Immaculate. Does the Immaculate Conception exist? Immaculate phorum

Immaculate... Spelling dictionary-directory

Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

IMMACULATE, ·opposite. vicious: in whom there are no vices, bad properties, qualities; | the same in highest degree pure, pure, valiant. He is a blameless servant, not a thief or a drunkard, not a rude person and not very stupid. Angels are immaculate. | About the product: good... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

immaculate- book. IMPORTANT, pure, innocent... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

IMMACULATE, immaculate, immaculate; blameless, blameless, blameless. 1. The same as sinless (church book obsolete). Immaculate life. Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. “In this regard, I am still fresh and pure, like a virgin.” Saltykov Shchedrin. 2.… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Adj. 1. Virgin, innocent. 2. Being in a natural state; intact. 3. Morally pure; sinless. Ott. Characteristic of such a person. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

Immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate, immaculate,... ... Forms of words

immaculate- immaculate (morally pure) and immaculate (virgin, innocent); briefly form chen, chna... Russian spelling dictionary

immaculate- cr.f. blameless, blameless, pure, pure; more pure... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

immaculate- *immaculate, but only merged into the meaning. virgin, innocent... Together. Separately. Hyphenated.


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Anton Orlov (Moscow)

If you continue to follow the review of software packages for installation on the forum website, then here is another food for thought for you...


A very noteworthy development is XMBForum - eXtreme Message Board, available from the site


The general layout of XMBForum is the same as that of the forums described in previous issues of the magazine - division of forums into categories, user registration, moderators and administrators, a search service and a personal messaging system (here it is called &qoutU2U messenger"). There are very useful and somewhat unique services, for example, Buddy List - a window “who you know on the forum”. By specifying the logins of any forum participants in the Buddy List, you can track which of these participants are currently working with the forum and who have temporarily disconnected from it. There is also a “Bookmarks” system: in order to speed up access to individual forum topics, links to them can be placed on a special page, unique for each user.

Registered users can “subscribe” to all new messages in a particular topic, ensuring that they can follow the discussion by e-mail without having to visit the forum website, and the administrator has a means of mass mailing letters to users. As in Invision Power Board, in XMBForum you can display forum pages in “Print” form - without design, only with the text of messages.

IN general outline XMBForum is approximately equal in functionality to PHPBB, but differs slightly in details. For example, in XMBForum, visitors cannot post messages as “Guests,” that is, without registering, but specifying an arbitrary name: they must either register or post messages anonymously (the latter is prohibited by default, but can be allowed by the forum administrator).

But the range of services for registered users in XMBForum is somewhat richer than in PHPBB. There is no concept of “user groups” here, but the administrator can create forums, access to viewing and working with which will be password-protected or only available to certain participants.

The set of settings available to the administrator via the “Control panel” link, which appears in the corner of the screen after logging in with an administrator login and password, is also quite standard - interface colors and fonts (section “Themes”), prohibited words (section “Censors”), assignment of moderators (section “Moderators”), blocking access to the forum (section “IP Banning”), user ranks (section “User ranks”) and something else. Please note that the administrator can specify his own appearance parameters for each forum, ranging from the color scheme to allowing the use of HTML tags in messages.

An interesting opportunity is available to the XMBForum administrator: he can configure “page templates” (the “Templates” section) through the forum interface, that is, directly edit the HTML code of the forum pages. Therefore, radically change appearance Forum pages, adding other links, images and texts to them is quite easy, of course, if you know HTML and are able to distinguish a variable name from a tag.

The forum interface texts can be displayed in three languages ​​- English, Spanish and Italian. The default forum language is chosen by the administrator, and each user can order the forum to communicate with him in the available language in which he wishes. The files themselves with the texts of the forum pages are stored in the lang folder of the main forum directory and are named Language_Name.lang.php.


To install XMBForum, many steps must be performed manually. First you need to create a database for the forum - manually, through the web interface of the hoster or using programs like MySQLFront. Then you need to upload the forum files to your hosting. However, the third step is not to launch the automatic installer, but to edit the config.php file from the forum package - this is where all the database access settings are stored, and there is no interface for working with this file! Open config.php in a text editor, make the necessary changes according to the comments in the file and upload the modified file to the forum files folder on your site.

And only after editing the configuration file can you open the installer in the browser - in XMBForum it is called newinstall.php. If you filled out config.php correctly, then after selecting the Install link on the installer page, the tables required for its scripts to work will appear in the forum database, and the installation will be completed. Immediately after installation, be sure to delete the newinstall.php file from the forum files folder! If you do not do this, the forum will work, but anyone who accesses this page with a browser will be able to destroy absolutely all forum data. Unfortunately, the forum itself will not remind you of this, so do not forget to destroy the installer that is no longer needed.

Immediately after installation, go to the registration section and register. Hurry up - because the first person to register is automatically appointed as the forum administrator, and only him! If someone somehow gets ahead of you, then in order to deprive him of his status as the ruler of the forum, you will have to perform a complete reinstallation of the forum, deleting the database and creating it again.

