Why do you dream of a watch from a dead person: a dream book will help you solve the dream. Meanings of sleep with the number "6" on the watch dial. Made of yellow metal

gift, why do you dream of receiving a gift?

If you dreamed that you were receiving or giving a gift, be sure to look in the dream book. The gift is interpreted as a harbinger of pleasant events and prosperity.

But in order to get a more specific interpretation of sleep, it is necessary to take into account many other nuances. Remember your dream in detail to interpret it correctly!

Not good good sign– to see a cemetery and dead people in a dream, meaning too much negative energy, which the dreamer directs at other people. Interpretation of such a vision by dream books means a warning that sins will sooner or later have to be atoned for. It is better to stop in time before bad deeds go too far.

What does it mean for close deceased relatives to come in a dream?

The interpretation of the dream “a widow dreams of a deceased husband” is rooted in psychoanalysis. In most cases, a woman reproaches herself for the death of her husband, never ceasing to blame herself for it. Reality shows that a woman has nothing to do with the reasons for her husband’s death. By rethinking reality, the widow will be able to acquire inner peace.

Not always bad sleep The arrival of a deceased mother in a dream is considered. We need to remember more accurately her facial expression and emotional state. If the mother is joyful, smiles and hugs the dreamer, then we should expect good events in the life of the dreamer to replace unpleasant ones. Another thing is the arrival of a sad and grieving mother; most dream books interpret this phenomenon in a dream as a series of troubles and misfortunes in the near future.

The death of close relatives is not expected, but events in life cannot be called pleasant. There will always be failure in business for some time. Such interpretations are given by a dream in which a sleeping person sees his deceased father. Events can be averted if you consult experienced and knowledgeable people about upcoming undertakings and the competent continuation of long-term projects.

When you dreamed about your dead brother, the interpretation of the dream falls into the category of warnings. There is no need to be wasteful with your purchases, because cash may end, creating a large series of unpleasant consequences. If you manage to avoid waste associated with surprises and expensive little things, the troubles associated with an acute lack of money may pass by.

Deceased distant relatives appearing in a dream symbolize events that change something in the dreamer’s life. What is certain is that events cannot happen without the help of other people, sometimes already deceased.

It is very good when both deceased parents come to you together in a dream. A father symbolizes authority and support in difficult times, and often a deceased father in a dream warns against something that will later be embarrassing. Following a deceased father in a dream can symbolize loss of activity, loss of work, impotence.

A deceased mother symbolizes understanding and care for life, often warning in a dream against rash actions and realizing false desires. Following your dead mother in a dream is a symbol of personal loss and also a symbol of death. That is, if living mother- this is the giving life, then the dead, leading, a guide to the opposite world - another world.

Deceased ancestors often come in a dream in order to help unleash a certain karmic task, in the creation of which they themselves were involved and, while alive, treated and perceived it completely differently, erroneously building beliefs that negatively affected the ancestral karma. Appearing in a dream, they try to give clues about these misconceptions, so that descendants will try to change through their descendants these attitudes, which have grown into family myths or, on the contrary, hide family secrets.

Seeing is a warning;

seeing your deceased father or talking to him is a danger of making a bad deal; be careful in business, because

surround you;

see your deceased mother- excessive impressionability will serve as a source of trouble for you, the illness of one of your loved ones is possible;

Dream book of Nostradamus.

In a dream, hugging a deceased person means getting rid of fears in reality. If a deceased person calls you in a dream to follow him, do not agree; in reality, a long illness or prolonged melancholy awaits you. When the deceased tells you about his anxiety, it means he is feeling bad in the next world, and when the deceased is naked, it means everything is fine with him.

What does it portend?

Why do you dream of a living dead person demanding some promises from the person watching the dream? If you managed to convince a person in a dream, and he still promised something to the resurrected person, then this does not bode well. This is when luck goes away, a dark streak in life comes. It is even more dangerous to give a deceased person some personal items in a dream. There may be a loss of vitality, and a serious illness may be on the way.

I dreamed that they were giving you a fur coat (for women)- a rich suitor will appear; get a powerful patron.

A favorable dream in all respects. A fur coat is a symbolic protection from the outside world, that is, a powerful person, Ready to provide you with help and support.

I dreamed that a dead person was giving you a gift or gifts- important news.

