GCD for literacy education. Topic: Letters F, f, sounds. (preparatory group). Open literacy lesson "Consonant sounds, letters f, f" Tasks for the letter f

GCD for children of the preparatory group (6 - 7 years old).

GCD. Literacy training. Program "Continuity". Section “Learning to read and write” (Preparation for school) edited by N.A. Fedosova.

Topic: Letters F, f, sounds [f] [f"].

Goal: To become familiar with a new letter of the alphabet.

Tasks: 1. Learn to isolate words from words by ear and differentiate consonantssounds [f] [f"], recognize the graphic image of letters, develop the skill of reading combinations of letters, syllables, words.

2.Develop speech, attention, logical thinking, phonemic hearing.

3.Cultivate an interest in reading, a sense of camaraderie, independence,


Equipment : S.I. Ozhegov Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, illustrations of a rooster and a bumblebee (the game is based on the book by N.V. Novotortseva “Learning to read. Teaching reading in kindergarten. Yaroslavl, “Academy of Development”, 1998) illustrations of carrots, cabbage, onions, cards - syllables for the game “Collect syllables - get a vegetable”, drawing for the game “Typesetter”, image of a hedgehog, tit.

GCD move.

I. Organizational moment(Positive attitude towards work).

II. Updating knowledge.

1.Repetition of lettersa) Name only the vowels (rooster) picture1.

B) Name only consonants (bumblebee) picture 2

Type the letters that make up a bumblebee(children of option I), everyone else prints the letters that make up the rooster (children of option II).

2 Work on a tape of letters.

*Name the vowels that indicate the hardness of consonant sounds. (A, O, U, S, E).

*Name the vowels that indicate the softness of consonant sounds (E, Yo, Yu, Ya, I)

3.Guess the riddles:

The red maiden sits in prison,

And the braid is on the street. (CARROT ) illustration on the board.

A hundred clothes - and all without fasteners. ( CABBAGE ) illustration on the board.

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat.

Whoever undresses him sheds tears ( ONION ) illustration on the board.

How can we call the answers in one word? Vegetables.

How are vegetables different from fruits?

4. WORKING WITH S.I. Ozhegov’s DICTIONARY. One of the preschoolers reads the meaning of the word.

Vegetables - root crops, bulbous, leaf and some other plants grown in beds, as well as their fruits themselves

(p. 434 Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova, M, 1995).

5.Drawing up a diagram of the word VEGETABLES.

Syllables will help us remember the names of other vegetables. The wind blew and the word scattered. Each word represents a vegetable. Collect the word(all ovals with syllables are scattered on the table).




6.Two preschoolers are invited to the board. While they are working with syllables, the teacher reads the text “Vegetables” on the card.

The hostess came from the market one day,





Parsley and beets. Oh!

Here the vegetables started a dispute on the table -

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:





Parsley or beets? Oh!

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife

And with this knife she began to chop:





Parsley or beets. Oh!

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:





Parsley and beets. Oh! And the vegetable soup turned out to be not bad!

7. Conversation:

Remember what the hostess brought from the market?

Why did the vegetables start an argument? Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth.

What did the hostess do? Meanwhile, the hostess took a knife and began to chop it with the knife.

What did vegetables do in boiling water? Covered with a lid in a stuffy pot, they boiled and boiled in boiling water.

How was the soup? And the vegetable soup was not bad.

What kind of soup do you like? Which one can you prepare? (Milk, rassolnik, cabbage soup, borscht, pea, etc.)


9.-Let's play. Game "Typesetter".While typing the names of vegetables, the person made the wrong syllables. Help me figure it out.






IV.Studying new material.

1. Conversation:

How does a hedgehog snort? F - f - f. (Illustration).

How does a tit sing songs? Ew - whew - whew! (Illustration).

What new sounds did you hear? [f], [f"]. These sounds are indicated by the letter f.


3. What does the letter look like?


4.-Stand up, please, show how Fedya walks.

5. Close your eyes and type the letter in the air.

V. Fastening:

1.Reading from the board:



FU FUR ​​RUF FORM - special clothing

FE FERE REF TROUT - a type of fish

FI FIR REEF Magician - circus profession

2.Game. If you hear a new sound in a word - CLAPP, if there is no sound, then we sit quietly.

