What comes first: suspended ceiling or wallpaper: expert opinion. What to glue wallpaper or stretch ceiling first: the right choice What to do wallpaper or stretch ceiling first

Alexander Dragun, PhD, site expert

It is considered a classic to carry out repair work from top to bottom: finishing the ceiling, gluing or painting the walls, installing the floor. Russians traditionally do everything the other way around: they start with the floor and end with the ceiling. However, here too there is a situation when neither professionals nor apartment owners know exactly what comes first, wallpaper or suspended ceiling.

Why do queuing problems occur?

The question debated among professional builders and customers is “When to stretch the ceiling: before the wallpaper or after?” largely far-fetched. This is due to the fact that these types of finishing are performed by different groups of builders. The walls are covered by master finishers, the suspended ceiling (not to be confused with a suspended ceiling - this is different types ceiling decoration) installed by installers.

None of them want to make every effort so as not to damage the work of the previous team: when installing the ceiling, there is a risk of contaminating the already pasted wallpaper, and when pasting wallpaper, there is a risk of tearing or smearing the stretched film with glue.

In both cases, it is very difficult to clean contaminated finishing materials, and most likely impossible. In addition, installers are trying to prove that under the influence of high temperatures from the operation of a gas gun, wallpaper sheets can warp or simply lag behind the wall, so they have an advantage in performing their operation.

If the repair is carried out by a single contractor (one company or team), the problem of what used to be wallpaper or suspended ceiling is generally removed from the agenda, which will be discussed at the end of the article. When different teams work, the order of operations performed (first the suspended ceiling, then the wallpaper, or vice versa) is determined by various factors:

  • type of trellis;
  • wall type;
  • panel tension method;
  • type of materials for suspended ceilings.

Queuing nuances

Currently, teams of finishers and installers start work first in almost the same number of cases. This is explained by the fact that the team that arrived at the apartment first does its work first.

In practice, there has never been a case where arriving finishers suggested that customers first install a suspended ceiling and then stick wallpaper. This message also applies to installers. To understand who is right in the dispute, we will analyze from the position of each group of specialists the positive and negative aspects of both execution sequences finishing works.

The opinion of the finishers is that first the walls, then the ceiling space.

First the wallpaper, and then the ceiling

The technology of installing a stretch ceiling after gluing trellises is actively defended by finishers. At the same time, they support their point of view with economic calculations - the initially established finishing material is at risk of being replaced due to damage or contamination. Therefore, the more expensive material should be placed second, and this is PVC film or fabric, which is even 1.5-2 times more expensive.

The advantages of this sequence include:

  • safety of the stretched ceiling from mechanical damage with a spatula or knife when cutting the top of the trellis;
  • there is no risk of contaminating the stretched film (fabric) with glue, liquid wallpaper, dyes (paintable wallpaper) or solvent;
  • the top of the wallpaper hidden under the baguette, which increases the aesthetics of the pasting;
  • the ability to continue work immediately after finishing the previous operation.

Disadvantages include:

  • contamination of wallpaper sheets with dust when drilling holes in the wall for dowels - using a hammer drill in combination with a construction vacuum cleaner does not completely remove the problem - there is dirt, but in smaller quantities;
  • risk of damage to the wallpaper when tucking the fabric under the baguette;
  • the susceptibility of vinyl wallpaper to lose its original appearance under the influence of a heat gun;
  • the need to stop work for 6-7 days for the wallpaper to completely dry;
  • the ability of some types of wallpaper to peel off when suddenly changed temperature regime indoors - under the influence of high temperatures (up to 80 degrees), some types of glue change their molecular structure and no longer hold the tapestry on the wall;
  • difficulties when cutting the top of the wallpaper when removing it from the wall during replacement - any careless movement of a spatula or knife can damage the stretched canvas.

The installers consider - first installing the ceiling, then gluing the wallpaper.

First the ceiling, then the walls

In conditions where the top is installed first, and the wallpaper needs to be glued second, there are also positive and negative sides.

