Geranium: pruning for lush blooms. Pruning geraniums: how to get a lush healthy bush How to prune royal geraniums in the fall

Geranium is not in vain loved by many gardeners. It is easy to care for, undemanding to the soil and watering. But there is something that is obligatory in the formation of a beautiful lush pelargonium bush and its long-term flowering. It's cutting and pinching.

If you do not perform these operations with geraniums in a timely manner, then very quickly the flower will lose its shape, bare shoots will stretch out, and the number of inflorescences will come to naught.

When and how to cut and form a flower crown correctly? Here's what experienced geranium growers advise.

  • 1 How to prune geraniums in autumn
  • 2 Crown formation
  • 3 Pruning: necessary or useless procedure?
  • 4 Mistakes when trimming geraniums at home

How to prune geraniums in autumn

The purpose of the autumn pruning

There are many varieties of geranium: it is indoor or garden plant, with decumbent or climbing stems, tall or short, bushy or ampelous. For each flower, you need to choose your own pruning method, comparing it with the desired shapes that you would like to give the pelargonium.

Geraniums should be helped to form a beautiful bush

The ultimate goal of geranium pruning is to get a beautiful bush with a lush blooming inflorescences. Accompanying - the improvement of the bush.

For all types of geraniums, it is important to adhere to the main requirement: pruning and control over the shape of the bush should be done regularly. It is impossible to trim once and get the intended design.

Engage in the formation beautiful view geraniums need to be constantly, starting immediately after planting. You do not need to wait a year or two for the stems to grow to great lengths and become bare, with only a few leaves at the very top.

Pruning leads to increased growth of side shoots and stimulates the conception of new inflorescences.

The right place to trim a geranium cutting

The geranium itself, without human intervention, does not throw out additional side stems. But dormant growth buds are located at each node. Their growth should be provoked.

After pruning, the plant begins to grow compactly, without jumping out bare and ugly branches. In addition to lateral shoots, flower buds are also activated. Such geraniums bloom longer and more magnificently than their groomed counterparts.

After flowering is completed, the bush gives high-quality planting material, which allows you to propagate your favorite variety of pelargonium.

Time spending

Pelargonium is a smart plant. She will tell you when to start pruning. Geraniums are pruned after flowering stops on the bush and the last inflorescences withered.

If the plant is planted for the summer in open ground or remains in the garden all year round, then remove half the height of the stem.

If the flower spent the summer outdoors, it should be kept in the room for ten days before pruning, so that it gets used to the new living conditions.

Removing excess crown improves air exchange, lower leaves open to sunlight. This reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

Formed flowering geranium bush

Winter is a dormant time for a plant, but not for a grower. It is necessary to observe the condition of the cuts. If the cut has turned black, has become an unnatural color, it is necessary to repeat the pruning, removing the non-healing wound on the stem.

Features of the procedure for different types of pelargonium

You can determine whether a particular plant needs pruning by its appearance. If the bush is compact, the branches are neat, then pruning can be postponed until spring.

For example, zonal geraniums often grow obscenely, exposing the bare trunk of leaves. Then, of course, pruning is required. Ampelous pelargonium is beautiful with long shoots, but decorated with foliage and flowers.

If the type of plant is quite presentable, then it is better not to touch the bush until spring.

Variegated geraniums are under severe stress after pruning, so if you can not cut, then do not do it. There is an interesting variety - mini-pelargoniums. The name itself indicates their miniature size.

Therefore, pruning is a rare event for them. Is it just to remove something suddenly protruding from the general compact design. Royal geranium needs pruning after the bush has grown.

In autumn, everything superfluous is cut off, leaving only a small shoot with buds.

Scheme of work

It is necessary to carry out the removal of geranium shoots with a disinfected tool. This is a sharp knife (kitchen or stationery) or blade. Scissors are not suitable for this procedure, as they pinch the stem.

Cut off the geranium trunk above the leaf node in three to five millimeters. The cut is made under acute angle. You should choose nodules directed to the outside of the bush.

With the growth of shoots from such a bud, the shoots will not lead to thickening of the crown, as they will tend to separate from the center of the bush.

Saved shoots with a direction of growth from the center do not lead to thickening of the crown

Step-by-step instructions for autumn pruning geraniums

  • Remove yellowed or damaged twigs, leaves and any faded inflorescences. Thus the bush will reveal its true form.
  • Prepare tools.

    You will need a sharp knife, blade, in extreme cases, pruners or scissors. You can disinfect the instrument with alcohol by wiping their working surface. Another way: ignite over a flame or boil in water for 10-15 minutes.

  • Make an incision above the leaf node.

    If the branch directs its growth into the bush, it is better to remove it. Crossing shoots should also be cut off. Weakened branches are pruned without pity.

  • It is necessary to start pruning from the outer stems, gradually moving to the center of the bush.

    If it is necessary to remove about half of the bush, pruning should be carried out in two or three passes. Between each approach, allow a two-week respite for the plant.

  • You can trim the tips of the stems after four to five leaf nodules.

    Here new sprouts with peduncles will form.

  • Treat the sections with a disinfectant (ash, coal, cinnamon, alcohol solution).
  • Apply nitrogen fertilizer to support the plant.

    Create appropriate thermal and light conditions for wintering.

  • Video tip

    Features of care for geraniums after pruning

    The place where the geranium stem was cut must be disinfected. Activated charcoal works well for this. It needs to be crushed into powder, and then sprinkled on the cut.

    Another remedy is wood ash. It is also a good antiseptic. Cinnamon powder is considered a natural stimulant for wound healing.

    They can also process the cut.

    The treated plant must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. This vitamin complex will help to cope with stress and stimulate the growth of shoots and greenery.

    For the splendor of greenery and flowers, the plant must be fed

    Watering should be reduced. Since there will be very little green mass left, excess moisture will not be able to evaporate. This can lead to disease and death of the plant. It has already been weakened by the experience.

    Wintering conditions: table

    crown formation

    It is necessary to form a geranium crown almost immediately after planting the cutting. The main actions to achieve this goal are pruning and pinching.

    If the geranium is pruned in the fall, then in the spring you can cut or pinch it. What is the difference? Pinching is the removal of the growth point of a plant.

    In its absence, the geranium throws out side shoots and turns into a small branched tree. The first pinch is made over 8 or 10 leaves. The time of its holding is the end of February-March.

    Lateral shoots are also pinched as they grow. It is not worth delaying with spring manipulations with geraniums. The later the pinching is done, the longer the time before the flowers appear.

    Pinching young sprouts accelerates the growth of lateral shoots

    Spring pruning is a cut of large stems at the level of the second or fifth leaf from the root. The time of the operation is autumn or early spring.

    The basics of proper crown formation

    • Carry out all manipulations with geraniums only with treated tools and clean hands.
    • First of all, remove (cut or pinch) the shoots growing inside the bush to prevent thickening.
    • With a large distance between pairs of leaves, the stem is cut immediately above the leaves, indenting up to five millimeters.
    • First of all, diseased shoots are removed, capturing up to five centimeters of the healthy part.

    Step-by-step instructions for spring procedures

    Spring work with geraniums is very similar to autumn pruning. The first three steps are exactly the same. But it also has its own nuances.

  • Carefully examine the plant and carefully consider what kind of result you would like to get.
  • Remove yellowed or damaged twigs and leaves.
  • Prepare tools. You will need a sharp knife, blade, in extreme cases, pruners or scissors. You can disinfect the instrument with alcohol by wiping their working surface. Another way: ignite over a flame or boil in water for 10-15 minutes. For pinching, wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Cut off all the stems, leaving the most healthy and beautiful. It is necessary to remove the lower side shoots from it.
  • A stem that is too tall must be shortened by removing part of the top. Lateral buds will grow and the geranium will turn into a small tree on the trunk (or a ball on a stick).
  • Pelargonium stems that are too long or crooked can be cut off, leaving stumps up to ten centimeters. In a few weeks, fluffy bushes will appear in the pot instead.
  • Pay attention to the direction of growth of the kidney. It should tend to grow in the opposite direction from the main stem.
  • Treat the sections with a disinfectant (ash, coal, cinnamon, alcohol solution).
  • Geranium crown formation (video)

    Spring pruning and pinching perform an important agrotechnical function - they stimulate the formation of new buds, branches and inflorescences.

    It is important to remember: after spring pruning and / or pinching, geraniums will bloom later.

    The explanation for this is simple, the flower needs time to recuperate. Therefore, you need to decide what you want to achieve: early flowering or its splendor and longevity.

    Given that pinching is a more gentle procedure than pruning, then in the spring you can stop at the first option.

    It is necessary to pinch young shoots not only in spring, but also as the plant grows.

    Geranium needs constant monitoring of the grower for the growth of shoots and the removal of unnecessary sprouts

    Without urgent need, pruning in the spring can be omitted. You can only cut up to 20% of all shoots. Large thinning can significantly shift the timing of flowering. Also, the plant can spend all its energy on recovering from stress and not bloom at all this season.

    Care after work: table

    Geraniums that have undergone spring pinching or pruning need the most favorable conditions content.

    Pruning: necessary or useless procedure?

    Of course, geranium pruning can be omitted. Only now, will a beautiful flowering bush turn out from a plant? Most likely no. Geraniums tend to stretch their stems. The elongated stem is not covered with foliage and does not throw out inflorescences.

    The plant will grow, but there will be nothing to please the eye. Some flower growers suggest not to suffer with old plants, pruning and pinching them.

    They consider it the best option to cut the old bush in the fall, discard the root, and root the cuttings and get a young plant.

    Geranium without pruning stretches up and becomes naked and ugly

    If you save the old faded geranium, then it is important not to forget that pruning is the strongest test for the plant.

