Fortune telling online choice of path. Tarot reading about the best choice


The “Choice” layout does not solve the problem of choice for us, but only clarifies the circumstances associated with it. That is, this alignment does not give an unambiguous answer based on the principle of “Yes” or “No”. It shows what will happen if we choose one path or another. If we are faced with a complex, “multi-step” problem, then it makes sense to divide it into its component elements and analyze each separately using this layout. The question that you should mentally ask the cards in this case is better formulated as follows: “What will happen if I do this, and what will happen if I don’t do this?” The cards will show what awaits you in both cases.

The following five cards play a key role in this layout:
1. If the card “Love and Dedication” (“Lovers”) appears, this means that the choice (subconsciously) has already been made - in favor of the direction where this card lies.
2. “Wheel of Fortune” means that in fact the questioner has no choice, and that events, whether he wants it or not, will develop in the direction where this card lies.
3. "World" indicates "the place occupied by the questioner." This is his role and his purpose in this life, therefore the direction where this card lies should be considered the main one. If she is surrounded by negative cards, they should also be taken into account. The following have a similar meaning:
a) "Star", a card indicating the future, and
b) “Judgment”, indicating where the questioner will find the “treasure”.


The “Choice” Tarot layout is suitable for cases when a person is faced with two opposing options for action, but cannot determine for himself the most optimal one. Using this layout, you can see the three main stages of development of each direction of the future in chronological order.

You get an idea of ​​what consequences this or that decision may have, and thereby simplify your choice. Before you make a layout, you need to clearly imagine the options that need to be considered, and indicate each of them on a separate line.

Values ​​of cards in positions:

  • 3, 1 and 5 - chronology of events during the implementation of the plan
  • 4, 2 and 6 - chronology of events when plans were abandoned
  • 7 - a situation pushing for a choice

Now let’s look at this layout in practice.

Example from a subscriber - Should you trust the company with money?

Svetlana Mikhailova shared this example with us. She is involved in investments. She has cryptocurrencies. One of them is Bitcoin. And there is a company that was recommended to her for investing bitcoins, but inside they transfer the deposit to the dollar exchange rate and the income is in dollars, and withdraw them again to the bitcoin wallet at the exchange rate. But this is not always profitable, since there is a big risk - the company can leave with its money, and it is easier to keep Bitcoin for yourself, counting on its rate rising, than to give it to someone.

However, Svetlana was interested in this fund, and she decided to ask what she should do for greater profits: leave her money in bitcoins in a personal wallet or give it to this fund, fixing it in dollars.

Cards drawn:

  • Option 1: give bitcoins to a fund for management with transfer to dollars
  • Option 2: leave Bitcoin in your wallet
  • Key:

Click on the spoiler below to see how Svetlana read the layout:

Interpretation of cards from the author

Interpretation of cards from the author

Option 1. If I give bitcoins in a dollar fix to someone's fund, then: I will make a profit if my decision is paradoxical. That is, I must understand that profit in this case should be calculated only in dollars and not be upset by Bitcoin rates in case of such a choice.

You need to know the rules of material interaction, i.e. investment strategies, and act without emotions and right now, if you want. I brought the key here. Since I will not be able to use my money for some time due to an external factor (trust management).

Option 2. Leave money in your Bitcoin wallet. The course changes easily, but this has both pros and cons, you will be wealthy, have a job you love and will be profitable with this instrument.

That is, in fact, precisely the amount of profit, it is greater in the second option.

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The layout is used if you need to make a choice between two or more possible options. Let's first consider a situation with two options:

The top row (cards No. 1, 3, 5) – describes the course of events if we choose the first of the proposed options.

Bottom row (cards No. 2, 4, 6) - describes the course of events if we choose the second of the options.

Key card(No. 7) – explains the essence of the problem, why such a question arose and what principle should be used to guide the choice.

The same layout can be used to answer the question: “Should I accept the offer received?” Then:

Top row: what happens if I answer “Yes.”

Bottom row: what happens if I answer “No”.

The key card is the same: the essence of the problem, the main principle when making a decision.

If you need to make a choice from many options, then you can take only one card for each option - it will give brief description. There will be one key card in the layout.