A dead man gives flowers in a dream- approval of your actions by the deceased.

The deceased gives a watch - the inevitable passage of time.

If you saw a Deceased Relative or a person with whom you had a close relationship in reality, His Gift is a sign of approval of your actions on this part of your life’s path. It is probably still common for you to conduct a dialogue with the Deceased; you are very sad and miss him. In the old Dream Books, dreams of this kind were considered very disturbing. There is a belief that from a deceased person seen in a dream, you cannot take the object he offers, just as you cannot follow in the direction indicated by the deceased.

Finding the meaning of a dream:

Receiving a dog as a gift is a good prediction from the dream book. Very soon you will have to take advantage of unexpected help from a friend on a problem that has been bothering you for a long time. Why do you dream about a gift - a book? The dream book promises good news from people you care about. Most likely, your friends will invite you to a wedding celebration, where you will play an important role, or they will notify you of a long-awaited addition to the family.

Receiving money as a gift in a dream is a dream book prediction about impending financial difficulties, due to which you will have to take out a loan. And your wildest, most daring desires and dreams will definitely come true if you were given a bag as a gift in a dream. Also, such a plot can foreshadow a long journey that will bring a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Why do you dream of receiving a phone as a gift? This is a dream book forecast about news from afar. The dream book predicts pleasant and long-awaited news from afar if you received perfume as a gift in a dream. Also, if you smell the perfume and it is pleasant to you, you can rest assured that they will soon confess their love to you

An increase in self-esteem and many compliments from the opposite sex are promised by a dream where you were given red roses as a gift. The dream book advises about the need to relax and go to a resort if you were given boots as a gift in a dream. Red boots given to a man in a dream are a symbol of his passion, obsessed with power and submission.

Why do you dream about the head of a dead man? The dream book predicts that there will soon be a period in life full of creative ideas and plans. Don't miss the moment of inspiration and create: this is how you will build for yourself better life, and you will find harmony.

The dream book interprets as a negative omen what it means to dream of the face of a deceased person, frozen with a stony and emotionless expression. When making decisions, you are guided only by logic and reason, sometimes without taking into account the feelings of your neighbor.

Positive emotions of a deceased person in a dream

The dream book claims. That all positive expressions of feelings from a deceased person in a dream will bring positivity into the dreamer’s life, but more exact interpretation depends on the personality of the person who saw such a dream. If a dead man laughs in a dream, then a young and lonely girl can expect the appearance of a generous suitor.

Married women have no doubt why a cheerful dead man dreams. The dream book promises that soon family relationships will become as harmonious as possible, and you will feel an influx of love for your spouse.

Why does a man dream of a joyful dead man? According to the interpretation of the dream book, fate will present you with a choice that will determine your future life. Listen to the advice and follow your heart: then you can win.

The birthday of a deceased person in a dream, on which everyone is in high spirits, is also interpreted as a favorable symbol. IN real life you have to take part in a fun celebration that will end with a romantic acquaintance.

A wedding with a dead person is a negative sign, foreshadowing failures in life. love front. For single people, this may mean a complete lack of opportunity to meet anyone, and for those who have a significant other, it may mean betrayal.

Death or illness of the deceased

Why do you dream about a sick dead person? If in at the moment If you, or one of your relatives, are suffering from health problems, then the long-awaited recovery will come in the near future.

The dream does not bring anything special

According to psychics, dreams are harbingers that predict events and incidents of the future. Therefore, they should be treated with special attention, be able to interpret them correctly in order to be able to prevent bad events.

Psychologists and esotericists argue that dreams are a reflection of a person’s emotional state. They reflect thoughts, desires, character and aspirations.

A watch is an accessory that a person cannot part with. They most often come into a person’s field of vision, so quite often people can see them in dreams, as a reflection of their life activities.

What does it mean to see a watch in a dream?

But before you understand what it means to see this accessory in a dream, it’s worth remembering the details: was it a man’s watch or a women’s watch, broken or whole, gold or simple. After all, it is precisely by these details that the dream seen can be correctly interpreted.


1. What does it mean if a man had to see a man's watch on his hand?

In this situation, it is worth remembering the state and actions that occurred with the accessory:

  • The dial stopped. This means that soon the man will face difficulties at work and in his personal life.
  • Broke. Expect troubles at work, dismissal, demotion, reprimand.
  • Wind up the dial for the beginning of a new stage in life.
  • Check the time - a man will achieve his goal.
  • The strap breaks - expect gossip, unfair accusations against you, slander and slander.