Apron, vase, fakir, screen, fountain, ficus, snow, porcelain, candy, tailcoat.

Apron - clothing that protects the front of the dress from contamination (p. 837)

Vase - vessel for fruit (p. 64).

Fakir - a magician who demonstrates great physical strength (p. 835).

Screen - partition made of frames (p. 884).

Fountain - a stream of liquid thrown upward (p. 843).

Ficus - tropical evergreen tree (p. 840).

Snow - precipitation (p. 727).

Porcelain - white material obtained from clay, spar, quartz (p. 837).

Candy - sweet confectionery (p. 286).

Tailcoat - a type of ceremonial frock coat with a cut-out front and long narrow tails at the back (p. 845).

3.Working with cards. Reading a poem by a preschooler.

Fo-cus-nick is dressed in a tailcoat,

The fa-kel turned into a bouquet.

Fe - I you - sko - chit from -tu - yes

Is this focus and what is it?

4.Work on the meaning of words.

What words are unclear? Explain how you understand the meaning of the word torch?

Torch - a short stick with tarred tow wound at the end (p. 835).

Choose words close in meaning to the words: fairy, trick (Fairy - sorceress, focus - miracle - magic).

How about a male wizard? (fakir - magician).

5. Find and underline the new letter with a pencil in the text of the quatrain.

6.Print the word FAIRY in your notebooks in pencil.

7.Trace the fairy template and do shading from top to bottom and left to right.


Which letter did you meet? (with the letter F).

What sounds does it represent? [f], [f"].

6 children are invited to the board. Everyone is given the task of depicting a new letter using different means..

*Assemble a letter from construction elements.

*Cut out a letter from paper.

*Lay out the letter with pebbles.

*Write a letter by breathing on the window.

*Make a hole in the lid of a plastic bottle and write a letter in the sand in the basin with water.

*Make a chain from paper clips and form a letter from it.


Did you like our communication? If you liked it, draw a sun with a yellow pencil in the notebook where you typed it; those who did not like it - red, those who experienced difficulties during the work - orange.

Which task did you like the most?

Where did you experience difficulties?

Check the graphic representation of the letter F for each of the invited children.


Tasks for preparing children for the school curriculum: learning to read and form words, writing sentences and the letter F, developing thinking and solving simple problems in mathematics.

Learning to read. Sound and letter "SH"

Target: acquaintance with a new letter, development of phonemic hearing, consolidation of the image of the letter.


The teacher asks the children a riddle.

Light and airy

Obedient to the wind.

Flying in the clouds

And he doesn’t know where. (Ball)

- How many syllables are in the guess word?
- How can I change a word to have two syllables?
- Name the first syllable in the word BALLS.
- Name the first sound in this word.
- Do you think the sound Ш is a vowel or a consonant? (Consonant).
- Why did you decide that? (The sound w is not drawn out, it is not sung, the air does not come out of the mouth freely, the teeth are in the way).
- Is the sound Sh voiced or unvoiced? Let's cover our ears with our hands and say sh-sh-sh-sh-sh. Ears don't ring. The sound Ш is dull.
- Name the words with the sound Ш.
- Cones, helmet, hat, pole, porridge, wide, etc.
- Now let's think, can it be hard and soft?
- You and I picked up the words and found out that the sound Ш can only be hard, it cannot be soft.
- What can we conclude?

The sound Ш is a consonant, deaf, always hard.

Show the corresponding side of the sound cube. The blue side of the cube is a solid sound.

The teacher shows the children a card with the letter Ш. The children trace the letter along the outline with their finger and “remember the letter.”

- What letter is written on the worksheets at the top left? (Letter Ш).
- Color the letter Sh.
-What does the letter Sh look like?

Learning to read. Sound analysis of syllables

Target: development of phonemic hearing, sound-letter analysis of words.

The syllables are written on the worksheets. Read them.

Make sound patterns for these syllables.

What can you say about the sound Ш? (This is a consonant, it is always hard).

Learning to read. Words

Target: development of attention, learning to read, consolidation of the image of letters, increasing reading speed.

Material: worksheet.