Among the advantages:

  • the ability to remove dust from drilling holes when attaching the baguette without damaging the wallpaper - it has not yet been glued;
  • no consequences from the operation of a heat gun;
  • opportunity to immediately begin gluing trellises.
  • the risk of damage or contamination of the ceiling canvas during the process of finishing the walls, which will lead to significant material losses.

With this technology, the operating algorithm is as follows:

  1. a frame under the ceiling sheet is attached to the prepared surface;
  2. stretch the cloth;
  3. install plugs and moldings (plinth);
  4. tape the trellises.

From the arguments given by professionals, it is still not clear whether the suspended ceiling is after wallpapering or before.

We emphasize that this is from the point of view of builders, finishers and installers. They, in our opinion, are subjective, which will be discussed below.

Who has the stronger arguments?

In their arguments, the builders developed a system to determine the order of work. In their opinion, when the owners choose a house light wallpaper, the risk of contamination when drilling a wall tends to 100%.

Therefore, the wallpaper should be glued after installing the ceiling. But this drawback is not actually such - the wall can be covered with plastic film, securing it with tape on top. After installing the baguette (not the ceiling), the screws are loosened a little, and the film is easily removed (after removing the film, the hardware is screwed in until it stops).

The same applies to vinyl wallpaper - they can also be covered with film from the effects of a heat gun.

The assumption that there is a high risk of contamination of the ceiling with glue, paint, or solvent does not stand up to criticism. Here, just as in the case of wallpaper, the ceiling can be covered, but not with film, but with masking tape around the entire perimeter. After completing the work, the tape can be easily removed without leaving any traces (it is strictly forbidden to stick stationery tape - it will leave traces of glue visible in any light).

You can avoid cuts to the ceiling not only in theory, but also in practice if you glue the wallpaper to size. In this case, their top is placed close to the bottom of the baguette - there is no need to cut anything. If you need to draw a pattern, then this must be done on the floor in advance, and then cut the sheet to size.

A number of builders suggest using fabric instead of PVC to avoid the effects of a heat gun on wallpaper glue, if the wallpaper is already pasted. But replacing the material greatly affects family budget. Solving the problem, as in the case of vinyl wallpaper, in a plastic film that covers the walls. Buying it is several times cheaper than switching to a fabric ceiling.

The problem of cutting wallpaper when the ceiling is finished is also a little far-fetched. Working simultaneously with a wide spatula and a knife with a replaceable blade, the wallpaper can be cut without problems. The main thing is not to rush.

This once again confirms the thesis that the problem of queuing was artificially invented by construction teams.

Installation procedure for tension fabric.

Optimal finishing technology

Involving a single contractor in renovating an apartment (house) makes it possible to apply a step-by-step method of finishing walls and ceilings. This, as noted above, eliminates the problem: what comes next, wallpaper or suspended ceilings.

Note: from step-by-step technology two different teams will refuse or demand compensation for downtime while subcontractors are working.

The step-by-step work scheme consists of the following operations:

  1. preparing walls for gluing trellises;
  2. fastening the baguette;
  3. covering walls with trellises;
  4. stretch ceiling devices.

This procedure allows you to eliminate possible problems:

  • there is no curvature of the baguette strip, and therefore no gaps and cracks are formed due to uneven surfaces of the wall - it is leveled;
  • the wallpaper does not become dirty - the dust formed during the fastening of the frame (baguette) for the tension fabric is removed;
  • there are no risks of cutting the ceiling panel - there is no need to trim the wallpaper either now or during subsequent repairs in a few years;
  • the stretched ceiling cannot become dirty - the trellises are already glued.


If you plan to install a suspended ceiling, you need to think about the choice of people who will carry out the repair work, and not about what comes first, wallpaper or suspended ceiling. Specialists will independently figure out what to do first and what second.

Indeed, from the technological side, the order of work performed does not play a big role if the repairs are carried out by highly qualified specialists. They are obliged, to the best of their skills and experience, to hang wallpaper and stretch the ceiling without defects. If any mistakes occur in the work, then all mistakes made are corrected at the expense of the performer.

You can only glue the walls yourself before installing the stretch ceiling. The latter is best left to specialist installers.

What comes first - wallpaper or suspended ceiling?

