An example of a power supply diagram for an administrative building. Electrical supply project for an administrative building. What is the reliability category?

Electrical supply > Electrical supply concept

Power supply of administrative buildings. Voltage and power supplies

Most administrative buildings in terms of reliability of power supply belong to the 2nd category. These buildings must, as a rule, be powered by different transformers of two-transformer substations, which are powered by different sections, 10(6) kV.
In turn, 10(6) kV switchgear must be powered by two cable lines and have an emergency backup switch. Power supply from a single-transformer substation should be considered as practically possible, but still undesirable, because in this case, in order to supply critical consumers with the 2nd category of power supply reliability, cable jumpers are laid between the buses of switchgears in emergency mode low voltage. In this case, the jumpers between transformers must be designed so that the voltage loss to the most remote power receivers does not exceed the permissible value for normal mode work.
The lighting is powered from common transformers - for power and lighting consumers.
It should be noted that the normalized frequency of voltage changes in the network must be observed.
The power supply for evacuation and emergency lighting must be independent of the power supply for working lighting. With two inputs, power is supplied from different inputs, with one input - by independent lines from the input distribution device (IDU).
The power of power transformers is taken based on load calculations. At the same time, for approximate calculations of electrical loads, it is possible to use specific electrical loads, which for administrative buildings for each square meter The usable area is 45 W - including air conditioning and 36 W - excluding.
The location of transformer substations must be established when designing a specific facility in accordance with the requirements and taking into account the location of the building on master plan, the center for the concentration of the main electrical loads, architectural and planning solutions, etc.
Transformer substations, as a rule, are built into a building or attached to it, less often - separately located. When installing a transformer substation in in some cases use complete transformer substations with air-cooled transformers and place them in basements.
Substations with oil transformers should be located on the first or ground floor, but above the level of the ground level.
Power transformers must have a solidly grounded neutral. The three-phase current system used with a grounded neutral is 380/220 V (the open circuit voltage of the transformers is 400/230 V).
In administrative buildings, there is also a voltage of 12 and 36 V, used as a local voltage, for example, in ventilation chambers.
Power supply for emergency lighting of administrative buildings from autonomous sources (batteries, diesel power plant), as a rule, is not required.

Power plans

The figure shows typical power supply circuits for lighting in administrative buildings. The power supply diagram from a single-transformer substation for category III loads is shown in Figure "a". For lighting loads of category II, it is recommended to use circuit “b”, in which working and emergency lighting are powered from different transformers.
When each transformer is powered from independent sources (for example, from different sections of a 10(6) kV switchgear, and even having an automatic transfer switch), the circuit provides power supply to category I lighting loads.
Rechargeable batteries are rarely used as a second power source and only when powering special loads, for example, for emergency lighting.
From the distribution boards of transformer substations, supply networks are laid to the group lighting panels of the main switchboards, from which the group networks go.
The limited number of protective devices on the distribution boards of substations or on the main switchboard of a building, as well as the large values ​​of their rated currents, in some cases make it necessary to multiply the feeder switchboard through the main point, from which the group panels are already powered.
If the voltage at the main source disappears, it is possible to use circuits for automatically switching lighting from the main (working) power source to the backup (emergency) one.

Diagrams of the main circuits of emergency transfer stations

Millions of our fellow citizens spend almost a third of their lives in offices. Office buildings now naturally decorate the landscapes of our cities. They can be newly built or located in old houses converted into offices. In both cases, the main task of specialists is to ensure the comfort and safety of people at their workplaces.

And one of the most important factors For this, of course, there is a reliable power supply.

Main feature administrative building is that during the peak load of the entire building, the lighting networks also operate at full capacity. That is, in working hours in our climatic zone the entire electrical system of the building is operating at almost full capacity: the lights are on, computers and printers are humming, coffee is being prepared, lunch is being heated in the microwave, trying to clear the air supply and exhaust ventilation, air conditioners try to create the most comfortable atmosphere for work, elevators scurry up and down, etc. etc.

Therefore, it is vitally important to take into account absolutely the entire electrical load of the building when calculating in projects so that the network can withstand all this crazy operating mode without problems.

