Vitamin B9 role in the body. What properties does vitamin B9 have? Chemical and physical properties

Vitamin B9 ( folic acid) – a water-soluble B vitamin that plays an important role in the development and functioning of the immune and circulatory systems.

Vitamin B9 also means - Vitamin M, Vitamin Bc.

Folic acid (lat. acidum folicum) called dosage form vitamin B9.

Folic acid and its derivatives (folacin, folate, pteroylglutamic acid) are combined into a group called - folates.

The lack of folic acid in the human body is mainly expressed by the risk of developing abnormalities during pregnancy, as well as fertile dysfunction of the seed in men.

Systematic name of folic acid: N-4-2-amino-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-6-pteridyl)methylaminobenzoyl-L(+)-glutamic acid
Chemical formula: C19H19N7O6
CAS: 59-30-3

Chemical properties. Folic acid is a crystalline powder of yellow or yellowish-orange color, easily soluble in alkalis and slightly soluble in water and alcohol. It also decomposes in light.

The first mention of vitamin B9 appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Thus, the English doctor-researcher Lucy Wills noticed in 1931 medicinal properties yeast extract, when taken, in the treatment of anemia in pregnant women. A few years later, other researchers discovered that the main active ingredient in yeast extract against anemia was folic acid. A little later, in 1941, folic acid was obtained from spinach leaves, and already in 1945, it was first synthesized chemically.

Functions of vitamin B 9 (folic acid)

As we already mentioned at the beginning of the article, one of the the most important functions Vitamin B9 in the body regulates hematopoietic processes.

Besides, Folic acid has the following beneficial properties:

    • participates in the synthesis of DNA, protein, protein biosynthesis and redox processes in the body;
    • participates in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates;
    • maintains normal functioning immune system, liver and gastrointestinal tract;
    • normalizes digestion;
    • regulates pregnancy - creation and maintenance of healthy condition new cells during the formation of the fetus, and also prevents unauthorized abortion of the child;
    • helps in overcoming postpartum depression;
    • participates in education and normal functioning blood cells;
    • has a beneficial effect on the performance of the bone marrow and brain;
    • helps even out skin color and pigmentation;
  • participates in cell regeneration;
  • corrects sexual development in teenage girls, slows down the onset of menopause and reduces its symptoms;
  • reduces the risk, prevents the development of other diseases cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes;
  • reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, and also removes poisons and toxins from the body;
  • promotes the production of the hormone of joy (serotonin), with a lack of which a person is often haunted by despondency and;
  • normalizes the development and normal functioning of the mental and nervous system.
  • helps in the absorption of other B vitamins;

Daily requirement of vitamin B 9 (folic acid)

The daily dose of folic acid is increased when:

- use of contraceptives (pills);
- drinking alcoholic beverages;
- use of anticonvulsants and diuretics, antibiotics;
— ;
— chronic infectious diseases;
- after gastrectomy;
- liver failure and;
— .

Symptoms of deficiency (insufficiency) of vitamin B 9

Deficiency (lack) of folic acid in the body causes serious harm to human health, not only for adults, but also for the fetus, which is why a child can be born with various pathologies, in particular spina bifida or disorders of the nervous system.

Mainly, with a lack of vitamin B9, metabolism, cell regeneration are disrupted, dysfunction is observed in the digestive organs, nervous and mental systems, as well as a number of other pathologies, without attaching importance to which, a person’s life becomes more complicated.

Other signs of vitamin B 9 deficiency:

- anemia;
- growth retardation, mental retardation, dementia, memory problems;
— disorders in the gastrointestinal tract: loss of appetite;
- weight loss, development of anorexia;
— acceleration of the aging process of the body: gray hair, wrinkles, etc.;
- hair loss;
- increased fatigue;
- tongue pain;
- rapid heartbeat;
- depression, aggression, nervousness, anxiety, paranoia, mania, mood swings;
- during pregnancy, premature birth of a child;
- skin diseases: , .

Complications of folic acid deficiency

- megaloblastic anemia, which must be treated in urgently, otherwise death may occur.