The order of work performed during the renovation of a room plays an important role, both in the quality and cost of finishing work. And in order to decide what to do first - wallpaper or suspended ceiling - you need to understand how these works are performed, what materials are used and how one work is interconnected with another.

The relationship between the two types of finishing work is that one of the processes, to some extent, can have negative impact for completed finishing. Or vice versa, completed finishing may interfere with the process of performing other finishing work. That is, in order to understand in what order it is necessary to install suspended ceilings - before or after the wallpaper - you need to study the influence of these works on each other.

Pasting wallpaper on the wall

  • So, how do you stick wallpaper on a wall? First of all, you need to prepare the surface of this wall, that is, make it even.
  • As a rule, either drywall, putty, or plaster is used to level the walls (see). There is no question of leveling the walls if a suspended ceiling is installed, since the solution will certainly stain the vinyl film, and it is difficult to “pull” the wall to the top if contact with the ceiling is not allowed. In this situation, the question “Are stretch ceilings installed before you start gluing wallpaper, or after?” clearly says that you need to do the walls first.
  • In the same way, there is no point in trying to level the walls with plasterboard if the suspended ceiling is already installed. CD profile on which they are mounted plasterboard sheets, is framed around the perimeter with a UD profile, which, in turn, is fixed to the hard surface of the floor, walls and ceiling. Even if you do without a ceiling UD, you still need a rigid connection at the adjacent corner, which cannot be done with soft vinyl film.
  • But maybe it is possible to install a suspended ceiling after leveling the walls? Well, to install the profile fastening baguette, you just need a flat wall and on this side everything seems to be smooth, but the wallpaper has not yet been glued (see).
  • We continue to argue further, what comes first - suspended ceiling or wallpaper? For wallpapering on flat wall you need to prime the surface, since dust settling during any repair will turn adhesion into cohesion and the glued strips will simply fall off. The walls must be primed close to the ceiling, and if it cannot be dirty, then masking tape is applied.
  • Now let's move on to finishing walls and consider when to glue wallpaper, before or after installing a suspended ceiling. To fix the strip on the wall, it must be coated with glue. The wallpaper itself can be glued dry - it all depends on its structure.
  • In order to smear the wall, you will again have to make contact with the ceiling, since the surface must be covered with glue close to the ceiling, which will again cause unwanted contact. Of course, the ceiling can be protected with masking tape.
  • Wallpaper can be glued by immediately leveling the top line, but this only applies to a single-color coating. If there is a pattern on them, then the glued strip is cut a few centimeters longer than the required length in order to join them according to the pattern, and then the top and bottom are cut off with a knife.

Installation of suspended ceilings

  • The installation of suspended ceilings has two points of intersection with the walls - this is the installation of a mounting molding and heating of the canvas and, naturally, the room itself. And in order to decide how to do it first - suspended ceiling or wallpaper - consider these points of contact (see).

  • To install an aluminum or plastic profile, you need to drill holes in the wall, which does not in any way affect the finish, since the damaged area is covered with a baguette. And if we talk about what comes first - suspended ceilings or wallpaper - the beginning, of course, will be with the wallpaper.

  • There is an opinion that when working with a heat gun, which is used to heat PVC sheets, you can damage the wall finish. Yes, that's true. But it can be damaged simply by bringing furniture into the room - it all depends on the accuracy of the craftsman. Even the most delicate wallpaper do not deform from the temperature required to heat the vinyl, which is 70⁰-80⁰C, and this is not a threat if the flame is not directed directly at the wall.

Recommendations. The choice of priority in the question of what comes first - suspended ceiling or wallpaper, of course, will be yours, but if you carefully consider all the pros and cons, then the decision, of course, will be clear. The first item in the repair order is, of course, wallpaper.

The harm that you can cause to the wallpaper when installing a stretch ceiling is negligible compared to the inconvenience that will arise if you do the opposite. You probably yourself understand what the repairmen are doing ahead of time - definitely, gluing wallpaper on the wall.