    Therefore, it is better to carry it out with an increase in long daylight hours, that is, at the end of winter or the beginning of spring.

    autumn pruning Pelargonium is worse tolerated and the plant may not have enough strength to recover.

    Mistakes when pruning geraniums at home

    Pruning geraniums is not such a difficult process. The only thing that must be observed is the timeliness of its implementation. But improper pruning will lead to an unplanned result or the death of the plant.

    Geranium pleases the human eye with beautiful flowers and a peculiar aroma. Every grower can create a well-groomed pelargonium bush.

    To do this, it is enough to prune the plant in time and provide it with proper care. magnificent blooming geranium needs a potassium supplement.

    This is where all the secrets of creating a spherical crown or a fluffy geranium bush end. Have a nice sight for your eyes.

    published on according to the materials


    Autumn and spring pruning of geraniums for lush flowering

    Geranium (pelargonium) for many grows both at home in pots and outdoors in containers or in the ground. Care for each has its own subtleties and secrets.

    One of these secrets is the correct pruning of geraniums for lush flowering and a healthy looking flower.

    Pruning is carried out both in autumn and spring, depending on the goals pursued by the gardener or his capabilities.

    My mother told me that in her childhood, geraniums were cut in the fall and placed under the beds. It was a long time ago, because now my mother is already over 80 years old.

    The beds were fitted with lace valances covering flower pots. There the plants remained until February without watering.

    So this kind of flower care has rather deep agrotechnical roots.

    In winter, geraniums find it difficult to maintain their beauty. For a beautiful full bloom in the winter on the windowsill, they simply do not have enough light.

    And if they are not illuminated with special lamps, then they will turn into long bare stems with stunted leaves at the top and one or two flowers.

    I have no lamps, just as there is no place for winter garden, so I will agree with my great-grandmothers and give the flowers a rest.

    Pruning geraniums in autumn

    In order for the plant to have a beautifully formed lush bush and bloom profusely, it must rest.

    The meaning of autumn pruning is in preparation for winter holidays. In winter, geraniums will rest from flowering, gain strength and give growth to dormant buds.

    What are these dormant buds? Here is the trunk, there is a leaf on it, it grows from a leaf node. When the leaf dries and falls off, a scar will remain in its place.

    Just above this scar is the sinus of the sleeping kidney, it is from there that the kidney will hatch under certain conditions.

    A young shoot will form from the bud, capable of providing lush flowering of geraniums by May June.

    How to prune a geranium

    The soil before pruning should not be wet. The plant is left without foliage and will have nothing to evaporate moisture. Wet soil will create good conditions for rot, and the flower can be lost.

    1. How and what to cut
    2. How high to cut geraniums

    How and what to cut

    Proper pruning is done with a sharp tool - a knife, blade, sharp disposable cutter, secateurs. This is important, since a dull blade of scissors or secateurs flattens the stem a little, and it tightens worse.

    The cut surface should be even and perpendicular to the trunk, then a film is easily formed on it, which will tighten and dry the cut surface.

    The cut should be made 5-10 mm above the sleeping kidney.

    This is a short and very clear video:

    How high do you cut geraniums?

    They are cut either under the "stump", leaving 2-3 dormant buds, or to a height of 10-15 cm.

    In the second case, you can get more shoots for spring rooting. So it's more of a matter of reproduction.

    And geraniums, cut “under the foam, are more often used in the future as an independent updated lush bush.

    And so: Autumn pruning is done before being brought into the cold (basement, veranda). They get it in January - the buds wake up and begin to grow, give material for cuttings, cuttings are planted in February. During autumn pruning, geraniums are also cut into pots, in which case they will bloom earlier.

    What to do after autumn pruning

    Pots of cut geraniums are stored until January or February in cool places, severely limiting watering or not watering at all.

    Why until January or February. December is the month when the light lengths of day and night are compared, this is the time of astronomical winter. Geraniums do not have enough natural light in such a short period and they sleep.

    After the winter equinox, daylight hours begin to increase. By January, there will be enough daylight hours to awaken dormant buds. Therefore, the pots are taken out into the light and into heat and begin to slowly water.

    Water moderately, remembering that while there are no large leaves, the plant will not be able to evaporate moisture.

    Where are pots stored?

    • In a dark cold basement at a temperature of 0-10 degrees, without watering
    • On a cold veranda without watering
    • In the room, on the cold windowsill. In this case, you need to water a little, because the air in the room is very dry. Once a month is enough.

    Cropped cuttings can be rooted in pots, simply put in water to take root (you won’t believe it, but this method works, many cuttings will have excellent roots by spring), or put at home in vases for beauty, especially since pruning takes place on still flowering plants.

    In January, when the day lengthens, the pots are brought into the heat and begin to be watered, having previously pierced a clod of earth in several places.

    This geranium was brought from the basement in January

    Shoots of such an overwintered geranium (it is called a mother plant) are used as cuttings for propagation or left to bloom on their root.

    Preparing ground, balcony and room geraniums for pruning

    Now it's Indian summer, and geraniums are in full bloom, blooming so much that you don't even want to think about pruning. Such a beauty.

    If the geranium grew in the ground in the garden

    Geraniums that have grown in the ground are usually dug up and transferred to pots or containers.

    Before pruning, she is given a week, another to get used to a new place.

    As a rule, only those plants are transplanted whose variety or color the gardener wants to keep for the next year. The rest bloom like annuals.

    If the geranium grew on an open balcony or terrace in containers

    Geraniums from the balcony in the same way can be transferred into one large container, or individual pots can be brought in, if there is a place.

    If the geranium is indoor

    Homemade, indoor geraniums do not need to be transshipped anywhere. You need to prepare for pruning those specimens that you want to rejuvenate.

    Any fall pruning will result in new strong young shoots for lush flowering in late spring and summer.

    In the spring, you can plant the resulting shoots in pots or leave them on the mother plant, correcting the shape of the bush, with spring pruning.

    Alla Sivak has an excellent video of cardinal pruning of geraniums for lush flowering under a stump and what to do after pruning. In winter, her flowers stand at home in the light, in warmth.

    not long, but if you need to quickly, then there is such an opportunity. There is a wheel icon in the bottom right corner of the video. Click on the wheel, in the drop-down menu, find the word "speed". You can select speed 2 and watch videos twice as fast.

    My way to keep balcony geraniums indoors in winter

    Every year before the onset of cold weather, and we have it in October or November, I bring my geraniums into the house. This is not easy, because I have about 40 bushes. Therefore, I bring them not for flowering, but for wintering.

    They overwinter in a compact form.

    I transfer several bushes into a couple of three large pots so that they do not take up much space and put them "in the far corner."

    Previously, the far corner was a wide window sill behind a curtain. And now it is a large shelf in the corner of the insulated balcony. It's not very bright and not very warm.

    Unfortunately, I don’t have a cold dark basement and no wide illuminated window sills. And I don’t want to put it under the beds, as my great-grandmother did, and the beds themselves have changed a lot since then J.

    Since there are a lot of flowers, I do not bring in all, but only those that I definitely want to leave as a mother plant to obtain planting material to spring.

    And from the rest I take cut cuttings and distribute them to my neighbors, or simply put them in jars of water. It sounds rather strange to leave the shoots in the water until spring, but it works for me.

    By spring, some shoots give big roots, and I plant ready-made cuttings with roots.

    In the "far corner" I water the plants once a month. And so on until January. I start watering once a week in January.

    Young shoots become plump, I use them as cuttings for seedlings, later they will give a good lush flowering.

    And also I divide the entire long stem into cuttings and root them too. Read more about this in the article Propagation of geraniums.

    Basically, I apply spring pruning of geraniums.

    Pruning geraniums in spring

    Pruning geraniums in spring has three options

    • Form indoor plant, stretched out after the winter from lack of light
    • Cut cuttings from a plant that has overwintered in the house.
    • Cut cuttings from the mother plant, rested in the dark in the cold.

    Due to the lack of light, any geranium will lose its appearance by spring. Cosmetic pruning of elongated stems will help shape the bush. Pruning should be carried out in the same way as autumn pruning, above the leaf bud, only cut off the upper stems.

    If the flowers hibernated on the windowsill without lighting:

    Friends, do not forget that the video can be watched in accelerated mode. Click on the wheel icon in the bottom right corner of the video and select a speed.

    If wintered in the cold in the dark:

    Geranium Stem and Root Pruning Method - Refrigerator Storage - Review:

    And so: Spring pruning of geraniums is done to cut cuttings from the mother plant for propagation. For the formation of a beautiful bush after the winter torment of plants in warmth without light, to stimulate the growth of side shoots.

    Friends, pruning geraniums for lush flowering is a creative process. This was decisively proved by Natalya with her extraordinary reading of an English book on gardening.

    You can equally get excellent results by pruning geraniums in the fall, storing them in the refrigerator, in the basement or on a cool windowsill, or leaving them in the "far corner" to cut cuttings from warmly overwintered unpruned geraniums.

    Guided by common sense, taking into account the length of daylight hours, given that stems without leaves do not evaporate moisture, which means they do not require watering, and knowing what a leaf node and a dormant bud are, pruning geraniums for lush flowering will become a simple and understandable process.


    Pelargonium, popularly also called geranium, is one of the most common types of indoor plants.

    Such a flower can often be seen on the windowsills in city apartments and village houses. This houseplant is especially popular among people of mature and advanced age.

    But, in the vast majority of cases, a geranium bush standing on a windowsill seems to be a rather dull sight. It has a long and curved trunk, and at its very top is a small bunch of leaves.