And then start setting up. When creating forums, be sure to open the page full settings, by clicking the “More options” link, since this is where you can allow or disable adding files to messages, as well as allow or disable posting “anonymous messages” to the forum, without specifying a name and password. If you want more than just registered members to be able to communicate in the forum, be sure to enable “Anonymous Posting.”

Well, if you want to improve the forum, translate its interface into Russian. Make a copy of the file in the language you are most familiar with from the lang folder, open it in a text editor and translate. Don't forget to name the file Russian.lang.php before uploading it back to the lang folder.

If you want, you can even simply “run” this file through an automatic translator like “Socrates” or “Promt” and then edit it a little. Unlike language files of other forums, in XMBForum such a file will withstand this: variable names with interface text in XMBForum are not meaningful words.


Good forum. There is almost everything you need, and even more. Some services are generally unique. And if you spend a couple of hours and Russify the interface, in general this forum will almost be a leader. However, some operating concepts are somewhat different from those adopted in PHPBB and others like it. In addition, for those who are not familiar with HTML and PHP, some settings will be difficult to implement. In addition, during the operation of the forum, errors sometimes occur due to insufficiently thorough debugging of its scripts, but, let's hope, the authors of the development will soon fix this.


Based on XBMForum, some third-party developers have made their own forums. For example, this is Magic Lantern ( In addition to all the functions of XMBForum, it has very detailed statistics services for the forum’s operation, displaying all messages of the last day on one page, and some others. In addition, Magic Lantern comes with more detailed documentation. However, the Magic Lantern color scheme can be very inconvenient for users with low-brightness monitors.

Installing and configuring Lantern is done in exactly the same way as XMBForum, except that the installation file is called Install.html, and the file that needs to be deleted after installation is cinst.php. Do not forget to correctly fill out the config.php file in a text editor before running the installer - in Magic Lantern, by default, the value of the $cookiedomain variable (URL of the forum site) in this file is different from the empty line, and if you do not specify the correct data in this variable, registration and the work of registered users will be impossible!

This is another interesting forum, popular in certain circles... Perhaps, among all such developments, this is the one you will like.

Phorum, available from, is an interesting and quite popular development. Communication services based on Phorum can be found on many Internet resources, including the RuNet. The popularity of Phorum is largely due to the originality of this development - it has features that are absent in almost all other similar packages.


  • in Phorum it is very easy to view messages not one after another, but in a “tree”, that is, display on one page a list of titles and names of authors of messages in any topic, and then study only the messages of interest from this list (if large size topics, this way of working can be very beneficial for those users who pay for Internet access based on the volume of downloaded information);
  • There is also a “traditional” type of forum - with the full texts of messages one after another on one page;
  • it is possible to divide forums into “categories” (referred to as “Folders” in Phorum) with a list of categories displayed on the first page of the forum;
  • there is a system for registering and authorizing visitors;
  • if desired, the administrator can limit the viewing or posting of messages in the forum for unregistered participants or, conversely, allow all visitors to write messages in the forum without any authorization, even for those who wish to pass it (this mode is called “Public”);
  • for each forum you can set up your own color scheme pages and interface language;
  • the administrator can appoint registered users as moderators of certain forums;
  • Forum moderators have the opportunity to set a pre-moderation mode - in this case, all new messages posted in the forum will first be sent to the moderator, and only after his approval will they be displayed on the forum pages;
  • You can attach files to messages and forum topics (this feature can be configured separately for each forum);
  • You can create add-on modules for Phorum - for example, the Phorum package includes a module for automatically replacing words when posting messages on the forum.

It is interesting that on the forum pages there is no link to the administrator section - to go to it you need to go to the admin folder of the main forum directory (if the forum address is http://www.*****.ru/forum, then the administrator section is located at address http://www.*****.ru/forum/admin). The section itself is quite extensive (though, of course, smaller than PHPBB or Invision Board) and allows you to create and delete forums, define access rights to them, customize interface colors or assign moderators.

Please note that when a moderator deletes a message, all replies to this message made by clicking the “Post Reply” link are also deleted.

Phorum's interface is English by default, but translating it into another language is not particularly difficult. Files with interface texts are stored in the lang folder of the main forum directory and are named Language_Name.php. If you decide to do translation, then make a copy of the blank.php file located there (this is something like a template for translators) and translate its contents into desired language, after which, giving this copy an appropriate name, place it in the lang folder. After this, when creating each new forum, you will be able to specify for it new language interface.

Please note that the interface language for each forum is specified separately on the settings page for its settings (by default it is the one specified in the “Global settings” section of the admin section), so if you translate the interface after starting Phorum, you will have to install for each of the forums in the “Manage Forums/Folders” - “Forum Name” - “Edit Properties” section, a new value for the Language File parameter (in this section, to go to the list of forums in a category, click the “Browse” link, not the category name) .