Office equipment can also be very diverse. These include individual offices of managers and general large premises, sometimes divided by partitions into separate work areas for employees.

In large halls, the installation locations for socket blocks for connecting office equipment are determined based on the layout of work areas, but not vice versa. This information must be known before the design begins, since the designer will need to provide for the installation of sockets in hatches located in the floor, which will require working out the placement of routes for additional trays and laying pipes for electrical wiring under the raised floor.

Lamps for lighting the premises of office buildings are selected depending on the purpose of the room, the category of visual work, operating and installation conditions, as well as taking into account the decor of the premises.

A design project is often ordered, but it must also be developed taking into account the above conditions. In the absence of a design project, lamps are selected and placed based on lighting calculations.

All this should be reflected in the Terms of Reference for the design of power supply for an office (administrative) building.

If the Customer does not have the opportunity to independently draw up the Technical Specifications, our specialists will provide him with full assistance in solving this difficult task.

What we offer:

  1. Serious study and analysis of Connection Permits and Technical Specifications in order to fully implement all the technical capabilities provided in the power supply project for an office (administrative) building.
  2. Direct interaction with specialists developing design projects for office (administrative) building premises. Maximum approximation of all design solutions to real conditions and their implementation in a power supply project (or, as some say, energy supply) within the framework of existing regulatory documents, rules, technical conditions and connection permits.
  3. If necessary, perform lighting calculations of the illumination of all premises of an office (administrative) building, and further placement of lamps on floor plans in the project based on these calculations.
  4. The project of internal power supply of an office (administrative) building, carried out by an experienced specialist, which includes:

Front page;

General information;

Schematic single-line diagrams of all ASUs, main switchboards and other necessary electrical panels;

Lighting network plans for each floor;

Floor emergency lighting network plans;

Plans of socket networks indicating an additional potential equalization scheme and a plan for the placement of potential equalization boxes (PEC) for each floor;

Network plan for computer outlets on each floor;

Power network plan for each floor;

Specification of materials and equipment used.

Under certain conditions and requirements, it is possible to develop a project in two stages: stage P and stage R.

  1. Project of external (facade) lighting of an office (administrative) building.
  2. Project for external power supply of an office (administrative) building (if necessary).
  3. Design of a grounding system for an office (administrative) building (if necessary).
  4. Ventilation and air conditioning design for an office (administrative) building (if necessary).
  5. Design of low-current systems for an office (administrative) building (if necessary).
  6. Coordination of projects in relevant organizations.

Price list. Prices for designing power supply for an administrative (office) building

Name of work

A partial selection of sheets from the electrical supply project is located at the end of the project description.

This building project includes:- internal electric lighting; - power electrical equipment; (ventilation, technological equipment) The electrical equipment project was developed on the basis of the following tasks: - architectural and construction drawings; - technical assignments of the HVAC, VK, etc. departments; - technical specifications of the Customer. The power supply to the building with office premises and the parking lot is carried out from the city electrical network with a voltage of 380/220V with solid grounding of the neutrals of the power transformers through ASU1 and ASU2. System type grounding TN-C-S. In accordance with SP 31-110-2003, electrical receivers in terms of the degree of reliability of power supply belong to category II; devices fire alarm, instrumentation, elevator and emergency lighting - to the 1st category.

The input and distribution devices are of the VRU-8504MU type and are installed in the electrical panel room located on the 1st floor. General electricity metering devices are located on input distribution devices, individual metering devices are located in floor panels. The following types of lighting are provided: - working; - security and evacuation lighting; - repair. Exit signs are installed along evacuation routes, exit signs are installed in the parking lot at a height of 500 and 2000 mm from the finished floor level. Illumination values ​​are adopted in accordance with MGSN 2.06-99 and are indicated on the plans. All rooms have fluorescent lamps.

