Optical-electronic detectors. The best infrared thermometers according to customer reviews Passive optical-electronic detectors

To control the volume of premises, infrared detectors are most often used. These are some of the most common types of technical security devices that have proven themselves to be reliable devices with affordable price. A passive infrared detector is designed to detect the movement of an intruder in a controlled area. They are called passive because they react to changes in parameters environment. The principle of their operation is based on measuring the flux of thermal radiation, i.e., using a pyroelectric element, the device registers a change infrared radiation, converts it into an electrical signal and analyzes the measured data using a digital processor. As a result of calculations, the processor makes a decision about the presence or absence of motion in the detection zone. For this purpose, the board has a relay with normally closed or normally open contacts.

The detection zone formed by the Fresnel lens is the most important criterion when choosing detectors for solving various types of problems depending on the configuration of the protected premises - length, width, ceiling height, presence of interference, etc. In most cases, the optimal solution is a sensor with a volumetric detection zone ; such products are equipped with a standard lens that provides a maximum detection range of about 12-15 meters and a detection area angle of horizontal plane 90° (for example, or ). For monitoring large rooms ideal option There will be ceiling volumetric sensors that will protect the volume of premises 360° around its own axis. When installed at a height of 5 meters, the diameter of the detection zone can reach 15 meters (). In rooms where the installation of IR detectors with a volumetric zone may lead to incorrect operation with the generation of frequent erroneous alarms, it is advisable to use products with a reduced detection zone of the “curtain” type, having an angle in the horizontal plane of 7°-10°. Thus, these products generate a detection plane that “covers” the protected window or door opening. Individual devices, for example, can adjust the angle within 2°-16°. In private houses and apartments where pets are constantly present, it is especially advisable to use similar sensors of the “curtain” or “beam” type, the lenses of which cut off part of the detection beams, thus allowing you to ignore the movement of pets weighing up to 25 kg and measuring about 30x100 cm To ensure the required detection zone, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the installation rules in compliance with the required height.

Operating conditions also affect the correct operation of passive optical-electronic detectors. Manufacturers do not recommend installing infrared sensors in close proximity to the openings of ventilation ducts, windows and doors, where convection air flows can be created, as well as near heating devices. Despite the resistance to light illumination up to 6500 lux, direct exposure to radiation from sources of natural and artificial lighting. To reduce the influence of high ambient temperatures on stable operation, thermal compensation circuits are used in infrared detectors. It is possible to use several passive infrared detectors in one room without the risk of false alarms. Many models support discrete sensitivity adjustment.

All products presented in this section have an external light indication of the activity and power status of the sensor, which can be disabled using a jumper. A microswitch installed on the board protects against unauthorized opening of the case. The line includes devices designed to operate outdoors and in hazardous areas with the appropriate degree of protection.

People go to great lengths to secure their property. Special equipment is provided that allows you to quickly detect an intruder on the territory and accept necessary measures. You should not spare money on installing high-tech devices - the products are well worth their cost. You can purchase a linear optical-electronic detector, which has already proven itself on the positive side.

Features of the device

Such products can be installed both in residential premises and in large industrial facilities. Detection area depends on power optical system. Typically, a linear optical-electronic detector signals when an object has already entered the territory. Many consider this a minus, but this is just the operating principle of this device.

For the device to function properly, it must be installed correctly. The instructions specify where and how exactly the linear optical-electronic detector should be mounted. There are a few simple tips to remember:

  • do not install the device near heating devices;
  • protect the product from direct sunlight;
  • do not place objects within the range of the device that will create “dead” zones;
  • Do not point a fan at the sensor.

Most of the limitations are related to temperature changes, since a linear optical-electronic detector can generate and send a false signal. In addition, negative external factors can affect the quality of the device. It is likely that it will fail much earlier than with proper operation.

Advantages of the device

A product such as a linear optical-electronic detector enjoys well-deserved popularity among customers. There are objective reasons for this. The main advantages of the device:

  • prompt response;
  • ease of installation;
  • low price.

Buyers note that the cost of the equipment is quite affordable. And the scope of use of such detectors is quite wide. They are suitable for apartments, industrial facilities, warehouses, shopping centers and so on.

Before buying a device, it is better to consult with specialists. They will advise which model to choose and why. Professionals will also talk about installation features.

The last question remains - where to buy the product? Our company "Sintez Security" is engaged in the sale and installation of security equipment various types. If you contact us, the craftsmen will quickly arrive at the specified address and do everything carefully and competently.

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From us you can buy IR linear optical-electronic ones at a low price - there are 15 pieces in the catalog, compare, study the characteristics.

