Presentation according to the plan of the old woman's leprosy winter presentation. Topic: K. Ushinsky. The pranks of the old woman-winter. It hurts your ears

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Correctional educational goals:

  • Create conditions for generalizing and clarifying children’s knowledge about winter and winter fun, for activating and expanding the vocabulary through words - actions, words - signs, for developing a sense of language through the formation of related words. Development of coherent speech (composing sentences on the topic “Winter”, “Winter fun”).
  • Develop the ability to understand the meaning of words and expressions.
  • Consolidate and improve the skills of sound-syllable analysis of words and reading words and sentences.

Corrective and developmental goals:

  • Develop optical-spatial concepts based on the game “What the artist didn’t draw.”
  • Develop dialogical speech.
  • Develop personal qualities: activity, curiosity, independence, the ability to apply acquired knowledge in independent activities, develop abilities for self-esteem and introspection.
  • Develop universal skills: the ability to listen to the teacher and follow his instructions

Educational goals:

Cultivate a sustained interest in lessons, initiative, a desire for active work, and independence in decision-making.

To cultivate love and respect for the Russian language and attention to one’s own speech.


  • Magnetic board, computer, TRACEBOARD R board, pictures of winter nature, the painting “What didn’t the artist paint?”, a picture of the evil old woman Winter, signs.

Lesson progress

I Class Organization

We have guests. Say hello. (Hello.)

Take your seats.

II Psychological and pedagogical attitude “The connecting thread”

Here's a ball. We will pass it on to each other and say wishes.

(Ranit, listen carefully.

Nailya, think.

Igor, speak well.)

III Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Do you want to know what we will talk about in class today? To do this you need to solve a crossword puzzle.

  1. White in winter,
    And in the summer it’s gray.
    Doesn't offend anyone
    And he is afraid of everyone.
  2. We are nimble sisters
    Craftswomen run fast,
    In the rain we lie down,
    We run into the snow,
    This is our regime.
  3. Invisible, carefully
    He comes to me
    And he draws like an artist
    He patterns on the window.
  4. You and I will recognize the animal
    According to two such signs:
    He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,
    And in a red fur coat - in the summer.

Schoolchildren solve riddles and write down the answers on the TRACEBOARD R board with a felt-tip pen.

What are we going to talk about? (We'll talk about winter.)

Today in class we will learn to retell K.D. Ushinsky’s fairy tale “The Mischief of the Old Woman Winter.”

IV Preparatory work.

1. Development of auditory perception. (work behind the screen)

Remember what you know about winter.

Name the signs of winter (in a chain), adding a picture to your words.

(-It's snowing.

A cold wind is blowing.

There are big snowdrifts all around.

There is ice on the river.

The weather is cold and frosty.

There are frosty patterns on the windows.

There are caps of snow on the trees.

There are icicles on the roofs.


You know a lot of signs of winter, well done.

2. Selection of words with the same root (working with an interactive whiteboard - moving objects)

Tell me, what kind of weather can it be in winter?

If it's going on the street snow then the weather snowy.

Find the same words:

  • Freezing
  • Wind
  • Cold
  • Cold

The weather is cold, windy,...

(children bring the corresponding cognate words to each other):

  • Frost - frosty
  • Wind - windy
  • Cold-cold
  • Cold - cold.

You worked well and quickly found the right words.

3. Development of linguistic sense, by denoting the semantic meaning of words in other words.

I will read the sentences to you, and you think about how you can say it differently:

Winter has come, white flies have flown.

The birds are cold and hungry in winter, they sounded the alarm about what to do next, what to do.

Children are not afraid of frost. There is no room for an apple to fall on a hill.

Winter will never make any sense, why is no one afraid of it?

The old woman hung her head - winter and became sad.

V Learning new things.

1. Initial perception. (film-strip) Presentation 1.

What is this fairy tale about? (A tale about winter, how she wanted to destroy everyone, freeze everyone.)

Who is the main character of the fairy tale? (The main character is an old woman - winter.)

Game “What has winter done?” - depict the actions: (Children remember the actions and depict them.)

Got angry

Blown cold

I went after the animals

Scattered the leaves

I started crying.

2. Independent acquaintance with the fairy tale.

Read the first part yourself. (Read part 1 of the tale independently.)