The installation of Phorum follows the standard procedure: manually create a database for the forum - upload the forum files - go to the administrative section with a browser - enter the necessary parameters for accessing the database, the desired administrator login and password into the windows of the launched installer - configure the forum parameters. After installation, the administrator section will be accessible only with a password, so there is no need to delete any files from the forum directory.

In the docs folder of the main forum directory there are quite a few detailed instructions on working with the forum and setting it up - naturally, in English. Please note that when you create a new category, it is not displayed on forum pages by default. This is done so that new categories can be created and filled with content during the work of the forum, without closing it from visitors.

After creating a new category and filling it with forums, do not forget to click on the “Make Visible” link in the forums and categories management interface, accessible through the “Manage Forums/Folders” link in the admin section.

And one more important point. Some Phorum management tools are not provided in the administrator interface, but are included in the package! So, in the includes folder of the forum’s main directory there are files that, by modifying them, you can set certain operating parameters for the forum. These files are as follows:

auth.php, auth_db.php, auth_plain.php - scripts that allow you to deny access to certain parts of the forum to visitors who do not know a specific login or password (the contents of these files must be manually inserted into the corresponding forum pages);

bad_emails.php - a file with a list of e-mail addresses that are prohibited from being specified during registration;

bad_hosts.php - a file with a list of IP addresses from which it is prohibited to work with the forum;

bad_names.php - a file with a list of logins that are prohibited from being used during registration;

censor.php - a file with a list of words that, when placed in messages, should be replaced with combinations of symbols “@!#$”

footer.php and header.php - HTML code for the top and bottom parts of the forum pages.

Editing these files in a text editor is not particularly difficult.

The remaining files in this folder contain the code for displaying forum pages. They can also be modified, but you will first have to carefully understand the logic of their program code, which can be difficult even for experienced programmers.

The forum is unrivaled for those who like the presentation of forum messages in the form of a “tree” divided into “branches”, pre-moderation of forums or sending all new messages in a topic by e-mail. For others, this is just one of the forums with not so many opportunities.

To be continued

Vadim Deruzhinsky

"Analytical newspaper "Secret Research"

How does conception occur? It would seem that everyone knows that the lively sperm is in a hurry to get to the egg. That's the whole answer, they say. In fact, scientists understand that they know almost nothing about this mystery of the birth of new life. Among other things, it was a shock for science to learn that the virgin birth (parthenogenesis), which was rejected as a myth, exists, and a mother can conceive a child alone - without a father...


The discoverer of blood circulation and physician of the English kings, Doctor of Medicine William Harvey, in his declining years, took up the most incomprehensible of all miracles - the miracle of the birth of life. In 1651, he published the book “Research on the Origin of Animals,” in which he summarized the then ideas of science on this issue. And the ideas, as Harvey wrote, were as follows: scientists believed that the beginning of life is in the egg, and the father only introduces an active force that forces the egg to awaken (Aristotle called this force “psyche” - soul).

Scientists believed that not only a chicken grows from an egg, but all living things in general. With the permission of King Charles I, Harvey examined female deer killed on royal lands, and supposedly these observations strengthened his opinion that all living things come from eggs, including mammals. But Harvey no longer knew what was in the mammal egg and regretfully admitted: “The first threads of Nature are almost always hidden, as in the dead of night, and, due to their subtlety, are as resistant to the sharpness of the mind as to the sharpness of the eye.”

However, in Holland, the clothier's apprentice Livenhoek was already polishing his lenses - who gave the eye sharpness in order to look at the “first threads of Nature”. In 1673, Lievenhoek published the first results of his observations in the proceedings of the Royal Society of London. And in November 1677, he announced that he had discovered “animacules” in sperm. What Harvey wanted so badly happened: the human eye saw a sperm for the first time in history.

In a letter to the secretary of the society, Livenhoek reported that the living animacules are equipped with tails. And further: “Then I often observed a substance of the same kind [male seed] and immediately discovered under a microscope such a multitude of living animacules that there were thousands of them per grain of sand... Soon it seemed to me that I could even distinguish individual organs in the bodies of animacules... If It will seem to you, most distinguished man, that these observations of mine will be offensive to scientists, I want to ask you, having considered everything, to tell others only what you find necessary. Be healthy, most learned husband..."

But Livenhoek’s observations really not only plunged the Royal Society into bewilderment, but offended them, because they encroached on the sacred authority of Aristotle and Harvey. This was a complete breakdown of ideas: until now, science believed that “everything is from an egg,” but it turned out that “everything is from animacules” - they already contain a ready-made or almost ready-made organism.

Of course, today we know that a sperm is not an embryo with arms, legs, a head and all the organs (a kind of boy-thumb). The sperm brings with it simply the “hereditary substance of the father,” and the maternal heredity is hidden in the egg. And only from an egg fertilized by a sperm - a zygote - does an embryo develop. But at that time, scientists began to believe that the embryo was already contained in the sperm.

