The earth is flat proof arguments and facts. We are discussing the topic: is the shape of the Earth round or flat?

What is the actual shape of the Earth? Is the earth a flat circle or a sphere? Does the South Pole exist? Such questions have been asked for many years not only ordinary people, but also famous scientists and people. Accurate evidence that the Earth is not spherical, so people will look for evidence until the whole hidden truth prevails.

People have a lot of questions regarding the flat earth theory. People want to find the answer: Is the earth round or flat? In any case, the Flat Earth is round, not spherical. The earth, according to the evidence of flat earthers, is round and flat in the shape of a disk or saucer.

Wolves in sheep's clothing have covered our eyes with wool. For almost 500 years, the masses of people were completely deceived by the cosmic tale of astronomical dimensions. We have been taught lies on such a scale and so cruelly that we have become blind to our own experience and common sense to see the world and the universe as it is. With the help of pseudoscientific books and programs, the media and public education, universities and government propaganda, the world has been constantly brainwashed and slowly instilled over the centuries with absolute faith in the great lie of all times. “Geography textbooks teach children, when they are still too small to understand these things correctly, that the world is a huge ball revolving around the Sun. And this story is constantly repeated, year after year, until the children become adults, at which time they are so busy with other things that it no longer matters to them whether the teaching was true or false. And since they have not heard anyone refute this, they conclude that it must be true, and if not believe it, then at least accept it as a fact. Thus they tacitly assent to a theory which they would have rejected out of hand had it been originally presented to them during what we call the "years of prudence." The consequences of the devil's teaching, whether in religion or science, are much more disastrous than one might imagine, especially in a luxurious age of indulgence like ours. The mind becomes weak and consciousness becomes dry.”

Evidence for the flat earth theory

500 years ago, an elite group of Sun-worshipping cabals disseminated a nihilistic cosmology/cosmogony that the vast majority of the world unquestioningly believes in. We were taught, contrary to all common sense and experience, that clearly immobile, flat earth beneath our feet is actually a huge moving ball, spinning through space at more than 1,000 mph (1,609 km/h), rocking and tilting 23.5 degrees off its vertical axis while rotating around the sun at a blinding speed of 67,000 mph (107,826 km/h), interacting with the entire solar system spiraling around Milky Way at a speed of 500,000 miles per hour (804670 km/h), and rushing through the expanding Universe away from the "Big Bang" at an incredible speed of 670,000,000 miles per hour (1078257800 km/h). But you don’t feel or experience any of this! We were taught that the mysterious force called "gravity" is a magical magnetism responsible for keeping everything from falling and supporting the spinning globe, which is strong enough to keep people, oceans and the atmosphere so firmly on the surface, but so weak that it allows insects , it's easy for birds and planes to take off! “As we sit drinking our cup of tea or coffee, the world is supposedly spinning at great speed and there is not even a hint of ripple in our tea until you lightly tap the table with your finger and...!”

“I confess that I cannot imagine how any person in his right mind can believe that the Sun is motionless when he sees with his own eyes that it revolves around the heavens. But how can he believe that the Earth on which we stand rotates at the speed of lightning around the Sun when he does not feel the slightest movement?

We were taught that those tiny pinprick points of light in the night sky known as planets or wandering stars were actually physical, spherical, Earth-like abodes millions of miles away. We were even shown a video of supposedly one of these objects, called Mars. We were taught that the tiny pinprick points of light in the night sky known as the fixed stars were actually suns trillions of miles away, each with its own solar system, rotating moons, and planets like Earth that are a potential haven for alien life. We have been taught that the Moon has no light of its own, that its light is simply a reflection of the light of the Sun; that some Masons from NASA walked on the Moon, that some other Masons from NASA sent an all-terrain vehicle to Mars; that satellites and space stations constantly circle in a certain position, suspended above the Earth; What Hubble telescopes take pictures of distant planets, galaxies, stars, quasars, black holes, warm holes and other fantastic celestial phenomena. We have been taught that our ignorant ancient ancestors wrongly believed for millennia that the Earth was the flat, stationary center of the universe, but thanks to modern "science" and its Masonic prophets such as Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, Collins, Eldrin and Armstrong, we now believe that the world is a huge rotating ball, covered with land and seas, rushing through endless space.

We were taught that over millions and millions of random "evolutions" and a random Big Bang, the universe began to manifest suns, planets, then water, then somehow single-celled organisms arose from dead, inactive elements, they grew and multiplied, and mutated into big ones various organisms, which continued to grow and multiply and mutate, reaching diversity and becoming more complex (losing plausibility) to the point when amphibians came onto land, replaced gills with lungs, began to breathe air, developing into mammals, became bipedal, grew fingers, developed into monkeys, and then, by a stroke of luck, the man-ape hybrid was created, and the history of man began.

We were taught that it was the height of stupidity and naivety that our ignorant ancestors believed that the Earth was flat, and that if any person somehow still thinks that the Earth is the fixed center of the universe, then he must be the most primitive ignoramus. By now, the "Flat Earth" tag has become a literary synonym for "dorky" and a common cliché derogatory term for insulting someone's intelligence.

“I remember that when I was a little boy I was taught that the Earth was a large ball revolving at great speed around the Sun; and when I expressed to the teacher my fears that the water in the ocean might overflow, I was told that the waters are protected from this by Newton's Law of Gravity, which maintains everything in in the right place. I suggested that my face must have shown some signs of disbelief, and my teacher immediately added - I can show you direct evidence of this. A person can spin a bucket filled with water around his head without spilling it, and in the same way, oceans can revolve around the sun without losing a drop. This example was obviously given to exhaust the question, and then I replied that there were no more questions. One might assume that if this had happened after I had grown up, I would have responded as an adult: “Sir, I dare say that the example of a man spinning a bucket of water around his head and oceans revolving around the sun is no do not support your arguments, because the water in the two cases is placed in completely different conditions, since they are different in volume. For an argument to be valid, the conditions must be the same in both cases, and in this example they are not the same. A bucket is a hollow vessel that holds water inside, while, according to your teaching, the Earth is a sphere that is convex on the outside, and, according to the laws of nature, cannot hold any water." Source: VKontakte group "Flat Earth | ISLAM"

“(Aren’t they looking) at the Earth and how it is spread out?” (Quran, 88:20). His words “spread out” obviously (prove) that the Earth is flat, on which the scholars of Sharia stand, and not spherical, as people who judge by appearance(i.e. according to the shape of the Earth's shadow on the Moon)

Flat Earth Map

All routes are determined by a FLAT EARTH MAP, not a spherical one... it does not take into account the movements of the Earth on its 1674.365 km/h axis and around its orbit, because the Earth does not move, on the contrary, the sun moves in circular motions above the flat Earth.

Video: How planes actually fly over a flat Earth

What does a Flat Earth look like?

Flat Earth Map

The earth is round and flat at the same time

The flat surface of the Earth, and above the ground there is a Dome that no one can overcome!

Flat Earth facts

Is there a so-called “South Pole”?

There is not a single photograph of the South Pole, but photographs of the planet “Mars” and other “false planets” exist, and from all sides. But this is just photoshop, these and other planets do not exist... space does not exist either. The stars are under the Dome and in reality they are not large size. But at first it’s hard to believe, because we’ve been deceived since school. If they take photos of Mars and Saturn, then it wouldn’t be difficult to take photos of the Earth... But there is not one original photograph of the south pole and the supposedly spherical Earth.