Vocabulary for students on the blackboard.

What did the old woman winter do? (I got angry....)

What are you up to? (I decided to drive everyone away from the world.)

Who did you get to first? (I started to... get there.)

Why couldn't she freeze the birds? (......became......and flew to......Stayed......)

Presentation 2.

Read the second part in a chain, one sentence at a time. (Reading in a chain.)

Then who did the old woman attack on? (She attacked the animals.)

What did she do? (She covered the fields with snow.)

What does it send to earth? (Sends frost after frost.)

Gymnastics for the eyes. Winds and snowstorms blew. (They follow the movement of winter on the pointer with their eyes.)

Who wasn’t scared of the frost? (The animals weren’t scared.)

What does a squirrel do? (The squirrel gnaws nuts.)

What is the bear doing?


Make up a sentence using these words. (working with an interactive whiteboard)

A squirrel chews nuts in a hollow

den Bear sucks paw in

jumping Zainka warms himself

What do pets do? (In the stalls they chew hay.)

Who can tell this part of the text using presentation pictures and supporting words?

Children recite part of the text using reference words, at which time a presentation with pictures showing the content of the text is shown on the board. ( Vocabulary on the board: Pounced..... Confused......

Fail.....Sending.....Don't be scared.....)

Read the next part word by word, be careful. (reading one word at a time, in a chain).

What happened to the rivers and lakes? (Rivers and lakes froze.)

What did all the fish do? (The fish went deep.)

Tell this part of the text using pictures from the presentation and supporting words? (Dictionary: Angry....

Getting there Frozen...... .......went deep)

Children recite part of the text using reference words, at which time a presentation with pictures showing the content of the text is shown on the board.

Listen to the last part of the tale and say what was the most offensive for Winter.

Audio recording and slide show.

What was winter thinking? (I wanted to freeze people.)

What is she sending at people? (It sends severe frosts.)

What do people do? (People have lit the stove, are baking pancakes, laughing at winter.)

What do children do in winter? (One child makes a sentence, then everyone together depicts children playing in winter) (The guys play snowballs. The children sled and ski. The children make a snowman. The guys skate.)

I have a picture. Look carefully and tell me what the artist forgot to draw? (They look at the picture, show where there is no object, name which one. (for example: children are skating, there is one skate missing, etc.).

Tell the last part using pictures from the presentation. (Stories based on pictures and supporting words.)

What does winter cry mean? (Drips from the roof. (Picture)

3. Game “Snowball” (remember - repeat).

I have a winter ball, would you like to play with it? Look how long his tail is. I say a sentence, and you remember it and repeat it.

Winter is angry.

The old woman - winter - got angry.

The old woman - winter - got angry with the birds.

The old woman was terribly angry - it was winter at the birds.

The old woman became terribly angry - winter with birds and animals.

The old woman became terribly angry - winter with birds, animals, people.

The old woman became terribly angry - winter - with birds, fish, animals, people.

The old woman became terribly angry - winter - with birds, fish, animals, people and children.

(First they listen, then they repeat the sentence after the teacher in chorus.)

VI Consolidation

1. Retelling based on leading questions, using a presentation.

The old woman, winter, got angry and decided to drive everyone away from the world. Who did she get to first? (- Until the birds.)

Why couldn't she freeze the birds? (The birds began to gather in flocks and flew to warm countries.)

Winter covered the fields with snow and filled the forests with snow. Sends frosts. Why weren't the animals afraid of winter? (The animals were not afraid of winter: a squirrel in a hollow is gnawing nuts, a bear in a den is sucking a paw, domestic animals in warm barns are chewing hay.)

Why couldn't winter freeze people? (People have lit the stoves, are baking pancakes, laughing.)

What was the most offensive thing about winter? (What was more offensive was that even the children weren’t afraid of her. The kids sledded, skated, made a snow woman, played snowballs.)

Why did winter cry? (Out of anger.)

How do we understand that spring is near? (Winter tears dripped.)

2. Game “What has Winter done?” Formation of past perfect verbs with the prefix “for”.

Go to the window, look out the window. (They go to the window.)

I woke up early in the morning, looked out the window and was surprised: “Zimushka - Winter, what have you done?”