    It is possible that it was precisely because of this that the plant began to lose ground, yielding popularity to other indoor flowers.

    geranium pruning

    In order for your geranium bush to look always lush and green, and also to be full of strength and energy, it is necessary to form it in the right way. No need to be afraid this process, because everything here is extremely simple. And most importantly, it is to take into service a couple of important tips.

    Form the bush correctly

    What happens if you don't trim the geranium?

    If you do not cut the geranium, then it begins to grow too long, and therefore often crooked stems. By cutting this plant, you thereby increase the number of inflorescences during their flowering.

    If not pruned geranium

    Using cut stems

    Cut geranium stems do not need to be thrown away. You can use them to grow new plants for yourself later.

    To do this, put the cut stems in water and keep them in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Soon you will see the roots sprout.

    When they are more than 2 centimeters in length, the process can be planted in the ground.

    New plants can be grown from cut stems

    When to prune geraniums

    You can prune geraniums as soon as you bring them home. . When you buy yourself such a flower, then immediately cut it off and form a crown for it.

    Of course, this must be done immediately. Especially if you like the shape of your geranium so far.

    But, you need to understand that after a pruning session, geraniums will have much more flowers.

    When is the best time to cut

    Types of geranium

    This plant is of two types: perennial and annual. Perennial ides of geraniums are best always cut off. Annuals can be slightly trimmed, but there is no urgent need for such manipulation.

    Types of geranium

    Pruning for winter

    You can prune geraniums for the winter. After it has completely faded, it should be manipulated in such a way that it can better endure cold and winter.

    We must wait until the end of summer or until the beginning of autumn, when the geranium flowers begin to wither, and the stems begin to grow.

    Thus, the plant will save its strength by the beginning of spring.

    Pruning for winter

    Geranium on the street

    For those who live in a temperate climate zone, where winters are not so cold and the ground is not completely frozen, it is quite possible to leave a plant outside. In very cold areas, where the ground can be very cold, it would be advisable to dig up geraniums in the fall and transplant them into a pot for the winter.

    Geranium on the street

    spring pruning

    In the spring it will need to be cut again. . Your plant will still continue to grow throughout the winter, so it will need to be re-cut as soon as spring arrives. And when it is already warm outside, the geranium will acquire a beautiful crown.

    Growing and pruning geraniums in spring

    When to prune a geranium if it has overwintered on the street?

    If the geranium overwintered on the street, then you need to cut it somewhere at the end of March or at the beginning of April. If the plant has overwintered at your place, then you need to wait until the ground has completely thawed.

    And you need to take the geranium outside on sunny and warm days so that it gradually gets used to the weather. And at night, at first, you will need to bring it home.

    When the frosts finally pass, you can either transplant it into the ground, or keep it outside in pots.

    Peculiarities of geranium pruning

    Inspect the geranium carefully from all sides, identifying its "problem" places. Decide where you will need to prune the geranium to give it a more attractive shape.

    Pruning perfectly stimulates the process of stem growth and the flowering process, and therefore the plant simply will not have empty places in the crown. If for one reason or another the plant begins to wither, then it will need to be radically cut.

    If the main stem is green, then the geranium will most likely survive. But, new leaves with flowers may well appear only after a few weeks.

    Peculiarities of geranium pruning

    Withering inflorescences

    All wilted inflorescences must be cut off . This is tedious, if only because then the plant will start new flowers. You can also get a better look at the stem being cut. In principle, you can pick off wilted flowers at any time, you do not need to take any tools for this.

    Withering inflorescences

    Grasp the stem behind the wilted flower with a large and index finger, and then pinch off the dried flower with your other hand. You will also need to get rid of any dead or fading leaves and stems. If this is done in the spring, then the plant will have more flowers.

    Geranium is a frequent "resident" of apartments, it is unpretentious, often and abundantly, and blooms for a long time. Simple Rules regarding its care and pruning will help make the plant healthier and more attractive. After proper pruning, geraniums bloom even more beautifully and more abundantly.

    Geranium Care

    spring pruning geranium

    Proper pruning of geraniums

    Source: http://www.xn--80abere2d2dza.xn--p1ai/kak-pravilno-obrezat-geran

    How much pruning of geraniums is necessary for a gardener? What to do so that it blooms for a long time and profusely? These questions are asked by many flower growers.

    It is precisely because we do not know what care for geraniums should be at home that we are haunted by failures in growing this crop.

    If you do not pinch the plant in a timely manner, you will not be able to achieve abundant flowering and a fluffy bush form. As a result, the plant is stretched and loses its decorative qualities and density.

    When and how to prune

    So, it is necessary to trim the pelargonium. In addition, it is important to do it according to the rules. If you know how to properly prune geraniums, and put this knowledge into practice, you can form an attractive plant that will please the eye. for a long time.

    Pelargonium pruning is designed to achieve several goals: firstly, to maximize the development of strong side branches to form a bush; secondly, control the height of the plant.

    If you have perennial, you need to pinch such a geranium twice a year - in the autumn and spring seasons.

    Before you prune your geranium, take a close look at your plant: it may be in the form of a bush or a single main stem. Depending on this, we will act, because it is necessary to form pelargonium only taking into account the characteristics of its genetics.

    When choosing where to cut, keep in mind that new shoots will develop from dormant buds, so try not to leave long gaps between nodes at the top of the plant. You need to cut the culture with a sharp instrument that has undergone a disinfection procedure. If you decide not to cut, but pinch the geranium, do it with well-washed hands.

    All sections and places of pinching are carefully rubbed with crushed wood or activated charcoal.

    If in a heavily overgrown bush you find shoots directed inward, they must be removed immediately.

    This will free up additional inner space, improve the flow of air to the stem, and therefore reduce the risk of fungus development.

    After pruning the geranium, be sure to feed the plant with any nutrient mixture with nitrogen. Thanks to this element, the culture will be able to actively grow foliage.


    After a long winter, it is imperative to carry out shaping pruning to achieve the desired shape.

    Spring treatment activates internal forces plants, giving him the opportunity to form additional flower stalks.

    You can start the process even in winter - at the end of February, or already in early March.

    If your geranium is already several years old and has reached an impressive size, pruning for lush flowering should not be overly intense, otherwise the plant will grow green for a long time, and the onset of flowering will be pushed back in time. As a rule, it is enough to remove yellow, damaged or diseased shoots and leaves from geraniums. In the process, try to ensure that there are at least 2 buds on each shoot left.


    Autumn pruning is carried out only when the plant has faded. Some ask: is it possible to prune flowering pelargonium or not? Answer: no. By doing this, you can cause irreparable harm to the plant.

    Pruning room geraniums in the fall primarily consists in removing spent flower stalks and dried leaves.

    When this stage is completed, inspect the primary formed bush, and decide if something else can be removed.

    Hint: to make your geranium grow better in summer, do not let it bloom in winter - any new buds that appeared the previous winter should be removed immediately. In order for it to bloom, geraniums must fully rest before the new season.

    Another common question: when to prune indoor geraniums for the winter? Do it in advance, and not with its onset. So, you should refrain from the procedure in the winter months, since now the plant is in a state of suspended animation, and you can not touch it.

    Formation for lush flowering

    Geraniums are characterized by intensive development of shoots, so home care prescribes the pruning procedure with enviable regularity. Do not forget to inspect the plant from time to time during the winter months, and cut off the growing fifth points on the shoots.

    Pelargonium should not be injured during flowering - shoots cut off during this period are unlikely to be useful for reproduction, and the plant itself will hardly heal cuts. It is better to form the crown of the bush after flowering, so as not to risk the health of your favorite flower.

    When starting to clean the bush, never use scissors - they damage the tissue around the cut, and the geranium will hurt for a long time. Remember: only young sprouts of pelargonium are able to delight you with flowers, so get rid of extra branches without regrets.

    Due to the unpretentiousness of the culture, it is necessary to take care of it after pruning in the most usual way: water it, loosen the ground and periodically feed it.

    "Autumn geranium pruning"

    From this video you will learn how to prune geraniums in the autumn.

    The royal geranium also has a truly royal appearance. But the plant is quite demanding for care, and its flowering period is somewhat shorter than that of other types of pelargonium.

    Geranium of this variety reaches a height of 30 to 60 cm, has dense rough leaves with a decorative jagged edge. The flowers of the plant are very large - they sometimes reach 7 cm in diameter, they are both simple and terry. It is for the beauty of flowers that royal geranium is valued: many flower growers are so imbued with the beauty of this plant that they grow only this species and its various varieties.

    Note that a special decorative effect is given to the plant by the unequal, multi-color color of the petals: on their surface there are dashes, spots, lines of darker or lighter shades than the main color.


    The plant does not bloom for long: if the usual geranium finishes blooming in the fall, then the royal one stops this process in the second half of July. Rarely when inflorescences hold until August. Thus, the owner of the plant can admire its flowering only a few months a year - from three to five at best. And that is why it is so important to achieve the longest flowering of geraniums, to make it pleasing to the eye for longer with its decorative effect.

    To ensure long flowering, it is important to keep the plant in suitable conditions for it.

    The main thing is a rather cool temperature (about +15 degrees) and high-quality lighting. Next, we will talk about all the points in more detail.

    What to do with a flower?

    How to make bloom at home? Since the flowering of this plant is rather short, and does not always occur, it is important to know by what means and tricks this very flowering can be achieved. Next, consider the important points that will activate the flowering of royal geraniums.

    How to prune so that it blooms? For harmonious and timely flowering of this plant, pruning is very important. Many gardeners unknowingly resort to this procedure in the spring, however, properly prune after flowering, at the end of summer. The beginning of the autumn period is also quite suitable.

    Pruning royal geraniums in the spring will delay the flowering of the plant for a year.