- You know that the sound Ш is always hard, which means that if after the letter Ш you saw the letter I, then Ш does not soften and the sound SH is pronounced firmly.
- Words are written on the worksheets. Read them first in columns, then line by line.
- Find and circle the syllable SHI.
- In the words of the first column, underline the vowels.
- How many syllables are in the words of the third column? (One).
- Divide the words of the second and first columns into syllables.
- How many syllables are in the words of the second column? (Two).
- How many syllables are in the word REEDS? (Three syllables).
- Place emphasis on the words in the second and first columns.
- How are the words CATS and MISSES similar and different?
- How are the words MICE and REEDS similar and different?
- How are the words STEP and BALL similar and different?

Learning to read. Composing words

Target: consolidation of the image of letters, formation of the ability to compose words from the proposed letters, sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Material: completed letters (required vowels: A, O, U, Y, I, E, Z, Yu) - 15 pcs., a bowl in which the letters are folded.

- Take a letter from the bowl and name it.

Children take turns taking letters out of the bowl and placing them on the carpet.

After the bowl is empty, the teacher suggests making words from the letters.

- Make words from the letters in front of you.

Learning to read. Working with the text "Pillow"

Target: increasing reading speed, developing the ability to determine the number of sentences in a text, and draw up sentence diagrams.

Material: worksheet, sound cubes

- Read the text twice.
- Read the questions and answer them.

1. Who embroiders the pillow?

2. What did Dasha embroider on the pillow?

3. Who is the mouse running away from?

4. Who is the cat chasing?

5. Who won’t catch up with whom?

- Retell the story.
- How else can you title the story?

Learning to read. Offers

Target: developing the ability to determine the number of sentences in a text, to draw up sentence diagrams.

Material: worksheet, sound cubes.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the text they have just read.

- How many sentences are there in the text? Circle the dots at the end of the sentences.
- Make diagrams of the second and fifth sentences using cubes.
- How many words are in the second sentence? What is the first word in the second sentence? What's the second word? Third? Etc.
- How many words are in the fifth sentence? What is the first word in the second sentence? Second? Etc.
- What sign is in the last sentence?

The teacher draws the children's attention to the task on the worksheet.

Learning to read. Sounds "F" and "F"

Target: development of phonemic hearing, consolidation of the image of letters.

Material: ball, sound cubes.

The teacher organizes a game on the carpet.

The teacher throws a ball to the children and asks them to name the first sound in the words:

  • TORCH,
  • FLAG,
  • FRAC,
  • MOVIE,
  • FORM,
  • FEBRUARY, etc.
  • - What are the first sounds in words? (Sounds F and F).
    - Is the f sound a vowel or a consonant? (Consonant).
    - Is the sound f voiced or unvoiced? (The sound f is deaf).
    - The sound f can be hard and soft? (Can be either hard or soft).
    - What conclusion can we draw?
    - Sound f: consonant, deaf, can be hard and soft.

    The teacher gives the children sound cubes.

    - Think of words with the sounds F and F.

    Children analyze which sound in a word is hard or soft and show the corresponding sides of the sound cube. The blue side of the cube is a hard sound, the green side is a soft sound.

    Learning to read. Letter F

    Target: consolidation of the image of a letter, development of grapho-motor skills.

    Material: card with the letter F, buttons, plasticine bases.

    The teacher shows the children a card with the letter F.

    Children trace the outline of the letter with their finger and “remember the letter.”

    - Let's lay out the letter F with buttons.

    The teacher shows a pre-made sample on a plasticine base.

    Children lay out the letter according to the pattern.

    -What does the letter F look like?

    Mathematics. Check. Ball game "Count on"

    Target: practice counting within 20.

    Materials: ball.

    Children stand in a row. The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the number. The child calls the next 2-3 numbers and returns the ball.

    You can also count backwards from 20.

    Graphic dictation

    Target: development of fine motor skills of the hand, formation of visual-motor coordination.

    Materials: worksheet.

    The teacher dictates:

    - One cell to the left. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell up. Two cells to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell down. Two cells to the right.

    Continue the pattern yourself.

    Development of thinking. Say the opposite

    Target: development of speech, formation of the ability to select words that have opposite meanings.

