more than a minute.

2.Medium– this is already 6 approaches of two minutes, with a rest of no more than a minute.

3.High– 6 sets of three minutes with no more than a minute of rest between each.

4.Advanced– 6 sets of three minutes with a rest of no more than half a minute.

Performing at an inappropriate level can lead to muscle injuries, which will slow down your results.

Finally, it should be noted that CrossFit is a unique workout that, in fact, can be performed without any sports equipment. In most cases, body weight is enough to achieve the goals. Motivation is also very important, because it is the key to hard work and luxurious results. If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project

A training system such as CrossFit lately is becoming more and more popular. Combining large number directions, crossfit allows for short time get in good physical shape, lose everything unnecessary, tighten your muscles. CrossFit includes three types of exercise: cardio (running, swimming, etc.), gymnastics and bodyweight exercises, and strength training, suggesting the presence of burden. There are different CrossFit programs, and everyone can choose the best one for themselves depending on their goals and preferences.

Basic exercises in CrossFit

The CrossFit training program is always based on exercises that are considered basic for this area. However, their combinations may differ. CrossFit includes both bodyweight exercises and strength training with weights.

The bodyweight exercises that are the basis of CrossFit are:

  • Squats and their various variations: classic, on one hand, with legs apart, with legs narrowly set, and so on.
  • Jumping to a low height: bench, step, stool, after jumping back to the floor.
  • Lunges. They involve taking a wide step forward from a standing position, and then returning to the starting position.
  • Back extensions. To perform this exercise, your legs must be secured. The back should be relaxed, hands behind the head. From this position, raise your back to the same level as your legs, and then return back. Thus, the abdominal muscles are pumped.
  • Burpee. An exercise that has become a CrossFit classic. It starts with a lying position, then a push-up is performed, and then a jump out of it with a clap above your head.
  • Upside down push-ups. For this exercise, you need to stand on your hands next to a wall or other support so that your body weight is transferred to it. Next, push-ups are performed with the head touching the floor.
  • Jumping rope. In CrossFit they have some differences. During one jump, the rope needs to be rotated twice, so the jumps will be higher.

The CrossFit program also includes some exercises with weights. There are five of them in CrossFit:

  • The familiar rope pull-up and other exercises with it.
  • Dips.
  • Ring pull-ups.
  • Pull-ups on the bar.
  • Exercise "corner". To perform it, you will need a support, which can be bars, rings, and so on. You need to raise your legs straight, forming an angle of 90 degrees and stay in this position for a few seconds.

Lifting both legs may be difficult at first, so you can start by lifting one leg at a time.

CrossFit programs: some examples

The program proposed above is for beginners, but the complexes that you will find below already require a certain level of training. It is advisable to have experience lifting weights, so these are suitable CrossFit programs for men

  • 1 km track running;
  • 100 pull-ups;
  • 200 push-ups;
  • 300 squats without weights;
  • 1 km track run.
  • three rounds of squats with kettlebells, barbells and dumbbells for 21, 15 and 9 repetitions.
  • pull-ups with the same number of approaches and repetitions.
  • Squats with weights, dumbbells and a barbell - 5 circles 100 times.
  • In this case, you need to take a break every minute and do 5 burpees.

In accordance with this program, you will have ten approaches in total. The first one starts with 10 repetitions, and each subsequent one will have one less repetition.

  • deadlift with a barbell;
  • barbell clean;
  • Bench press with a barbell with a medium grip.

Each exercise will be repeated seven times. Each approach contains 15 repetitions.

  • kettlebell swing;
  • barbell clean;
  • jumping onto a box or platform.
CrossFit training program in the gym

The Crossfit training program will differ depending on where you practice - in the gym or at home. The first option is better in terms of the fact that there will be a trainer nearby who will help you choose the right complex and will track your results. Also the hall already has everything necessary equipment which will help you do the exercises.

Consider a three-day program. On the first and third days, the exercises will be similar.