Electrical networks are made with flame retardant cables with low smoke and gas emissions with copper conductors of the VVGng-LS brand. Distribution networks are laid along the technical underground on trays, behind the false ceiling of the 1st floor on trays, risers in specially equipped niches. Group lighting networks are laid: - behind suspended ceilings on trays; - in rooms without false ceilings in PVC pipes, laid in the preparation of the floor above the underlying floor. Group networks of power electrical equipment are laid: - to sockets behind suspended ceilings on trays, drops in fireproof PVC pipes; - to electric motors - in fireproof PVC pipes laid in the floor preparation.

In accordance with the requirements of the PUE to the panels are carried out with five-wire lines, group lines - with five-wire and three-wire lines.

To protect against damage electric shock On power boards, UZO-VAD2 is installed on the lines to plug sockets. To protect electrical networks, adopted circuit breakers, installed in distribution panels VRU-8405MU and group panels. Installation height of electrical installation products from the floor: - switches - 900 mm; - plug sockets - 900 mm (with the exception of technological sockets, the installation height of which is indicated on the plans). The cross-sections of the electrical network wires are selected according to the permissible current loads with testing for voltage loss. All metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical equipment, shield frames, housings of starting devices and metal housings of lamps must be grounded by connecting to the neutral protective conductor of the electrical network. Grounding must be carried out in accordance with the PUE section. 1.7 and 7.1. At the entrance to the building there is a potential equalization system that connects the following conductive parts: - protective neutral conductor “PE”; - both ASUs of the building; - metal pipes communications entering the building; - metal parts of the building frame; - metal cable sheaths; - grounding device of the lightning protection system; - systems central heating and ventilation

Task text

The work must be 80 sheets. + calculations of diagram graphics. IN modern conditions formation and development of the innovative economy of Russia, enterprises and organizations require highly qualified specialists who are able to pose and solve serious problem problems, for the implementation of which they require certain competencies in the field of research and design, production-technological and production-management activities, as well as modern theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Final certification of bachelors completes training in higher education programs vocational education in the field of preparation 03.13.02 Electrical power and electrical engineering. The purpose of the final certification is to identify the level of theoretical training of students and their mastery of practical skills in solving professional problems within the framework of the main types of their future professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education. Target methodological recommendations– to help students complete qualifying work in a high-quality manner in accordance with modern requirements of science and production and prepare it in a timely and professional manner for defense at the State Examination Committee/IEC. Methodological recommendations determine: the procedure for choosing a topic of work by a bachelor and its approval; general requirements for the bachelor's final qualifying work; highlight the sequence of its preparation; requirements for the structure, content and design - both of the work itself and of the scientific reference apparatus and applications; determine the responsibilities of the head of the research and development work; procedure for defending a bachelor's final qualifying thesis. Methodological recommendations have been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education and the competence-based approach to organizing the educational process embedded in them. Methodological recommendations were developed on the basis of the following regulatory documents: GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements; GOST R 7.03-2006. System of standards for information, library and publishing. Editions. Basic elements. Terms and definitions; GOST 7.05-2008. System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and design rules; GOST 7.1-2003. System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drafting; GOST 7.112004 (ISO 832: 1994). System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in foreign European languages; GOST 7.1293. System of standards for information, library and publishing. Abbreviations of words in Russian. General requirements and rules; GOST 7.60-2003. System of standards for information, library and publishing. Editions. Main types. Terms and definitions; GOST 7.80 -2000. System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and drafting rules; GOST 7.82 – 2001. System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and drafting rules; GOST 7.832001. System of standards for information, library and publishing. Electronic publications. Main types and output information. Methodological recommendations establish a system for monitoring the schedule for completing final qualifying work and consulting students at all stages of their work on their chosen topic. Explanatory note The final qualifying work (GQT) for an academic bachelor's degree is a theoretical and practical study on a current topic, in which the graduate demonstrates the level of mastery of the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills that allow him to independently solve professional problems. A bachelor's thesis is an independent completed study on a current topic, written personally by a graduate under the guidance of a supervisor, indicating the student's ability to work with literature, using theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during the development of a professional educational program. VKR is a qualifying work confirming compliance vocational training student requirements of the federal state educational standard in the field of study 03/13/02 Electrical power and electrical engineering. The purpose of the graduate work is to systematize the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by students while studying the disciplines of the curriculum, to consolidate skills in proficiency in research methods, experimentation, modeling and design, as well as to determine the degree of preparedness of graduates for independent work and their development of competencies in accordance with future professional activities. A bachelor performing a research and development work must demonstrate the ability to solve the following professional problems:

Electricity supply project administrative industrial building with a 2-storey extension. The project considered: air conditioning power supply system, protective grounding, power electrical equipment, main networks, ventilation power supply.