Indications for the use of vitamin B 9 (folic acid)

The use of folic acid is indicated for:

— diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- to normalize hematopoietic processes
- anemia, sprue;
- liver diseases (chronic);
- some intoxications;
mental disorders;
- organ dysfunction gastrointestinal tract(Crohn's disease, ulcerative, etc.);
— radiation sickness;
— treatment of cervical dysplasia;
— skin diseases: , ;
— malnutrition (food with small amounts and);
- pregnancy;
- taking antiepileptic drugs medicines;
childhood, for normal development.

Contraindications to the use of folic acid

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Dosages of vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Megaloblastic anemia. Adults and children, starting with the initial dose - up to 1 mg / day. When large doses are used, resistance may occur.

Maintenance treatment. For newborns - 0.1 mg/day, for children under 4 years old - 0.3 mg/day, for children over 4 years old and adults - 0.4 mg.

WITH therapeutic purpose (depending on the severity of vitamin deficiency) for adults - up to 5 mg / day for 20-30 days, for children - in smaller doses.

For prevention(based on daily requirement) adults are prescribed 150-200 mcg/day, children under 3 years old - 25-50 mcg/day, 4-6 years old - 75 mcg/day, 7-10 years old - 100 mcg/day.

During pregnancy prescribed - 400 mcg/day.

During lactation- 300 mcg/day.

Side effects when taking folic acid

Animals. Fish, milk and dairy products, liver, lamb, beef and poultry, eggs.

Synthesis in the body. It is synthesized by colon microorganisms, especially with additional intake of bifidobacteria.

Interaction of vitamin B9 with other substances

Folic acid promotes absorption.

A deficiency of folic acid in the body is caused by taking aspirin (large doses), analgesics, anticonvulsants, nitrofurans, estrogen and anti-tuberculosis drugs.

In addition, the body's absorption of folic acid is disrupted by the following drugs: antacids, antihyperlipidemics, antimetabolites, cholestyramine, antiulcer drugs, sulfonamines, oral contraceptives and alcohol-containing drugs.

The effect of folic acid on the body is reduced by: methotrexate, pyrimethamine, triamterene and trimethoprim, instead of which patients are prescribed calcium folinate.

Corticosteroid hormones promote the rapid removal of folic acid from the body.

Long-term therapy with folic acid in large doses can provoke deficiency.

Greetings, my wonderful readers. This article will be especially interesting to girls, it seems to me. Very often “women’s doctors” told me that there is a very useful and harmless supplement. And I definitely need to drink it. Guess what I mean? If not, I won’t bore you with guesses. This is folic acid or also called vitamin B9. When studying materials about this vitamin, it turned out that everything is not so clear about its safety. But read about it below :)

It is popularly called the “women’s vitamin” or “leaf vitamin.” The latter name is given because this element is isolated from spinach leaves (in Latin "folicum"). And the first one, because it is often prescribed to women. Especially when planning a pregnancy.

This water-soluble B vitamin is naturally found in foods. It is also added to pharmaceuticals and food products as a dietary supplement. Research shows that consuming foods high in B9 can prevent various diseases.

Let me list the benefits of folic acid:

  • normalizes digestive processes and takes part in the synthesis of carbohydrates, fats, protein and DNA;
  • supports the functioning of the liver and protective system;
  • important for a woman when planning pregnancy and during it, since it participates in the formation of fetal cells and prevents spontaneous miscarriage;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain (brain and spinal cord);
  • brings it back to normal blood pressure, prevents the development of strokes, heart attacks and other problems in the cardiovascular system;
  • participates in the production of serotonin, so it is prescribed for depression and neuroses;
  • prevents the development of gingivitis and periodontitis;
  • is a preventative against breast cancer;
  • promotes the removal of toxins from the body;
  • participates in the formation of blood cells;
  • useful in adolescence - promotes the normal course of puberty processes.

To conceive a healthy baby, you need to take this element for 3 months in a row. This will reduce the likelihood of a gene mutation in the child.