If you dreamed of a clock that was intact and working, expect a new acquaintance and changes in life.

If men's wrist watch dreamed about a girl, then she should expect to meet a young man with whom she will begin a serious relationship.

2. A woman had a dream with a female accessory.

The interpretation of the dream follows from the following actions:

  • The accessory was given as a gift - expect a marriage proposal.
  • They gave her an expensive watch - the girl will soon be getting married.
  • Broke - the girl will forget about her dream, goal (give up her job, hobby).
  • If you dreamed of a female accessory on a man’s hand, expect a difficult situation to arise. The girl will have to spend a lot of effort to solve the problem.

If a guy dreams of a female accessory, then his chosen one will reciprocate.

Other interpretations

The accessory seen in a dream can be interpreted differently based on events and its appearance:

  1. Seeing a gold accessory in a dream will improve your well-being. The dreamer's financial situation will improve and his authority will increase.

    But a gold accessory does not only mean prosperity. The dreamer will have envious people who wish him harm.

    You should be careful with everyone you know, not talk about your plans, and hide your true intentions. After all, envious people can hide under the guise of friends.

  2. The dreamer gives an accessory. Get ready to commit a frivolous act that may lead to unpleasant consequences.

    The consequences may include dismissal, quarrels and discord in the family, misunderstandings with friends, loss of money.

  3. The dreamer was given a wristwatch. Expect good news, improvements in life, a salary increase, and a promotion up the career ladder.

    A gifted accessory with engraving - expect an appreciation of your work and a reward for your efforts.

  4. The dreamer found a watch. Expect improvement financial condition, success at work and prosperity.

    If a person finds a working object in mud or water, all his expectations will be met, his plans will come true.

    If the dreamer finds a non-working watch, one should expect losses in one’s financial situation, loss of a job or position.

    If the find is broken or without arrows, you should prepare for the fact that the efforts spent will not be justified.

  5. The dreamer bought an accessory. This action means a person’s frivolity, committing a rash act.
  6. If a person buys a watch for himself in a dream, then get ready for a significant meeting that can dramatically change your life. On your life path An influential person will appear who will provide assistance and support.

  7. The dreamer chooses an accessory in a store, market or shop. This choice symbolizes good luck, fulfillment of dreams.

    If the choice is made by a girl, then she will become in demand among men. She will have fans and admirers.

    If the place where a woman chooses a thing is beautiful and rich, then the girl should expect a rich admirer to appear.

    A dream where a man chooses predicts the betrayal of his wife or lover.

    Selecting and breaking an item means quarrels and family troubles.

  8. Theft of an accessory. It is necessary to interpret the dream based on the gender of the dreamer:

    A girl saw a dream - expect betrayal, betrayal of her husband.
    A man saw a dream - soon a quarrel at work will take place in his life, which could lead to dismissal.
    If a woman’s gold watch is stolen, expect a deterioration in health and the appearance of illnesses.
    The dreamer caught the thief. This situation speaks of exposing all of a person’s ill-wishers.
    The dreamer himself acted as a thief - beware of the appearance of a deceitful and hypocritical friend.
    Theft from a store indicates that a person easily says goodbye to money, buying unnecessary things and objects.

  9. Lost accessory. Pay attention to the place where the item was lost:

    Street. The dream warns of frivolity and carelessness.
    Clean water- the occurrence of minor troubles, troubles that will play into the hands of the dreamer.
    Dirty water symbolizes loss of trust.

    If an item is lost at night, expect trouble at work or at school.

    Initially, losing and then finding an item means good events.

    Losing a gold watch means loss of well-being, authority, wealth, high-paying job.

    The loss of a silver watch symbolizes the appearance of tears, betrayal, resentment, and separation from a loved one.

  10. See on hand:

    At home. This is something to think about.
    On someone else's wrist. This is a missed opportunity.

    See an expensive accessory for changes in better side.

    Seeing an inexpensive thing means financial difficulties in life.

    Seeing someone else's item on your wrist means trouble.

    Seeing a beautiful, elegant watch is a sign symbolizing that a person will fall under the influence of others.