    Pruning takes place in two stages - between these stages it is necessary to withstand a monthly time interval so that the plant has time to recover and recover.


    1. Use a knife with a long and sharp blade.
    2. Only wilted, withered ones are cut off, yellow leaves- at the same time, the petiole must remain on the shoot.
    3. After the procedure, the cut sites must be sprinkled with ground activated charcoal to prevent infection of the plant.

    After the end of flowering, new shoots begin to actively form in geraniums: it is important to pinch them in time. The procedure is done after the fourth or fifth pair of leaves is formed on young shoots. Such pinching will lead to the fact that the plant will begin to bush even stronger and more magnificent: the more shoots, the more inflorescences they will subsequently form.

    Experienced gardeners pinch royal pelargonium after flowering 3-4 times. This measure helps the plant bloom even more decoratively in the new season.

    Important! For the last time, before the final dormant period, geraniums are pinched no later than the end of January.

    top dressing

    How to feed a geranium so that it blooms? In order for the royal geranium to please with its delightful flowering for a long time, it must be regularly fed.


    1. In spring and summer, nutrients are applied once a week, in winter - once a month.
    2. Top dressings are used standard, complex.
    3. Before flowering, geraniums need to be fed with potassium and phosphorus: these trace elements will prolong the flowering period and make the flowers themselves more lush.
    4. Top dressing is made only after watering, so that concentrated mineral substances do not burn the roots of the plant.

    Additional nutrition is especially important when transplanting a plant into a new soil. During this period, geranium needs special complexes designed for young plants.

    Organic royal geranium is not fed, it is necessary to use exclusively mineral compositions.

    In addition to pruning and top dressing, they are important for the successful and long-term flowering of geraniums:

    • watering;
    • temperature;
    • air humidity and other factors.

    So, the plant feels better and blooms more magnificently when kept cool. Maximum heat in summer for this plant should not exceed +25 degrees, and +15 degrees is ideal.

    Watering during the growing season should be moderate, but regular. In summer, the ground at the geranium is moistened twice a day: before sunrise and after sunset. In winter, watering should be reduced to one per day, and the volume of water should be reduced.

    You should carefully monitor the flowering buds, and immediately remove the dried ones from the stems. This is done in order to provide the remaining peduncles with more nutrients. In addition, in the presence of dried buds, geraniums soon cease to form new ones.

    Geraniums should not be repotted often, as they react rather poorly to a change in habitat. And it can respond to a transplant even with a lack of flowering.

    Why are there no inflorescences?

    Very often, having planted a freshly acquired plant (rather expensive, by the way) in the ground, gardeners are looking forward to seeing its famous decorative flowering. However, often instead they get a complete disappointment in the form of a lush green mass, thin shoots and the absence of even a hint of inflorescences. The royal geranium is known for its capricious nature, and we will see below why this plant refuses to bloom and only leaves.

    Most often, the reluctance of geraniums to bloom is due to incorrectly selected temperature conditions (usually too hot), as well as the lack of high-quality lighting. Sometimes the problem lies in planting royal geraniums in a pot that is too voluminous.

    In addition, sometimes the fertilizers that geraniums feed on are not suitable for her. In rare cases the lack of flowering may indicate an untimely transplant. If you neglect pruning and pinching the bush, the plant is unlikely to be able to bloom for a long time and luxuriantly. Note, however, that it is important to carry out the procedure before the formation of inflorescences, otherwise many flower stalks will be cut off.

    Lack of nutrients in the soil is a common reason why geraniums do not bloom. It is especially important to feed the plant during its active growing season.

    If this luxurious plant does not please with its flowering, you need to pay attention to several important points.


    Check if the pot is placed correctly. Royal geranium, like in the air, needs sufficient lighting but in the midday heat sun rays it needs to be shaded. It is recommended to place a pot with this plant on the windowsills on the east or west side. Here it will not be disturbed by too active sun, and the level of illumination will be sufficient.


    It is not recommended to take the plant to open air allowing it to be exposed to rain and wind. This delicate plant can thrive outdoors, but with a roof overhead or an awning to keep out rain and sun, and protected from drafts.

    It must be remembered that this plant is not suitable for growing in open ground. If flowers are placed under the open sky, then only in pots, so that if necessary, they can immediately be brought under the roof.


    Make sure that the plant does not stay in too hot and stuffy room. In the heat, it may completely refuse to bloom, and in principle it will not be able to exist for a long time in such conditions.

    The optimum temperature for keeping this capricious beauty is +15 degrees.

    top dressing

    Analyze the schedule and quality of top dressing. It is possible that potassium and other important trace elements are not enough for successful flowering.

    Pot volume

    The plant will bloom best not in a spacious pot, but in a slightly tighter container than necessary. For this reason, transplantation is carried out only when the roots begin to penetrate through the drainage holes in the pot, that is, they completely entangle the entire earthen clod.


    So, we learned how to ensure a long and lush flowering of royal geraniums, and what to do when the plant refuses to bloom. As you can see, geranium sets enough conditions for its successful flowering. However, it is not so difficult to provide optimal conditions for it - but in return, the plant will delight with its magnificent flowers. long time.

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    In order for the green inhabitants of our windowsill to bring only joy, and not grief, you need to know how to care for each of them. After all, even the most picky plants sometimes require attention, albeit short-term.

    A very popular plant among flower growers is indoor geranium, which blooms all year round at home, if it is provided proper care. It is expressed in providing the plant with loose nutrient soil, good drainage in the pot, as well as bright lighting that promotes abundant flowering.

    Unlike many indoor plants, geraniums do not need to be sprayed at all and love dry warm air and plenty of light from the south window. In the summer, a flowerpot with a flower is best taken out onto the balcony and then the plant will continuously bloom until autumn.

    Pruning geraniums for the winter

    The care that is required at home for geraniums before winter is just pruning. It is done in order to renew the plant and stimulate it to grow into a more lush bush. In addition, proper pruning allows you to reduce the amount of foliage, but instead increase the number of flowers, and it is for them that geraniums are cultivated.

    Pruning geraniums at home should be carried out until December. That is, during the fall, you can choose the most suitable time and update the bush. About half or 8-10 cm should be left from the entire length of the branch, but do not forget that the length of the pruning will greatly depend on the plant variety, because there are miniature bushes and rather bulky plants.

    This type of care, like pruning geraniums in winter, is very simple - just try one times to understand the essence of the action.

    Rules for pruning geraniums for lush flowering

    It is necessary to shorten the main branches, as well as completely remove the sprouts from the internodes. Thus, a beautiful lush crown will be formed.

    To work, you need a sharp clean blade, which will be used for manipulation. In no case should the growth point, namely the leaf node itself, be touched. Right above it, retreating 5 mm, you should make an oblique incision and remove the extra shoot. This is done with all internodes. In addition, those branches that grow in the middle of the bush also need to be removed, because they do not represent any decorative effect, but they interfere with the good ventilation of the plant. The resulting cuts do not need to be treated with anything, they will heal on their own.

    How to prune geraniums for lush blooms

    Pelargonium (or geranium in the people) is one of the most common indoor crops. It can often be found on the windowsills of city apartments and village houses.

    Geranium at home in winter - pruning

    However, in most cases, a geranium bush is a rather dull sight: a long crooked trunk, at the top of which is a small bunch of leaves. Maybe it was because of this that the flower began to lose its position among flower growers.

    In order for the bush to always look green, full of strength and energy, bloom luxuriantly and profusely, it must be properly cut and shaped. Do not be afraid of this process, because everything is extremely simple, the main thing is to take into account some important tips.

    The formation of a bush for lush flowering is done in two ways. The first is the pruning of old and large stems, due to which the entire bush is updated. This method is suitable for those specimens that have been grown for more than a year. When pruning branches, it is necessary to leave 3-5 buds on each shoot, from which new branches will form.

    The best time for pruning is the end of February and the beginning of March. It was at this time that the plant begins to wake up after winter and sap flow increases, healthy and strong shoots form on the bush. In December-January, it is strongly not recommended to do pruning, since this is the most difficult time for indoor plants. If you form a pelargonium in the fall, then the new branches will be weak and long due to lack of lighting, and the bush will only lose from such pruning in terms of aesthetics and beauty. To make the flower beautiful and strong, it is recommended to take the flower pot outdoors in summer. Some flower growers who have garden or summer cottages, planted it not summer directly in open ground.

    The formation of a bush by pinching is used for young plants. At the same time, the stem is pinched on the 8-10th leaf, if the geranium is grown from a cutting, and on the 6-8th leaf, if from a seed. At the same time, the growth point of the shoot is removed, which stops its growth in length, and it begins to branch. If the branches begin to grow not from the root, but from the axils of the upper leaves, they must either be removed or allowed to grow to 3-4 nodes and pinch again. The best time for pinching is also the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

    How to properly prune geraniums for lush blooms:

    1. The stem should be cut above the leaf nodes with buds that will grow towards the outside of the flower. This will speed up the growth of the outer branches.
    2. It is necessary to cut the shoot immediately above the leaf so that there is no bare stalk.
    3. Shoots directed to the middle of the bush should be removed.
    4. The shoots from the root should be pinched so that all the energy goes to the formation of the main stems.
    5. After the growth of young stems up to 3-5 nodes with leaves, it is necessary to remove the growth point on them. After that, new shoots will begin to develop from the leaf axils, on which flowers form after 7-10 weeks.
    6. The cut point is recommended to be treated with crushed activated or charcoal or cauterize with any disinfectant.
    7. To accelerate growth after formation, it is recommended to add fertilizers and minerals to the soil.