(The teacher says the beginning of the sentence, the children form verbs from these words)

Winter came with frosts and that’s it... (They answer in chorus: FROZEN)

The blizzard is chalk and all the paths..... (BLOWED)

The river was covered with ice and everything...... (FROZEN)

Winter called a blizzard and that’s it... )

Snow powder on the paths is all..... (PORROWED )

3. Independent creative retelling.

Now let's tell our tale. Tell me on behalf of the birds. (Schoolchildren speak in 1st person.)

Who wants to tell a story on behalf of fish?

From people?

From children?

VII Summary. Reflection

What fairy tale did we retell today? (The fairy tale “The Pranks of the Old Woman - Winter.”)

Do you think we succeeded? Why? (Yes. We told it ourselves, you helped us a little.

We didn’t forget anything, we told it in order.)

Psychological mood “Spring sun. The snowman has melted.”

Scenario of a lesson on literary reading program “Primary school 21st century” 2nd grade

Topic: “The pranks of the old woman - winter” K.D. Ushinsky

Target. To develop in students the skill of working on text using the example of K.D. Ushinsky’s work “The Mischief of the Old Woman - Winter”

Planned results.

Subject: Recall the previously studied genres of different authors in the section “The snowball is fluttering, spinning...”: poem, story, fairy tale,

Metasubject: Develop the ability to express your emotions and feelings through expressive reading.Express your thoughts orally and in writing. Carry out self-monitoring and self-testing of learning material.

Personal: Development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning. The ability to overcome difficulties and bring work started to completion.

Equipment: L.A. Efrosinina “Literary reading” Educational reader 2nd grade.

L.A. Efrosinin "Literary reading". Workbook 2nd grade.

Presentation on an interactive whiteboard, recording of a fairy tale by K.D. Ushinsky “The Mischief of the Old Woman-Winter”

Lesson progress

Organizational moment

Motivation for educational activities. Positive work attitude.

Update .(Goal: To consolidate the knowledge gained from previous lessons in this section. See that not all works from the data have been studied. )

What is the name of the section that we have been working on for several lessons now? (The snowball is fluttering and spinning...)

Let's remember the works of this section.

Now let's put them in the table. How will we enter it into the table?


Fairy tales

Note. Nand on the board, works with authors are given in a chaotic order. You need to drag the title with the author from the corresponding cell.

For the teacher: VERSE: Z. Aleksandrova “Winter”, I. Surikov “Childhood” N. Nekrasov “Sasha”,

TALES: E. Shim “You're all done,” “Children of Father Frost” R.N.S., V. Dal “Girl Snow Maiden”, “Snow Maiden” R.N.S., V. Odoevsky “Visiting Grandfather Frost ”, K. Ushinsky “Frost is not terrible”, STORIES: I. Ivanov “What kind of snow can be”, I. Sokolov - Mikitov “Winter in the forest”, “Trees in the forest” M. Prishvin

Have you studied K. Ushinsky’s work “The Mischief of the Old Woman - Winter”? (no)

So, what is the topic of our lesson?

Working on new material. (Goal: To introduce previously unfamiliar words)

Guys, how do you understand what leprosy is?

Now, we will get acquainted with this work.

There will be words in the text that you do not understand. I put them on the board. Let's look at them.

Working with previously unknown words (Words are given on the presentation slide)

Streha - overhanging edge of the roof

Convoy - a string of carts with cargo following each other

Sheepskin coat - long, swinging, not covered with cloth fur clothing, with a high collar

Cab carter

Help - help

Listening to the piece

We listen to the work of K. Ushinsky “The Mischief of Mother - Winter” We are trying to understand what it is about. (Audio recording)

Working on the text (Goal: to form an initial perception of the text using the example of the work of K.D. Ushinsky)

So, what are the guys about? What genre is it? (Enter into table)

Now let's work on the text. Let's open the books p.15

How many parts are there in this work? (5)

1 hour - Let’s read the first part and think about what the main idea of ​​this part is... (Chain reading)

Why did winter begin its evil with birds? Support your answer with text. (They got tired of her with their screaming and squeaking)

How did birds begin to escape the cold?