Optical electronic detectors– these are devices that use optical devices and sensors to detect an alarming event various designs. Further processing of the received signal is carried out electronic circuit. Such devices are widely used in both security and fire alarm.

The main reasons for their popularity are:

  • high efficiency;
  • the ability to form detection zones of different configurations;
  • relatively low price.

The optical part of these detectors operates in the infrared (IR) range of radiation. There are various options versions of infrared sensors, differing in operating principle, purpose and application features.


Used in security alarm systems. Their main advantages are economic availability and wide range of applications. The principle of operation is based on the analysis of the difference in IR radiation between sectors formed by special lenses (Fresnel).

The receiver of the infrared flow is a pyroelectric module that generates electrical impulses processed by electronics.

Modern detectors quite often use microprocessor signal processing, which increases their reliability, efficiency and resistance to interference.


They evaluate changes in the intensity of the IR beam generated by the transmitter included in their composition. Structurally, the receiving and transmitting parts can be placed in separate blocks installed opposite each other. In this case, the part of the space located between them is controlled.

In the monoblock version, a special reflector is used to return the beam to the device. Such detectors are used in security and fire systems.

The operation of such devices is discussed in sufficient detail in the material about linear sensors used in fire alarm systems.

In addition to the “classical” wired devices that use relays to transmit information about their state, there are addressable optical-electronic detectors. By transmitting a signal to the receiving and control device, they add their own code, unique for each product, to the information.

Due to this, it becomes possible to localize an alarming event accurate to the location of the sensor installation. Their cost is naturally higher, but in some cases it is worth it.

Another technology is addressable analog. It involves the transfer of digitized data of a scanned parameter, on the basis of which the decision to generate an alarm signal is made by the control panel. Such detectors are mainly used in fire protection systems.

The last thing worth noting is the methods of signal transmission. There are actually two of them:

  • wired;
  • radio channel


The operating principle of optical-electronic security devices is described at the beginning of this article. As for detection zones, passive infrared detectors allow you to use all possible options:

  • volumetric;
  • surface (curtain);
  • linear (beam).

Active ones work according to the last (ray) principle.

All of them are essentially motion sensors, that is, they detect the movement of an object in a protected area. For surface and linear it would be more correct to say - intersection of the detection zone. You can find out more about how it works.


Optical-electronic devices used in fire alarm systems and automatic fire extinguishing installations are classified as smoke detectors. Based on the type of detection zone, they are divided into:

  • point;
  • linear.

Point ones include a smoke chamber. It is a kind of labyrinth at the beginning and end of which an emitter and a photodetector are installed. When smoke gets inside, IR radiation is scattered, which is detected by the electronic circuit of the device.

The scope of application of such detectors is very wide; they are installed in offices, shops, hotels and other similar facilities. Based on the type of formation of the information signal, they are divided into:

  • threshold;
  • address;
  • addressable analog.

Depending on the method of communication with fire alarm devices, these detectors are either wired or wireless (radio).

In general, these are fairly universal sensors that allow you to solve various security issues. fire safety. It is somewhat inconvenient, and sometimes not economically feasible, to use them for installation indoors large area and (or) a large distance to the ceiling.

In this case, linear optical-electronic detectors are used in fire alarm systems. They do not have a gas chamber and control the optical density of the medium by analyzing the parameters of the infrared beam. For these purposes, a receiver and a transmitter are required, that is, such devices are active.

A general limitation on the use of optical-electronic fire detectors is rooms with a high dust content. In addition, such devices may be subject to electromagnetic interference. But this largely depends on the sensor model.

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The most common motion detectors used in fire and security alarms are optical-electronic detectors.

Based on the principle of motion detection, they are divided into two groups: passive object detectors and active ones - they produce their own radiation and, by its change, determine the presence of a moving object.

In addition, such detectors classify the configurations of the scanned area, they are:

  • Volumetric;
  • Surface (curtain);
  • Linear (beam).

The devices are used to organize security indoors, that is, as a second line of defense. However, devices with linear and surface detection methods can also be used to monitor perimeter crossings.

The main disadvantage of passive surface optical-electronic detectors is that they are triggered when the intruder has already entered the premises. That is, they cannot perform early intrusion detection.

Passive devices, both volumetric and linear, are characterized by a short distance of the controlled zone, depending on the power of the model, 10-25 m. Therefore, they are usually used to protect small and medium-sized premises in a set of several pieces per loop. To organize the security of buildings with large areas, it is recommended to use active optical-electronic devices.

