How to paint concrete walls: a description of the DIY work. How to paint a concrete wall: choose materials, paint it yourself Painting concrete walls in an apartment

When renovating rooms, it is easiest to paint the walls rather than glue wallpaper or use other finishing materials.

Moreover, painted walls can also be made spectacular if you approach the work correctly and pay attention to every step.

To do this, you need to know how to paint a concrete wall and what preparatory work needs to be done.

All that is needed for finishing is a roller, brushes and paint, but the main role in the painting process is played by the preparation of the base, because if it is of poor quality, then all the flaws will be visible on the wall.

Selection of colors

When choosing paints, you should pay attention to color.

If the choice is towards light colors, the space will be visually enlarged; if the paint is dark, the space will be reduced.

Suitable for large rooms dark colors, and for little ones it is better to use light shades.

Antibacterial additives will prevent mold from occurring

Oil-based enamels and alkyd paints are not suitable for concrete bases. If you use them, you will need to apply several layers, but after a short period of time you will need to repaint the surface. It is recommended to use the paints shown in the table:

In general, you can use any composition from the table for a concrete wall, but you need to pay attention to antibacterial additives.

If there is such a component, then the walls will not be exposed to fungi and mold.

All high-quality mixtures can be used immediately; the buyer does not need to purchase additional thinners. Paint can be applied to walls even at low temperatures.

Preparing the walls

Remove old covering

Before you start painting the walls, you need them. To do this you will need to do the following:

For a concrete base, a deep penetration primer is used. Its use will allow you to get high-quality coating. It is recommended to apply the mixture using a brush.

Surface painting

The quickest way to cover the wall surface is with a roller

If paints for concrete walls very thick, it is better to dilute them a little with a solvent that is suitable for specific type mixtures. It is recommended to work using rollers and brushes.

Thus, large area You can paint with a roller, and use brushes in corners and hard-to-reach places. The paint is applied in several layers, but before applying a new layer, you need to wait until the previous one has dried. As a rule, the material is applied to the walls in 2-3 layers.

To make it clearer how to paint a wall to look like concrete, you should study the instructions:

Knowing how to paint the walls in an apartment and using the instructions provided, you can safely do the work on your own, significantly saving money.

Concrete walls rarely remain in their original form in the interior. External concrete elements require additional coating to avoid premature destruction. A simple and cost-effective way is.

Coating concrete elements with paint is a step-by-step preparation of the surface using means that allow long-term preservation of the integrity of both the concrete slab and the finishing coating. When choosing paint, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances related to the purpose of the room and the functionality of the surface to be painted.


The first stage of preparing concrete structures for painting is the use of sealant. Special composition, intended for concrete, is applied in one layer and dries within 24 hours. The sealant allows you to create a barrier against the penetration of mold microbes.

The next stage of the work process is priming. Primers for concrete have light shade, necessary for subsequent verification that the entire surface is covered evenly. If not, the primer is reapplied, drying each layer for 24 hours.

To determine whether a concrete surface is ready for painting, it is necessary to conduct a moisture test: a piece of polyethylene measuring 1 m2 is tightly glued to the concrete with adhesive tape and left overnight. If condensation has settled on the film in the morning (light “perspiration” or drops), then the concrete has not yet dried out enough and it is better to postpone finishing work for a while.

There are special impregnations for concrete that perform a dust-removing function (protecting against abrasion and crumbling), which are usually used on concrete floors.

If there are cracks

It is better to repair any surface imperfections in the form of cracks, chips, drop-shaped recesses with a special repair solution (cement, putty) using a trowel or spatula.

This will allow subsequent layers to lie evenly and extend the durability of the coating.

After using the mixture to seal cracks, it is necessary to go over the surface with sandpaper to remove excess roughness.

Without finishing

Before applying paint, the concrete surface should be washed from dirt and dust, which shorten the service life of any paint coating. You can clean the concrete with a soapy solution using a rag or a coarse brush in case of severe contamination.

On concrete, if there is no protective coating, rust will form over time, which should also be removed before painting.

Copper sulfate solution copes well with rusty deposits.

If the affected area is too large, it is necessary to treat it with rosin varnish.

With finishing

There are three main ways to remove old finishes from a concrete surface:

  1. sandblasting - requiring skill and time for subsequent drying;
  2. alkali solution - necessary to remove old paint;
  3. using a spatula is a mechanical method of scraping a layer, time-consuming, but giving an easily controlled result.

