How to lay linoleum correctly: the most detailed installation guide. How to properly lay linoleum in an apartment with your own hands Posted by linoleum

Today, with all the variety of types of floor coverings, interest in linoleum practically does not subside, but rather, even the opposite. Once upon a time, during Soviet Union, linoleum was considered something ordinary, boring, gray and necessarily bad. But now everything has changed in better side: the quality of modern material is excellent, and the relatively low cost, simple technology of laying linoleum, various decorative properties and increased wear resistance are attracting more and more admirers to it. In addition, modern linoleum is the most environmentally friendly flooring material that will last you at least 10 years. That is why for millions of people linoleum has been and will be the most optimal choice floor covering.

How to choose linoleum?

There is a huge selection of linoleum on the market. There are several principles for its selection. The main criterion for selecting linoleum is the trafficability of the room in which it is planned to be laid - in an apartment, office, hospital or somewhere else. This is what we should start from, since linoleums are conventionally divided into several types: household, commercial and semi-commercial.

As a rule, household linoleum is used in apartments. The thickness of such linoleum is from 1 to 3.5 mm, and its protective layer is 0.1-0.3 mm. As a rule, household linoleum is cheaper than semi-commercial and commercial. Laying it is also much cheaper, but due to its high performance characteristics, commercial and semi-commercial linoleum will last much longer.

Commercial linoleum is usually used in places where there are large crowds of people - in shops, hospitals, schools, offices. That is why it has an increased degree of wear resistance and its total thickness is more than 3 mm. The protective layer is at least 0.6 mm.

Semi-commercial linoleum is something between commercial and household. It combines the lightness and elasticity of household linoleum and the excellent wear resistance of commercial linoleum. It is used in rooms with medium load. For example, in small offices, hospital wards. In an apartment, it is suitable for use in the kitchen, children's room and hallway. The degree of protective layer of semi-commercial linoleum is 0.4-0.5 mm.

Separately, we should talk about natural linoleum. It is made only from natural materials– this is linseed oil, limestone powder, pine tree resin, wood flour and natural dyes. It can be either baseless or having a base.

In addition to environmental friendliness, durability and decorativeness, natural linoleum has a number of other advantages. It is fire-resistant, has bactericidal properties, does not accumulate an electrostatic charge, and is easy to clean from dust, which is important for people suffering from diseases respiratory system and allergies. In addition, after installation it always retains its dimensions.

If you want your linoleum to last as long as possible, choose a semi-commercial coating, as it is highly resistant to heavy furniture and heels. This linoleum is perfect for the kitchen and hallway, but a household covering is sufficient for the living room and bedroom. It is also worth noting that natural linoleum lasts longer than foam-based coatings. And the main linoleum is certainly more durable than the baseless one.

When buying linoleum, use several recommendations:

  1. Before you go to the store, you should carefully measure the length and width of the room where you plan to lay linoleum. Take measurements along the longest length and width of the room with a margin of 10 cm on each side. Don't forget about doorways, they also need to be taken into account. Based on the obtained dimensions, you should choose the largest width of linoleum offered by manufacturers. This is done in order to avoid the occurrence of seams. If you plan to lay linoleum with a pattern, then it is worth making an additional allowance so that you can then easily adjust the pattern on site.
  2. It is better to buy linoleum in a heated room, where it is more convenient to check its quality. You can determine the quality of linoleum yourself. Pay attention to its weight and density. Of course, heavy linoleum is the best; it does not press or tear, since high density ensured by a high concentration of PVC.
  3. Be sure to ask the seller for instructions on how to use the exact type of linoleum you are buying. Installing flooring from different manufacturers usually requires different adhesives. For example, if linoleum has a fleecy underside, then you should use BustilatM or regular PVA. If the back is smooth, then it is better to use special latex-based mastics. As a rule, linoleum manufacturers indicate on the packaging recommendations for the use of a particular brand of glue.
  4. When checking the quality of linoleum in the rolled out state, look for any bumps or areas with peeled top film on the surface - this is definitely a defect. Do not buy such linoleum, as the unevenness is unlikely to be smoothed out.
  5. It is recommended to roll linoleum with the front side inward. Otherwise, ask the seller to wrap the roll in film or paper.

In order for the coating to have an aesthetic appearance after installation and fit harmoniously into the interior, it is important to choose the right pattern when purchasing. If the pattern is too small and, moreover, it needs to be selected, then laying the linoleum becomes much more complicated. Moreover, it is uneconomical since a lot of material goes to waste. Too much large drawing It will look organic only in large rooms. Based on this, the best option is to choose a medium-sized pattern that does not require symmetrical laying and joining.

Preparing the base for laying linoleum

Whatever linoleum you choose, the final appearance of the floor will depend primarily on the quality of the flooring.