So in science for a long time a new concept has become a dogma: that, supposedly, without the living animacules of the father, no origin of life is possible. This concept was to a certain extent shared by the Church, contrasting the immaculate conception of Jesus Christ with our mortal conception from animacules. Here, as they say, the views of religion and science at least agreed on something.

But again the time has come for shocks: it turned out that conception is possible without these life-giving creatures - that is, an absolutely immaculate conception...


Once, the most famous scientist in Europe, Rene Reaumur, received a letter from the Inspector General of Sericulture in Sardinia, Constance de Castellet. He informed him of a fact that was as unexpected as it was inexplicable. He discovered that many days after the mass emergence of silkworm caterpillars, worms were moving in one of the cells. However, this clutch was demolished by a obviously unfertilized butterfly, of which the inspector general was absolutely sure. So, we were talking about the “immaculate conception of the silkworm”!

Reaumur responded to the fantastic letter with one single phrase, and in Latin: “Ex nihilo nihil” - “Nothing comes from nothing.”

This answer, apparently, was largely determined by the fact that almost all the scientists of that time (including Reaumur) were believers and always remembered the words of the Bible: “The birth of Jesus Christ was like this: after the betrothal of His mother Mary to Joseph, before they were united, it turned out that she was pregnant with the Holy Spirit.” And if so, then it turns out, concluding by analogy, that the silkworm worm... In general, it turns out to be complete sacrilege...

However, reports of virgin birth (parthenogenesis - literally "divided conception") in worms and insects continued to come. And there was even a report at the Paris Academy of Sciences that unfertilized silkworm eggs began to develop under the influence of the sun and heat. But the inertia of established views was so strong that the Academy ignored all this news without any attention.


The situation actually did not change at all until late XIX century. Then a significant breakthrough in the scientific recognition of parthenogenesis was made by Alexander Andreevich Tikhomirov, a Russian conservative scientist who did not recognize the teachings of Darwin. He worked on silkworms and looked for ways to speed up the development of silkworms.

Tikhomirov knew that fertilized silkworm eggs, laid in the summer, wait in hibernation for spring to produce caterpillars. But if you disturb them (for example, simply rub them with a brush), they awaken and develop in the fall and winter. That is, they respond to any irritation with development.

However, these are fertilized eggs. What if you try to encourage the unfertilized to develop?

It turned out - IT WORKS!

As a result, in 1886, Tikhomirov published an article in Italy, where he said that many irritants (current, acid, high temperature etc.) can replace the fertilization of silkworm eggs. Few people noticed the article, although it reported a discovery of world significance.

Unfortunately, Tikhomirov himself soon abandoned his research, and the problem was again forgotten for several decades.

The next serious step forward was the book “Artificial Parthenogenesis” by Jacques Loeb, published at the beginning of the twentieth century, containing thousands of facts and observations. Loeb conducted experiments with sea inhabitants and obtained, for example, offspring from unfertilized eggs sea ​​urchins and other sea creatures. His conclusion is: “The sperm cannot be looked at, as was previously done, as the cause of development. It is only an accelerator of processes that can take place without it. It acts as a catalyst in a chemical reaction."

These experiments gained many followers. In France, Yves Delage also hatched sea urchins from unfertilized eggs - quite normal, perhaps a little weaker and smaller than usual; he used tannin and lye.

A. Matthew caused the development of starfish eggs by repeated shaking.

E. Bataillon bred “parentless” tadpoles using a needle as the “Holy Spirit”: he pricked the surface of unfertilized frog eggs with a sharp needle moistened with fresh frog blood.

And finally, in 1940, Gregory Pincus and Herbert Shapiro published something absolutely incredible in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society - they conducted successful experiments with a rabbit. The unfertilized rabbit egg was exposed to salt solutions, heat and cold. The article included not only a drawing of the metal vessel in which the eggs were cooled, but also a series of striking photographs.

The camera captured the chromosomes that dispersed to the poles of the daughter cells, gathered in the nuclei of these cells, and now one cell gave birth to not two, but four, eight... And the last picture depicted two snow-white rabbits: a one-year-old mother and a two-month-old daughter. The daughter was an absolute copy of her mother (which evokes analogies with cloning). And how could it be otherwise, if only the mother was to blame for the birth of this creature? After all, the cold cannot be considered a father...

The message of Pincus and Shapiro ended in a generally fantastic way: “As for humans, cases have been described that can be attributed to rudimentary parthenogenesis. In a woman who died of peritonitis eight or ten days after childbirth, S. Morel discovered eggs in altered graafian follicles that began to divide without fertilization and had already given about 50 blastomeres.”

That is, we are talking about the immaculate conception already in a person.


The virgin birth in human mythology has always been a sign of divinity. The ancient Egyptian sky goddess Nut conceived her children - the sun and stars - without a husband. In the evening Nut swallowed them, and in the morning she gave birth again. The immaculate virgins gave birth to the Egyptian god Ra, the Phoenician Adonis, the Persian Mithras, and the Greek Dionysus.

