The healing power of trees, how trees heal us. Useful trees for humans Useful and not beneficial properties of wood

The impact of different tree species on humans is not a myth. Treatment of diseases with the help of trees is dendrotherapy. In the cultures of many peoples, evidence of the amazing properties of green “healers” has been preserved.

Trees that increase our energy: oak, birch, pine, acacia, rowan, maple, apple, chestnut, ash, willow, linden.
Not only “living” trees have healing properties, but also dies - cuts of trunks 2-3 cm thick.
Trees that depress our energy: aspen, spruce, poplar, bird cherry, alder.

According to Indian yogis, this happens because trees absorb energy from space and then share it with people.
And in ancient treatises containing the “secret knowledge” of the Druids, it is stated that trees have a collective intelligence like the cells of a thinking being.
In Rus', from time immemorial, trees were also credited with properties beneficial to people.
Thus, it was believed that rowan brings happiness to the house, and therefore it was always planted near the hut or in the garden.
Verbena gives a person love and a cheerful mood, willow drives away fever, and aspen helps with headaches.
More recently, dowsing specialists have begun researching the healing effects of trees.
According to the hypothesis they put forward, like all living objects, trees have a biofield, the impact of which explains their healing effect.
Scientists believe that the biofield has not only electric, magnetic, gravitational, but also other components that are not yet known to us.
Experiments testify not only to the existence of a biofield. They also make it possible to measure some of its characteristics; it turned out that two 17-year-old pine trees, growing, as they say, from the same point, repel each other with a force equivalent to the force of ten tractors! And the healing and healing effect of wood therapy is beyond doubt. Experts have identified three types of interaction between humans and trees.
Trees, contact with which reduces a person’s energy, have a depressing effect. The stimulating effect, on the contrary, increases energy.
With the third type of interaction - neutral, a person’s energy does not change, however, there are few such trees in Russia.
According to these criteria, in central Russia, stimulating trees include oak, birch, pine, acacia, rowan, maple, apple, chestnut, ash, willow, and linden.
The group of oppressors includes aspen, spruce, poplar, bird cherry, and alder.
According to research, a group of nourishing trees has a general health effect,
and also increases the body's resistance and strengthens the immune system.
Their oppressive counterparts also help with certain diseases by removing excess negative energy from the site of pathology.
Another important conclusion made by the researchers is that the corresponding properties, although to a lesser extent, are possessed by dies (parts of a cut trunk 2-3 cm thick), and not just “living” trees. Therefore, they can also be recommended for adjusting the energy state of the body or a specific organ.
This is what Evsey Meilitsev, a former officer with a radio engineering background, said about his medical history
education, vice-president of the Association of Engineering Dowsing, one of the first researchers of the effect of wood therapy. For many years I suffered from inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. I was in the hospital, but the doctors were powerless to help me.
They suggested removing all the upper teeth - maybe there is an infection in them that provokes inflammation?
During the next extraction (the doctor pulled out three teeth at once, which were fused by their roots), the pain was so excruciating that no painkillers could drown it out.
Barely alive, I walked out into the hospital courtyard, pressing my palms to my face. Half-forgotten, he walked up to the tree and pressed his cheek against it. And when I woke up, there was no pain!
I looked in amazement at my savior, who saved me from hellish torment. It turned out to be a poplar
The next day I went outside with a chair and sat by this poplar tree, pressing my cheek to the trunk.
Since then I have never had pain.
Later I found out that birch also helps me, but only in a different way: it relieves fatigue.
So, in what cases do healing trees restore health to a person?
Oak and birch activate the immune system in case of chronic diseases, cure polyarthritis of both infectious and non-infectious origin, normalize blood pressure, and help with vegetative-vascular dystonia. In addition, oak improves brain activity. It is no coincidence that in the old days, office chairs, and sometimes all furniture, were made of oak.
But for benches, beds and covers they preferred pine. And they tried to build the huts themselves from pine logs.
Birch and dies from it, among other things, help with the flu and runny nose. The remaining trees of the first group - acacia, chestnut, maple, rowan, apple tree, ash, willow, linden - increase the body's resistance and general tone, relieve fatigue.
The tree therapy procedure is simple. Choose a powerful, beautiful tree, preferably standing apart, or at least not too close to others.
You should feel sympathy and goodwill towards him.
As you approach, feel its biofield, stand next to it, hug the tree: close your eyes, try to feel the movement of juices from the ground upward and spreading across the crown, and when leaving, thank the tree, stroke it. The duration of such contact, depending on how you feel, ranges from 4 to 10 minutes. Trees of the second group - aspen, poplar, spruce, bird cherry, alder - help with acute inflammatory processes, relieve dental pain, radiculitis, post-traumatic pain and headaches. Therefore, the “therapeutic procedure” should not exceed 2-3 minutes, since otherwise the effect may give a negative result.
After it, it is very useful to “recharge” from the trees of the first group. In general, for medicinal purposes, it is better to apply dies to the site of inflammation or a diseased organ.
In conclusion, one general rule, do not use trees growing near highways, on city streets and in industrial areas.
To make the result of tree therapy more effective, try to listen to your body’s reaction and analyze the sensations before and after contact with the green “healer”.