So, we found out that first they glue wallpaper, and then install suspended ceilings, but this only applies to those situations when the mounting molding is fixed on the wall, and not on the plasterboard islands of the figured ceiling. But the priority applies not only to wallpaper - suspended ceilings, as a rule, are the final chord of all renovations in an apartment, with the possible exception of minor imperfections. This view is justified by the minimal amount of debris in the room that occurs when installing vinyl sheeting compared to other renovation work.

Stretch ceilings are popular due to their practicality, aesthetics and reasonable cost. The only question is at what stage of the renovation should they be installed - before wallpapering or after the walls are completely ready?

"Before" or "after"- expert opinions

There have been heated debates over the years about how to choose the right time for editing. Moreover, there is no clear opinion not only among customers, but also among specialists. More precisely, of course, it exists, but it varies between builders, finishers and installers of ceiling structures. The main problem is that each of the stages is fraught with consequences - by cutting the wallpaper near the ceiling plinth, you can damage the canvas; by installing a metal ceiling frame, there is a risk of tearing or contaminating the wallpaper.

For free space 4% discount

Conditions of the promotion:

An additional 4% discount on the final cost of each ceiling, provided that the room is completely free of furniture (sofas, cabinets, tables, appliances, etc.). Discount applies only to available rooms. In order to receive a discount, the room in which the suspended ceiling is planned to be installed must be prepared (free of furniture) at the time of measurement, as well as on the day of installation work.

This discount cannot be combined with discounts for new residents, pensioners, or for repeat orders.

Masters do not like to eliminate this kind of consequences at their own expense, which is why they voice different versions. In reality, both options with technological point vision is considered correct. In addition, you need to understand that real professionals will successfully cope with the task at any stage of repair. The main thing is to find those who really know their business and do the work responsibly, and in the event of force majeure, they are ready to answer for the mistake and correct it at their own expense.

For those who are still tormented by the question of whether suspended ceilings are installed before or after wallpapering, we recommend that you independently analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each option and choose the optimal one.

Pros and cons of installation stretch ceiling with wallpaper pasted

Let's say you have wallpapered and want the room to have a suspended ceiling. What are the consequences of such installation of the structure? What are its pros and cons? Let's figure it out.

Advantages of installing a stretch ceiling after wallpapering:

  • there is no need to measure the wallpaper down to the centimeter and start a new tube if 1-2 cm is missing. Even if the strip does not reach the ceiling, it will be covered by the ceiling structure, so we can talk not only about convenience and practicality, but also about rationality;
  • no need to trim the wallpaper makes the contour under the ceiling plinth neat and presentable;
  • the risk of damaging the ceiling is minimal, because you don’t have to use a wallpaper knife or spatula trying to “drive” the wallpaper under the baseboard;
  • the ceiling remains clean - since the walls are already ready, glue, paint, solvent and other compounds, traces of which are difficult to remove from the canvas, do not get on it (during the work you can use masking tape, but it does not always help).

Disadvantages of installing a stretch ceiling after wallpapering:

  • the risk of contaminating the wallpaper as a result of drilling the walls with a hammer drill and the formation of a large amount of dust that settles on the surface of the walls (the procedure is necessary for attaching the metal frame). You can minimize the consequences by using a vacuum cleaner or pre-coating the wall with a special protective film;
  • Ceiling film coverings are installed by heating, the temperature in the room reaches 60 degrees, under such conditions the wallpaper often peels off. If the owners called the installers without waiting for the walls and wallpaper to completely dry, expect trouble (at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, complete drying occurs in 5-6 days, these deadlines should be maintained so as not to be upset about damaged walls);
  • difficulties arise at the moment when the desire to re-stick the wallpaper appears. The old ones are pressed down with a baguette; it is not possible to remove them without the risk of damaging the ceiling and ruining the aesthetics, so you have to carefully cut them off, which can result in damage to the canvas. In addition, there is a concern that wallpaper near the ceiling may not look very attractive.

Pros and cons of installation stretch ceiling before wallpapering

There are also many adherents of the theory of installing ceilings on bare walls. But you should start the process only if the walls are properly leveled and plastered. Of course, the ceiling plinth somewhat corrects the unevenness, but even it cannot completely hide the mistakes of the builders and the shortcomings of poor-quality repairs. Moreover, a thin plug cannot cope with such a task. Decor is decor, and the walls must be leveled and puttied.