Example 1

A woman with a child has been renting an apartment in a private house in the city center for many years. However, in lately the house needs repairs, the plaster is falling in the entrance, the woman fears for herself and her child. The homeowner has no plans to make any repairs yet. Friends advise the woman to take out a loan and buy her own apartment. But the woman is afraid that she will not be able to repay the loan.

Let's make a “Choice” layout. In the top row there will be the option “What happens if a woman takes out a loan and buys a new apartment”, the course of events in chronological order. And in the bottom row there will be the option “What happens if a woman stays in the old house”, also the course of events in chronological order. The last card in each row is important here; it will indicate the result.

Key card – II Priestess: Meditation, careful study of the situation, collection of information.

Top row (purchase option new apartment»):

III Empress: First, the woman will receive a lot of money and become the mistress of her own apartment.

XV Devil: Credit will become real bondage. Voluntary chains. Being overworked to pay off a loan.

XII Hanged Man: As a result, the woman will feel tied hand and foot. Insight, but in a sad situation. There is no way to get out of this situation.

Bottom row (option “living in an old house”):

VIII Force: First the woman will have to use force. She herself will require the homeowner to make repairs.

I Magician: Professional, a man with tools. This is an indication of the craftsmen who will come to do the repairs.

XIX Sun: In the end - joy, victory, success. The child plays freely.

Conclusion: The repairs will be done, although it will require some pressure from the homeowner. But buying an apartment on credit is not recommended, it will become bondage.

" can be done on a very wide range of issues: to enter into a serious relationship with some person or not, to buy one car or another, to sell something or not, to start one business or another, to choose one way to solve a problem or another, to be tough on yourself lead or gently, take one medicine or another, do surgery or not, change one job for another, etc., etc. And even in the case when you do not have a clear alternative to any action, then the situation is You can do one thing at a time, keeping your attention on only one line of development.

" extremely practical and perfectly embodies one of the key concepts that, in my opinion, underlie practical work with cards. I mean the concept choice, which is based on the idea that the future is not fixed, that we, making certain decisions (possibly based on the alignment made), can change or, rather, choose that sequence of the most probable events of rolling time that we will encounter.

Standard layout " "consists of seven cards, however, due to a long and intense focus on the topic of fortune telling on the Thoth Tarot cards, a serious study of this issue, as well as coming to the resources of direct perception of energy flows that go beyond the usual range (you can read more about this in In my article “My energy resources and capabilities”), I came to the possibility of using this layout for visions events more distant future . For this purpose, I have the opportunity to make a layout not of seven of them, as usual, but of nine or more cards .

In this case, the choice was made by a woman I knew well, who, due to financial difficulties in her family, had significant psychological problems. She decided to do layout on whether she should look for a job and go to work or sit at home and continue doing what she is doing. The layout turned out to be very beautiful and unambiguous.

In place of the significator was the “Princess of Disks,” a card denoting potential or a woman possessing it.

In the first position in the sequence choice “stay at home and...” turned out to be the “Defeat” card (seven disks), which is the worst card in the deck and means extremely difficult feelings of defeat, despair, hopelessness, etc. This card can be recommended to be played only in case of extremely favorable the next cards in the sequence and (or) an extremely unfavorable other choice (this was exactly the case here).

After “Defeat”, I got two cards together (this happens sometimes): “Happiness” (nine of cups) and “Priestess”. The first means true emotional happiness, and the second “ An exceptionally strong and positive card, in all areas. One of the strongest in the deck. On the material plane it means “abundance and all the riches of the earth.” On the spiritual – great strength and unity with the spirit. May also indicate a very strong, energetic and wise woman».

The third card in this sequence was the Ace of Swords, which signifies the beginning of understanding or the understanding of something important.

As we see from this sequence, if the querent manages to go through “Defeat” and not break down at all, then these feelings will go away, the emotional crisis will recede (and quite soon), then she will fall into a state of lightness and happiness with possible realization on the spiritual and energy planes, and then she will understand something important.

In first position in choice “go to work” turned out to be the “Tower” card. This is the 16th Major Arcana , very hard card" destruction of the old, giving way to the new".

The second card of this line was "Prince of Swords". This card signifies the intellectual ambiguity that a person has when faced with two or more alternatives. It appears when we don’t know what to do or what to choose.

The third card was “Disappointment” (five of cups), a card whose name fully corresponds to the essence of the phenomenon.