Which bird is left? (Sparrow)

What is the main idea of ​​this part? (Keep the birds out of the world)

2 hours - Reading the second part, what is the main idea of ​​this part? (reading in a whisper)

What didn't winter do? (Failed to catch up with the birds)

Who has winter taken over? (For the animals)

Who helped in her pranks? (Frost)

What is the name of this artistic medium? (Personification)

Personification -making inanimate objects alive qualities

Read how animals saved themselves from winter.

Are the animals afraid of winter? What did they do?

- What is the main idea of ​​this part? (The animals were not afraid of winter)

3h. - We are reading the third part, what is the main idea here?()

Is winter angry?

Who has winter attacked?

Find personification in this part. Read it.

What happened to the rivers and lakes?

Where did the fish go? (went deep)

What is the main idea of ​​this part? (Pisces were not afraid of winter)

4 hours - Are we reading the fourth part? We think, what is the main idea here?

What has winter come up with this time? (I’ll catch the people, and send the frosts, even angrier than they were)

Find words in the text that talk about the effects of frost. (Page 17.)

Find in the text what people did?

And if it happens, who will go to the forest for firewood?

And what did they do, as if to laugh at winter?

If they praise you, does that mean they are happy about the frost?

Read, people's attitude towards frost?

Did winter manage to bother people?

What is the main idea of ​​this part? (Winter failed to reach people)

And, part five, what is the main idea of ​​this part?

What did winter find most offensive? (that the guys are not afraid)

Read about children's activities in winter? (...riding on a sled...)

What does winter do to the boys out of anger?

And the boy?

What is the cause of winter's tears? (She couldn't even cope with children)

What is the main idea of ​​this part? Couldn't cope with small children)

Summarize what you read. (Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge of what they read)

What did we learn about winter from this work? (She pestered everyone, but she didn’t succeed)

Does it mean she has changed?

R.t. p.57 Slide 4. Guys, let's compare winter. What she was like at the beginning of the work and at the end. Task 1 on page 57 in the workbook will help us with this.

Read what the old woman was like - winter at the beginning? Emphasize.

Which one at the end? Emphasize.

What fairy tale did we read?

Who was the main character?

What happened at the end of the fairy tale?

Read the last sentence. Spring is a symbol of goodness and light.

So who is winter?

What won in the fairy tale?


- What did you learn in class today?

Who was interested?


- Draw the old winter woman as you imagined her.

Abstract of GCD
in the preparatory school group
for children with special needs
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 222"
combined type
Barnaul Teacher Merkel N.A.

Topic: Retelling of the fairy tale “The Mischief of Old Woman Winter”
Program objectives: Learn to retell a fairy tale close to the text, coherently, sequentially, expressively, relying on clarity.
Learn to select (words) definitions for words.
Practice using common sentences.
Progress of the lesson:
Children sit in a semicircle.
- Children, what day of the week is it today?
- What was it like yesterday, what will it be like tomorrow?
- Guys, what time of year is it?
- By what signs did you determine that winter has come?
- Guys, do you like listening to fairy tales?
- Name your favorite fairy tales.
- And today we will read another fairy tale, a new one, which is called “The Mischief of the Old Woman of Winter” - Ushinsky wrote this fairy tale (remember).
- We read a fairy tale.
Questions about the fairy tale:
- What is the name of the fairy tale?
- What is the fairy tale about?
-Who did winter reach first?
(before the birds)
- Then on whom did winter fall?
- On animals.
- For fish.
- What did the fish do?
- We went under the ice, and it was even warmer there.
- And winter thought, who else should I pester?
- And she began to pester people.
- How did people escape from the frost?
(They flooded the stoves, but they laugh at winter).
- And if someone goes into the forest to get firewood, what do they wear?
(sheep coat, felt boots, mittens)
- What was the most offensive thing about winter?
(Little guys aren’t afraid of her either)
- What are the guys doing?
- They ride sleds, play snowballs, make snow sculptures, there are mountains.
- Guys, the fairy tale said, the old woman got angry - it’s winter, so that means what she was like, what other words can you say what she is like? (angry, cold, harsh)
Guys, pretend and show the guests how evil she was, so that the guests feel and see the evil old woman - winter. Now portray it so that the guests feel that the children are not afraid of her.
- Imagine that you are walking, it’s freezing outside, imagine how cold you are, and how can you warm up your hands?
- Rub it.
- What if the frost pricks your cheek?
- By the nose, by the ears - what will you do?
(Rub with snow)
- Guys, show me how the guys played snowballs in the fairy tale?
(They bent down, picked up the snow, made a snowball and threw it)
- Blow on the guests as the winter blew, bringing frost on everyone.

