Game-entertainment “Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik”. Educational game for older preschoolers in additional education

The goal is to consolidate children’s knowledge and skills in the development of cognitive processes.


1. consolidate the skill in the development of cognitive activity, logical thinking, imagination in children;

2. develop children’s ability to answer logical questions and solve logical problems;

3. develop spatial orientation and eye;

4. develop intelligence, attention, creativity, imagination.

5. cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and children in the team.

Equipment. Tray (yellow, red, blue), a laptop, a seven-flower flower with tasks, a bag with objects, 3 ladders of 7 steps, forms for the jury, cards with tasks, certificates, a bag of cones, 3 baskets.

Main part.

Hello guys! Today you and I are not having an ordinary meeting. Today we are setting off on an exciting journey in which you will have to compete with each other. Let's split into 3 teams. I have the primary colors on my tray. What colors are these? Who knows? (Yellow, red, blue). Now, in turn, each class will choose a token of a certain color, and we will find out who is on which team. 1st grade comes and chooses. 2nd grade comes, chooses, etc.

The teams are given the names “Yellow”, “Red”, “Blue”. The teams are divided and seated at tables. The teacher reads a poem.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led.

What magical flower are we talking about? (Tsvetik Semitsvetik)

What was the name of the girl who had this flower? (Zhenya)

And who gave it to her? (old lady passing by)

How many petals does it have? (7)


Guys, on each of these petals there is a task for you, and if you complete them, you will climb up the stairs. We have three ladders, so whose team completes the tasks faster, more friendly and more correctly, will rise ahead of everyone else. And your favorite teachers will evaluate you

Are you ready? We're starting!

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led.

1. Petal . The teacher tears off the petal and says: “Tell the children to find the difference in the pictures.” Children are given the same pictures. You must find the differences in 1 minute. As soon as you complete it, immediately give your pictures to the jury for verification. (3 pictures, 3 pencils, stopwatch)

The jury checks and the team that wins the competition rises one step higher.

Well done! Don't despair, we have 6 more competitions ahead.

The teacher casts a spell

2 Petal . The teacher tears off a petal and says: “Order that not a single cone remains in the clearing.” A game of dexterity and speed of teams.

The team captain stands in the center with a basket in his hands. The goal of the other guys is to quickly collect the cones from the floor and put them in their team's basket. Who's faster?

The jury counts who has how many cones in the basket.

Well done! Let's continue. Be extremely careful!

The teacher casts a spell

3 Petal . The teacher tears off the petal and says: “Order that the logical series be completed.” The team captain is given a piece of paper with the task “Continue the logical series.” For example: Complete the drawing geometric shapes. As soon as you complete it, immediately give your cards to the jury for verification.

Well done! Let's continue!

The teacher casts a spell

4 Petal . The teacher tears off the petal and says: “Order that all my riddles be answered.” Guys, do you like to solve riddles? Who reads and knows fairy tales? For each riddle solved, 1 point is awarded to whoever gets the most.

Riddles from fairy tales.

1. As a child, everyone laughed at him,

They tried to push him away:

After all, no one knew that he

Born a white swan. (Ugly duckling)

2. She was an artist

Beautiful as a star

From the evil Karabas

Escaped forever. (Malvina)

3. While eating rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya)

4. Sweet apples aroma

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s light all around, like during the day. (Firebird)

5. He is a robber, he is a villain,

He scared people with his whistle. (Nightingale the Robber)

6. He was born in Italy,

He was proud of his family.

He's not just a bow boy,

He's reliable true friend. (Cipollino)

7. Above my simple question

You won't spend much effort.

Who is the boy with the long nose?

Did you make it out of logs? (Papa Carlo)

8. She is the most important mystery of all,

Even though she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents. (Mouse)

9. The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears! (Snow Maiden)

10. The swamp is her home.

Vodyanoy comes to visit her. (Kikimora)

Well done! Let's count the points. Let's continue!

The teacher casts a spell

5 Petal . The teacher tears off the petal and says: “Order that all the secrets of the bag be unraveled.” Come to me, three people from each team, handy tricksters. Children take turns putting their hand into the bag and guessing what is in it. For each correct answer 1 point.

The teacher casts a spell

6 Petal . The teacher tears off the petal and says: “Tell everyone to guess the crossword puzzle.”Crossword puzzle diagram drawn. The teacher offers the children a crossword puzzle (five words in total, consisting of four letters, of which the last two letters are included - ST, bridge, leaf, bush, stork).

Well done! And the last petal.

