Horoscope Leo December new romance

December 2016 will be a very busy month for Leo, both in work and in personal relationships. Also this month, an event may occur that will determine Leo’s employment for the entire next year.

General horoscope for December 2016 Leo

Due to the inclusion of the planet Neptune from December 1, Leo is likely to become a benefactor during this period. December 2016 is a very favorable, dynamic month.

Time will fly so quickly in the first half of the month that Leo will have difficulty understanding what step he needs to take next. However, Leo in December 2016, thanks to such a movement, can easily achieve success.

Starting from December 22, Leo’s activities will become less active, but will now require him to be persevering and concentrate his thoughts only on work. Due to the fact that the Sun is in Capricorn at this time, Leo's work will be useful and correctly appreciated by management.

The December 2016 horoscope for Leo asks representatives of the sign to pay attention to the impact of the Black Moon on the days of December 7 and 25. In this regard, Leo may have experiences in December that are associated with his home.

After December 19, Leo may have a strong desire to rent real estate - for permanent residence or at least New Year's Eve. Such a desire, most likely, will not be realized, since it is least of all connected with the current state of affairs, but is just a temporary idea and dream of Leo.

Career and money horoscope for December 2016 Leo

In matters of work and career in December 2016, Leo may be planning to conclude some very important deal on December 19th. But, most likely, this deal is not destined to come true, just like most work moments after December 19th. Of course, there are still small chances that this day will have a positive resolution, but most likely important event and the signing of the necessary agreements will be postponed for several weeks.

Due to the fact that on December 19 the planet Mars will move into the sign of Pisces, Leo in December 2016 may become very emotional and react sharply to everything related to money. There is also a possibility that on December 23 and 24, Leo will not be able to fully control his behavior due to strong emotions.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in December 2016 for Leo: December 19, 22, 25.

Love horoscope for December 2016 Leo

In the personal life of representatives of the Leo sign, a new, interesting acquaintance or a serious event may occur in December 2016. In December, Leo is strongly influenced by the energy of Aquarius, which is the symbol of Leo’s partner, and therefore a fateful meeting may occur.

Leo in December 2016 should spend as little time as possible at home, and go out more often to “search” for his other half. The most important thing is that Leo is now ready to start a serious relationship, build a family, so he will look for a serious partner with the same intentions.

Due to the influence of the planet Venus, which is in the sphere of Leo’s relationships in December 2016, communication between representatives of the sign will take place in a romantic manner.

During the full moon - on December 13 and 14, Leos will communicate a lot with their partner, and sincere conversations will help Leo get to know their lover better. These days, it is possible for the emergence of a powerful connection that can lead Leo together with his life partner. Most likely, in December 2016, Leo will understand that his partner is the ideal person for happy life and creating a strong family.

Favorable days for love relationship in December 2016 for Leo: December 13, 1, 19.

Health horoscope for December 2016 Leo

In December 2016, Leo may have to spend money on maintaining his own health and body. It is most important to visit during this period of time gym or swimming pool, make it a permanent activity next year. Classes held in the gym in December 2016 bring a lot of joy to Leo and make him respect himself for overcoming high loads.

It is also important for Leo in December 2016 to engage in general health improvement related to interesting time spent, for example, when traveling to the mountains, visiting a sauna, or at least a walk in the fresh air.

The last month of the year will be bright, festive and dynamic Leo . You will be inspired, and this will help you cope with many tasks both at work and in love.

Love, Leo family in December 2016

For personal life, this month is very good for Leo. Finally, close people will come to the fore in your life. Friendly spouses will be happy with the success of their children, who are going through a very favorable period in their lives.

Single people in the first and second decades of December can count on fateful meeting, and in some cases it will happen on a trip or among people who have come from afar. Relationships between lovers with experience are strengthened, a trip or preparation for it is possible.

In the third ten days of December, the generally favorable background of the month may somewhat overshadow problems in the circle of immediate family. In one case, a quarrel is likely, and in the other, one of the relatives may be sick or going through hard times, and help will be urgently needed, both moral and financial.

To look charming in December 2016 horoscope Leo recommends cutting and coloring hair according to Lunar haircut calendar for December 2016.

Career, finances of Leo in December 2016

In December, many events will distract Leo from business. Perhaps you will become a frequent guest at parties, presentations and other festive events, and will move a little away from your usual work responsibilities. The exception is people creative professions- actors, musicians, artists and everyone who is in one way or another connected with show business and real art - their popularity and influence will increase. Others can strengthen contacts with colleagues from other cities or countries, renew cooperation with old partners and friends, and also meet new people among former colleagues.