If the earth is spherical, then why does the compass show the direction of Mecca in a different direction? The South Pole does not exist. This can be proven by the fact that the compass needle always points north. Even if a person is located beyond the equator, at the point closest to the “south pole,” it still points to the north, although it would be logical for it to point to the south, since there is also a magnetic pole there.

Flat Earth Dome

In 1773, Captain Cook became the first modern explorer to sail across the Arctic Circle and reach the ice barrier. Over the course of three voyages, lasting a total of 3 years, Captain Cook and his crew sailed a total of 110,000 km along the Antarctic coast without ever finding an entrance or way through the massive ice wall!
“Yes, but we can go around the South Pole quite easily” - often said by those who do not know, the British ship Challenger, which sailed for 3 years “around” the South Pole and sailed 69,000 miles (approx. 130,000 km) - a sufficient distance to go around the South Pole 6 times, according to the spherical hypothesis. Now no one is allowed to go to Antarctica, this is controlled by the Antarctic Treaty, there are many people (climbers, etc.) with money, opportunities, etc., who have been waiting for years for permission to go there, but in vain.

I am surprised when some ignorant Muslims say, for example, that Islam is the youngest religion or that the Earth is spherical, while Islam is the oldest and only religion that comes from the Creator of the universe (all worlds), life and people, and Planet Earth is actually flat and round, not spherical.

Previously, once upon a time, “scientific” scientists believed that the Universe was infinite and unlimited! And now it is known that “science” was wrong and it has become clear that in fact the universe is limited! Should we believe “scientific” theories? We cannot believe in ASSUMPTIONS! And only the Creator, the Lord of all worlds, One Allah, is not limited by anything, He is Eternal without beginning and without end, Perfect, Wise.

Which Earth is flat or spherical?

What should lead to conviction? - Not blind adherence, but categorical texts of the Koran, hadiths in which there is not the slightest doubt or disagreement, and evidence that is felt in reality, which a person is able to verify... And in those places where it is quite difficult to verify, they lie. Allah Almighty, the Creator of all worlds, says in the Quran:

Say: “Truth has appeared and falsehood has disappeared. Truly, lies are doomed to destruction.”

Truth is the revelations that Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and commanded him to preach openly. The truth was revealed to him, which cannot be resisted, and therefore the lie disappeared and disappeared. And it couldn’t be otherwise, because lies are doomed to death and disappearance. Of course, sometimes lies gain strength and spread. However, this happens only when the truth does not oppose it. But as soon as the truth appears, the lie becomes silent and does not even dare to move. That is why erroneous views spread only in those countries where people forget the clear signs of their Lord.

Most people believe that the earth is round. But, as they say in the Quran, the majority are ignorant, and the minority is on the right path.

إذا نصحت أحداً فقال لك :
When you are giving instructions to someone, and he tells you:

أكثر الناس يفعلون هذا !
Most people do this:

فقل له:
Then you tell him:

لو ﺑﺤﺜﺖ ﻋﻦ ﻛﻠﻤﺔ «ﺃﻛﺜﺮ ﺍﻟﻨﺎﺱ » ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺮﺁﻥ
الكريم ﻟﻮﺟﺪﺕ ﺑﻌﺪﻫﺎ:
If you look in Holy Quran the word “most people” you will find after it:

(ﻻ‌‌‌ ﻳﻌﻠﻤﻮﻥ — ﻻ‌‌‌ ﻳﺸﻜﺮﻭﻥ — ﻻ‌‌‌ ﻳﺆﻣﻨﻮﻥ) !

ﻭﻟﻮ ﺑﺤﺜﺖ ﻋﻦ ﻛﻠﻤﺔ «ﺃﻛﺜﺮﻫﻢ »
ﻟﻮﺟﺪﺕ بعدها:
If you search in the Holy Qur'an for the word "most of them" you will find after it:
(ﻓﺎﺳﻘﻮﻥ — ﻳﺠﻬﻠﻮﻥ — ﻣﻌﺮﺿﻮﻥ —
ﻻ‌‌‌ ﻳﻌﻘﻠﻮﻥ — ﻻ‌‌‌ ﻳﺴﻤﻌﻮﻥ) !

فكن أﻧﺖ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻘﻠﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺬﻳﻦ ﻗﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ ﻓﻴﻬﻢ :
And you be from the small number of whom the Almighty said:
{ ﻭﻗﻠﻴﻞ ﻣﻦ ﻋﺒﺎﺩﻱ ﺍﻟﺸﻜﻮﺭ }.

{ ﻭﻣﺎ ﺁﻣﻦ ﻣﻌﻪ ﺇﻻ‌‌‌ ﻗﻠﻴﻞ }.

{ ﺛﻠﺔ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻷ‌‌‌ﻭﻟﻴﻦ ﻭﻗﻠﻴﻞ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻵ‌‌‌ﺧﺮﻳﻦ }.

Description of the Earth in the Koran

Here is a list of Quranic verses describing the shape of the earth:

  • (13:3) He is the one who spread out (Madda) the earth.
  • (15:19) And We spread out the earth (Madadnaha).
  • (20:53) He who made the earth a plain (Mahdan) for you.
  • (2:22) who made the earth a carpet for you (Firasha).
  • (43:10) who made the earth a cradle for you (Mahdan)
  • (50:7) And We spread out the earth (Madadnaha)
  • (51:48) And We spread the earth (Farashnaha)
  • (71:19) Allah has made the earth a bedding (Bisata) for you.
  • (78:6) Have We not made the earth a bed (Mihada)
  • (88:20) and to the earth as it is spread out (Sutehat).
  • (91:6) and the earth and what spread it (Tahaha)

📗 The Quran describes the shape of the earth in the following words:
Madda, Madadnaha, Firasha, Mahdan, Farashnaha, Bisata, Mihada, Tahaha and Sutehat.

Each one means "FLAT". It is clear that the Almighty Creator wanted to tell people in the Quran that the Earth is flat, and He used all the available Arabic vocabulary to convey this idea.

Allah said:

وَيَوْمَ نُسَيِّرُ الْجِبَالَ وَتَرَى الْأَرْضَ بَارِزَةً وَحَشَرْنَاهُمْ فَلَمْ نُغَادِرْ مِنْهُمْ أَحَدًا

“On that Day We will make the mountains move, and you will see that the earth will become flat. We will collect them all and not leave anyone out” / QURAN SURAH “THE CAVE”

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

Science says that the change of day and night occurs as a result of the movement of the earth around the sun. At the same time, being on the surface of the Earth, we do not feel the movement of the globe, but can only observe it based on the apparent movement of the sun and stars relative to the Earth.

Sheikh Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) says: “The Quran and the Sunnah prove that in fact, what rotates relative to the earth is the sun. Allah says in the Quran:

“And the sun flows to its abode. This is the decree of the Glorious, the Wise!” 36:38.

He said “swimming” and attributed “swimming” to the sun. Said:

“And you see how the sun, when it rose, turned away from their cave to the right, and when it set, it passed them to the left.” 18:17.