It is important to know that the thinner the linoleum, the stricter the requirements for the surface on which it will be laid. Remember: the unevenness of a poorly prepared base will not only be noticeable, but will also greatly accelerate the wear of the coating. For example, on a completely smooth surface, linoleum will last 25-30 years, and on an uneven surface - 5 times less. In addition, the base must be dry.

In most cases, linoleum is laid on a concrete floor. First, you should prime it, because for a good quality repair you can’t do without a primer. It strengthens the surface and provides high adhesion of the treated surface to subsequent adhesive or leveling layers. Now you need to level the floor. This repair process is the simplest and does not require special skills. Apply a thin layer of self-leveling compound to the floor and wait until it dries.

If linoleum will be laid on a wooden floor, then it is recommended to lay the base with sheets of high-quality plywood 5-6 mm thick. To achieve maximum fixation, plywood sheets should be nailed or secured with screws every 8-10 cm.

If you are planning to lay linoleum over an old laminate or parquet floor, first make sure that it fits snugly with the floor. After this, insert the missing strips and strengthen the loose floor elements. It is better to fill up possible cracks and chips with putty.

In the case of laying linoleum on a tiled floor, you need to glue the loose tiles in place, and then remove all traces of paint, plaster, plaster, etc. In this case, it is recommended to use a leveling compound, and after it has dried, treat the surface with sandpaper to completely level it.

Technology for self-laying linoleum

When the base is prepared, it must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and debris. After this, new rolls of linoleum should be rolled out and allowed to rest for at least a day so that the material smoothes out a little and “gets used” to room temperature. This is especially true for long pieces of linoleum. Remember: if you purchased linoleum in cold weather on the building materials market, then under no circumstances lay it in a warm room immediately after purchase. A sharp temperature change negatively affects the material, and this can lead to cracks.

Regarding the direction of laying the coating, there are a number of rules, but there are still no uniform recommendations. It all depends on the size of the room and the rolls, the method of fastening the canvases, lighting and other factors. For example, strips with a marble pattern are laid perpendicular to the window so that the strip is lost in the direction of the light - this way the coating will look monolithic. Linoleum with a pattern is usually laid along the room.

For cutting linoleum, it is best to use special scissors with replaceable blades. For final cutting, hook-shaped blades are used, and trapezoidal blades are used for marking. Cutting to the wall is carried out only after the main cutting of the material is completed. To ensure that the edges are smooth, use a special tool - a wall marker.

Some features of cutting linoleum:

1. As a rule, linoleum is cut with small cuts, but do not forget that a mistake made will be impossible to correct.

2. For registration internal corners, the material should only be cut from top to bottom, after which it should be carefully trimmed.

3. Linoleum should not lie close to the wall, otherwise the covering will bend.

There are two ways to lay linoleum - dry and glue. For premises of no more than 20 square meters. meters, free laying without the use of glue is usually used. This is the easiest way to lay linoleum. But for greater reliability, it is recommended to use light fastening with double-sided tape. To free-lay linoleum you will need the following tools: a sharp knife, a ruler, a measuring tool and, if necessary, joint welding fluid.

So, first you should roll out the roll, measure and cut the sheet. Don’t forget that you need to measure and lay it so that there is an overlap of 8-10 cm of the covering on the wall. With the dry method of laying linoleum, one sheet of material is usually cut out in accordance with the area of ​​the room and laid on the floor. After a couple of days, when the PVC sheet has completely smoothed out, the coating can be used.

The second method of laying linoleum is gluing. This method should be used in rooms larger than 20 square meters. m, as well as in rooms that are actively used and where furniture is often moved. Otherwise, there is a high probability that any movement of the furniture may create a wave on the linoleum, which will then be very difficult to push back. It is worth noting that glue is also used in cases where 2 or more pieces of linoleum are laid in one room. Typically, dispersion adhesives are used that do not contain solvents. As a rule, linoleum manufacturers indicate on the packaging recommendations for the use of a particular brand of glue. The glue is applied with a special notched trowel and distributed evenly over the entire surface of the material.

When the preparatory work is completed, the linoleum has rested sufficiently, and the glue is ready, you can begin to work. Unscrew part of the linoleum, then apply glue to the concrete surface. Next, put it back and make sure that the coating fits correctly. Use your hands or a roller to smooth it out towards the corners. Now unscrew the second part and do the whole procedure all over again.

When adjusting along the walls during installation, linoleum should be pressed tightly around the perimeter using a spatula or any other blunt instrument. After this, the excess is cut off along the base of the wall. To do this use razor knife and a metal ruler. To ensure a clean and even cut, you should change the blades as often as possible. In order for the linoleum to optimally adhere to the wall, it is recommended to leave a gap of 5-10 mm between the floor covering and the wall, since the linoleum will still spread.

To fit inside corners, carefully cut the corner of the linoleum diagonally, then tuck the covering into the corner. When all the corners are adjusted, using a soft brush you need to get rid of all the air that got under the linoleum during the installation process.

