Problems of water supply to small settlements. Water supply. Daily water consumption for domestic and drinking needs


Providing the population of Russia with quality drinking water is one of the main government tasks, which has acquired particular relevance in connection with the deterioration of the general environmental situation and excessive pollution of water bodies and water supply sources observed almost everywhere.

Drinking water supply of rural individual housing in the West Siberian region

Results of industrial tests of a water treatment plant*

All studied operating modes of the water ozonation unit at the experimental station were additionally accompanied by determination of the efficiency of water purification when changing ozonation parameters. As a basic comparison, we studied the water purification mode using traditional technology: aeration of the source water with air in a column through recessed aerators, followed by filtration.

The results obtained showed (Table 2) that when purifying groundwater, the required efficiency (compliance with GOST), when using traditional technology, is ensured only at filtration speeds of up to 8 m/h. The use of ozone as an oxidizing agent in the technology of pre-treatment of water before filtration makes it possible to intensify the purification process as a whole, while the productivity of the purification process depends on the method of introducing ozone into the treated water.

The industrial tests carried out made it possible to determine the most effective water ozonation regimes, which can be used as the basis for the technological schemes of the designed stations, depending on the qualitative composition of the groundwater to be treated, the availability of the required technological equipment, and the possibilities of its acquisition or manufacture. Based on the results of industrial tests, technical recommendations were developed for the design, manufacture, installation and operation of medium power stations (up to 3000 m 3 / day).

The most acceptable technology from the point of view of completing technological equipment and operating stations is the technology of pre-treatment of water with an ozone-air mixture by feeding it into an ozonizer column under a sprinkler unit, followed by filtration at speeds of up to 16 m/h, while the quality of the purified water complies with GOST.

Dispersing the ozone-air mixture directly in the treated water through various aerators makes it possible to achieve more high quality water at elevated levels compared to traditional technology, filtration speeds (up to 12–25 m/h depending on the method of introducing the ozone-air mixture).

The efficiency of the ozonation process as a technological process depends not only on the productivity of the ozone generator, but also largely on the efficiency of contact of the ozone-air mixture with the water being treated, namely on the efficiency of mixing and dissolving ozone in water, which in turn affects the rate of ongoing oxidation processes . Factors that influence the rate of ozone destruction (temperature, the presence of oxidizing agents, metals, etc.) in water should also be taken into account.

Since the stations operated in periodic mode (explained by the unevenness of water withdrawal or its complete absence at night), the use of aerators was required that met the following requirements: maximum dispersion of the ozone-air mixture, protection from contamination by iron oxides, and the possibility of rapid regeneration.

The developed designs of aerators for supplying and dispersing the ozone-air mixture showed satisfactory and reliable operation during the test period.

When the ozone-air mixture is fed into the perforated core of the aerator, the pressure inside it increases, the ozone-air mixture enters under the rings through the perforation, while the latter are moved apart by air pressure, and air-conducting gaps are formed between them, through which the ozone-air mixture in the form of small bubbles enters the treated water, saturating it ozone. The mixture emerging from the perforated core passes through a series of slits formed between the rings, repeatedly dispersing into small bubbles. If the gap between the rings becomes clogged, the pressure inside the core increases, the rings move apart, and the contaminants are pushed into the liquid by air pressure. The size of the gaps is adjustable and determined by the stiffness of the spring, selected for the required operating mode of the aerator and ensuring the required dispersion of the ozone-air mixture.

Artificial regeneration of the aerating surface of the aerator can be carried out by alternating short-term sharp artificial increase and decrease in pressure inside the core, while the gaps of the aerator are freed from contamination.

If the supply of the ozone-air mixture is stopped (at night, when the station is not operating), the pressure inside the core drops and the rings, spring-loaded by the lid, are compressed together, preventing water from entering the aerator.

As an option, the possibility of low-pressure injection of the ozone-air mixture under the sprinkler unit in the ozonator column was investigated. The column is a sealed tank equipped with a ventilation system, while the lower part acts as a contact chamber for ozone with the treated water, and the upper part is equipped with a head for introducing the treated water. raw water, its dispersion, deaeration and saturation with the ozone-air mixture. An ejector nozzle is installed inside the head for mixing the water being treated with partially spent ozone sucked from the column channels. A vortex aerator is installed above the head to degas the raw water and initially saturate it with atmospheric oxygen.

The ozone-air mixture is fed into the column through aerators, which allow the ozone-air mixture to be finely dispersed. The required degree of mass transfer of the ozone-air mixture into the treated water is ensured by the height and porosity of the sprinkler installed in the head under the ejector nozzle. The required duration of contact of water with ozone, necessary for the occurrence of oxidation reactions, is ensured by the volume and number of channels in the column, which the treated water sequentially passes from its input into the column to its outlet.

Degassing of raw water and its preliminary saturation with oxygen is carried out in a foam layer formed by a torch of water sprayed through a nozzle in a vortex aerator, swirled by forced air.

In the process of industrial testing of stations and development of technology options, depending on the qualitative composition of the source water, it was possible to establish that when processing groundwater with a low content of Fetotal, Mn, in the absence of hydrogen sulfide and a low content of NH 4 (mainly groundwater from the south and south-east regions of the Western Siberian region), it is more expedient to blow ozone-enriched air directly into the vortex aerator. This allows the use of low-pressure air-blowing equipment (fans) and low-performance ozonizers in water treatment technology.