The immaculate virgin Maya conceived Buddha, and the immaculate virgin Mary gave birth to Christ. In general, a trend is visible.

How scientific are these myths?

Science today has become convinced that parthenogenesis is relatively common in simple organisms, but the more complex the organisms, the less common it is, and in humans it becomes a unique phenomenon altogether.

Soviet biologists G. Grigoriev and L. Markhasev in 1975 found an interesting coincidence: it turns out that the myths about the virgin birth are very close to the scientific practice of parthenogenesis in that there is always some kind of external factor as a catalyst for unfertilized conception. For example, Buddha, having decided to take on human form, appeared to the Virgin Maya in the form of a sunbeam. And the great Ra is also a product of the sun's ray. Almighty Zeus, having fallen in love with Danae, entered her underground chambers in the form of golden rain, and Danae gave birth to Perseus. Titian imagined this golden shower as a stream of gold coins, but in Rembrandt’s painting sunlight pours into Danae’s chambers.

G. Grigoriev and L. Markhasev wrote: “Ancient Judea is a country of salt lakes and the Dead Sea, where the concentration of salts is much higher than usual sea ​​water. This saline solution is a classic parthenogenesis factor. And if we assume that one day, while bathing, the Virgin Mary..."

Further, biologists do not complete the phrase, but write: “However, if we continue the “scientific” explanation further, we would have to admit that Christ was a woman: due to the absence of the paternal Y chromosome, the virgin birth of the Virgin Mary could only lead to the birth beings with XX sex chromosomes, that is, girls.”

It seems that logic dictates that children born to virgins - Adonis, Buddha, Ra, Dionysus, Christ, etc. - should not be boys, but girls. Here, apparently, the humiliating attitude towards women in ancient societies played a decisive role, since most gods are men (and the Bible or the Koran is the fruit of the labor of only men). The gender inequality in these religions is obvious.

However, one of the fathers of Soviet experimental biology N.K. Koltsov, back in 1932, in an article devoted to artificial parthenogenesis, wrote that “the emergence of males during such parthenogenesis is possible... for example, as a result of hormonal effects on the developing female.” That is, once again, at the next round of development, science again seems to confirm the possibility of biblical ideas - in this case, the birth of a boy, Christ, from the virgin birth.

But the question still remains: why are the Gods men and not women? Apparently, this is no longer a question of biology, but social psychology: if the Gods had a female appearance, it is unlikely that they would be popular with many men who are accustomed to seeing themselves as the main ones in relationships with the female sex.

By the way, as for the above-mentioned Nikolai Konstantinovich Koltsov, director of the Institute of Experimental Biology, in the summer of 1931 in Kutaisi at the zonal sericulture station he continued on a grand scale the work begun by Tikhomirov and abandoned halfway through. But his goal was not only and not so much success with the silkworm. Now the tasks were set on a large scale and concerned the entire national economy of the country. In the collection “Problems of Livestock Husbandry,” the scientist wrote “about the possibilities of obtaining parthenogenetic offspring from record-breaking chickens, which would allow preserving the productivity inherent in the maternal line.”

This applied direction in the study of parthenogenesis was successfully continued by Koltsov’s student B.L. Astaurov, who created the production of “immaculately conceived” silkworms on an industrial scale.

But this is practice. But with the theory, as they say, things are still going well...


How can warmth (or any other irritant) replace the father? And what generally happens in an unfertilized egg when it is given an impetus to “immaculate” development?

No answer. Despite all the advances in science, as biologists themselves admit, we have advanced little in the 100 years that separate us from the appearance of Loeb’s book on parthenogenesis.

Even Loeb was well aware that the act of conception is not limited to the fact that the father’s sperm brings hereditary material into the egg. This is only half the battle. His contact with the egg, in some way unknown to Loeb (and to modern scientists, as they admit), sets into motion hidden forces that force the egg to divide.

That's where main secret, which no one has yet been able to approach. And the problem is that the contact of sperm with egg is not at all of the nature of stress, similar to the influence of factors that cause parthenogenesis. And the phenomenon of parthenogenesis is, apparently, something secondary, a kind of echo of the influence on the egg, hidden from us, at a level hidden from us.

But having understood what the matter is, we could solve many problems of infertility, which - understandably - also remain unanswered, because all of this is one whole. Doctors, say, are studying sperm - it is normal and should produce offspring. The egg is also normal. But there are no offspring, and within a couple it is often impossible to understand which spouse is the carrier of infertility. Obviously, here either the sperm or the egg, in addition to the completely normal transmitted hereditary material, does not have the quality that is necessary to initiate conception.

What kind of quality this is - no one knows.

And here it’s time to remember another phenomenon, which in some ways is a mirror of parthenogenesis: this is telegony, which we talked about in the previous chapter. Telegony is a transfer of inherited material delayed far in time after coitus, in which there is no contact of the sperm with the egg. In humans, this manifests itself, for example, in the fact that after coitus with a condom a woman does not become pregnant, but when after long time becomes pregnant by a new partner, it turns out that the children have the genetic material of the first man. In animals, this is manifested in the fact that after coitus of one breed with another, the offspring of which, in principle, are not biologically born, the female after a long time enters into coitus with a male of her own pure breed, but the offspring is born out of purebred.