Sections EO, EM in dwg

The power supply of the administrative and industrial building is carried out from the TP-MSCh. In the technical underground of the building there are two input and distribution devices ASU No. 1 (in the auxiliary block) and ASU No. 2 (in the six-story building), from which the lighting panels are powered (see section "Power electrical equipment").

To connect portable electrical receivers to the electrical network, plug sockets with a grounding contact are provided along the corridors; the installation height of the sockets is 0.3 m from the finished floor level.

The method of laying trunk and group networks is along the corridor and in the electrical room in perforated metal trays with a lid 100x50 and 300x50, behind a suspended ceiling in a flexible corrugated pipe d=32mm, in offices in a cable channel 110x50.

Control panels for the supply and exhaust ventilation systems of the administrative and industrial building ShCHUV-0, ShCHUV-P1, ShchV-1, ShchV-2 are located on the ground floor, ShCHUV-V1, ShCHUV-V2, V3 are located in the attic, and ShCHUV-P2 on 5th floor. The control panels for the supply and exhaust ventilation systems of the extension SHCHUV-0 are located on the ground floor, and SHUV-P3, SHCHUV-V4, ShCHV-1 are installed on the second floor. For supply and exhaust systems, the power supply project for the administrative building provides for remote monitoring and control of the systems using a push-button station and RUSM boards, which display an alarm about the operation of the equipment. RUSMs for supply and exhaust systems are intended to be placed in the room. 1.3 security rooms, and push-button posts remote control near the installations.

The electrical supply project for the administrative building provides for a connection GZSh (Main Grounding Bus) of the ASU cabinet with a ground loop. To ground the equipment, make a protective grounding loop with a resistance of no more than 4 ohms.

In the electrical panel room (annex, administrative and industrial building) on ​​the ground floor there is an external grounding loop, which is connected in two places to the designed external grounding loop. It is also necessary to ground floor electrical switchboards by laying st. strips 40x4 1 m long along the wall at a height of 0.5 m from the finished floor. In a 2-storey extension, rooms 2.56, 2.57, 2.49, in the administrative and industrial building on the 5th floor of room. equipment room, ground the premises by laying st. strips 40x4 along the wall at a height of 0.5 m from the finished floor.

Electrical lighting of the premises is provided by floor lighting panels located in electrical switchboards on each floor. The boards were accepted by the IEK company.

The project provides working lighting for all premises; emergency lighting of corridors, switchboards, floor switching nodes, control rooms, laboratories, hardware rooms, duty services, stairwells; repair lighting of switchboard and floor switch units.

Illumination standards are adopted according to SNiP 05/23/2010, SanPiN 2.2.1/ and are indicated on the plans. Lighting calculations were made using computer program"DIALuX".

For lighting the building there are fluorescent lamps from the Lighting Technologies company and lamps with incandescent lamps from the IEK company. The project provides for the installation of "Exit" light indicators with LEDs, with the possibility of autonomous power supply from battery. Connect the "Exit" signs to the corridor emergency lighting group.

Lighting networks are carried out using cable VVGng LS-0.66, hidden behind the suspended ceiling, cable VVGng, laid openly in cable channels from the Efapel company in rooms without suspended ceilings. The cable runs to the switches are carried out in cable ducts using cables VVGng-2x1.5mm, VVGng-3x1.5mm. The top of the lighting panels should be located at 2.2 m from the floor, switches should be located at 1 m from the floor.

All networks are made of three wires (phase, zero working, zero protective). All exposed conductive parts of luminaires must be connected to the neutral protective conductor.

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