The fact that trees can have a beneficial effect on our body and mood has been known since ancient times. There is even a direction dendrotherapy— treatment using trees of various species. The ancient Egyptians had wooden amulets that were worn around the neck and protected their owners from misfortune. According to Indian yogis, trees seem to absorb prana coming from the Cosmos, and then feed a person with it. Different tree species have different energetic properties: they feed energy, relieve inflammation, promote mutual feelings, and protect. It is not for nothing that at all times people gained strength from oak, spruce gave off “bad” energy, and drew “good” energy from pine. The impact of wood bioenergy can be quite strong. Even a small piece of wood of one type or another has a beneficial effect on the human body and improves its well-being.
The Celtic priests, the Druids, attached particular importance to the mysticism of the tree. It was believed that each person corresponds to a certain type of tree. If such a correspondence is correctly established, it is possible to correct a person’s fate and effectively carry out his healing. Exists Druid horoscope, where trees correspond to calendar periods:

In addition, there is a correspondence between the energy of trees and the planets of the solar system, and accordingly to the signs of the zodiac:

Here are the magical and bioenergetic properties of some trees and shrubs:

Apricot is a tree - a donor with feeding energy. Protects against infidelity and unnecessary stress in love relationships.

Acacia- a donor tree with powerful feeding energy. Acacia is a tree that gives birth to life. It is she who is asked to give birth to a child.

Bamboo controls outbursts of aggression in a person, influences the meaningfulness of actions, the sequence of actions and events in people’s lives.

Birch-female tree. Symbol of fertility. Helps improve vision, normalizes water balance and has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, activates kidney function. Constant communication with her relieves anxiety, fears and nightmares. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the negative effects of everyday stress, and helps restore mental harmony. Birch is considered a sunny, pure tree that brings happiness, light, and joy to any home.

Hawthorn has a powerful protective effect. Relieves anxiety, improves appetite and blood circulation. Hawthorn is considered a symbol of hope and marriage. Hawthorn is especially useful in protective and love magic.

Elder. Our ancestors believed that the elderberry contained great magical power, and of a different nature. It has active protective properties. Elderberry has a calming effect.

Beech-symbol of knowledge. Helps broaden your horizons by learning from others. Will help you be more tolerant of others, allowing them to live their own lives. Increases resistance to stress and the ability to concentrate, and also improves blood circulation.

Cherry is a talisman of magical meetings, contacts, and romantic adventures.

Elm- a tree for active people, but who rely too much on their own strength. Elm teaches its owner to find like-minded people who will be happy to help him in all his endeavors and lead him to victory. Protects against rash actions that may be tempted by envious people and ill-wishers.

Hornbeam has the ability to dispel illusions. This tree is perfect for people who are very exhausted at work or at home. Hornbeam promotes a realistic view of the world around you and your abilities. The hornbeam will help you coordinate your actions and understand the illusory nature of some plans about the future. Gives strength in everyday life, helps to part with ridiculous ideas, prejudices and fantasies. Hornbeam has a beneficial effect on dreamers and romantics who lack the strength and desire to act.

Pear- a talisman of luck, the favor of fortune, providing many pleasant and useful opportunities. It adds charm to the owner, the ability to please even those who do not tolerate him very well.

Oak- a sign of hardness, power, masculine strength. It is an anti-stress agent, which, in addition, activates blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure and shortens the recovery period from illness. Oak stands out among other plants as generators of positive energy. Oak - treats the liver, genitourinary system, helps eliminate congestion in many organs. Relieves toothache. Communication with him is more indicated for men than for women.