And now guys, let’s retell the fairy tale together, and I will help you (----------material, these pictures will make it easier for you to retell the fairy tale).
- 1-2 stories.
- Okay guys, be sure to tell your moms and dads a new fairy tale at home.
- Now let’s play word games with you. I name the words, and you define the endings correctly.
Winter (what kind?)
Frost, wind, snow (what?)
Sky, sun (which one?)
Next exercise: I will start the sentences and you will finish them.
Kolya did not go to kindergarten because he ... (full answers)
The janitor took a broom, he will….
Mom told her daughter that...
We'll go to the forest tomorrow if...
Autumn has come to us and brought...
Spring has come to us and brought...
Winter has come and brought us...
- Guys, imagine what would happen if winter never came to us?
- Guys, what do you think you can do on long winter evenings (watch TV, read a fairy tale, color).
- It’s good for you, you have toys, a TV, you have electricity, tape recorders, and when your grandparents were little boys and girls like you, on winter evenings they also sat at home, and they also had to do something to do what you can do on long winter evenings, so they had one candle burning.
- Well, okay, I'll help you.
They turn off the set and light a candle.
- I bring children to the idea that they can tell fairy tales. Make toys, drink tea.

Brief description

Goal: acquaintance with the fairy tale by K.D. Ushinsky “The Mischief of the Old Woman-Winter.”
Objectives: educational: to ensure that students master K.D. Ushinsky’s fairy tale “The Mischief of the Old Winter Woman”;
- correctional and developmental: develop reading skills when getting acquainted with a fairy tale, dialogical speech, answering questions with complete answers, enrich vocabulary through vocabulary work, develop mental activity when composing proverbs and comparing them with the text of a fairy tale.