The teacher casts a spell

7 Petal . The teacher tears off the petal and says: “Tell the children to name all the words that begin with the letter C.” For each word 1 point.

The jury sums up the results. Children stand in a circle and shake hands around the circle, saying thank you for playing.

The jury awards diplomas to the teams: winners and participants.































Materials: thick cardboard; colored cardboard (red, blue, yellow, green, purple, white, orange, gray, brown); colored paper (yellow, green, pink, white); screw; stapler; glue; scissors.

Execution sequence:

1. Cut out two circles with a diameter of 10 cm from thick cardboard.
2. From colored paper yellow I cut out the same circle and glued it onto one circle of thick cardboard.
3. I fastened the circles together with a screw, leaving a small space between them for the petals;
4. I cut out 7 oval-shaped petals from colored cardboard;
5. I cut out pockets for insert pictures from white paper and stapled them to the petals; From the remaining colored cardboard I cut out the silhouettes of a compote jar, a jam jar and a tureen (you can make any other silhouettes). I cut out the lids for them from colored paper.

Problems that the Tsvetik-Semitsvetik manual helps solve

The use of this developmental aid helps to enrich children's vocabulary and activate speech; teach how to coordinate a noun with an adjective, how to construct a phrase correctly; act independently; develop children's thinking; clarify and consolidate the idea of ​​the characteristic features of the seasons.

Option for using the “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” manual

The manual can be used both with a group of children up to 7 people (according to the number of petals), and individually with one child. Age from 2 to 7 years.

1. Didactic game“Collect “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”

For children 2-3 years old, the task is given to assemble “Flower-Seven Flowers”. For them paste into small hole petals are a lot of work.

2. Didactic game “Collect “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” and insert utensils (clothes, toys, vegetables, etc.)”

For children 4 years old. You need to collect the “Flower-Seven Flowers”, and then put pictures in your pockets that show:
- utensils (or clothing);
-animals (or birds);
- toys (or vegetables);
-fruits (or flowers), etc.
Children name the objects depicted and the word that summarizes them, for example vegetables.
This game can be used as the final part of a lesson or as individual work with children.

3. Didactic game “Which one?” which? Which?"

A game for older children from 5 to 7 years old. Before the game starts, children (7 people) are given pictures. The “seven-flowered flower” has been assembled. Each child sits opposite a petal. The teacher places in the middle of the “Flower” a silhouette of a jar for compote (for jam, a tureen)


- Who has what compote? Name it and insert the picture into the pocket! (children’s answers depend on what pictures the teacher handed out: cherry, apple, pineapple, etc.)
- Who likes jam? (children name: raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, etc. and each insert their own picture into a pocket)
- What kind of soup did mom make? (mushroom, pea, vegetable, etc., children insert the corresponding picture into the pockets)

4. Didactic game “Seasons”

For children 5-7 years old. In the middle of the “Flower” the teacher puts a picture of winter (spring, summer, autumn). Children are given picture cards (subject and plot) related to a particular time of year. Children must insert into their pockets the pictures that correspond to the one the teacher put in the middle of “The Seven-Colored Flower.”

Class hour for 1st grade “School of Politeness”

Goals: introduce ethical standards of behavior; give an idea of ​​polite communication; form the habit of using polite words.

Equipment: the song “Smile”, a seven-flowered flower, tips and reminders for each student, signs with “polite” words.

Class progress

The song “Smile” is playing. Let's sing it all together.

Teacher's opening speech

Teacher. Why do you think we started with the song?

(Children's statements are listened to.)

And when such a song does not sound, do we remember that we must always treat another person attentively, cordially, kindly?

Students. Not always.

Teacher. What do we call a person who never forgets about this, and therefore everyone feels at ease and pleasant with him?

Students. Such a person can be called well-mannered.

Teacher. That's right, polite, well-mannered. Today we will talk about politeness. After all, this is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person.

Politeness at school begins

To never end.

It gets stronger over the years

And remains with the person forever.

Teacher. Until the 16th century, “vezha” meant “expert”, one who knows the rules of decency, generally accepted forms of expressing good attitude towards people. Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you.

Let's try to determine what kind of experts you are in the rules of politeness. To do this, let's play the game “Polite-impolite.” If polite, clap twice, if impolite, clap once.

Say hello when you meet -

Pushing and not apologizing -

Help me up, help me up

fallen things -

Do not stand up while addressing the teacher -

Get tickets on the bus -

Do not give up your seat in transport -

Not to notice mom's dissatisfaction -

Teacher. Do you always use “magic” words when communicating with people? Name such “magic” words. (Children take turns calling, the teacher hangs up signs with “polite” words.)