    Following these simple tips, you can easily grow a beautiful, full of strength and energy, pelargonium, which will become a real decoration of any interior.

    Everything a florist needs to know about pelargonium.

    We propagate the flower by cuttings.

    Why is the geranium not blooming?

    Leaves turn yellow, what to do?

    Tips for caring for indoor flowers.

    Pelargonium, popularly also called geranium, is one of the most common types of indoor plants. Such a flower can often be seen on the windowsills in city apartments and village houses. This houseplant is especially popular among people of mature and advanced age. But, in the vast majority of cases, a geranium bush standing on a windowsill seems to be a rather dull sight. It has a long and curved trunk, and at its very top is a small bunch of leaves.

    Geranium: pruning for lush blooms

    It is possible that it was precisely because of this that the plant began to lose ground, yielding popularity to other indoor flowers.


    In order for your geranium bush to always look lush and green, and also to be full of strength and energy, it is necessary to form it in the right way. There is no need to be afraid of this process, because everything here is extremely simple. And most importantly, it is to take into service a couple of important tips.

    What happens if you don't trim the geranium?

    If you do not cut the geranium, then it begins to grow too long, and therefore often crooked stems. By cutting this plant, you thereby increase the number of inflorescences during their flowering.

    Using cut stems

    Cut geranium stems do not need to be thrown away. You can use them to grow new plants for yourself later. To do this, put the cut stems in water and keep them in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Soon you will see the roots sprout. When they are more than 2 centimeters in length, the process can be planted in the ground.

    When to prune geraniums

    You can prune geraniums as soon as you bring them home. . When you buy yourself such a flower, then immediately cut it off and form a crown for it. Of course, this must be done immediately. Especially if you like the shape of your geranium so far. But, you need to understand that after a pruning session, geraniums will have much more flowers.

    Types of geranium

    This plant is of two types: perennial and annual. Perennial ides of geraniums are best always cut off. Annuals can be slightly trimmed, but there is no urgent need for such manipulation.

    Pruning for winter

    You can prune geraniums for the winter. After it has completely faded, it should be manipulated in such a way that it can better endure cold and winter. We must wait until the end of summer or until the beginning of autumn, when the geranium flowers begin to wither, and the stems begin to grow. Thus, the plant will save its strength by the beginning of spring.

    Geranium on the street

    For those who live in a temperate climate zone, where winters are not so cold and the ground is not completely frozen, it is quite possible to leave a plant outside. In very cold areas, where the ground can be very cold, it would be advisable to dig up geraniums in the fall and transplant them into a pot for the winter.

    spring pruning

    In the spring it will need to be cut again. . Your plant will still continue to grow throughout the winter, so it will need to be re-cut as soon as spring arrives. And when it is already warm outside, the geranium will acquire a beautiful crown.

    When to prune a geranium if it has overwintered on the street?

    If the geranium overwintered on the street, then you need to cut it somewhere at the end of March or at the beginning of April. If the plant has overwintered at your place, then you need to wait until the ground has completely thawed. And you need to take the geranium outside on sunny and warm days so that it gradually gets used to the weather. And at night, at first, you will need to bring it home. When the frosts finally pass, you can either transplant it into the ground, or keep it outside in pots.

    Peculiarities of geranium pruning

    Inspect the geranium carefully from all sides, identifying its "problem" places. Decide where you will need to prune the geranium to give it a more attractive shape. Pruning perfectly stimulates the process of stem growth and the flowering process, and therefore the plant simply will not have empty places in the crown. If for one reason or another the plant begins to wither, then it will need to be radically cut. If the main stem is green, then the geranium will most likely survive. But, new leaves with flowers may well appear only after a few weeks.

    Withering inflorescences

    All wilted inflorescences must be cut off . This is tedious, if only because then the plant will start new flowers. You can also get a better look at the stem being cut. In principle, you can pick off wilted flowers at any time, you do not need to take any tools for this.


    Grasp the stem behind the wilted flower with your thumb and forefinger, and then pinch off the withered flower with your other hand. You will also need to get rid of any dead or fading leaves and stems. If this is done in the spring, then the plant will have more flowers.

    Geranium is a frequent "resident" of apartments, it is unpretentious, often and abundantly, and blooms for a long time. Simple rules regarding its care and pruning will help make the plant healthier and more attractive. After proper pruning, geraniums bloom even more beautifully and more abundantly.

    Geranium is highly valued for its decorative effect, low requirements for the choice of soil and top dressing. It does not need to create any special watering conditions or observe special temperature regime. the only important points in the care of unpretentious geraniums is pruning. If this is not done, instead of a lush and beautifully flowering flower, an unattractive shapeless plant with elongated and bare shoots will form.

    geranium pruning

    Each type of room and garden geranium has its own characteristics that require individual approach to bush formation. Annuals are pruned as needed, and perennials in spring and summer. The form characteristic of a particular variety cannot be changed. It can only be maintained and improved by pruning, which must be done from a very young age.

    The systematic formation of the shrub allows you to:

    • get planting new material in the form of cut shoots;
    • to achieve an even and compact form of geranium;
    • give impetus to the growth of side shoots and the formation of more inflorescences;
    • provide lush, long and stable flowering.

    There are buds at each node of the stem, but they rarely begin to grow without outside intervention. Pruning becomes a kind of impetus, contributing to the growth of side shoots, the formation of more flower buds.

    Proper pruning technique

    The main condition for the beautiful flowering of pelargonium is a properly performed pruning, which allows new shoots to grow, each of which forms its own inflorescence. To conduct a quality formation, you need to follow a few rules:

    1. Use a sharp disinfected tool. A blade, stationery or kitchen thin knife will do. The use of scissors is not recommended. They can pinch the shoot, damage the cut.

    2. Make the right cut. It is performed over a leaf node facing the outside of the geranium. Otherwise, new shoots will make the crown too thick, they will interfere with each other's growth.

    3. Process the cropping points. This is done in order to prevent decay or damage to the remaining vulnerable area by pests. The cut can be sprinkled with wood or activated crushed charcoal.

    When pruning is done, the pelargonium is fertilized with a nitrogen-containing compound. This helps to speed up the formation of shoots and the onset of flowering.

    Young stems can simply be pinched. This should be done with clean, washed hands, with a quick and clear movement. You can't run away. Otherwise, the surface layer will be damaged.

    autumn geranium pruning

    It is carried out both for the purpose of formation and improvement of the plant. The signal for pruning is the completion of the formation of peduncles, the withering of existing inflorescences.

    First, remove all the "old" flowers, dried and damaged leaves with stems. This allows geraniums to spend all their energy exclusively on the growth of new shoots during the period of active growth that occurs with the advent of spring.

    In order for pelargonium to please with beautiful and lush flowering, you need to shorten it - cut off weak, bare, stretched stems.

    Growing geraniums and seasonal pruning for lush blooms

    They spoil the appearance of the bush, interfere with the formation of new shoots and inflorescences.

    How to prune pelargonium in autumn?

    A dormant plant requires deep pruning. There is no need to leave long internodes at the tops. It is the dormant buds in the nodes that form a new growth. The main thing is to comply with the conditions of detention.

    Pelargonium needs to be provided with good lighting, which allows the plant to acquire healthy new shoots. The lack of light, on the contrary, will have a negative effect, the shoots will be lethargic, the inflorescences will be rare. Bush geraniums are pinched through every fourth bud. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve better branching.

    When should autumn pruning be done?

    With the onset of the dark season, geraniums become vulnerable. The plant practically stops growing. Any external interference and impact for a flower becomes a real stress.

    To prevent pelargonium from being injured, pruning and pinching is carried out only until December. Therefore, from December until February, it is strongly not recommended to touch geraniums.

    More abundant flowering in summer allows you to achieve the breaking of emerging buds. This will enable the plant to have a good rest, gain strength, and with the onset of heat, please with a beautiful color.

    spring pruning geranium

    A necessary procedure that allows not only to form a beautiful crown, but also to ensure good and lush flowering. Unlike autumn, it is not so radical and deep, but it allows you to form many peduncles.

    Pinching and trimming provide a beautiful and abundant flowering, but push back the timing of the onset of this period. And the sooner you do it, the better. It is best to cut in last days February or early March.

    For pelargonium large sizes radical pruning is not required. Otherwise, the plant will need a long time to gain green mass, and flowering, in general, will not begin. Simply remove diseased, bare and too long stems.

    Small bushes can be cut in different ways. A small plant during spring pruning and give the shape you want to get. The main thing to remember is that it must correspond to the characteristics of the variety, and at least two buds remain on the shoots.

    Withering inflorescences

    Not only spoil the appearance of the bush, but also do not give the opportunity to grow new. It is necessary to remove wilted flowers. This must always be done. There is no need to use any tools for this purpose.

    To beat off an unnecessary inflorescence, they take the stem behind the flower with the index and thumb, and then simply pinch it off with their hand. In the fall, such a procedure will allow the pelargonium not to waste energy on already faded flowers, and in the spring it will make it possible to quickly start a new one.


    Pruning geraniums is a must for lush flowering. Despite the fact that this activity is not difficult, there are certain points that should be considered so as not to destroy the plant.

    The main rule of pruning is its regularity, do not allow excessive growth of the stems.

    Why is it done and what does it give?

    It is worth noting that There are a lot of types of geraniums, they are divided into:

    • dwarf;
    • tall;
    • ampelous;
    • with upright stems;
    • shrubs.

    And each of them needs a separate approach in .

    The systematic, started immediately after planting, the formation of a pelargonium bush will help:

    • stimulate the growth and development of side shoots, and as a result, new buds;
    • give the flower a beautiful and compact look;
    • help the plant bloom luxuriantly and for a long time;
    • get high-quality cuttings for further propagation.