Sensitivity The sensor of the optical-electronic detector is a pyroelectric detector. This is a device that senses infrared radiation. Depending on its intensity, the pyroelectric receiver produces a different number of electrical impulses, which are processed by an electronic logic unit. Majority modern models are equipped with two sensitive sensors, which significantly reduced the number of false alarms.

Active optical-electronic security detectors

The scope of application of these devices is quite diverse. They can be used to control windows and doorways, shop windows or external perimeters. Depending on the type of construction, two types of active detectors are distinguished:

  1. Single-position - both the emitter and the receiver of reflected radiation are placed in the housing of one device. Triggering occurs when the intensity or frequency of the reflected radiation flux changes.
  2. Two-position - consist of two modules, one of which is an emitter, the second a radiation receiver. Triggering occurs due to an interruption in the reception of the stream being studied.

Typically, the detection area has appearance barrier - “curtains”, which is formed by one or several beams located in a vertical or horizontal plane. Different models may have different numbers of beam children, their sizes and configurations. In this case, the relative position of the rays may not necessarily be parallel. However, the receiver and emitter of each specific beam must be configured so that they do not intersect.

To ensure highly efficient uninterrupted operation of active optical-electronic detectors, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules during their installation and operation:

  • Devices, both single-position and two-module, must be installed on non-deformable, durable building structures that exclude the possibility of excessive vibrations;
  • The receiver of two-position devices must be placed so as to exclude the possibility of the influence of intense artificial and natural light to photocells. Constant exposure to visible light on the receiver lens can lead to premature burnout of LEDs or photodiodes and, as a result, the device's speakers. This problem can be partially solved by using special light filters that do not transmit radiation in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum. However, in addition to the high cost of these devices, they somewhat reduce the sensitivity of the device.
  • When installing both sources and receivers of IR radiation, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of various foreign objects passing less than 0.5 m from the passing beam.

Devices based on passive perception of infrared radiation have become more widespread, since they are cheaper devices, and thanks to a wide selection (of Fresnel lens systems), the user quickly receives various shapes scanning zones, which makes it easier to create reliable security systems for buildings with complex interior layouts. Passive IR motion detectors are used in alarm systems and access control systems for security:

  • Industrial and public buildings, apartments and private households;
  • Certain elements of structures that are most vulnerable to penetration: window openings and external doors, as well as walls, showcases, ceilings and floors;
  • Perimeters of land plots and fences;
  • Individual material assets- expensive pieces of art or unique devices.

A passive optical-electronic detector forms a scanning area consisting of narrow alternating sensitive and inactive zones in the shape of a fan, multidirectional in one plane. Mutual position beams in space can be different: horizontal, vertical, in several rows or collected in one narrow beam. The shape of scanning zones is conventionally divided into 5 main types:

  1. A wide-angle surface with one tier of rays emanating from one source - a “fan”;
  2. Wide-angle surface with narrow beams oriented in one plane - “Curtain”;
  3. A narrow beam is a “beam barrier”;
  4. Single-tier surface panorama;
  5. Multi-tiered volumetric.

When installing passive optical-electronic detectors, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Do not install the IR detector above convection heat sources;
  • Do not point the sensitive area of ​​the device at spotlights, fan heaters, powerful incandescent lamps and other devices that can cause a rapid increase in the local temperature background;
  • Protect the device from excessive exposure to solar radiation;
  • Refrain from being in the responsible area to detect cabinets, curtains and other types of partitions that can create a “dead” controlled zone.

Brief overview of popular models

Surface security detector optical-electronic photon-sh— forms a curtain-type detection zone. Used to control entry into a room through window and door openings. Detection range 5m, curtain width 6.8m, viewing angle 70°.

Optical-electronic security detector Piron 4 B— equipped with a two-sensor pyro receiver. Detection zone type “curtain”, range 10m, viewing angle 70°. It has fine sensitivity adjustment, is resistant to radio interference and external light.

AX-100TF active dual beam detector— used to control extended sections of the external perimeter. Typically used in pairs, the devices are stacked on top of each other to form a barrier of four limiting beams. It is possible to select from four channels of carrier frequencies of the generated beams.

To ensure the security of a residential building, administrative building or other property, special devices are used - security devices. This article will focus on optical-electronic detectors, their characteristics and types.

Smoke detectors

Smoke detectors are the most common fire alarm sensors. They are characterized by rapid susceptibility to combustion products and high response speed. Smoke fire safety devices are divided into ionization and optical.

Ionization sensors emit harmless radioactive radiation to analyze sample air masses for the presence of smoke.

Smoke optical-electronic emitters are devices that detect smoke in initial stage, by shining the air in infrared or ultraviolet light.