First you need a warm-up which may include running, jumping, clapping overhead or spreading your legs. Each exercise should be performed for at least thirty seconds. There should be no breaks during this. 3-4 approaches are performed, and each next one should be performed at a faster pace than the previous one.

Main part may include such exercises:

  • shuttle run;
  • running with high knees;
  • classic squats;
  • squats with high jump.

A training program for men often involves the use of weights: the same squats can be performed with dumbbells or a barbell, which will increase the load on the muscles.

The exercises are performed as during warm-up - for 30 seconds without a break. There should be three approaches in total. At the end of the workout, cool down for several minutes. It may include bending, lunging, various stretching exercises, and so on.

Second day will be dedicated to cardio training. It should not include breaks and lasts no more than 25 minutes. You also need to warm up first, as in the previous day. The main part of the lesson includes the following exercises, which are performed for at least 30 seconds and in several approaches:

  • shuttle run;
  • kicking at an imaginary target;
  • sprint - very fast running in place, then several squats, and again running in place with knees raised.
  • high jump from a lying position, squatting, then high jump again and returning to the starting position.

The third day repeats the first.

Features of the CrossFit program at home

One of the advantages of CrossFit is that you can do it at home. The CrossFit training program in this case may differ depending on the development of what qualities and what muscle groups you will focus on.

Here is a sample lesson plan for two days.

  • Day.1. 10 push-ups, 15 squats, 6 pull-ups. Next, you need to alternate the exercises, performing approaches until failure.
  • Day 2. Run 400 meters, 6 pull-ups, 17 dumbbell raises. We also perform in a circle until failure.

This is a sample program that is also accessible to beginners. To ensure that the exercises bring only benefits, consider the following: recommendations:

  • Fatigue during CrossFit should be greater than during other workouts.
  • Don't expect very quick results.
  • Choose exercises that will work all the muscles in your body.
  • There should be no breaks between exercises.
  • You can add more variety to your program by using new exercises every day.

During your workout, try not to drink too much water.

For weight-bearing exercises at home, you can use dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell. One thing will be enough - the selected apparatus can be used for squats, bench and standing presses, and others strength exercises. For cardio exercise, the simplest jump rope will be useful.

Programs for men often include pull-ups. Their can be done on uneven bars and horizontal bars. However, if they are not available at home, you can show your imagination and use, say, a couple of chairs or a tree branch. For walking, you can use a regular bench, and weights can be replaced with bottles filled with water.

There are simple programs that can be used by complete beginners. One of them is “ Cindy" which includes 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats. These exercises make up one approach. In a twenty-minute workout, you need to do as many approaches as you can and have time. There should be no breaks between approaches - this is very important. Once you finish squatting, you should start pulling yourself up again.

You can shorten your workout to 12 minutes, if a full-fledged complex is not yet within your capabilities. Then the program will include one pull-up, four push-ups and seven squats. Also in circles, naturally.

You can also alternate between 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups and 10 air squats. You need to do five such rounds as quickly as possible.

CrossFit programs can be very different. You can replace some exercises with others, adjusting the workout to suit you in order to develop exactly what you need, because everyone’s CrossFit goals are different: some want to specifically lose weight, others want to tone their body, and so on. IN ideal You should entrust the preparation of the program to an experienced specialist.

We invite you to watch a video with CrossFit programs.

CrossFit programs on video

    What you need

    Functional training is a sport for real men. It requires endurance, strength, speed and strict order. The popular principle of “take more, throw further” will not work here. To achieve truly impressive results, a CrossFit training program for men must be strictly systematized. It is important to adhere to the basic principles of strength sports, such as periodization, progression of loads, variety and regularity. Without this, progress will be much slower.

    It is also highly recommended that you practice CrossFit under the guidance of an experienced trainer, at least initially. A competent mentor will teach you how to feel your body, perform exercises correctly, work at a comfortable heart rate, and recover quickly. The trainer will also lay the basic strength and functional base, which you will use in further training on your own.