Based on the research and industrial testing of experimental stations, design documentation was developed, block-packaged groundwater treatment stations with a capacity of 500 m 3 /day were manufactured, installed and put into operation. in the housing and communal services department. Aleksandrovskoye (3 pcs.), Kargasok village (2 pcs.), with a capacity of up to 800 m 3 /day. in the village of Kargasok, Tomsk region. Detailed documentation for the manufacture and installation of block stations (500 m 3 /day) was transferred to the Parabel district center, Molchanovo (Tomsk region). For the purpose of manufacturing and installing an experimental industrial groundwater treatment station with a capacity of 3000 m 3 /day. for an oil and gas production enterprise in Novy Urengoy (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug), working documentation was transferred to the Modus Corporation joint venture (Russia-France, Surgut, Tyumen region).

The construction of individual houses, which currently occupies a significant place in the implementation of the national programs “Housing” and “Your Own Home”, requires comprehensive solution engineering issue. The comfort of housing is ensured not only by its architecture, but also largely depends on the quality and reliability engineering systems: water supply, sewerage, etc.

A water supply system that provides housing with high-quality water at relatively low capital and operating costs occupies one of the main places in common system life support housing.

The creation of individual water supply systems for an individual house or a group of individual houses becomes relevant, on the one hand, due to constantly increasing tariffs for water taken from centralized water supply systems, on the other hand, if joining a centralized water supply system is for some reason impossible or economically unprofitable (remoteness from centralized water supply systems, significant costs for connecting to networks, etc.). A feature of individual water treatment equipment, as well as the conditions of its operation as part of autonomous engineering systems of a residential building in the West Siberian region, is its low productivity (1–5 m 3 /day), uneven water intake throughout the day, days of the week and season. At the same time, it must be compact, maximally easy to maintain, and ensure reliable purification of source groundwater of a certain composition to drinking standard.

The designs of individual (Fig. 2, 3) and collective (Fig. 4, 5) groundwater treatment plants developed by the authors for drinking water supply to rural houses in the West Siberian region take into account not only the specifics of the qualitative composition of water, but also the specifics of water consumption by the population in this region (duration and intensity of water withdrawal by hours of the day and seasons of the year, water consumption rates per person, average family composition, etc.).

Design features water treatment plants take into account not only the above regional factors, but also consumer requirements for the quality of purified water, for example, if some indicators require increased water quality compared to GOST. The current water supply systems in rural settlements make it possible to radically change the situation in supplying the population with high-quality drinking water. As a rule, rural settlements have an artesian well (one or more) as a source of water supply, for example, in the Tomsk region, more than 75% of such rural settlements have one or more (1-3) water towers as a water accumulator. As a rule, these two links form the basis of the water supply system of a populated area.

In many rural settlements, private individual housing has its own water wells and does not use the services of the water supply systems of the settlement.

Water distribution networks supplying water from towers to housing are so diverse in design, configuration (branching of networks), pipe materials used, methods of laying them and the presence of structures on them (water pumps, fire hydrants, etc.) that they do not amenable to any acceptable systematization. However, this cannot prevent solving the problem of improving water supply systems in rural settlements.

Based on research conducted by a team of TSASU employees in various regions of the West Siberian region (Tomsk, Tyumen, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk regions and Altai Territory), the fairly widespread use in water treatment practice of low and medium power stations developed by TSASU, a series of individual water treatment equipment has been brought to production , intended for purification of groundwater (Fig. 3, 5). It should be noted that the choice of water treatment equipment requires a fairly correct assessment of the quality of groundwater to be purified and used for drinking purposes. Technical characteristics The developed water treatment equipment is given in table. 3.

As an option for a rural house with a farmstead and a personal plot that has its own water well, the authors developed a combined water storage tank with a built-in water treatment plant (Fig. 6). The tank simultaneously performs two functions: it serves as a water storage device, and the built-in combined filter ensures the purification of groundwater to GOST requirements. The capacity of the storage tank is determined based on the daily amount of water consumed for household and drinking needs, and the performance of the water treatment plant is determined based on the maximum hourly water consumption during the season of maximum water consumption (usually summer).

As a technological structure, an accumulator tank on an individual water supply system of a rural residential building performs the functions of raw water oxidation, degassing, aeration and purification. The tank can be installed in the attic of a residential building, or any outbuilding; in addition, it can be installed on a separate overpass in a place convenient for use. Depending on where it is installed, in some cases it needs to be insulated for the winter.

Long-term industrial tests of various water treatment equipment for groundwater purification in various areas of Tomsk, Kemerovo, Tyumen and Sverdlovsk regions on water supply systems low power(up to 5 m 3 / day) of individual houses showed their satisfactory and reliable operation.

Small-sized stations with a capacity of up to 100 m 3 /day. installed and put into operation on the water supply systems of enterprises in the city of Rubtsovsk (Altai Territory), Yaya village (Kemerovo region); Children's centers "Druzhba", "Solnyshko", "Lukomorye", "Young Tomich" (Anikino village, Tomsk region), Children's center "Solnechny" (Kaltai village, Tomsk region), in the Molchanovo and Parabel district centers (Tomsk region), Surgut (Tyumen region), Tomsk branch of Sibmost JSC (Tomsk), Sukhoi Log, Bogdanovich, Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk region), etc.

Working design documentation was developed, and on its basis a small series of water treatment plants were manufactured and implemented on the water supply systems of individual residential buildings in the villages: Anikino, Timiryazevo, Kislovka, Nauka, Yakor, Kargasok; With. Alexandrovskoe, village Kozhevnikovo and Molchanovo district (Tomsk region - 24 units in total), Yaya village (Kemerovo region - 8 units), Rubtsovsk (Altai Territory - 6 units), Surgut (Tyumen region - 4 pcs.), Yekaterinburg (1 pc.), in the workshops for the preparation and bottling of mineral and carbonated water in the village. Zyryanskoye, Shegarka village and Chazhemto village (Tomsk region - 4 pcs.).