Two ceilings for the price of one!

By purchasing two or more suspended PVC ceilings, you get one completely free!

Conditions of the promotion:

The gift is the smallest white PVC canvas in the order, but with an area of ​​no more than 25 m2.

The total area of ​​all ceilings must be more than 13 m2

Installation of a gift ceiling must be carried out in one visit (day) with a paid ceiling and at one facility (address).

Select ceiling

Advantages of installing a stretch ceiling before wallpapering:

  • Sometimes the time frame for carrying out repair work is seriously limited. Installing ceiling coverings on walls without wallpaper saves time. Craftsmen do not have to wait until the wallpaper “grabs” securely and the walls dry;
  • for high-quality fixation of the metal frame, holes are made in the wall, as a result of which dust settles on the walls; when there is no wallpaper on them, there is one less problem (no need to protect them from dirt);
  • If you love design experiments and are constantly trying to update something in your apartment or house, installing suspended ceilings on bare walls is the best option. There will be no problems with plywood in the future. Wallpaper can be changed with enviable regularity, and it is not necessary to choose exclusively dense varieties, fearing that thin wallpaper will not cover the layer remaining under the ceiling plinth or plug.

Disadvantages of installing a stretch ceiling before wallpapering:

  • The ceiling material is reliable, but still susceptible to damage and contamination, and its cost is not so budget-friendly that you can afford to change the fabric or film. By carrying out installation before wallpapering, the risk of damaging the coating increases, since after installing the technological decorative tape, it is quite difficult to trim the wallpaper;
  • difficulties in selecting a pattern for wallpaper and, as a result, excessive consumption of material. When there is a reserve for drawing together at different ceiling heights around the perimeter of the room, savings are possible (often a shortage of 2-3 centimeters results in meters of overexpenditure). All of the listed shortcomings are conditional, but they still exist, and we had to take them into account. When the scales tip, even the little things matter when making a decision.

"Leader" - neat stretch ceilings from professionals

We honestly told you about the advantages and disadvantages that specialists and customers face when suspended ceilings are installed before wallpapering or after the walls are fully prepared. You can independently choose the option that suits you the most. But perhaps you will be interested in the opinion of the Leader company professionals.

When repairing, it is equally important to observe accuracy, safety precautions and sequence of actions. And if some of the issues are resolved intuitively, for example, that the installation of the baseboard should be done after covering the floor, then the rest causes difficulties. Let's try to decide today what is done first - suspended ceiling or wallpaper? To answer this question, let’s look at the mechanics of the two types of work.

How to glue wallpaper?

As we already mentioned, consistency is important when renovating. Wall pasting is no exception. Before pasting there is a necessary series of works:

  • removal of old coating;
  • primer against mold and fungi;
  • putty of cracks;
  • plaster.

Let's consider the most important stages to answer our question, what is done first - suspended ceiling or wallpaper.


First, the wall under the wallpaper must be leveled. Typically, plaster, putty or sheets of drywall are used for this. But if the ceiling is already stretched, alignment is impossible, because:

  • the risk of damaging the thin film when working with plaster is very high;
  • the use of plasterboard is impossible due to the loose fit of the sheet to the ceiling surface and the inability to secure profiles in the corners.

Accordingly, for a stretch ceiling you need already leveled walls. But a logical question arises: if the walls are smooth and the covering is already stretched, is it possible to glue wallpaper? To answer, we move on to the second stage of work - priming.

Prime the walls

There are also nuances at this stage:

  • If the leveled wall is not treated with a primer, the wallpaper will very quickly take on an unsightly appearance, and may even fall off completely.
  • The primer should be applied over the entire surface of the pasting, and reach the ceiling.

Important! But if a tension covering is already used in the room, it is important not to get it dirty. This is possible if you protect the corners of the wall with masking tape.

Gluing wallpaper

So, we are still in the process of finding an answer to the main question: what to do first - glue wallpaper or stretch ceiling.