Spruce- like the oak, a sacred tree, it is also a symbol of longevity and health. Its effect is indicated for swelling and pain syndromes, nervous disorders and depression.

Jasmine- a talisman against sudden, unexpected bad meetings, incidents and acquaintances. A guide in love affairs, bringing success to the opposite sex.

Willow. This tree has enormous magical powers. This is more of a female tree. Slavic girls used willow as a love spell. This is a symbol of weakness, tenderness, girlish grace, calmness, the need for constancy and connection. Relieves melancholy and sadness.

Figs- a talisman against wrong decisions and incorrect, unreliable information. Teaches attentiveness, analysis, the ability to compare facts, and draw the right conclusions. It protects against rash statements and forces you to pay attention to the form of your manifestation.

Elm- returns the meaning of life and restores strength. There are moments when the goal of our life loses all its charm, reality seems meaningless, and the dream seems unattainable. Elm will help cope with this problem. It has the ability to restore strength and confidence. Elm will ease the oncoming depression.

Chestnut treats rheumatic diseases and insomnia, relieves nervous tension and, according to ancient wisdom, even drives away fears. Normalizes cardiovascular activity, has the ability to strengthen the body’s overall immunity and nervous system.

Cedar has a beneficial effect on any person and, in particular, on people susceptible to nervous disorders, stress and insomnia, as well as people suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system. Cedar lives for five hundred and fifty years, accumulating the light energy of the Cosmos and at the right moment gives it to a person.

Cypress- a predominantly male tree, affects the sexual strength of men, sexual activity and not only enhances potency in healthy men, but also heals weak ones. Cypress does not perceive the female body, but through a man it brings harmony and novelty into family relationships.

Maple protects against harshness, relieves stress, helps to find common ground with other people. Gives strength, peace, balance, liberates from boiling passions. Protects the owner from unfair attacks and unnecessary claims from others. In addition, it can very actively correct the owner’s bad character, if, of course, he believes that he has one.

Buckthorn symbolizes humility, purity and innocence. Protects against negative energy. In magic it is used to remove spells and conspiracies.

Hazel (hazel) warns against rash actions and deeds, teaches insight and subtlety of perception. Helps get rid of excess authoritarianism. Promotes rapid recovery of strength.

Linden relieves stress, prevents unnecessary energy expenditure and protects against uninvited intrusions. In addition, it will help with inflammation of the pelvic organs and stomach disorders.

Larch. It is called a calming tree, or more precisely, a tree of enlightenment of the mind. If you are stubbornly haunted by fears, doubts, and causeless anxiety, relief will come from contact with larch, which will help you understand the true nature of human actions, especially those close to you. It fills a person with optimism. Eliminates melancholy and depression. Larch is a good anti-inflammatory tree. Recommended for people with respiratory diseases: such as bronchitis, asthma, etc. Helps with women's diseases.

Olive is a talisman against stress, overexertion, wrong actions, as well as the inability to quickly and clearly make the right decision. Helps you achieve harmony with yourself and satisfaction with your own destiny.

Juniper has strong cleansing potential. But its power is mainly directed not at people, but at the objects around us. It can cleanse an unfavorable aura in an apartment; it has a great effect on “evil” things, even jewelry. For a person, juniper can also be a great help in removing the evil eye or damage, and helps get rid of the effects of a love spell.

Alder. It helps especially well as a talisman for women, making them graceful and charming. It strengthens family ties, unites all family members, and tends to unite people into a clan. This is a tree for women - the guardians of the hearth, the tree of the “big house”. Alder will help you “tie” your husband to your home.

Nut- tree of victory over external circumstances. Helps to quickly restore strength. Provides many loyal companions. Makes a person resilient in the most unexpected situations.

Aspen– a tree that absorbs negative energy. It has the ability to relieve various pains (headache, dental pain, radiculitis, osteochondrosis) and cure various tumors. It will cleanse your aura of harmful influences. Communication with aspen helps with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, and causeless fear. But do not be too zealous in using its healing properties. Aspen also has powerful vampiric abilities, sucking energy during long contacts.

Fir eliminates depressed mood, helps to calmly survive the “dark streak” of life, increases endurance and vitality. It has a healing effect on the respiratory system, increases immunity, enhances visual acuity, and increases blood pressure during hypotension.