In order to develop effective, reliable and easy-to-use technologies and water treatment equipment, a team of TSASU employees conducts comprehensive technological research in the natural conditions of populated areas in the region. As a result of experimental research, technologies are being developed that make it possible to obtain conditioned water that meets modern requirements.


1. Alekseev M.I., Dzyubo V.V. Study of groundwater treatment technology and development of individual water treatment equipment // News of universities. Construction. No. 10, 1998, p. 88-93.

2. Dzyubo V.V., Alferova L.I. Autonomous water supply station from underground sources // Information sheet No. 258-96. Tomsk; MTsNTIiP, 1996. 4 p.

3. Dzyubo V.V., Alferova L.I. Aeration and degassing of groundwater in the process of purification // Water supply and sanitary engineering. No. 6, 2003, p. 21-25.

4. Dzyubo V.V., Alferova L.I. Study of the kinetic parameters of the process of aeration and degassing of groundwater // Bulletin of the Tomsk State Architectural-page. Univ.-Tomsk: TGAS, No. 1 (6), 2002, p. 171-181.

5. Dzyubo V.V., Alferova L.I. Multichannel countercurrent ozonator column // Information sheet No. 234-96. Tomsk; ITCNTIiP, 1996, 4 p.

6. Dzyubo V.V. Study of the possibility and effectiveness of ozonation of groundwater in Western Siberia for drinking water supply// Izvestia Vuzov. Construction, No. 6, 1997, p. 85-89.

7. Dzyubo V.V. Efficiency of ozonation in the process of groundwater purification // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. arch.-page un-ta. Tomsk; TGASU, No. 1, 2004, p. 107-115.

8. A.s. 1370090 USSR, MKI SO 2 F 3/20. Device for aeration of liquids / Dzyubo V. V. Publ. 01/30/88. Bull. No. 4.

9. Dzyubo V.V. Pneumatic aerators for saturating liquids with gases // Scientific and technical developments: water supply and sanitation: Collection of information materials. Tomsk; ITCSTIP, 1995, 42 p.

10. Dzyubo V.V., Alferova L.I. Small-sized water treatment equipment for individual housing in rural areas of Western Siberia // Problems of drinking water supply and ways to solve them: Collection of materials of a scientific and technical seminar. M.: VIMI, 1997, p. 98-103.

11. Dzyubo V.V., Alferova L.I., Cherkashin V.I. Water treatment systems for individual houses // Rural construction, No. 1, 1998, p. 35-37.

*Characteristics of drinking water supply systems

There are centralized and decentralized water supply systems. At decentralized(local) water supply, the consumer takes water directly from the water source - spring, well. Common in rural areas. Such water supply is less favorable from a sanitary point of view - when receiving and transporting water, it may become contaminated.

At centralized water supply water is supplied to the consumer's home using a water pipe. Typically, centralized water sources use water from surface or underground sources. Water from underground sources (artificial wells) is used for small settlements. The advantage of this method is that the water does not need to be purified and water can be collected in the populated area itself. The water supply in this case consists of a well + a first lift pump that lifts water from the artillery well into a collection tank + a collection tank + a second lift pump that takes water from the reservoir and supplies it to + the water tower tank + a distribution network into which water flows from the tank by gravity.

Water from open waters must be cleaned and disinfected. With this method, the water supply system consists of: a water intake structure + a 1st lift pump to a treatment plant + a water station where the water is purified and disinfected + a clean water tank + a 2nd lift pump + a water tower tank + a distribution network to houses.

· Protection of water supply sources.

Fresh water is renewable, but limited and vulnerable to pollution natural resource. Therefore, its sources for drinking water supply in the Russian Federation are protected as the basis for the life and safety of the peoples who use it. In the future, fresh water will be the most popular and profitable commodity for our country, especially from the rivers of Siberia. The use of water in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Water Code of the Russian Federation (1995), in particular Article 3 defines the rights of citizens to clean water and a favorable aquatic environment.

Protection of water supply sources is ensured in accordance with the Sanitary Rules “Drinking Water. Hygienic requirements for water quality in centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control" (2001). They require: 1) the creation of sanitary protection zones and 2) the protection of surface waters from pollution by wastewater.

Zone sanitary protection is a specially designated area associated with a water supply source and water intake. Why are sanitary protection zones needed? Each body of water is a complex living system inhabited by plants and microorganisms that constantly multiply and die, which ensures the self-purification of the reservoir. This means that zones are needed for its self-cleaning. In addition, zones are needed to limit the entry of pollutants into water bodies. Different zones are organized for different water sources: for surface water sources (rivers, lakes) - 3 zones, for artillery wells - 2 and for wells - 1 zone.

The first zone is a high security zone– directly protects the water intake site and territory from pollution and unauthorized people. On the ground there is a fence with barbed wire and strict regime security On a flowing body of water - a river - there is the same fence and security 200 m upstream and 100 m downstream. For stagnant bodies of water - small lakes - the entire territory of the lake. For artillery wells - a fence within a radius of 50 m for non-pressure wells and 30 m for pressure wells. Outsiders are not allowed into the territory of the 1st zone; living, construction, swimming, fishing, and boating are not allowed. Its territory is landscaped and paved.