If the concrete wall is covered with dirt or soot, then the right solution would be to use a solution of soda ash to wash the contaminated surface.

Interior and exterior work: differences

There are two differences between painting interior and exterior concrete.

  • Surface temperature. Concrete located indoors is little susceptible to temperature changes, and when applying paint from the outside, two conditions must be strictly observed: surface temperature - above 5 ° C; concrete should not be overheated by direct sunlight.
  • Working hours. If work inside is carried out according to the general repair schedule, then for painting external surfaces it is necessary to select a time of day when the appearance of morning or evening dew is reduced to zero.

When applying paint to external concrete surfaces, it is necessary to choose suitable weather - cloudy, but without rain.

Painting walls inside: features

Can be applied directly to the primer or to previously putty walls.

The choice of putty depends on the general humidity of the room: in a dry, heated place it is recommended to use gypsum solutions, in humid places - cement-based mixtures.

How to paint without putty

Painting concrete without applying a layer of plaster preserves the structure of the coating visible.

In interiors, concrete surfaces are used to emphasize coldness and masculinity. general style rooms, therefore, as a rule, paint in shades of gray and sand is chosen.

Is it possible to paint without plaster?

Painting without prior puttying is possible; it is important to choose the right compositions for impregnation and primer, because they will fix the layers of paint applied to the concrete wall.

Painting in an apartment without preparation

There are modern coloring compositions that do not require the application of a base. They are not so durable, but they allow you to easily change the situation. The peculiarity of using “all-in-one” paint is the need to refill it in the sprayer.

What type of finish should be used for painting on concrete walls?

Concrete allows you to create a finishing layer of plaster that can imitate brickwork, 3D drawings, frescoes, partial finishing required by the interior design. In such cases, the paint is applied after the wall texture has completely dried, usually with a thin brush, for the best resemblance to the original.

How to paint without leveling

When painting walls, a problem often arises - the unevenness of the wall violates the integrity of the coating, which subsequently leads to cracking of the paint. This misunderstanding can be easily corrected correct selection building materials:

  • paint roller - must be marked as a tool “for uneven walls”;
  • paint - you should choose a textured one that imitates waves, strokes, wood structure, etc.

Choosing paint indoors

A range of modern construction and finishing materials It only increases every season, so best recommendations will be given by store consultants, taking into account the area of ​​the premises, purpose and interior requests of the client. , selected for covering concrete, must not only have appropriate markings, but also contain detailed instructions by application.

Three types of paints are most commonly used.

  1. Epoxy. It is wear resistant. It has a rich color and protects walls from moisture. Painting work should be carried out in rooms with good ventilation. Over time, cracks may appear.
  2. Acrylic. It is economical in consumption; sometimes one layer is enough. Environmentally friendly. Dries quickly and is resistant to moisture. The only negative is the short service life.
  3. Glossy. An environmentally friendly product, but at the same time sensitive to mechanical damage.

If it is necessary to combat mold and mildew, any type of paint is suitable - the main thing is that the composition contains antibacterial components, as evidenced by special marks on the label.

Painting concrete surfaces is not difficult for either beginners or experienced finishers. When painting, it is important to wait patiently until each layer of coating dries, then the result will be uniform and durable.

Useful video

Before painting a concrete wall, it is not at all necessary to acquire serious professional skills in carrying out repair work. You can cope with the task yourself if you use the advice and follow the instructions. Painting walls is one of the most budget options finishing, and the ability to do without the services of professionals cuts costs by about half.

Material selection

It is not difficult to choose paint for concrete walls, although the choice of finishing materials today is very large. You should be guided by the conditions under which the future coating will be used. According to their technical characteristics, compositions for interior works very different from those used to paint facades. Let's consider the options.

Oil paints

Oil-based materials are widely used for exterior finishing of concrete walls. Interior work is usually carried out using other compounds that are less toxic and do not have such a harsh unpleasant odor, but if desired, you can use oil or alkyd paints. Pros:

  • very low cost,
  • high resistance to moisture and other atmospheric phenomena,
  • coating strength,
  • easy to maintain (easy to clean, not afraid of cleaning agents).

There are also disadvantages. In addition to the corrosive odor, one can note a long drying time (at least a day), low elasticity (the coating cracks when the wall shrinks), color instability (the drying oil in the composition turns yellow over time).