    If you leave geraniums unattended, then during the season the stems will stretch out, foliage will remain only at the top. The specificity of pelargonium is that, without outside interference, it does not give side shoots, despite the fact that there is a dormant bud in each internode. If you cut the geranium in time, then the dormant buds begin to wake up, and the flower stalks are laid.

    Basic Rules

    There are certain rules by which pelargonium pruning is performed:

    • the formation of the bush is carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn;
    • the procedure must be carried out with a sharp sterile instrument;
    • be sure to treat sections with antiseptic compounds;
    • competent aftercare.

    On a note! It does not matter which plant is on your windowsill - a perennial geranium or an annual, pruning should be done regularly.

    Step-by-step instructions on how and when to prune a plant?

    Before starting the pruning process, you need to carefully examine the plant and think about the form that you want to get in the end. Then prepare the tool and antiseptic and you can proceed.

    Features of the spring procedure

    The algorithm for performing spring pruning of geraniums is as follows:

    1. Cut off dry and yellowed leaves, cut off crooked, injured shoots.
    2. All weak lateral layers are removed without regret, only strong and healthy ones should be left.
    3. From the remaining stems, remove all side shoots that are below.
    4. If the stem is very long, then it should be shortened by cutting off the top.
    5. If the stems are crooked, then they are cut off completely, leaving only 10 cm of the stem from the ground. After a while, young leaves and shoots will appear in place of the stumps.
    6. Apply a disinfectant to the cuts (ground cinnamon, brilliant green, charcoal).

    Pruning geraniums in spring can delay flowering a little. as the plant will have to recuperate. It should also be taken into account that when carrying out such a procedure, it is impossible to cut off more than 20% of the shoots for lush flowering. If you carry out local pruning, then the geranium will bloom only next summer.

    We offer you to watch a video about spring pruning of geraniums:

    Is it possible to "cut" it in the fall?

    Yes, you can and even need to prune the plant in the fall. Many novice growers do not know what time to start pruning in the fall. The first step is to observe the geranium, as soon as the pelargonium ceases to form new flower stalks, and the existing ones begin to fade - it's time for pruning, which must be done as follows:

    1. Remove from the plant all wilted inflorescences, stems and leaves that are dried or damaged. This procedure will make your job easier. Then you should inspect the plant and remove all weak and damaged shoots, and those that are stretched should be shortened. This will allow the plant to save strength for further growth and flowering.
    2. Before you decide on the place of the cut, you need to understand that new shoots are formed from dormant buds.
    3. In autumn, pelargonium can be cut to 1/3, while you should not think that it will be too difficult for the plant. During the long winter, it will gain strength and release many new lateral processes.
    4. But one pruning is not enough; during the dormant period, young shoots should be pinched after every 4 internodes. Only in this way in the spring you will get a bushy geranium that will release a lot of flower stalks and please you with a hat of buds.

    Pruning is carried out until December, at which time it just passes, at which pruning for pelargonium is painless. Then it is worth leaving the plant alone until spring. It is worth noting that during a period when the daylight hours are very short, geraniums will be very difficult to endure any interference.

    We offer visual video how to prune geraniums in autumn:


    Useful secrets

    How to prune geraniums for lush blooms? This question is asked by many flower growers. But do not forget that the duration and frequency of flowering directly depends on the plant variety and from the conditions of care and of course from the correct pruning. Want to lush plant spring, pruning properly in the fall.

    • If in winter the plant did not have enough light and the stems were very long, then at the end of February they should be shortened by 2/3. And in the spring, start pinching new side layers.
    • If the plant has branched out strongly during the winter, then in the spring only those side stems that are knocked out of the total mass of the bush are removed - global pruning is not worth it, the plant will spend energy on restoration and will not bloom.
    • If you want to get a lush plant in the spring, leave only 7-10 cm stumps in the fall and constantly look after the geranium, pinching it in a timely manner. At the same time, pelargonium should stand in a well-lit place so that the side stems do not stretch.
    • We draw your attention to the fact that peduncles in geraniums are formed only from young shoots, therefore, as soon as the bud begins to dry out, it is removed and the stem is pinched.

    What to do to make the flower fluffy?

    Good condition and rapid flowering of geraniums depend on the quality of pruning, therefore, pruning is carried out with a sharp blade or knife, which must be disinfected, the execution algorithm is as follows:

    1. Experienced flower growers advise pruning with a sharp blade or a clerical knife. Do not use scissors, as in this process the stem is pinched and receives additional injuries in the form of cracks.
    2. The cut is made above the node from which the leaf grows, facing outwards - if the leaves are turned inside the bush, then the shoots will interfere with each other, while the density of the plant will be increased, and this may cause diseases and insects.
    3. If you need to remove a young shoot, then you can simply gently pinch it with clean, dry hands directly from the main stem, being careful not to damage the main layer.
    4. Be sure to process the cut points, otherwise the plant may be affected by rot. You can use crushed coal, cinnamon or simple brilliant green.

    If you want the geranium to produce a large forcing of greenery after pruning, then you should feed it with nitrogen fertilizer.

    Formation of a standard tree from a bush at home

    If you want to make a compact bushy geranium clearstem tree, worth making correct pruning- remove the side rails. A support is installed, to which the main stem is tied in several places.

    The garter of the central stem must be carried out very carefully, since in pelargonium it is very fragile. It is necessary to fix the stem so that the support helps it withstand the weight of the growing crown. Some gardeners simply wrap the trunk and support with a soft cloth.

    The main stem is cut at the level of the support, it can be 2-3 cm higher, it all depends on the last sleeping bud at the top. After pinching, intensive branching will begin. At the crown, 5-7 strong layers are left - they will be the basis of the future crown.

    After every fourth leaf, pinching is done on each new stem. Over time, as a result of such intensive formation, a beautiful miniature tree is formed, but you need to understand that it will bloom only a year later, after the formation of the crown. If you want the plant to lay buds, two months before the expected flowering, pruning and pinching are stopped.


    Care after pruning should be more thorough, so that the plant has the strength to recover. Geranium is placed in a room with a temperature of + 15-18 degrees, the number of waterings is reduced to a minimum so that the flower does not rot. Lighting should be maximum, but without direct sunlight. For the growth of a large amount of greenery, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out.

    As soon as the wounds from the cuts heal, you can move the plant to a warmer room, it is better to install a flowerpot with geraniums on the southern windowsill, or arrange additional lighting.

    It must be remembered that geranium is a light-loving plant that does not tolerate heat and stuffiness, so the room in which it stands must be constantly ventilated.

    Constant pruning of pelargonium is necessary not only for the formation of a bush. If excess, dried and unhealthy processes are removed, a free space is formed. The thinned bush is well ventilated, the threat of infection with fungal diseases is significantly reduced. The type of plant becomes the most accurate and attractive. The mass of greenery becomes small, while the number of inflorescences and their quality increase.

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    The homeland of the ancestors of the royal pelargonium is the Cape Lowland of South Africa. From here, first to England, and then throughout the world, many indoor species were brought, including pelargonium. Crossing several varieties, the breeders got the royal pelargonium.

    The most beautiful representative of pelargoniums is royal geranium. This beautiful indoor flower differs from related varieties in lush flowering. Bright and delicate inflorescences do not rise above the bush on the peduncle, as in other representatives of the genus, but are flush with the green mass of the flower. The bush itself is more lush. The short stem is densely covered with green leaves. The inflorescence is larger than most species and reaches up to 15 centimeters in diameter. In some varieties, only one flower reaches 7 centimeters in diameter. An example of such a variety is White Glory pelargonium. Thanks to the lush and friendly flowering, which forms a continuous hat above the bush, the plant was named royal (royal, large-flowered) geranium. In some representatives of the species, the flower has two upper and three lower, clearly defined petals. The upper petals are always more brightly colored and look like pansies.

    Pelargonium White Glory

    Royal pelargonium, like all geraniums, has exclusively useful properties. With caution, it should be taken by people suffering from allergies and asthma, for others it can become a source of energy. Essential oils and phytoncides secreted by the flower relieve stress, relieve irritability and tension. Red varieties of pelargonium can help in relationships. Phytoncides and essential oils secreted by the plant relieve insomnia. Used in cosmetology as a component of massage oils: for varicose veins, hair and skin care. They endow this flower with the ability to harmonize relationships, attract happiness, love and understanding to the house. It is believed that the plant contributes to financial well-being, relieves and protects the house from the evil eye and damage. To do this, it is recommended to get him an azalea as a pair.

    Bright decorative bush and lush flowering with proper care persist from March to October. To do this, the flower must be cut in a timely manner, fed and observe the temperature regime.

    Pelargonium royal, with the exception of a few varieties, differs from other geraniums in a slightly pronounced aroma. Plant height does not exceed 50 centimeters. Large inflorescences are distinguished by a wide variety of colors. There are white, pink, burgundy, purple and almost black varieties. On the petals of some there is a pattern in the form of spots, dashes and veins. Petals can be terry with a wavy edge or even, opening into a plane. The flowers of the royal geranium are collected in an umbrella inflorescence, reaching 15 centimeters in diameter and covering the entire plant. Flowers on the royal pelargonium appear in March-April, flowering ends in September.

    The leaves are entire, lobed, with a wavy edge, sometimes finely serrated. Green color. The leaves are fleshy, covered with villi, although some representatives do not have them. The leaves are attached to the stem by cuttings, the leaf arrangement is next. The stem is erect, dense, almost completely hidden by foliage. The root system is fibrous.

    In autumn, the plant does not lose its decorative effect, later retains dense green foliage throughout the winter. After acquiring a flower, do not rush to transplant it. Place the pelargonium on a windowsill where it will grow, let it acclimate for two weeks, or wait until it blooms. Only after that the flower can be transplanted.