In order for the work to be successful, after priming the wall is coated with glue. Wallpaper strips can be glued dry, or also processed - it all depends on their structure. To completely cover the wall with adhesive, you will have to make contact with the ceiling. Accordingly, you have two options:

  • again protect the coating with masking tape;
  • glue wallpaper before stretching the ceiling.

Important! An additional risk of damage to the coating can be caused by adjusting the pattern and trimming the wallpaper when trimming it with a stationery knife. But if you work carefully, trimming the wallpaper is possible.

The risks are clear, the work has been reviewed. But let’s also look at how tension coverings are installed.

Ceiling stretching

It is customary to trust this type of work to specialists, because there is no professional equipment and skills are indispensable. First, let us remind you what suspended ceilings are.

A little about stretch ceilings

  • Today, during renovations, many people use stretch coverings to decorate ceilings: They are very convenient to use, easy to install, non-toxic and easy to clean. Their surface can simply be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • The material for such coverings is PVC film or fabric, which is stretched over a pre-fixed frame.

As a result, you should have a perfectly flat surface in the color of your choice or even with a pattern. Let's move directly to the workflow.

Description of work

To begin work, you need to make sure that all walls are level. Next, install the fasteners.

Installation of profiles

The profile or mounting molding is mounted into holes drilled in the wall. At the same time, this moment will not affect the appearance of the wall covering in any way, since the holes will be closed with fasteners. Accordingly, at this stage in the question of whether to glue wallpaper before or after the stretch ceiling, wallpaper wins.

Next, the room and coating are heated using a heat gun.

Warming up

Experts believe that strong heat can damage already finished walls, and there is some truth in this. But the finish can be damaged in other ways, for example, when installing furniture. Therefore, these fears are often unjustified.

Important! To heat the vinyl sheet, a temperature of about 80 degrees Celsius is required, at which the risk of damage to the walls is minimal. Of course, this is only possible if the master follows safety precautions.


Today, professionals have different opinions and ways of conducting the work process of stretching the coating. The working conditions and the premises also play a role. But the logic of the work itself suggests that the best option would be to first completely finish the wall, and only then stretch the PVC film.

Important! There is another aspect in defense of this sequence. The covering should be stretched in clean room, and if there is construction debris, glue, paint, dust from wall repairs, all the dirt will very quickly settle on your new ceiling.

Thus, we get two optimal pasting options:

  1. Preferable - before starting work on the ceiling. This way you will get the most even and clean coating possible.
  2. Less convenient is carrying out all the dirty work before stretching, installing the ceiling and finishing the walls after. The advantages of this method are the preservation appearance walls, exposure to heat before final work, and the ability to replace wallpaper.

So, we found out that the question of how to glue wallpaper with a suspended ceiling - before and after - is very relevant even among professionals, since both types of work influence each other. When choosing a method, be sure to consult with specialists, because they pay attention not only to generally accepted schemes, but also to the nuances of the room.

In conclusion, we will give some useful tips.

The first thing to remember when doing any repair work is that you don’t need to skimp on material. Low-quality wallpaper will certainly quickly become unsightly, regardless of the intervention of ceiling stretchers in the repair process.

Speaking about quality, we should also remember about professionalism. Trust the work only to trusted companies and craftsmen.

  1. If you are planning a renovation for a long time, then the best option is to do the walls first.
  2. If you are using wallpaper for painting, then it is wiser to stretch the ceiling after completing all work with the wallpaper, including painting it.
  3. To avoid contaminating the wallpaper when drilling holes for profiles, use a drill and a vacuum cleaner together. This will remove most of the dirt.
  4. Install the ceiling only after the walls are completely dry. This will reduce the risk of the wallpaper coming off to a minimum. Best option- wait a week and then stretch. Usually it takes about a week to make a canvas, so don’t rush to order and do it after pasting the walls.
  5. If you are very afraid of damaging the walls with a stretched ceiling, there is an option to cover them with film.
  6. When gluing wallpaper after working on the ceiling, you need to remember that the wall in any case must be level and ready for gluing before stretching. In this case, it will no longer be possible to protect the ceiling with film, but it can pick up a lot of dirt.
  7. Do not allow plaster to come into contact with the ceiling surface. It is better not to plaster the wall all the way to the top. The risk of damaging the ceiling during such work is very high.
  8. Leveling walls using sheets of plasterboard with a stretched ceiling is impossible, because they require fastenings, and it is impossible to install them on PVC film.
  9. On an uneven wall, the fastenings will not fit tightly - the coating may bend or sag.
  10. Painting tape will help protect the coating when painting walls, and you can hide the transition from the tape using border tapes or baseboards.
  11. If trouble does occur and glue gets on the coating, do not hesitate and quickly wipe the contaminated area with a damp sponge.