A trip, interesting meetings and promising agreements are possible. For all professional matters, the best time for Leo is the first and second ten days of December.

In the third decade, the situation will become more complicated; all your ability to delve into the essence of problems and sort out all the shortcomings of current projects, piece by piece, will be required. For various reasons, established connections with colleagues from other cities or countries will unexpectedly become difficult. In one case, this is due to missing documents, and in another case, the law may act as an obstacle to cooperation. However, with the efforts of your partners, the matter will be completely fixable.

Leo's financial situation will worsen somewhat. Costs will increase, but there is nothing catastrophic about it. You spend money on yourself and your loved ones, and this is the most reliable investment.

Representatives zodiac sign Leo, a fixed sign of the fire trine, in December 2016 will find themselves in a rather curious, largely original, and therefore frankly difficult situation. The fact is that key astral influences will bypass you, in every sense. That is, neither the Moon, nor its mysterious twin sister the Black Moon, nor Mars and Venus will have any significant impact on your life. To some extent, the position of the Sun will be meaningful, but the influence of the luminary will now be frankly weak, unable even to relative degree help you, regardless of the nature of the situation. The same goes for Pluto, your current exaltant. On the one hand, we are talking about relatively high level personal freedom, but at the same time you need to understand that you are at the same time deprived of protection, powerful support, which in most cases is vital for each of us. One way or another, December 2016 can change a lot in the life of Leo. Or it may go gray and routine, but in the end something will still happen; the stars subtly hint that the originality of the astral position in relation to your sign at the current stage is not an accident.

The direction of business and entrepreneurship, and more broadly, the entire financial sector, will be quite successful for the zodiac sign Leo in December 2016. Despite the fact that in to a greater extent everything here will depend directly on your own actions, and not on some third-party factors; some trends will take place in any case. And the key one of these same trends will be an orientation toward success. Strive to raise the “bar” as high as possible, now this is really necessary. More than once or twice a month you will have an irresistible desire to “send it all away”, bury yourself in blankets and “plug” into the TV with a cup of hot coffee in your hand. In principle, sometimes such a position can bring significant bonuses and even advantages, but... don’t flatter yourself, this is not your case. In December you will have to work. More precisely, it would be better for you to work effectively, one might even say fiercely. This will allow you to significantly exceed even your own expectations and by the end of the year reach a position for which even your competitors will respect you. This costs a lot, you yourself understand everything perfectly well, so still try to overcome yourself.

But as for the sphere of personal relationships, here December 2016 is unlikely to require at least some bright, or more broadly speaking, significant activity from you. In this direction, people born in the sign of Leo are advised to simply go with the flow. Yes, that’s right, under no circumstances should you strive, at any cost, to change the status quo. Focus only on own feelings, rather, even emotions. You will intuitively, as they say, use your “fifth point” to grasp what needs to be done and how. Limit yourself to minimal activity, let most events develop according to their own scenario, without your active intervention. Focus on the things you and your significant other have in common. If there are too many such “points of attraction”, find the most significant ones, and if there are none at all, then... come up with something! Leo is an original, temperamental sign, and everything should be in order with your imagination. But again, don’t rush to implement all your ideas, even if they seem downright brilliant to you. Now haste and excessive activity in relation to the sensory-emotional sphere will be your main enemies. Be as measured and relaxed as possible, even concentration is good in moderation.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for December 2016 for the zodiac sign Leo, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is of a general nature and makes sense only when defining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Leo. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Leo sign: Personal horoscopes for the Leo sign:

In December 2016, your hopes and expectations in love are high, and there is a good chance that many of them will come true. The house of Leo's partner is marked by the presence of charming Venus and passionate Mars - this is a great combination. The planet of love, Venus, promises harmony and love pleasures, and the influence of Mars gives relationships energy and passion. Moreover, the Sun is located in Leo’s house of love until December 20, 2016. With such a concentration of planetary energies, you will not lack love and romantic adventures.

The need for love becomes stronger, the desire to share feelings with a partner grows. Your loved one, marriage and relationships will become the center of your universe, and everything else will revolve around them. If you already have a lover, you will see yourself in him as in a mirror, act with him and for him. If you are looking for your soulmate, you can count on the support of the stars. In the last month of 2016, it is very possible to meet someone special who will bring new colors to your life. For some, this means rekindling a broken love affair in the past.

