Computer addiction in children and adolescents presentation. Computer addiction in adolescents. What to spend more time on when working with a PC

prepared for the parent meeting by T.G. Silantieva. computer science teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 2 r.p. Bazarny Karabulak, Saratov region"

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The danger is not that a computer will one day start to think like a person, but that a person will one day start to think like a computer Sidney J. Harris

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Computer addiction is a disease associated with a harmful addiction to all kinds of gambling. Gaming addiction. Network addiction. Surfing addiction.

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Who is more addicted to computer games? Children of those parents who are most often not at home, children of wealthy parents or workaholics who are constantly busy. The most dependent and, at the same time, undesirable age is 12-15 years. Boys. According to statistics, for every dependent teenage girl there are up to 10 boys, this is due to the fact that the crisis adolescence it's harder for boys, and computer games much less for girls

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A few facts: Only about 20% of children outgrow this problem on their own. 2. A child can be at the computer no more than 1 hour a day. Teenager – up to 2-3 hours with breaks. 3. In Finland, people with a diagnosis of “computer addiction” are not accepted into the army. 4. Staying in front of a monitor for a long time can cause visual impairment, posture, decreased immunity, headaches, apathy, irritability, fatigue, and insomnia. An adult feels “squeezed out and empty” after several hours of working at the computer, what can we say about a child.

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Signs computer addiction in children:

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Signs of computer addiction in children: The child loses interest in other activities. All yours free time The child tends to spend time in front of the computer or TV. Communication with other children begins to be reduced only to computer games. There is a gradual loss of contact with parents. The child strives less and less to communicate with others, communication becomes superficial.

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Signs of computer addiction in children: Answers questions formally, avoids confidential conversations. The child begins to deceive, strives by any means to get what he wants. The child hides how much time he actually spent on the computer or TV; He reacts nervously to any restrictions associated with a computer, TV, tablet or phone, is very worried, gets angry, is rude, and may cry. Loses control of screen time. The child begins to eat near the computer.

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Signs of computer addiction in children: The child starts asking for cartoons or a computer in the morning. The child comes home from school and the first thing he does is sit down in front of the TV or turn on the computer. An incomprehensible emotional upsurge, which abruptly gives way to a bad mood. Taking a closer look, you will understand that all this is connected with virtual successes and failures in the game.

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Physical abnormalities in a patient suffering from computer addiction: blurred vision, decreased immunity, headaches, increased fatigue, insomnia, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome (pain in the wrist)

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Causes of computer addiction: Lack or lack of communication and warm emotional relationships in the family The child’s lack of serious hobbies The child’s inability to establish desirable contacts The child’s general unluckiness The tendency of adolescents to quickly “absorb” everything new and interesting. The child’s desire to be “like everyone else” his peers

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How to protect a child from addiction? What prompted the child to go “to the computer”? do not criticize your child, understand the essence of the game, limit access to games and films, limit time on the computer, the computer should be in your field of vision, do not buy a separate computer, offer an alternative to the computer, raise the child’s self-esteem, friendship with other children

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the chances of becoming addicted decrease if: there is an atmosphere of friendliness, peace, comfort and trust in the family; the child has varied interests and hobbies; the child knows how to establish positive relationships with others; the child knows how to set at least the smallest goals for himself

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It is important to know: it is impossible to abruptly take away or prohibit computer games for a child who has already become involved. This should be done consistently; it is better to prepare together with a psychologist. You can take various tests on the Internet to assess the computer addiction of your child and yourself. Not all games have a bad effect on the psyche; some contribute to the development of cognitive and moral qualities.

Dependence on computer games as a negative factor in the formation healthy image life in children and adolescents A. A. Fedosova Faculty of Medical Prevention, 5th year Scientific supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor L. P. Mamchits Educational Institution "Gomel State Medical University"

Today, according to numerous studies, up to 80% of schoolchildren aged suffer from computer addiction. Children can spend days without food or rest in front of a computer at home or in specialized clubs.