  • Homeland, fatherland - (foreign land).
  • Sunrise - (sunset).
  • Winter - (summer).
  • Dirt - (cleanliness).
  • Light – (darkness, darkness).
  • Day - (night).
  • Heat - (cold).
  • Peace - (war, quarrel).
  • True – (false).
  • City – (village, hamlet).
  • Good - (evil).
  • Benefit – (harm).
  • Rich man - (poor man).
  • Friend – (enemy).
  • Joy – (sadness, sadness).
  • Lazy - (hard worker).
  • Mathematics. Problem solving




    Mathematics. Problem solving

    Target: developing the ability to solve simple problems.

    Materials: worksheet, colored pencils.

    - Look at the picture. What is drawn?
    - Let's try to make a problem about apples and pears.

    Children must independently create the condition and question of the task.

    - Right. There were 5 apples and 3 pears in the vase. How many fruits were in the vase?
    - What is known in the problem? That there were apples and pears in the vase.
    - How many apples are there in the vase? Yes. Five.
    - How many pears were in the vase known? Yes. Three.
    - So, there were 5 apples and three pears in the vase.
    - What do they ask in the problem? How many fruits were there in the vase?
    - If the question says “How many in total?”, then what action will we use to solve the problem? Addition.
    - Who can tell me the solution to the problem? – Write down the solution to the problem in the boxes on the worksheet.

    Development of thinking. Find the extra word

    Target: development of mental actions.

    We read the words. Children must find the extra word in each row.

    1. Birch, pine, maple, poplar. (Pine, because coniferous tree).

    2. Aster, phlox, cornflower, gladiolus. (Cornflower, because it is a wildflower, not a garden flower).

    3. Nest, anthill, chicken coop, den. (Chicken coop, because it was created by human hands, and not by animals or insects).

    4. Stove, mother, carriage, gate. (Mom, because animate).

    Development of attention. Caterpillars

    Target: development of stability and selectivity of attention.

    Materials: worksheet, colored pencils.

    The teacher asks to find all the caterpillars in the picture.

    - How many caterpillars were found? Do the math.

    Preparing your hand for writing. Mountains

    Target: formation of grapho-motor functions.

    Material: worksheet, colored pencils.

    Circle the mountains in the squares.

    The teacher assigns homework to the children.


    Goodbye, goodbye, come see us again,

    Goodbye, goodbye, you're very good.

    Goodbye, goodbye, come to us again.

    Goodbye, goodbye - we'll have fun playing!

    Hello my dear readers!

    Choose pictures where letter F heard at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word.

    For example, like this.

    Invite your child to name what is shown in the pictures. Then offer to find only those pictures whose names contain the sound F only at the beginning of the word, then at the end and in the middle. Do not forget to determine with your child whether this sound is a vowel or a consonant.

    And let the child say why he thinks so. Teach your child to reason, prove, and not just guess the correct answer.

    Well, then introduce the letter. Use practical material: fiction, games, crosswords. Invite your child to sculpt or lay out a letter; you can use different materials: sticks, cereal, beans, thread, etc. Here you will also develop fine motor skills.

    Letter "F"

    Funny poems

    Eagle owl – two huge eyes – Letter F reminds you right away. The big-eyed one aims his gaze,

    Like a camera.

    V. Stepanov

    Old owl, smart owl,

    His flight is silent.

    And the eyes are like two headlights,

    That's how they glow in the foliage.

    The fleet is sailing to its native land,

    A flag on every ship.

    Once the pheasants asked:

    – Letter F find us, owl.

    But, sighing heavily,

    The eagle owl hides in a hollow:

    Eagle owl even with a lantern

    Sees nothing during the day.

    Everyone knows without a hint: Letter F- like the key to a fairy tale. We never have it

    Karabas will not take it away.

    V. Stepanov

    - Phew-phew! - the bird sings,

    And the violet blooms,

    And the earth looks at us

    A million blue eyes.

    G. Vieru

    Fedya walks with his hands on his hips.

    So, I learned my lessons.

    G. Vieru

    I'm a football referee.

    All day with the boys.

    Two soccer balls

    In my armpits.

    With this letter on his nose, the Owl hides in the forest.

    E. Tarlapan

    The owl flew into a book,

    Pretended to be a letter F.

    A. Shibaev

    Fedya went to the buffet for candy -

    The fact is that at the buffet

    there will be no sweets.