The ceiling coating is unpretentious and itself repels dust. But there are times when you have to clean it. This is especially true for kitchen areas.

The question of where to carry out repair work first - on the walls or ceiling - has been asked since the advent of tension films.

You really don’t want to dust off the fresh gloss that reflects the entire room. It’s also a pity for expensive wallpaper if it suddenly gets damaged while working with the stretch fabric. To understand this issue, we will try to follow the process of repairing ceilings and walls step by step.

Process Features

Whatever work has to be done first, each will be to the detriment of the other. When installing a baguette under stretch fabric holes are drilled in the wall, which produces a lot of dust, and fresh wallpaper can be damaged. In addition, the installation of the canvas itself involves high temperatures. No one knows whether the wallpaper will like it.

There is a way out. Carefully prepare the walls for pasting and invite specialists to install the baguette (do the most dusty work), then paste the wallpaper and again invite workers to install the ceiling. The method is good, but there is one problem - the craftsmen will not agree to such a lengthy method of work.

To understand the features of the process, and at least get closer to figuring out what to do first, you need to try to figure out what a suspended ceiling and wallpaper are.

The canvas itself is a fabric base or a PVC product, which can be matte or glossy. Installed on a specially prepared metal or plastic frame.

If the ceiling was planned to be multi-level, all work with plasterboard should have been carried out in advance. First, the old finish is removed, the ceiling is cleaned well, otherwise in the future finishing debris will fall onto the tension fabric. Then it’s time to treat fungal stains (if any). Before installing the ceiling, all electrical work must be completed.

Wallpaper – roll cloth various types: paper, non-woven, vinyl. Many people had to glue them. To begin with, the walls are leveled, and a layer of glue is applied to the dried surface (if the wallpaper is paper, the glue is also applied to the canvas). Then the coatings are placed on the base, glued well, and air bubbles and excess glue are squeezed out with a roller.

There is nothing complicated about this, but there are two types of developments: either the wallpaper is pasted in front of the ceiling installation and pressed down with a baguette (in this case they look neat), or after that the top of the canvas will have to be carefully trimmed, trying not to damage the ceiling structure.

What is the sequence?

Let's try to understand what is better: pulling suspended ceiling before or after wallpapering. To do this, consider both options.

First the wallpaper, then the ceiling

If you decide to act in this way, it is worth considering the need for a break of 4-5 days between pasting the walls and installing the ceiling. The wallpaper must dry well before the heat gun works..

Some experts believe that you should first work with the walls and align them perfectly, otherwise the ceiling panel may be skewed.

The main danger of pre-gluing is contamination of the walls when working with a hammer drill.

If traces of brick remain on the wallpaper, it will be quite difficult to remove them.

A rotary hammer equipped with a vacuum cleaner would help solve this problem to some extent. Gluing the canvases before installing the ceiling frame will result in them getting under the baguette. It will press down the upper edge of the canvases, which will make it difficult to dismantle the wallpaper during the next repair.. Positive point– the ideal upper contour of the wall.

You can opt for liquid coatings. They are beautiful and modern, but the risk of staining the finished ceiling when working with a spatula increases.

If you have to glue wallpaper for painting, the risk of staining the ceiling becomes even greater. On the other side high temperatures during installation may affect the quality of the paint at the base of the ceiling. The same problem can happen with liquid wallpaper.

First the ceiling, then the wallpaper

If the wallpaper is light and delicate, it can be irreparably damaged during the installation of a stretch ceiling, so it is better to paste it over at the last stage of repair. In addition, a lack of professionalism among those working with the ceiling can lead to mechanical damage to the wallpaper.