Budgetary educational institution of the Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky municipal district "Special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type"
Timofeeva Olga Vasilievna, teacher of Russian language and reading.
Topic of extracurricular reading lesson: K.D. Ushinsky “The pranks of the old woman-winter.”
Lesson number in topic: final lesson on the topic “Pictures of native nature. Winter". Class: 5
Objective of the lesson: acquaintance with the fairy tale by K.D. Ushinsky “The Mischief of the Old Woman-Winter”.
Lesson objectives:
- educational: ensure that students master K.D. Ushinsky’s fairy tale “The Mischief of the Old Woman-Winter”;
- correctional and developmental: develop the skills of correct, conscious reading when getting to know a fairy tale, develop coherent dialogical speech, answering questions posed with a complete answer, enrich students’ vocabulary through vocabulary work, develop mental activity when composing proverbs from two parts and comparing them with the text of a fairy tale.
- educational: increase students' learning motivation through the use of ICT and technical communication technologies. Lesson type: combined.Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation, video about winter, fairy tale (video), portrait of K.D. Ushinsky, handouts. Progress of the lesson. I. Organizational moment. - I wish you successful work in the lesson. Go to the board and choose a card with the facial expression that matches your mood.
- I hope that at the end of the lesson everyone will be in a good mood.
II. Introduction to the topic.
- To determine the topic of today's lesson, I suggest you watch the video.
Watch the video.
- What time of year did you watch the video about?
- What will we talk about in class?
- Today, in an extracurricular reading lesson, we will summarize our acquaintance with works about winter. We will find out the specific topic of the lesson later.
III. Updating knowledge.
- Name the winter months.
- What month is it now?
- What is the weather today?
- Name the main sign of winter.
- What other signs of winter do you know?
Task on cards.
- The cards list the signs of winter. Choose those that relate to winter.
- Which of the following signs may apply to other seasons?
- Remember the works that we met when studying the topic “Winter " (Verse: “In the Enchantress in Winter...”, story "December", verse. “Toward Winter,” story “Everyone in His Own Way,” verse. “Winter is singing and calling out...”, verse. "Birch", verse. "Winter Birch")
- What did you read about in the story “December”?
- Who is the story “Everyone in His Own Way” about?
IV. Determining the topic and objectives of the lesson.
- Today in class we will get acquainted with another work about winter. You can guess its name yourself.
One student will choose cards with yellow syllables, the second student will choose blue, the third student will choose pink and make up words.
- Now join a group and write the title of the work, place it on the board.
- What name did you come up with? (“The Mischief of the Old Woman-Winter”)
- Today in class we will get acquainted with the fairy tale by K.D. Ushinsky “The Mischief of the Old Woman-Winter.”
- I propose to determine the tasks for today’s lesson using diagrams.
(Using diagrams, the objectives of the lesson are determined, the diagrams are placed on the board:
1. Let's meet the writer.
2. Let's get acquainted with the meaning of words.
3. Let's listen and watch a film.
4. We will answer questions.
5. We will read expressively.)
- These tasks will be the plan for today's lesson.
V. New material.
- The fairy tale “The Mischief of the Old Woman-Winter” was written by K.D. Ushinsky.
The writer's portrait is placed on the board.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824 - 1870) is a famous Russian teacher. But he taught children not only at school. He taught children kindness, justice and other good qualities with his stories and fairy tales. The fairy tale “The Mischief of the Old Woman-Winter” is one of his children's works.
– Before we get acquainted with his fairy tale, I would like to draw your attention to words and phrases that you will encounter in the fairy tale and the meaning of which may not be clear to you. Let's read them and try to explain the meaning:
- pranks - pampering, fun, games
- squeeze out of the world - destroy
- oak grove - oak grove
- scattered the leaves - blown by the wind
- eaves – the lower hanging edge of the roof
- severe frost - severe frost
- window frames in windows – glass in windows
- sheepskin coat – warm winter clothes
- sled - sled
- help – help
– What do you think a fairy tale with that title might be about?
– Be careful when watching the film and get ready to name the pranks that winter committed.
Watching a movie.
Conversation based on a fairy tale.
- Did you like the fairy tale?
- Why do you think the author calls winter an old woman?
- What winter pranks do you remember?
- What did the birds do?
- How can we help the birds that stay with us for the winter?
- How do animals escape the frost in winter?
- What did winter do to rivers and lakes?
- How did the fish hide?
-Who is not afraid of winter?
- Why are children not afraid of winter?
-Are you afraid of winter?
- Why did winter feel offended?
- Here are sentences from which you need to draw up a plan for a fairy tale. Read the points of the plan:
Winter cried with anger.
Winter decided to freeze the birds.
Winter has fallen on the animals.
Winter is getting to the fish.
Adults and children were not afraid of winter.
- Who is sure that you can already draw up a plan for a fairy tale?
- I suggest you read the fairy tale and make a plan based on it to make it easier to work further.
- Remember the rules of reading.
- Before reading, I suggest you rest your eyes. Consider the snowflakes. (Presentation)
-Are any of them the same?
- Just as in nature there are no two identical snowflakes, so all our snowflakes are different.
- Watch the snowflakes dance.
Reading a fairy tale in paragraphs.
- Try to make a plan based on a fairy tale.
- Compare your plan with your friend’s plan. If, in your opinion, your friend’s work is not correct, correct it.
- We're checking the plan.
- Whose plan was drawn up correctly?
- Where might you need this plan?
- The people have created many proverbs and sayings about winter:
The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.
A lot of snow means a lot of bread.
The year ends, winter begins.
- Make up proverbs about winter in two parts.
- What proverbs did you come up with? Explain their meaning.
Frost grabs the lazy one by the nose, / and takes off his hat in front of the agile one.
The frost shackled the river, / but not forever.
How winter is not angry, / but submits to spring.
- To which part of the fairy tale can the first proverb be attributed? Second? Third? Why?
VI. Lesson summary.
- Let's return to the lesson plan and analyze our work. Have we completed everything?
- What point of the plan do you think we did not fulfill very successfully?
- How can we fix this?
VII. Homework.
- Learn to read a fairy tale expressively, prepare a retelling according to plan. If you wish, you can draw a picture for the fairy tale.
VIII. Reflection.
- We return to cards with faces with different moods. What mood will you choose at the end of the lesson?

Irina Shaltus
Outline with illustrations of the SOD for familiarization with fiction in the middle group “The pranks of the old woman-winter”

ICTs are increasingly used in our lives, but unfortunately, often the pictures do not resemble their characters, and the same is true with fiction. I was very glad to see the site on the Internet Fairy tales with pictures for children. There are a lot of illustrated books there that I knew from childhood, and I use them in my work. I recommend it.