Here it is clear that Allah attributed all four verbs to the sun, and some theories force us to distort the verse from its obvious meaning to another. Whereas these theories are a figment of the imagination.

Allah Almighty says:

  • “I did not make them witnesses of the creation of the heavens and the earth and the creation of themselves.” 18:51.
  • And man is not given more than a little from the sciences. A person who does not know the essence of his soul, “They ask you about (the essence of) the Spirit. Say: “The spirit is from the command of my Lord. And your knowledge of what is given to you is scant!” 17:85.
  • How does he try to understand a universe that is greater than his creation? “The creation of heaven and earth is greater than the creation of people, but most people do not know!” 40:57.

We declare that the theory that the change of day and night occurs due to the rotation of the earth around the sun is erroneous because it contradicts the superficial meaning of the Qur'an, which is the word of the Creator Subhanahu wa Taala. And He is more knowledgeable in His creations. How will we distort the words of our Lord from the superficial meaning, due to the existence of theories, when the scientists themselves have differences in these matters. The opinion that the earth is motionless and the sun revolves around it still exists today. Allah Almighty says in the Koran that the night twists around the day and the day twists around the night, that is, they rotate. If this is so, then where does day and night come from, except from the sun? Not from where. This proves that it is the sun that revolves around the earth...”

Allah Almighty said: A sign for them is the night, which We separate from the day, and so they plunge into darkness. The sun floats to its abode. Thus the Mighty, the Knowing has ordained. We have predetermined positions for the moon until it again becomes like an old palm branch. The sun does not have to catch up with the moon, and the night does not run ahead of the day. Everyone floats in orbit. Surah Yasin Verses 37-40

Today, what we are told in schools and everywhere is the absolute “Truth” for us. Many Muslims try to adapt the verses of the Koran to science, clearly distorting their meaning. And about those verses that cannot be adjusted to Science, they are kept silent about them. For example, the verse above explains to us the signs of Allah about the movement of the sun and moon around the earth, resulting in the change of day and night.

  • The Almighty said: He is the One who gave the sun radiance and the moon light. Surah Yunus, verse 5
  • The Almighty said: “...made the moon bright, and made the sun a lamp” Sura 71, Ayat 16

In other words, the Sun is a luminary emitting light, responsible for day, which replaces night. The moon is naturally bright regardless of the sun; it is responsible for the night and replaces the day. Write in the comments what you think about this.

Hello dear friends and blog readers. Ruslan Miftakhov is in touch. IN lately One topic haunts me: is the earth really structured the way we were told at school?

If you ask any person passing by, is the earth round or flat? Almost everyone will say without hesitation that the earth is a sphere, someone else will add in the form of an ellipse. And maybe one in a hundred will say jokingly - the earth is flat.

Or maybe everything we were told about the earth, we just believe in it as God without evidence.

Let's think together about what they are hiding from us, whether it is really spherical and what is happening around us in general.

Let me say right away that I am not a supporter of flat-earthers, but flat-earthers put forward their own theory, thereby breaking stereotypes about the sphericity of the planet. And forcing us to think with our own heads, and not stupidly believe in everything that is imposed on us by the human programming center (read school).

Let us remember from history that previously everyone was convinced that the earth was flat. Then humanity was convinced that the earth is spherical, that the planet rotates around its axis and around the sun. And to this day we all unquestioningly believe in this, without wondering whether it really is so.

If there is no proof, then it is just a guess. How could Copernicus prove in the Middle Ages that the earth is spherical? How? Have you flown into space and looked from above?

Or maybe there really is no space. Why hasn't the space program developed since the flight to the moon in the last century? What is hidden behind this? Maybe it's all fake? And there was simply no flight to the moon?

Yes, you can troll me about my lack of education, that I didn’t do well at school, and so on. But think about this, are you sure that in the programming centers of humanity called school, reliable information was poured into our brains, and not that which was beneficial to the superior race?

Are you wondering how many times larger Russia is than Africa? You will be surprised when you watch this video.

For example, I was convinced that the story in school curriculum the majority lie, or simply do not tell the truth or outright lie. So maybe the whole truth about our planet is not being revealed to us?

And since in adulthood all the vessels in a person’s head are filled with knowledge, whether false or not, he is skeptical about new information, rejecting it as immunity. Try to free your vessels a little from the old one and fill in the new information.

Are you ready for new information? Then look further, you might be shocked...

A giant mine from another civilization

The most interesting thing in the video begins at the 12th minute, telling that all the rocks, canyons, and gorges on our planet are nothing more than giant quarries for mining minerals for another civilization, since 95% of the production disappears into nowhere.

The essence of the video is that our Earth is not a planet, it is a giant quarry in which the entire periodic table is mined in the most barbaric way.

Truth from the movie John Carter

After watching the video about the quarry, then watch the movie John Carter if you haven’t already. Movie from the fantasy category of 2012, as they say in every fairy tale there is some truth. I read somewhere that it failed at the box office. Or maybe there is a reason for this?

Below I have posted an excerpt from the film.

I was especially impressed by the conversation with the thorn that all planets have the same fate - overpopulation and destruction as such.

Well, what is your goal? - asked John Carter.

He answered - but it doesn’t exist, we are not haunted by the specter of mortality like you, we are immortal. We played these games when this planet (Mars) did not yet exist and we will play it after yours (Earth) disappears.

But we are not the ones who bring the planets to destruction, captain, we control them, we feed on them, if you like. But the same thing happens on every planet... population growth, division in society, widespread wars.

And at this time the planet is devastated and quietly fading away.

Remember what's been going on with us lately? The world's population has exceeded 7 billion, there is division in society between the poor and the very rich, and constant wars.

And there is no doubt that it is being devastated, just from Russia how much is being extracted and taken away in an unknown direction. But who and where is unknown, and it is unlikely that we will find out.

And how much timber they put in our Siberia is simply appalling. Although this is not a forest, and we don’t have trees, these are all bushes compared to what... however, watch the video below.

There are no forests on earth

Watch this video and you will be shocked that all these mountains, which we are accustomed to taking for trunk mountains, are not mountains at all, but... the stumps of large trees.

I used to be amazed at the shapes of some mountains and suspected that they were probably artificially created. But it didn’t even occur to me that this was the base of a tree.

Waterfalls from the mountains, where does so much water come from?

As a continuation of the previous video, watch the video about waterfalls. Decide for yourself how plausible this is, I’m not imposing anything on you, I’m just giving food for thought.

Life under the dome

Let's return to the topic of flat earth. In general, I wanted to publish this article back in September 2017, but I considered this topic nonsense, and it remained gathering dust in my drafts. But having collected some arguments, I returned and supplemented the article with information that I thought was interesting. And the article gained the right to life.

Back in the fall of 2017, when meeting a friend, a conversation came up, did you see a video on YouTube about the fact that the earth is flat?

I say: I saw it, but I don’t quite believe it. And this is what he answered me...

He remembered one film where he starred in leading role Jim Carrey. The plot is that main character for 30 years he lived in the largest film studio in the form of an island under a dome.

All around there was normal life, people went to work and back, drove cars, day turned into night, there were rains, nothing strange in general, except for one thing...

There were all actors around, except for that one man named Truman.