The second zone is a restricted zone– covers the entire territory that can affect the quality of water at the point of water intake. It is determined by a calculation method for each reservoir - taking into account the travel time of water from the boundaries of the belt to the place of water intake. For a river - the space it travels in 3-5 days. For large rivers this is upward - 20-30 km, for medium ones 30-60 km, and for small rivers it covers it all the way to the source. Downstream - at least 250 m along the river and 1000 m along the bank. For stagnant reservoirs - a radius of 3-5 km. For artillery wells - 200-9000 days of run - this is the time during which the penetrating microbes die. In the 2nd zone, all production and economic activities are limited, sewage flow, mass bathing, and industrial fishing are limited.

Third beltzone of sanitary restrictions. Applicable for open water bodies: mining, cemeteries and livestock farms are prohibited in it.

Quality control drinking water carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” (1999). This law introduced sanitary and epidemiological monitoring: automatic monitoring of the quality of drinking water.

Note: IN In Moscow, automatic assessment of the quality of drinking water is carried out simultaneously according to 180 indicators by the laboratories of Mosvodokanal, State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodostok", TsGSEN. and the Russian-French analytical center "Rosa" on the entire movement of water from sources to consumer taps: at 90 points at water supply sources, at 170 points at water supply stations and at 150 at the distribution network. Up to 4,000 physico-chemical, 400 microbiological and 300 hydrobiological water analyzes are performed daily.

· Drinking water purification and disinfection system

In order for fresh water to become potable for a centralized water supply, it must be treated - purified and disinfected. Hygienic requirements for the quality of drinking water are set out in the Sanitary Rules “Drinking Water. Hygienic requirements for water quality in centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control" (2001). In accordance with these requirements, cleaning (lightening, discoloration) and disinfection are carried out.

Main goal cleaning– liberation from suspended particles and colored colloids. This is achieved by 1) sedimentation, 2) coagulation and 3) filtration. After water from the river passes through the water intake grates, in which large pollutants remain, the water enters large containers - settling tanks, flowing slowly through them in 4-8 hours. Large particles fall to the bottom. To sediment small suspended substances, water enters containers where it is coagulated - polyacrylamide or aluminum sulfate is added to it, which, under the influence of water, becomes flakes, like snowflakes, to which small particles stick and dyes are adsorbed, after which they settle to the bottom of the tank. Next, the water goes to the final stage of purification - filtration: it is slowly passed through a layer of sand and filter fabric - here the remaining suspended substances, helminth eggs and 99% of microflora are retained.

Next the water goes to disinfection from germs and viruses. For this purpose, water chlorination is used with gas (at large stations) or bleach (at small stations). When chlorine is added to water, it hydrolyzes, forming hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids, which, easily penetrating the shell of microbes, kill them.

The effectiveness of water chlorination depends on: 1) the degree of purification of water from suspended substances, 2) the dose administered, 3) the thoroughness of mixing the water, 4) sufficient exposure of water to chlorine and 5) the thoroughness of checking the quality of chlorination for residual chlorine. The bactericidal effect of chlorine is expressed in the first 30 minutes and depends on the dose and temperature of the water - at low temperatures, disinfection is extended to 2 hours.

Chlorine is actively absorbed by untreated organic substances that have undergone all degrees of purification (humic substances, organic manure and decayed blooming algae) - this is called chlorine absorption water. In accordance with sanitary requirements, 0.3-0.5 mg/l of so-called residual chlorine should remain in water after chlorination. Therefore, after a certain time, the chlorine absorption of water is determined by residual chlorine- in summer after 30 minutes, in winter after 2 hours - and accordingly a dose of chlorine is added in excess of the residual. Quality control of water disinfection is carried out by residual chlorine and bacteriological analyses. Depending on the dose applied, a distinction is made between conventional chlorination - 0.3-0.5 mg/l and hyperchlorination - 1-1.5 mg/l, used during periods of epidemic danger. Water with a residual chlorine of at least 0.3 mg/l must reach the consumer - this prevents its contamination during transportation through pipes, where it can become contaminated through cracks in them. The presence of this dose in tap water in an apartment guarantees its disinfection.

· Disinfection of individual water supplies at home and in the field

To disinfect individual water supplies at home and in the field, the following methods are used:

1) boiling is the easiest way to destroy microorganisms in water; however, many chemical contaminants remain;

2) the use of household appliances - filters that provide several degrees of purification; adsorbing microorganisms and suspended substances; neutralizing a number of chemical impurities, incl. rigidity; ensuring the absorption of chlorine and organochlorine substances. Such water has favorable organoleptic, chemical and bacterial properties;

3) “silvering” of water using special devices through electrolytic treatment of water. Silver ions effectively destroy all microflora; they preserve water and allow it to be stored for a long time, which is used in long expeditions on water transport and by submariners to preserve drinking water for a long time. The best household filters use silver plating as an additional method of water disinfection and preservation;

4) in hiking conditions fresh water treated with chlorine tablets: pantocid containing chloramine (1 tablet – 3 mg of active chlorine), or aquacide (1 tablet – 4 mg); and also with iodine - iodine tablets (3 mg of active iodine). The number of tablets required for use is calculated depending on the volume of water.

· Water consumption standards depending on the degree of improvement and water supply system of the settlement

Residents’ water consumption standards depend on the improvement of houses and water supply systems:

A) water is taken from pumps on the streets (there is no sewage system) - 30-60 l/day per 1 resident per day;

B) with internal water supply and cesspool sewerage, without bathtub and hot water supply (not sewerage) - 125-160 l/day per 1 resident per day;

C) the same + baths + local water heating (partially sewered) - 170–250 l/day per 1 resident per day;

D) the same + centralized support hot water– 250-350 l/day per 1 resident per day;

D) for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the norm is 400-500 l/day per 1 resident per day.