  11. Stop the dial. Seeing a clock that is not running is a warning sign. It's worth rethinking your life.

    If the hands stop moving on a Swiss accessory, get ready to go bankrupt.

    All dreamed watches can be indirectly divided into:

    1. Beautiful.
    2. Dear ones. They portend success, prosperity, increased wages, and improved living conditions.
    3. New. A new attribute portends imminent changes in life.
    4. Strangers.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Miller See:
Predicting success.
Upcoming winnings on the stock exchange, lottery, casino.
Expect gossip.
You will be denigrated, slandered, and put in an unfavorable light.
Break to losses.
Set the dial for change.
Autumn Foreboding.
Summer Wipe the accessory - get ready to move to another country.
Children's Expect an emergency to arise.
Explanatory To break - expect death in your home.
Seeing broken ones means health problems.
Seeing beautiful ones means good health and well-being.
Modern Expect good luck.
A broken thing foreshadows failure.
The wall clock warns of death.
Gypsy A sign of long life.
Tsvetkova Expect changes in your life.
Freud Portends a reward for the work done.
Ukrainian Watch:
They are going towards change.
Standing - to death.

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Was a man or woman given a watch in a dream? Dream World Guides will help you understand what this means. Such a dream can promise both good and bad events. The interpretation depends on the details that should definitely be remembered. So, what should a sleeping person prepare for?

Gave a watch in a dream: Miller's dream book

What interpretation does Gustav Miller offer? If you were given a watch in a dream, you need to prepare for troubles in real life. The cost of the gift will help you understand how much serious problems waiting for a man or woman. The more expensive the gift, the worse things are.

A watch received as a gift in night dreams may also indicate that the sleeper is captivated by dark thoughts. A person needs to get rid of them, otherwise he risks plunging into depression for a long time.

Made of yellow metal

Was a man or woman given a gold watch in a dream? Many guides to the world of dreams predict problems for the sleeper in relationships with his other half. Most likely, the dreamer himself will be to blame for this. It may be that a person pays too little attention to his chosen one or chosen one.

The dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite informs that such a gift is not a good dream. In reality, a person will have to deceive the expectations of someone who is important to him. What happened will negatively affect the relationship with this person.

Various dream books

Esoteric dream book predicts a change in life for the better for someone who was given a watch in a dream. A person will have a rare chance to significantly improve the quality of their life. However, he must be very careful, since there is a danger of not noticing the opportunities that Providence offers.

Was a person given an expensive watch in a dream? An interesting interpretation is contained in the Hasse reference book. Deliberately expensive accessories received as a gift serve as a good omen. The efforts that a person has made in the past to improve his life will finally begin to bear fruit. The dreamer's affairs will soon go uphill if he continues to work hard.

What does it mean to receive a faulty watch as a gift in your night dreams? The numerological dream book informs the sleeper that he does not know how to set priorities correctly. A person spends a lot of time on things that will not help him get closer to his goal. He needs to learn to concentrate on the most important tasks.

Clock face

Suppose that a person was given a wristwatch in a dream. What could such a dream mean? The answer directly depends on what numbers the arrows pointed to.

  • One is a good sign. Such dreams indicate that a person is rapidly approaching his goal. The end of the road is near, just a little more work remains. The reward will exceed even your wildest expectations.
  • Two promises important event which will soon happen in reality. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict how it will affect the life of the sleeper.
  • Three is a sign that illness and adversity await the dreamer. Nine has a similar meaning.
  • Dreamed of a range from three to six? This indicates that the person is captured by doubts. He is no longer sure that he is going the right way. The sleeper needs to take a break and think about everything.
  • Seeing a six in a dream means experiencing positive emotions in reality. Something good will happen in a person's life in the coming days. The same meaning is attributed to the number 12.
  • Did you dream about the numbers from seven to nine? Such dreams warn of excessive self-confidence of the sleeper. Man has lost the ability to realistically assess his strength. He is captivated by illusions, which can become a source of serious problems.

Does the dreamer see an electronic display instead of a dial? This plot warns that the time has come for decisive action. A person will have the opportunity to move up the career ladder or enter into a lucrative deal. It’s just important not to forget that competitors are not asleep.

Girls, women

Did a man give a watch to a young girl in a dream? Such a plot predicts an interesting acquaintance for the sleeping person. Most likely we are talking about meeting an attractive representative of the opposite sex. Does the dreamer lose her gift in her night dreams? This means that she is captive of vain hopes. The sleeping woman needs to stop building castles in the air and soberly assess the situation in which she finds herself.