    CrossFit is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. CrossFit workouts are not built arbitrarily; there are a thousand and one little things that need to be taken into account. Before you begin your first full-fledged functional training, spend at least one evening to understand the theoretical part of this sports discipline. Learn about advanced training techniques like AMRAP and EMOM and understand how to put them into practice. However, remember that real understanding will come only after a couple of months of regular training in the CrossFit gym.

    Warm-up and warm-up

    The more complex complexes you are going to perform, the more thorough the warm-up should be. You need to prepare everything for work: muscles, joints, ligaments, cardiovascular system, psyche. Only when you feel that your body is warmed up and ready to work, start performing CrossFit complexes. A standard warm-up takes 20-30 minutes.

    Experienced athletes working with heavy weights in basic multi-joint exercises are recommended to use a special warming ointment. This way, working joints and muscles will not have time to cool down between rounds. Powerlifters have been successfully using this technique for decades.

    Loads and exercise technique

    Do not overdo the axial load on the spine. Doing heavy compound exercises like deadlifts, squats, bent-over rows and military presses with heavy weights in one workout is a dangerous undertaking, especially if you are not sure that your back is okay. Sooner or later, this approach to training will lead to injury, which can throw you off track for several months.

    Use the heart rate monitor during heavy workouts at the gym. Often, in pursuit of records, we forget about our heart rate and then wonder why by the evening our blood pressure is under 180. Permanent job into failure (and beyond) depletes the heart muscle over time. I think the consequences are clear. Remember that our main goal when playing sports is not to become stronger or more resilient, but to maintain and improve our health.

    If you are just a beginner athlete, do not chase records in complex complexes built like AMRAP or EMOM. For the first few months, it is better to focus on honing the correct technique for doing the exercises and performing simple combinations of two or three exercises. For example, burpees + pull-ups on a horizontal bar or bench press + jumping on a stand. This way you will quickly build a strength foundation for further full-fledged training.

    Preventive measures

    A CrossFit training program for men in a CrossFit gym, if done incorrectly, can have harmful influence on the heart. To prevent this from happening, do not forget about prevention.

    Most effective measures protection:

  1. Doing cardio exercise (at least two hours a week).
  2. Adequate water intake (at least four liters per day).
  3. Weekly visit to the bathhouse or sauna.
  4. Taking a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex.
  5. Regular walks on fresh air.
  6. Quitting bad habits.

Preparing the body and central nervous system

For training to be more productive, you need to approach it with a “clean” central nervous system. Constant work in refusal and taking pre-workout complexes negatively affect her condition. It is advisable not to take medications on an ongoing basis. Taking a pre-workout complex is acceptable before the most difficult workouts to slightly stimulate nervous system to hard work.

But remember that all energy drinks and stimulants are addictive, so breaks in taking them are required.

None of the studies have confirmed the real benefits of working out in the morning on an empty stomach. When doing CrossFit, doing so is not only impractical, but also dangerous. The intensity of the training is such that the level of glucose in the blood will drop significantly by the middle of the workout, and there can be a lot of unpleasant consequences from this.

1.5-2 hours before training, you must have a meal rich in protein and complex carbohydrates. Just before your workout, you can drink a portion of pre-workout complex, amino acids and creatine, and also eat some simple carbohydrates. This will energize you for the coming hours.

Organization of training

Take into account a few tips on organizing the process and training regimen in a CrossFit gym:

  1. Adjust the training process to fit your schedule. For example, if you do heavy physical labor every day, working in production or construction for 10-12 hours, you are unlikely to be able to do intense training. It is better to move the most difficult workouts of the week to the weekend, when you will have the opportunity to recover better. On weekdays, do lighter workouts and less intense workouts to keep you toned.
  2. You don't have to limit yourself to just one gym. As long as the temperature is comfortable for you and the weather conditions are favorable, train outside. This is no worse than the hall. Run, do exercises on horizontal bars and parallel bars with your own weight. This will make a great workout. And by taking a jump rope with you, you will make the training process even more varied. By exercising in the fresh air, rather than in a stuffy gym, you recover faster between rounds and feel consistently good. By the way, so-called crossfit parks are now opening in many cities - open areas in green areas, equipped with basic exercise equipment that allows you to perform a variety of exercises. training complexes open air.
  3. Train with a partner. This will increase the intensity of your workout, and you'll also be able to use advanced techniques like negative reps and forced reps. Working out with a partner will add a competitive element to every workout.
  4. Give equal attention to all components of CrossFit. Only then will you become truly functionally prepared for any challenge. The training process should consist of basic exercises from powerlifting and weightlifting, kettlebell exercises, plyometric movements, cardio loads and exercises derived from them.
  5. There is no need to overpower yourself and continue training when your body says “enough.” This is not heroism, this is stupidity. It is better to stop in time and complete the workout than to get injured. Monitor your well-being. If during classes your eyes darken, you feel feverish, or you start to feel nauseous, this is not normal. This means that you are giving the body a load for which it is not yet ready.

CrossFit training for amateurs

If you have recently come to the sport, full-fledged CrossFit training is not yet available to you, since your body is simply not ready for it. It takes time for the muscles to become stronger, the joints and ligaments to become stronger, and the heart to become more resilient.

The CrossFit training program for men who decide to engage in this sport at an amateur level is compiled taking into account important features:

  1. The most important thing is an experienced, qualified trainer. Considering that two or three-week courses are being opened throughout the country, upon completion of which all students receive certificates and have the right to officially work in any fitness club, this may be difficult. A good coach is not one who has a “crust”, but one whose clients have achieved good sports results without harming their health.
  2. Don't overdo it with the volume and frequency of your workouts. Three workouts a week will be more than enough. There is no need to go out of your way and perform 6-8 complexes at each workout. To begin with, three complexes or simply bundles of several are quite enough. simple exercises. Rest between approaches or complexes should be at least three minutes, during which time breathing and pulse will return to normal. The duration of each workout is about one hour.
  3. Gradually introduce free weight exercises. Start with an empty bar. Exercises such as bench press, deadlift, squats, snatch, clean and jerk, cleans, etc. technically quite complex, they need to be studied only under the supervision of a trainer.

As part of the CrossFit training program, we will study basic functional complexes and ligaments. The program is designed for one month, there will be a total of three workouts per week. The first and third weeks will be completely repeated, as will the second and fourth. This is necessary in order to consolidate the results achieved and subsequently move on to more complex exercises and complexes.

An approximate training program for CrossFit in the gym for beginners is as follows:

Weeks No. 1, 3
  • running - 1 km;
  • Cindy Easy complex – 5 push-ups, 5 and 5 sit-ups. You need to complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes;
  • – 5x15.
  • exercise bike – 15 minutes;
  • Total Recall complex – 10 push-ups, 10 air squats, 10 burpees and 10 sit-ups. You need to complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes;
  • + – 4x15.
  • running - 2 km;
  • Karen complex – 150;
  • complex 18th Day – 15, 15 toe raises to the bar, 15 abdominal raises. Only 3 rounds.
Weeks No. 2, 4
  • exercise bike – 20 minutes;
  • using legs – 3x5;
  • – 3x12;
  • hammer blows on the tire - 3x90 seconds.
  • running – 2.5 km;
  • Worms complex – 50 steps with lunges, 75 sit-ups, 20 pull-ups on the horizontal bar, 50 steps with lunges;
  • – 3x60 seconds.
  • – 3x120 seconds;
  • Despair complex – 20 thrusters with dumbbells, 400-meter run. 5 rounds in total;
  • – 3x20;
  • – 3x60 seconds.

CrossFit program for experienced athletes

Let's assume that you are a fairly well-built man who has been involved in CrossFit or other strength sports for many years. You have already perfected to automaticity the performance of such exercises as power-ups on the horizontal bar and rings, push-ups of barbells, butterfly pull-ups, and you have decent strength indicators in the bench press, squats and deadlifts.