· Control over the construction and operation of wells

Health workers working in the rural area are responsible for monitoring the construction and operation of wells. The basis is taken from the Sanitary Rules “Requirements for the quality of water from non-centralized water supply. Sanitary protection of sources" (1996). Disinfection of water in wells according to epidemic indications (in the event of intestinal infectious diseases occurring among those using the well) is carried out in ceramic vessels into which bleach is placed, and they are suspended in the well for 1.5-2 months, then their contents are replaced. Every year, preventive cleaning of the well is carried out: in a planned manner, in the spring, water is drawn out from the well, the walls and bottom are cleaned of sediment, the walls are washed with a 3-5% solution of bleach. After filling with water, add a 1% solution of bleach at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 m3, mix and leave for 10-12 hours, then scoop out the water until the chlorine odor disappears, after which the well is considered clean.

Security questions

1) Physical and organoleptic properties of water.

2) The role of water in nature and in everyday life (physiological role, household and sanitary

hygienic value of water).

3) Self-purification of water in sources.

4) Characteristics of water supply sources.

5) Sanitary zones for the protection of water supply sources.

6) Causes of contamination of water supply sources.

7) Characteristics of water supply systems.

8) System for purifying drinking water from water supply sources.

9) Organization of disinfection of drinking water at water stations.

10) Water consumption standards depending on the degree of improvement and water supply system of the settlement.

11) Methods for disinfecting individual water supplies.

12) Control over the construction and operation of wells.

13) Possibilities of the World Ocean in supplying fresh water.



1) Chemical composition of water.

2) Geochemical endemics.

3) Causes and sources of contamination of drinking water supplies.

4) Conditions and terms of survival of pathogenic microorganisms in water.

5) Infectious diseases and helminthiases transmitted by water.

6) Features of water epidemics.

7) Requirements for drinking water.


1) Identification of the causes of infectious diseases transmitted by water

2) Training the population in prevention methods.

1) Hygienic value of water.

2) Chemical composition of water The role of water in the spread of non-communicable diseases.

Geochemical endemics.

3) The role of water in the spread of infectious diseases:

· infectious diseases and helminthiases transmitted by water;

· conditions and terms of survival of pathogenic microorganisms in water;

· Features of water epidemics.

4) Prevention of endemic and epidemic diseases associated with the quality of drinking water

water. Hygienic requirements for drinking water quality (chemical and

bacteriological indicators).

5) Special measures for the treatment of drinking water for the prevention of endemic and

epidemic diseases.

The water supply system of a populated area is understood as a complex of engineering structures located in a certain technological order along the supply (flow) of water and designed to provide consumers with the necessary amount of water of the required quality.

IN general case The water supply system of a populated area includes:

 structures for collecting water from a source (water intakes, water intakes);

 first lift pumping station for supplying water to the water supply network;

 water treatment facilities (water treatment plants);

 reservoirs for storing water supplies;

 second lift pumping station for supplying water to the water supply network;

 structures for regulating and maintaining the required flow rates and pressures in the water supply network (water tower, pump-pneumatic installation, upland reservoir);

 water pipelines, external and internal water supply networks for transporting and distributing water to consumers.

Water supply systems in populated areas are based, as a rule, on equipped water intake structures (wells, captured springs, karizs, and sometimes wells) and can be classified according to a number of criteria.

By type of serviced object water supply systems for populated areas are communal, industrial, agricultural, railway, airfield water supply and field water supply.

By purpose distinguish:

household and drinking(household) water supply systems supplying water for household, sanitary and drinking needs;

production(technical) water supply systems to ensure technological processes of production, operation of units and equipment;

fire-fighting water supply systems to ensure the extinguishing of emerging fires.

Depending on the size of populated areas, as well as the amount of water they consume, water supply systems can be united or separate.

In populated areas where water consumption is low, for economic reasons, as a rule, integrated systems of economic, technical and fire-fighting water supply are installed.

Mutual arrangement and linkage water works form a diagram of a water supply or plumbing system. The choice of water supply system design has a significant influence type of water source.

Based on this criterion, water supply systems in populated areas are divided into systems with superficial And underground source.

In a water supply system based on a surface source (Fig. 1), the first device along the flow of water is a water intake (water intake), which ensures reliable intake of the required amount of water from the source.

Next, the water is supplied to the treatment facilities by the pumps of the first lift station. At treatment plants, water is processed to bring it to the required quality. From treatment facilities, water, as a rule, flows by gravity into clean water reservoirs, which ensure its storage and also allow you to regulate the modes of its further movement through the network and intake by the second lift pumping station. Fire-fighting water supplies are often stored in the same tanks. The second lift pumping station takes water from the reservoirs and supplies it through the water supply network to consumers and to the water tower (pneumatic installation).

The water tower (mountain reservoir, pneumatic installation) serves to regulate the operation of the second lift pumping station, taking into account the uneven distribution of water by consumers. A water tower is installed if it is necessary to have significant regulating water reserves and in the absence of large elevations in the area. If there is a hill on the ground within the territory of a military camp with an elevation higher than the required pressure in the network, it is advisable to install an upland reservoir instead of a water tower. If a small regulating supply of water is required (up to 5...7 m3), then a pneumatic installation is used to regulate the operation of the second lift pumping station.