Game “Say the Word”

These words are short

They can be heard everywhere in the morning.

They live in the white world.

It's high time to remember them.

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... (thank you).

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears:... (good afternoon).

If you can't eat anymore

We'll tell mom... (thank you).

The boy is polite and developed

He says when meeting:... (hello).

When we are scolded for our pranks,

We say:... (excuse me, please).

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye... (goodbye).

You need to know how twice is two

All the magic words

Perhaps up to a hundred times a day

I say... (please).

Comrades! Keep repeating

In the morning according to the dictionary:

Thank you, sorry,

Allow me, allow me,

I thank you.


What is "hello"?

The best of words

Because "hello"

It means “be healthy.”

Remember the rule.

You know, say it again.

Speak this word to your elders first.

In the evening we parted

We met in the morning

So the word "hello"

It's time to talk.

Game "Polite Hide and Seek"

The driver is selected. His task is to recognize the speaker by his voice. The driver is blindfolded. One of the students says some polite word: “Hello,” “Good evening,” “All the best,” etc. The driver’s task is to recognize the student by his voice.

Teacher. Let's try to check whether it is true that there are magic words. And for this we will play another game called “Magic Flower of Seven Flowers.”

Game "Magic Flower of Seven Flowers"

The teacher takes a homemade flower - a daisy and explains the conditions of the game: the “wizard” tears off a petal and, pretending to throw it, gives it to someone at will with the words from a famous fairy tale:

Fly, fly, petal

Through the West - to the East,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground

You can prepare several flowers in advance.

So that the children do not wander away from the topic, the teacher starts the game himself, giving himself such a task. He can tell the first player in the ear what words it is better to say to one or another student. For example: “Sorry, Petya, I accidentally pushed you today, please forgive me”; “Katya, I was wrong that I didn’t give you pencils today. Don’t be angry with me, I’ll definitely share it with you next time.”

Teacher. Have you noticed how the “magic” words are pronounced?

Students. Politely, with a smile.

Teacher. Why is a smile so beautiful? spoken word, phrase?

Let's agree with you guys that we will always give only kind words and a smile. Then everyone will be in a good mood.

Attention game "Please"

Here are the conditions of the game: at my request, you carry out certain commands. How should I ask you for this? Of course, politely. What polite words can I say? Let's agree on important condition: If I don’t say the magic word, then you don’t carry out the command. (The teacher offers a variety of commands during the game.)

Teacher. Now let's have a competition for the most polite one.

Competition "The most polite"

So, the problems are not about addition,

Problems on the rules of respect!

(You can suggest discussing situations in groups.)

1. The boy shouted to a passerby: “What time is it?” and made 3 mistakes, name them. (You cannot shout, you must speak calmly. You must turn to the passerby, apologizing for disturbing him, and use polite words: “Excuse me, please, could you tell me what time it is?”)

2. Two boys collided at the door. They just can't separate. Which of them should give way if one is 8 years old and the other is 11? (The one who is more polite gives way.)

Teacher. Guys! Sometimes during a break you start a game, but gradually, getting excited, you begin to fight. An innocent struggle often turns into a fight.

The game in the yard begins again,

They don’t want to take the boy into the game.

Remember, you bully brawler,

That this is a game, not a fight!

Good thing football and hockey,

They turn neighbors into friends

And in games with friends we ourselves

Must remain friends.

Long live politeness and kindness,

Long live kind faces!

And let the one who is angry be ashamed!

A happy time will come, friends.

Wonderful days will come -

The guys will be friendly with everyone,

They will stop being rude.

There will be no nasty boys,

The golden years will come

And to a clean room in dirty shoes

They will never enter.

A fresh wind will blow,

The violets will bloom.

All the ignorant will disappear,

They will be lost forever.

The violets will bloom,

Spring will come in winter,

And in the school locker room

There will be silence.

Let the rudeness disappear

Will disappear forever

Let it be according to doctors' prescriptions

Appears in every, every pharmacy

A cure for rude children.

The child was spinning in his chair

He made noise and pestered everyone,

He was prescribed pills

He accepted and became polite.

Children will not be rude

They won't bite their nails.

And there will be everything in the world

Love such children.

Memory tips from the magical flower - the seven-flowered flower

For you, friend, I composed

Ten very important rules.

These rules are simple

You will quickly remember them.

When you wake up, get up

Don't give in to laziness!