Pasting the walls, You should work carefully with the top edge of the sheets so as not to disturb the ceiling plugs. Everything will work out if you show diligence, but during the next repair the wallpaper can be easily dismantled.

Both options have their pros and cons, but responsibility for the choice always lies with the owner.

Important nuances

The issue of order has not yet been clarified. What to do first, install suspended ceilings or work on the walls? Wallpapering, as well as installing a ceiling, have their own nuances. When working with walls, there is a chance of damaging or staining the stretch fabric, but it is virtually eternal, while wallpaper can be re-pasted every year.

When a profile is placed under a suspended ceiling, there is a possibility of contamination of the wallpaper, and there is also a fear that it will not withstand high temperatures. In that case you can abandon the PVC surface in favor of fabric, which is mounted using a cold method.

And one more nuance - the profile for a woven ceiling requires shallower drilling, which means there will be less dust. However, well-dried wallpaper can easily withstand temperatures of 60-70 degrees.

The PVC film needs to be heated to soften it. The prepared canvas is immediately tucked under the profile using special tools. The gap between the material and the wall is masked with plugs. They are the first to suffer from poor quality wallpaper work.

Important nuance: any suspended ceiling can be installed in the presence of wallpaper, even in a room furnished with furniture. Sliding wardrobes and curtains are also not a hindrance to this process. You'll just have to use a vacuum cleaner afterwards. But, if the renovation has just begun, you need to ask yourself many times what to do first.

But what if the renovation was done a long time ago and you need to re-stick the wallpaper without damaging the ceiling? Dismantling should be carried out very carefully, especially if the wallpaper was pasted at the initial stage and fell under the ceiling profile. They will have to be released without damaging the canvas.

To complete the work you will need a spatula and a construction knife. Carefully insert the spatula between the ceiling and the knife. Moving them along the walls, slowly cut off the old wallpaper. In this way, you can protect the material from being cut, even if the knife comes off.

It is much easier to remove the finish if you wet the walls with water and wait a while.

After studying the workflow, we expected to immediately get an answer to our dilemma. There is no answer, you will have to turn to specialists.

Experts' opinion

The renovation is coming to an end and it is hoped that experts will shed light on the sequence of construction work.

Craftsmen believe that it is better to cover the walls and then install the ceiling. The arguments are the same: there is a risk of damaging or staining the walls; in addition, high temperatures are unfavorable for fresh wallpaper. Perhaps these craftsmen are afraid of responsibility for the dusty walls.

Other experts, on the contrary, advise installing the ceiling after gluing, fearing for the canvas, which can be damaged with a construction knife when cutting wallpaper. And glue and paint getting on the canvas will ruin it forever.

There is no clear opinion even among professionals, because the material for work, the premises, various nuances - everything can be extraordinary, requiring an individual approach.

Successful examples and options

In conclusion, I would like to dwell on the aesthetic component of the work done. If you see how beautiful the ceilings and wallpaper have become, the answer to the question of what to do sooner may emerge by itself. Or it may not work out.

Stretch ceilings have always been an interior decoration. It can be amazing and mysterious, like a country through the looking glass. With it, the room is filled with colors, it seems larger and brighter. There are ceilings different types, have their own design and style.


Absolutely flat surface without a hint of reflection. The texture resembles a classically painted canvas. Used for large rooms.

The matte finish is so neutral that it suits any style. Soffits will be good equipment for the ceiling, or other sources of bright light, because the matte canvas does not reflect light.


A good option for small rooms. They get the opportunity to visually double in size. Moreover, the dark gray fabric has a stronger reflectivity.

Spotlights (even with a weak glow) on such a ceiling look like stars. By building multi-level compositions using plasterboard and placing a canvas in them, they achieve the effect of an almost natural image of water or sky.


Despite its textile origin, the fabric is still processed with polymers and acquires special strength.


The texture is reminiscent of satin (the surface is slightly shiny), and if equipped with the appropriate pattern, it will be difficult to distinguish it from fabric.

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