Fig.1. Diagram of a water supply system with a surface water source

1 – water source; 2 – water intake; 3 – first lift pumping station;

4 – treatment facilities; 5 – clean water tanks; 6 – pumping station of the second lift; 7 – water tower

Water is transported from the second lift pumping station to the facility's water supply network and water tower via a water pipeline. According to reliability conditions, the water supply system is laid in at least two lines (water conduits). On a long-distance water pipeline, jumpers with switching chambers can be installed, providing up to 70% of the calculated amount of water for household and drinking needs when the damaged section on one of the water pipelines is disconnected. The distance between the lines of water conduits should not allow the parallel line to be washed out in the event of an accident, as well as damage to both lines by one explosion of a calculated munition.

The main disadvantages of a water supply system with a surface water source are:

– increased construction and operating costs due to the large number of engineering structures;

– vulnerability to exposure to destructive means;

– the need to take measures to protect individual elements;

– the possibility of contamination of a water source when weapons of mass destruction are used.

E As a rule, the water supply system of a populated area, based on an underground source, does not have these shortcomings (Fig. 2). The water supply scheme with an underground water source is much simpler and, if the quality of the water in the source meets the requirements, may not include treatment facilities.

Rice. 2. Diagram of a water supply system with an underground water source

1 – water intake well; 2 – first lift pumping station; 3 – clean water tanks; 4 – pumping station of the second lift; 5 – water tower

This scheme includes: an underground water source (well, shaft well, etc.), a first lift pumping station, water storage tanks, a second lift pumping station, a water tower (upland reservoir, pneumatic installation), water conduits and a water supply network.

Pumps of the first and second lifts can be located in different or in the same room (combined pumping station). In some cases, in small military towns, the water supply system with an underground water source can be further simplified. Water from the source can be supplied directly to the water tower (mountain reservoir, pneumatic installation) and through the distribution water supply network to consumers. If the quality of groundwater does not meet the requirements of consumers, the water supply system scheme is supplemented by the installation of treatment facilities or water treatment plants.

Compared to a water supply system based on a surface water source, a water supply system with an underground source has a number of advantages, namely:

– increased reliability, due to dispersal and, accordingly, greater protection of water intake structures (wells, shaft wells, etc.);

– the possibility of duplicating the main source of water, since water intake wells or groups of wells can be constructed to exploit different aquifers;

– lower probability of contamination of a water source in conditions of destruction of potentially hazardous objects;

– lower construction and operating costs (in the absence of water treatment facilities);

– the possibility of reducing construction space by combining several elements in one building, for example, a well and a pumping station of the second lift.

In the scheme of a water supply system with an underground water source, you can do without a water tower; in this case, the water supply to the water supply network will be regulated by turning on a different number of pumps at the second lift pumping station.

In some cases, mixed systems with surface and underground water sources can be installed. In this case, the operation of a system with an underground source, as a rule, is envisaged only for wartime.

According to the method of water supply water supply systems can be pressure And gravity-fed. All of the systems discussed above are pressure systems: water is supplied to them by pumps with the required pressure.

If the water source is located above the object (consumer) with an excess sufficient to create the necessary pressure in the water supply network, a gravity water supply scheme is used (Fig. 3).


network pressure

is. 3. Scheme of gravity water supply

1 – source of water (spring); 2 – capture structure; 3 – upland (unloading)

tank; 4 – water supply network

From a water source (spring), water is supplied to the water supply network through an upland reservoir, which simultaneously functions as a clean water reservoir and a control tank. Here, if necessary, water chlorination can be carried out. If the pressure in the network is too high, it is reduced using unloading wells.

The advantages of the gravity water supply system are the simplicity of the device and, in connection with this, low construction costs, as well as simplicity and low cost of operation.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher professional education

"Kuzbass State Technical University

Named after T.F. Gorbachev"

Department of SK and VV

Water supply and sanitation of small settlements

Completed: Art. gr. BB-091

Yu.A. Nadymov

Checked by the teacher:

N.A. Zaitseva


Initial data:


1. Calculation of water supply networks

2. Calculation of drainage networks

3. Calculation of treatment facilities

4. Safety precautions

5. Security environment


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Initial data

water supply sewerage treatment plant

Region: Kemerovo

Level of improvement: VKVTs;

Number of cottages: 10 pcs;

Semi-detached cottages: 4 people in one cottage;

Soil freezing depth: 2.2 m;

Rural houses:5;

Number of residents in rural houses: 20.


A small settlement located in the Kemerovo region with a population of 184 people in all cottages is subject to water supply and sanitation.

A water supply system is a complex of structures that perform water supply tasks, i.e. obtaining water from natural sources, its purification, transportation and supply to consumers.

The water supply and distribution system is a complex of water supply structures, including pumping stations, networks, water pipelines and pressure control tanks.

Water disposal is a complex of engineering structures and measures that ensure the collection and removal of wastewater outside populated areas, their purification and disinfection.

Water is drawn from an artesian well. These wells have significant depth. For an artesian well, several pipes must be installed. The standard option is to install a 133 mm casing pipe that goes to the aquiferous limestone. This casing blocks the high water and deeper groundwater.

The second pipe is a plastic pipe, 125 mm in diameter, which comes directly from a hole in the porous aquifer of limestone. A deep well is installed in this pipe submersible pump. If the depth of the artesian well is very significant - 200-250 meters, then in this case it is necessary to make a telescopic well - that is, for the first approximately 70 meters there is the largest pipe - 159 mm, then there is a narrower one, then an even narrower one, and at the end - plastic pipe, 125 mm in diameter.