What does it mean for a woman to receive such a gift from her husband in her night dreams? Such a dream is a negative sign. Constant conflicts and quarrels can lead to separation from your other half. However, if a man does not hand over the gift, but leaves it in the dreamer’s house, then there is nothing to worry about. This plot indicates that in reality the relationship is not in danger.

For men

A man dreamed that he gave someone a women's watch? The dream warns that the sleeper is too indiscriminate in choosing partners. Random connections can lead to serious trouble.

Does a colleague give a representative of the stronger sex a watch in his night dreams? Such a dream warns a person about the emergence of serious competitors. He needs to start working more intensely if he wants to achieve success.

A man in a dream receives such a gift from his other half? In reality, he should prepare for a serious quarrel with his wife or lover. There is a possibility that a protracted conflict will lead to separation.

put on

A man or woman in their dreams receives a watch as a gift, and immediately puts the gift on their hand? Such a plot prophesies changes for the better. This prediction with equal probability can concern both the professional sphere and the personal life of the dreamer.

A person in a dream is trying to put a watch that was given to him on his hand, but cannot do it? Such dreams warn of danger that threatens the sleeper. Someone will soon make a dubious offer to a person, which he should refuse.

A young girl in her dreams trying on a watch given to her? Such a plot promises the dreamer an early marriage. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say whether this union will be strong.

Wall-mounted, pocket-mounted

Was a person given a wall clock in a dream? Such a plot is a warning that a man or woman will have to go on a journey. We can talk about both a long business trip and an entertainment trip.

Much depends on the form wall clock received as a gift. Let's say a round thing predicts a vacation on the seaside for the sleeper. A square or triangular watch is a sign that a person will go on a trip out of necessity, and not of his own free will. Most likely he will be on a business trip.

Gifts from the past

The woman dreamed that ex-husband gave you a watch? The dream represents the experience that the sleeping woman has gained from her relationship with this person. If a thing was incredibly beautiful, but faulty, then this should be taken as a warning of danger. The dreamer is advised to be wary of street thefts and residential robberies. A woman also risks becoming a victim of fraud if she does not exercise maximum vigilance.

Did the widow have this dream? In reality, she needs to beware of domestic injuries. Also, dreams with a similar plot can serve as a warning that the sleeping woman is preparing to make a fatal mistake.


What does it mean to give a watch to a dead person in a dream? It depends on what kind of relationship the sleeping person had with this person. If we are talking about a deceased relative, such a plot promises a person the fulfillment of a cherished dream. However, for this he will have to work hard, without postponing anything for later.

If a man or woman in their dreams receives a watch as a gift from a deceased person who was famous during his lifetime, then this prophesies dramatic changes in reality. A person definitely needs to take control of the situation, otherwise events will take a negative turn.

Various stories

Was a person given a white watch in a dream? Such dreams warn that the sleeper is wasting his life in vain. It's here the right time in order to do something truly useful and worthwhile. Otherwise, a person will regret the opportunities that Providence generously threw to him through his own stupidity.

Are a man or a woman given a stopped watch in their night dreams? This indicates that you cannot count on the fulfillment of your plans. It’s time for a person to learn to set realistic goals and stop wasting his time building castles in the air.

What does it mean to receive a watch without hands as a gift? Such a plot is considered a good omen. The problem that poisons the dreamer’s life will resolve itself. A person will not have to make any effort for this. There is no hour hand, but there is a minute and second hand? This means that the sleeper is unable to adequately assess the current situation. Why dream of receiving a damaged watch as a gift? Such dreams inform that a person is in a dead end situation. It is unlikely that he will be able to get out of it on his own; he will have to turn to friends and relatives for help.

What does it mean to choose a watch as a gift for a colleague in a dream? Such a plot is a warning that in reality this person is annoyed by the help that the sleeping person imposes on him. He hides his negative emotions only so as not to offend the dreamer.

Not always dead people who appear in a dream turn out to be negative harbingers. In order to correctly interpret why a dead person dreams of a watch, you should turn to a dream book for help. Thus, a watch from a deceased person may suggest that the sleeper is not making enough effort to achieve his goals.

What if you dream about a watch from a dead person?