The latter is well known to all breeders involved in breeding pure breeds of horses, cows, chickens, dogs, cats, pigeons, etc. This is a fact on which, in fact, all animal selection is based. There is still no theoretical explanation for it either.

But why don’t we assume that that very hitherto elusive “push” of sperm to the egg, which Loeb and modern biologists talk about, may at the same time carry within itself the inherited material itself? In fact, parthenogenesis and telegony are the same in that conception occurs without fertilization by living animacules. And N.K. Koltsov found evidence, in my opinion, not at all that “the emergence of males during such parthenogenesis is possible... for example, as a result of hormonal effects on the developing female.” He found the conception of males during parthenogenesis, which directly speaks of another phenomenon - telegony (see our other articles). Because discussions about the hormonal effect on the mother are tantamount to the fact that the mother herself, together with her child, turns into a man during childbirth - which is difficult to imagine.

Parthenogenesis and telegony are two manifestations of the same unknown mechanism for the conception of life. They are based on a certain “push”. But what is he?

This “push” does not occur at all at the molecular, physico-chemical level. Moreover, according to the texture of telegony, it does not occur at all during the contact of the hereditary materials of the father and mother (for such contact does not occur), but DURING ORGASM. That is, before.

But what is the biological function of orgasm? Biologists usually reduce it only to the isolation of heritable material, which, I think, is incorrect. During orgasm, I believe, both a certain recording of inherited material occurs at a level not yet known to us, and this sought-after “push” itself occurs.

According to the physiology of males, their ejaculation is always accompanied by orgasm. But females do not need to experience orgasm to become pregnant. But at the same time, telegony occurs only when the female experiences orgasm during coitus.

It turns out that Nature has, as it were, “insured” us: if both partners experience orgasm during intercourse, then the inherited material is transmitted, even if it is not transmitted by material carriers. And any subsequent entry of the seed into the egg - even months or years later - will lead to the reproduction in the egg not of this new genetic material, but of the first. That is, it is as if he has already made his hereditary record, and then the new material is only a kind of “push”, similar to those that we see in parthenogenesis. Those niches that should be filled by the inherited material of the new partner in the partner’s body are not filled, because they have already been filled for a long time, but are just waiting for a push for implementation.

This is why I wrote above that parthenogenesis and telegony are mirror images: they behave similarly. In parthenogenesis, a material “push” awakens what is inherent in the body by some OTHER structure of the organism, but in telegony the opposite is true - this OTHER structure gives a “push” to the body.

It is generally tempting to believe that during “spiritual intercourse”, when both partners experience orgasm, the soul multiplies, and during the “bodily exchange of fluids” without mutual orgasm, only “vegetative” multiplication of the bodily shell occurs. Within the framework of this “vegetation”, parthenogenesis is quite possible, but the reproduction of the soul is often accompanied by telegony. After all, souls must also be born from something.

If they exist, of course. In any case, I understand by a hypothetical soul a completely material (but immaterial for us) substance, which, say, can control, as a matrix, the organization of our body (and consciousness as well) as a subject of some Program (Nature or Creators). And the very presence of a soul implies - of course and necessarily - the virtuality (or, in other words, the diversity of levels of matter) of our world (natural or artificial).

In a word, all questions of our conception - a seemingly ordinary phenomenon - inevitably lead us to fundamental philosophical problems. Because the search for the nature of conception is no less, and perhaps much more complex, than the search for gravity, black holes and the Big Bang of the Universe. Here comes a crisis in knowledge. A clear barrier has emerged that is common to the development of various fields of natural science. We have all our sciences come up against something common, which we still don’t even remotely understand. But we really feel it.


The Immaculate Conception also occurs naturally in nature. In the highlands of the Caucasus there lives a rock lizard that reproduces only by parthenogenesis, and if it is crossed with a male, sterile hybrids arise - nature supports only the parthenogenetic race. Where does the starting impulse come from in this case?

This question is asked by scientists, to which many others can be added. Starting with the main thing: why then are these males needed here at all evolutionarily?

American scientists E. Bass and M. Olsek, studying turkeys, came to the conclusion that their natural parthenogenesis is a disease caused by a virus. What has already made many other scientists remember about cancer: in both cases, the virus stimulates cell division and subsequent tissue development. Koltsov also found this analogy.

So the riddle becomes even more mysterious: behind it are the yet unknown laws of life.

There appears to be no reason to believe that we will get any closer to solving this riddle in the coming centuries. Main problem The fact is that, given the version of the world where we are virtual, we will never get an accurate answer to the questions that interest us.

For more than two thousand years, the Great Mystery that happened to the chaste Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ, has been considered a real miracle...