Water based paints

Aqueous emulsions and dispersions are suitable for painting concrete walls. These materials contain practically no toxic components. Water emulsion is usually used for internal finishing works oh, and some types of water-dispersion paint are produced specifically for coating facades. The purpose of the composition is always indicated on the label. Pros:

  • ease of use,
  • no smell,
  • short drying time (several hours),
  • environmental friendliness,
  • possibility of independent tinting.

The cost of these materials is higher than their oil-based counterparts, but still quite affordable.

Acrylic paints

Material used for different types finishing works, including painting concrete walls inside and out. Manufacturers of high-quality acrylic paints always make marks on the packaging, such as: “for facades”, “for ceilings” or “for walls”. When choosing, pay attention to these clarifications. Such paints are also used for artistic painting of walls and fences. Advantages:

  • environmental friendliness,
  • resistance to mechanical stress,
  • vapor permeability,
  • color stability,
  • possibility of obtaining any shade,
  • elasticity of the coating.

These paints cannot be called cheap, but the price-quality ratio has made them very popular in the finishing materials market.

Silicate paints

Liquid glass is used as a base in the production of coloring agents. The resulting coating is extremely durable, which makes it possible to use silicate paints when finishing concrete facades. Pros:

  • resistance to chemical attack (reagents, acid rain),
  • color stability,
  • fire resistance,
  • biological resistance (prevents the appearance of mold and other microorganisms).

It should be noted that such a coating is not only resistant to abrasion, it is almost impossible to wash off. The protective properties are very high. The composition contains toxic components, so when working with silicate paint it is important to protect your respiratory system.

For exterior finishing Rubber paint for concrete is suitable; Epoxy-based material is often used to coat concrete floors; it is not afraid of temperature changes and other weather phenomena. Fire-resistant paints will protect concrete walls from destruction in the event of a sudden fire, and textured or textured paints will be useful for original decorative finishing premises.

Working with the surface

When planning to paint a concrete wall, determine whether the surface needs restoration or regular leveling. A damaged and cracked wall will have to be repaired in any case, but a new and smooth one can be painted, after only priming, if you like the roughness characteristic of a concrete slab.

Attention: a new concrete wall can be painted no earlier than a month after its construction.

Preparatory stage

Let's consider the most time-consuming option. Let’s assume that the wall is no longer “new”; it has old coating, cracks, chips and other damage. Here are instructions that will help you prepare a concrete wall for painting yourself.


A layer of old paint must be removed, especially if it is already worn out, peeling in places or swollen. Use a spatula, scraper or chisel. With these tools you can effectively clean a small area.

If the plane is huge (or there are several walls), use electrical appliances. A grinder or drill with an attachment in the form of a hard iron brush, abrasive wheel, crown or chain will speed up and facilitate the process of cleaning the wall from the old coating. Get ready for an abundance of construction dust and debris; don’t forget a protective mask and goggles.

Remove paint from concrete using construction hair dryer, is very time-consuming, since it is difficult to heat a slab of this material to the desired temperature.

Special paint removers (washes) work effectively. To remove oil-based dyes, alkyd or nitrocellulose compounds, use a liquid based on an organic solvent. And an alkaline remover will do an excellent job with an old layer of aqueous emulsion or dispersion. Any type of product has bad smell and components that are harmful to health, so the respiratory organs will have to be protected.

Sandblasting machines remove well old paint from the surface, but not everyone has such a device on their household.

When the surface is cleared of paint, it should be inspected for mold, efflorescence or grease stains. Solutions with antiseptics, hot soapy water, soda ash and copper sulfate(concentration 15%). The wall must be carefully treated and dried.

Primer and leveling

Any finishing composition can be applied to a concrete wall only after it has completely dried. You can check the humidity level using a piece of plastic film taped around the perimeter to the surface. If after a day condensation has accumulated under it, it means that the humidity is high, and you will have to wait some more time.

Now it's time to apply fluate (a solution of salts and acids); This product is indispensable for concrete walls; it penetrates deep into the structure of the material, strengthening it from the inside.

Next, the surface is leveled using starting putty. Use a spatula and floats. When the material is completely dry (see instructions on the package), the wall is treated with sandpaper. The finishing putty is applied to make the surface perfectly smooth. Final sanding is carried out using fine-grain sandpaper.

The primer mixture is applied to a clean and smooth wall. Choose a solution that contains an antiseptic. Also consider the type of paint for the upcoming finishing; the primer must match it (even better to purchase products from the same manufacturer).