As we see from this sequence, the usual way of life will be completely destroyed, this will be followed by great difficulties in choosing from those job opportunities that my friend would have had, and after this she will be disappointed, since nothing good will be found.

Having interpreted the situation in this way, I recommended to my friend not to rush into work, since nothing good would come of it. He informed about the danger of very difficult feelings, advising not to get involved in them. And he assured that very soon everything would somehow get better, and then there would be happiness with some serious realization, which would ultimately bring important understanding. I can add that the plan was fulfilled one hundred percent...

Below you see a diagram of one of the options for the extended layout " "from my practice.

You can find numerous examples of "" layouts from my practice and the conclusions and predictions made on their basis in the section "Tarologist's Diary".

E If you want to contact Sergey Nikolaev to discuss your questions in detail, you can write to me by E-mail: [email protected] , send a request for authorization in Skype or ICQ to chat or voice. My nickname on Skype: neodream69, ICQ number: 355395939 You can also get detailed information about contacts by going to .

The “Choice” layout is done when a person has the opportunity to choose from several possible options developments of events, but the fortuneteller cannot foresee all the consequences decision taken. It is performed according to the given diagram.

The cards will show three stages of each possible future event. If there are more than three options, the scheme remains the same. The main task for a fortuneteller is not to get confused in the lines.

“Choice” does not give a direct positive or negative answer to the question posed by the fortuneteller. It only shows what the consequences of the decision will be. For example: a young man wants to change his life and move to another country.

Relatives discourage you from traveling and advise you to look for a job in the city, albeit with a lower salary and prospects. The choice may sound like this: “Should Vladimir move to another country to change jobs?” An illustrative situation is choosing a profession after leaving school.

A person gravitates towards literature, but he is offered to enroll in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics for the sake of a place in the office. Using the layout, you can see how admission to different faculties will go, successes, what will work out and what will not be possible to implement. The last point is considered as a payment for the choice made.

The same goes for love relationship. A relationship with a person closes doors for another person. Living with a partner comes with disadvantages that you have to put up with. For example, hot temper, isolation. Reverse side too calm life - lack of bright emotions, dullness, everyday life.

Too much emotional relationships lead to moral exhaustion and fatigue. The question is a person’s readiness to see a partner next to him and accept his shortcomings, the prospects of the relationship.

Layout diagram and interpretation of meanings

Let's look at the layout diagram:

Position meaning:

  • Arcana in the top position numbered 1, 5,3 reveal the consequences that will occur if the fortuneteller decides in favor of the first of the possible scenarios. For example: “What will happen if I break off relations with Ivan”?
  • Tarot arcana numbers 2, 4, 6 show events that will happen if a different choice is made. For example: how will the relationship with Ivan develop if I keep it.”
  • The last, 7th lasso contains the essence of the alignment. This is a significator. It shows not only the fortuneteller, but also the underlying reasons that formed the basis of the choice. For personal relationships, this could be the partner’s indifference, resentment, jealousy. For the profession - hopelessness of work, the feeling that a person is useless in the workplace and does not occupy his place. For a change of residence - a desire for new experiences, lack of joy, poor relationships with family and much more.

Exceptional Cards

There are arcana in the reading that are exclusive to him:

  1. Arcana "Lovers". If this card appears in the layout, it means that the fortuneteller has made a decision on a subconscious level in favor of the position in which the lasso ends up. For example, a client decided to put off looking for a job, but played it safe and asked the tarot for advice.
  2. "Wheel of Fortune". In this case, the ability to choose is illusory. In fact, it does not exist, and events will develop depending on the position of the card.
  3. “World” - the map shows what place the fortuneteller occupies. What is the meaning of his life. This direction is the main one in the layout, you need to look at the presence in the environment negative cards, take them into account.
  4. “Star” - the lasso shows the future.
  5. "Court". The place where the fortuneteller’s “treasure” is hidden, what he is looking for.

It is important to look at the suit ratio. So, if pentacles predominate in the layout, it means the client has financial difficulties and needs to establish contacts with management and colleagues, and not run from one place to another waiting for the ideal workplace.


Each of the options for possible events has positive and negative sides.

A person makes his own choice. If the situation is left to chance, this is also a choice to leave everything as it is. It is important to carefully consider the interpretation of each lasso and weigh all the pros and cons.

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