The purpose of this project is to supply water from a water well. Wastewater is discharged to treatment facilities outside the populated area through closed underground pipelines. The plan of the village and the location of pipelines are given in Appendix 1, an explication of buildings and structures is given in Appendix 2.

1. Calculation of water supply networks

1 . Daily water consumption:

Estimated number of residents in all cottages, people:

Where A- number of cottages, pcs. V- number of residents in the cottage, people.

N р = 8+4·22=184 people.

Daily water consumption for household and drinking needs:


where is the coefficient of daily unevenness of water consumption equal to 1.3 (SNiP);

- specific water consumption, accepted according to SNiP table 1, 350 l/s;

1.15 - unaccounted expenses;

Daily consumption for rural houses from the column:

where 30 is the water norm per inhabitant of a rural house;

Daily water consumption for irrigation needs:


where is the specific average daily water consumption for irrigation per inhabitant during the irrigation season, taken equal to 50-90.


Daily water consumption in a populated area:


2. Determination of estimated water consumption per hour of maximum waterOconsumption:

Hourly unevenness coefficient:


where is the coefficient taking into account the degree of improvement of buildings and other local conditions, taken equal to 1.2;

- the coefficient taking into account the total number of residents in the locality is assumed to be 3.5.

Estimated water consumption per hour of maximum water consumption:

Estimated water consumption in a populated area:


where is the hourly water consumption in a populated area, corresponding to the maximum percentage of hourly water consumption, .




Estimated water consumption per hour of fire extinguishing, coinciding with the hour of maximum water consumption,


where is the water consumption for external fire extinguishing in a populated area per fire, taken equal to 5;

- the number of fires in a populated area is assumed to be 1;

- water consumption for internal fire extinguishing is assumed to be equal to two jets of 2.5 each.


Maximum water consumption per hour of fire extinguishing:


Table 1

Water consumption by hour of day

The profile of water supply networks is presented in Appendix 3.4. The details of the water supply network are presented in Appendix 10; a sheet with a specification is attached to the details.

2. Calculation of drainage networks

Average daily water consumption from residential areas:


where is the number of residents in the cottages, equal to 160 people, calculation see above;

n- water disposal rate per person equal to 350.



Average hourly water consumption:

Average second water consumption:


Maximum daily water consumption from residential areas:


where is the coefficient of daily unevenness of wastewater flow into the network, taken equal to 1.3.


Maximum hourly water consumption:


where is the overall flow coefficient, taken equal to 2.5 (Table 2).


Maximum second water consumption:


Maximum second consumption per cottage:


Where n- number of cottages equal to 8, see calculation above.


Longitudinal profiles of drainage networks are presented in Appendices 2,5,7,8.

Table 2

Hydraulic calculation of sewerage

Plot number

Estimated consumption

Joint length, L, m

Pipeline slope, i

falling mark, i*l

Ground slope, i

Diameter, d

Water layer in the pipe, N




land area

tray surface

land area

tray surface

influx 18-17

influx 21-22

inflow 24-25

inflow 27-28

inflow 30-31

main collector

influx 4-5

inflow 7-8

influx 11-10

influx 13-14

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3. Calculation of treatment facilities

The wastewater treatment plant site should be located, as a rule, on the leeward side of the prevailing winds of the warm period of the year in relation to residential buildings and downstream of the populated area along the watercourse.

The composition of the structures should be selected depending on the characteristics and quantity of wastewater entering treatment, the required degree of treatment, the sludge treatment method and local conditions.

We select treatment facilities according to standard project TP 902-03--1.

A block of containers which consists of an aeration tank, a settling tank, a contact tank, and a receiving chamber. Excess activated sludge from the aeration tank is discharged to sludge beds.


Aerotanks of various types should be used for biological treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater. During the biological treatment of waste liquid in aeration tanks, dissolved organic matter, as well as non-sedimented fine and colloidal phases pass into activated sludge, causing an increase in sludge biomass. The newly formed activated sludge is separated from the water only together with the original sludge. The amount of sludge in the aeration tanks is maintained within certain limits, and, therefore, an increase in biomass and its removal from the aeration tank is inevitable. The capacity of aeration tanks must be determined by the average hourly water flow during the aeration period during the hours of maximum inflow. The consumption of circulating activated sludge is not taken into account when calculating the capacity of aeration tanks without regenerators and secondary settling tanks.

Taking into account the fact that this project is focused on the rapid development of the village and, as a consequence, an increase in wastewater entering the treatment plant, we accept a standard aeration tank with a capacity of up to 100 m 3 /day, rectangular in plan, dimensions 3, according to the standard project TP 902-03-1 aeration tank.


A secondary settling tank is provided for final clarification of wastewater and for sedimentation of activated sludge after the aeration tank. Secondary settling tanks are an integral part of biological treatment facilities and are located in the technological scheme directly after the aeration tank.

A settling tank according to TP 902-03-1 was adopted, rectangular in plan 3 m.

contact tank

In Contact tanks, chlorine comes into contact with water to disinfect wastewater for 30 minutes. Contact tanks are designed to provide a design duration of contact of treated wastewater with chlorine or sodium hypochlorite and should be designed as primary settling tanks without pigs; the number of tanks is accepted to be at least 2.

We accept 1 contact tank according to TP 902-03-1 with a working height of 1.5 m.

Sludge pads

Designed for dewatering and drying sludge. Sludge beds come with a natural base (with or without drainage), with surface drainage water.

Silt pads on a natural foundation without drainage are used in cases where the soil has good filtering capacity (sand, sandy loam), the groundwater level is at a depth of at least 1.5 m from the map surface, and seeping drainage water can be released into the ground under sanitary conditions. At a shallower depth of groundwater, it is necessary to lower its level.