Without suspecting anything, for many years he thought that everything around him was true and did not doubt it. Until one girl couldn’t stand it and told him the truth, which shocked him a little.

Afterwards, he found more and more evidence that everything around him was false and decided to leave the island. But they prevented him from doing this in every possible way, and then one night he escapes.

However, you can watch this film yourself, it’s called The Truman Show.

Oddly enough, the film is from 1998, but I didn’t even know about this film if a friend hadn’t told me about it.

And so I began to understand what he was driving at.

Have you ever thought that everything around us is an illusion, a deception that we accept as the truth. Once upon a time, everyone believed that the earth was flat and stood on three elephants, and elephants on a turtle.

Now this seems nonsense, doesn’t it? And we believe that the earth is spherical and revolves around the sun. Is this really true? Maybe this is all a matrix and we live in this program and are being watched from the outside.

Or maybe we all live under such a dome and the earth is not round at all?

Why is it that when we look at the sky at night, we see stars. And pictures from space show that the sky is black and there are no stars. Who to believe? Your eyes? Or maybe there is a dome on top, and the stars are just a hologram.

Well, you’re probably thinking now that I’m crazy and making things up here. Then tell me, where is it really? But there is no truth. We live our lives here in our own little world and entertain the viewer named God.

No, of course the earth is spherical, spinning around its axis and around the sun. There is a universe where there are many stars, but no one knows what is there next.

Have you ever wondered if there are other planets like ours in the universe?

I will say this, when the overall picture is built and you understand how it all works, your soul simply becomes calmer from the awareness and understanding of the rules of the game in this world.

Who thinks about this, please write in the comments. Be sure to share this article with your friends by clicking the special buttons social networks down.

I was with you, Ruslan Miftakhov

NBA legend and center Shaquille O'Neal said he shares the position of Cleveland point guard Kyrie Irving, who said the Earth is flat.

"This pure truth. The earth is flat. Listen, there are three ways to manipulate consciousness: with the help of what we read, see and hear. The first thing we are taught at school is that Columbus discovered America. However, think about it: when he got here, he met red-skinned people with long hair smoking peace pipes. This means that Columbus did not discover America,” O’Neal said during his podcast The Big Podcast. The legendary basketball player, after this discouraging statement, continued to egg on his co-hosts.

A few weeks earlier, Cleveland Cavaliers point guard Kyrie Irving made a similar statement, but later said he was just joking. Such comedic comments from famous athletes have caused a stir in the American segment of the Internet, because, as it turns out, the Flat Earth Society is becoming increasingly popular.

The Flat Earth Society is a fringe organization even according to various US conspiracy theorists and alternative historians following the trail of UFOs, Bigfoot and Masonic conspiracies. Thus, the popular conspiracy channel on YouTube Secure Team has almost a million subscribers and regularly posts videos with supposedly alien objects and murky photographs of alien bases on the Moon. In one of the published materials, the authors of the channel expressed regret due to “the growing number of people who have regressed into this ancient faith" The channel was immediately attacked by thousands of Flat Earth Society followers.

The society itself states on its website that it is guided solely by scientific principles. According to adherents of the theory, resorting to the method of Cartesian skepticism, the burden of proof lies with anyone who believes that the Earth is spherical. They regard the evidence for this as insignificant or fabricated. At the same time, they are happy to publish videos from low orbit, allegedly proving that the Earth is flat.

“The most reliable evidence for a flat Earth is the Bedford level experiment. Conducted many times over a six-mile stretch of water, it showed results that prove there is no curvature of the earth's surface,” the society says on its website.

The experiment the organization refers to was conducted by the English inventor and founder of the society, Samuel Rowbotham, in 1838.

  • Bedford experiment

Members of the society claim that our planet is a flat disk 40,000 kilometers in diameter, centered around the North Pole. Also, adherents of this theory deny the existence of gravity and the South Pole, instead of which a huge wall of ice extends around the disk.

Followers of this theory claim that all photographs of the Earth from space are computer-generated, and the belief in a spherical Earth supports a global conspiracy of governments and scientists. Space flight is a hoax, and the moon landing was filmed jointly by Stanley Kubrick and Andrei Tarkovsky from a script by Arthur C. Clarke.

Society produces a huge amount of Internet content, literally overwhelming its supporters and opponents with a variety of “evidence”: from the obscure mathematical formulas to lists of Bible quotations. It got to the point that even fundamentalist Christians took up arms against flat Earth followers. Radical Baptist preacher Stephen Anderson, himself a peddler of world government conspiracy theories, launched an angry tirade against the society's followers.

Many alternative journalists, historians and conspiracy theorists have suggested that behind the Flat Earth Society itself there may be government intelligence agencies who want to make ridicule of any alternative views on the world.

RT turned to Alexander Neveev, candidate of psychological sciences, for comment. The scientist explained that there are two reasons why people may suddenly begin to take anti-scientific postulates seriously.

“The first is external to the person. We receive a huge amount of information in the form of specially prepared information packages. We are simply told about something and we take it on faith. This is completely normal, since we do not need to know absolutely everything from our own experience. You don't need to go to America to find out how people live there. But the side effect of this is that people have misunderstandings and fears that some forces may distort any information. The media saturates people with news and facts, but no one is concerned with developing an understanding of them. As a result, we have a similar situation. No one has seen our globe with their own eyes, only in photographs, so a huge number of insinuations are possible,” said the psychologist.

“The second reason is that our minds are inherently built with error systems—cognitive biases and heuristics. Under the influence of these distortions, we tend to believe that our version of events is the most plausible. A person does not seek a refutation of his beliefs. Our mind operates on the principle of cognitive ease - we tend to consider what does not bother us as truth. This is actually an illusion. Conspiracy theories exploit the problem that we cannot directly show a person evidence to the contrary - send him into orbit and show that the Earth is round. It is very difficult to explain to them mathematically and astronomically the parameters that forced scientists to come to such a conclusion. It’s very easy to say that scientists lied and the Earth is flat, and it’s very easy to accept it,” the expert concluded.

According to the school curriculum and Wikipedia, the Earth has the shape of an oblate ellipsoid. Many people perceive such information as an indisputable fact and do not even try to verify it in practice. Nevertheless, healthy skepticism is still alive on our planet and the Flat Earth Society is direct proof of this. These guys know that the Earth is a huge flat disk, gravity is a fiction, and NASA is huge commercial organization, which is exclusively engaged in deception and self-enrichment. And there are good reasons for this, some of which we will consider below. And at the same time, let’s evaluate the real advantages of joining this enlightened Society.

Why is it worth admitting that the Earth is flat?

10. Exclusive club of interests

If you believe that our planet is like an overgrown football, you are unremarkable; another deceived person, one of 7 billion. But how much more original is it to consider that our planet is something similar to a huge, sort of giant UFO? But such an idea is a direct path to an exclusive club that numbers only 100 people: the Flat Earth Society.

In the 1990s, the Society consisted of about 3,000 the smartest people. But after a fire, probably caused by spiteful people from NASA, the database with club members was destroyed, and only 100 people deigned to renew their membership. In any case, this is still more than the number of rhinoceroses living in wildlife. But don’t let anyone make you think that these are all just a bunch of idiots who have nothing better to do, because...