If in a dream a person sees an unknown dead man handing him a beautiful new watch, this is a clear sign that the sleeper is wasting his time aimlessly. He could spend it on achieving his goals, self-improvement, or at least communicating with loved ones. Instead, the dreamer is most likely playing computer games, visits a casino or just hangs around on the street with friends who look like him. If a person does not change his life in the near future by listening to the tips from the dream, then he will completely lose himself and the trust of his family.

If in a dream the deceased not only hands the dreamer a watch, but also says something at the same time, it is very important to try to remember the words spoken by the character. They may contain an important hint or valuable advice on how to quickly and easily change your life for the better. If at first glance the words seem completely incoherent, you should try to find the secret meaning in them.

There is no need to be afraid of a dream in which a dead man with a watch appears. Most often, such a plot becomes only a warning to the sleeper that he needs to change his own life as soon as possible and begin to eliminate previously committed mistakes.

If the role of the deceased handing over the watch to the sleeping man turns out to be his own children (alive in real life), then you should not worry too much about the plot you saw. It has nothing to do with the health and life of children. In fact, such a dream is a good harbinger. He promises the dreamer a new addition to the family.

If the person himself removes the watch from the dead man’s hand and sees that it is broken or has simply stopped, most likely this is a sign that he is spending incorrectly. own time. Surely the sleeper pays too much attention to completely insignificant events or phenomena. For example, he spends not only work, but also personal free time in the workplace, hoping as a result to get a promotion or at least an increase in wages. In reality this won't happen. The management will gladly accept the employee’s initiative, but there will definitely not be any reward for this. We need to stop wasting time on unpromising projects. It's better to have a good rest or take up your favorite hobby.

What does it portend?

A dream in which a man or woman steals a watch from a mutilated corpse turns out to be a negative harbinger. Probably, the sleeper decided to achieve his goal by any means. He is ready to go to her, stepping over other people, forgetting about honesty, kindness and morality. Of course, by acting in such an unprincipled manner, in the end a person will actually be able to achieve his goal and, for example, significantly improve his financial situation. That's just negative consequences actions committed will haunt the dreamer for a long time and interfere with his normal life. In the end, you will still have to answer for all your mistakes.

It happens that a person sees in his night dreams a watch that once belonged to a person close to him who has already passed away. Most likely, the sleeper simply misses him. He lacks the advice and support of a beloved relative or friend. In this case, it is worth remembering the deceased in the morning. The dream does not require any other interpretation.

A watch received in a dream from a deceased person is a very ambiguous symbol. He may have different meaning. Therefore, it is so important to correctly interpret and understand the dream. If a dead man gives a watch to a sleeping person and comments on it, you should definitely try to remember every word he said.

A watch in a dream is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time that the clock showed, then try to understand what exactly this means. See interpretation: numbers.

A working clock in a dream means that your business is progressing successfully.

Seeing or receiving a watch with a bracelet in a dream predicts imminent marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if you can find them in a dream, then happiness awaits you in your married life. Expensive watches in a dream foreshadow good changes and promise health, wealth and prosperity.

The clock hands indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped watch in a dream foreshadows a stop in business or the death of the one to whom this watch belongs. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you about imprudent actions that can greatly harm your well-being.

If you dream that someone took a stopped watch for repairs, then you will be able to safely get out of another adventure.

If the clock is rushing in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. The dream also indicates that you need to do something important and indicates deteriorating health.

But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss happy chance.

If a clock slows down in a dream, then your life is in danger or trouble. Seeing a lot of ticking clocks in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit.

A broken watch in a dream foretells failure due to obstacles that you cannot overcome.

Seeing a broken clock mechanism in a dream means that you will lose your income. For patients, such a dream threatens death.

A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries await you.

Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should abandon useless undertakings.

Breaking a clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten away your luck.

See broken watch- a harbinger of death loved one.

But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it did not break, then you will have great luck in a matter that you considered hopeless.

The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that it is time to take important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See interpretation: sounds.

The striking of a wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes a funeral in the family.

Losing or giving a watch in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles.

Finding a watch or receiving one as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Such a dream also indicates that you should take advantage of the good advice of your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

Stealing a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready to do anything for the sake of your happiness.

Winding a watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that an acquaintance left his wristwatch with you, then you will have a happy and long-term relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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