If it is necessary to lay several pieces of linoleum, then first you should lay a large sheet, and lay a smaller sheet of linoleum so that it overlaps the larger one by 5 cm. Then you need to adjust the pattern on both pieces of material. Next, we apply a long wooden strip or metal ruler to those parts of the coating that intersect, press tightly and cut through both pieces of linoleum.

Seam welding

Any technology for laying linoleum always includes a step such as sealing the seams. Previously, methods such as using nails or sealing with tape were often practiced in apartments. Of course, both do not look very aesthetically pleasing, and strength also suffers. That is why today cold is used when laying linoleum. It is a special adhesive composition that can be either colorless or colored (to match the color of the coating). Cold welding is very convenient; it can be used in an apartment.

So, if you need to seal the junction of two strips, first wipe them free of dust. Then stretch masking tape on both sides along the joint and apply colorless special adhesive for flooring. You can be sure that when you remove the masking tape, you will not see or feel this joint. Cold welding is usually used for semi-commercial or household linoleum.

It is important to know that there are two types of glue for cold welding: one is intended for welding seams on material that has been lying in the apartment for several days and the seams have come apart a little, and the second is for sealing the seams of a “freshly laid” coating. The difference between these adhesives is the consistency. The glue for the new coating actually melts the edges of the material, thereby “welding” them together. Repair glue is much thicker; it is usually poured between old sheets, holding them together and filling the resulting gap.

For commercial linoleum, hot welding is used, which involves the use of a special cord. Its color is selected according to the color of the coating, or, according to the designer’s idea, a contrasting color. Along the entire length of the linoleum, a trapezoidal or round groove is cut under the cord. After this, using an industrial hair dryer with a nozzle of the required diameter, the cord is welded inside the seam. The remains of the cord are removed with a special knife in 2 stages. Immediately after welding has been done, remove the main part of the cord. In this case, a special plate is placed under the knife. After the welding site has cooled, remove the remaining cord with a knife. This is done so that a depression does not form, since, as it cools, the cord retracts. You should not carry out this procedure yourself, because, firstly, it is quite dangerous work, and secondly, you cannot do it without special equipment, and this is very expensive.

Sometimes situations arise when edges lag behind on the linoleum or swellings remain. Such places should be pressed firmly with a weight through a sheet of plywood. In this case, you must first pierce all the bubbles and swellings with an awl. Another tip: to prevent linoleum from being pressed through, do not place heavy furniture on thin legs. Remember also that rubber objects leave stains on the surface.

So, laying linoleum is not such a difficult thing. The main thing in this matter is not to rush and carefully monitor the details.

Today, there are many materials for flooring on the construction market, and linoleum is considered one of the most practical. Let's look at how to lay linoleum, since this particular coating has an increased service life, practicality and ease of installation, which allows it to be used even by beginners.

Materials and tools for installation

Before laying linoleum, naturally, it is necessary to determine the size of the sheets to be laid in the room in order to understand how much material should be purchased. This task is quite simple: the area of ​​the room is measured by multiplying the values ​​of its length and width.

In a store, you should not require material in quantities equal to the area of ​​the room. It is best to leave a 20-30 cm margin in case you need to cut the material to cover irregularly shaped floors.

To lay linoleum in an apartment yourself, you must first collect the following tools that will be useful for the job:

  • an industrial or just a powerful household vacuum cleaner;
  • detergent for removing paint, oil and grease stains;
  • sharpened construction knives: regular and with a hook-shaped blade;
  • wooden slats(rule) or long construction ruler;
  • sharpened scissors;
  • drawing devices for marking;
  • adhesive mixture or double-sided adhesive tape;
  • spatula;
  • adhesive mixture for sealing seams.

Basic properties of linoleum

Before you lay linoleum yourself, you should familiarize yourself with its features in detail. Let's start with the fact that linoleum is a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coating. Its most important feature is that due to the high elasticity of the material, it is unacceptable to lay it on top of an uneven base.

Any cracks, chips, dents and other defects can lead to defects in the flooring itself. In the photo and during visual inspection, such distortions will be very noticeable, which is unacceptable if the owner wants to present his home from the best side.

Based on the above, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the base before laying linoleum. The surface should be free of the above defects, and it should also be thoroughly cleaned of various dust, debris and stains.

When laying sheet flooring under linoleum, it is very important to process the joints between the sheets and the places where they are fixed, so that the screws are recessed into the thickness of the coating. The seams are puttied and sanded. Only in this case will the coating rest on a high-quality base over the entire area of ​​the room, and will not deform in places where there are voids or protrusions underneath it.

The second important condition for working with linoleum is the need to adapt it to the temperature and humidity conditions of the room. For this roll material is brought indoors for 1-2 days. In conditions of temperature more than 18 degrees Celsius and humidity less than 60 percent. After this period, it is necessary to unroll the material so that it is leveled (in more detail: " ").