Obviously your training process will be different. The workouts will be more voluminous, the intensity will be higher, the working weights will be greater, and the rest between sets will be reduced to one and a half to two minutes. Taken together, all this will lead to comprehensive development. You will dial muscle mass, you will become more resilient when performing aerobic exercise, increase your strength, get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, develop explosive strength, and become faster.

Features of the programs

Training in a CrossFit gym for men who have already moved from the novice amateur category to a more professional category has important features:

  1. Often, experienced athletes tend to ignore warming up. They think that they have learned to feel their body perfectly and are able to immediately begin doing hard work. This is a huge misconception. No one has ever suffered from spending 15-20 minutes on a light joint warm-up before starting hard work. If your goal is constant progress and athletic longevity, then warming up should become an integral part of your workout.
  2. Use a weightlifting belt when performing heavy exercises with free weights. This will prevent the appearance umbilical hernia and will slightly reduce the load on the lumbar spine. The use of straps during heavy pulling movements is also acceptable. With them, you won't have to constantly strain your hand and forearms to support the weight, and you'll focus entirely on contracting your latissimus dorsi muscles.
  3. Vary the intensity of your workouts. If you feel that your progress has stopped, your strength indicators are not increasing or even falling, your overall health has worsened, your sleep has become worse, and your own weight is decreasing - you are in a state of overtraining. The first thing you need to do is take a week of complete rest from training and start leaning on protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. After a week, gradually begin light training and gradually increase the volume of the load. To avoid overtraining, listen to your body.
  4. If you feel that your productivity during training is decreasing, feel free to reduce the load. Reduce the number of exercises and complexes, increase the rest time between them. Sometimes it’s even better to take a day of rest than to go to training in a completely broken state and completely exhaust yourself. There will be no setback from the rest, only benefits.

Training program in the crossfit gym

The following CrossFit training program for men in a CrossFit gym is built on the principle of load periodization. The first two weeks we do the same workouts at a medium (or slightly higher) intensity level. Four training sessions are planned per week, each lasting up to one and a half hours. The third week is a time of rest from heavy weights; the basis of training will be cardio exercise and light functional elements. There will be only two short workouts per week of 40-50 minutes. This will help to fully restore the muscles, ligaments and psyche before the last week, in which we will do mainly strength work. This week there will be three hard workouts lasting up to two hours.

Let me remind you that CrossFit is a program that combines gymnastic strength elements, powerlifting and athletics, and all exercises are performed at a fast pace. Most of the ones I have chosen include all of these elements. They are quite difficult for beginners, but will definitely interest experienced athletes.

CrossFit Workout #1: “Fran”

Named after the famous hurricane, this circuit includes pull-ups and barbell throws that are familiar to even beginning bodybuilders. For this reason, "Fran" seems quite simple. But not without its benefits: these exercises work your core, upper back, arms, and abs.

Scheme for 3 rounds:

* Barbell release 43 kg.

* Pull-ups.

* Per round you need to perform 21-15-9 repetitions of each exercise.

Total training time: 10 minutes (it is advisable to reduce it gradually).

Nuances. Before executing this diagram Sergey Ukolov, CrossFit trainer, owner of the Crossfit Maze gym, recommends doing a simple joint warm-up - squats and pull-ups to avoid injuries.

“To perform this scheme, the supervision of a trainer is necessary, since throwing out the barbell is one of the most dangerous exercises,” says Nikita Glazunov, personal trainer and owner of the Scala gym. “Beginners need to work with lighter weights, which should be selected individually during the training process.”

CrossFit Workout #2: The Terrible 50

The name of the scheme says: each of the 10 exercises must be performed 50 times. And at maximum speed. There is one more difficulty, albeit of a purely technical nature: the working weight in the exercises will not be easy to select so as to ensure a suitable level of load throughout the entire workout. Over time, as you get stronger, the weight will have to increase.