For men, vitamin B9 is no less important than for women. For example, the benefit for the stronger sex is protection against baldness.

Difference Between Folate and Folic Acid

These two words are often used interchangeably, but they have some significant differences. Folic acid is a synthetic vitamin contained in tablets or ampoules. It is also added to fortify food products. In its natural form, B9 is called folate. Most people think they are the same thing.

Natural folates are directly involved in metabolic processes in the small intestine. Folic acid requires the help of a specific enzyme called dihydrofolate reductase, which is relatively rare in the body.

If people (especially women of childbearing age) consume large amounts of folic acid in vitamins, it is bad. The body cannot break down so many elements. One of the dangers associated with consuming large amounts of synthetic folic acid is the likelihood of developing cancer.

An example of research on this topic is given in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2007 ( 1 ). 1,000 people were observed over a three-year period. Folic acid supplementation (1 mg/day) has been shown to increase the risk of cancer (especially adenoma).

Cornelius M. Ulrich (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle) commented:

“The results suggest that the role of folic acid in promoting the growth of precancerous cells is real problem. This applies to people who additionally consume B9-fortified foods or supplements daily."

Therefore, do not eat pharmaceutical B9 in vain without a doctor’s recommendation. Maybe your body will have enough of the vitamin, which comes naturally from food.

Vitamin B9 deficiency

Deficiency can be a serious problem. Although in most countries this is not such a common occurrence. An adult needs 200-400 mcg per day, and children need 40-100 mcg

Here are twelve signs that you may be suffering from folate deficiency:

  • weak immune function, frequent colds;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue, sleep problems;
  • poor digestion (problems such as constipation, flatulence);
  • loss of appetite and anorexia;
  • development of problems during pregnancy and infancy (including short stature);
  • anemia;
  • premature graying of hair;
  • skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc.);
  • frequent headaches.

Of course, some are at higher risk of developing folate deficiency than others. Here are the groups that need to be especially careful.

  • lactating, pregnant women (especially early stages) and women who want to get pregnant;
  • people with liver disease;
  • taking medications for diabetes, as well as diuretics or laxatives;
  • people with alcohol addiction;
  • those on dialysis;
  • with malnutrition.

If you consider yourself to be one of this group, then you need to include vitamin supplements. It's important to note that daily norm in pregnant women is based on the prevention of fetal defects. This dosage is not designed to improve the health and well-being of the mother herself. This norm is based on the assumption that 50% of the folate in the mother’s body will not be completely absorbed.

What foods contain B9?

This vitamin has firmly entered the list of mandatory supplements for pregnant women. Because folic acid has been shown to help prevent the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus. But there are many natural products, rich in this element.

The foods that contain the most B9 are: citrus fruits and juices, dark green leafy vegetables, liver, beans and sprouted grains.

To address a possible folate deficiency, be sure to supplement your diet with the foods in the table below. These are the “leaders” in terms of B9 content. In the table, the level of 400 mcg is taken as the norm.

Just remember, friends, that there are factors that are detrimental to vitamin B9. These include light and heat treatment. Therefore, try not to subject products containing B9 to prolonged heat treatment.

Also, folic acid can be destroyed even at room temperature. This happens when food is stored for too long. Therefore, if you want to save maximum quantity this element, eat fruits and vegetables fresh. Try to prepare vitamin salads more often - they are both tasty and healthy.

Instructions for use

In Russia, the following dosage of vitamin B9 per day is established:

For children:

For adults:

To determine if you are deficient in B9, your doctor may test your serum folate concentration. However, a more reliable approach is to test red blood cell folic acid concentration. Based on the results of the test, the doctor will determine whether pharmaceutical supplements can be prescribed.

But as I wrote above, in most cases this is not a natural vitamin. Therefore, when purchasing supplements, make sure that “folate” is indicated in the ingredients.

I admit that so far I have not been able to find such vitamin complexes in pharmacies. I could only find it on iherb. And even there it was not easy to choose good option. I bought these vitamins:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

2 959 rub.