62% of 11-year-olds and 46% of 14-year-old players visit computer gaming establishments almost daily. An analysis of data from an anonymous survey of 177 students from educational institutions in Gomel showed that computer clubs are attended by children of all ages. age groups. But they are especially popular among children 11 years old (up to 76%) and 13 years old (up to 80%).

Staying at the computer late in the evening and at night leads to lack of sleep and disrupts the child’s physiological circadian biorhythms. Excessive passion for computer games leads to physical inactivity and lack of time for active recreation on fresh air, which is necessary for the development of a healthy body. In addition, visiting clubs can occur during school lessons. At the same time, academic performance decreases and conflict situations with teachers and parents, as indicated by more than 15% of the children surveyed.

We have identified subjective symptoms of overstrain of the nervous system and eyes, changes in mood and bad dream in children attending computer clubs. Headache was reported in 20%; heaviness in the head was noted in 10% of the adolescents surveyed; 15% of children complained of poor sleep after playing intense computer games.

A common complaint was eye pain (29%); flickering before the eyes (14%); blurred image (5%); 33% of schoolchildren surveyed complained of eye fatigue, but this complaint was most pronounced among 11-year-old computer club visitors (up to 62%). Namely, it is at this age that the formation of the main sections of the visual analyzer ends, and its functions become established.

In 48% of children surveyed, playing in clubs led to a deterioration in mood; Aggression developed in 8% of adolescent children. It should be noted that it is the teenage period that is characterized by lability of the psyche, the autonomic nervous system, and the predominance of excitation processes over inhibition processes.

Most role-playing computer games are designed for adolescence. They are drawn and programmed by people of the older generation, without taking into account age psychological characteristics. Such games can greatly influence the formation of personality during the period of active socialization and role identification.

Computer addiction arises due to the fact that schoolchildren lack face-to-face communication with parents and peers. More often, children and adolescents who have unstable and conflict-ridden family or school relationships and are not committed to any serious hobbies become addicted.

These same schoolchildren continue to be at the computer at school, in computer science lessons. According to the Gomel Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health, there are 760 classrooms for educational computing equipment in the Gomel region, of which only 71% fully comply with SanPiN requirements. In 2007, 2,556 workplaces at computers in schools in the region were examined, of which 7.6% did not meet sanitary standards, and according to laboratory studies, excess levels of electromagnetic radiation at workplaces were observed in 10% of the surveyed workplaces.

The influence of prolonged exposure to computer games on the health of schoolchildren: 1. Decreased immunity. 2. Psycho-neurological disorders - chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, which can cause severe long-term depression and even suicidal attempts. There have been cases of convulsive attacks provoked by the “flickering” effect of the monitor and frequent changes in the image during the game. Japanese scientists have concluded that children who are overly addicted to computer games lose the ability to control their behavior. Gambling addicts are a group at increased risk for committing offenses, crimes and even murder (in Russia and the USA, teenage gambling addicts killed their classmates and teachers); There are several known cases of children dying from stroke after playing a computer game for many hours (in Russia and China). 3. Neurovegetative changes - fluctuations blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, increased body temperature, headaches. 4. Vascular disorders. Due to monotonous posture, congestion in organs and tissues, swelling, and varicose veins develop.

5. Changes in posture (especially important for children under 15 years of age), spinal osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs. 6. Violation reproductive function due to the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the endocrine glands. 7. Deterioration of vision. 8. Endocrine disorders.

The student neglects his own health and hygiene in order to spend more time at the computer. Thus, the hobby of school-age children with computer games at home or in computer gaming establishments can be regarded as one of negative factors influencing the formation of their healthy lifestyle.

This is how one of the gamers recalls his pathological addiction: “At that time there was nothing more important in my life than playing. I was losing my friends, my studies were going poorly. There was no such thing as free time for me - it was all spent on games. I began to experience long-term depression, with frequent desires to commit suicide. Emptiness and melancholy grew in my soul.”

Recommendations for preventing and overcoming computer addiction in children and adolescents: 1. It is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent computer addiction in children and adolescents at the family and school level. Parents and teachers help the child master the real world. It is important that they teach children “safety rules” in the virtual world.