The nuances of laying linoleum in various homes

There are several problems that arise for owners who are trying to figure out how to properly lay linoleum with their own hands:

  1. Laying on top of a heated floor system.
  2. Laying tiles over linoleum.
  3. Laying linoleum on a substrate.

Laying linoleum on a warm floor

Naturally, the decision always remains with the owner, but experts are categorically against the fact that linoleum was laid on top of heated floors.

This material is synthetic, and therefore, when heated, it can release various substances that are unsafe for the human body. Also, the material does not tolerate strong temperature changes and can deform when heated.

Laying tiles over old linoleum

Types of substrates

If we are talking about how to lay linoleum correctly, then do not forget about the mandatory use of a backing. It is necessary in order to eliminate the possibility of a junction between the rough base and linoleum.

Other tasks of the substrate:

  • Leveling residual defects on the base. It is worth noting that even leveling the base with a screed does not give a 100% result. The lining will help eliminate the 1-2 millimeter unevenness remaining after leveling, which will protect flooring from the same changes.
  • The thermal insulation function of the substrate is also obvious. The materials used perfectly protect floors from thermal energy loss.
  • The soundproofing characteristics of the substrate are also very important when it comes to treating floors in apartment buildings.

The following types of linoleum substrate are popular:

  • jute based;
  • cork;
  • expanded polystyrene foam;
  • on a linen basis.

Cork is considered one of the most reliable materials, but the choice, naturally, remains with the buyer, since the cost range of the listed materials is very wide. You can definitely purchase a substrate that matches the class of linoleum purchased.

Cutting material to size

Having decided which base will be used when laying linoleum, you should begin cutting the material or adjusting the existing sheet to optimal sizes. Next, we will consider the installation method when using a single sheet. The owner’s main task is to align the longitudinal sheet along two opposite walls.

In rooms with a non-standard layout (the walls are not parallel), it is necessary to align only one side, taking into account the factory cut made during production. The second corner is cut with a special sharpened knife. The most even cut can be made using a long ruler or staff (rule).

As soon as one corner is processed, you need to put the canvas a centimeter away from the wall and move on to opposite corner diagonally. It is necessary to mark the material in advance so as not to cut off more material than required. A poorly stretched fabric will not fit tightly to the floor and will swell. In the photo and during visual inspection, such areas will be too noticeable, and it will not be possible to eliminate them by tension. The material must be laid perfectly.

The process of laying linoleum

The most popular methods are:

  • without fastenings;
  • adhesive tape;
  • glue mixture.

The installation process is similar in all cases, but each method has distinctive features:

  1. Free styling involves simply laying linoleum. Used only in rooms with a small area. Sheets are held exclusively by baseboards, furniture and appliances. This is the same case when the material must rest for a couple of days so that various irregularities are smoothed out (in more detail: "").
  2. If using adhesive tape, then the process becomes a little more complicated. It must be glued to linoleum with inside at the very junction of the sheets. Moreover, the second part of the adhesive tape must be closed protective film. Subsequently, the films are removed gradually, and the canvas is laid and smoothed. Read also: "".
  3. Glue mixture It is advisable to use it for laying linoleum in high-traffic areas. The procedure begins by folding the canvas in half lengthwise and laying it on one side of the base, while the other is coated with an adhesive mixture. Then the canvas is turned back and smoothed. The second part of the sheet is turned over and glued in the same way.

Bottom line

Laying linoleum is a fairly simple procedure. If you follow all the instructions presented in the article, the result can be a high-quality floor covering that will last for many years. You can also contact specialists who will take responsibility for all stages of work - from procurement necessary materials before laying linoleum and putting floors into operation.

Linoleum is an excellent floor covering used in the construction industry for many reasons. Firstly, the material is quite cheap compared to other coatings. Secondly, in hardware store you can buy linoleum different sizes, which is very convenient. Thirdly, installation can be done independently even without experience. You just need to first figure out how to lay linoleum on various types of bases, so as not to spoil the material during the process. It wouldn't hurt to study different ways and styling nuances.

The material can be used for arranging public, industrial and residential premises. Its versatility is primarily associated with wear resistance. Linoleum is laid not only in apartments, but also in large shopping centers. More details about the methods of laying linoleum will be discussed in this article.

Before you get started, you need to decide what type of linoleum you need. There are several types of this material, including alkyd, relin, polyvinyl chloride and others. Let's consider each type of material separately.

Table. Main types of linoleum.

View, photoDescription

Considered the most environmentally friendly clean look linoleum. It contains fillers, pigments and alkyd resins, due to which the finished material has good sound and thermal insulation properties. The buyer also has a wide choice of colors and patterns, which allows them to complement any design. Against the background of all the advantages of alkyd linoleum, it is worth highlighting its disadvantages - or rather, a disadvantage, because there is only one. This is weak resistance to temperature fluctuations.