To the store

The jar indicates how to take it and the composition is detailed. This vitamin is contained here in its natural form. Plus is represented by a full complex of tocopherols, which is also very important.

Vitamin B9 overdose

Although this element is water-soluble, its intake into the body in large quantities can be very harmful. As I already said, excessive consumption of synthetic B9 causes cancer. And the harm doesn't end there. Overdose during pregnancy increases the risk that the child will have bronchial asthma. Also, such a baby will have a weak immune system, so he will often suffer from colds.

Consumption of folic acid supplements in large quantities provokes problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Most often, it becomes the impetus for coronary insufficiency, and over time leads to a heart attack.

For those with megaloblastic anemia, B9 in large quantities can also cause serious harm. An overdose of this element hides the clinical picture that is observed with anemia. As a result, the first symptoms remain unrecognized and the disease progresses.

An overdose of vitamin B9 can be judged by certain signs:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • presence of a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • irritability and anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • problems in the functioning of the digestive system.

Benefits of Vitamin B9

Interaction with other drugs

Vitamin B9 should be taken in combination with and B12. The dosage of all these elements must be balanced. Otherwise, too much of one vitamin will neutralize the effects of others. Folic acid also promotes absorption.

The “enemies” of vitamin B9 include aspirin, nitrofuran, anti-tuberculosis, contraceptive and analgesic drugs. When taken regularly, there is a lack of folic acid in the body.

In addition, other pharmaceutical drugs impair the absorption of vitamin B9. These include estrogen, antiulcer and antihyperlipidemic agents. Anticides, sulfonamines, and antimetabolites have a similar effect. Triamterene, methotrexate and pyrimethamine also reduce the absorption of folic acid by the body.

Corticosteroid hormones increase the excretion of vitamin B9 from the body. Therefore, patients who take them are prescribed additional supplements.

Alcohol is considered the terrible “enemy” of folic acid. By the way, negative impact This vitamin is also affected by alcohol-containing preparations. On the contrary, bifidobacteria catalyze the production of this element. Therefore, I advise you to refuse alcoholic cocktails in favor of bio-kefir. That's it, fight drunkenness :)

Interesting fact I discovered it for myself. Turns out, hard cheeses and meat also affect the body's absorption of folic acid. These products contain methionine. This is a substance that helps ensure that vitamin B9 is used in unnecessary ways.

That's how many interesting things you learned today! I am sure that this information will be useful to your friends too. So share the link to the article with them. And also. Well, I tell you: see you again.

Vitamins are the most important substances that are necessary for the full functioning of the human body. We should receive quite a lot of these elements daily with food so as not to experience a shortage of them. After all, vitamin deficiency negatively affects general condition health, causes a number of unpleasant symptoms and can contribute to the occurrence of a number of diseases. Today you will learn why the body needs vitamin B9, what it is, and what foods it is found in.

The name vitamin B9 hides not just one substance, but a whole group of compounds, including folic acid, folacin, and folates. But they all have the same effect on the body.

Vitamin B9 is water-soluble; it dissolves easily in ordinary water under alkaline acid conditions. Such a substance cannot be preserved by heat treatment or exposure to light. Yes, there is evidence that heat treatment leads to a loss of up to ninety percent of vitamin B9.

Why does the body need B9??

This substance is extremely important for the full functioning of our entire body. It takes part in redox processes and in the production of a number of vital substances.

Folic acid is necessary for the full functioning of the hematopoietic organs. It helps to cope with some types of anemia, namely macrocytic anemia. In addition, this substance has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and liver, effectively increasing the volume of choline in the liver and preventing pathological processes of fatty infiltration (accumulation of fat in hepatocytes - liver cells).

Folic acid is necessary for the full functioning of the immune system. This substance promotes the formation and adequate activity of white blood cells, as leukocytes are also called. And, as you know, it is these formed elements of blood that are immune cells.

Folic acid is extremely important for women who are pregnant. This substance is responsible for the full formation of the nerve cells of the embryo, which is extremely important for full development. Daily consumption of vitamin B9 in the first months of pregnancy helps prevent the occurrence of a number of defects in the neural system of the fetus, represented by anencephaly and spina bifida.