    Aunt said: “Fi, football!” - Mom said:

    - Ugh, football! –

    Sister said:

    - Well, football...

    And I answered:

    - Wow, football!

    G. Sapgir

    Tongue twisters

    2. Our Filat is never to blame.


    Game "Who is attentive?"

    1. Find the same sound in the words: apron, camera, flashlight, flag.

    2. Guess the boy’s name based on the first sounds of the words: fruit, spruce, house, apple.

    Answer: Fedya.

    Game "Recognize the sound."

    Get up if you hear the sound [ f] in the words: jacket, vase, scarf, Vasya, screen, farm, carriage, pheasant, fork.

    Game "Hard - Soft".

    Show the blue card if the sound [ f] solid, green - if the sound [ f'] soft. (Fedya, driver, factory, sweatshirt, ficus, traffic light.)

    Game "Who is bigger?"

    Think of as many words as possible starting with the syllable F-
    (apron, torch, factory, pheasant, fantasy, forfeits); from a syllable fi- (physicist, owl, company).

    Game "Syllable Auction".

    Continue the words: flag... (- kon, -zhok), for... (- ma, -dot), fi…
    (-lin, -kus), bu... (- fet, -fer), con... (- feta, -fetti).

    Game “Say the Word.”

    Game "The letter is lost."

    Fill in the missing letters:

    - abrika, ko - ta, sho - er, - u - aika.

    Game "The Word Has Scattered".

    From the letters t y f k u r, make a word starting with “f”.

    Answer: fruits.

    Game "Syllable Lotto".

    Make words from syllables for-, far-, fla-, -fy, fi-, -tuk, -ma, -zhok, shar-, -kon, -kus.

    Answer: uniform, apron, bottle, flag, scarves, ficus.

    Game "Find the words."

    1. Lesenka. 2. T h o w n a b u c k a.

    f – – – f – –

    f – – – – f – –

    f – – – – – f – –

    f – – – – – – f – –

    f – – – – – – – f – –

    f – – – – – – – – f – –

    Possible answer: Possible answer:

    fi, fairy, headlight, uniform, buffet, jacket, driver,

    flag, sweatshirt. coupling, kefir, marshmallow.

    Game "Turning words".

    Change one letter in the words: ficus ( focus), farm ( form, firm).

    Game "Entertaining Models".

    Choose words according to the following models:

    1. f – – – (Flag, fleet, Fedya.)

    2. – – – f (Scarf, wardrobe, skiff.)

    3. – – f – – (Blouse, soufflé, waffles.)

    Game "Typesetter".

    Make new words from the letters of the word factory.

    Answer: headlight, fakir, reef, tag, pickaxe, acre, tank, marriage.

    Game “Several from one word.”

    Find words that begin with the letters that make up the word torch.

    Answer: fruit, apricot, strawberry, blackberry, lemon.

    Game "Complete the word."

    Ball – ( scarf).


    What is the boy's name?

    Write the letters into the empty cells so that you get familiar words vertically. These letters will make up the boy's name.

    Answer: Philippok.


    I bring pain with me

    There is a big distortion in the face,

    A F on P replace it if

    Then I turn into an addition sign.

    (F lus – n luc.)


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    I recommend that you watch the ABC video for children. Let's learn letters. : Letter F And also take a look at the website Fun tutorials and developments, here you will find a lot of useful information.

    Corrective and developmental tasks.

    1. Teach the child to distinguish the most abbreviated sound complex by timbre.

    2. Learn to reproduce changes in character, timbre and emotional coloring of the same sound.

    3. Teach the child to clearly pronounce the sounds [F], [F"], differentiate them by ear and in pronunciation.

    4. Strengthen the skill of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

    5. Expand the volume of auditory-speech memory.

    6. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech.

    7. Learn to analyze a short text, highlight the title, count the number of sentences.

    Task 1. Didactic exercise “Who is this?” (development of auditory attention).

    Several children take part in the game. An adult invites one child to turn away and guess which child will say “AU”.

    Task 2. Didactic exercise “Say the sound [A] in different ways” (change the timbre of your voice).

    The adult shows and then asks the child to reproduce changes in character, timbre and emotional coloring of the same sound

    “Ah,” the girl cries;

    “Ah,” they show their throat to the doctor;

    “Ah,” the singer sings;

    “Ah,” - rock the baby;

    “Ah,” the girl pricked herself with a needle.