Design and principle of operation of optical detectors

Optoelectronic sensors are a plastic housing containing a light emitter, a smoke chamber, a photodetector and a partition that serves to protect the photocell from direct infrared or ultraviolet rays. The device is also protected from external light and dust.

An optical-electronic point fire smoke detector emits radiation in the infrared spectrum into the smoke chamber and registers its reflection with a photodiode. In a “clean” environment, the rays do not reach the photocell, so the light emitter and the receiving unit are at an angle to each other.

But as soon as smoke particles enter the chamber, the density of the medium increases, the infrared radiation is scattered and hits the photodetector. This is how the alarm is turned on - the alarm signal is activated independently or with simultaneous transmission to the monitoring console.

Optical-electronic emitters are not stand-alone devices; they are connected to a cable leading to the control panel. They have low power consumption.

Types and scope

Optical smoke fire detectors are divided into several types:

  • point - have a short range of action. Monitor the premises in a specific area where there is a high risk of fire;
  • linear – used in large rooms with high ceilings. They are a receiver and an emitter, which are mounted on opposite walls of the room;
  • aspiration - they forcibly take air samples for analysis using laser illumination;
  • autonomous are the same point devices that operate on their own power source, that is, not connected to the control panel.

Optical-electronic detectors are installed in residential, office premises, warehouses, shopping centers, production premises and wherever there are a lot of electrical appliances and equipment.

It is not recommended to use such devices in dusty, gas-filled and contaminated areas, as such an environment can cause false alarms. Also, smoke detectors are not used in fire and explosion hazardous facilities. In such areas, explosion-proof detectors are used.

Optical fire safety sensor IP 212-45

Below is a description of the main characteristics of optical smoke detectors using the example of IP 212-45 (Marco).

The sensor is used for early detection of fire in a room, accompanied by the release of smoke and combustion products.

Power supply and alarm signal transmission to the control panel is carried out via a two-wire cable. It has several operating modes: duty, “Fire”, “Alarm”.

The device does not respond to open fire, high temperature air and humidity. Operating conditions: humidity 95% at a temperature of +35 degrees; air temperature range from -44 to +55 degrees. Sensitivity 0.05-0.2 dB/m. Response time – 9 seconds.

The device consists of a smoke detector and a socket to which the device is attached. Inside the sensor there is an air sample analysis chamber, as well as an electronic information processing system.

Optical-electronic security detectors

In addition to fire safety sensors, there are also optical-electronic security detectors. They are widely popular and distributed.

Optical-electronic security detectors– devices that provide protection to closed premises or territories by monitoring and detecting unauthorized persons and animals in them. To protect outdoor fenced areas, linear optical-electronic sensors are used.

The operation of such devices is based on the optical principle of operation, that is, using infrared rays and reflective lenses.

Optical-electronic security detectors are divided into: active and passive.

Passive sensors

Passive security alarm devices detect the movement of an unwanted object in a controlled area with a certain mass and speed different from a specified value.

They are used to identify persons who have entered the premises through doors, windows, and hatches. Such devices do not react to stationary objects, even at high temperatures.

Passive detectors include a receiver, lenses, and an electronic signal analysis unit. The sensors detect infrared radiation from a warm object, which falls on a Fresnel lens and is converted by a pyroelectric receiver into a special electrical signal.

The signal then goes to an amplifier and an electronic information processing system. When the device sets infrared radiation values ​​higher than the specified value, an alarm signal is activated and transmitted to the control panel.

Passive security devices have a low detection range of 10-20 meters. The range of detectable speeds starts at 0.3 m/sec.

To eliminate false alarms from various radiation sources, filtration structures (“white” filter, “black” mirror) are located inside the device, blocking the penetration of other optical radiation onto the pyroelectric element of the sensor.

According to the type of detection area, passive sensors are divided into: volumetric optical-electronic, surface and linear.

The advantages of passive sensors are the detection of foreign objects even of small size (small animals); aesthetic appearance; ease of installation and configuration; high sensitivity and speed of intruder detection.

The disadvantages of passive detectors are the fact that an intruder is detected after he has entered the building; sensitivity to warm air currents from a draft or heater.

Active sensors

Active optical-electronic detectors provide a linear protection zone. The design of the device consists of two blocks: an emitter and a photodetector, between which an optical protection area is formed.

The infrared light sensor sends signals to the receiver with specified parameters.

If an obstacle appears in the working area of ​​the device, the IR rays are interrupted and do not reach the photodetector.

Analyzing the duration of beam interruption, the detector generates an alarm signal. There are single-block devices, where the light emitter and photodetector are enclosed in one housing.

The devices do not react to thermal radiation, therefore they are used in areas under open air. The operating features of active security sensors are:

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