Folic acid, according to doctors, also helps prevent the premature birth of a child. In addition, such a substance prevents the birth of premature babies and helps avoid premature rupture of the amniotic membrane. And after the baby is born, vitamin B9 allows to the expectant mother avoid the occurrence of postpartum depression.

In large dosages, this substance has estrogen-like qualities. Therefore, its consumption may be useful for mature women, as it can somewhat slow down the onset of menopause or reduce its manifestations. In addition, this substance is often recommended to teenage girls to correct delayed sexual development.

Folic acid deficiency is a fairly common problem for people who have been diagnosed with psoriasis. Doctors have concluded that consuming vitamin B9 in combination with vitamin B12 helps to even out the loss of skin pigmentation caused by vitiligo. In addition, this combination can be useful and effective in the treatment of acne.

A lack of folic acid does not become noticeable immediately. But unpleasant symptoms tend to increase in intensity. So, with such a deficiency, readers of Popular About Health may notice the appearance of incomprehensible fatigue and insomnia. They may experience restlessness and loss of appetite. Memory and digestion disorders occur quite often. A lack of vitamin B9 can lead to breathing difficulties, anemia and apathy. In some cases, such a deficiency provokes the occurrence of more pronounced health problems, represented by abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea, ulcers on the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx. Possible symptoms of folic acid deficiency may also include depression, graying and loss of hair, skin changes and slower growth. A lack of vitamin B9 during pregnancy can result in the birth of children with birth defects. So you need to get it with food in the correct daily dosages.

Vitamin B9 in foods

The best sources of vitamin B9 are: herbal products, represented by legumes, green leafy vegetables, wheat sprouts and yeast. Also in this group are cereals and various bran, buckwheat and oatmeal, various representatives of legumes and citrus fruits (especially pomelo, as well as grapefruits). You can also get folic acid from nuts, bananas, melons, apricots, pumpkins, dates, mushrooms, beets and bread.

A certain amount of vitamin B9 is also found in some animal products. Thus, this substance was found in milk and dairy products, eggs and fish, poultry and different meats, including the liver. But it is worth recalling that heat treatment of the listed products reduces the content of folic acid in them by almost 90%.

In some cases, plant sources of vitamin B9 may not be sufficient to meet all the body's needs. Therefore, doctors can prescribe their patients additional intake of such a substance in addition to what their body receives from foods.

Name, abbreviations, other names: folic acid, pteroylglutamic acid, vitamin B9 (b9), b9, vitamin M, folacin, folate, women's vitamin.

Chemical formula: C19H19N7O6

Group: water soluble vitamins

Name in Latin: Vitaminum B9, Acidum folicum, Folic Acid

Varieties: no, but there are derivatives of folic acid - folates.

What (who) is it useful for:

  • For the circulatory system: participates in hematopoiesis (in the formation of healthy red blood cells - erythrocytes).
  • For DNA: folic acid is involved in the duplication of the DNA molecule, as well as in the correct copying of genetic material, thereby reducing the risk cancer diseases and genetic.
  • For the liver: supports its normal functioning and protects against obesity.
  • For the body: ensures the process of cell division, thereby ensuring constant tissue renewal.
  • For women before and during pregnancy: ensures the maturation of a full-fledged egg; prevents the likelihood of premature birth, the development of premature babies, miscarriages, premature rupture of the amniotic membrane, placental abruption.
  • For men: ensures the maturation of healthy, defect-free sperm and facilitates the process of conception.
  • For the fetus: greatly reduces the likelihood of the fetus developing severe NS malformations (B9 deficiency should not be allowed).
  • For children: provides normal physical development body.

Recommendation: all women who are planning a baby or are already pregnant should take folic acid 400 mcg per day. After conception and up to the 12th week of pregnancy, taking B9 is strictly required.

For what (whom) is it harmful:

  • For people with the following diseases and conditions: anemia due to B12 deficiency, chronic B12 deficiency (cyanocobalomin), malabsorption of glucose and galactose, malignant neoplasms, hemochromatosis.