    Varieties and types

    Currently, more than 1000 varieties of royal geraniums have been bred. The selection is mainly carried out in Germany. Varieties of royal pelargonium are divided into several groups.

    The Candy Flowers group includes resistant varieties with lush flowering. These flowers do well outdoors. These include, for example, the Cambi variety with beautiful delicate flowers, spots on the petals and light pink veins.

    There are pelargoniums with a large inflorescence of dark cherry color and dark spots on the petals, such as Camred and Candy Flowers Bright Red.

    In the Camdared variety, the outer and inner sides of the petals are painted in different shades. The bright red inner and pale outer sides of the petal add extra volume to the inflorescence.

    Candy Flowers Pink with Eye - variety with dark spots on pink leaves.

    The group of pelargonium Angels includes miniature varieties with a short flowering period. They feel great at home in winter. The structure of the stem allows you to grow them as ampelous varieties. They do not need wintering with a decrease in temperature for the formation of buds. Unlike most varieties of royal pelargonium, the foliage of this variety has a pronounced aroma. Among the most common varieties, Spanish Angel is the most popular. The flower does not exceed 35 centimeters in height. The flowers are painted in two tones: the upper ones are darker, and the lower ones are light purple. The diameter of each flower does not exceed 3.5 centimeters.

    The Imperial Butterfiy variety also belongs to miniature varieties, not exceeding 30 centimeters in height. Pretty white flowers with purple dashes have a pleasant lemon scent.

    The two-color varieties include Darmsden. The plant is not large, compactly located on the windowsill. The upper petals are dark cherry. The lower ones are white, there may be dashes.

    PAC Angeleyes Viola variety with a pleasant citrus aroma and a beautiful lush inflorescence of delicate almost white flowers with a pink spot on each petal.

    Some varieties of pelargonium are able to bloom several times per season. For example, the variety Sally Munro. It pleases the eye with two-tone flowers with dark cherry upper and pale pink lower petals.

    White varieties beloved by many, among which the Mona Lisa variety boasts the most lush flowering, will decorate any window.

    Varieties with a wavy edge of the flower are popular. Georgina Blythe can be considered a representative - with flowers of a red-orange hue, a white neck and a white edging on the petals. The variety is so small that it rarely exceeds 35 centimeters in height. The Morwenna variety also has a beautiful edge. The plant is so dark in color that it is often confused with black. However, it can be described as a maroon velvet color.

    plant care

    Caring for royal geraniums is not much different from caring for other members of the pelargonium family. The plant is native to South Africa. The flower was obtained by crossing several varieties specifically for home cultivation. The flower turned out warm and light-loving. Royal pelargonium is finicky in care, but flower growers are very fond of its lush flowering. To get long flowering, you must follow some rules.

    Features of summer care at home

    Caring for royal geraniums at home is easy. In summer, the flower is in a state of flowering, so all pruning procedures are stopped before flower buds are laid. It remains only to water and fertilize. Fertilizer should not contain nitrogen, a small amount is acceptable. Faded flowers should be removed in a timely manner, this will prolong flowering and preserve the decorative effect.

    The average outdoor temperature is comfortable for pelargonium, it can be set on Fresh air. If in early spring or in autumn, temperatures fall below 22 degrees, the flower may be subject to various bacterial and fungal diseases, especially if this is associated with excessive watering. Also, low outdoor temperatures can lead to reddening of the leaves.

    If the flower pot is on the street, be careful about watering it. The temperature difference can lead to uneven drying of the earthen coma. Best time for watering before 10 am or after 6 pm if there is confidence that the night will be warm. Although the plant is from a very hot climate zone, direct sunlight can harm the delicate flower petals.

    Pelargonium, located on the street in summer, requires special attention and regular inspection for the presence of pests. When the first signs of pests appear, the plant must be isolated and treated with an insecticide. Planting a flower in a flower bed without a pot is not recommended. The roots of the plant can be damaged by insects. In addition, the royal pelargonium, unlike the zonal one, does not like frequent transplantation.

    Features of winter care at home

    At home, caring for royal geraniums comes down to providing a dormant period with a decrease in temperature to 10-15 degrees. Only varieties from the Angels group do not need wintering, they can continue to be kept at normal room temperature. Overwintering pots should stand for at least two months. At this time, reduce watering and pinch the bush. Before wintering, the plant is prepared, the flower is cut by 1/3 and stop feeding. This will allow next year to get more lush flowering and extend it up to 9 months.

    Location and lighting

    Pelargonium is a very photophilous plant, but direct sunlight can harm it. Keeping in a room that is too dark will cause the stems to stretch out too much, becoming thin and pale green in color. Lack of light in winter will adversely affect flowering. The optimal location of pelargonium is on the east or west window. On the windowsill of the south window, it is better to shade the plant from direct sunlight.

    Temperature regime

    Pelargonium thermophilic plant. For summer content, outdoor conditions are suitable for her. middle lane. Temperature + 22 ... + 27 ° is the most optimal. If the temperature rises, the plant must be watered more often: twice a day until 10 and after 18 hours.

    In winter, the temperature must be reduced to -10 ... -15 °. You can keep the plant on a heated loggia or in a greenhouse. It must be taken into account that the amount of light should not be greatly reduced. On cold windowsills, usually with wooden frames, the flower will also be comfortable. The above temperature allows the plant to set flower buds, gives it a chance to rest and provides early lush blooms.


    Due to the fact that the flower needs a change in temperature, watering also needs to be adjusted. On hot summer days, watering should be increased to twice a day. Indoors in the summer, one to two waterings per week is enough. With a cold content, watering is reduced to one per week. Before each watering, you need to make sure that the earth ball is dry. Waterlogging in cold weather leads to damage to the plant by root rot and powdery mildew.

    Top dressings and fertilizers

    Pelargonium grandiflora prefers tight pots, can grow in the same one for several years. The soil is depleted, there is a need for top dressing. In early spring, leaving the dormant period, nitrogen-containing fertilizers will be useful for the flower. They will help the plant "wake up" and begin to grow actively, forming dense green foliage. During the flowering period, phosphorus should prevail in the fertilizer - an element that promotes lush flowering. Feed the plant with fertilizers for flowering begin in March, finish feeding in September. Excessive use of fertilizers in winter can harm the formation of flowers. If the pot is on the street and needs frequent watering, then the plant will have to be fertilized more often, since trace elements are washed out with water.


    Every year after flowering, before the geranium retires, the plant is cut back by 1/3 or 2/3. This procedure is carried out to obtain more lush flowering in the future and preserve decorative look flower. Timely pruning will allow air to circulate freely inside the bush, protect it from the appearance of rot and insects. Autumn pruning is necessary for almost all varieties of pelargonium, but in spring it is not necessary.

    Before the flower begins active growth in the spring, it is inspected, very thin and long shoots are cut off. In the spring, pruning begins in February, no later than March. Do this with care so that at least 3-4 internodes remain on the shoot. With the help of pruning, you can form a standard plant. To do this, remove the lower branches and leaves, leaving one large trunk. The pelargonium stem is very fragile and with such a formation needs support.

    Step-by-step instruction Pelargonium trimmings:

    • For cutting, a sharp knife or blade is suitable. The tool must be disinfected with alcohol or boiling water.
    • Shoots for cutting are chosen weakened, strongly elongated and creating excessive density in the center of the bush.
    • The cut is made at an angle, in the direction from the center to the periphery of the bush, above the leaf node. If the leaves are not needed in this place, the cut is made under the leaf node.
    • The cut points are treated with charcoal or cinnamon powder.
    • If the shoots are young and thin, they can be pinched with dry, clean fingers.
    • After the procedure, the plant is fed with a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. This will allow the plant to more easily endure stress.
    • Royal Pelargonium is very sensitive to pruning. To cause less damage to the plant, it is recommended to divide the pruning procedure into two stages, carried out within 1-2 months.

    Royal Pelargonium is very sensitive to pruning. To cause less damage to the plant, the pruning procedure is recommended to be divided into two stages and carried out within 1-2 months.

    After pruning, cuttings remain that can be used to grow new plants, as well as grafting in order to obtain an interesting and more resistant flower. With the help of grafting, stamped species are obtained. In this way, you can get a tree with different colors on one bush. For royal pelargonium, it is better to choose fragrant pelargonium as a support. The basis should be a healthy plant at least one year old. It is better to plant miniature varieties in early spring during the period of active growth.

    Diseases and pests

    Pelargonium royal is a strong, healthy species that is exposed to diseases and attack by insect pests only with improper care.

    The appearance of brown spots on the leaves indicates infection of the plant with gray rot. The cause of the disease is excessive moisture and high content nitrogen in the soil. You can fight the disease by treating the plant with the drug "Fundazol" or "Vitaros". The flower will have to be transplanted.

    A black stem at the base indicates damage by root and stem rot. The flower with such a disease becomes lethargic, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. The reason is the increased acidity of the earth, its strong waterlogging. It is necessary to treat the plant with Bioporam or Fitolavin.

    Flowers that are planted in a flower bed for the summer are more likely to suffer from late blight. The disease manifests itself in the general lethargy of the plant, growth retardation, the appearance of spots with white fluff. Geranium must be transplanted, the damaged area cut off with a sterile knife to a healthy area, then treated with charcoal. During transplantation, completely replace the soil, disinfect the pot. The transplanted plant is shed with Bordeaux liquid.

    Sometimes tubercles and growths form on the plant. This disease is called Eden. The reason for the appearance is waterlogging of the soil. If signs of infection are found, the affected leaves are cut off, watering is reduced.