Rowan protects from the evil eye and damage, evil will. It is believed that rowan sharpens perception and develops the gift of foresight. Effectively cleanses the body of waste and toxins. For people who are easily excitable and nervous, it can be a soft source of energy. Contact with rowan can awaken the sexuality dormant in a woman. For mountain ash, the favorite female age is about 40 years. She gives such women a particularly warm autumn in love, full of strength.

Boxwood- an unusual tree. Strict and strong, wise and impetuous at the same time. Boxwood is used to make protective amulets against evil forces. It protects sleep and protects against energy vampirism.

Plum- This is an excellent talisman against accidents and against attacks on property. Teaches its owner not to get hung up on situations that disturb his vanity and not to be aggressive towards those who wish them well, but for this he chooses an emotional form of influence, forcing him to react with both reason and emotions.

Pine calms, relieves mental stress. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and respiratory organs, normalizes blood composition, and gives vigor. An excellent assistant for those who want to lose weight. Pine can cleanse a person’s aura from outside influences and partially remove damage. In the old days, it was believed that the smell of pine helped to get rid of feelings of guilt.

Rose hip responsible for the emotional side of love. Brings tenderness, spiritual passion, unity of souls into relationships. If you often fail, he will help you.

Apple-the tree of female power, female sexuality, awakens the sensual side of nature in a woman. She is more willing to share her powers with young girls. Under the influence of the energy of the apple tree, a girl can imagine the image of an ideal man suitable for her, and in a dream see her betrothed. The influence of the apple tree is very necessary for young, inexperienced and insecure girls. The apple tree is a tree with powerful nourishing energy.

Ash helps to achieve crystal clarity of consciousness and make the right decision in a difficult situation. Ash personifies the connection between what is above and what is below, that is, the connection between the world of gods and the world of people or the spiritual world and the material world. It helps to understand our purpose, sometimes its energy awakens the ability to clairvoyance, allows us to know the future, but it helps only those who are sincere in their desire for knowledge. Ash - will help you find inspiration.

Living in a world of high innovative technologies and in an eco-friendly environment that is far from perfect, the dream of each of us who chooses a wooden house as our home and strives to settle closer to nature is to create an environment-friendly atmosphere inside the house. That is why many people choose wood - an environmentally friendly material - for the construction and decoration of houses.

Wood has unique properties: it establishes an optimal balance of moisture and heat in the house, enriches the air with oxygen. The most optimal humidity level, which is necessary for good health and must be maintained constantly, is 45-55%. Wood can even out the indoor microclimate. It saturates the air with resins and essential oils, due to which it acquires antiseptic properties. In other words, when in contact with a person, the tree kills painful viruses and bacteria in the air, absorbs toxic substances and odors.

The modern environmental situation leaves much to be desired, so a log house made of wood is a real oasis with clean air and good ecology. The antistatic properties of wood do not allow dust to “spin” in the air and enter the lungs and settle on the skin.

In a wooden house, unlike a stone house, there is no problem of condensation. The tree has a positive effect on the psychological and emotional state of a person. Natural shades, natural materials, the wonderful aroma of wood calm the nervous system, give peace and tranquility.

Various deciduous and coniferous trees are used to build houses.


This type of wood is highly environmentally friendly. Cedar is actively used for interior decoration of saunas, baths, cottages, and houses. This natural material is famous for its truly valuable health properties. It releases a huge amount of phytoncides that kill all pathogens. Where cedar stands grow, the air is cleaner and contains fewer bacteria than in an operating room. The special smell of cedar improves health, prolongs life, and has a beneficial effect on all human organs.

Legends about cedar have reached us, which tell us that this tree is the most generous, because only good spirits settle in it. Another name for it is “pharmacist tree.” Interior decoration of houses and baths with cedar has a positive effect on physical and psychological well-being. Cedar wood kills putrefactive microbes, which is why milk containers have been made from it for a long time.


Aspen has valuable healing properties. These properties have been proven by scientific medicine. It has long been known that aspen has magical properties. It was customary to plant this tree near every house “for good luck.” It was believed that it could protect the house from evil spirits. By contacting aspen, you can be cured of groundless fears, calm your nerves, and even get rid of damage and the evil eye.