At small treatment plants, for ease of use, the width of individual cards is no more than 10 m. The dimensions of the cards should be determined taking into account the placement of sediment released at a time with a layer thickness in summer of 0.25-0.3 m and in winter 0.5 m. Card height by 0.3 m above the working level.

The sediment is distributed over the cards using pipes or wooden trays, laid mostly in the body of the separating roller with a slope of 0.01-0.03 and equipped with outlets.

Sludge areas must be promptly cleared of dried sediment. At small treatment plants, the sludge is manually loaded into machines and taken for use as fertilizer to the nearest collective and state farms. In winter, the frozen sludge is split into separate blocks by special machines, which are then transported to the collective farm fields.

The total area of ​​sludge sites is determined taking into account the number of residents in all cottages:

According to clause 6.391 of SNiP 2.04.03-85 we accept:

Working depth of cards 0.8 m, the height of the protective rollers - by 0.3 m above working level;

The width of the rollers at the top is 0.7 m;

When using mechanisms for repairing earthen rollers 1.8-2 m;

The slope of the bottom of distribution pipes or trays is calculated, but not less than 0.01.

4. Safety precautions

Open tank structures, if their walls rise above the planned territory by less than 0.6 m, are fenced along the outer perimeter. Channel width up to 0.8 m, supplying and discharging waste liquid, are covered with removable wooden or concrete panels. With a width of more than 0.8 m fences can be used instead of shields. Recessed rooms communicate with the ground part through exits from buildings via open staircases with a width of at least 0.7 m and an inclination angle of no more than 45°.

Automatic and telemechanical control of structures must be duplicated by manual control, ensuring safe operation in the event of automation failure. Sampling of water or sediment (sludge) in open structures should be carried out from work sites that are fenced in accordance with safety requirements. When taking samples, do not lean over the railings. Removal of floating substances from the surface and cleaning of spillways and collection trays of sedimentation tanks must be carried out with special devices.

To open or close the valves located in the wells (sludge discharge, etc.), you must use a fork rod. Where possible, it is necessary to install remote steering wheels and valves remote control, and other devices that eliminate the need for maintenance personnel to be in wells.

It is prohibited to go beyond the fences and walk on the walls of aeration tank channels, the sides of settling tanks and pipelines. The layer of contamination from sedimentation tanks should only be removed from fenced longitudinal channels and from the surface, using special devices. It is prohibited to lean on the enclosing railings.

The height of the barrier rollers should be no more than 1 m, width at the top - not less than 0.7 m. Monitoring wells on a closed drainage network must rise above the ground surface by more than 0.25 m.

Each work station must have a tank with drinking water, a washbasin, soap, a towel, spare gloves and the necessary set of tools. Pound water and drainage water should not be used for drinking purposes. Personnel on duty at night must have battery-powered flashlights.

Personnel working in irrigation fields, including seasonal workers, must take a shower after finishing their shift.

A team of at least three people is allowed to work related to descending into wells: one to work in the well, a second to work on the surface, and a third to observe and provide assistance, if necessary, to those working in the well. From the brigade stands out responsible person. Workers must have safety and protective devices: safety belts with ropes, tested for breaking under a load of 2-10 4 kN/m 2 ; insulating gas masks with a hose PSh-1 or GGSh-2, length 2 m greater than the depth of the well, but not more than 12 m; two petrol lamps LBVK; rechargeable flashlights with a voltage not exceeding 12V; hand fan; hooks and crowbars; protective devices.

5. Environmental protection

Pollution of water bodies occurs both naturally and artificially. Pollution comes with rainwater, as a result of the discharge of wastewater from settlements and industrial enterprises into the reservoir, and is formed in the process of development and death of animal and plant organisms located in the reservoir.

Soil erosion contributes to significant siltation of water bodies. Reservoirs silt up especially intensively as a result of erosion. The erosion process also affects the flow regime. A decrease in useful groundwater flow caused by erosion leads to increased floods and a decrease in low-water flows.

Pollution of natural water bodies occurs not only as a result of wastewater discharge, but also as a result of other types of human economic activities. Mole rafting of timber is prohibited on reservoirs used for water supply purposes. Serious pollution of water bodies occurs as a result of leakage of petroleum products, oils, etc., transported by water transport, or accidents of oil tankers and unorganized discharge of all types of pollution by ships. Substances harmful to human health may enter water bodies as a result of various fertilizers and pesticides being washed away from fields.

The sanitary protection zone of a surface water supply source is a specially designated area covering the body of water used and partly the basin of its supply. A regime is established in this territory that ensures reliable protection of the water supply source from pollution and the preservation of the required sanitary qualities of the water.


SNiP 2.04.02-84 "Water supply. External networks and structures." Gosstroy USSR. M: Stroyizdat, 1985.

Abramov N.N. Water supply. M: Stroyizdat, 1982.

Shevelev F.A. Tables for hydraulic calculations of steel, cast iron, asbestos-cement, plastic and glass water pipes. M.: Stroyizdat, 1973.

SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. External networks and structures." M., CITP, 1986.

Lukinykh A.A., Lukinykh N.A. Tables for hydraulic calculation of sewer networks and siphons according to the formula of Acad. N.N. Pavlovsky. Reference manual. 4th ed. M.: Stroyizdat, 1974.

Yakovlev S.V., Voronov Yu.V. Water disposal and wastewater treatment. Ed. 3rd, revised and additional M.: ASV, 2004.

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