Apply the liquid using a paint roller or wide brush. It's good if you put it in two or three layers, letting each of them dry. The primer is necessary to create strong adhesion of the paint to the surface and protect the wall from mold. In addition, this action can significantly reduce the consumption of coloring material.

Preparing the surface for further painting


Mix the paint thoroughly until the product is homogeneous. Use a construction mixer or drill with an appropriate attachment. To work you will need the following tools:

  • paint roller and brushes,
  • paint tray
  • paper adhesive tape.

Cover baseboards, door frames and window frames with masking tape and mark the boundaries of the area to be painted. Start with areas that are difficult for the roller to reach: corners, joints with the ceiling, surfaces around electrical outlets and switches. Apply them with a brush.

Now pour the paint into the ditch and saturate the roller coat with the composition. Start applying the material to the wall from top to bottom, rolling the tool in different directions (up-down, right-left) alternately. In this way, paint square by square.

Allow the first coat to dry thoroughly before applying the second coat. Two layers are usually enough to obtain a high-quality and presentable-looking coating.

If you are faced with a task, then you better read a separate article on this topic.

Concrete is a durable material intended for solid structures, which include load-bearing walls, beams, floor slabs, reinforcing belts, columnar and strip foundations. In most cases, concrete structures protect against negative impacts environment, which can safely include the most destructive – high humidity.

To impart decorative and protective functions, concrete elements are often coated with various paints and impregnations intended for these purposes. Painting concrete surfaces has its own specifics, after studying which you can easily do the job yourself. You will learn how and what paint to paint concrete walls by reading our article.

Before you begin directly painting the concrete surface, it must be prepared. For this purpose you will need certain tools and materials.

Necessary tools and materials

So, let’s look at what tools you will need to carry out the work of preparing and subsequently painting concrete walls:

  • leveling layer of putty 400–500 mm;
  • A drill with a mixer-type attachment for mixing putty and a separate mixer for paint;
  • and primers;
  • Medium-sized brushes for painting hard-to-reach places and applying primer;
  • Painting plastic tray;
  • Container for washing tools;
  • Container for mixing putty;
  • Grinding machine for or regular block;
  • Sandpaper with grit No. 50–60 for rough and No. 80–100 for final sanding of the surface;
  • Stepladder of sufficient height;
  • Protective equipment (goggles, gloves and appropriate clothing).

Materials required for work

Now that we've sorted out the tools, let's decide on the materials:

  • Gypsum putty, better in dry form (more economical);
  • Soil solution for surface pre-treatment;
  • Dye;
  • Masking tape.

Typically, acrylic and latex-based paints are used for interior work. In some cases, glossy paints and varnishes are used, but it should be noted that this type of coating is highly susceptible to mechanical stress.

Acrylic and latex paints are best suited for decorating pre-prepared concrete surfaces, particularly cleaned, primed and puttied surfaces.

In some cases, a concrete surface has to be painted without preliminary primer and putty; in this case, it is better to use acrylic or oil-based compositions (as they are more economical).

NOTE: Oil compositions are less resistant to mechanical and atmospheric influences than acrylic. And it is not recommended to use oil-based compounds for external work.

Preparing the working surface of the wall

To carry out all preparation and painting work, it is necessary that the humidity of the concrete wall is normal. You can determine the degree of moisture content of the base by the easy way. To do this, just glue a small piece of about 20x20 cm of plastic film to the wall surface using masking tape and leave it for a day.

After time, if the surface is very wet, then on the film with inside droplets of condensation form. In this case, it is advisable to wait until the concrete base has completely dried. If the humidity is normal, then you can safely start working.

How to remove paint from a concrete wall? If there is an old layer of paint on the surface of the wall, it must be removed, preferably completely. If this fails in the usual way, then you can use a hair dryer with a metal scraper.

In case this cannot be done, for some reason, then there is another way, namely: we take a grinding machine with a coarse sandpaper attachment and carefully grind the layer to a rough, rough state. After this procedure, the sanded layer is covered with a layer of primer.

From a concrete wall you need any in an accessible way remove all serious roughness, protrusions and pits. Small protrusions can be easily knocked off with a regular hammer and chisel. You can also use an angle grinder with a universal wheel designed for concrete.

The holes can be leveled with plaster cement-sand or gypsum mortars.

It is imperative to remove all traces of soot, rust, dirt, and dust from a concrete wall. In particular difficult cases If the surface is strongly deviated from the vertical level, it is advisable to level the concrete wall using beacons or by hand using plaster mortars.