4. Persons supervising the child’s work should monitor his preferences in computer games and talk about the consequences of spending a long time in front of the monitor. 2. The main principle of weakening and treating addiction is substitution: the formation of a full-fledged spiritual and intellectual life, live communication with parents and peers, attention and care, classes in clubs and sports sections, help with housework. 3. It is necessary to develop a culture of communication with the computer. It is important to show a minor that with the help of a computer it is interesting to develop intellectually, to receive the necessary and useful information, study, etc.

5. Effective method The way to combat addiction to computer games and Internet addiction is to use various control programs. The “Game Control” program, for example, can distinguish studying on the computer from gaming activities: if a child uses the computer to prepare lessons, the monitor does not turn off, and if he plays computer games beyond the set time, then the monitor will turn off exactly on schedule. The Naomi 2.7 program will help limit minors' access to inappropriate resources by controlling information downloaded from the Internet, thus prohibiting access to computer gambling, porn sites, and sites containing scenes of violence.

6. The computer must be located where it is more convenient to control its use by minors, as well as establish clear requirements for the use of the computer and the Internet, and always require their strict implementation. 7. In order to preserve the health of the younger generation, it is necessary to properly organize workplace at the computer, constantly monitor your posture, and also take regular rest breaks and exercise.

China has valuable experience in the prevention and treatment of computer addiction. For example, in this country, computers are equipped with a program that provides automatic shutdown after two hours of playing computer games, and turning on is impossible for some time. Already in 2005 A clinic for treatment of computer addiction was opened in China, and in 2007. The opening of new Internet cafes and computer rooms was prohibited.

The presentation was prepared by 6th grade student Artem Shelkunov.

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Modern social networks, online computer games, the opportunity to access any information, even the most taboo in society, via the Internet, seem to be specially created for teenagers, nervous system which have not yet fully strengthened, because children of this age (12-16 years old) initially have a desire for escapism (some care about reality), fantasy, a tendency to wishful thinking, etc. The computer and the Internet fully satisfy these needs of a young person who, with their help, can become anyone in his virtual space.

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Modern children often master computer literacy earlier than language or mathematical literacy: we live in an era of high technology and crazy speeds. In principle, this is neither good nor bad, the main thing is how to manage the resources we have. After all, the same computer and the Internet can become both a tool for creativity and obtaining new information, and doping is akin to drugs. Despite the fact that among children and adolescents computer addiction is acquiring alarming proportions, the public treats this fact rather condescendingly: they say, it will go away with age. They say it’s better when a child sits at home at the computer than hangs out in an unknown place and with whom. Computer games are captivating and exciting, and real life ceases to be a source of pleasure. Many experts agree that such terrible diagnoses as depression, burnout syndrome, chronic fatigue, alcohol and drug addiction, suicidal tendencies, humanity owes precisely to high technology.

Slide 4: Who is at risk?

Most often, it is boys who fall into computer addiction. Girls' games are full of emotions, so girls do not need to be fueled by surrogate experiences. Girls are “allowed” to cry, be offended, and throw tantrums, while boys are subject to a historically established stereotype: you must be strong. As a result, boys are forced to constantly suppress their true feelings and emotions. Moreover, due to the characteristics male psychology The stronger sex is more likely to “withdraw into oneself.” For boys, the “zone of productive solitude” is vital - for recovery, accumulation of strength, and analysis. And if this niche is absent in reality, the teenager will create it artificially. Well, then, the instinct of a winner has been in men’s blood since cave times - that’s why boys get hooked on all sorts of “shooting games” and “adventure games” (if girls play, it’s more likely to be strategic or logical games).

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Compared to adults, a child gets used to the computer very quickly - exciting games, pictures on the Internet, interesting videos - how to have fun here. It is worth noting that the line between hobby and childhood addiction is too thin, but the criterion for such a distinction is, first of all, self-control, which children develop over a long period of time. Parents whose child, after spending some time at the computer, can independently turn it off and go about his business, do not have to worry, because there is no addiction as such yet. However, it’s another matter when a child gives up everything - communication with friends, walks in the fresh air, in order to play or wander through the Internet. Naturally, in this case, the child is not able to refuse to sit at the computer on his own and needs the help of his parents.