The Holy Scripture says: “Before they were united, it turned out that she was with child from the Holy Spirit.” Mf. 1:18. However, this is not the only case described in the Bible. It also says that Christ’s disciples were conceived without male participation, during a thunderstorm. The Hindu religion says that Krishna was also born due to the immaculate conception of the sister of King Kansa from the World Spirit.
The story of the conception of Alexander the Great has approximately the same roots. His mother, who was a priestess, allegedly conceived her son from the Sun. However, not only famous religious figures can boast of such an immaculate conception. On the stele of Amenhotep II, son of Thutmose III, it is inscribed: “When I was born, in the womb and created in the divine egg, the seed of God was in me.” Scientists from all over the world are still trying to unravel the mystery of the Immaculate Conception. The academician was especially successful in this Russian Academy cosmonautics Vasily Shabetnik.

The discovery he made will be able to explain with scientific point view of this one of the greatest biblical mysteries. Vasily Dmitrievich came to his discovery by asking the question: will humanity be able to be reborn in the event of some kind of global cataclysm? And after a while he himself answered this question. Each person on the Universal, cosmic scale is a bioenergy-informational unit included in common system Universe. The role of an intermediary in the energy-information exchange between the Cosmic Mind (Creator) and man was assumed by the Sun. Any thought, any information is of an electromagnetic nature and, therefore, material. Thus, all physical laws are closely related to spiritual ones. Currently, humanity has put itself on the path of degeneration, because... they ignore the requirements of the Unified Law of the Cosmos.
How does conception take place from the Spirit, i.e. from the Sun? Here is what academician Shabetnik says about this: “The beginning of the Universe was electric charge. And our human essence is electric. We are, if you like, clots of energy clothed in a physical shell. And by design God's people in paradise they were supposed to reproduce without original sin, without sexual intercourse.” In principle, conception occurs not so much from the Sun itself, but from its powerful electric field. Having compared the intensity of the vertical component of the Earth's electric field, caused by the influence of our star, and the intensity of the electric field of a person between his head and heels, the academician came to the conclusion that this is quite sufficient for the formation of the process of egg division. This form of conception is truly Divine, because in this case there is no negative electromagnetic field of the obstetrician. “The Holy Spirit is precisely that mysterious energy that initiates conception without male intervention,” the academician believes.

Anouk Didier, a seventeen-year-old resident of Paris, was distinguished by unusual piety and, naturally, love affairs I didn't even think about it. It was a great surprise for her, and not only her, when one day she became pregnant. Nine months later, Anouk gave birth to a daughter. Medical scientists stated that the girl’s egg had never been fertilized before, and the embryo was formed as a result of spontaneous conception (they did not use the term “from God” or “from the Sun”).
In another case, the mother of a five-year-old girl from a Peruvian village noticed that her daughter’s belly suddenly began to grow. Concerned about this, the woman decided to take the girl to the city clinic. When the doctors told my mother about the diagnosis, her face showed both horror and extreme amazement. Her five-year-old daughter was pregnant, and the hymen was not broken.
Helen Billings, a doctor from Mill Valley, California, describes a rather surprising phenomenon: “Several of my clients knew for sure that they were pregnant, and then suddenly it turned out that the fetus had disappeared from their womb, and there was no medical explanation for this. Several such cases have been documented and witnessed by doctors. One of them deserves special attention. My client's daughter was five months old and already knew she was going to give birth to twins. The pregnancy was difficult, so she was under constant medical supervision. And then, during her next visit to the clinic, she learned that one of the embryos... had disappeared from her womb! And at the same time, as if by magic, the woman’s condition improved significantly. In due time, she gave birth to one completely normal child. But where did the second one go? The doctors had no answer to this question.”

In the supermarket of the English holding Asda, 24 employees became pregnant within a few months. All of them were completely bewildered by what had happened - some of them had not had sexual contact for some time, others regularly used protection. Experts in anomalous phenomena, interested in such an incredible phenomenon, began an investigation. It turned out that all those who became pregnant loved to soak in the soft and comfortable chair located in the staff rest room. The most interesting thing is that each of them, while in the chair, felt a sweet languor between their legs. Then a woman who had been unable to conceive a child for a long time volunteered to sit in this chair. And a miracle happened - a month later she became pregnant, and by the due date she gave birth to a healthy child. Soon, scientists also became interested in the mysterious chair - they examined it using the latest equipment, but did not find anything “suspicious”. They even thought of playing a “prank” on someone, but no man could fit inside the chair. The mystery of the Immaculate Conception remains unsolved.
And this is not the only place where such an immaculate conception occurs. In one of the stores in Birmingham in 1995, three women became pregnant at once, almost simultaneously. They also loved to snuggle in a soft old chair. Something similar happened in the Israeli city of Ashdod. In one of the stores in this city they purchased a new chair, which they placed next to cash register. The store owner's niece became pregnant first, followed by the cashiers, and soon this miracle affected his wife.