A prerequisite after carrying out the above work is to treat the base with special primer solutions that strengthen it. Quite often, acrylic primers or those based on quartz sand are used for these purposes as they are more effective and specially designed for complex non-hygroscopic surfaces, such as concrete.

Leveling the base (putty)

For leveling, regular dry gypsum-based putty is suitable.

TIP: There is no need at all to purchase foreign materials, the price for them is usually higher, unlike the Russian manufacturer, and sometimes the quality is lower!

Usually the surface is puttied in two layers; the first one smooths out rough unevenness, the second one completely smoothes it out.

After applying the first leveling layer of putty, it must be dried and sanded with coarse sandpaper No. 50–60.

Apply the second layer in a thin layer and completely smooth out even small unevenness of the concrete wall. Sand the layer thoroughly, but with a no. 80–100 nozzle.

Remove all dust and debris after work.

Having completed the above operations, you can relax a little, since almost everything is ready before the next painting.

The final stage is painting

Painting a concrete wall will be done efficiently only if materials suitable for this purpose are used!

To paint, you will need to complete the following steps:

  • Apply masking tape to all unprotected areas of the ceiling and floor.
  • Remove any dust left over from the wall after sanding the putty with a damp cloth.
  • Open the can of paint and pour it into a clean container if necessary.
  • Take a drill with a mixer attachment and thoroughly mix the composition at low speeds of the power tool.
  • Pour a small amount of paint into the tray.
  • Take a brush or roller with a telescopic handle (for convenience).
  • Dip the roller or brush a little into the mixture and roll over the tray to remove excess material.
  • Apply the paint, evenly trying to cover all previously painted borders.

Remember that there should be no streaks or streaks left after the work is completed! Otherwise, the problem areas need to be rolled again.

NOTE: It is very easy to perform such work using an electric spray gun, but the material consumption in this case will be slightly higher. Read how to paint concrete walls with this tool in a separate article.


Now you know how to paint a concrete wall, as you can see, there is nothing complicated in this seemingly difficult task, and if the technology and instructions are followed, then it is quite possible to do all the work yourself.

Happy renovation!

Only experienced builders and repairmen never experience difficulties in choosing paint for painting certain surfaces. But the average person, studying the range of paints and paints, gets lost in the variety offered and does not know what to choose to achieve their goals. This is why review articles are becoming popular to help understand such issues. This material will discuss the choice of paint for painting walls on concrete.

Requirements for paints for concrete

Concrete is very rarely used as interior decoration. Its use is appropriate only when implementing the loft style. It values ​​the initial decorativeness of the base, but concrete walls still need painting. And here's why. What is concrete? This is a monolithic slab made from a cement-sand mixture. After complete hardening, the surface of the slab becomes porous, and this is clearly visible in the photo. This structure is unstable, the front layer often cracks. Concrete absorbs moisture from the air well. She is his main enemy.

That is why concrete surfaces indoors must be painted. The paint will protect the room from dust, which always forms during the operation of the described finish. Paint also helps prevent concrete from spraying.

Concrete is often used as exterior finishing. Builders love him because he has excellent technical characteristics. Let's denote the main ones:

  1. High strength.
  2. Good resistance to mechanical stress.
  3. Good vapor permeability.
  4. Moisture resistance.
  5. Corrosion resistance.
  6. Impact resistance sun rays.

Despite such an impressive list of operational advantages, appearance The concrete surface leaves much to be desired. That is why some people prefer to use paints and varnishes to decorate the surfaces described.

Not every paint is suitable for painting concrete walls. They have a rather characteristic rough structure that does not absorb some paints and varnishes well. Compositions for concrete must have the following technical characteristics.