The dew washed the petal,

And soap will wash you!

Don't wait for encouragement

Go to school on time!

Before you slam the door,

Check if you took everything with you!

At school, in the classroom, don’t litter.

If you see rubbish, pick it up!

Respect the work of others.

If you make a mess, clean it up yourself!

Don't carry chalk in your pocket -

This, my dear, is not the point!

Be careful in your clothes:

Avoid both holes and stains!

Don't be rude to your loved ones at home;

Have pity on the kids, love them;

Know, good grades,

Like fruit in a garden on a branch;

So that they can be proud of you,

You must work hard!

A man without politeness

Believe me, it costs very little!

Be friendly

Modest and attentive!

(The reminder can be printed on flower petals and distributed to everyone.)

Teacher. What a great fellow you are! Now you can give yourself a real exam. Are you ready?

Exam for a polite person

This form is very interesting for first graders. She makes them feel like big, serious people. It’s good to write questions for the exam on cards or postcards, take turns pulling them out and answering the questions. You can come up with prizes or special cards or some signs. Whoever has the most prizes will be the one knowledgeable about the rules polite person. You can come up with medals, certificates, pennants, badges, etc. for awarding.

Sample exam questions

1. What to do before entering someone's house or apartment! (Knock or call.)

2. What words are spoken when meeting and saying goodbye?

3. Who should give up a seat to whom (at a party or in transport)?

4. Do I need to take off my hat when I come to visit, the theater, or the library?

5. If you ate candy, what will you do with the candy wrapper?

6. Why shouldn’t you pick flowers in the forest? Why can't you catch beetles and butterflies?

7. Can someone who offends animals be called polite?

8. Why for real polite person will never lie, brag, or offend his friends?

Summing up

Teacher. Let's repeat the words of politeness. I read you a story, and you insert the right word in unison. One day Vova went to the theater. On the tram he sat near the window and looked at the street with interest. A woman with a little boy got on the tram. Vova stood up and said to the woman: “Sit down... (children in chorus: “Please”). The woman was delighted and said to Vova:... (“Thank you.”) Suddenly the tram suddenly stopped. Vova almost fell and pushed a man hard. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova said:... (“Excuse me, please.”)

(The story can be continued at the teacher’s discretion.)

Additional material

In fairy tales fairy-tale heroes they also spoke magic words to perform this or that magic. Let each of you temporarily become a character in a guessed fairy tale and say the right words.

1. What words could be used to cook delicious sweet porridge in a pot? (“One, two, three, pot, cook!”)

2. What words did the pike tell Emelya to say when he released it back into the hole? (“At the behest of the pike, at my will.”)

3. What words did the fox Alice and the cat Basilio teach Pinocchio, claiming that they were magical? (“Cracks, fex, peke.”)

4. With what words could you call Sivka-Burka? (“Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!”)

5. In the book of the writer Valentina Oseeva there was a boy named Pavlik who learned the magic word. What was that word? ("Please".)

6. B oriental fairy tale“Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” were the magic words that could open the door to the cave. (“Sim-sim, open the door!”)

7. In the fairy tale of the writer V. Kataev “The Pipe and the Jug,” a magic pipe helped the girl Zhenya find strawberries on a forest lawn. What did you have to say for this? (“Fipe, play!”)

8. In another fairy tale by V. Kataev, the girl Zhenya was given a magical seven-flowered flower, each petal of which could fulfill any wish. What words should have been spoken? (“Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back after making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, be it in my opinion!”)

From the history of words

Thank you . Where did this word come from?

In ancient times, when they wanted to thank a person for a good Deed, they said to him:

God bless you!

God bless turned into a short thank you. You should never forget this word. There is even a proverb: “Don’t regret your thanks!”

And they also say

Mom asked her daughter to wash the dishes after herself.

The girl somehow rinsed the cup, but completely forgot about the saucer.

All? - Mom was surprised. - Well, thanks for that. And she began to wash it again.

Yes,” said the capricious girl, “I do everything for thanks.” At least they would give me some candy.

Thank you also means: little has been done, and sometimes poorly, for which you should not say “thank you.”

For thanks means: to do something for nothing, without reward. This is usually said with displeasure.

If by word or deed

Did anyone help you?

Don't be shy loudly, boldly

Say: “Thank you!”

Thank you . Where did this word come from? Gratitude was often expressed with the direct word “thank you!”

It consists of two parts - blessing and giving. Blago, or in the ancient language “bologo”, meant “good”, “good”, that is, everything that is good and serves our happiness. They wanted to bestow this goodness, or rather, to reward a person for his kind attitude. So we got the familiar word thank you.