*50 jumps on a 60 cm platform.

*50 jumping pull-ups.

*50 swings of 16 kg kettlebells.

*50 walking lunges.

*50 knee-to-elbow pull-ups.

*50 standing barbell presses (20 kg).

*50 hyperextensions.

*50 medicine ball throws (9 kg) at 3 meters.

*50 double jump ropes.

Total training time: 25 minutes.

Nuances. This CrossFit workout is not suitable for beginners or people with problems cardiovascular system, since it involves a serious load. “This scheme is stressful,” emphasizes Nikita Glazunov. “You need to use it sometimes when you feel like you’ve reached a training plateau.” The instructor advises finishing the session with 40 minutes of cardio: this will further improve your fitness.

“This complex (like, by the way, any complex in principle) must be performed at your own pace, monitoring your pulse and breathing,” notes CrossFit trainer Sergei Ukolov. “If you start to choke at the fifth minute, and the scheme is designed for thirty, you are doing something wrong.”

CrossFit Workout #3: Murph

This scheme was invented by US Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy. In fact, it was named after him. This workout may also be of interest to those who are just getting acquainted with CrossFit. Firstly, the exercises here are all well-known. Secondly, “Murph” will show what you are worth: it is a kind of test for your level of physical fitness.


* Run 1.5 km.

* 100 pull-ups.

* 200 push-ups.

* 300 squats.

* Run 1.5 km.

Nuances.“This scheme is aimed at increasing overall physical endurance and developing all major muscle groups,” explains Ruslan Panov, senior coordinator and senior trainer of group programs of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit. “If it’s not suitable for anyone, it’s only for complete beginners in fitness and those who have chronic injuries to the musculoskeletal system.”

Be sure to start and end your workout with a jog. Otherwise, this scheme, according to Alexey Veselkov, personal trainer for the Paladin network of sports clubs, can change and scale. “For those who are training for the first month, having just completed the preparatory course of training, in this scheme it is worth reducing the number of repetitions and/or mixing exercises among themselves: 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 30 squats, again 20 pull-ups, etc. But I would advise trained athletes to also exercise with additional weights,” says the coach.

CrossFit workout #4: “King Kong”

Scheme for experienced athletes. According to our experts, it is worth preparing for its implementation in advance: according to some estimates, from 6 months to a year.

Scheme for 3 rounds:

* 1 repetition of deadlift for 200 kg.

* 2 outputs on rings.

* 3 barbell cleans (110 kg).

* 4 handstand push-ups.

Total training time: 5 minutes.

Nuances . “This scheme perfectly develops muscle strength, and is also a good test of your results,” explains Ruslan Panov. “However, to perform these exercises, the supervision of a trainer is necessary, since the work is carried out with critical weights, and this is obviously dangerous.”

“If you are unable to deadlift 200 kg, lift 110 kg, step-ups or handstands, there is no point in doing this complex with lighter weights and replacing exercises with less difficult ones - tested!” - says Alexey Veselkov.

The CrossFit workouts described are still more of a test, a test of one’s own capabilities, a challenge to oneself, rather than a scheme that requires training three times a week. However, by regularly including them in your exercise schedule, you will undoubtedly improve your physical fitness and take another step towards the figure you have always dreamed of.

CrossFit is a currently popular trend that involves multifunctional circuit training that allows you to strengthen muscles, lose weight, and train strength, agility and endurance. One of its advantages is that you can perform the complexes not only in a fitness club, but also at home or on the street. Any territory and ordinary available shells will do. This allows you to achieve regularity, because no matter where you are, you can perform a set of exercises. All you need to know is what CrossFit exercises should be like at home and what program you need.

CrossFit for beginners at home requires a small free area. You will also need the following equipment:

  • A mat, gymnastic mat or any bedding that should be dense and not very soft.
  • Weights. These can be weights or dumbbells, as well as bottles and cans filled with water.
  • Crossbar or horizontal bar.
  • Jump rope.