9. Influential people confirm that the earth is flat

Many people prefer to believe that only illiterate and narrow-minded people can believe in the flat shape of the Earth. However, many famous personalities held similar views. Among them are our contemporaries, whose names may be familiar to you. For example, Nigerian terrorist Mohammed Yusuf, founder of the Boko Haram organization, which vehemently hates the Western education system for its perverted worldview. They also say that one of the creators of the cartoon about Scooby Doo held similar views.

If Yusuf is not an authority for you, then the opinion of another prominent political figure of the 20th century - Adolf Hitler - will be suitable as an argument. He was the only one who not only knew about the true nature of the earth, but was also able to look beyond the icy edge (which NASA passes off as Antarctica). Proof: Flat Earth Society Forum.

Well, if Hitler is not a decree for you, then it would be worth taking into account at least...

8. World in Game of Thrones

No matter how you feel about the Game of Thrones series, you cannot deny the fact that this show is extremely popular. But there is a simple explanation for this: viewers are subconsciously attracted to the flat world, which is hidden from them in real life. Instead of a strange bloated ball, we see a flat disk surrounded by high walls of ice that prevent the oceans from overflowing beyond its borders.

And the only thing that prevents you from enjoying such a spectacle in the real world is the NASA corporation, which makes sure that pilots of long-distance flights do not fly where they do not need to. However, they don’t stop there - the guards located along the ice wall are ready to destroy anyone who gets too close to them (with the exception of Hitler).

While it's reassuring that the ice wall won't make the oceans go away, it's not the only benefit of understanding the Earth's true shape. Because thanks to this you...

7. Smarter than old man Einstein

Various botanists, rushing to dispute the fact that our planet is shaped like a pizza, immediately recall the force of gravity, which will not work on flat planet. For those who don’t know, let’s explain: gravity is another NASA myth, according to which all objects emit some invisible force that attracts other objects; and the larger the object, the more powerful its power.

Instead of believing this nonsense, knowledgeable people aware that the Earth flies upward with a constant acceleration of 9.81 m/s - that's why any thrown objects fall down with a similar acceleration. And don't worry about what will happen when the planet reaches its maximum speed - most likely, this will never happen. Checkmate of your theory of relativity, Albert!

But here they still object: how then does the Moon stay in the sky if the force of gravity does not exist? The fact is that the Moon has gravity - otherwise there would be no ebbs and flows. So the official position of the Flat Earth Society is this: the Moon has gravity, but the Earth does not. And the Sun and stars hang out just a few hundred kilometers above us.

Even if such ideas seem unusual to you, do not rush to deny them. Otherwise, you risk becoming one of the adherents...

6. NASA is a corrupt Evil Empire

Among the Flat Earth guys, no one is more notorious and universally despised than those lying pigs from NASA. Why? The answer is obvious - they, like no one else, put a lot of effort into maintaining the general misconception regarding the spherical shape of the Earth. Fake photographs of our planet, all these trips into space, including those in which people died - all this is part of a masterful deception. There are no satellites or ISS - only controlled radio communication towers that have access to any GPS navigator, TV or smartphone. The corporation also controls each aircraft, preventing aircraft from getting too close to the edge of the planet.

If you're wondering why NASA needed to undertake such a complex gamble, then congratulations - you're starting to think like a true member of the Flat Earth Society. And there are 3 logical explanations for NASA’s policy:

  1. Commerce. The US government alone allocates billions of dollars annually for research outer space. Of course, hoaxing is not a cheap hobby, but the amount received is quite enough for bribes, fraud, fake photos and a brand new yacht.
  2. Fail. Perhaps NASA, like many other people, at one time believed that the earth was round and began scientifically distributing funds, being in holy ignorance. They remain in it to this day, imitating scientific activity and spending the state budget with enviable tenacity. But in fact, there have never been any trips outside the atmosphere.
  3. Military. There is also a version that the United States and its European allies need the visibility of space flights in order to keep their enemies at bay - let them not sleep at night, thinking that in front of them is a space power that can bring down intercontinental ballistic missiles on an aggressor at the touch of a button ! It remains only a mystery how things stand, for example, with Russia: either NASA agents managed to infiltrate RosCosmos, or the Russian Federation has long been taking part in these games, having some kind of personal benefit.

However, most flat Earthers don't really bother identifying the reasons and motives of NASA, because...

5. Flat Earthers are smarter than most scientists of all time.


Many of the supporters of the idea of ​​​​living on a ball think: I’m so modern, I use exclusively proven scientific knowledge and Wikipedia... Yes, I’m a man of the future, I’m at least John Connor! But listen, man of the future - the fact that the earth was a ball covered with water was written in the Bible 3,500 thousand years ago. In 400 BC, that is, 2,500 thousand years ago, this idea began to be widely quoted in the scientific community instead of the strange, but in its own way appropriate version with whales and a turtle. So yes, man of the future, you live by ideas that are thousands of years old.

The flat Earth theory, on the other hand, is relatively new - it only emerged in the Victorian era. It was given to the world by a guy who published under the pseudonym “Parallax” - you must agree, it’s a pretty cool nickname that some troll or liar wouldn’t subscribe to. Parallax, whose common name was Robert Birley Rowbotham, subsequently founded the “exploratory astronomy” school of thought, in which he explained some of the ideas already mentioned in this article: that the Earth is surrounded by a wall of ice, the Sun and stars are several hundred kilometers away, and everyone who disagrees with this is narrow-minded and gullible assholes.

Now that you know that the flat earth theory is based on a book that Parallax wrote, everything looks much more convincing. But if you still have doubts, you may be glad to know that if you sign up for the Flat Earth Society, then...

4. It is not necessary to know how it can be explained.

The thought process requires serious energy expenditure from the body, and proponents of the flat Earth idea know this. And they are not going to throw pearls before swine, delving into endless disputes with fanatics who believe in the sphericity of our planet. Although sometimes it’s not easy for them, especially in an academic environment, where they often have to defend themselves from scientists with titles less strange than “searching astronomer.” But, fortunately, they developed a universal answer to any questions regarding our world: only God knows what and how it works.

No, seriously - one of the members of the Society, Charles Johnson, successfully used this technique until his death in 2001, becoming a real professional. Charles gave hundreds of interviews, answering any unclear questions that only God could know how all this was possible. For example, in one of the interviews he was asked how things can happen in a flat world solar eclipses. He looked the questioner in the eye and said, “We really shouldn’t go through with all this...” and then fell silent. When the reporter pressed for a clearer answer, Johnson concluded, “The Bible tells us that heaven is a mystery,” and refused to continue the conversation.

This is actually great! Because by joining the ranks of the flat people, it turns out that you gain the ability...

3. Win any dispute

If the game "" taught the younger generation anything (except that a wagon with hay replaces a parachute), it is a memorable slogan: "Nothing is true, everything is permitted". Perhaps, to some extent, this conveys the mood of Flat Earth adherents when they have to clash in a heated argument with admirers of spherical planets: in order to wipe the noses of the ignorant, it is enough to have patience and healthy skepticism.

For example, in an interview with the Guardian, the current president of the Flat Earth Society, Daniel Shenton, easily sidestepped any arguments, insisting that all the evidence was skillfully falsified special effects. He explained that he felt completely comfortable ignoring thousands of years of “advances” of so-called science and, more importantly, he himself felt that he was absolutely right. And his instincts, by the way, rarely fail.