  1. Concrete is a material that absorbs moisture well; through its pores it is able to penetrate deeply into the structure of the base and trigger slow processes of destruction. The purpose of the paint is to create some barrier and protect the concrete surface. Therefore, moisture resistance is the first characteristic that the right concrete paint should have.
  2. When choosing exterior finishes, preference should always be given to fireproof compounds, those paints that do not themselves ignite when exposed to open fire.
  3. Due to the specific structure of concrete, it is important to choose compounds that have high adhesion to the material being described. The higher this property, the longer the paint will last on the concrete surface. With low adhesion rates, paints on concrete quickly begin to crack, peel and peel.
  4. Since concrete facades are constantly exposed to sunlight day after day, concrete paint must be UV resistant. Otherwise, the finish will quickly fade in the sun and become faded.
  5. Since concrete facades all year round are exposed to seasonal weather changes, it is better to choose compounds that are not afraid of temperature fluctuations. If the paint is not resistant to frost below -40, or heat above +40, you do not need to buy it for painting concrete. Otherwise, the surface will quickly lose its attractive appearance; repaint concrete base quite difficult.
  6. Concrete is a material that can “breathe”. This means that the coating must be selected in a way that will support this function. If you ignore this circumstance, wet condensation will begin to accumulate on the surface of the concrete, which can deteriorate the quality of the base of the facades. It is important to purchase vapor-permeable compounds with zero moisture absorption for these purposes.
  7. Every day, the façade of any concrete building can be subject to mechanical stress from the outside. Therefore, it is important to choose formulations that can withstand such provoking factors.
  8. And lastly, any facade paint must have a certain resistance to various types of contamination. The denser the paint composition, the easier it will be to care for an already painted concrete surface.

Pay attention! New generation concrete paints contain substances that have antibacterial effects. They prevent the development of fungus and mold.

What materials can satisfy all the stated purposes? The answer must be sought, taking into account the specific location of the concrete walls relative to the street.
List of types of concrete compositions

Suitable for painting concrete walls:

  • Acrylic paints.
  • Alkyd enamels.
  • Silicate compounds.

It will help to understand what is better comparative analysis advantages and disadvantages of each choice.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic paints are actively used for finishing concrete walls indoors and outdoors. There are two types of acrylic paints on sale: water-based and organic basis. So, if there is a need to paint interior walls made of concrete, it is better to give preference to water-based acrylic paints. They have the necessary characteristics and dry quickly. Organic-based paints have a pungent odor and take a long time to dry, but they allow you to create a strong and durable coating. So here it is acrylic paints on an organic basis it is better to choose for coloring facade concrete.

Alkyd enamels

Alkyd enamels are another option for materials that can be used to paint concrete. They are created on the basis of mineral chips, the connecting link is alkyd resins. When such ingredients are mixed, a material is obtained, which then polymerizes in air after being applied to the surface, forming a very smooth coating with high elastic properties and high adhesion.

Alkyd enamels allow you to get quite durable coating, over time it will not crack or peel. But such materials have a strong odor and take a long time to dry. Therefore, alkyd resins are most often used for painting facades. Experts do not recommend painting concrete walls inside rooms with similar paints.

Pay attention! Alkyd enamels are divided into three large groups: glossy, semi-matte and matte. A layer of paint on concrete created using smooth enamels lasts three times longer than a layer on concrete created using matte enamels.

Silicate compounds

Silicate compositions are most suitable for painting concrete walls. They allow you to create quite durable protective coating, which is not afraid of water, while allowing the concrete wall to breathe. Silicate coatings do not fade in the sun, and they do not crack due to constant temperature changes. Excellent resistance to open fire.

Bacteria do not multiply on concrete painted with silicate paints, which means that mold colonies will settle on it. That is why it is best to paint concrete walls in the basement with similar paints. Silicate paints are made on a glass basis, thanks to which the compositions have a transparent texture.

Such compositions have one drawback - low coverage. It increases material consumption when painting concrete walls. Another disadvantage of using silicate compounds is low resistance to mechanical stress. Any strong impact on a painted concrete wall can lead to cracking of the coating created by the paints.

Pay attention! Silicate paints intended for painting concrete walls contain active chemical reagents, so when working with them it is important to wear protection: clothing, gloves and a mask.

Silicate bases are sold in a package containing two components: crushed glass and a dry mixture of pigments. When using, both components must be mixed as described in detail in the proposed instructions. Proportions must not be violated. At proper preparation paints quickly begin to thicken, so it is necessary to paint concrete walls with a similar composition immediately. If you don’t want to mix silicate paint yourself, you can buy ready-made diluted compounds. They cost a third more and have an extended service life. It is indicated on the packaging.

New generation compounds

Manufacturers spend money on developing new formulas that make it possible to create materials that do not have the disadvantages of already promoted products. This is how silicone emulsion paints were born, which can also be used for painting concrete walls. They combine the advantages of acrylic compounds and silicone compounds. With their help, a film is created on the surface of concrete walls, the texture of which resembles the texture of pressed quartz sand. The coating is durable, elastic, and breathable. The compositions are non-aggressive, so you can work with them without protective clothing.


Familiarity with the characteristics of paint materials that can be used to paint concrete walls allows you to understand when and how to use one or another composition.

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