Indications for use:

hypovitaminosis B9, vitamin deficiency, vitiligo, psoriasis, acne, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, radiation exposure, depression, pregnancy.

Long-term insufficiency (deficiency):

Anemia, macrocytic and megaloblastic anemia, formation of defective sperm in men and defective eggs in women, neuroses, neuritis.

For the embryo: malformations of many systems (especially the nervous system).

Symptoms of deficiency:

Fatigue, depression, sleep disturbances, irritability, memory loss, pallor, gum inflammation, neuralgia, apathy, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, rash, early gray hair, peeling and dry skin, wounds that do not heal.

In children: retarded physical and mental development, enteritis, diaper rash, gastrointestinal disorders, skin problems.


Allergies, anemia due to B12 deficiency, B12 deficiency, malabsorption of glucose and galactose, malignant neoplasms, hemochromatosis.

Side effects:

Vitamin B12 deficiency, bronchospasms, rash.

Daily norm required by the body:

  • For men - ~ 0.4 – 0.6 mg. vitamin B9 per day
  • For women - ~ 0.4 - 0.5 mg/day.
  • For children (from 0 to 1 year) - ~ 0.06 mg/day.
  • For children (from 1 to 8 years) - ~ 0.15 - 0.25 mg/day.
  • For adolescents (from 9 to 13 years old) - ~ 0.25 - 0.5 mg/day.
  • For pregnant women - ~ 0.6 mg/day.
  • For nursing women - ~ 0.6 mg/day.

Level of vitamin in blood:

1.7 – 17.2 ng/ml.


Possible (but rare).

Overdose symptoms:

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, bloating), deterioration in the condition of the mucous membranes, nervousness, irritability, mood instability.

In children: depression.

In pregnant women: risk of developing asthma in the child.

Main sources:

Green leafy vegetables, yeast, legumes, fresh herbs, buckwheat, bran, bananas, kidneys and liver, tuna.

How long can you take:

If taken in large doses, then no more than a month, in a standard dosage (400 mcg) as much as you like.

Release form:

Tablets, capsules.

Best before date:

About folic acid

B9 does not tolerate exposure to ultraviolet radiation and temperature - it is destroyed as a result. It dissolves well in alkali, but very poorly in water and alcohol, but at the same time it is able to absorb water well.

1 mg of folic acid is 1000 mcg. - This is the standard form of tablet release.

Vitamin B9 can be either natural or synthetic. The peculiarity of synthetic is that it is absorbed by the body almost 100% and it is much easier to calculate the required dose.

With an increase in the consumption of B9 in the body, the level of B12 (cyanocobalamin) necessarily falls; accordingly, it must be additionally replenished. Vitamin C also goes well with folic acid. B9 enhances the effectiveness of C.

Vitamin B9 is not compatible with drugs for epilepsy (their effectiveness decreases), drugs for tuberculosis and some infectious diseases, corticosteroids, estrogen-containing drugs (they suppress folic acid), aspirin, alcohol and alcohol-based drugs.

Folic acid is sometimes referred to as vitamin M or vitamin Bc. These names were invented primarily by manufacturers of vitamin complexes in order to expand the composition of their preparations and create a feeling of “rich” content.

Why do women need folic acid?

It is not for nothing that this vitamin is called female, since it plays a big role in a woman’s life, namely:

  • Gives to girls adolescence normal course of puberty;
  • Helps reduce unpleasant symptoms during menopause;
  • May delay the onset of menopause;
  • It fights well against postpartum depression.


Many vitamins often combine several similar substances under one name, as well as vitamin B9. It consists of many compounds that chemists call folacins (or folacin), and in everyday life they are simply called folic acid (or vitamin B9).

How to take (for medicinal purposes)

The drugs are taken orally.

You can take it as you wish: before meals, after, during.

New research

Today, research is underway into the effect of vitamins B9 and B12 on memory in people aged 70 and older, especially in those over 90. As it turns out, these two vitamins are quite effective in several ways in maintaining mental processes, including memory.

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