In the manufacture of this type, various dyes, stabilizers, as well as colloxylin are used. Among all the advantages of nitrocellulose linoleum, it is worth highlighting its high water resistance and elasticity. The disadvantages of the material include a high fire hazard. Since linoleum is considered unstable to alkali and acids, it is laid mainly in apartments where strong chemicals people don't use it. High-quality and reliable installation requires a properly prepared base.

Two- or three-layer linoleum, in the manufacture of which synthetic rubber is used. Due to its properties, Relin is used in rooms with high humidity. The material is durable, strong, wear-resistant and elastic.

Based on the name, it is not difficult to guess that PVC with different fillers is used for manufacturing. The advantages of this type include moisture resistance, antistatic, ease of installation and large selection flowers. But, despite the large number of advantages, PVC linoleum is unable to withstand the effects of alkali, solvents, fats and low temperatures. In a hardware store you can find linoleum both without a base and with different bases, for example, with a foam, non-fabric or fabric base.

A two-layer type of linoleum, one of the layers (lower) consists of crushed rubber, and the second (upper) is made of synthetic rubber. The material is highly elastic and water resistant. Thanks to the inexpensive components used in the manufacture of linoleum, it acts as a budget option on the market.

Another type of linoleum that is used for different types premises. The material itself is quite thin, but this does not affect its quality in any way. Colloxylin linoleum is elastic and moisture resistant. Among the disadvantages is increased flammability.

Prices for linoleum from the Tarkett company

linoleum tarkett

What to consider when choosing

There is no need to rush into buying linoleum, since first you need to determine the size of the room and draw up its plan. When drawing up a plan, be sure to take into account not only the width and length of the room, but also the number of doorways. You also need to take into account the total floor area. Only after this can you start choosing linoleum, comparing the characteristics of one type or another.

The surface of linoleum treated with a special varnish indicates the presence additional protection from dirt and dust. This type of material is great for the kitchen. If you decide to transform a children's room, you need to use linoleum with a special antibacterial coating.

Note! The number of layers and type of coating are not the only things to consider when choosing linoleum. Equally important is the color of the material. For example, for visual increase Spaces need cold light colors, and warm ones to create coziness.

Taking into account the color range, different design solutions can be implemented. Many experts prefer to lay warm-colored linoleum in the living room, as this will be conducive to relaxation. You can often find in an apartment a combination of linoleum in cool tones with clear patterns, thanks to which guests can feel good mood, suitable for a party. Once the choice of material is completed, you can proceed directly to installation.

How to install on wood

Of course, you can entrust this work to specialists, but why spend money if you can lay linoleum yourself? At the right approach To get to the point, you can transform the floor beyond recognition and get emotional pleasure from this process. Conventionally, the process of laying a floor can be divided into three stages: preparing the floor, tools and laying itself. Let's consider all these stages separately.

Stage No1. Floor preparation

It is necessary to strengthen the flooring in those rooms where the floor is plank. Working with a weak or moving base can lead to subsequent deformation of the coating. To avoid this, experts recommend taking precautions. You need to lay the plywood on the plank flooring, after which it is fixed with self-tapping screws. As a result, you should have a perfectly level base. Make sure that the upper parts of the screws (caps) do not protrude.

The best base for laying linoleum is concrete, but the labor intensity of the process does not depend on this - you still have to work hard. Check the base for unevenness or slope. To do this, use a building level. If the floor is curved, you need to level it by making a screed. To do this, it is enough to fill the base with sand-cement mixture to a depth of 5-7 cm. Then apply the finishing screed. This will make the floor as level as possible, so there is no need to return to this issue anymore.

Another good thing about a concrete floor is that if after a few years you want to remove the old linoleum and lay down another floor covering, a strong and reliable base will allow you to do this.

Stage No2. Required Tools

To quickly and efficiently lay linoleum, you need to take care of the following tools:

  • roller;
  • tape (preferably double-sided);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • spatula.

Having prepared everything necessary for work, as well as counting and purchasing the required number of linoleum rolls, you can begin laying. If you strictly follow the instructions, this process will not seem very difficult. The main thing is perseverance, desire and hard work.

Prices for double-sided tape

double sided tape

Stage No3. Laying

As soon as you deliver the linoleum, let it sit for a while. room conditions. Many manufacturers recommend following a certain styling regime (air humidity 60-70%, and temperature from 18 degrees). Failure to comply with these requirements may lead to deformation of the linoleum.

There is one more nuance. Before laying linoleum, you need to unroll it on the floor and let it lie for 24 hours. This will allow the material to level out so it can take the shape of the coating. This procedure can make the work process easier. Next, you should follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1. Using a tape measure, measure the length and width of the room, taking into account all doorways. Add about 7-8 cm to the resulting dimensions. This type of tempering is done for the curvature of the walls.