And they also say

Grandmother! Do you want me to draw a mustache for you and you will become a grandfather?

No, thank you! - Grandma laughed.

In this case, thank you means refusal.

The cats called the sparrow,

They promised tea and crumbs.

He said: “Thank you!

I'm already full today.

I'll look at the claws

So I’m losing my appetite!”

Quest game “Flower of Seven Flowers” ​​for children 5–7 years old

Description of material: I offer you a summary of a quest game for older children preschool age"Flower - seven-flowered." This material may be of interest to teachers of senior and preparatory school groups. The game develops curiosity, a sense of collectivism, and cognitive interest in children.

Target: organizing exciting, useful leisure time for children.


development of the intellectual and creative potential of children;

develop the ability to act together in a group;

an opportunity to feel like the heroes of a book and feel the excitement of the game.

Target Audience: preschoolers 5 – 7 years old

The event takes place at all sites kindergarten.

Plot: An evil witch stole a seven-flowered flower from a fairy tale, and so that it could not fulfill wishes, she scattered the petals all over the place. The first team to collect all the petals and complete all the tasks will help return the flower to the fairy tale. And the children give the flower that the second team collects to the witch so that she will no longer steal the flower from the fairy tale and become kind.

Fairies are waiting for children at the stations and will give them tasks. For correctly completed tasks, children receive a petal.

2 teams of 7 people each play (the number of teams and the number of children in them can be any). Children travel to 7 stations and receive 1 petal at each station.

Children travel with waybill, which indicates the stations and the route of progress. Moving through the stations, members of team No. 1 will remember the direct count from 1 to 7, and team No. 2 will remember the reverse count from 7 to 1.

The route sheet is developed so that 2 teams do not meet at one station.

Station "Tsvetochnaya"

Attributes: table, flowers, 2 vases, 2 red petals.

There are flowers on the table: roses, asters, dahlias, chrysanthemums

Exercise:“Gather a bouquet” (red petal)

Fairy: guys, you need to collect a bouquet of three flowers, but I will give you a petal only if you name the flowers correctly.

(The collected bouquet, the children put it in a vase, the fairy gives the children a red petal)

Station "Sportivnaya"

Attributes: 2 orange petals

Task: “Do it, don’t make mistakes” (orange petal)

Fairy: guys, you need to accurately and clearly complete the following task:

At 1,2,3, line up behind the teacher in a column,

At the signal, run along the path to an obstacle course of arcs of varying heights, jump on 2 legs over each of them,

Run to the wheels, run like a snake between them,

Go to the wheels lying on the ground, jump from wheel to wheel,

Run up to me.

(After completing the task, the fairy gives the children an orange petal)

Station "Tsvetik - Semitsvetik"

Attributes: crayons in 7 colors of the rainbow (2 of each color), wet wipes, silhouettes of 2 colors drawn on the asphalt, 2 yellow petals.

Exercise: « Paint over the flower" (yellow petal)

Fairy: guys, you need to color the flower with all the colors of the rainbow. Here are the crayons, choose the colors you want and get started. Try not to go beyond the outline, paint evenly. For beautiful flower you will receive a petal.

(After completing the task, the fairy gives the children a yellow petal)

Station "Ogorod"

Attributes: 2 easels; 2 circles cut from whatman paper; table; pictures depicting vegetables (2 pieces each), berries, fruits; 2 green petals.

Task: “Vegetable dish” (green petal)

Fairy: guys, you need to prepare a vegetable dish, for this, each of you must take some vegetable from the table and place it on the easel, naming it.

(After completing the task, the fairy gives the children a green petal)

Station "Igrovoy"

Attributes: 2 large cubes, 2 blue petals.

Task “Along the path...” (blue petal)

Fairy: children, you must jump on one leg to the cube and back on the other leg, but first you need to line up in a column.

The next child starts moving after the one in front has completed the task.

(After completing the task, the fairy gives the children a blue petal)

Station "Rules of Conduct"

Attributes: 2 blue petals.

Assignment: “Name 7 rules of behavior in the forest” (blue petal)

Fairy: children, you know that there are rules that we must follow in the forest. Name 7 rules from them.

(After completing the task, the fairy gives the children a blue petal)

Bird Dining Station

Attributes: pictures of birds, 2 purple petals

Assignment: “Birds of our region” (purple petal)

Fairy: Name and show 7 birds that live in our forests.

(After completing the task, the fairy gives the children a purple petal)

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