Outline of joint activities to familiarize yourself with fiction in the middle group. The story “The Mischief of the Old Winter Woman” by K. D. Ushinsky.

Goal: to introduce children to the work, clarify and systematize knowledge about winter.

To promote the development of children's interest in fiction

To consolidate knowledge about how all living things hibernate.

Teach children to express their attitude to the season.

Develop attention and observation skills. Cultivate a sense of responsiveness. Health-saving tasks: ensuring emotional well-being during the lesson, timely change of the static position of children.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: viewing multimedia display

Verbal: answers to questions. Game: game situation “Pretend to be a hero”, “does not sleep”, physical blinks “Lumberjacks” x\and “Oh, you winter-winter”

Creating motivation:

Conversation, slide show.

Independent activities of children:

Enter the role of the hero of a fairy tale, completing tasks


The notes can be used to work on an interactive whiteboard or with a multimedia projector.

The old woman-winter got angry, she decided to squeeze every breath from the light. First of all, she began to get to the birds: she was tired of them with their screaming and squeaking.

- Guys, show how angry winter is.

Winter blew cold, tore leaves from forests and oak forests and scattered them along the roads.

- How did she have to blow to make the leaves fly away from the trees? Let's try it.

There is nowhere for the birds to go; They began to gather in flocks and think little thoughts. They gathered, shouted and flew over the high mountains, over the blue seas, to warm countries.

The sparrow remains, ( did you recognize him? Who's on the right?) and he hid under the fence.

(streha "roof ledge", Slovenian streha "roof")

Winter sees that it cannot catch up with the birds: it attacked the animals. She covered the fields with snow, filled the forests with snowdrifts, covered the trees with icy bark and sent frost after frost. The frosts are getting worse than the other, jumping from tree to tree, crackling and clicking, scaring the animals.

The animals were not afraid: some had warm fur coats, others hid in deep holes; a squirrel in a hollow is gnawing nuts, a bear in a den is sucking a paw; The little bunny is jumping and warming himself, and the horses, cows, and sheep have been chewing ready-made hay and drinking warm swill for a long time in warm barns.

Let's remember which animals sleep and which don't. Let’s play (d\and “Sleeping, not sleeping”, if the animal is sleeping, we’ll sit down, if not, we’ll jump.

Winter is even more angry - it gets to the fish: it sends frost after frost, one more severe than the other. The Frosts run briskly, tapping loudly with hammers: without wedges, without wedges, they build bridges across lakes and rivers.

The rivers and lakes froze, but only from above, but the fish all went deeper: under the icy roof they are even warmer.

Well, wait, - winter thinks, - I’ll catch people, and it sends frost after frost, one angrier than the other.

The frosts covered the windows with patterns; They knock on the walls and on the doors so that the logs burst.

And people lit the stoves, baked hot pancakes and laughed at winter. If someone goes to the forest for firewood, he will put on a sheepskin coat, felt boots, warm mittens, and when he starts swinging an ax, he will even break out in a sweat.

-How do you cut wood with a saw? Choose a couple with whom you would like to go crazy. And whoever doesn’t want to choose a pair will be chopped with an axe. Physical exercise “Lumberjacks”

Along the roads, as if to laugh at the winter, the convoys pulled out: the horses were steaming, the cabbies were stamping their feet, patting their mittens, twitching their shoulders, praising the frosty weather.

The most offensive thing about winter seemed to be that even small children are not afraid of it! They go skating and sledding, play in the snow, make women, build mountains, water them with water, and even call out to the frost: “Come help!” Out of anger, winter will pinch one boy by the ear, another by the nose, they will even turn white, and the boy will grab the snow, let’s rub it - and his face will flare up like fire.

Winter sees that she can’t take anything, and she starts crying with anger.

-What happens when they cry? What do you think are the tears of winter?

Winter tears began to fall from the eaves... apparently spring is not far away!

Conversation on content

Who did the old woman reach - winter first of all, at the very beginning?

Why couldn't she freeze the birds?

Are the animals afraid of winter?

Why didn't winter manage to freeze people?

Round dance game “Oh, you winter winter...”

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