Therefore, when you accept the fact that you live on a flat Earth, it is much easier for you to win any argument. No matter what fake pictures and edited videos your opponent shows, it’s enough to sit back, cross your arms over your chest and, grinning, ask if the debater has ever been in space and seen the globe with his own eyes? Or did others just tell him about it? And even if he claims that he has been in space, so be it - but how will he prove that it was not another impressive attraction from NASA that he was misled by?

Of course, the most insidious debaters at this point may demand evidence in favor of a flat Earth. And if Hitler and Game of Thrones didn’t convince them, then here’s a simple but deadly ace up your sleeve, saved for last...

2. Horizon line

Let anyone who is trying to mix the great theory with dog poop try to photograph the horizon and look at the result - an absolutely straight line! After this, the haters will only have to shake their heads in dismay, coming up with new absurd excuses.

One guy, whose mind was clearly not open to the perception of new knowledge, somehow decided to prove that the Earth was not flat and organized a flight to the upper atmosphere, from where he took a picture of the Earth’s surface - on it the horizon line was actually rounded. The stunned young man immediately tried to troll the representatives of the Society by posting his photo - they say that he personally took it, and NASA did not even let NASA take a peek. But his ardor was dashed by a laconic and obvious reality: the edges of a flat Earth should be curved, it’s round!

So in the end...

1. Understanding that the Earth is flat will make you special.

It is enough to accept one simple and obvious idea - and now you are smarter than all your acquaintances and friends. One little effort and you become a truly exclusive person who knows and understands more than others. As with other conspiracy theories, this secret knowledge will allow you to not take the feelings and thoughts of others to heart - this is a small sacrifice that must be made on the altar of universal enlightenment.

In short, once you decide to believe that the Earth is flat, you will never again have to work at establishing social connections and convincing others of your own worth - it will become obvious by default, and such silence will envelop you in an aura of superiority throughout your life. the rest of my life.

Don't be a snob... Repost!

  1. Tamara
  2. Agenta-9
  3. Captain Black
  4. Sergey
  5. shield
  6. Mustafa
  7. Michael
    • Nelson
      • Fedor
      • I
      • Lera
    • Svetlana
    • Paul
    • Dimych
    • Mustafa Sandal
    • Igor
    • Leman
  8. Demitrius
    • Ralph
    • Parallax
    • Bunyod
    • Alexey
    • Oleg
  9. I
  10. Alexey
  11. John
  12. Angelica
  13. Alexander
  14. Homer
  15. Olessja
  16. SaShok
  17. Gennady Hristov
  18. Ilya.korotky
  19. Zlatan
  20. Divan Divanich
  21. Svetlana.
  22. Andrew Polan
  23. Zheka
  24. headlight
  25. TWIN
  26. Alexander
  27. Schokk
  28. Alex
  29. Yuri
  30. Karich
  31. Nikolai
  32. Kudryashov Igor
  33. Fusion
  34. Femidon
  35. Roma
  36. Alex
  37. Yarik
  38. dima
  39. Anna
  40. Oleg Midgardsky
  41. Serge
  42. Clone
  43. jujuyu
  44. Dina
  45. maestro
  46. The smartest
  47. Anatoly
  48. Valery
  49. Sergey
  50. Pervozakon
  51. 2705
  52. Alex
  53. mrsandman
  54. Svyatoslav the Terrible
  55. Common sense
  56. Dmitry
  57. Vitas
  58. Sergey
  59. Alexey
  60. Victor
  61. Gudgor

If someone seriously says to a normal person accustomed to living in the modern news paradigm that space does not exist, planet Earth is flat, and the sun is actually much smaller than we used to think, most likely this citizen will twirl his finger at his temple. Especially if the speaker supplements his conclusions with the opinion that NASA is financed by a secret Masonic organization, and no one has ever landed on the Moon.

The statements seem absolutely crazy, and it is all the more surprising that all these theories have many supporters around the world. These people are convinced of the correctness of the flat Earth theory: for them it is an immutable truth, and not the unscientific fabrications of ignoramuses.

Adherents of the theory conduct experiments, publish research papers, providing evidence that humanity does not live on a rotating ball flying through space at enormous speed (30 km/s). According to these people, the earth is a flat disk covered with a transparent dome.

Despite the seeming madness of this theory, it continues to excite minds. Flat Earth theorists can immediately ask the following questions: why doesn’t water from the oceans overflow from the “disk” where the Sun hides at night, where tens of thousands of photographs of the spherical planet come from? We have dedicated this article to the answers to these and other questions.

History of the Flat Earth Theory

School education provides a clear guide: this is a fairy tale invented by our ancestors, who did not have the opportunity to carry out serious scientific work. The ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Chinese agreed that the Earth was flat. The Sumerians and Scandinavians “agreed” with them in absentia. In mythological cosmogenesis, the ancient Vedas and the Bible, our planet is clearly called flat. The same can be said about Buddhist and Hindu practices.

If we talk about an earlier time in relation to us, then there were plenty of flat Earth theorists in the Middle Ages. A categorical breakdown occurred during the Renaissance, and in our time everyone knows that our planet is round. The scientific research of our ancient ancestors was ostracized and thrown to the margins of history.

But this does not mean that everyone agrees with the ideological dictates of modern science. There were people who did not believe the textbooks and began to study ancient treatises in all seriousness.

In the 19th century. in England, the British scientist and inventor S. Rowbotham organized the Flat Earth Society. Rowbotham spent hundreds scientific research which, in his opinion, proved that the Earth is flat.

Hiding under the fictitious name "Parallax", Rowbotham published the brochure "Zetetic Astronomy", which contained descriptions of his experiments and presented evidence of the impossibility of the existence of a spherical earth. Samuel argued that the planet was flat and the ocean was completely flat.

The brochure went through many reprints during Rowbotham's lifetime, and each time it became thicker: Parallax added more and more chapters to it. The number of supporters of the flat Earth theory also grew rapidly.

Samuel Rowbotham was not without marketing talent; he always took money for lectures. The researcher was so confident in his theory that he could attack with his fists those who expressed doubts about his conclusions.

Very soon, adherents of the flat Earth theory appeared all over the world. There were especially many of them in Europe and the United States. Among the followers of this trend there are also very unexpected personalities, for example, Adolf Hitler.

Surprisingly, the number of followers of the flat earth theory is growing every year. In some countries, this idea even caused some semblance of a social split. Adherents of the Earth-disk theory categorically reject the arguments of modern scientists and provide their own evidence, which seems to them the only correct one.

To understand how serious the dispute with flat Earth supporters is, just open the Yandex search engine. At the very first request, an abyss of articles, photographs, videos, forums and heated debates dedicated to Rowbotham’s theory will open in front of you.

Before we begin to familiarize ourselves with the most popular evidence of flat Earth adherents, we will study their key postulates.

Parallaxists imagine the Earth as a disk with the North Pole at the center. The diameter of the planet coincides with official scientific data - 40 thousand km. The disk is covered with a dome, behind which the Sun and Moon are visible. Thanks to these heavenly bodies, there is day and night on the planet. Gravity is something fundamentally different from the phenomenon that modern science studies.