The tree destroys pathogenic microbes and fungi. A simple example. If you put an aspen log in a bowl with sauerkraut, the cabbage will stop turning sour, mold will never appear in it and the process of rotting will not occur. Aspen brooms are many times superior to oak and birch brooms in their healing properties.


Our ancestors also called pine a symbol of long life, eternity and immortality. This tree is widely known for its healing properties. The aroma of pine has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and improves the microclimate. Thanks to phytoncides, the tree has a beneficial effect on human organs. After sawing and processing, the wood continues to release phytoncides.

The environmental properties of pine make it possible to consider it the best type of lumber for human health. Pines grow in environmentally safe taiga forests, where there are no industrial enterprises nearby. In the room, the finishing of which is made of pine lumber, the air is perfectly clean, almost sterile.


Today, this type of wood is widely used in wooden house construction. And not only due to its practical properties, but also because the environmental characteristics of larch are truly high.

Thanks to the resin, the tree is practically not subject to rotting processes and the influence of various pests. Therefore, larch lumber can be used in its pure natural form, without any processing, and the wood does not require painting. Larch releases substances - antioxidants, which inhibit the aging process. This is why being near wood is very good for your health.

Spruce is a powerful source of bioenergy. Due to phytoncides, wood tends to make the air almost sterile. It is believed that houses made from coniferous lumber have the greatest healing properties, because... the smell of resin heals the respiratory system, creates a feeling of comfort and peace.

Spruce is a tree that “does not fall asleep” in winter. Thanks to its energy, it is green all year round. It is believed that the energy of spruce will replenish the vitality of those people who feel a loss of strength during the winter months. For infectious diseases, it is useful to fumigate the house with pine smoke.

Each tree carries positive energy, it brings us closer to nature, relieves fatigue, so no synthetic materials can ever compete with them.

Useful properties of wood: pine, cedar, aspen, larch are considered. Probably everyone knows how unsafe the life of a modern person is from an environmental point of view. Even a city dweller’s home is no exception. What can we say about the polluted environment? That is why many people sell comfortable apartments in the city and move to live in the countryside, where fresh air, clean water and pristine nature reign. But in order for a home to be truly environmentally friendly, it is necessary to build it from wood, or at least use it in the interior.

Wood has truly unique properties. It not only maintains the temperature balance in the room, but also releases unique volatile substances into the atmosphere that cure existing diseases and prevent the development of new diseases. The most popular lumber for building houses is coniferous wood (in particular, pine and spruce), cedar, aspen, and larch.


Pine, due to its availability, is the “queen” among all representatives of the forest. Wood is not only an easily renewable natural resource, but also rich in various beneficial substances. It is not for nothing that our ancestors considered pine a symbol of immortality and eternity. Pine oil is very popular and is used both in medicine and in cosmetology. And the wood itself is in no way inferior in terms of the number of useful properties, for example, pine has a powerful relaxing property and perfectly supports the normal respiratory system, so a house made of pine logs is perfect for people with respiratory diseases. Even after felling and sawing the material, pine continues to release phytoncides into the air, which have a wonderful effect on all human organs. By the way, have you noticed that people living in wooden houses even get sick less?


Wood is often used for interior decoration, in particular baths and saunas. Thanks to its increased environmental friendliness and excellent antiseptic properties, it is indispensable for humans. The air in the room in which the pharmacist tree is used contains less bacteria than in the operating room! For example, an edged cedar board kills all putrefactive microorganisms and fungi, which extends the life of the lumber itself and increases the body's resistance to various infections.


Entire scientific works have been written about the beneficial effects of aspen on human health! There is reliable data and evidence that the tree restores the functioning of the nervous system, kills pathogenic bacteria and does not rot. Even in ancient times, our ancestors used healing properties for good. For example, if you make a tub from this lumber, the products that will be stored in it will remain fresh for a very long time.


A practical, versatile tree, which, due to its properties, is used both in house construction and in industry. The increased content of resins in the structure of larch gives water-repellent and antifungal properties. That is why floorboards made from this wood are one of the most durable. By the way, to install the flooring, they use tongue and groove, which perfectly holds the boards together.

Wood is still one of the most popular and irreplaceable building materials of our time. Despite the abundance of alternative materials, log houses made of pine, linden, spruce and other wood perfectly perform their functions and maintain normal human health.

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