Anyone who has watched or read “A Nightmare on Elm Street” has grasped the main plot: dream and reality are one whole, inextricably linked. And there is no escape from a nightmare even in reality. It turns out that something similar can happen to us, and in real reality. This story took place in the Middle Ages. One young woman, widowed, inherited the castle and lands of her deceased husband. However, after some time she became pregnant, and a year later gave birth to a son. The relatives of her late husband immediately accused the widow of debauchery and sued her: a woman who betrayed her husband’s memory is unworthy of being his heir. At the trial, the widow was completely calm and said that the father of her child was none other than... her late husband. Although it was impossible to believe, the court listened to all the arguments of the widow and completely acquitted her. A fine was imposed on her husband's relatives for slander. What happened, why was the woman acquitted? As it turned out, one day this woman dreamed of her husband and offered to have an intimate relationship with him. The yearning woman happily accepted his offer. The result of such an original fulfillment of marital duty was a child, like two drops of water, like his father.

Vladimir Lotokhin
Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region.

(11 votes: 4.6 out of 5)

Immaculate(Greek “Αμωμος) – (Greek ἄμωμοι amomi- immaculate) –
1) sung on Sunday after singing " Praise the name of the Lord", as well as on the Sabbath after, with a chorus, the words of which are borrowed from Psalm 119 (" Blessed are the blameless...»);
2) the concept of Orthodox, denoting especially significant for the 118th (constituting the 17th) according to its initial words « ».

The psalm begins with the words “ Blessed are the blameless in their journey, who walk in the law of the Lord...“The whole psalm got its name from this word. It occupies a very important place during the church year. During normal periods of the year, he should be chanted on Saturdays at Matins; it is also sung at Sunday matins, when polyeleos are not scheduled, that is, during most of the year; it is performed at parastases, funeral services, etc.

It, unlike all other kathismas of the Psalter, is divided not only into three parts (glories), but, in addition, with the word “Wednesday” in the middle of the second glory, it is divided into two parts, since at some funeral services it is not performed in three receptions, but only in two.

For a long time this kathisma of the Psalter had a special purpose in worship, giving it a special solemnity. It figured prominently in the tenth-century Rule of the Great Church of Constantinople for Sunday Matins; According to the Studio Charter, it was performed only on Saturdays. The Jerusalem typists also knew her. Hence the expression “troparia for the immaculate,” that is, sung after this kathisma. This is the troparion at funeral services: “You have found the source of life of the saints” with the refrains of the 118th psalm “Blessed art thou, O Lord, teach me by Thy justification,” and at the weekly matins “The Council of Angels” with the same refrains.”

“This is the name of the 118th psalm, “Blessedness of the Immaculate,” after its second word, which expresses the theme of the entire psalm and therefore in ancient times was preceded by it when sung as an antiphon or a model for a melody (and now in the rite of burial).

Representing an enthusiastic hymn to the law of God, the psalm depicts the ardent love of the righteous for this law or, more precisely, for God for His such a perfect and beneficial gift to humanity. This largest psalm, with 176 verses, in the Hebrew text consists of 22 stanzas, beginning in order with all the letters of the alphabet; in almost every stanza, consisting of 8 verses, the name Jehovah is used once (at least 22 times in total) and the law is called different names: “law”, “commandment”, “justifications” (collectively “statutes”), “testimonies” (i.e. revelations), “fates” (i.e. courts), “commands” (in glory, also “commandments”), “ways”, “words”, of course, all this with the epithet “Thine”, i.e. “God’s”; this means different sides the law of God.

The righteous man does not find words to describe his attachment to this law and zeal for it: for him it is more precious than all treasures and blessings, above all earthly wisdom, he studies it day and night, prays for heavenly illumination to comprehend it, is ready to suffer for it and almost paid for it with his life. With this content, let us apply the psalm, first of all, to the Savior, to the whole work of His life, for which the most touching image imaginable is given here; and then, let us apply the psalm to every Christian, as depicting a complete ideal for him.

The psalm breathes with remarkable warmth, acting with an irresistible charm on the heart, somewhat capable of religious feelings, and surpassing other psalms in this respect. All this prompted the charter to make Psalm 118, which constitutes the 17th kathisma, a funeral hymn over the Savior, introducing it into Great Saturday Matins, which it fills more than half, just as it is sung over every Christian in the rite of burial. Adjoining the kathismas as the last of them, moreover, adapted, in contrast to the first two kathismas, to the memories of the day, the psalm at this place of Matins well prepares the subsequent joy of the resurrection.

And in general, the attitude of the rule to this psalm is exceptional, fully consistent with its high merits: the kathisma, which it alone constitutes, is not considered ordinary; when the Psalter is sung twice a week, as in Lent, then the 17th kathisma is excluded from the usual alternation, from which the 1st kathisma is not excluded; Of all the kathismas, it is the only one that is not abandoned at the end of Holy Week, when there are no kathismas at all; in addition, it serves as the opening psalm of the Midnight Office (every day) - a service performed at the most touching hour of the day.”

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