According to Rowbotham and his followers, the South Pole does not exist in principle. There is no Antarctica either. The entire circumference of the earth's disk is surrounded by a wall of ice.

Photographs from space have been declared a clever photoshop and a fake. In general, astronautics is a complete deception and scam. Rockets, devices for transporting and lifting ships are skillfully executed props. Space travel and videos from the ISS are filmed on Earth by professional filmmakers.

The spherical nature of the planet was declared by Rowbotham's supporters to be a lie spread by conspiratorial Freemasons. Scientists, NASA specialists and astronauts know the truth, but they receive money from the Masons and therefore remain silent.

Flat Earth

What is the Solar System?

The flat Earth adherents’ idea of ​​the structure is also interesting. solar system. At school they teach that several planets revolve around the sun; the Earth occupies the third orbit from the Sun, located between Venus and Mars. Is it possible for such a system to exist? Rowbotham's followers answer unequivocally: no.

In their opinion, a model with a stationary Sun is impossible, if only because there is constant movement in the Universe. If the generally accepted version of the solar system were correct, the star would fly through space at incredible speed, carrying the planets with it. Oval orbits of planets in this case would be impossible, only spiral ones.

Another interesting argument concerns the forces of repulsion and attraction, thanks to which balance is achieved in the solar system: the planets do not fly away from the star and do not collide in space. Proponents of the flat Earth theory point out that all planets have different masses. If solar system was as described in textbooks, major planets would be located closer to the sun, and small ones would be further from the luminary. After all, an object with a smaller mass simply does not have enough repulsive force to “escape” from the sun. According to the calculations of Rowbotham's adherents, in the paradigm accepted by official science, the Earth would be in the sixth orbit. This is determined by its mass. Such a distance from the Sun would make life on the planet impossible: eternal cold would reign here.

Evidence base

Of course, the most interesting thing about the flat Earth theory is the evidence collected by Parallax supporters. With a planet diameter of 40 thousand km, the planet rotates in 24 hours. These data allow you to calculate the rotation speed: more than 400 m/s. That is, according to official science, the Earth rotates at a speed of 0.5 km/sec.

Rowbotham's adherents ask the question: how can planes land exactly on the runway under such conditions? The earth is round and constantly rotating! According to the calculations of supporters of the theory, the runway will shift due to the rotation of the planet, and the plane will not be able to land.

Another proof: if we agree that the Earth is spherical, a cannonball ejected from the mouth of a cannon in the direction from West to East will be in the air 2 times less than it actually is. If you shoot from a cannon from East to West, the cannonball will travel twice as far due to the rotation of the Earth in the opposite direction.

However, neither the first nor the second phenomenon is observed, which, according to Rowbotham's adherents, exposes the generally accepted opinion that the Earth is a spherical rotating body.

Supporters of the theory also point out: if you shoot upward, the flight of the cannonball will continue for a certain time, during which the location of the gun will shift relative to the projectile by 5-6 kilometers, but this is not observed.

These simple conclusions evoke a sense of triumph among Rowbotham's supporters. Traditional science answers: do not forget about the atmospheric column, which rotates with the planet and “drags” everything that gets into it. Adherents of the earth-disk put forward a counterargument that is striking in its boldness: in their opinion, atmospheric pressure simply does not exist.

Official film about the real shape of the Earth from Terra Convexa

At the end of the film, experts from official science summarize the experiments carried out and give an authoritative conclusion regarding the tests performed.

Terra Convexa provides answers to many questions.

Criticism of the theory of atmospheric pressure

The inventor of the mercury barometer, E. Torricelli, suggested that the entire atmosphere of the Earth uniformly and constantly presses on the planet. The Italian proved his idea through experiments with water and mercury. Torricelli refuted Aristotle's postulate that there is no absolute emptiness (vacuum) in the Universe. An Italian scientist created a vacuum in which there was completely no atmospheric pressure.

Torricelli’s experiment worked perfectly with mercury and alcohol, but the trick did not work with water: the Italian was never able to create a water barometer. Modern science proved that barometers on water are possible, but their size will be much larger than mercury or alcohol ones. You can read more about Torricelli’s experiments in his own works. For example, there you can find out where the scientist got a bucket of mercury, a radioactive liquid metal.

Flat Earth adherents could not help but pay attention to Torricelli’s experiments and try to expose them. In their opinion, a false vacuum was formed in the Italian’s test tubes. In fact, the space was filled with mercury vapor. On this basis, Rowbotham's supporters concluded that atmospheric pressure is a myth, like gravity. The vast space above the planet remains motionless. Adherents of the Earth-disk point to freely flying birds, to clouds that “travel” across the sky at the will of the wind. The pilot of a helicopter hovering above the earth, according to the logic of a spherical rotating planet, must see a gradually changing landscape beneath him. But this is not observed.

Why does a stone thrown strongly into the air land in almost the same place, and not many meters from the person who made the throw? Parallax adherents give an unequivocal answer - this happens because the earth is a flat, stationary surface.

Horizon and curvature of the earth

Rowbotham began making the first experiments about the curvature of the earth; his modern followers are conducting hundreds of similar studies. If our planet is a sphere, then, taking into account the curvature of the surface, the horizon line should be a solid line, behind which nothing is visible. However, in practice, mountains, giant sculptures or Egyptian pyramids perfectly visible on the horizon.

The Needles Lighthouse in the British county of Hampshire (height - 54 meters) can be seen from a distance of 60 km, with the curvature of the earth being 282 m. If the Earth is a sphere, the lighthouse should be 282 m below the horizon. The situation is similar with ocean-going ships. Gradually moving away from the shore, the ships disappear behind the horizon. This would seem to confirm that the planet's surface is curved. However, supporters of the flat Earth theory armed themselves with high-quality optical instruments - and saw ships that supposedly “disappear” beyond the horizon...

With the naked eye, a person cannot see a ship that has moved away to such a considerable distance; in addition, vision is limited by a scattering perspective. With good optics, the horizon line disappears, and the stronger the optics, the greater the distance you can see.

Thus, according to flat Earthers, there is no horizon line. Photos from the International space station– fake, since the sky is a dome. When flying in an airplane, a person sees the rounding of the earth - but this is only an illusion. Even the UN coat of arms seems to Rowbotham's adherents to be a model of a disk-earth.

Round and at the same time flat Earth: video

Watch a video online about the round flat Earth

Moon landing: NASA hoax

Members of the Flat Earth Society pay special attention to the story of the American landing on the Moon. Of course, they are confident and furiously prove that man has never set foot on the only satellite of our planet. Rowbotham supporters point to photograph spaceship Apollo 11, which is widely believed to have once taken earthlings to the Moon.

With a strong magnification of the photograph, it is clear that the lunar shuttle is made of materials sold in hardware store: plastic and cardboard shields, foil and polyethylene. Of course, it is impossible to fly anywhere on a device built from such materials.

Proponents of the flat Earth theory carefully studied photographs of the astronauts, finding rings with Masonic signs on their hands. For Parallax adherents, Freemasons are the world's main conspirators who have penetrated all international structures and governments of all countries of the world.

Where do photographs of Mars come from?