If you plan to study on outdoors, then you will also need the following:

  • horizontal bar, parallel bars or wall bars;
  • a bench, bench or other surface that you can jump on. Optimal height– 50-60 centimeters.
  • May also be useful treadmill. Although it can easily be replaced by both regular running and cycling.

A CrossFit street workout can begin and end with jogging, cycling, and in winter, skiing. Also good option– run to the sports complex, which is located in the park, perform the necessary exercises there and run back.

Over time, additional equipment may be required: a barbell, kettlebell, or sand-filled bag.

CrossFit exercises at home

The right exercises for CrossFit at home are in many ways the key to your success. CrossFit includes both heavy weight training and active bodyweight training. In any case, the correct technique of each exercise and its speed are important - do not spend more time resting than the CrossFit exercise set at home allows.

The exercises and program for CrossFit at home will be based on the same principles as working out at the gym, so it doesn't really matter where you work out. Only important correct exercises for crossfit at home for men or girls, the complex of which in this program is called WOD.

In essence, CrossFit exercises for home are basic exercises from other sports, such as athletics and weightlifting, gymnastics, and so on, but some of them have been slightly changed and have new names. Let's look at the most common exercises that are included in the programs of this technique.

Kipping– pull-ups with a jerk. The jerk is needed to maintain the high speed needed in crossfit. To achieve this, you need to swing your legs back, and then sharply throw them forward and pull your chin towards the support.

Explosive Squats or jump. They differ from ordinary ones in that you need to not just rise up, straining your buttocks, but jump sharply, clapping your hands above your head. The CrossFit at home program also includes regular squats, which are performed with weights. Another effective exercise is explosive push-ups, which involve very sharp lifting of the body from the bottom point up. At the same time, your hands should come off the floor a few centimeters.

One of the most popular exercises that includes CrossFit at home for beginners is burpee. First, you can do it with your own weight, and then supplement it with a sand bag, which you can buy or make yourself.

When doing burpees with weights, lift up less abruptly than without them.

The starting position for the exercise will be the same as for push-ups, only then you will also need to jump up from the squat and lower yourself in the same consistent manner.

Leg raises on the horizontal bar. During this exercise, rocking is not allowed. You need to hang on the bar, bend your legs and pull them towards your stomach so that your body does not move. You only need to use the abdominal muscles, but work at a good speed. To complicate the exercise, you can raise your straight legs up at a right angle relative to your body.

Crossfit at home exercises should include the following:

  • burpees;
  • push-ups;
  • jumping rope;
  • squats;
  • lunges;
  • body lifts (press);
  • weight press;
  • chest pulls with dumbbells or gallons of water.

When working out on the street, you can supplement the program with running, jumping on a bench, pull-ups on a horizontal bar, as well as an exercise such as a bear walk.

The bear walk or gait is an exercise that appeared thanks to CrossFit. You need to stand on your feet and palms, lift your buttocks up, and in this position step forward. The arm and leg should work on one side at the same time: first we step with the left side, then with the right. Once you have mastered this exercise, you can start running this way, and then pick up small dumbbells or bottles of water. You can also move laterally instead of just forward.

With an activity like CrossFit, a home workout program prioritizes proper exercise technique, followed by speed and use of weights. But the advantage of CrossFit is that even if you are unprepared, you can start doing exercises on your own, from scratch, using the most basic program and complicating it over time.

Features of the CrossFit program at home

CrossFit exercises for men at home are based on three pillars: squats, push-ups and pull-ups. Beginners are recommended to start with these exercises without using additional weights.

For girls, the CrossFit at home program will be slightly changed. They can start doing push-ups from their knees, and then move on to the classic stance. It is only important that the chest and thighs touch the floor at the same time. You can use a rubber band for pull-ups.

You can start doing CrossFit at home with WOD'a Cindy. This workout involves doing maximum quantity circuits that will consist of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats.