Step 2. Cut the desired piece of linoleum. To get an even cut, you need to cut along a ruler, as shown in the photo.

Step 3. If there is flat wall, then the linoleum can be laid flush with it, close to it or with a slight gap. The excess part will be cut off.

Step 4. Before installing linoleum on the wall, you need to secure the canvases so that when trimming they do not converge and do not move in one direction or another. To do this, place double-sided tape on the floor.

Step 5. At the junction of the paintings, make adjustments to the drawings. Roll out the second roll of linoleum from the side of the joint, making an overlap between the sheets by 2-3 cm. Make sure that the pattern of one part of the linoleum matches the pattern on the second piece.

Step 6. Trim the linoleum after fixing it to the base. Cut off the material a little at a time so as not to spoil it (cutting linoleum is easy, but adding it will be problematic).

Step 7 Using a spatula, apply glue to the base. It is better to start application from the joint. To see the boundary of the glue application, use a pencil to draw a line along the base.

Step 8 Roll the linoleum thoroughly, leaving no air under the sheet. After this, you can make the final trim at the junction of the linoleum. After this, the joint also needs to be rolled. The main work on laying the linoleum has been completed; all that remains is to install the joining profile after the glue has dried.

Prices for popular types of linoleum adhesives

linoleum glue

Glueless installation

This method of installation is used only in cases where the dimensions of the canvas are not inferior to the dimensions of the room. Also, laying linoleum without glue is chosen if the surface will not be subject to a large load during operation.

The laying technology is as follows:

  • lay linoleum over the area of ​​the room and carefully trim it, leaving an overlap on the walls within 6-8 cm;
  • as in the case of wooden flooring, the perimeter of the room must be covered with double-sided tape. Linoleum is laid on top of the tape;
  • smooth the canvas with your hands, starting from the center of the room. For a tighter fit in the corners, the linoleum needs to be cut;
  • carefully unscrew a small part of the linoleum from the wall and remove protective coating tape, return the material to its place and press it firmly to the floor. During this process, the canvas needs to be slightly stretched;
  • use the baseboard as additional support. When nailing it, make sure that the plinth adheres tightly to the linoleum.

How to work with concrete pavement

This method of laying linoleum is considered the simplest, especially since the main requirement for work is a dry and flat surface. Then everything should happen according to the following algorithm:

  • remove old flooring;
  • treat the floor with a special self-leveling mixture to eliminate any unevenness, depressions or cracks. After screeding, you need to wait a little for the mixture to dry completely. After this, you can begin installation;

  • If there are deep potholes on the surface of the concrete floor, you need to make a new one. This is a simple process, but with removal old screed problems may arise;
  • wait until the concrete screed has dried and only then proceed with laying.

Features of installing skirting boards

Fastening the baseboards is the final stage of laying linoleum and, of course, there are some nuances here. If you choose a cheaper and practical option, then it is best to use plastic skirting boards, inside of which there is a special channel for wires (cable channel). With their help, you can hide the wires so that they do not dangle under your feet. Wooden skirting boards are suitable for those people who, first of all, care about the appearance of the room, and not about saving on materials. They have a more pleasant and rich appearance.

Since plastic skirting boards are more popular, installation will be shown using them as an example. In any hardware store you can find special joining parts for skirting boards.

Note! Experts recommend starting the installation of skirting boards from the longest wall, or rather, from its corner. You will have small scraps left over during the process - use them when lining smaller walls.

The plinth should be fixed to the wall using self-tapping screws, the optimal distance between them is 20-25 cm. When working with brick or concrete walls, it is necessary to drill holes for the dowels. To cut plastic skirting boards, you can use a regular hacksaw.

Subsequent care of the coating

Any floor covering, be it parquet or linoleum, needs proper care, which will extend the service life of the material. As soon as the linoleum is laid, it must be treated with a special substance that repels dirt and polished. It is advisable to perform this procedure 1-2 times a year. Everyday cleaning of linoleum should be carried out using damp cloth and a vacuum cleaner. You can also take a small amount of detergent.

Floor cleaning products "San Klin"

Compliance with operating conditions will extend the service life of linoleum. First of all, furniture must be selected correctly, namely with casters instead of legs, coated with polyurethane. Using furniture with rubber casters will result in marks being left on the flooring.

To protect linoleum, a special composition is used, which helps reduce adhesive properties. This composition, penetrating deep into the pores of linoleum, creates a protective layer in the form of a thin film. The film increases the resistance of the material to alkalis. When choosing a product, experts recommend choosing liquid soap.

Video - Laying linoleum on the floor

Installation of any floor covering is final and very important stage in floor finishing. The durability of the coating and its aesthetic appearance depend on the correct flooring. Correct flooring is not only about following the general instructions, but also taking into account all the nuances relating to a specific type of flooring, be it laminate or linoleum. Therefore, it would be logical to note that you need to start with a choice.