The stars really promise a lot to Leos, but one should not forget about common sense. Exaggerated expectations can bring disappointment. To prevent this from happening, do not demand the impossible from your loved one. If you want to feel confident in love and relationships, then analyze what is happening, look for ways to improve mutual understanding, take into account the interests and opinions of your partner.

Leo career and finance horoscope for December 2016

Coming good time for those who want to stand out and make a statement. Mercury and Pluto in Leo's work sector stimulate your ambitions; there is a desire to show your abilities and show your strength. Your competitiveness is at its best, so you need to determine in advance the career goals for which you will fight. Tense situations are possible at work and in business, but the chances of success are very good.

This month you can easily bypass your opponents and gain supporters who will support you. Business partnerships can bring in extra money, so all forms of collaboration should be encouraged. It is possible to conclude profitable partnership agreements and establish useful connections. In addition, this period can be used to improve relationships with work colleagues.

December 19, 2016 Mercury in the house of work of Leo begins a cycle of retrograde (reverse) movement. The pace of work may slow down somewhat or there may be annoying interference. It is better not to try to artificially speed up the flow of events, because the period assumes a leisurely rhythm.

The last ten days of the month are not suitable for new beginnings, but are conducive to analyzing the state of affairs, making adjustments, and correcting mistakes. Perhaps trips for business and personal purposes will not bring the expected results. Since Mercury rules Leo's house of money, financial flows may be subject to obstacles and delays during this period. IN best case scenario, you will receive the money that you were not paid for the work done earlier, or someone will return the old debt.

In terms of money, the month's situation is unstable. There are conflicting astrological influences at work, so there is a possibility of both increased income and loss. Financial horoscope Lvov warns against rashness in matters that affect material interests. Be especially careful in the second half of December 2016.


In the first two decades of December 2016, Leo has a lot of energy and no health problems are expected. The period is well suited for medical examinations and procedures. In the last ten days of the month, you need to pay more attention to your health.

Insist on your point of view, but don't do it in a harsh manner. Be diplomatic!

Brilliant Leos will charm everyone again and again, shine with charm in any society, bathe in love, enjoy the feelings. Leos cannot avoid some disappointment and cooling. But love has no expiration date or guarantee. Leaving burnt bridges behind, Leo will move on - towards new bright experiences. And what the stars have in store for Leo, the exact love horoscope for December 2019 will tell you.

Love horoscope for Leo for December 2019

The fresh month of December is special for Leo in every way. Proud Leos will feel the lack of attention and may leave forever. However, the wisdom and generosity of Leo knows no bounds. December is the month of making decisions in relationships. Perhaps Leos will agree to marriage; the love horoscope does not exclude this.

What do Leos need to do to ensure that December gives only pleasant feelings? It is worth changing something in your appearance to enhance your charm. Leos always know what makes them special. And, of course, they will find good idea. If you have a love for animals and the ability to keep them, then in December it would not be a bad idea to have a cat in the house. And it’s better to take the baby from the street. This kitten, as the love horoscope promises, will become a talisman of kindness and mercy and will attract a worthy partner. The person whom Leos consider as a potential life partner should be introduced to the family by the end of the year. Relationships in which there is no trust should be ended in December.

In general, Leos will tend to accept right decisions, despite falling in love and lack of common sense. It is possible that Leos will go into confrontation with their family for the sake of love. Of all the zodiac signs, Leos in December are the most intelligent in love and capable of making the right decisions. Intuition will allow you to understand in December who is destined for fate.

Love horoscope for Leo women for December 2019

Women born under the sign of Leo will attract a worthy man into their lives. December is a fateful month for Lionesses women. It promises both love and disappointment. In any case, by the end of the year you can sort out your personal life, find a worthy man, or part with someone who is not worthy of attention without regret. Air sign partners can make Leo happy wives.

In the first half of December, difficult times may come for family Leos. The month will start with problems, but very soon everything will get better. There will be time before the end of the year to think about what can be done good friend for a friend. Love horoscope advises girls to be more social in December and to be more active in relationships. And freely express your desires. Girls should not be afraid of losing their partner. Your man will never leave, and you don’t need another.

The horoscope advises family Leos to be more attentive to their partner, to trust more, to be able to listen, and to support in difficult times. Gossip and intrigue will bypass Leo, because he simply does not trust people of a certain kind.

For Leo, December is a month of working on relationships. It is possible that in order to preserve relationships, Leos will be the first to reconcile.

Love horoscope for Leo for other months of 2019

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