Slide 6: How many people suffer from addiction?

Computer addiction is a serious socio-economic problem affecting more and more more people. According to various estimates, various types Computer addiction affects up to 10% of all personal computer and Internet users worldwide. In some countries (China, North Korea), the problem of computer addiction has reached the state level and is brought under government control.

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Slide 8: Several cases of critical stage

1) In Tyumen, a detained seventeen-year-old boy killed his parents with iron bars because they did not allow him to enter a computer club. The teenager committed the murder together with a friend, and, according to the criminals, this crime was supposed to begin a series of murders in the city: would-be players were going to continue robberies, killing the parents of other computer game fans. The killer was arrested in a computer club. 2) A twenty-two-year-old resident of Thailand died while playing Counter-Strike. After finishing his shift at the factory, he headed to the Internet club, and in order not to be distracted from the computer once again, he bought provisions along the way. Friends found him in critical condition only the next day. young man They took him to the hospital, but it was too late, and he died without regaining consciousness. The cause of death was heart failure - the gamer simply became worried while playing.

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Computer addiction affects family relationships, therefore, during the treatment of computer addiction, it is important to provide assistance to relatives and loved ones of a person suffering from computer addiction, in particular aimed at harmonizing relationships with him.


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The most important stage treatment of computer addiction is the involvement of the person suffering from it in processes not related to computers, so that electronic games and processes do not become a replacement for reality (find an alternative). It is necessary to show the person that there is a lot of interesting entertainment besides the computer (bowling, snowboarding, mushroom picking , paintball, kayaking, football, etc.), which not only allow you to experience thrills, but also train the body and normalize the psychological state. How to treat computer addiction?


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No matter what kind of trouble we are talking about, it is impossible to overcome it without admitting to yourself that there is a problem. Check if you are addicted to the Internet. For 3 days, write down in a notebook the time you go online and complete sessions. Cross out the time spent on the Web for work. After 3 days, soberly assess the situation and honestly answer the question of whether you suffer from Internet addiction - at least in its infancy. Imagine that a hidden camera is installed in your apartment and your actions are constantly being watched by someone whose opinion you value very much. This “someone”, of course, will not praise you for your next visit to the Internet, so you remove your hand from the mouse and proceed to some more real activity. Gradually, the frequency of your trips to the computer will decrease, and as an additional bonus, many previously postponed tasks will be completed. Remember what you always wanted to do, what to learn. Cross stitch, study foreign language, training in hairdressing and all other “wants” that have not yet been realized can and should be implemented right now. At first you will devote time to them that you would have previously spent in social networks. But soon you will be surprised to notice that you yourself are rushing to the hoop, having forgotten about the existence of the computer.


Last presentation slide: Computer addiction in children and adolescents

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I chose the topic of my work - “Computer addiction in adolescents”, because now computers are used for other purposes, in other words, to harm themselves. What kind of harm are we talking about? How does the student use the computer? Can we fight the problems we get from improper computer work? Do people know about computer addiction?

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Based on the results of my observations, I put forward a hypothesis: “Unreasonable use of a computer leads to the degradation of the spiritual and moral world of young people.”

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This project is relevant because it is scientific work explains to us all the pros and cons of computer addiction, explains in detail its causes. I think that not only children, but also adults will be interested in such information. The goal of the project must be real solution, otherwise, I don’t see its further implementation, but this is so important not only for me, and not even for other students, it affects different segments of the population, and the problem of computer addiction concerns not only children, but also adults. This means that my project can also become an example for adults, new goal– explain to people about the rules of using a computer, not just by reading instructions to them, but to interest them in it.

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- analyze theoretical approaches to the problem; - study measures to prevent computer syndrome; - study the mode of work of schoolchildren on the computer and identify the impact of this work on the student.

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As I already said, each person creates the conditions for risk for himself. The computer was created by professors for good intentions, for the benefit of people. But not all children can appreciate this. As for the object of my research, this is a child, and the subject is a computer and such a phenomenon as “computer addiction.”