Once the choice is made and the materials are purchased, it is important to follow both general and specific recommendations for laying a specific type of linoleum on a specific floor (concrete, wood, plywood). Let's look at everything in more detail.

Correct conditions

It is very important to comply temperature regime. The temperature in the room should not be lower than +15 degrees, and the temperature of the base, regardless of whether it is a concrete or wooden floor, should vary from +15 to +25 degrees.

Before laying linoleum on the floor yourself, you need to give the material time for the so-called acclimatization in its unfolded and straightened form. The time for acclimatization is at least 24 hours, and in winter it increases to 3 days.

Important Details

  • Before you start cutting linoleum, it is better to draw up a floor plan to determine the most convenient and correct option cutting By doing this, you will achieve the most rational use of the material, so that there are as few residual pieces as possible, or they are larger.
  • Depending on the type of base floor and its condition, it is necessary to decide whether a linoleum underlay will be needed, and if so, what kind.
  • Type of linoleum: multi-layer or single-layer, natural (marmoleum) or PVC. Each type has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
  • Canvas dimensions. If you are looking for how to properly lay linoleum on the floor with your own hands, then it is very important to choose the right installation technology, which, in turn, depends on whether the canvas is solid or several pieces of linoleum will be installed.
  • Type of glue. It is also very important to select the adhesive composition not only to the type of linoleum covering, but also to the base material.

Preparing the base

The key to laying linoleum in a room or kitchen yourself correctly is careful preparation of the base, that is, the base floor.

For proper installation of linoleum coverings, the following types of bases are acceptable:

  • covering made of hard sheet materials such as plywood, chipboard, MDF, etc.;
  • cement floor screed;
  • monolithic floor slab or concrete floor without defects;
  • a wooden floor is less preferable, since over time the joints between the boards will appear.

A guarantee of the reliability of the laid linoleum covering is careful preparation of the base. Manufacturers of linoleum materials strongly recommend that the base floor be:

  • monolithic, that is, it is necessary to carefully remove and repair all joints, seams, cracks, potholes and chips;
  • level, which is achieved by using screed, repair mixture or using self-leveling floor technology (according to SNiP 2.03.13-88, for every 2 meters of floor there should be a difference of no more than 2 mm);
  • durable (150-300 kg per square centimeter);
  • dry (the percentage of humidity for a prefabricated screed should be no more than 8%, for a cement screed - no more than 4%, for anhydrite - no more than 0.5%), so you can use special waterproofing primers if necessary;
  • clean, dust-free.

Is it possible to lay linoleum on linoleum?

Theoretically, of course, it is possible, but the flooring cannot be called high-quality and even. Any professional will recommend removing old linoleum, and any other covering: laminate, parquet, carpet. Ideally, even remove paint coating gender, if any.

Therefore, there is a clear answer to the question: “Can I lay linoleum on old linoleum?” - no, if quality, strength and durability come first for you!

After the old coating is removed and the surface is dust-free, you need to treat the base with special compounds and apply a primer.

Treatment of the base with special compounds

Before laying linoleum on the floor, you need to treat the base with special compounds, which are selected depending on the type of base. Waterproofing compounds, fire retardants, antiseptics - each of them performs its task.

Applying primer

Why is this being done?

  1. The primer, being absorbed into the surface of the base, strengthens its upper layers and prevents the penetration of liquid.
  2. Primer coating increases the adhesion of the base. When laid on the base floor, linoleum adheres and sticks better.
  3. The soil does not allow dust to accumulate, therefore, when applying glue, it will lie evenly over the entire surface of the floor and will not roll into lumps.

So, the coating is prepared, and the crucial moment comes - laying the linoleum.

How to lay linoleum yourself: instructions

Adjusting linoleum covering

If the room is small and a single piece of linoleum is enough, then adjusting the covering is quite simple - you need to carefully cover the floor surface with linoleum so that the material wraps slightly onto the walls.

  • It is important to carefully level the linoleum, removing air from under it, removing all irregularities and bends.
  • Next, the linoleum is trimmed along the edges.
ATTENTION! When trimming along the perimeter, it is important to leave compensation gaps 0.5-1 cm wide.
  • The next stage is the design of external and internal corners. Corners are cut according to next technology: the coating is carefully pressed to the junction point connecting the vertical surface and the floor, then a cross-shaped cut is made on the canvas 3-5 mm wide, the edges of the coating are moved apart. You need to work extremely carefully so as not to cut off too much.
  • After the excess is cut off, you need to secure the edges with double-sided tape or glue, or fix the linoleum using a previously chosen method.

Bonding linoleum sheets

How to lay linoleum yourself if it consists of several parts?

  • Decorating the joints with a special decorative strip, which can be matched to the color of the linoleum.
  • Joining pieces of linoleum using glue.