The situation is similar with photographs of Mars. For followers of the theory, photographs of the Red Planet are a skillful fake, Photoshopped. Photographers hired by the conspirators take pictures of deserts and mountainous terrain on Earth, then, after processing the pictures, pass them off as photos from Mars.

Photos of the lifeless Martian desert covered with stones have spread all over the world. If we reverse filter these images in Photoshop, we will get an ordinary earthly landscape with a blue sky. There are many such places on Earth.

Weird air travel

Many aircraft routes seem extremely illogical. For example, the Sydney-Santiago flight would seem to be much more convenient to travel through New Zealand. It will be a straight and simple route with one refueling.

In reality, a plane from Australia to Latin America flies through Mexico and the USA. If we consider the Earth to be spherical, this looks extremely strange: the plane makes a large detour, consuming fuel and increasing the distance. If the same route is drawn on a flat Earth map, it becomes clear that the airline has chosen the most reliable and direct route.

Rowbotham's followers suggest checking in this way any air route that seems illogical and strange. When transferred to flat earth, the trajectory begins to look quite adequate.

Video: How do planes fly over a rotating earth?

Why do all planes fly on maps of a flat Earth and not a spherical one?

Picture of the universe

To better understand the logic of flat earth theorists, you need to know what they think about the universe - the Moon, the Sun, the stars. In general, they adhere to the same statements that Rowbotham used two centuries ago. The only thing is that they constantly have to “fight off” new scientific discoveries.

For example, lunar photographs were claimed to have been taken on Earth. Followers of the theory regularly conduct research expeditions, the main goal of which is to search for areas where “false” images from space were taken.

In the summer of 2015, the Society published photographs from the Icelandic expedition, which depicted landscapes that were exactly like the photographs presented by the Americans as lunar. Earlier, journalists suggested that the astronauts of the first Apollo expedition put their hands on the Bible and say: “I swear that I was on the moon.” All astronauts refused. A video of the flat-Earther experiment can be found on the World Wide Web. One astronaut began to rudely swear at the journalist, another tried to laugh it off, and the third simply sent the TV reporter.

The Flat Earth Society analyzed all the data from alternative researchers, superimposed it on its own theory and came to a stunning conclusion: it turned out that the Moon is not a satellite of our planet at all. The moon doesn't exist at all.

But what then do we see in the sky? According to Parallax adherents, this is a constantly updated hologram. They control the hologram from Earth.

But what do Rowbotham's followers think about the stars? People began to study astrology many centuries ago; this science is one of the first in the world. People discovered the same Ursa Major several thousand years ago.

How can it be, flat Earth adherents ask, that during this time the constellations have not undergone any changes? After all, everything celestial bodies, including stars and galaxies, move in the Universe at tremendous speed. The Earth rotates around its own axis, flies around the Sun in its orbit, but people in different countries do they always see the same “set” of stars above them? Why is this so? Why do the stars stand still above the Earth rotating and rushing through space, like soldiers on guard? Members of the Society consider this situation absurd.

In this regard, supporters of the “flat theory” declared the stars to be holograms. They don't exist either.


If the Moon and stars are holograms, then what about the Sun? Does the universal luminary really not exist? But what then warms the planet and brings life to all its inhabitants?

Flat Earthers claim that there are actually seventeen Suns. They all hover over different regions of the planet, shining and heating with different intensities. The Society's brochures list the characteristics of different suns: Californian, Russian, Chinese, etc.

Any scientist will call these statements sheer nonsense. However, the explanations of Rowbotham's adherents are by no means devoid of a certain logic. The color of the Sun we observe varies from pale yellow to bright red and burgundy, depending on the natural conditions or time of day. According to prevailing scientific ideas, the sky appears blue to a person because sun rays, overcoming the planet's atmosphere, are divided into corresponding spectra.

But why, then, do we see a yellow sun? If we observe a star through the prism of the atmosphere, then it should be blue. Followers of the flat earth theory give a clear answer: the fact is that the Sun is located not above the atmosphere, but below it.

As a result, the Society paints the following picture of the universe: the Earth-disk is covered with a dome, under which there are artificially made holograms - the Moon, stars and the Sun. Those who wish to learn more about the ideas of Parallax adherents can find a lot of videos and articles on the Internet.

The closer to the light source, the warmer it is

The nature of misconceptions is based on people’s inability to give answers to the simplest questions. At the same time, we like to provide a lot of pseudoscientific evidence for the craziest theories.

For example, try answering next question: It is obvious to everyone that the closer an object is to a source of light and heat, the hotter it is. Try touching a light bulb or getting close to a fire – does it get hotter? Certainly!

But why then, rising up to hot air balloon, we find ourselves in a zone of severe cold. And the higher we rise, the lower the temperature becomes.

When answering this question, most people will talk about layers of the atmosphere that have different temperature characteristics. All this evidence is taken from books and has not been tested in practice.

Let's focus on the obvious - what closer person located towards the heat source, the warmer it is. This should also be true for the Sun. The closer to the luminary, the higher the temperature. However, in practice this is not observed. Followers of the flat Earth theory conclude that the Sun is not a source of heat, since in space in this case it would be much hotter than on our planet.

Counter-arguments of official science

Straight horizon

People only think that they see a straight line of the horizon. Already from an airplane or from the roof of a skyscraper you can notice the curvature of the earth's surface.

Fake photos from space. NASA conspiracy

In the flat Earth paradigm, NASA is almost a criminal organization. One gets the feeling that the American space agency is led by Professor Moriarty, and all of his employees are masons-conspirators, hiding the truth from people because of the desire for personal enrichment.

However, there is not only NASA in the world. Russia has its own space agency, Roscosmos, which broadcasts from the ISS and launches manned spacecraft into space. Russian cosmonauts, like their American colleagues, confirm that the Earth is a ball. Is it really true that the Freemasons “rule” Roscosmos?

There is no gravity

Another popular claim of the Flat Earth Society is that there is no gravity and the planet is constantly moving upward. If this statement is true and the Earth does not attract anything, then how can birds and airplanes fly?

The sun is located 5 thousand kilometers from the surface of the Earth, its diameter is 51 km

Why, in this case, do seasons change on the planet, day follows night, are there climatic zones. If the Sun were positioned in the manner described by Parallax adherents, the entire surface of the Earth would have the same temperature.

How do planes land on a round and rotating Earth?

Airplanes “rotate” in the atmospheric column along with the Earth.

Atmospheric pressure is a myth

Anyone who makes such a statement should visit the mountains and experience the effects of atmospheric pressure first-hand.

Books on Flat Earth Theory

The idea of ​​the Earth as a disk is very stable and has been very popular for two centuries. Various authors and researchers paid attention to this theory and presented evidence of the correctness of the Parallax teachings in their books.

One of the most popular books of this kind is “Ancient Cosmology” by W. Warren. This large work tells about the cosmogonic ideas of the Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, ancient Chinese, and Buddhists. Readers will learn how our ancestors imagined the Universe. The book contains more quantity interesting illustrations.

“The Earth is not a ball: 100 proofs” by M. Carpenter. The book contains the most convincing, from the author’s point of view, evidence of the correctness of the flat Earth theory.

“The Earth is not a Globe” by S. Rowbotham. A book by the founder of the Earth-Disc Supporters Society. Rowbotham spent great job to confirm the theses he put forward.

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