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Active work with a computer keyboard leads to overload of the joints of the hands, and numbness of the fingertips occurs. When actively working with a computer for a long time, diseases of the articular and ligamentous apparatus of the hand can become chronic.

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Firstly, image jerking due to a low vertical refresh rate or poor scan quality of the monitor is harmful. The second most important factor in eye fatigue is the content of the image. Let's list the image options in ascending order from the least harmful to the most harmful: . The very first danger associated with working at a computer is the detrimental effect on vision. The real eye killers are games. A moving image, small elements - all this leads to such overwork, which is removed very slowly.

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The second most harmful factor affecting health when working with a computer is a cramped posture. When sitting at a computer, a child (or adult) must look at the screen from a certain distance and at the same time keep his hands on the keyboard or controls. This forces his body to take a certain position and not change it until the end of the work. In this regard, a computer is much more dangerous than a TV, which allows you to move freely. The following disorders occur due to a cramped posture:

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If this congestion occurs in the muscles of the shoulders, back or neck, it may cause headache, since the muscles transmit “discomfort signals” to the nerves of the sensitive tissues of the face, head and scalp. Osteochondrosis. Difficulty breathing. This is the most insidious of all enemies. Forward elbows prevent you from moving freely chest, and this leads to asthma, the development of coughing attacks and other manifestations. Pain in the muscles of the back, neck and headaches. Human body not suitable for spending long hours in a fixed position. Long periods of immobility reduce blood flow to the muscles, which leads to a buildup of waste products that irritate the nerves of the muscles involved.

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The third most important factor is mental stress. The computer requires no less concentration than driving a car. Interesting games require enormous tension, which practically does not exist in normal conditions. This area is very little studied, since modern multimedia technology has only recently appeared.

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Having studied large number materials (Internet, literature). I learned a lot about computer addiction. Psychologists identify the following symptoms psychological dependence from the computer: - good health or euphoria at the computer; - reluctance to be distracted from work or playing on the computer; - irritation due to forced distraction; - inability to plan the end of a session of working or playing with a computer; - spending big money to ensure constant updating software(including games); - forgetting about household chores, official duties, study, meetings and agreements while working or playing on the computer; - neglect of one’s own health, hygiene and sleep in favor of spending more time at the computer; - a person prefers to eat in front of a monitor.

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Having studied and comprehended the material received, I conducted a test on computer addiction between grades 5-7. It included a variety of questions. Students were asked to answer how much time they spend at the computer, what kind of work they do on it, whether they have the Internet, and if so, what sites they visit.

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I conducted tests for computer addiction in 6th and 7th graders. 85% of children were addicted! And I concluded: That in the modern world there are a lot of teenagers who are addicted to the computer, if we consider grades 5–7.

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They had to write the entire work within 5 - 10 minutes, and the rest of the time that I allocated for all the work with the 5th grade, I devoted to reading the professors’ opinions on what a computer is, I also briefly talked about when and who created the first computer. In this class, 73% of dependent children. I concluded: than older child, the more he goes into virtual world. I also prepared an assignment for 5th grade. The task was that my friend and I gave each student a piece of paper on which it was written: “A computer is” and everyone had to write their opinion on this matter, and also everyone could write what was interesting to them. The work was expected to take 15–20 minutes.

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Let's list the main reasons for computer addiction in primary schoolchildren (7-10 years old) and teenagers. Lack or lack of communication and warm emotional relationships in the family. When parents (or other close relatives) do not devote time to the child. The child has no serious hobbies, interests, hobbies, or attachments not related to the computer. The child’s inability to establish desirable contacts with others, lack of friends.

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SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM I am interested, even for myself, to find out: the reasons for this dependence, a way to identify it, as well as a way to remove it from oneself as far as possible. Considering the impact of computers on health, we note several risk factors: - problems associated with electromagnetic radiation; - vision problems; - problems related to muscles and joints; - stress, depression and other nervous disorders caused by the influence of the computer on the human psyche. In each of these cases, the degree of risk is directly proportional to the time spent at and near the computer. Of course, this issue should not remain unresolved, so I looked at several ways to solve this problem
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