The latter method is more professional, but also more labor-intensive. Let's take a closer look at it. First you need to clearly align the pieces of linoleum according to the pattern.

ATTENTION! If linoleum does not have a clearly defined pattern (granite chips, specks, sand), then it is recommended to lay its sheets reversely, that is, in opposite directions. If the pattern is clearly expressed, with a clear repetition of rapport, then the laying of the linoleum pieces should be done strictly in one direction with a clear alignment of the pattern.

After the pattern is combined, double-sided tape or adhesive tape is attached under the pieces of linoleum (under the intended cut line), which is necessary to prevent the edges and parts of the linoleum from moving. Next, the linoleum sheets are placed one on top of the other with a small overlapping gap of 4-5 mm wide.

Using a metal ruler and a very sharp blade, an incision is made strictly in the middle of the overlap along the entire length of the joint. Next, a special glue is introduced into the seam, and the edges of the seam are pressed tightly against the base floor.

Fixing linoleum to the floor

As stated above, fixing linoleum to the floor when it is correct installation can be done in several ways.

  1. No gluing. This ideal option For small rooms or kitchens for which a single sheet of linoleum is sufficient. In this case, the laid linoleum is fixed at the edges with double-sided tape, staples or adhesive tape, and then pressed against the perimeter with decorative skirting boards.
  2. Fixation with glue. It is important to understand here that if you plan to change the floor covering in a few years, then removing linoleum from a floor completely covered with glue will be incredibly difficult and very labor-intensive. Therefore, we recommend applying glue around the perimeter of the canvas, crosswise and pointwise along the inner surface.

In any of the above methods, linoleum must be “rolled” with a special roller, pressing the canvas to the floor. This will ensure a stronger bond between the canvas and the base.

How to lay linoleum on a wooden floor?

A wooden floor, especially one made from floor boards, is a rather capricious base for linoleum, which must be carefully prepared.

Attention! It is important to repair the wooden floor before laying linoleum covering on it: eliminate creaking, replace old boards with new ones if necessary, apply a bioprotective composition to the entire surface.
  • Before laying linoleum on a wooden floor with your own hands, you must:
  • carefully remove the paintwork on the floor;
  • dismantle the baseboards;
  • seal, fill cracks and chips, install patches on gaps in wooden floors;
  • “plant” the floor on the self-tapping screws, screwing them to a depth of 5-7 mm in order to level the surface, and then go over it with a sanding machine;
  • remove dust from the surface of the wooden floor with a vacuum cleaner, wash the floor thoroughly and let it dry.

What to lay under linoleum on a wooden floor?

Attention! Special attention You need to pay attention to leveling the surface of the base floor so that the linoleum covering lies flat. If the wooden floor is old enough, then an excellent way to level it is with a plywood sheet underlay.

Before laying linoleum on plywood, the plywood sheets should be mounted on the floor offset from each other (ideally, in a checkerboard pattern). There should be no gaps between the sheets (they must be carefully sealed), and at the joints with the walls it is better to leave gaps 1 cm wide.

Plywood also needs to be treated with special compounds and a primer, and before that, go through an abrasive (if the surface of the plywood is smooth enough) to ensure more reliable adhesion of the plywood and linoleum.

How to lay linoleum on a concrete floor?

Laying linoleum on a concrete floor with your own hands is also not difficult, but it is quite troublesome and time-consuming if the concrete covering is old, crooked, and requires restoration and repair. As mentioned above, if the surface difference is large enough, then the surface must be leveled.

For these purposes, a concrete-cement screed using reinforcing mesh is suitable. The leveled surface must be allowed to dry thoroughly. Next, all floor defects are eliminated, and the base surface itself is prepared for installation of linoleum according to the standard rules specified above. The procedure for how to properly lay linoleum on a concrete floor is in fact no different from the standard one. The most important thing is to thoroughly prepare the surface.

Required tools and materials

In order to lay linoleum on the floor correctly yourself, in addition to linoleum cloth, you may need:

  • various compositions for repairing the base, leveling, eliminating defects;
  • level, steel strip, metal ruler;
  • marker, tape measure, construction knife for cutting;
  • construction vacuum cleaner (a powerful home one will do);
  • a short-pile roller and a notched spatula, which are suitable for applying the adhesive composition;
  • a rubber roller or lapping board for smoothing the linoleum to the floor;
  • double-sided tape or masking tape;
  • soil composition;
  • adhesive composition for attaching linoleum to the floor;
  • “cold welding” glue for gluing seams;
  • skirting boards and fittings, decorative strips, thresholds.

VIDEO: how to properly lay linoleum with your own hands

By the way, you can order and buy linoleum on the pages of the construction portal website, where only the most current offers from reliable suppliers and manufacturers of linoleum materials are presented.

Photo and video materials were found on the Internet and are presented for informational purposes.

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