    Task 3. Introducing the sound [F].

    Didactic exercise “Find out by description.” An adult asks the child a descriptive riddle:

    “It's a piece of furniture. People hang their clothes in it. What is this?" ( Closet).

    Asks to name the last sound in the word closet.

    An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [F]:

    The lower lip is close to the edges of the upper teeth, leaving a narrow gap in the middle for air to pass through;

    The upper teeth are slightly visible;

    The neck is “silent”.

    Sound symbol: air coming out of a large balloon: FFFFFF....

    Characteristic sound: consonant sound (sponges and teeth create an obstacle to the free passage of air), hard, dull. Designation: blue circle.

    Task 4. Phonetic exercise.

    The cat snorts: f-f-f... (pronounce abruptly after the adult).

    Task 5. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [F]”:

    f, p, m, d, f...; fa, ma, af, up, uff...; flag, jacket, Panama hat, wardrobe, coat, uniform, stick...

    Task 6. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

    fta-fto-ftu-fty...; afta-afto-aftu-afty...

    Task 7. The adult invites the child to listen and then reproduce a series of words (3-5) with the sound [F].

    Task 8. Working with pictures:

    select drawn objects whose names contain the sound [F];

    arrange them into three piles: the sound [F] is at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word;

    divide these words into syllables (name the longest and shortest word).

    Task 9. The child is asked to come up with sentences using object pictures from the previous task, using the prepositions B and U if possible.

    Task 10. An adult reads a couple of sentences to the child and asks them to correct mistakes.

    I found a blouse in a cherry tree. Masha put on the bone.

    The elevator is green on the maple tree. The leaf lifts us up.

    The caftan ripened on the tree. In winter I will wear chestnut.

    The count sat down on a tree. A rook lives in a beautiful house.

    Task 11. Introducing the sound [F"].

    Sound symbol: air comes out of the ball: puff....

    Characteristic sound: consonant sound, soft, dull. Designation: green circle.

    Task 12. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you breathe the sound [F"]”:

    ugh, uh, uh, uh...; fi, five, pi, fi...; Fima, Fekla, treasure, chair, Fedya, Filya, Dima.

    Task 13. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

    ftya-fte-ftyu-fti; after-after-after-after-after...

    Task 14. Didactic exercise “Make a word.”

    Fe-do-ra, fi-al-ka, buffet, fi-lin, feb-ral, physical-kul-tu-ra, physical-kul-tur-ni-tsa.

    Task 15. Differentiation of sounds [F] - [F"].

    Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [F]”:

    f, f, f, f; fa, fa, af, af...

    Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”:

    fa-fya,...; wow...

    Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

    fa-fa-fya, fa-fya-fa, fa-fya-fa, fa-fa-fya, fa-fa-fa, fa-fya-fya.

    Name the extra word in the series (based on the presence of sounds [F] and [F"] in the words).

    Divide all words into syllables. Which word is the longest?

    Eagle owl, pheasant, camera, photographer; Filya, Foma, Fedya, Fedora.

    Guess the riddle, name the first sound in the answer.

    Sleeps during the day, flies at night,

    It scares passersby. ( Owl)

    Paste into your notebook pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sounds [F] and [F"], and make sentences with these words.

    Remember words with sounds [F] and [F"].

    Together with your child, come up with short stories about Filya, Foma and Fedora.

    Task 16. Learn tongue twisters:

    The pharaonic favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade.

    Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

    Task 17. Introducing the letter F.

    Arms akimbo, he dances dashingly

    F is a big dandy.

    O. Hoffman

    What does the letter F look like?

    Letter F: the child stands in a “hands on hips” position.

    Letter games.

    Task 18. Sound-syllable analysis of words. Drawing up a diagram of circles, counting the number of syllables in a word; composing words from letters of the cut alphabet, reading, copying, writing from dictation in block letters. Fima, Pif.

    Reading and analyzing a short text, highlighting the title, sentence boundaries, finding a sentence with the preposition u.FIMA Here is Fima. Fima has a house. Fima is at home.

    An adult introduces the child to a short text and shows the title; Together with the child, he counts the number of sentences, finds a sentence with a preposition, and reads the text.

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