All exercises are performed in a row without rest, breaks between circles should be three minutes. Complete one round after another for twenty minutes. It’s good if beginners can do 7-8 laps in 20 minutes, but experienced athletes should strive to double this number.

Exists similar WOD, which involves performing the following exercises for 20 minutes:

  • 10 dips;
  • 10 jumps on a bench or platform;
  • 10 walking lunges (you can make these more difficult by using dumbbells or water tanks).

Another variation of the CrossFit program at home for men or women involves completing the proposed circles as quickly as possible. An example is Candy's WOD, which requires you to complete five circles each time, increasing your speed over time.

  • 20 pull-ups;
  • 40 push-ups;
  • 60 squats.

Between rounds the rest should always be approximately three minutes.

Analogues may be the following programs:

  • 800 meters run, 50 squats. There are three laps in total.
  • Run on the spot for 200 meters, 10 squats and push-ups. Five laps.
  • Run 200 meters, 25 push-ups – 5 laps.
  • 100 m sprint run, 100 m fast walk - 10 laps.

A street option could be WOD Murph, which includes running and is therefore well suited for a park or stadium. So, the complex includes:

  • 1.6 km jogging;
  • 100 pull-ups;
  • push-ups – 200 times;
  • squats - 30 times.
  • 1.6 km jogging.

You need to start and end the workout by running, and the middle of it can be divided into circles. Not every beginner can handle this many repetitions, so you may want to do fewer at first. In general, a beginner should complete the proposed complex in an hour, and an experienced athlete in 35-45 minutes.

You can modify the program by choosing slightly different CrossFit exercises at home for men. There are such alternatives:

  • 1 km of running, squats - 100 times, push-ups - 50 times.
  • Alternate between one minute of jogging and 30 forward walking lunges. In total you need to cover 2 km in this way.
  • 400 meters of running, 50 squats and running again - just three laps.

CrossFit program for beginners for a week

The proposed CrossFit program for beginners at home is perfect for beginners and is designed for a week. The optimal training frequency is three times a week, for example, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


  • Exercise 1. You need to take a standing position. Hands should touch the floor. From this position, come out into a lying position, throwing your legs out. After the jump, your feet are placed near your hands, and with the help of the jump you stand up to your full height - this is a well-known burpee exercise that needs to be repeated 10-15 times.
  • Exercise 2. You need a crossbar. Perform 15 pull-ups on it, trying to accelerate as much as possible towards the end of the exercise.
  • Exercise 3. On the same bar, do abdominal exercises, pulling your legs towards your body 15 times. As in the previous exercise, accelerate as much as possible towards the end of the set.
  • Exercise four. Perform push-ups, moving upward as sharply as possible. Repeat also fifteen times.

Tuesday - rest.


  • Exercise 1. We repeat the same as in the first exercise on Monday, but at the same time you need to take a pillow or a not too heavy backpack in your hands.
  • Exercise 2. We do 15 push-ups from the floor, moving upward as sharply as possible.
  • Exercise 3. Squat down, put your hands on the floor, throw your legs sharply back, then bring them back in a jump and rise to your full height, also with a jump. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Exercise 4. Do 10-15 leg pull-ups on the horizontal bar, accelerating as much as possible towards the end of the exercise.

Thursday - rest.


  • Exercise 1. Run in place for several minutes, accelerating as much as possible towards the end.
  • Exercise 2. Pull your legs while hanging on the horizontal bar 10-15 times.
  • Exercise 3. 10-15 burpees, as in the first exercise of the first day.
  • Exercise 4. 15 push-ups at a fast pace.

Of course, remember that training involves several circles.

Saturday and Friday CrossFit training programs at home involve rest.

One of the advantages of CrossFit is that you can change the program, adjusting it to your desires and capabilities, and complicate it over time. The main thing is regularity, diligence and correct technique exercises, and soon this newfangled technique will help you achieve the desired results.

CrossFit video workouts at home

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