    Among insect pests, aphids, mites, whiteflies and caterpillars are dangerous for royal pelargonium. Many insects are visible to the naked eye: traces of their vital activity are visible on the flower, cobwebs appear, leaves wither and turn yellow. Caterpillars prefer tender pelargonium buds. To combat them, insecticides such as Marathon, Fitovetm, Aktara are suitable. "Aktara" is also suitable for insects sucking juice, for a while it will become poisonous to them.

    All plant treatments must be carried out outdoors in calm weather, avoiding direct sunlight. Indoors, aspirin or soapy water can be used to control pests. To do this, one tablet of aspirin is dissolved in 8 liters of water, the plant is sprayed once every 3 weeks. With a moistened cotton pad in a soapy solution, wipe the leaves or spray the entire plant from a spray bottle. It is best to test on one sheet first to see the reaction.

    If the royal geranium does not bloom, it is worth taking a closer look at it for insects or fungal infections. The affected plant is not able to bloom, as a lot of energy is spent on resisting the disease.

    Planting and reproduction

    Royal geranium is easily propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds. The most popular method of propagation is cuttings, they are in enough formed after the formation of the bush.

    Reproduction by seeds is a more complex and lengthy process. It will not work to get seeds on your own, since all representatives of pelargonium are hybrid forms, their seeds do not retain all the features of the mother plant. It is safer to buy seeds in the store. Plants obtained in this way will be stronger and healthier, with a long flowering period.

    Seeds are evenly distributed over loose soil, which must necessarily include sand or perlite (at least half of the total mass of the earth). The soil must be calcined or shed with a solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are sprinkled wet sand, slightly deepened. The entire container is covered with glass or film, cleaned in a well-lit place, without direct sunlight, maintaining a temperature of + 21 ... + 25 °.

    When true leaves appear, the seedlings are distributed into individual pots, no larger than 10 centimeters in diameter and 14 centimeters deep, with drainage holes and a layer of expanded clay. After the appearance of the fifth true leaf, the seedlings are pinched. This stimulates branching and allows you to get a more lush bush.

    When and how to transplant a plant?

    Pelargonium is able to grow in one pot for a long time. Unlike their relatives, the zonal geraniums, the royal geranium does not tolerate a summertime transplant in the garden. From frequent change of place and transplantation, the plant may die.

    A plant transplant is required when the pot is completely filled with roots. The new pot should be 1.5 - 2 centimeters larger than the previous one. A very large pot will slow down the growth of the plant, may cause a lack of flowering and even the death of a flower. The plant will not form flower stalks until root system will not completely fill the entire pot. The best for pelargonium is a shallow and not very wide pot made of unglazed ceramics. You can plant in a plastic pot, but you have to be careful about watering.

    At the bottom of the pot, there must be a good drainage layer, which can be used as expanded clay or fragments of ceramics. On top of the drainage, it is advised to cut and put a circle of cotton fabric. It will retain small particles of soil and will not allow them to quickly wash out. The soil can be purchased at the store: any neutral soil that does not include moisture-retaining components, such as sphagnum, will do. Dense, heavy earth must be further enriched with perlite. The substrate for planting should be loose and moderately nutritious. You can make the soil yourself. To do this, you need peat, sand and leaf humus. Royal pelargonium prefers neutral or slightly alkaline soil, a little ash can be added to the mixture.

    Plant survival depends on the time of year. The optimal time for transplantation is February, March and April. The awakened bush, entering the phase of active growth, easily tolerates transplantation. It will be more difficult for a flower transplanted in the fall to adapt. Without extreme necessity, it is better to refuse to transplant a plant in summer or winter. During flowering, the resulting stress can lead to the death of the buds and the death of the entire flower.

    A plant purchased in a store must be left for two weeks to adapt and undergo quarantine. During this time, the pelargonium will get used to the new conditions, it will be possible to make sure that there are no diseases and pests on the flower. Most plants in the store are sold in bloom, so you will need to wait until the flower fades before repotting.

    They begin to transplant with abundant moistening of a clod of earth, then drainage is poured into a new pot, and, carefully removing the pelargonium with a clod of earth, install it in a new pot, adding fresh soil. Abundantly watered.

    What to do after landing?

    Fresh land is rich minerals, so the plant does not need to be fed. You can water it with the root formation stimulator "Heteroauxin" or the immunostimulant "Epin". Place the pot on a well-lit window sill, out of direct sunlight.

    Propagation by cuttings

    Propagation by cuttings will allow you to quickly get a young plant. At home, this type of reproduction is available throughout the year. The survival rate of cuttings depends on the type of pelargonium and the season. It takes about 4 weeks for royal pelargonium to form roots, in winter - up to 8 weeks.

    The highest percentage of survival in cuttings obtained during spring pruning. Young cuttings obtained in the autumn, during the winter, are strongly stretched and weakened. In winter, it is better for them to use the backlight, and pinch in the spring. The cuttings obtained in autumn will begin flowering next year, not earlier than June. Abundant early flowering can be achieved by cutting cuttings in April or March. Spring sap flow will accelerate all processes of survival and root formation.

    A good cutting that can take root and grow into a healthy plant should be at least 5 centimeters long, with 3 leaves and 2-3 internodes with the leaves removed from below. If the cuttings are taken in the summer during flowering, the inflorescences will have to be removed. The presence of buds and flowers will slow down root formation and weaken the plant.

    The selected segment of the stem is cut with a sharp sterile knife. You can use the blade by treating it with alcohol for sterility or by boiling it for 5 minutes. A suitable cutting is carefully cut off, the cut is treated with activated carbon. The cuttings are left at room temperature until the cut dries. Can be put in a glass of water by adding a tablet activated carbon. For reliable fixation, a piece of cardboard is placed on the glass, in which holes are cut through which geranium stalks are passed. The cutting should be immersed in water only 1/3. This method of rooting can lead to decay, so most often the cuttings are immediately planted in separate small pots. You can use disposable plastic cups with holes drilled in the base. There must be drainage at the bottom, and sand or vermiculite must be included in the composition of the soil. The soil is shed with a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water for disinfection. Let stand and cool for at least a day.

    Before planting, to accelerate root formation, the stalk is dipped in Kornevin powder. The cutting is buried in the ground by 2 centimeters, taken to a room with low lighting, left for 5 days. The absence of bright lighting will allow the plant to form roots more efficiently and quickly. After that, the plant can be placed on the window. Watering is carried out through the pan so that the weak and tender stems do not rot. The optimum temperature during this period is + 14 ... + 16 °.

    It happens that some seedlings do not cope, they begin to turn yellow. For such sprouts, you can arrange a mini greenhouse by covering it with a jar. A sign of good health and rooting of the royal geranium is the appearance of new leaves. If the seedlings were planted in transparent plastic cups, then root development can be observed through the walls.

    Using a peat tablet

    Usage peat tablet will simplify the process of rooting the cuttings. The advantage is that individual cups and soil are not needed. The tablets are placed on a pallet and watered abundantly. First, you can spill boiling water for sterility. When the tablets absorb moisture, excess water drain. Water must be settled for at least 3 days and contain a root-forming stimulant. For royal pelargonium, this is a prerequisite. After cutting, you can dip the cutting into a powder that stimulates the appearance of roots. Other species can take root without a stimulant.

    The cutting is deepened by 1/3 in the center of the peat tablet, pressed tightly to remove excess moisture. There is no need to spray and cover the sprouts, it is even contraindicated. The cuttings are placed on the window, covering from direct sunlight. Peat tablets accumulate and retain a lot of moisture, so watering should be very moderate.

    When roots appear through the peat cup, the seedlings can be transplanted into pots. The soil is suitable for universal or special for, can be purchased at the store. Drainage holes must be made in the cup, expanded clay or perlite should be poured into the bottom. Then add well-moistened soil. With thin scissors, free the roots of the plant from the walls of the tablet. The places where the roots have grown into the wall of the tablet are left untouched. Having placed the plant in a glass, we fill it with moist earth. The soil will absorb excess moisture from the lower layers of the pot.

    In this form, the plant can grow until it is ready for planting on permanent place, or you can immediately plant from a peat tablet in a permanent pot.

    Growing problems

    The royal pelargonium is perhaps the most beautiful and capricious to care for among all members of the family. Violation of the conditions of detention can lead to stretching of the internodes. From this, the plant becomes less decorative and weaker. Most often, the reason lies in the lack of lighting and lack of minerals.

    The reason for the yellowing of the edge of the leaf is insufficient soil moisture. Waterlogging can lead to general lethargy of the bush and yellowing of the entire leaf plate, as well as to rot, damage by bacteria and fungi.

    Many factors also affect flowering. Large-flowered pelargonium does not like frequent transplants. It should not be disturbed and transplanted more often than once every 3 years. Too large a pot will result in no flowers. Fallen flower stalks and buds indicate too hot and dry air in the room or the presence of a disease.

    If all conditions are met, and the flower refuses to bloom, the reason may be in the ground. Nitrogen-rich soil will result in lush green growth and a strong bush, but no flowers.

    Application in landscape design

    Unlike zonal geraniums, royal geranium prefers stability. She will not respond well to transplanting into a flower bed in the summer. The plant will be sick, with a high probability of being affected by insects and fungi. In the summer, you can put planters and pots with royal pelargonium outside in a place hidden from direct sunlight. A beautiful subspecies of pelargonium Angel has interesting feature: in low light it becomes ampelous. It is ideal for vertical gardening and hanging pots. With sufficiently strong light, the shape of this miniature plant becomes erect, like in zonal species. Pelargonium in flowerpots is a wonderful decoration for balconies and terraces.

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